@Los Angeles Lakers

Current Cap Situation (6/26 Pre-Draft): These are the teams the Lakers can’t trade with

Based off this article from ESPN, this should dispel the types of players/teams the Lakers can currently trade for based on the updated CBA apron rules (especially with more rules kicking in this off-season). This isn't concrete, and things can change if more trades happen.

Teams over the first apron aren't allowed to use pre-existing trade exceptions to take back salary.

2nd apron teams have that restriction, and also cannot combine contracts or send out cash.

This is key: Any team willing to take back more money, aggregate contracts (multiple contracts for salary matching), or use pre-existing trade exceptions prior to July 1st in trades, will trigger becoming a first or second apron restriction team for the upcoming season.

1st Apron Teams ($179m cap):

*Atlanta Hawks (unless they move Capela's $22m contract): Zero potential for a Murray trade unless that happens.

Memphis Grizzlies (unless they don't keep the team option on Kennard): Don't think there was a potential trade there.

Miami Heat: Probably not a trade partner, the assumed re-upping of Bam confirms they're apron bound anyway.

*New York Knicks: Won't be able to get Robinson from them, unless they potentially dump him to a 3rd team? (don't know how the restrictions work, or if 3rd teams can be brought in).

*Portland Trail Blazers: only $1.3m over the first apron cap, so there's an avenue there. They've also, never traded with the Lakers. Highly doubt they get under the 1st apron, to take more money back in a Grant trade, just to get back to 1st apron restrictions for next season to complete their first ever trade with their favorite rivals.

2nd Apron Teams ($190m cap):

Boston Celtics: Fuck the Celtics.

Denver Nuggets

Milwaukee Bucks

Minnesota Timberwolves

LA Clippers

Phoenix Suns

Wildcard team:

Golden State Warriors: They're either a 2nd apron team guaranteeing both CP3's contract (probably to trade) and re-signing Klay. Or, they can keep just CP3, and bounce off Klay and still be under the first apron for a potential PG trade.

This should dispel the constant, "JUST TRADE FOR MURRAY AND GRANT AND CALL IT A DAY."

They can't. At least not in the current market.

It also makes sense why all the trades, so far, have only been 1 for 1 player trades. No one under the apron, wants to be pushed into apron restrictions, yet.

This off-season should be both exciting, and extremely boring, if everything goes well.

by AwildYaners


  1. Sparkyis007

    what would happen if we were able to pull of a S&T for Demar?

    Maybe Vando, JHS, 1st or something … get Demar to around 15-20M a year?

  2. justredditting1010

    This is all true post July 1st. Trades can be made before then. Also those are contingent on everyone picking up options. One opt out and these picture change. Say the hawks don’t retain Bey and they clear their situation as well. If teams want things to work they figure it out

  3. Pikminious_Thrious

    Grizzlies have a super tiny chance of a trade. Lakers go all in for a Marcus Smart trade. Dump all their picks and might be enough if Grizzlies feel like rerolling their guard pairing instead of holding onto Smart.

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