@Washington Wizards

David Aldridge Likes Donovan Clingan Over Alexandre Sarr for the Wizards | BMitch & Finlay

David Aldridge Likes Donovan Clingan Over Alexandre Sarr for the Wizards | BMitch & Finlay

so the whz sit here right now with the second overall pick the 26th overall pick uh a lot of smoke that maybe Koz could get moved for that 13th pick that Sacramento currently holds um what do you think the Wizards are trying to accomplish tonight does it seem like it’s SAR to you just where is the Washington franchise going into draft night I mean look I I would just say this I know everybody has them taking SAR I would just say nobody had them going in for Bali last year nobody these guys do not tell anybody what they’re doing what they’re thinking so while it certainly you know right now looks like SAR and that would that would make sense you know given their their problems in the middle um long-term play long athletic a lot you know he looks and and plays along the lines of a Chad hren who obviously they Dawkins had hand and drafted okay see I would just caution everybody these guys don’t tell people what they’re doing and so if they do something surprising tonight I won’t be shocked um so yeah I mean I think they will they will use two to I think go for the biggest swing that as they see it the biggest upside play as they see it that’s their MO and then to your point I I definitely think there’s some there’s some momentum toward um making a deal for another lottery pick another pick in the first half of the first round uh the way to do that the clearest the most obvious way to do that as 13 but you know you hear Memphis is trying to trade their pick too at nine there’s different thing and there’s ways you can get into a trade there you know there’s a lot of teams that are trying to move picks I think they’re going to be a lot of Trades tonight um because this is not a draft where people at the top are locked in because there’s this not prospects worth locking in for you know what I mean like it’s just not that kind of draft like you know Houston at three they go they’ll trade the pick they make no bones about it they’ll trade three They Don’t Really Care um you know five is is in play I think uh nine is in play so the Wizards will have a lot of options if they want to put coups or something else in the deal to to get another pick this year and you may say it doesn’t make sense to get a pick this year you should get picks next year and maybe they do that too I mean that next year’s draft is C a lot more loaded at the top than this one is so yeah I think the Wizards will will be active tonight I can’t see them sitting Pat and just doing two and 26 and 51 I just don’t think that’s that’s what they’re gonna do we’ve seen them in a lot of drafts over the years and they did not work out good so are we at the point where we have to give this crew the chance to go out there and do what they do and not not try to compare them to what we’ve seen in the previous years yeah I man I think look they they they got the green light from Ted Leon’s last year to take this thing down and so you’ve got to give them a chance and take it down right like you’ve got to give them a chance to actually do that so I I think they’re gonna you know I think this is going to be a multi-year prospect process um they have to obviously be bad this coming season because you have to have you have to have a top four or five pick in 2025 have to mhm it’s a it’s it it’s as good a draft as there’s been in the last several years coming up next year you have to get one of those guys like if it’s not Co flag like I said you have to get you know there there there’s multiple guys Ace Bailey is is a is a franchise level player I think Harper if not a franchise level player is a very good player you know there’s a the point guard coming up from France who is another French uh player who is going to be you know a big time player so you’ve got to get in the top part of next year’s draft you’ve got to hold on to your pick in 2026 otherwise it goes to the Knicks so you’ve got to be bad for two more years to hold on to that first round pick in 26 and 26 is a very good draft so this is the the pass is be bad for two more years get as many swings at the drafts in 25 and 26 as is humanly possible and and get one or two preferably young franchise level players that you can actually build around uh talking about David Aldridge here from the athletic he’s got a busy night ahead with the NBA draft seems like Kevin Durant could be on the Move um seems like it’s gonna be a crazy night for the association but da I think you’re the one that that put me on to this Theory and and if I’m wrong uh tell me do you you like kinging a lot in this draft do I recall that right yes like correct if if Donovan kingan was from Estonia and had a different last name would he be in the conversation for the first overall pick well he is in the conversation for the first overall pick I mean you know there is a chance there’s a there’s a not zero chance the Hawks take him number one you know now I’m not saying that’s going to happen but it’s not it’s not like that hasn’t been discussed with the Hawks that has been discussed with um by the Hawks look here’s look this is my theory of the case here with with regard to this year’s draft especially for a team like the Wizards that’s rebuilding you cannot take drafts off when you’re bad you can’t just say well there were no good players in that draft so we so you got to forgive us for taking a making a bad piit no no no no no no no no no no y’all stink y’all stink you got to get as many good players in here every chance you get and having the number two pick gives you a chance the one of the best chances I would argue to get whatever good players are in this draft and there will be there’s always every good draft every draft has two or three good players I always go back to 2013 Anthony Bennett was the first pick y everybody went nuts ol DEA was the second pick a porter was the third pick none of those guys are going to Springfield right who was the 15th pick in that draft jannis tumbo so don’t tell me you get good players in the draft you got to get the right one got was that’s it that’s your job that is that is Michael Winger’s job that is Will Dawkins job find the two or three good players that are in this draft you got to get one of them don’t come to me with this well this was a bad draft no no no no you don’t get you don’t have the luxury to swing and Miss yeah the Joker was a second rounder Joker was a second rounder you know Draymond Green was a second round Gilbert arus was a second rounder Gilbert arenus was a second rounder so you can them now your job is to get them right so now I would argue in in a draft like this with with the with the variance that you have because it’s not a top heavy draft the the problem is the danger is the opportunity to swing and Miss is much higher in a draft like this because you have to take a chance on on on guys that may not make it like you have to there’s not a there’s not a sure thing in this draft so to me if I’m the Wizards I’m taking the closest thing to a sure thing that I can take in this draft I just don’t think this is a year you could you can’t just write this year off you got to get somebody good out of this drap yeah and if there’s no great player then go get a good one you know what I’m saying like so so to me a guy like kingan who was a key member on backto back national championship teams in Yukon who got coached hard by Dan hury who understands how to play Drop coverage at a at an elite level who is a great defender at The Rim your defense is historically bad your defense is horrendous you need somebody that can start making it hard for the other team to score you know and this guy this guy helps you do that is he the greatest Center Prospect of all time no but he’s a good basketball player he’s 72280 right and he’s not’s 20 and he’s 20 years old what are we what am I missing here so to me I’m you dude I’m just like I’m not not I’m not saying SAR would be a bad pick I’m not saying that I’m just saying there’s a lot of questions about SAR especially at the offensive end and I know there’s questions about clinging too at the offensive end I’m not saying there aren’t but what I I just think that I mean SAR is a is a great Prospect defensively he’s he he fits a lot of what the modern NBA big man is he can switchable he can guard guys in space I’m not saying it would be a bad pick I’m just saying he’s 224 pounds yeah now if I’m gonna put him in a hole bro I mean I’m just saying need a need a little little meat on you my my buddy Freddy Carter we when I was at ESP we used to do NBA tonight he used to always say about guys like that little light in the cakes little light in the cakes so you know you gota I don’t know I’m not saying it can’t work I’m just saying it’s a pro you know that’s going to take a while for that to to manifest itself yeah da you sold me on this back then when we talked when you when we talked about it whenever we did that I just think kingan has shown tremendous Improvement already I like SAR too like I do too I’m not going to be mad about a 71 19yearold but I’m also not going to be mad about a 73 20y Old just what’s the difference what’s the difference right who played at a high level by the way you know played on National national championship teams not teams that got to the Sweet 16 you got one backto back NES and then he got better from year to year damn and he was on the floor for both of those you know yeah um yeah I so real quick what you have a prediction for the Wiz IT two or is it just two up in the air for you again I’m not going to tried to tell you what this group is going to do they keep their card so close to the vest the vest is like yo man back up a little bit you know what I’m saying yeah all right another group that’s keeping everything close to the vest and I’m sorry to get you off NBA mode but I did want to ask you quick um commanders we saw yesterday the departure of Eugene Shen they’re clearly kind of rebuilding their analytics team how how perhaps Peters and this new guy saso belt uh what do you make of it I was a little surprised by it to be honest with you because you know I mean not not that not that Josh Harris is running you know has final say on football stuff I’m not I mean he does but you know what I mean like he he doesn’t seem to be the type that’s gonna medal in football decisions he’s going to let them do what they want but that clearly was a guy he thought was a very and and is a very smart knowledgeable guy to put in charge of what clearly is Josh Harris’s wheelhouse analytics he loves that stuff so it was just surprising me the guy just got here like it do he’s been here five years he just got here you know and you’re gonna kind of move him to the side because Peters wants to bring in his own people I I guess I would say I think that’s a good sign because he’s empowering the guy he picked yeah to run the football team to run the football team you know what I’m saying yeah and so I will look at that as a positive you know and I can I can’t say that that’s a bad thing because he could have he could have said well we just brought Eugene Shen in let’s give him a chance to see what he can do and he he didn’t do that he was like all right that’s you want this guy instead okay your team your show so I guess it’s a good thing I would look at it as a good thing yeah on top of it too like Jay you said that they’re rebuilding their analytics Department Howell they building one they never really had one right right that’s a good way to put it yes true I would agree with that yeah all right so da real quick yeah I just went to the NBA draft 2024 simulator on ESPN I just did my first ever this might be my first ever NBA Mock Draft I took I took kinging at number two instead of SAR and I find this curious SAR then slid to five to the Pistons yeah I mean that’s what I’m saying guys it’s not like I mean do people like alexar yes a lot of people do and for good reason he’s got a chance to be a really good player but I don’t think that means that it would be stupid of them to take Donovan CLE that’s all I’m saying like there’s reasons to take both of them and you can I I have the beholder thing I will say this this group likes taking big swings alexar is a bigger swing than Donovan Clingan so if that’s what they if they take them then they’re staying on brand which is we take big swings around here and I can’t I can’t say after playing it safe for the last 20 years in draft sure that I I can’t kill them now for doing the thing that I said they should do more yeah know what I mean so I’m not gonna kill him if they take alexar I’m just saying it’s a bigger gamble to takeing place totally yep all right da we appreciate it good luck tonight hope you enjoy it dude all right J good talking to you brother take care man

The Athletic NBA Senior Columnist David Aldridge joins BMitch & Finlay to discuss the 2024 NBA Draft and what path the Washington Wizards will take.

#nbadraft #wizards #nba

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  1. I just don’t see clingan keeping up with the speed/pace the wiz are trying to go forward with….Sarr is definitely the guy for that.

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