@Golden State Warriors

[Windhorst] “Paul George wants four years. He wants a full-out max. There are teams out there, I’m told, who are prepared to give it to him. One of those teams, potentially, is Golden State who are big fish hunting…They are sniffing around big deals. If Georges leaves, they want to be an option.”

From Get Up Podcast around the 30min-mark.

Written aggregation of it.

"Paul George, frankly, wants four years," Windhorst said. "He wants a full-out max. And there are a number of teams out there, I'm told, who are prepared to give it to him, who are prepared to trade for him. One of those teams, potentially, is up the coast in Golden State. Golden State is big fish hunting…They are sniffing around big deals. If Paul George is going to leave, they would like to be an option for him.”

by Perksofthesewalls


  1. Give him the max. With a player option if needed.

    Edit: You dumb asses are obsessed with the two timeline. Either trade steph to build the future or do what it takes to get him help. If not you’re literally just jerking off Joe’s two timeline bullshit. Are you guys daft?

  2. Vallerie_09

    A full max ? With Curry and Dray under contract next yr, it definitely means Wiggs and/or JK also have to go, right ? Steph will be earning 38% of the cap space in his last yr, Dray another 16.7%, add in another 30% for PG’s new contract and it’s 85% on just 3 old players (again)

  3. hoopercuber

    this max talk has to be PG’s camp trying to get their client as big as a contract as possible. i just don’t see why we would offer a 34 year old injury prone star a 4 year when it doesn’t align with steph/dray/kerr (and hopefully klay). the warriors have to pay kuminga starting next season. let’s see what happens

  4. Hititgitithotsauce

    He’s not worth it. But no one on the current market is worth it, either.

  5. SeekingSignificance

    Wiggins, do something with CP3’s contract, one of Moody, Podz, or Trace, and whatever picks they want. All in for Steph’s 5th.

  6. Therealomerali

    I’m not a fan of giving an aging star who’s on his downward trajectory a max contract. That’s not even mentioning the fact he’s hella injury prone.

  7. How many of all these aging core teams have had success recently? Some will say but warriors have Steph, but he is going to be 37. 1 injury/Dray suspension is going to be very bad on this team if it gives up depth to get old stars

  8. Duckysawus

    He’s not worth a max at age 34 and averaging under 20ppg in this last playoffs + with his injury history the last 5 years.

    If he were age 26-28, yes. Right now, no. Max I’d say he’s worth is like $180m/4 years. More than that is overpay unless the docs say he’s 100%.

    Good luck to any team prepared to give him a max.

  9. Nalicar52

    If we go for PG we are done for the present and foreseeable future. He isn’t getting us a championship and we will likely lose to much in a trade.

  10. theWireFan1983

    He won’t last an entire season and playoffs. No way he should get that money.

  11. It obviously depends on which/how much future value you have to give up to get him, but with the current salary structure of the team it is likely we could keep one of Wiggs and Klay and make a deal work.

    It constrains your flexibility in 2026, but in the rapidly rising cap environment, while the back years of that deal would be bad money, it wouldn’t be immovable.

  12. I don’t know if this discussion has been had elsewhere, but let’s say we add Paul George. Can this lineup beat the Lakers:



    Kuminga / Wiggins



    It doesn’t seem like enough to me.

  13. this_my_sportsreddit

    I’m in support of this. Warriors dont have many options to improve and the reality is this team as currently constructed is much closer to being the worst team in the league than it is the best. We are a 10-seed with a fanbase that sees ourselves as temporarily displaced championship contenders. We will likely **never** have a player of Stephs caliber again, we should be doing everything we can to help him win #5 and cement his place in history.

  14. Ok-Roof-978

    Full max?!!!


    Team is going to be so fucked after Steph’s last season

  15. dam_adam81

    This deal will mark the end of the warriors and nail in their coffin. Even PG’s current team doesn’t want to pay him 4 years max lol. Reeks desperation on the warriors side.

  16. Zachary_Stark

    As I have said in other threads, overpaying for an underperformer is not a good idea.

  17. Can somebody explained to me why Paul George has hype? Like is nba just going full marketing and don’t care about wins?

  18. justlobos22

    I personally think the run is over. It’s time to build for the future.

  19. Gamerxx13

    do you want to roll the dice on a different team but could win the championship give curry 1 more shot at a championship and give up some future pieces . or do you want to lower salary and get below the nba 2nd apron and help the franchise future and start building the next team. its tough decision time.

  20. mangotail

    If he wants a full max, not worth it at all for us. I would be shocked if the warriors entertain the idea of this.

  21. HamsterCapable4118

    Draymond Green is our most valuable trade asset for any win-now teams looking to make a run.

  22. CriticalPrimary3

    I say go for it as long as we don’t send a ton of first round picks or Kuminga.

    Yes hes old and injury prone but hes still a top 15 player in the league and fills a huge need (1b option and defender)

    It doesnt make us champion favorites but it makes us a hell of a lot better than last year. Whats the point of holding on to guys like Moody/TJD/Podz when their ceiling is a solid role player and then we’re wasting the remaining years of elite Steph.

    Steph/Klay/PG/Kuminga/Dray looks like a pretty good new death lineup to me. Obviously would need to resign Klay and hope he does better with less pressure to be the #2 option and sign some bigs to help out draymond. I’d rather see that than just running it back with basically the same group without any major changes. If he actually wants to here then make it happen. What other all star level player are we hoping for? None have shown any interest and we’ll prob end up with no one

  23. Redditforever12

    pg full max with injury history is nuts, maybe his body might be able to hold out for 2 more years with 60 games each season for the 2 years, than he turned into washed player.

  24. gregallen1989

    I’m not opposed to Paul George getting a max. But I don’t know if Golden State is really the team to give it to him. That would be the only star player GS would be a le to afford. So the rest of the roster changes wouldn’t move the needle much. Does swapping Klay for Paul George turn the Warriors into a championship team? I personally would say that doesn’t even turn them into a Western Finals team.

  25. Lol they absolutely are not. This is PG’s rep using the Warriors as leverage like every other free agent does. Y’all really think they’re going to give PG a max when they didn’t even give Draymond one when they weren’t even up against the second apron restrictions then? Please be forreal.

  26. D3struct_oh

    Warriors desperately need someone who can create their own shot, play defense, and knock down threes. PG can do all of those things.

    Idk if I’m giving him the max but I’m certainly reaching out with a solid offer.

  27. ballertone

    PG is a regular season peeformer when he’s healthy but come playtime he’s like a harden who shrinks in the moment. Don’t overpay for him ..

  28. dunk_da_skunk

    No, thanks. Get a young guy that has potential to grow with the other young guys. Not an old guy who is going to get older each day. PG is great, but not the move in terms of reliability. If we’re moving away from nostalgia to try and become contenders, then I look at all the older vets as just another nostalgia move.

  29. TemporaryValue5755

    Id rather just keep klay than deal with that pg contract and he’d have to learn the system and we still dont have size. Rather watch klay retire a warrior in this case.

  30. WryKombucha

    lol. Full out max for an old guy who is injured most of the time. When he and Steph are 38 and both combining for $100M in salary, we will be very sorry.

  31. abritinthebay

    So PG13 fits into replacing Wiggs but we need a center, etc etc etc

    Like… a straight Wiggs or CP3 swap for PG? Sure. But anything else just gets us from a weak roster mess to… a different weak roster mess?

  32. mikeisaphreek

    well….it seems its back to the cohan years once steph and co leave. it was a great run

  33. lurk_channell

    I like cp3 more then I like pg13 never been a fan of him since he was a pacer. Would he a major stab in the heart replacing klay with him

  34. uyakotter

    Does Dunleavy really want an old expensive star or does he have to try to keep Steph and fans happy?

  35. We need a max contract player to make any type of run but this ain’t the guy. He’s not Durant

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