@Indiana Pacers

Tyrese Haliburton on NBA free agency, making the All-NBA team & more! | The Pat McAfee show

Tyrese Haliburton on NBA free agency, making the All-NBA team & more! | The Pat McAfee show

this is actually the first year that you players can negotiate to stay with their team before free agency actually 30 days right I don’t know the exact amount of days but like it was right after the finals until the 30th or whatever so I guess it was like a couple weeks like last year when I signed my deal I had to wait until July 1st when the whole Market can pitch you no no no cuz I’m cuz uh because in after my third year I could renegotiate to sign back it’s called like the Dereck Rose rule basically so like Scotty Barnes just signed MH Max yeah 270 yes correct and that was because after his third year he’s allowed to do that and Tatum 315 is the number they’re saying so all these numbers are like slotted everybody kind of knows what the deals are going to be yeah they’re all about projections of what the cap is going to be so like last year when I signed they said it could be up to 260 well the cap changed so now it’s I think like 247 or something like that got too right yeah so like Scotty’s deal is 270 if he makes all NBA I don’t know what the base amount is I have no idea oh so this like NFL contracts whenever they’re being St NFL contracts are some it’s getting better as of late even though the journalists for a long time have been putting out numbers that aren’t real knowing they’re not real to potentially have favor with people so that is I don’t know you tell me in the entire journalism thing what’s real and what isn’t but the NFL there’s like a real number and then now they’ve made up a practically real number and then there’s the big fugay number pretty much at the end NBA similar these big numbers we’re hearing are not not the fully guaranteed because we think of the NBA deals fully guaranteed this what the person’s getting there’s a lot of things that have to hit for that to happen I think like Jason he signs 315 I think he gets all 315 con congratulations he’s going to make all NBA anyway so it doesn’t matter but like what if he doesn’t though cuz sometimes that is still I still think he’s going to make 315 I I could be wrong so let me not give you wrong information but I think that’s we do that all the time people hate us he been there he’s been there for a while too since he’s been there for his entire care yeah he’s made all NBA the last two years right so I think he is going to get all 315 whereas Scotty Barnes if like for me if I didn’t make all NBA and I’m going off projections right now if I made all NBA they said it was going to be 260 if I didn’t make all NBA I think it was going to be like 2117 well I made all NBA so congrats it’s a number that they reported H yeah that’s only a $43 million difference to make omba and who’s voting on this the media Wendy media Wendy $43 million is in the hands of the media correct yes and and 65 Gam and 65 games which almost you were the person that they were talking about potentially being yeah yeah I mean really that 65 games only really affected three of us because only three of us I think it was three yeah me lamelo and anony Edwards were the only ones who our contract would jump if we made allba 43 million 43 million correct that’s so much money it’s absurd $43 million is a massive NFL contract oh yeah that is the bigger than every running back contract yeah it is a Hu hey congratulations and thank you shout out to media they got right they did yes how you feel about the 65 game R obviously you know impacted you last year but how do you feel about it overall I mean I understand I think it’s in good spirit right we are all fans of the game we want to see the best players play I get that and that’s cool um for me it was it was frustrating because I I got hurt and then I’m I rushed I like tried to get back as fast as I could then I re-aggravated it and I was kind of scared uh but I ended up making it so you know we have a great medical staff all those things that’s good but uh I think it’s good spirited I think there’s probably a way to go about it a little different that somebody who’s smarter than me could make that decision should they calculate intention because like if the intention is I know this is always the big big issue is anytime you start giving power to people to try to read other people’s intention but then you got to have like a court system I guess to hear people’s stories and then there has to be a judge and then a jury and then executioner through the whole thing whenever you’re judging intent but like I think the thing was put in there so that guys didn’t just just sit right like in that because you got Indiana Pacers games before you got here before the Halle Burton era okay thank you the era so much better such a good ERA in between you and the PG a with Lance Stevenson and Hibert and George Hill and the boys you know and then you there was people would fill up for certain people that come to town and then when those dudes would get announced 35 minutes an hour before the game yeah that they’re not playing you got an entire Arena filled of like pissed off and Adam Silver had to be like this is not smart for our business that people are coming and being pissed off like that is not something so I think they’re trying to make it in good spirit but if the intention isn’t just to sit out I think there should be like exemptions like for instance you being actually hurt I don’t think that should have like there should be like a doctor that says like hey he’s like actually hurt this isn’t him intending to just kind of wait and rest and think he’s not ready so I think there has to be a little bit more human element maybe yeah like if they did it more so like if you miss like seven plus straight games where like hey clearly this guy can’t play instead of missing you know one game on a road trip and then playing the next night couldn’t that be something where there’s like a a limit to your injury or a point to your injury where it’s like okay this guy’s not missing games on purp so you know whenever you go to like a mechanic they have a book that tells them how long a job is supposed to take and then that is how much they charge for said job yeah so if this is supposed to take an hour and a half but it only takes you 10 minutes you’re getting paid for an hour and a half right so that’s just like literally how the business is which is fantastic my Uncle Larry mechanic whenever I heard about this I’m like so you can do 15 hours of work in a 6 hour period and you’re still getting paid for 15 hours and that’s the game I guess that is that is how it all goes so they would have to have a standard for every injury then yeah like this is how many games that this would be like baseball kind of like expectation of how many games you would miss and that would have to just be understood by everybody like he has a high ankle Sprint okay so he gets two weeks worth of games in this entire thing but what if you have a uh then you reag what if you reagate that’s that’s the thing it’s like it almost oh my God it’s impossible play because you run you run the risk of like if a guy’s up against that and he’s missed a couple games and it’s like okay well if I don’t get back like I’m having a hell of a season if I don’t get back out there and play right now even though I’m like 65% I’m potentially going to lose 42 million so you go back out there and a guy ends up breaking his ankle and then he misses the rest of that season and then you know it’s like it is kind of a slippery slope it’s a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation but that’s because we know more about everything now like science got involved no offense science data got involved it’s good for society but once people start learning you know you take a game off every four days you’re much more likely to have a prolonged career as opposed to this and it’s impossible if I’m a basketball player not to hear that and be like sounds good okay yeah I am I’m going to do that and then the NBA has got to balance the entire thing let’s pivot back to the draft here so what was the biggest difference between college ball Iowa State hey go cyclon go cycl hey we’d love to hear that that was nice that was nice right why is that I went to Iowa that is God awful what an awful Place see it doesn’t even matter though cuz he’s not from Iowa so like not my girl is though she’s from the Quad City so I’ve been to quad is a hole but that’s that’s me you know you know it’s rough no but when it comes to basketball like Iowa state does have Supremacy in the state of Iowa as like I I I don’t I mean I’m watching you guys George Nang like Iowa State’s been good for a very long time Iowa State football you know their fans get act like they’re like USC or you know like whatever but that’s neither here nor there for yeah Brock py yeah Brock P many times and I don’t know how many times I have to say that he’s right now okay he probably sleeps well at night knowing he’s a starting quarterback for the ners for agre we’re not talking about how good he is in the NFL I’m just saying how good he was as a college player bingo would have want to the hawkey they would kill they would kill for Brock yes they would they would kill for first down which I didn’t get a couple this year where I’ve been told maybe Kade magnamar is a dog I mean he is just hand the ball off man that’s right a little bit too much let’s talk uh transition basketball okay okay wait he was was he going to were you going to ask question no no I just got had to get Iowa joke yeah yeah had to get that in there terrible place not a joke not a joke that’s hey Ames is a hole too you know that no no no no no am a great place love Ames my dog’s name name is Ames great I can’t say nothing bad about Ames hey okay so it sounds like you had a great time in Ames Iowa which I’m happy to hear that cuz on this particular program lot of pro Hawkeye conversation burial of Iowa State very regular basis here from yeah Iowa Haw Legend you have to and I would and if I was here it would be vice versa as well exactly all right what’s the biggest change from college ball to the NBA we’re gonna talk to Coach Cal next hour or whatever I assume he’s gonna break down why his teams have had success in getting drafted to the NBA other than just recruiting the best players in the country and you know creating dogs down there in Kentucky for however long it is but what was the biggest difference for you what was the biggest jump for you because you’re a guy that handles the ball you’re a dazzling playmaker is it the physicality like it is in the NFL what is the biggest difference well I mean obviously the NBA everybody’s bigger everybody’s faster everybody’s stronger you know that you’re playing against I think like there’s a a star struck element when you first get to the NBA that some people have and I definitely had but I think Braun your pants the first the first person that I felt that way was Dame Dame and Carmelo cuz we played them in the preseason no fans nobody in the crowd and I’m look and I’m like coming up for my warm-up and I grab a ball from the rack and I turn around and Dame’s right behind me at half court shooting shooting like one bad uh but yeah no I think what you have a little imposter syndrome you think what is that it’s like you don’t think you deserve to be there uh no I would enough I wouldn’t say that I would just say you’re like damn this is like the first time Carmelo switched on to me my hands were shaking so much I just had to pick the ball up like I wanted to make a move but there was no move to be made it was over with um I I would say the the biggest thing is probably just time management you guys know this is being a professional like in college they give you this is your schedule you got class at this time we got team workouts at this time film blah blah blah blah blah in the NBA it’s like you don’t have class this is your job now so you need to figure out how you’re going to separate yourself whether that’s you know what you’re doing in the morning are you coming back at night all those things I would say just time management is probably the biggest thing [Music]

Indiana Pacers star Tyrese Haliburton joins The Pat McAfee Show to discuss NBA free agency, the transition from college ball to the NBA and more!

0:00 NBA free agency predictions
4:00 Making the All-NBA team
7:00 The biggest difference between college ball and the NBA

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  1. Tyrese doing a interview while I just saw a clip of his peers at the ucla gym with Anthony Edwards. I know who making it deeper into the playoffs next yr

  2. When I saw Tyrese Haliburton on here. I thought Pat making announcements that he is doing a NBA draft party on YouTube. Dam it would be funny.

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