@Chicago Bulls

Bulls draft targets REVEALED… – STAR Center linked to Bulls

Bulls draft targets REVEALED… – STAR Center linked to Bulls

all right guys the NBA draft is finally here and in today’s video we are going to be talking about the players the Chicago Bulls should go ahead and focus on in round one and what are some of the players that they should focus on if they happen to trade into round two this is Rico greenhow this is another episode of bulls digest and before we jump into it want to let you know that 78.2% of you guys that watch the videos are not subscribed to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button so you can stay up to date with the latest news and happenings around your Chicago Bulls and without further Ado guys let’s talk about the first topic of the day here which is uh what are the first round prospects uh should the Chicago Bulls take a look at guys and so look we know that we need to get better on the front line we need a power forward we need a center we need a wing I think that it starts with a center and I think I like him a lot and I think it starts with kware I think that kware checks a lot of boxes for me the athleticism the way he can shoot the ball the way he tracks down the basketball in the defensive end guys he was incredible all right to me when I looked at his tape at the University of Indiana it’s been great and I think he’s answered a lot of uh questions about his motor guys and so just throwing up some video of him I mean look at this guy just posterizing people running down on the break and the one thing that I do do love about khir wear is I don’t think he needs a guard to go ahead and facilitate for him now is it going to be great can you imagine giddy coming down and throwing lobs to this young man it’s going to be absolutely incredible all right and so I think that for sure he is a top top prospect on my draft board I think that we should go with khil wear now next other mentions on the channel I think we would be fine if we went with Donovan Klean or Zach Edy I will say that both lack foot speed I do not think that that is going to be the issue with K wear which is why I rate him much higher and I think that we’re able to play at a faster Pace with Kil wear than we would initially with Donovan Klean and Zack Edy now am I going to be mad if we make those draft picks no I’m not because we do need size we need somebody that a is going to be an interior Defender that is what Donovan Klean does I think a lot of people have maybe went ahead and labeled him as perhaps being the best shot Blocker in the draft um and then with Zach Edy there’s a lot of question as to will his skill translate and and I think it does I think that he’s still learning how to play the post and for me I think that one of his uh I think comparisons where he could get to he doesn’t necessarily have to shoot the three ball but if he’s able to knock down the mid-range a lot like a Yao Ming uh and still go on the box and still be able to switch on the pick and roll then I think that you have an incredible player with Zach Edy so they certainly are on the board I think for players that should be drafted um and that is if Chicago just has a pick I I’m fine with them picking that if they go there now um if they were to go ahead and you know maybe trade up uh maybe if they take a little bit of a chance but I still like them it’s going to be uh bazus you know I think that uh Monas bazis the hometown kid I think that he’s going to be okay um you know he is 68 he has a 610 wingspan at least that’s what he’s listed as on the ringer um I know he’s going to have to get a bit stronger but I think I would be fine with him operating as my four uh I feel like he has a little bit of similarities kind of to what uh sagon is over in in Houston so I think that this would be another good fit and again I think that this beasts up the interior um of the Chicago Bulls so I I like those players to start out now these are some of my I’m okay with them but I think they’re going to be deep Sleepers for us guys and I think that now we’re starting to explore the territory if we have two pcks all right because it was floated out there that hey we might be looking to move Caruso which that’s already out the door but if we do move LaVine all right and let’s say that LaVine is moved and we get two additional or we get two picks excuse me not two additionals but we get two picks in this year’s draft then I’d like to see us go big but then I’d also like to see us go with guys like this okay so Tristan D Silva is a guy that I like uh I I like the fact that they’re saying he’s going to be a matchup problem I think that he is going to a solid score in the NBA and I think one of the knocks about him is just that you just know what you’re going to get out of him all right this is a guy that did go through all his years in college guys but look he’s shooting 39% from downtown he has a 610 wingspan guys so that is got to be music to our ears and he’s 68 as well a true small forward off the ball defense is wonderful has a great feel for the game and the versatility is absolutely there so I like him as a sleeper pick if we’re going to go with two next I think I’m going to go with my man tsj I loved his jump shot uh haven’t talked about him enough on the channel but I do want to go ahead and give him uh his just do man because look I looked at his tape the way he locked up defensively I was like man even though they have him listed at a 65 guys I I don’t mind him playing the three I’m serious like the way he plays defense I’m like I we might be able to get away with him playing the three okay cuz his on ball defense was incredible and when he gets hot I mean he’s got a nice looking jump shot guys and he’s a left-hander as well um you know this guy can get to the rim he calls it some problems for you and so I like him a lot like I definitely think that he for sure would be another sleeper pick for me if we were to go with two picks there um another guy that I’m pretty h on it’s going to be Tyler Smith all right and so I like Tyler Smith because of the jump shot ability now he is going to be a defensive project for sure like you’re going to have to get my man to find a way to to to understand uh angles and and and be able to take away angles and to use his height a little bit more better on the defensive end but here’s a guy that I believe he’s 610 guys he has a great wingspan but he’s a left-hander as well can knock down the jump shot great off the catch and shoot uh showed that he could could score multiple ways all right and so I like that a lot with him um I feel like I’m okay if we were to go with khil Weare and Tyler Smith in this draft like I’m I’m 100% okay with that that’s fine um if we were to go with a combo guard all right then that’s going to be a Devin Carter situation um I I don’t like the fact that we would be taking a combo guard because because we already have one um and then that would mean that we’re going to make some more adjustments to the roster I don’t know what’s going to happen and this is assuming that we would trade LaVine so I mean that could open some things up but I do like him a lot I think that he has a lot of like a jayen Brunson and a Derek white feel to him so I do like him as long as we are getting a big guys and so that leads me now to the next part of the video and what the Chicago Bulls might do if for instance somehow they trade into the second round so let’s say that we were to move I don’t know D rozan or V or or something and in some way we end up in the second round guys so who are my sleeper picks that we would go with um in round two guys and so look starting with round two I I I think that I like this guy um I I like adem Bona out of UCLA if we don’t pick a center up in the first round and this is assuming somehow we we mess it up in the first round we don’t get a center I like this guy a lot I love his motor um I loved a lot of things that he did for uh Mick Cronin out there for UCLA watched a lot of those games the the one thing that I love about him when they compare him to mantra’s Herold guys is that that’s motor okay when I remember Mantra Herold in Louisville his tape jumped off at me because the effort okay and because you play with such effort you’ll make up a lot of things that you don’t have in skill and that’s why I like him a lot so if you’re bringing me a high energy big if especially we’ve missed on the bigs that I mentioned in the first round and the fact that we’re taking a step back okay I’ll go ahead and I’ll take I’ll take a deem out of uh UCLA I think that that is a pick that perhaps we can go with next this guy intrigues me a lot okay uh with Bobby um clipman I I I like him a lot I think that you know the way he was able to score with the ball in his hand I love that the versatility for sure is something that I loved about him I love the fact that they put him with a mix of Trevor arza and Nick baton I do see a little bit of that for sure but I loved what he was able to show on the defensive tape I I mean there were times where he did get beat but he has a certain feel for a game that I do love and the fact that he shoots uh 33% from downtown I like that he could be a lot better of a rebounder but I will say guys when I looked at the tape and him playing uh defense and the off ball defense it was beautiful guys next up Jaylen Bridges guys this guy is another guy that I absolutely would like to see um I think he’s going to be a great role player in the NBA uh he would fit the bill guys as a wing player for us a 68 he can knockdown shots I think there was one time in Baylor he shot six threes and he he made all of them all right so this guy definitely has a good shooting uh stroke like he’s really good from downtown but the one thing that I do love about him too is that he’s a great rebounder from the wing position all right and so that’s music to the Chicago Bulls ears as well like guys I don’t know if we’ve had a true small forward man since maybe like Lu alang like seriously and that’s kind of what I like about um this young man out of Baylor like he he has that Lu allang type of feel like he just comes in and he’s like I’m not the man but I am a significant role player that can play off others and that’s kind of one of the things that I liked about Tristan the Sila as well like I think that we would get a true small forward guys and so you know that leads me to uh some deep reaches here guys and this leads me to this young man all right and uh I like this guy a lot he’s the youngest player in the NBA draft all right um this is Alid um chamot and I hope I said his name right but anyway this guy played over in the NBA Africa League I think you’re going to see that he also played at the Academy and Cameron as well but look 13 points 38% from downtown and nine rebounds guys he is super raw as a center the only reason I would suggest that we take this guy is if somehow we did not get it right in the first round we didn’t get a center and even if we did get a center guys and we were to just take a chance with a pick or an undrafted player then I wouldn’t mind taking a chance with this young man I think that he has a good chance guys to really go out there and to be I think a contributor in the NBA but it is going to be a little bit of a development project and the one reason why I’m high on him as either an undrafted player or you take a chance with him in the second round guys is because when you look at his tape defensively it’s unbelievable like I cannot believe that he’s 18 years old with what he was able to do on tape guys like we talked about Zack Edy we talk about Klean and we talk about their foot speed and I’ve talked about how KH wear is got much better foot speed I think that this young man has better foot speed than maybe all of them put together he might be the best athlete in the draft and I will say this at 610 he played soccer all right and this is an interesting fact because look the last person that I know that played soccer and then became an NBA player was this guy named aim alagi and he turned out to be pretty good the thing about this young man right now is he’s probably going to look a lot like a Nick Claxton right now like he doesn’t have a defined game he’s one of those guys where you look up in the box score and he’s got double figures and he’s got double figure rebounds out of nowhere like he just finds a way to affect the game in that aspect guys and so look I think that this is a a chance for the Bulls or the Bulls should take a chance with this guy again if they don’t take care of business in the first round if we get into a situation where look we’re trying to figure out what we’re going to do with this roster we have some time to take a look at a player like this we’re not investing a whole bunch because it is a second round pick then I say go for it guys because I like I said the tape it spoke for itself man like look at this man like the bounce pass right he has a great feel for the game look at the block shot ability that’s what I’m talking about his defensive ability way to just claw up rebounds and finish at a high level look at the catch and shoot as well um or excuse me there’s a rebound there but you’re going to see too he has a great catch and shoot too as well guys and that’s what you love about this guy and so I know he hasn’t played against any kind of elite elite competition um I think he only played a small sample size and the one thing I will throw out there factual too as well is that I think he went into a showcase against the G league and this is what essentially put him on the map guys he went out there he led the uh NBA Africa uh Team out there to two victories and I think like a lot of Executives were looking and they’re just like man who is this guy right so again very raw I think this might be a chance for the Chicago Bulls to snatch something up either after the draft or late second round but anyhow this is a long video let me know what you guys are thinking in the comments do you think that we go with Tyler Smith and do we go with k k where do you feel like the Chicago Bulls are just going to retain one pick and they’re somehow someway just going to pick a guard they’re not going to be aggressive on draft KN and get into the second round and if they do get into the second round do you like any of the picks that I put out there guys um you know do you like the young man from Baylor um do you like uh the youngest player in the draft any of those guys that I put out there in the second round let me know in the comments what you guys think and hopefully we get it right for this this upcoming draft guys and uh you know hopefully you guys will see me on later uh as we go live for the NBA draft but signing out this is Rico greenhow even though we don’t know what we’re going to do go Bulls I’ll see you guys on the next one peace

In this video, your host, Rico Greenhowe, goes over a recent draft prospects linked to the Bulls at the 11th pick. Also talking about Sleeper picks for the Bulls. What are the moves the Bulls need to make going into the NBA Draft?

0:00 CHICAGO Bulls news
1:00 Bulls get a center?
4:40 If Bulls get two picks in the first round.?
8:15 If Bulls get in the second round who should they draft or sign after the draft?
11:20 Should Bulls take a chance on Ulrich Chomche ?

Bulls Digest is a channel that breaks down all of the latest news, reports and rumors on the Chicago Bulls. This includes coverage on players such as DeMar DeRozan, Zach Lavine, Alex Caruso, Lonzo Ball, Nikola Vucevic, Patrick Williams and everyone on the Bulls Roster!


  1. Frontcourt help is what the Bulls need . i like Ron Holland, Tidjaun Salaun, Tristan Da Silva , Kelel Ware or Yves Missi who I think will be there at 11 .

  2. You nailed ur takes on here. Chomche looks like he’d playing with another guy at center in his tapes. If that’s the case, I love the idea of Ware at 5 and him at 4.

  3. I hope they don't bring back Williams and Demar. I'd like both to be gone. Demar is great but we need to start a rebuild because 8 & 9 seeds aren't cutting it

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