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Knicks trade for Mikal Bridges, Nets receive haul & OG Anunoby becomes free agent | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Knicks trade for Mikal Bridges, Nets receive haul & OG Anunoby becomes free agent | NBA | UNDISPUTED

are they gonna sign jay wri too as coach I mean goodness gracious come on he just got the whole villain Nova team on the New York Knicks on the scale of one to 10 I give him about a 5.5 do you really I’m surprised you went that high yeah I gave him a you know without anobi it’s out of five but okay to me I think they needed another Superstar yeah they got more depth of course and this is something they needed but I felt like they had a little depth they just didn’t play it you know you have McBride probably should have played more minutes Burke should have played more minutes early in the playoffs but yeah you add another guy but the thing to me is people tend to forget the other teams in the East that are going to get better Indiana you know they they don’t just jump up to a threat to the cels because they were one round away Indiana’s goingon to be better next year too Muran is gonna come back I mean you know you got to figure a healthy phly team probably beats them if if Jordan be’s not playing on one leg if yeah he’s not playing on one leg it took him se you know just that was a tough series for them Milwaukee they probably got to figure they’ll probably be better next year too so as far as their threat to the Celtics they better hope they sign anunobi because they gonna drop down to a a two if they don’t because if you don’t got athletic wings uh that can guard and knock down threes you have no shot against the Boston Celtics so yeah I like what they did in add in depth but the thing is they going to have chemistry issues I mean think about this Brunson the way they played in the playoffs if they were healthy you probably got to say maybe they beat Indiana but who knows you know Brunson giving you 29 a game so now you got to come back with Randall the next year who gave you 25 a game you got to implement him now you got to implement Bridges who average 20 so how is that going to change the way Brunson played he has to turn into a passing guard now but we all know he’s at his best when he’s scoring dribble dribble dribble dribble dribble dribble that I mean that’s what we said all year but that’s what he was good at so as far as a threat to the Celtics 5.5 with anobi you know so pretty much not much of a threat it sounds like you’re dismissing Mel bridges’ depth right you added depth like is he yeah but I think you need another Superstar like you got to say they added Paul George or they added KD I them like oh okay that sounds like more of a threat to me but they still coming to a pistol fight with a knife and that ain’t enough I I would say it’s a six without a seven width OG seven with OG and it’s not it look the Knicks had an opportunity last year against this past season against Indie to get it done they couldn’t get it done they ran out of gas Brunson got banged up hurt they lost OG but if you if you look at the those games you clearly could see that they was in all of the games they was right there to the end and they just ran out of gas so adding another piece like Mel Bridges to the to the to the party and then in terms of chemistry yeah they got to get chemistry with Randall and maybe you know they got to figure out who takes the shots at certain situations but as far as chemistry it’s four of them they played together in college oh they lost too they lost harinstein St they’re going to lose him well they haven’t yeah you know they haven’t yet so when you look at where they’re at I think they right there now it’s still moves to be made we don’t know who’s how this thing going to shake out over the next several months until the season starts with people seven huh not a seven ke not a seven what you don’t want it to be a seven noteven just say you don’t want it to be a seven it’s not a seven they not that close so you don’t think that they a threat at all not not as constructive even even though you won the NBA final you went through not a gauntlet it was even close to a gauntlet they lost to Indiana seven we swept them keth yeah but they Lo but you also swept Indiana you also swept Indiana when Indiana was tired when holberton basically didn’t what he didn’t play the last two games I think it was game and a half something like that I’m not taking anything away from the Cel no no no it ain’t that but we’re saying how close are the ncks a seven no it with o they not a seven no you gave him a five and a half yeah five and a half and a six with so if you you if you took a test and you got a five and a half that’s still a f but with 10 questions you gave him a five and a without if you got 10 questions and you get five and a half of them right that’s still a f no that’s true that sounds just like the Kansas grade scale right but skip wait did you did you go toas I went to Kansas University did you go to class actually sometimes was swing look but Paul Paul check this out though y’all want a championship sh man you went through Miami who didn’t wasn’t fully healthy you went through Cleveland not healthy you went through Indie not healthy and then you ran up on a team uh well I mean most people would say that the guy that you beat in the championship wasn’t healthy too as an excuse but I’m just saying to get out of the East you went through some teams that wasn’t healthy and then if you have seen the Sixers they wasn’t healthy the put it this way the entire East wasn’t healthy okay I’m just saying you can’t just dismiss them you can’t do that I about this prediction before you go skip look at Mel Bridges longest active games played is 474 this year oh that’s going out the window under 10 that’s that streak gonna be over that streak is GNA be over cuz he has been Iron Man oh yeah that streak that Iron Man streak on the tips that’s out of there okay right dude averaging 20 a game but you act like that’s just chop liver no that ain’t chop liver on the worst team in the go ahead skip I’m sorry I I gotta go with duckboat on except I’m way below duckboat proba a two I’m a two got me you guessed it I I wrote down a two because as much as I enjoyed watching the Knicks and rooting for the Knicks and they got great grit and fight and spunk and hustle and you know loose ball urgency and all that good stuff all those intangibles I just don’t love the tangibles enough I I don’t love the Supreme Talent enough you give me OG and Mel on the wings and they’re two long athletic defensive oriented Wings they got some PG and Kawai younger versions going where I would say that’s pretty good no that’s not even yeah but but they young PG and a kawaii yeah too on defense I’m talking about on defense defense on defense yes okay I’ll give them that where they can threaten your two supremely talented wings at least they can match up and that’s what they just did Leon Rose just said damn the future I’m I’m going completely Allin for right now next year right well completely all in right now for next year we been going after KD with that package okay going after Paul George with the same they still by the way I’m thinking about this and I haven’t read anything about it yet but Paul George is still sitting out there and he’s about to become free they got cap space okay and you could just say would we rather have Paul George than anobi maybe okay now you talking okay now you talking now the skill goes up but now you got some age factor with Paul George we’re going to get deeper into his value in a few minutes here but but he is still 34 after 14 NBA Seasons he’s been there and done all that and and he’s not a 1A kind of star to me he’s more of a 1B kind of a star but but would he be a little better this coming year than anobi maybe a little bit better I just on on Star power just on Mystique you would be a little more afraid of him than you would be of anobi right absolutely even though anobi contributed to a championship right yeah okay so my problem with the Knicks is you mentioned dribble dribble dribble dribble so I I just looked back all this before the show and and I thought Luca dribbled the literal air out of the basketball through the playoffs and he got worse and worse the deeper and worse it got against you guys but Jaylen Brunson led the playoffs in usage rate the whole playoffs he led with 36.4 and Donovan Mitchell was second and Luca went up third because in the first two rounds Luca wasn’t dribbling the air out of it the way he was against the Celtics or even against Minnesota so my point is Jaylen Brunson you were talk about dribbling the basketball to death it’s after a while watching the Knicks you just sit back and say okay just shoot it just Ju Just go ahead dri all that that’s what I’m saying I know but that’s at a time where they had to have him do that think it else they had lost all players that could contribute they didn’t know that Josh Hart would score at the times he was scoring and divin chenzo would do what he was doing and he was tremendous so they didn’t know that so yeah of course he’s GNA dribble dribble dribble okay and to your point hartenstein is how it’s supposed to be pronounced okay hartenstein they’re not goingon to be able to keep him because he was really good through the playoffs he the numbers don’t sound that great he averaged n and eight but but his eight half of them were offensive rebounds half of the eight so he had four offensive rebounds a game and he shot 86% from the free throw line which will work because he can get to the free throw line so somebody’s going to give him some money I’m pretty sure because he proved he’s pretty good yeah and now Mitchell Robinson is still there and he is s feet tall and he is 240 pounds but I I’m not sure he has the impact that hartenstein does and you do have and you laugh to me about about it but but you still got the unicorn and the the unicorn’s going to get his leg fixed and it’ll be fine go to repair room okay and and listen I saw him score whatever it was 18 points in 13 minutes he is a big difference maker because he’s like 7 foot three inch tall and I’m not sure the Knicks would have an answer to him even though he used to be a Nick right and he’s bounced around but I think he found a home in the middle of your talent why didn’t the Unicorn Brunt and I don’t know and luk didn’t work a good question because you got two guards that dribble dribble dribble dribble okay and I’m not sure you can win in the NBA Luca got them there but they were a fifth seed I just think they got to change the way they play when you have other players that can play around you okay and now we get back to Mel Bridges when I say the name to you do you sit back and say woo no that’s what I’m saying if you had told me I like him a lot I like him a lot I like him a lot he scores 20 a game he scored 20 a game last year and he always guarded the toughest player to guard on the other team yes but he’s a great kid and he’s he’s good for your chemistry and all all the above but do you fear Him do you sit back and say oh he could be the jayen brown hard it’s hard to fear him when you really haven’t seen him with a talented group of people other than College yeah Phoenix was think about he he was with Phoenix they went to the finals they went to the finals but that was all about book yeah that was all about book and then he get moved Chris Paul and book and he get moved and then he goes to Brooklyn and that ain’t you ain’t that that’s just a team like you said he get all the opportunities basically they don’t have nothing now you get a chance to see him with a playoff team again with players that’s around him that he knows from college they play pickup in the off season together there’s some chemistry there so his learning curve ain’t going to be significant he’s not going to have a significant learning curve it’s just not a sexy I understand based on the picks and all that they G gave up to get him yeah you sit back but that’s the going R for we said the same thing about Rudy go it’s the going rate I but I know you and if I walked up and you didn’t know about this trade and I said the Nick just got Mel Bridges I you’d be like okay yeah that’s what I’m saying that’s why cool I was like I’m not excited like like I said if you had a set hard they got for five first rounders and and and such and such you got Kevin Durant I looking I been looking at the N like they a threat to the Celtics it’s the name no too though man don’t let the name get you but when when I say Jaylen Brown to you when I tell you when I’m rooting against you guys like I was through the finals he just scares the Unholy hell out of me right he scares me and listen Jason Tatum for all the issues I’ve had with him I I know every night he’s got nuclear capability cuz when he goes it just goes off and and you’re done because he is capable of shooting you out of the gym and that’s why I say when we ask on a scale of one to 10 are the mix of threat it’s no threat not yet and then we get to the coach I respect Theo and he’s done a lot of great things especially on the defensive side of the ball because he was your defensive coordinator for a championship team a genius okay maybe that that was where he belonged it’s like in your sport when you take a great defensive coordinator buddy Ryan and you make him the head coach and it’s never quite like he’s not the commanding officer type I I don’t know Fido coaches every game with his hands around the game’s throat like that like I’m gonna just shake the life out of it right squeeze all that I’m G squeeze every last drop of energy out of my starters and I don’t know it’s it’s it’s not cool it’s not it it doesn’t have Mystique I’m not sure anybody is afraid of tiido I I’m I’m thinking the Knicks players look at him like yeah I I respect his sort of defensive Legacy but I’m not sure he’s the right guy I’m not sure I’m glad he’s on our side it’s almost like you have to sort of win in spite of of his his craziness you do realize you gave them a two I did I gave a they that that that they have no chance at hell is what you saying to te with on no Lev but look about think about that though no listen a two two yeah yeah they not there yet you need stars in this league and yeah you know Julius Randle Allstar but you know not really a superstar and if you’re telling me that jayen Brunson is your best player that he that can lead you past the Celtics yeah I’m not sure that’s he didn’t say lead he said threat threat see you taking threat as a lead well it can lead you to threatening the Celtics like I’m not sure a guy that size can do I I totally is he six feet tall serious 69 but it’s not about but it’s not about jayen Brunson this is about M the guy he’s the guy this is about them getting better getting the depth that you talked about and getting better on the wings at the defensive end this is what this is about it ain’t about it’s not about him scoring I’m not even sure they’re better than I’m not sure they’re a threat to Indiana I mean you know Indiana is deeper with Talent yeah I’m not sure they had Indiana on the road they fell apart they broke down yep okay so I do love the Nova toughness and I love it that they got four of them from the same yeah they got the whole team and you’re right that’s crazy get don’t get J right now the coach but I’m going to remind you those four for what this is worth and it may be worth a nickel it’s great box off but when they did play together for one year at Nova 2017 no no they did not when the four of them all played all of them play they when all of them played D Shinzo didn’t get to play much a freshman but when they all actually contributed in 2017 they lost in the second round for what it’s wor I know just one time one game in in one weird place it was in Buffalo New York they lost as the one seed to the eight seed Wisconsin featuring Nigel Hayes was their best player was Wisconsin’s best player so I’m looking at what happened in the game and Josh Hart scored 19 and um divon chinzo scored 15 and Jaylen Bruns only had 11 but Mel Bridges played 29 minutes that game and did not score for what it’s worth just just did not score so you couldn’t see him coming quite like what he was going to become in pro basketball he’s become a better pro basketball player than he was as a as a dominant College star it’s just okay it’s just key like it’s still something missing you know how you gota you gotta still gota you gotta sprinkle something else on it like you you be in the kitchen you give it it’s still something missing it might it might be but I’m not ready to just discount them as a two and just like oh whatever think about this like how much let’s just take away the Celtics how much are they a threat to a healthy Milwaukee how about a healthy Miami or a a healthy Indiana either Indiana wasn’t all the way healthy they had another key contributor that didn’t play uh what about a healthy Billy yeah he came up their bench he was uh in his year he was like he gave him a good 15 yeah he’s talented he could easily be like their second leading score like you know he didn’t play so like they’re still in that group right there you know and you have to argue that man maybe Philly if Maxi and embiid are healthy if embiid wasn’t out there on one leg I mean he was out there literally on one leg you know those are two legit All Stars they got and don’t let them land Paul don’t let them land Paul George now now I would be like that’s more of a threat to the Celtics to me if they land Paul George now now that’s a threat but as far as the Knicks and Mel Bridges it it it just kind of like a little bit more than a lateral move to me all right now I’m going to say this about the Knicks they haven’t won since 1973 obviously and there’s something about that franchise that that feels a little bit sort of cursed to me or doomed to me Cowboy well it it’s beyond that because they they don’t have the cowboy Legacy of the 90s or the back to the 70s but the point is that building has become a place you go to to see the opposing Paul Pierce come in and light it up right yes it is and and obviously this team is is very good I mean it it’s it’s it’s fun to watch it’s it’s a team that New York can actually put its arm around instead of putting its arm around Steph or LeBron or whoever comes into their building and yet it just feels like the mentality the deepest mentality of the franchise is what can go wrong will go wrong right that’s true it just feels like that to me where it’s like in their playing it in their psyches is you when push comes to shove it’ll we’ll screw it up or we’ll somebody will get hurt or we’ll all get hurt right I don’t know I don’t maybe it’s the owner I don’t know what it is could you know what I don’t know the Dark Cloud right there it might be they might have to move out that building no they ain’t going to move out that building that building is Rich real estate they ain’t going nowhere that’s too Prime yeah that’s too Prime I don’t know well they need to change owners or something yeah I don’t think they GNA do that anytime soon either duckboat P it’s locked that your team wins it all next year Well dug po it’s it’s there’s I like their chances skip I like thought you’d say as a I like our chock no I like our chance no but check this out you understand we’re going to get better too of course cuz now porzingis you I don’t know if I count him in this run like you didn’t see the full potential in this run well you did because he played the regular season I mean you saw what yeah he helped him get to the playoff yeah yeah but then like think about this like when you win it all the next year you come back you kind of more you confident like you don’t think you can win it now you know you can win it and so going into to them games you confident yeah there’s a Target on your back but it’s been a Target on their back for a couple years now so they know what to expect so I just feel like next year they might see might wi 70 games might win 70 games I got to see what everybody else out there do okay because it’s too you know PE people are moving around man they’re moving quickly I mean the only thing that can happen in the East is Philly get Paul George that’s it or or Paul George Goes to milwauke or or I mean that’s the only thing I see you have to pair up Paul George type to a really significant nobody in the West can beat y’all the West has more of a chance than the East that’s what he asked you if win at all what I’m saying I think we come out the east as the East constructed as constructed the East the only threat will be a Paul George move to either Milwaukee or Philly but no other team so so a Paul George move to a golden St ain’t going to do nothing for y’all they got to still worry about getting out the West that team is not a lock to get out the West no I’m just I’m just you we Ain worri about we like like like John Mor said what what did John Mor say we good in the west the Celtics over here like we good in the East yeah we good in the East all right though Kean says Nicks have a real shot of upsetting you next year that’s what yeah what yeah a seven he said a seven I can’t believe that one thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlight from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

Skip Bayless, Paul Pierce and Keyshawn Johnson discuss the latest news in sports including the New York Knicks and Brooklyn Nets agreeing to terms on a trade that will send Mikal Bridges to the Knicks in exchange for Bojan Bogdanovic and draft compensation. The Undisputed cast determine if the Knicks are a threat to the Boston Celtics out east.

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Knicks trade for Mikal Bridges, Nets receive haul & OG Anunoby becomes free agent | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. As a basketball player, Paul pierce was great… but as a sports commentator, his opinions are biased. This man will never give the knicks the respect they deserve….. he comes across as childish and clueless. Put on your big boy pants and do your job….or you should go back to Boston.

  2. Paula should be banned when it comes to talking about the Knicks everything he says sounds so shady. His opinion doesn't matter 😂

  3. It doesn’t matter who the Knicks pick up in the offseason or draft. If they don’t play better what difference would it make. I hope they don’t use injuries as an excuse, because all teams go through injuries. Just play better. That’s all!

  4. Paul Pierce looking like a clown with that suit and sounding like a clown with that take. No chemistry?!? They are all friends and are now the Nova Knicks! They need athletic wings that can defend?!?! Bridges is an all NBA first team defender (2022) that's 6'6 and will now be our shooting guard. OG is going to resign and is another elite wing defender. They are both really good 3 point shooters with over 45% from the corners.

  5. These news outlets are caught up on names, KD & PG are on the downside of their careers. New York added youth, 20pt scorer

  6. Nah Paul, KD does not scare Boston. They swept him the last time they faced him. Bridges is a way better fit for the Knicks. They’re say KD refuses to talk to his teammates in Phoenix. C’mon bro……🤷🏽‍♂️

  7. I’m just glad we got our picks back, mikal didn’t even want to play for us anymore, he obviously wanted to team up with his college buddies

  8. It’s the Knicks lol who cares. They’re a second round exit at best. Congrats on your trade though

  9. Skip and Pierce saying Brunson dribbled to much and his user rate was too much but now they add a 20 point scorer to their team and they don't like it?!? Keyshawn is the only one talking with any logic.

  10. This is a good move so they can have someone to guard Tatum and brown. Tom Thibodeau needs to stop playing them so many minutes

  11. The Boston Celtics now have a target on its back. But if the Knicks are truly going to beat Boston, they’ll have to outsmart Boston, not just outperform Boston. Neither easy said or done. Boston is a load to handle, and the Knicks will have to shoot very well to beat them. And it has to be consistent, and that’s what makes it so difficult to beat Boston. They make you play a solid 48 minutes to beat them, otherwise you won’t win.

  12. Jordan Walsh will be forced to develop this year or the celtics will need to get a backup wing by the time all the chips have fallen

  13. How does Paul have a job? This dude is so biased and doesn't know other players from other teams

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