@Sacramento Kings

Sean Cunningham, Fox40 – Sacramento Kings Draft Day Possibilities

Sean Cunningham, Fox40 – Sacramento Kings Draft Day Possibilities

I’m Kyle Madson that’s Jesse Topia no James ham this week he is on assignment so I said hey uh why don’t we get uh another member of the Kings beat podcast Sean Cunningham from Fox 40 friend of the program in the building Sean what’s going on man oh just getting ready for the NBA draft two days this year why I mean seriously why can we just briefly before we dive into this yeah go what’s I don’t under like I understand they want to maximize the TV time for the draft but is anyone locking in to day two of the draft are you tuning in for bronny no no I mean TT that’s a Twitter thing I can find that out on Twitter I I mean I guess you kind of have to like let’s see what it looks like but are you getting excited for it likely not and and it they’re only adding more time to it usually what what do it take like three minutes beforehand or you know now it’s 4 um it’s almost as much as the first round when you have five minutes in between picks I don’t know I mean I it’s very NFL of them and I they didn’t need to be didn’t need to be this they have in the middle of the day too is it on like one o’clock I think yeah I think you’re right Jesse that was something I had completely forgotten about that that even midle of the day yeah it’s GNA be on during your guys’ show dur d k yeah tune in to DLo and KC on Thursday just we carry all the pigs live I guess all right hell yeah um Sean obviously you’ve uh you’ve been covering the you’re covering the Kings um but I want to talk about the Nets real quick were you surprised when the Mel Bridges news came down last night yeah you could say that I mean I don’t I mean you’re talking dude what TW with respect Mel bridge is hell of a player right um but 28 years old never an All-Star and you just give up five first round picks four of them are unprotected and buan bogdanovich what what are we doing I mean that’s I mean I think people think about like setting the bar but uh you have to be aggressive but you’re the Knicks you just came off of a are you are you that drunk to try to go out and beat the Celtics that you have to make a move like that like to me you could move Julius Randall you could do a number of things um I think that was a little overly aggressive but hey man kudos to them that’s the type of Swing for the fenes move you kind of have to make and honestly if you’re a Brooklyn Nets fan you’re pretty thrilled about it I mean look it’s going to suck for probably the next two years but you know you have just you’ve got a brand new head coach you’ve got a pretty U decent front office that that wants to make moves and just ended up you know fleecing the Knicks and you know it there’s no guarantee it works out for the Knicks but that being said I you know I kind of want to see it I want to see it with the Knicks I want to see all those Wing players and um correct me if I’m wrong one one of you is a Celtics fan right yeah yeah that’s yeah yeah just yeah so like you know they’re coming after you right and and if I’m if I’m OG and an Obie’s camp like yeah you better pay me now you have to pay me yeah you think the um you mentioned like the Knicks like overpaid for and all that but they feel like it’s something they can get them on level with Boston do you think the Kings would be willing to overpay for someone this offseason maybe to get them to the next level or do you think Monty just kind of like if the right Deal’s out there will take that kind of like how they’ve been comco and collected a bit um I I for me that’s a tough question to answer because I mean when you think about it just look at the history of of like Monty McNair what’s the most risk he’s taken and clearly it’s halberton for for sabonis right um you know I wouldn’t expect him to make that type of move and then you also kind of figure it like I’m not trying to say that Monty McNair is on the hot seat by any means but if you’re I put myself in vrad shoes and um you know it’s something that people kind of poke fun at but it’s not exclusive to Sacramento he’s going to be involved in every decision that that is taking place if if Monty McNair is coming to me and saying I’ve got to move four first round picks five first round picks um for someone who’s not an All-Star to help us right away I’m probably not allowing Monty McNair to make that type of Swing for the fences Type move but that’s just me I mean that’s I’m not saying that like as something that I know but that that just seems a little far-fetched for me to get behind if I’m the likes of a vron ad but I I don’t know I also don’t know that you know they would make I I certainly think they’re going to be aggressive and I certainly think that they are not afraid to use their draft Capital but that’s a lot talking with Fox 40 Sean Cunningham but if they perceive something as an overpay even if they think like let’s Kyle kosma has been the hot name right uh even if Kyle kosma is the guy that they believe is going to get them into that a firmly a top six team no more of this playin stuff there’s just going to be a play off team with Kyle kma in the lineup but um it’s three first round picks and a couple expiring for him and they perceive that to be an overpay you you don’t think they would do it well I don’t think they’re as positioned like the Knicks necessarily are um with with some of the pieces that they have and some of the flexibility that they that they could have um like I mean I think if you’re from a king standpoint it’s a completely different ball game because you’ve got two players that you much like as the pillars of your team and you’ve got this unknown quantity in what Keegan Murray Could Be Right and with all intents and purposes like Keegan Murray is probably your most attractive uh trade chip and he’s someone you probably don’t want to move because it would be very hard to get Fair equal value for something that he could become right so you know your draft picks are certainly your most movable pieces but like there’s not there’s not really this isn’t like a go after one player who puts you over the top right the Knicks I feel like can based off the season that they had they’re thinking that hey adding Mikel Bridges and becoming the Nova Knicks and betting on the continuity that we have and what we did this year uh adding one piece maybe two pieces if they can keep and if they can keep hartenstein however that works maybe move a Mitchell Robinson maybe move a Julius Randall you know they’re a little further along in the ball game especially being in the East where it’s wide open you know in the west it’s so crazy so with respect to Sacramento to me there’s not a there’s not a singular move out there that puts them in that category so I don’t think that there’s that type of move for them to make huh how how determined do you think they are to make a move like you think they’d be happy making the pck tonight and kind of banking on internal development going forward a bit or like moving on working on the rest around their edges or yeah how determined do you think they to to get a deal done I think yeah I think they’re determined I they’re determined to try to make their team better in the now um you know I I think that they’re going to they’re certainly shopping they’re certainly going to see what’s out there they’re going to know what’s attainable to them and what they’re comfortable in doing but at the end of the day they’re going to be more than ready to make this pick um and I I’ve kind of thought about this a lot over the really the past couple weeks after talking to a a lot of different people primarily outside the organization because um you know I think there’s from a competitive standpoint I think there’s teams that would kind of like to see uh where you know kind are in their finances to add a piece that’s going to eat into their their cap quite a bit um to have that you know the $5 million hold for you know for what whoever comes in at 13 or higher if they move up or back whatever however it looks but um you know they can’t really move the pick because of the steppan rule and what they have kind of tied up with Atlanta so you have but you have to attach a name for it so um you know last year they they were able to have conversations and draft for the Dallas Mavericks when they took omx Olivia maxon’s Prosper um so if uh if they have those conversations and they’re and they’re there it’s going to make it a lot easier but if they have to attach a name to it without necessarily having a destination for him then it provides a a world of unknown as well so um I’m at this point I’m kind of I’m ready for anything I really and I think they they have you know these Pathways all the all these different ways of saying that hey we’re going to be comfortable in doing this XYZ this person falls to us this changes our Calculus if we want to do this draft I think it’s going to be I think it’s gonna be interesting um but I if I was a betting man I think they’re ready to I think they’re ready to pull the trigger at 13 and and add someone to their team wow Sean Cunningham Fox 40 did you say omx yeah yeah oliv M’s Prosper well that’s what everyone that’s what everyone refers him to and yeah I I haven’t had to say his name in a long time so we’ve always just referred to him as omx just to keep it keep it quickx works it does that’s kind of a fire name no no no I just not I just not I not heard that before um who is there is there a move that if mon McNair called you and said hey what’s the best way we can go about this what would you tell him like if yeah how would you go about this oh man um is there a player you would pursue I don’t need you to put deals together is there a player you would ideally pursue is it making the pick what what do you what do you think well I I think yeah I mean I’d be prepared to make the pick but I think you can be aggressive in trying to uh let me put this way I don’t know that 13 has a ton of um value when you look at if I’m big game hunting right and I’m going for a I don’t know if I put kozma in the big game hunting but certainly I put Brandon Ingram in that category so let me just shift the category to Brandon just for the sake of conversation um the if if you’re if you’re the Kings NE and you’re trying to grab a player like that right you’re you’re looking at your draft Capital Beyond um this year and I think you’re looking at down the road more so especially if you’re looking at a team like New Orleans who’s also in a win now situation where you know they’re they’re kind of like you in a way so you do have some decently nice pieces that can help other teams but you know you got to spend money to make money and um there’s a there’s a you can’t be afraid of luxury tax you can’t be afraid of of of some of the things that come down the the pike here and it’s going to get harder and harder for these teams especially in that second apron to be able to maneuver and make and make moves so um they’ they’ve kept a of flexibility for themselves and you could make an argument that as much as they’ve positioned themselves to be aggressive this off season um that it might not be the right time to pounce because you give it a year or even up to the trade deadline and I know fans don’t love that because they’ve already been patient enough they haven’t really seen that move since sabonis and halberton and it and it reeks of you have to run it back but the reality is teams are going to get desperate the closer they get to that second apron and if they get into that tier and it’s not working and you identify maybe who those teams are and you know being able to pounce on the right move as opposed to doing something for the now and say all right we maybe figured that we might have more flexibility or or have somebody that we could Target and and pick clean up and the reality is you have to have those conversations and say is it enough now the tough part is the spotlight is burning bright on this king’s front office because everyone’s anticipating them making a move and I think they are being aggressive at the end of the day I you know I I do like to caution folks that it’s sometimes the moves you don’t make that that end up being the best ones so um for me I I’ve certainly targeted a lot of people like you know if you’re going I think you need in my mind you need that that type of player you need a Ingram you need a dynamic Wing a scorer a long athletic person you need someone who’s a rim protector um sabonis needs help I I think you know what you need um especially when it comes to size and and physicality however a lot of those I mean everyone’s trying to gobble those guys up right so look at look at Brooklyn in a way their whole landscape changed is Cam Johnson available is would would you try to factor Dory and Finny Smith are they worth some of the capital that you have um so there’s certainly conversations I’d have but this is the NBA things change by the day so um yeah I I I wouldn’t I’m also the guy that also says that Keegan Maria isn’t intouchable only because I’m a guy who believes that nobody is intouchable um you’re only Untouchable until you’re not so what whatever whatever messaging or or PR you want to put behind that the reality is you’re only Untouchable until you’re not so the only thing you know is is that for the now he’s Untouchable but you’re gonna try and go and make your team better and yeah you’re trying to build around Fox and sabonis should you that’s also part of the qu to answer your question long I would just talk about I would just say be aggressive but you have to make the right move and I don’t think that Mel Bridge’s move you know get unload in the the whole cabinet especially considering you’re a you’re a Ninth Place team you’re not a you went from third to ninth with two- win differential you know if the Knicks had lost had won lost two games less than what they did last year they’re still like an elite team in the East right so you think if like say the right move doesn’t come about and all that they do make the pick do you think that’d be disappointing at the end of the night no I mean I think there’s going to be fans that are going to be disappointed one way or the other um you know I I think I think the reality is there’s a lot of people that think you know 13 in a future first and you know you throw out the likes of Kevin herder and and and Harrison Barnes should net you the likes of Kevin Durant and anything short of that would be you know disappoint I I just think there’s a lot of realist re unrealistic expectations when it comes to things like that that said you know there’s a lot that can happen and um it it sometimes talks feels like I’m talking out of both sides of my mouth but I just don’t think I think there’s a um an inflated belief out there for what 13 in this draft could really net you and I I would caution that and say I don’t think it’s about 13 as much as it is about if you’re the Kings and you’re looking to to to Really bolster your your roster for the now it’s not necessarily 13 it’s it’s what does your draft Capital Beyond these next two years look like no doubt for another team and what can that net you no doubt uh can’t wait to watch and see what happens tonight that’s uh Sean Cunningham Fox 40 make sure to tap into to all their coverage of the NBA draft over there Sean thank you so much for hanging out with us man you got it guys thanks thanks

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