@Orlando Magic

Tristan da Silva Selected No. 18 Overall by Orlando Magic | 2024 NBA Draft Grades | CBS Sports

Tristan da Silva Selected No. 18 Overall by Orlando Magic | 2024 NBA Draft Grades | CBS Sports

18th overall the Orlando Magic taking one of the older players in this class 23-year-old Tristan D Silva 6’9 220 lbs versatile four with an advanced field for the game he averaged 18 points in Colorado’s three games in the NCAA tournament born in Germany speaks five languages German Portuguese Spanish French and English Adam finlin uh doesn’t really matter what language you say the grade what grade you give the orl of magic for Tristan D Silva I’m I’m going to go b b okay b b plus what do we got for the b or B plus what do we got I’m going B yeah B B all right here here’s the scouting report this I’m more sure of the scouting report on Tristan D Silva is a plug andplay Wing he’s got pretty good size he can space the floor and make spot up shots he’s also a reliable decision maker so you can put him in the offensive structure and Trust he’s going to make the right pass he’s a terrific cutter off the ball he’s got to get stronger if he bulk up his frame maybe someday he’s a guy who can play some small ball four but right now he’s a three he was considered someone uh both Philadelphia and the Lakers were going to be interested in at 16 and 17 McCain and connect slipped which is why he’s available to Orlando at 18 it is interesting we’ve seen here in recent picks uh Devin Carter Dalton Connect Now Tristan Sila older guys being drafted you know in the top 20 of this draft in other drafts and other years franchises sometimes shy away from this type of stuff but what we’re seeing and I think it it traces back to that Nick’s Nets trade yesterday teams are starting to go for it a little bit more now and saying I don’t really care about what somebody’s gonna look like in three years let’s get somebody who can help us play right now and Tristan D Silva can do that Orlando needed to add shooting he shot above 39% from three not just last season but the season before that’s multiple years of highlevel three-point shooting I think he is plug and play in Orlando he did add 20 pounds um to his frame during his career uh in college what I would say is he’s closer like a Joe Eng Les type of a player um Orlando they need shooting they need sides on the perimeter um I think they got to figure out what do they have in Anthony black and jakai Howard they used a lottery pick on him last year he didn’t he didn’t sniff the NBA this year I mean that was their shooting Wing from a year ago they used a lottery pick on him I mean is this an indication that hey we got that one wrong I mean that’s not good A year later well for Colorado it’s the first time this has ever happened first time with multiple first- round picks in the same year Cody Williams went 10th overall to Utah and now Tristan D Silva heading to play for Orlando at 18th over overall still ahead the 19th overall pick that’s coming up Toronto is on the clock you’re watching on the clock coverage presented by Jeep here on CBS Sports HQ keep it locked

The CBS Sports HQ crew give their grade for the Orlando Magic selecting Tristan da Silva in the 2024 NBA Draft.


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