@Phoenix Suns

Who rounds out The Gambo 5?

Who rounds out The Gambo 5?

as always gambo remind everybody out there that your gambo 5 is based on the idea that the Suns stay put at number 22 this is yeah I can’t read M if they move down I don’t know how this would play out if they move up um you know I have guys that I know that they like if they moved up I think like the Duke point guard as a kid McCain that they I think they really like I just don’t think he would be there at 22 so I didn’t put him in my gambo five I’ve ruled out players like Kyle filipowski and Don Holmes and Isaiah ker and even uh uh ad ADM Bona the UCLA kid so I’ve ruled out some players but yeah if they stick at 22 I’ve got five guys that I’m kind of putting out there that I think that I know that there’s interest in I know that there is interest in these five players could there be one that I missed sure I mean yeah but these are the five I’m going to go with that I I you know that I I would think that one of these guys could be the pick uh if they are taking a player at number 22 the four that you’ve revealed so far are in no particular order khil wear the sophomore Center out of Indiana Tyler KCK the senior point guard out of Marquette uh EES Mei The Freshman Center out of Baylor Ryan dun the sophomore forward out of Virginia who is the fifth and final member of the gambo fight this was my toughest one this was really my toughest one it came down to two players um and I just had to play the odds here now based on you know just based on the odds the player that I was going to put in this list I just you know I I had to eliminate him uh at the last second and it was Tyler uh Smith the g-league ignite kid I was really close to putting him in that list he was going to be my fifth guy and he actually was my fifth guy like right up until today Tyler Smith was going to be my number five guy but I’m gonna but I I think this is how I’m thinking the players that I’ve mentioned already I think that they like all of those guys better than Tyler Smith I think one of will be there so it doesn’t make sense to me to put Tyler Smith in because I think he’s behind all of those guys I think one of those guys will be there so I’m going to take a gamble on a player I believe that they really like that might fall to their spot at 22 so I’m going to play the odds here and that player is Colorado forward Tristan DVA Tristan DVA forward Colorado DVA 3 what a stroke but lamin is on the bench and this besides he’s not guarding Samuel anyway so Tak Advantage do go with some pressure but there’s no way how can guard the Silva off the D look at just Sila come in and thunder it down it’s hard to help out against Marquette because they they spread the court out so widely good pass Lin and a sledgehammer Throw Down by Thea outstanding L goes O’Brien and he spoon feeds the TR then Tristan Thea who’s got four he’s five of five he is has not missed a shot just silver three senior Wing player out of Colorado 68 got a wing span of about 610 or so he’s a senior he’s an older player he’s 23 years of age 16 points last year shot nearly 40% from three and that would seem to be the key he’s somebody who can help right now right now may not be as high as some of the other guys but he’s a versatile forward he could shoot the ball really well he’s taken like 300 three-point attempts the last two years knocked down about 40% of those a lot of catch and shoot ones not the greatest athletically these other players I’ve mentioned are probably more athletic than him but he’s a definitely a rotation Wing guy that can come in and play right away now I think a lot of projections have him at 16 17 18 but I’m going to take the gamble that he’s want that he could fall to 22 here instead of going with Tyler Smith from the G League ignite because again I think the other players I’ve mentioned already I have higher than Tyler Smith so I needed to take a gamble in my gameo five I needed to take a gamble that somebody they like is going to fall a few spots so I’m going to go with the Silva I still am not sure if he’s going to be there or not Bernay but I’m just playing the odds that if one guy falls if he falls he could be the pick for them at number 22 cuz he does fit a lot of what James Jones likes in a player yeah and that I think I think that’s the key here is that he just looking at his stats looking at his raw data looking at how old he is he looks like a James Jones type of player you know like somebody who’s got experience who’s been there done that will be able to help right away he’s got a very you know kind of Cam Johnson Ty Jerome sort of like experienced feel to him it’s a name I’ll be honest with you it’s a name that I’ve been kind of paying attention to one of the few I would say that I’ve been paying attention to for the last two or three weeks for exactly all the reasons that you just said it feels like the suns are more inclined to take a help now guy and Tristan da Silva is a help now guy now there are weaknesses to his game defensively he’s good not great he might be a little bit of a liability on that on that side of things but he can shoot three he can play a very capable Wing he’s ready he certainly would be a guy that would be in your rotation right away I mean like right away he would play and you could give you 15 minutes per game it’s just some of the other guys and this is where the Suns gamble they’re in such an there in such a weird spot they are so built to win now that if somebody like Tristan da Silva is just sitting there staring him in the face 22 could you pass on something like that for somebody who’s more of a project could you pass on somebody like that who’s maybe two years away from hitting their Peak or do you absolutely have to take somebody who can help you win right now because that seems like what the Silva is right now I think there is a priority on taking a rotational player that’s inside their top 10 that as I’ve said can play when it matters not just play in a regular season but I’m saying play when it matters and play when it matters means playoffs can they find a guy that can play in the playoffs D Silva is a guy that I think checks a lot of boxes he’s a good basketball player comes from unic Germany um he’s a good basketball player his ceiling may not be as high as those other guys bernzy but there is a lot to like about his game yeah the comp I was looking at on the ringer was Kyle Anderson and and that’s it that’s almost exactly what I think of when I think of a player who’s good not great given any given night he can contribute any given night he can help uh any given but he’s never going to be confused with the best player on the floor and he doesn’t have that kind of potential I I think and I know your concern about putting him on the gambo five was whether he was going to be there or not I do think that’s what worries me a little bit is that depending on where teams are drafting in front of them they might look at him and think exactly the same thing like we need somebody who can help us right now we need somebody who’s ready to contribute right now and I just wonder if that’s what keeps him from going to the Suns you know that other teams will feel exactly the same way about him I think it’s I think there’s probably a better than 50/50 chance that he’ll be gone by then but then again I do I think they like Tyler Smith a little bit I just think they like the other players that I’ve mentioned more than they like Tyler Smith so then it came down to you know process of you know do I want to take the do I want to take Tyler Smith yeah they like him but they like those other guys better and one of those guys is going to be there that I’ve mentioned already or do I take the chance that somebody that they like may fall a few spots and and they’ve got a tough decision to make so I went with this all right thanks for watching Burns and gambo click to see more from the guys and hit the button in the middle to subscribe so you never miss a video from Arizona Sports

With the Phoenix Suns set to pick at No. 22 in the 2024 NBA Draft, John Gambadoro reveals his fifth and final selection in the htristan da silvaardwood edition of The Gambo 5.

Video: Felisa Cárdenas and Ed Cole/Arizona Sports
Photo Credit: David Becker/Getty Images

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  1. What is the point of having the audio "highlights" on these college players? Can't see what they are doing and out of context

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