@Boston Celtics

The Boston Celtics HUMILIATED The Entire NBA

The Boston Celtics HUMILIATED The Entire NBA

Boston Celtics were finals frauds pains me to say this but Jaylen Brown said it they failed and they failed they let the whole city down yeah now let’s get to some NBA stuff cuz you know I got to start off the show there right I’m going to pick Dallas to win this series anything’s possible the Celtics are NBA champions what they going to say now what they going to say now the Boston Celtics just humiliated the NBA the Celtics road to the NBA Championship it wasn’t an easy Journey it definitely wasn’t a perfect journey and the NBA media and Talking Heads were more than happy to let everyone know just how disappointing this team was how the Jays need to get broken up how Tatum is a Kobe wannabe who just isn’t that guy how Jaylen Brown is overpaid for someone who only has one hand and this year how this team had a cakewalk to the finals and was definitely going to get destroyed by the Mavs and the greatest back court in history fortunately the internet keeps a record of everything so we got receipts baby all the receipts of everyone who’s doubted JT JB and the selts all throughout their Journey to the winning ring that the haters said they’ll never get so let me take you on a journey to see all the naysayers and the members of the media who the Boston Celtics just humiliated meanwhile the Mavs come into these finals we can show you having played one of the hardest paths by how many wins the other team has in NBA history they every team they played won at least 50 games if they win the championship by a win percentage metric we can show you the next one it will be the third hardest Championship as again purely as far as what the team’s record was and all of that let’s get started right away with a meat and potatoes the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to the criticism of the 2024 Boston Celtics on route to the finals is that they played injured teams Miami without Jimmy and Scary Terry Cavs without Donovan Mitchell for a couple games Indiana without Tyrese for the last two games of the series and sure these teams weren’t that good to begin with Heat won 46 games Pacers had 47 Cavs had 48 the East only had two 50 win teams as well Dallas meanwhile went into the playoffs as the fifth seed face the Clippers with 51 wins the Thunder with 57 wins and the wolves with 56 wins yes sure Nick Wright in particular gives Some solid evidence for this point the problem is the point isn’t good the battle tested argument is to support the fact that the Mavs can withstand the difficult clutch neck-to-neck moments because the previous matchups prepared them better while Boston wasn’t really tested this playoff run but this is a pretty broad argument that can easily be disproved by previous runs the heat as the eighth seed last year faced a 58 win team in the Bucks a 47 win team in the Knicks and and a 57 win team in the Celtics the Nuggets meanwhile 42 win wolves 45 win Suns and the 43 win Lakers hell the Lakers had a tougher path that year and you all saw what the Nuggets did to them being more battl tested was never a catalyst of a team winning a ring it’s a good story when the team gets it done but it doesn’t make them win if anything the harder playoff run wears a team down way more than the team with the easier path and we saw that this year Luca is spectacular but he was G fast and was dealing with injuries come finals time and the Mavs being more prepared for the clutch well that didn’t really materialize game one was a blowout Drew holiday and Derek White made sure of the game two win game three Jaylen Brown not only prevented a Monumental collapse he also outwitted Luca in the clutch Brown runs into donic blocking foul and that’s it he’s fouled out game four well that was a blowout for the MS anyway weird game game five was a blow out too so I guess it is possible to win with an easier path because that was never a determinant of success what’s more of a determinant is the quality of the players and the team itself so let’s see what the media’s Talking Heads have to say now after seeing last night it’s an easy choice for me there you go Dallas there you go like I think they have the best player in the series by a lot so this is one of the points that was being used all the time either Dallas has the best player in the series Lucas Kad donic or they have the two best players in the series Luca and Kyrie this is an okay point just thinking about it 2023 Joker was the best player in the finals dub 2023 Curry was the best player dub 2021 yanis was the best player dub 2020 LeBron du 2019 arguably between Kawai and Steph but see they also had the better teams around them for one reason or another the Nuggets were much deeper than the heat the warriors were more experienced than the Celtics the Lakers were better constructed did and were huge there are just so much more to it than having the best player or even the best two players in a series if it was that simple LeBron would have won four out of four rings with a heat Kobe wouldn’t have lost to the Pistons and the 2008 Celtics we don’t even need to go that far the 2024 Phoenix Suns wouldn’t get swept by Ant-Man and the Wolves if that were the case but it just isn’t roster chemistry play style matchups fit all of those things matter that’s why you can’t just cram a bunch of star players in one team like what the Suns did hell the understanding of this concept was the thing that saved the MAV season in the first place Mark Cuban saw that just Luca and Kyrie wasn’t going to cut it and he saw to it to reinforce the team with guys like PJ Washington and Daniel Gaff while also hitting in the draft with Derek Lively it was a great fit and it was a much better team but Boston was clearly a better team man they swept the regular season series no problem Boston has the best regular season record in the league and barring the things that we disproved earlier they were clearly the favorites and everyone did say they were favorites after which they immediately said Dallas in five or six or seven but why is that your Boston Celtics were finals frauds biggest frauds I’ve ever seen in truth is everyone is taking into account Boston’s past playoff disappointments a bit too much to determine the cell’s fate this season so much so that the 2024 Boston’s dominance was so under mind people were fixated on the 2022 finals as a basis for this year’s finals completely disregarding the fact that this is a much deeper balanced well equipped and a much better Coach team Chris Toops wasn’t there in 22 Drew holiday wasn’t there in 22 those two both had signature games in the finals individually that directly led to two games Tatum and brown are more improved more matured players now they were 24 and 25 respectively in 2022 getting criticism for losing against the veteran Golden State Warriors it’s as if they were weren’t young superstars in their first files appearance chalking it up to experience and how to get better and well they did speaking of the 2js it’s not a lot of high fiving it’s not a lot of chest bumping when one is having success the other one is not and that’s how it is so as bad as we all would like to see it work they can’t coexist these two have been the subject of criticism for years Jason Tatum is a corny Kobe wanabe he’s 610 but doesn’t realize it he’s a choke he played trash into 2022 finals he’s Bam’s son Jaylen Brown he’s overpaid he choked the 0 to3 comeback against the Heat he doesn’t have a left hand he’s the worst dunker in dunk history well that last point is hard to dispute but everything else well everything else has been answered years of talk that they have to get broken up now invalid the Celtics have been patient the Jays have been patient they worked on their craft and now it’s paid off even Jason kid tried to divide these two but no matter Jason Tatum has broken the championship glass ceiling his efficiency wasn’t great but he led the Celtics in points rebounds and assists throughout the playoffs he was playmaking getting rebounds and playing great defense yes his scoring was inefficient but he was doing everything else to play point and win games and for all he cares he can take all the recreated Kobe picks he wants he can hold the trophy how he wants he can be corny all he wants and the people can say whatever they want to say but it doesn’t matter now job finished Jaylen Brown has continually been underrated his contract has been heavily criticized but like his teammate Jason Tatum said what they going to say now what they going to say now Eastern Conference MVP finals MVP and NBA champion I bet nobody’s talking about his left hand now now here we are Banner 18 done Boston is the winningest franchise in NBA history once again but after all the criticism all the abuse from the media all the attempts to break up the two JS and winning so dominantly anyway man this must feel like the sweetest ring yet why because the Celtics just humiliated the NBA on top of it

The Boston Celtics Just HUMILIATED The ENTIRE NBA

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#bostonceltics #nba #jaysontatum


  1. JB has been flourishing with the left hand for the entire season and JT, contrary to what the box score monkeys say, was great the entire playoffs with his playmaking and constantly opening up the opposition defense. Add to that the fact that every single Celtic player is a fantastic defender within their system, which is flexible enough to work against literally anyone (barring maybe Jokic), they should all deserve much more credit than they're given. One might almost think that the talking heads only watch box scores and highlights… oh wait. That's all they do…

  2. Congrats to the Celtics; they deserved it for their hard work. I love the Jays. Brown definitely deserved Finals MVP. He made it a mission to show the world that the 300 million contract the Celtics gave to him was worth it.

  3. The argument that they played teams with injured stars just means those teams have a convenient excuse for getting their asses kicked. The C's had a star player injured and did a lot less whining.

  4. And I like the attitude of the Boston Celtics players who don't want to care what the media says about them and stay focused on what's on the basketball court?

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