@Detroit Pistons

Former NBA 1ST ROUNDER on the Detroit Pistons Draft

Former NBA 1ST ROUNDER on the Detroit Pistons Draft

hey welcome back Woodward Sports Network Ryan armanii Brin Edwards Tom maway Talking NBA draft talking the little pistons and uh the NBA overall and it is a pleasure to be now joined by a guy that knows a lot more about this stuff than we do the great Tim mccor 10year NBA vet B Sports Pistons former first round pick in 1984 one of the great drafts of all time Tim what do you remember about that Whirlwind night for you you know picked by the Cavs traded a couple of times you remember just waking up in the morning in that feeling of where am I going to be uh what was that like yeah it’s actually a kind of an interesting story uh it was June 19th of 1984 um I I know the exact date because I came home from church on Sunday and my wife and my kids were all wearing my uniforms from my career and they they let me know anniversary of me getting drafted and they had a video and they I mean they did it up really well so it was a lot of fun um they also pulled up the video of me saying how excited I was to get drafted by Cleveland um tra but the the interesting thing about that day was I was with the US Olympic team that’s Michael Jordan and Sam Perkins and you know all of all of those guys um and we were in Bloomington and they they drove um they drove all of the guys getting drafted to a TV studio so I was sitting right next to Michael Jordan when he got drafted and we talked about all of our goals and dreams and I’m convinced that Michael Jordan knew he was going to be the greatest of all time just listening to him talk um but what happened was we um we we went on the TV show we talked about how excited we were to play for the teams that that had drafted us and then we went back and had practice after practice um Bobby Knight congratulated all of the guys on the team that had been drafted that night and um as he was walking out he he said by the way McCormick he said Cleveland they drafted you but they they think that you’re a horrible player and they trade you to Washington and then so I um I was a bit confused and he walked out and then he um he popped his head back and said you know Washington thinks you’re no good either they traded you to Seattle everybody’s laughing and he said if you don’t get your ass in gear I’m gonna trade you to Alaska for some fishing rights so that’s great I had no idea what was going on it was kind of an interesting way to to realize a dream and and it really was a good indoctrination because I got traded a lot during my career um so it it was it was probably the right way for me to enter hey Tim always good to talk to you always good to have you on the show go blue as always um we’re making so much about this draft in terms of talking about what it’s not talking about there’s not talent in this draft this isn’t a good draft this is a tradition this is a horrible draft if you will as someone that knows the talent in this draft there someone that’s done some homework on this draft what is this draft really because I refuse to believe that it’s a horrible draft I refuse to talk about these young men like they’re they’re not good players it just may not be one of the best drafts but what is this draft where there are some hdden at Tim McCormack you’re on the clock horrible Draft come on Tim lots of guys here that have the potential to to have outstanding careers um I I just I look at it like there’s no lock at the top I I have I have no idea who’s gonna be number one I I’ve seen three or four different names um I know back in February I did did a a preview of the three guys that I like best in the draft um for Bal Sports before the Pistons game and and I picked Alex SAR um who a lot of people think is the best big man um Zachary Reus from France I don’t want another guy from France on the Pistons okay no more understand it yeah and then then also he just got cut by the way oh really yeah yeah from his preliminary team talking about Kil and Hayes K hay yeah I heard that um I also previewed um dton connect from Tennessee those are the three guys that I thought would be um the players that that the Pistons would like since then watching Steph Castle lead Yukon do a national championship um I like him equally well Donovan kingan who play played in that national championship game as well um those are four guys that I like the most um I have something about each of them that I don’t necessarily I can’t say gosh if if we have the number one pick we’re g to be we’re we’re g to be playing in the playoffs for the next 10 years I don’t think any of those guys are here but there are guys that could help you get to that that level that’s that status of being a constant playoff team uh there there there’s things I like about a lot of guys but there’s no one that I love everything about them hey Tim uh Tran langon is now the president of basketball Ops I haven’t had one here since Stan Van Gundy he takes over they brought in a guy from Dallas yesterday uh as a vice president no coach yet I don’t remember the last time a team uh had a a draft without a coach but this is going to be something are the Pistons what what do you seeing the Pistons going forward how many of these players should they keep and build around well okay so you put a lot out there number one um I I love the choice of Tran langden I I think he’s mature he’s smart he knows the game I don’t like the fact that they waited so long to get rid of Monty I I think that the coach that’s coming in should have a real strong say in who they draft um My Hope Is that they’ve already selected someone in a deal is just being you know waited to announce who it is um I I I I think that if you if you look at the roster there’s a possibility that they’ll keep nine or 10 guys from a team that was one of the wor first I I don’t think that that you can fully blame the players when you when you watch them this year and I’m sure you guys said the same thing these guys cannot shoot one of the worst shooting teams in the last 10 years they’re so incredibly young I don’t think I’ve ever seen a team so young and they’re injury-prone everybody on this team got hurt at some point and and so the there were just a lot of and but I I also look at the squad and say there’s a lot of players that I’d like to see a little bit more of I was hoping I could see them last year together a little bit more but because of the injuries that that didn’t happen so I I would guess nine or 10 guys will be back from last year um until they you know make a decision on whether they’re going to start making massive trades that would obviously make my prediction not true if they if they trade half of the guys that were here last year but um you know there there’s there’s some intriguing possibilities that I I definitely want to see more of uh Tim you you mentioned the coach part of it uh just before we look forward to who who that might be just look back for a second what was your surprise level that Monty Williams was fired uh because I when I when I saw the wge Tweet come I had to make sure it wasn’t like fake wge I looked for the blue check mark I looked for the amount of followers I was like this this can’t be real I can’t believe this is real uh but it was real what did you make of Monty Williams being let go after one year I was totally shocked I I was actually with Monty had a long talk with him not last Friday but the Friday before I don’t think he knew it was coming uh I I think that he is going to be a really good head coach in the NBA at some point but but his strengths I don’t think are necessarily Player Development and and taking young guys and developing them I I think that if you put him on a veteran team like I think he would have been a great fit with a team team like the Lakers uh where where he can really relate to the older guys uh this team clearly needs Player Development and a big way and and I and I think they need some more veteran players some mature guys in the locker room and and and to back that up you know Dalton connect is 23 he’s he’s an older player when you compare him to all these 20 year olds that are out there I don’t think it’s bad that he’s a little bit older because I I want some guys that are mature that that have some experience and and I think he’d be a great addition hey Tim you know I hear um Tim I hear the words um uh development Player Development and in my own brain that is code word for this thing is so many years away you know I just we we went through um we went through teams in the Eastern Conference and like looked at rosters and age and I just I think to myself how long it will take before the Pistons are better than Boston New York Milwaukee Cleveland Orlando Indiana Philadelphia Miami and I kind of want to put Atlanta in there too there’s 10 teams just in the Eastern Conference alone where you look at their rosters they’re young players they’re good players they’re they’re in many cases playoff tested um it just feels like this thing is insurmountable you could have also mentioned Washington and Charlotte I mean yeah I know I know I I didn’t want to get greedy but but you could mention Washington and greed and to be honest with you I don’t feel like Toronto is going to be down for very long no it’s going to be a long journey I would guess that if you were going to say when will the Pistons make the playoffs I would guess four years three years if everything just happens to fall in place and we haven’t had a playoff victory in 15 years you know we have the worst record in the NBA over the last 10 years and and I I I think kade’s got a lot to offer um I I think Jade nvy is gonna take a step up this year I mean you can go through and talk about assau Thompson and and how you like him on the defense you can say all that but there’re still younger than the teams that are ahead of them in the playoffs Cleveland’s going to get better in I I love their potential you know Giannis isn’t going anywhere for the next five years the Knicks just made a blockbuster move maybe you could add the Brooklyn Nets to that list of pistons and wizards and hornets because they they gave up they gave up a lot today in that trade and they’re not gonna they’re not going to get a return anytime soon so the Pistons are one of four teams in the East that’s really going to struggle to get to that next step which I guess would be the play in game hey Tim uh this is kg and the sound boo and I personally want the Pistons to trade this pick because one this team doesn’t need to get any younger and two I don’t think there’s a lot of players in this draft that can come in and help this team uh in the immediate future but um do you think there’s even a market for this fifth pick because when you look at the Pistons timeline they fir Troy a month before the draft they fir Monty two weeks or a week before the draft do you think uh there’s a market for the fifth pick at all I do because there’s always somebody that’s going to fall in love with a Cody Williams out of Colorado as an example they’re gonna say he is the key he he’s the one piece we’re missing yeah I think that there’s a lot of marketability for number five and if I could trade five and get 10 and 15 as an example or whatever that number I I would rather have two players because um just they need to upgrade their talent now you may say well you just got done saying that there’s there’s not a lot of players why do you want more young guys well we need some veterans you know the Pistons need assets they need draft picks they need good young players and then they’ve got to use their salary cap money which is what 55 million to be able to bring in a guy that that can offer the the follow me I’ve been there I know what we’re doing here they need guys like that too hey Tim how far is the are the pists away from being an expansion team no I can’t go there I can’t go there but let let’s imagine for a second if there’s an expansion team in Seattle or Las Vegas what they would probably do is let them take one player from every team like below you could protect what five or six guys um no the Pistons roster has many more assets than you would get in that scenario but it’s good good thought I I think that’d be a lot of fun to try to figure out you know who you’d protect and and who who an expansion team would take well last time that happened to them they lost Rick Mahorn if you remember way back when Minnesota timber that draft Yeah right hey Tim I wanted to ask you about two guys that we saw in the national championship game two guys that that I’m curi ious to see how they project in the NBA Donovan Kingman from Yukon and Zack Edy uh from Purdue how do you see those two at the next level well cling it is is so much more uh athletic and long 73 but he carries that that what 270 280 pounds he carries it very well can really move um he was at the top 100 camp with me uh two years ago and and I I love his mindset I love his approach um I spent time with him in Chicago for the draft combine the the question that I would have to ask because he can cover every position on the court do you really want to add another non shooter um I assume you’re keeping jayen Duran who I’m a big fan of and and I I think that that then all of a sudden you’d have two centers that that are not Shooters so I think that the Pistons need to do everything they can to upgrade their ability to knock down perimeter shots and and with Zach Edy yeah he would be a luxury item for sure but not for the Pistons they they need shooting they need that right now they they they look back at last year and they had so many times that four of their Five Guys in the court were non Shooters and couldn’t space so no Zack Ed is going to play in the league he’s going to play in league for a long time I love his conditioning his ability to score in the low post to defend block to block but but neither one of those players I don’t think is is going to be in a position to help the Pistons in the short term Tim is there a coach out there that you like is there a couple of guys out there that you think would be a good fit here in Detroit T um you know I I I really liked Sean Sweeney when when he was with the Pistons as an assistant coach I think he’d be a good choice there there’s probably probably a lot of options but but I I don’t I wouldn’t be surprised if the Pistons hire somebody and and the fans say wait who’s that I don’t even know that we’ve had a lot of success with guys like that in the past that would be nice and go ahead uh you got a question oh yeah yeah I did have a question uh do do you have your eye on a a free agent that the Pistons should add there’s a lot of names been going around Tobias Harris Nick Claxton Gary Tren it looks like the Ingram Yeah well yeah they would have to trade for him but um there’s a uh it seems like the Knicks are out on OG and anobi so is there a key free agent that you think the Pistons can add to this team to hopefully uh make them better going in the next season so back when I played trading and and free agency was so much easier like like I’ve got a team that that has an extra power forward but I need a shooting guard and you’ve got an extra shooting guard and you need to power forward so this is a really simple trade let’s make it happen nowadays there’s so much involved in money and salary cap and and trade assets I I think that when I heard about Tobias Harris or Jeremy Grant my initial response was hey haven’t we already done right that like that do we really want to go back in time to make a trade like that like it’s not going to help the Pistons by the time they want to get to the playoffs but I I I’m starting to feel like the the asset that the Pistons really need to acquire are draft picks and and the way that you can do that is if you take on somebody’s bad contract they’ll also give you you know two first round draft picks to take all that money and give the other team some flexibility are going to do I heard like a Zack LaVine if you take Zach and all the money they owe him and they give you two draft picks and maybe Patrick Williams or someone like that then then all of a sudden that makes a lot of sense to me yeah um and by throwing that out I don’t know if that that fits MoneyWise because I love Patrick Williams game but but something like that would would seem make sense how about uh sticking with the Knicks here for a second and draft assets they literally gave the Nets five number one picks uh Bohan and a second round pick to get Bridges what what’s your grade on that trade so I I hate the fact that that the Knicks are are mortgaging their future I love the fact that they might be the favor to win the NBA championship next year um with Mel Bridges he he seems very excited about playing with his Duke buddy I mean his um Villanova buddies and you get Julius Randall back healthy I I think that’s pretty exciting and and being a former Nick I would love for them to to get a chance to to compete at the highest level can you imagine the excitement next year if the New York Knicks are possibly the best team in the league I I I’m a big believer that if you have strong franchises in Boston La New York and Chicago your league is really healthy amen man we’ve been talking about the Knicks for a while and there’s no scene like Madison Square Garden you could speak to that of course you the NIT MVP back in the day as well and uh you know I’m a Nick fan since I was a kid I was 11 years old when they won Tim so how old are you now Tom I’m 62 right now okay so uh I’m dying man I I really am dying hey Tim thanks so much my friend we appreciate uh we appreciate your time today and and your Insight and uh hopefully they could turn this thing around and hopefully Tim by the time that the Pistons play we can actually watch them on Xfinity this is true great talking you guys enjoyed the draft tonight you got it absolutely Tim McCormick 10-year NBA vet of course one of the great Michigan players of all time Valley sport Sports Pistons now uh great stuff there thanks so much [Music]

Former 12th overall pick and current Detroit Pistons analyst for Bally Sports, Tim McCormick joins Ryan Ermanni, Braylon Edwards and Tom Mazawey to discuss the Detroit Pistons Draft. Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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