@Golden State Warriors

Andre Igudola Believes Kd Has No Flaws😱

Andre Igudola Believes Kd Has No Flaws😱

there’s only one flaw in KD’s game and it has nothing to do with basketball Katie’s only flaw is he won’t lift weights that’s it you can like foul him and he so good they get mad and they just let him foul I’m like ktie if you just lift weights why won’t he lift weights he won’t come on the show and to let us ask him if you watch him work out it’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen everybody should go watch KD work out I heard KD only work out for like 30 minutes it’s the most beautiful 30 minutes you’ll ever see the ball goes in a hole the exact same time exct same weight every single time back room

Andre Igudola Believes Kd Has No Flaws😱
#shorts #andreiguodala #kevindurant #warriors #nba #basketball

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that has been used in this video.


  1. I'll never forget 2017 when they filming GS for NBA TV and KD was at the corner hoop practicing. I watched that mf take like 100 threes and not miss. 😂 he wasn't the main focus of that either, he was just in the background shooting them.

  2. Lifting weights is part of being great. Stop giving him excuses, and he don’t play defense, stop waiting on him to take that next level step this is it he will never lead a team to a title

  3. Thats why he will never reach the top. GS was a free championship. Great player, not all time great.

  4. Thing is… I'd he lifts weights he might get heavier, and start getting injured. His shot could change too. I think he's fine imo

  5. Very few people can bulk up and remain fluid. Plus the taller you are the longer your muscles are. He probably doesn’t even need to lift weights.

  6. He's a 7 ft dude that can shoot like Klay at the very least, and shifty, ballhandling like he's 6'3" instead of 7 ft.

    He's not built for the post. He's a perimeter player, like Klay, like Steph.

    Klay and LeBron for example. 6'7" and 6'8" respectively. Klay's not jacked. LeBron's jacked.

    Now, look at their playstyles. LeBron, post ups and paint play. Klay from the 3.

    Russ and Steph both 6'3".
    Russ is a drive and kick, athletic guy. Plays above the rim. He needs the strength to go up against bigger guys in the paint. Steph plays perimeter, so he doesn't need a Westbrook like strength to be effective. Westbrook is also a pretty bad shooter.

    It's all based on playstyles.

  7. I learned at a young age working as hard as you can go in 30 mins is better than a average 3 hr workout

  8. Man forget them weights. KD only flaw is he doesn't have the hunger to go with his top 5 skill set all time. His talent alone can drag any decent team to a championship. He doesn't have the mentality to destroy any opposition in his way. If he did we would we be talking GOAT right now like so many other freskidh talents.

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