@Houston Rockets

Windy emphasizes MAGNITUDE of Rockets-Nets trade ahead of 2024 NBA Draft | The Pat McAfee Show

Windy emphasizes MAGNITUDE of Rockets-Nets trade ahead of 2024 NBA Draft | The Pat McAfee Show

we understand the Frenchman is supposed to go number one overall we know bronn’s probably going number two overall we know CLM has an opportunity what do we need to know tonight Wendy what for real what do we need to know and how is this gonna go first off the Pacers are working the Pacers are working they they’re they’re they’re I’m not not necessarily about tonight but they’re trying to get Tyrese some help they’re not done working they’re they’re on the they’re on the prow they see opportunities we’ll talk later okay Pacers on the prow headline the are on the prow all right uh so as of last night I don’t think the the Atlanta Hawks knew exactly who they were going to take I think they’re leaning towards Zachary rishe who’s uh you know he’s he’s a safe pick at number one he’s 69 he can handle the ball a little bit I actually think he’s a really good passer I got to see him play in person but he didn’t average any almost any assists in the French League this year so maybe I’m wrong um he’s not the type of guy that’s going to come in and change the direction of a franchise but he could come in and be a good third fourth starter on a on a really good team someday and this draft that’s pretty good and then probably Alex SAR who’s a 7 foot one really rangy uh another French uh I think he’s 19 or 20 um french guy played in Australia this year you’re you’re drafting upside there you’re talking like a few years away from him really being an impact player where this draft gets interesting at this at the number three pick that’s where we’re going to get some action because the Rockets are holding the number three pick they’ve had it available for various packages for a month or so now I don’t know maybe more and what they do with that pick is going to tell us a lot about what they’re think as a franchise and the way this draft is going to go uh John Jonathan gavony who was our draft uh lead dog here um he believes that Houston’s Gonna Keep that pick and use it on Reed Shepard out of Kentucky who is an elite three-point shooter one of the best three-point Shooters we’ we’ve seen coming out college and even though he doesn’t have huge size he actually his defensive stats are pretty good he’s actually pretty good stealing the ball but where this gets interesting is if the Rockets draft Donovan kingan from right here in Bristol Connecticut where I’m at right now from Yukon play and the reason that is guys is because Houston’s got a couple centers on their roster uh they got alarin shenon uh from Turkey who just had a breakout year last year and they got they got Jabari Smith J who last year uh Houston actually finished the season 16 and seven and they did that mostly when shagon was hurt and Jabari Smith was playing Center if they draft kingan what that could mean is that they’re willing to part with alaran shenon and that could get really interesting especially when you combine the fact that they did this trade last night with uh Brooklyn now I’m gonna tell you right now I know there was this big Mel Bridges trade and you know no I’ll say who knows Bridges is is Tyreek salberg he was his teammate on TM last year I think you guys they’re in a group text actually why don’t you report on it yeah yeah didn’t they make you an honorary member Tyrese of the Villanova gang you like I was like substitute Dante Devan chenzo for like right compliment you for that’s a big his fade he always has a clean fade de it is crisp was that your first time being Italian or or white yeah first time being Italian I’ve been to Italy once okay you’re walking around this is like my second time being okay all right that’s good I have good that’s journalism that was such that was such a fun team last summer it was a great team to be around uh brid no so it wasn’t super fun okay it didn’t end good didn’t end well I didn’t end well but it was a fun month all right who’ we lose to we talked about this P even lost we actually lost the future we’re focused on the future Wendy you’re the one that brought it up who do we lose to we lost to Lithuania what I didn’t they couldn’t missus itus is from Lithuania vitis learn they beat us then Germany beat us Germans beat USB won the gold they won the gold actually good teamer and then we lost to Canada oh oh my God this is embarrassing are we okay going in the Olympics we’re losing to Canada in sports I didn’t know that’s even possible they brought in Edy okay no one was prepared for Zach Edy at the Olympic at the Gold level new though it’s a new year new team they brought in this they brought in they brought in this guy you may have heard of named Shay guildas Alexander he had a little bit of a role they’re going to beat they’re going to beat the piss out of everybody this year it’s a revenge tour for sure he doesn’t need to say it but it’s true they’re Team USA is Team USA is going to let’s talk about the future Wy let’s talk about the future please all right anyway so I gotta tell you so we suck at basketball now what is the deal I’m so the Olympics right around the corner suck we’re losing a Lithia I don’t even know where that is on the map I couldn’t even tell you where that is they taking juice probably or something like that are those monks that I see on the internet shooting Hoops are they going to beat our team too because they’re from some place I’ve never heard of and they get basketball how’s this even Happ this is fuel sorry I brought it up it’ll be fine it’s it’ll be fine we’ll see this year we can’t be losing to Lithuania basketball it happened good team congrats to them they were they were a good team it was a real tournament though it wasn’t olyp it a World Cup it was a World Cup we an 82 Point win over Angola day one just something to think about are they shooting at a bigger hoop than us is that like that that day it felt like it did they get like Strokes in this thing like golf is that how they beat you they I wish you I want you to watch the highlights after the show today well it’s going to be a lot of Lithia it was unbelievable it was a special performance by their team all right let’s move along I’m tired of thinking about here’s the highlights look at no that’s that’s the uh Canada game oh we don’t need Canada okay is the one that I am a little bit Kelly o m Bridges had one of the greatest plays I’ve ever seen in my life in that Canada game nobody ever G to remember it but he made a four-point play with one second left to force overtime all right we lost in overtime to these people yo yo come on Wendy go ahead Wy sorry I’m sorry it’s my fa it’s my fault I take accountability for bringing it up I’m sorry all right this is our game our game Lithuania it’s draft guess it’s future it’s future all right the draft trade which a Frenchman’s getting drafted number one oh my God back to back have we lost two years in a row this the Lithuania game yeah guy just got four rebounds for himself we give any effort to say we get a body on I don’t know if I want to that guy Wendy’s giving us a little journalism on it in the paint was the problem IGN BR okay listen what’s that is that a is that a phrase about’s oh my god the guy took forever good Lord I am so this guy we lost to that guy 20 to 10 what 232 what was the final score against Lithuania they won they won I don’t remember do we Okay what we’re doing after I leave we don’t have to Austin Reeds isn’t going to be defending anyone on the L block we don’t have to do this I think we’re awesome let’s talk about this Rockets tra yes please Wendy thank you you got us into this though Wendy this a on you I take I take accountability I is my fault let it happen sorry we’re sorry go ahead we are sorry I’m sorry I’m I am sorry I am sorry I know this Bridges trade I know this Bridges trade is a really big deal and we could talk about it for a while but that guy made a four-point play against all right all right all right bigger deal than this trade that Houston made is way more interesting to me all right because let me just tell you what happened so Brooklyn does the bridges trade right and they do it by like announcing to the whole NBA we’re in a tank baby we are gonna lose as many games as possible for at least the next year I don’t know what’s gonna happen after this season but for this season coming up all we’re going to do is lose now that is a fine strategy because the 2025 draft is going to be a really good draft but they didn’t have their pick they didn’t control their draft the next two years that was controlled by Houston from the James Harden trade two Harden trades ago not the James Harden trade to to Philly not the James Harden trade to the Clippers the James Harden trade to Brooklyn that trade is why the Rockets controlled the Nets draft and so the Nets really were blocked from doing a proper tank because they didn’t control their draft the the the Rockets went ahead and gave them their picks back the next two years now they got got two two firsts and two swaps so they traded one first and one swap for two firsts and two swap from Phoenix in the future but guys when you have the information that Brooklyn is tanking like a fullon 2015 is tank which is what cost them Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum you had that information in Houston and you give them their picks back like what is going on and what’s going on is Houston’s loading up on Phoenix stuff Phoenix trade assets to try to make a deal with Phoenix in my 22 years covering the NBA I’ve never seen a trade like this I have I there’s obviously something else going on where I don’t have all the information because I don’t get it because if you were Houston and you had the Nets picked and the Nets had announced they were tanking and you wanted to make a trade and improve your team just hold the Net’s picks those picks are super duper valuable those the net 2025 pick right now is one of the top five Assets in the league and you’re holding it and not only did they do that not only did they agree to trade it back Brooklyn like ran to the league office and got the deal done last night they they called the lawyers at home and said get on your computer we’re we’re making this deal official before uh Houston can sleep on it and so that deal is fascinating to me Houston is working on something now what what w and uh other people are are connecting here is Kevin Durant yeah if you know phoen if Phoenix wants their picks back that they traded for Durant or their picks and their swaps but that could happen here I don’t know um I don’t know where KD’s head is at I I decided long ago I would never try to assume what KD is thinking I would not do that so I’m not going to do that what I do know is that KD and Devin Booker’s relationship is still very strong that they’re both preparing to join Tyrese in Vegas next week to go on this journey to try to win this gold medal Lithuania is not in the Olympics right now and and um they didn’t even make the Olympics Jesus I’m sorry I shouldn’t say anything I like I have watch they qualify they could qualify they could they can qualify quania will qualify the liania squad they can make they can they can fill up the bucket lot of TJ on that he scored 110 TJ McConnell’s of Lithuania scored 110 on Team USA 110 110 did they play with four guys you guys are acting like these other countries don’t have basketball players they are good not like us that’s the wrong mental that’s anyway okay go ahead ahy go ahead Houston’s got something going on guys Houston’s got something going on uh I don’t understand I’m going to be honest with you right now I don’t fully understand why they wouldn’t just hold the Nets picks because those Nets picks are so valuable they did get more stuff from Phoenix but we got to watch Houston we gotta watch Houston at the number three pick tonight and we got to watch what Houston does with this stuff that they just got from Brooklyn that let’s say Kevin Durant trade uh was to happen is it normal NBA what happen like today is that type of thing like draft day a lot of action takes place is that what I am expecting there to be a very active two or three days here between now and Saturday Saturday is when everybody’s opt outs are uh specifically Paul George he he’s going to have to pretty much make up his mind what’s gonna happen between now and Saturday I don’t think Houston’s involved in that but Paul George is in a situation where if he waits until Sunday he becomes a free agent but if he waits until Sunday and he opts out of his contract he can really only go someplace where got cap space and there’s only a few teams that can pay him a Max salary if he opts into his contract he becomes tradable and he can go to a whole bunch of different places where they can then give him an extension so Paul George has got a really big three four days here uh but there’s going to be a number I think there’s there’s a number of players who are available on the trade market um who are some of them were available at the trade deadline and didn’t get done where maybe they get deal I think we could see three to five significant trades in the next three or four days for sure I like that Wendy that’s good news for us what you say what is uh what’s the rant uh contract situation is there like which suitors I guess could afford him well he’s got a bunch of years and a bunch of money left on the deal I don’t have to right in front of me what we talking about he he makes 15 million wouldn’t you I thought you was a well he doesn’t have to sign off on it but at players at his level typically you would involve them and like look Pat wouldn’t don’t you like the idea that player has agency matter what his contracts at I am a fan I I negotiate opt outs into all my deals quickly and then utilize them and then people say why why is you well yeah we got this we made this decision but in the NBA it’s like not even opt outs that take place seemingly it’s just say somebody that like watches from the outside in it’s like they just n you know like that that seems to be the NBA’s move and we’ll see though because we’ll see though because right now there’s some teams kind of playing hard ball with some of their star players the Clippers right now we’ll see where they’re at by Saturday Clippers are playing hard ball with Paul George Paul George wants a four-year Max contract he he thinks he’s earned it he he did just have a very good season there are teams out there that I think would give him the four-year Max contract but the Clippers are offering them three and less than the Max and they’re basically like we don’t think you’re G to walk we think you’re going to stay home here in La we’ll see whether that works out or not the the Warriors are playing hard ball with Klay Thompson right now Klay is sitting there he he knows he’s got to take a pay cut okay it happens to just about everybody at some point they got to take a pay cut he’s looking there he’s saying hey wait a minute Andrew Wiggins took a pay cut he got a four-year deal Draymond Green took a pay cut he got a four-year deal I want a four-year deal even if I gotta take a pay cut meanwhile the Warriors are there they’re looking to like make other big trades they’re like looking they’re like out there and telling him to hang on and they’re like look Steph’s got two years left on his contract we just gave Steve cerry a new contract we gave him two years you know they’re playing hard ball with Clay right now so yeah I think that the NBA has gotten the players have really gotten the star players have really gotten what they’ve wanted a lot over the last decade right now there’s a little bit of a push back we’ll see if it it first off if it works and if it lasts okay and also I like all the Clauses they have in their contract so that people can get paid more if they stay with the team I think they acknowledged that it was a potential issue with players just moving and trying to do it but be who you can afford to be the NBA proves that more and more and you you left one off the list there seemingly go ahead con Yeah Wendy what’s going on with Miami and Jimmy Butler because it seemed as though he wanted that uh extension and then kind of haven’t really heard anything on that front is that going to get done and is Miami another team that’s going to add a piece or is that situation not kind of sign seal delivered and Jimmy Butler might be on the move too great question Connor um from what I understand journalism finally hell yeah hell yeah that was good from what I understand Jimmy Butler is going to plan to be back with the Miami Heat next year and even if there’s no extension he’s going to focus on next season he’s got a player option in the summer of 2025 next year that he can use he can basically be in Paul Georgia situation I think Jimmy Butler wants to be in Miami there’s teams that have definitely said hey are you looking to get out and I think he said I’m I’m solid in Miami and I think that’s been communicated to the heat I think Jimmy Butler is going to be with the Heat this year and focus on this season and then we’ll see what happens next summer um I do think the heat are always looking to improve they have been in the market trying to add somebody next to Jimmy Butler we saw them go for Dame Lillard uh I think they were trying to get Drew holiday I think they will be in the market um and see if they can get something done they don’t have the greatest assets right now but a big move for Miami this summer is resigning uh bamat bio he’s extension eligible he’s under contract but he’s extension eligible that’s an extension that they might do this under contract extension eligible need more money up front I love the way the NBA operates shout out to the NBA and their players for negotiating these deals and getting to this point and only being like uh 50 of you guys in the world at any given time that is a phenomenal thing you said earlier and I know you have to go in like a minute or so so uh you said something about the payer uh Pacers are on the prow okay we need to address that and is there any questions that we didn’t ask that we need to know about as we go into the draft tonight or the NBA well I would just say I think the Pacers obviously they’re in the Eastern Conference they see the Eastern teams getting better they have assets at their disposal um and I think that they are active from what I understand they’re active looking to upgrade they want to get Tyrese and Pascal and they hey get TJ some help when when somebody going to help TJ outen I’m trying uh but I think T I think TJ’s pretty much Untouchable tyres like if you if you list Untouchable guys in the league I think TJ’s on that list I think he’s Untouchable but I do think the Pacers are interested in some names um I don’t think it’s going to be like an All-Star level player but I you know Chad banon and uh and and U you know those guys have have done a great job and um oh you had the name right there you tried not to say it that’s what we just heard he tried to say Kevin Pritchard R GM Kevin Pritchard I just I wanted to make sure I said Kevin Pritchard president chadan GM I didn’t want to stumble over that I thought that was a player I thought that was AER good role player I’m gonna make my hotel reservations I’m gonna make my hotel reservations right now for any 500 weekend next year because you know I’m not I like yeah believe in Tyrese believe in these Pacers and we believe that you will’ll cover the draft in a spectacular fashion tonight on ESPN and ABC and I will be seeing Tyrese with Team USA very soon take it easy see you next week hey enjoy Paris don’t get in that River they’re pooping in that River ladies and gentlemen Bri right yeah don’t don’t poop in the river first of all and then also don’t get in the poopy Waters of Paris ladies and gentlemen big windy thank you [Applause] [Music]

Brian Windhorst joins The Pat McAfee Show to explain everything you need to know and watch for in Wednesday night’s first round of the 2024 NBA Draft.

0:00 Top 2 picks analysis
1:21 Watch the Houston Rockets No. 3 pick
2:10 Drafting Donovan Clingan ramifications
3:40 Haliburton recaps Team USA’s FIBA losses
8:02 Rockets give VALUABLE Nets picks back!
10:28 Would Kevin Durant part with the Suns?
12:15 Active NBA Draft Day trades?
14:20 Paul George playing hard ball with Clippers
15:55 Jimmy Butler on the move?
17:21 Indiana Pacers’ interests

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  1. Lol I love Ty’s expression, yes congrats to those teams. They played well. ITS ON NOW THO MF’s!! YALL HAVE A FEW MORE DAYS TO ENJOY THAT LAST YEARS TALK BC ITS ABOUT TO BE DOUBLE DIGITS AS WHOPPINGS HANDED OUT TO EVERYBODY!! Aye Noah Lyles, appreciate you homie! “Championship of what… the United States??” Naw, THE WORLD CRAIG!!! 🥇🇺🇸

  2. Pat and the crew rightfully clowning Tyrese and team USA…there should NEVER be a scenario where Lithuania beats USA in a game of basketball

  3. 🤣Lithuania is actually a basketball playing nation and they have been one of the top 15 or 20 Basketball team in the world for the last 50 years.🤣😂

  4. Was the Rockets trade to give back the Nets picks a league mandate? Rockets would be too scary with Jalen Green Jabari Smith Sengun Amen Thompson the 2024 3rd pick and the Nets 2025 and 2026 picks in a super talented draft! Why would anyone give up those prospects especially studs on rookie salaries? Only NBA mandate in the shadows make sense

  5. If what Rockets picks were loaded, why not bait the Sun's with it instead of dealing with the nets to return their picks to have the Sun's original picks?

  6. Houston trading for KD would be the equivalent of Spurs trading Wemby for Lebron. No one is that dumb even a 3 year old would understand youth is more valuable than a senior citizen.

  7. Taking clingan #1 should get you fired on the spot and escorted out of the building at knife point

  8. It’s so hard to listen to these guys talk basketball with windy and a pro. They clearly have no idea about anything outside of NbA

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