@Indiana Pacers

Indiana Basketball – Woodson at IU “as long as I say so!” Pacers “on prowl!” Knicks deal for Bridges

Indiana Basketball – Woodson at IU “as long as I say so!” Pacers “on prowl!” Knicks deal for Bridges

draft day but we’re going to start out talking about Indiana Indiana basketball Mike Woodson spoken about on the Hooser hysterics podcast a meeting between one of the hysterics Mike Woodson Scott Dolson interesting stuff we’ll talk about it I don’t understand why coaches can’t just for the love of God let success happen and not get in the way of it coaches are the weirdest damn people on the face of the Earth they cannot help but get arrogant and screw things up and that seems to be what Mike Woodson is intent upon doing so uh we’ll talk about that we will talk about Rick boich at WDRB in Louisville when you get on Rick boich when Rick boich starts writing about you that’s not a good thing for you and Rick boosic is writing about Mike Woodson and the hysterics in this podcast that is now out in the field and being audited by IU fans everywhere and you know what one thing that I’ll say and I’ll say it again as we move forward you know what I’m wearing this shirt I’ve had this shirt a long time this IU basketball shirt I’ve got other IU basketball shirts that I’ve had for a long time I got IU hoodies I’ve had for longer than my son’s been alive all right I’m going to be an IU fan longer than Mike Woodson’s going to be an IU coach that’s for damn sure and that’s I’m the boss of me as a fan and you know I don’t need to be a true fan all I need to be is the best fan I can be of Indiana basketball whatever the hell that means to me and I don’t need Mike Woodson to Define it for me as he tried to do on senior day because he is so filled with hubris it’s going to drive me crazy and we’re going to go over the reasons for that huis in just a few minutes it’s NBA draft day but the Pacers they don’t have to pick in the first round first round only tonight we don’t have to sit through the second round with a 53rd overall pick the Oklahoma City Thunder take Sasha malevich we we don’t have to deal with that tonight we deal with it tomorrow night okay two night draft that’s a good idea Adam Silver thumbs up on the two night draft nobody waiting around at the St Vincent Center sitting watching wondering what the Pacers are going to do with 50 they trade back from 50 to 57 and then they sell the pick and we all look at each other like what the hell are we doing here that’s not going to happen tonight might happen tomorrow night but it’s not going to happen tonight we’re going to talk just for a second about the Indianapolis Colts because Chris Ballard said something we already knew but somehow it’s newsy now that Anthony Richardson is full go we know he’s full go we saw him in OTAs we saw him in mini camp they held him out of the final day mini camp is a precaution not even a precaution but you know what you don’t need all that at work he’s on a program to get that shoulder to 100% so he can go and go and go and go and go he’s ahead of schedule so yes he’s full go for training camp for the love of God we know that all right let’s talk this is inside Indiana Sports now with Kent Sterling for Wednesday June 26th 2024 brought to you by the great pick at or the great people at my bookie you make the pick my bookie is is going to give you money because that’s the way Sports gaming works you can bet on anything anytime from anywhere at my bookie and you know what how about this for a sign up bonus you use the promo code Kent K NT and you win before you even play because you’ll be eligible for up to a $1,000 sign up bonus how about that action make sure and subscribe to this channel make sure and give it a like you should give all videos on YouTube a like it’s the polite thing to do it’s the hooer hospitality thing to do and if you want to make a donation certainly do that if you want to insert a com or uh make a comment question we will answer them in real time that’s what we do all right let’s talk about Indiana basketball in this podcast and and let me preface everything by saying this is one man’s account of the podcast Mike Woodson hasn’t weighed in I haven’t seen anything from Scott Dolson nobody from Indiana University talking about the podcast refuting anything that was said or confirming anything that was said this is one person’s account on the hoer hysterics podcast I did not listen to all of it I listen to this much of it now I don’t have an hour and 20 minutes in my life to devote to people who are saying that Mike Woodson is arrogant I understand that he’s arrogant Indiana has not had a coach that wasn’t arrogant I I don’t know uh was Lou Watson arrogant I don’t know but every other coach Indiana has had mine is Dan dockage who during his seven game tumultuous stand for right and Indiana basketball you know what he very very good dude in that role other than that we’ve had bob Knight who even by Bob Knight’s admission arrogant mik Davis too arrogant at the time during his career at IU Kelvin Samson please don’t get me started Tom crane please please don’t get me started and Archie Miller my God nobody ever got to know him well enough to know whether he was arrogant we can only assume that his aloofness bellied a level of arrogance that was at a near uh pathological level and now we’ve got Mike Woodson Mike Woodson likes to refer to himself as the third person that’s all I need to know about Mike Woodson I could have hour and 20 minutes podcast Mike Woodson refers to himself in the third person wanted a million dollar raise for doing nothing that he stated as a goal for the program that’s all you need to know you know that you know everything you need to know I just saved you about an hour 19 minutes and 35 seconds all right Mike Woodson to this point with the Indiana hooers a head coach for three years there’s 6 3 and 40 that’s a winning percentage of 61.2 and they’re entering H again their best chance at winning in years and years since 2016 this is the best chance Indiana’s had to be successful I don’t know why Mike Woodson couldn’t just shut the hell up what the hell does he care what Brian Evans has to say this has all been prompted Mike Woodson’s disdain for the Hooser hysterics people was prompted by Brian Evans being a guest on their podcast and being hypercritical of Mike Woodson a lot of people with you know what Dan always says it’s our thing people who played it Indiana it’s their thing and it is it can be their thing it’s our thing too but in a completely different way we’re fans and and we’re happy to be fans and we understood we understand that we never played and we’re never going to know what it was like to play for Indiana under Bob night we’re never going to know that we get it but it’s still our thing in our way but Dan always says our thing and and when something is your thing you feel the licensed to comment on it in any way you like and you should Brian should Todd lirry should Dan should Ted kitchell should everybody associated with the great hallowed past of Indiana basketball should feel licensed to say whatever the hell they want they have earned that 100% right for Mike Woodson to have one of the hooer hysterics guys fly in I guess sit in his office and say this say I’m going to be the head coach here as long as I say so and and it’s a three-person meeting according to the guy from hoer hysterics between Scott Dolson who is seated to the hysterics guys left and then Woodson who is to his right and Woodson says I’m say this in front of him I’m going to be the head coach here for as long as I say so well that’s a complete lack of respect for Scott Dolson but that’s nothing new Indiana coaches have long had great disdain for the athletic directors who lorded over them or Ser didn’t word over them but served as their boss yes that’s a correct that that’s not unique to Mike Woodson that’s Tom cream didn’t even show up for getting gas he gets fired by Fred G glass glass wants him in for a meeting and K decides he’s going on vacation he doesn’t want to face the guy wielding the axe he doesn’t want to sit across from the athletic director who tells him he is not worthy of that job as of this moment doesn’t want to be in the room there’s an arrogance to that there’s a stupidity to it as well there’s a stupidity to Woodson doing what he did I that’s arrogant and stupid from Mike Woodson what Mike Woodson should do with every person in the media is ignore that person ignore what the media has to say why would he care he’s making $4 million to coach basketball at a mediocre level that’s a hell of a thing you get to a place in your life where you’re you’re doing your job at a mediocre level and I’m sorry but 63 and 40 and one real NCAA tournament win and and a uh a 31 and 29 right aren’t they 31 and 29 Big 10 record that’s mediocre almost perfectly 500 just a little bit over 500 they’ve won once Beyond 500 you’re there and you’re making $4 million a year until whenever 27 or 28 or whenever this extension uh finally Runs Out my God claim victory host a parade have a party have a great time you are in the catford seat without dealing with Mr hooer hysteric guy why you would take the time I got a note from Tom cran once 13 minutes before New Year’s or 17 minutes before New Year’s something like that I’m out I’m watching high riter at at a bar on uh what’s that on College wherever they like at the mous trap on New Year’s Eve and I got a text I’m like what the hell huh Tom cring with this long long text about how I’m being personal I I I don’t even know what the hell he was talking about I in fact I didn’t know who was from at first and I sent it out and I said who is this because it his name didn’t come up with it it was just his number I didn’t have in my contacts I knew what his number was and like what what are you talking about that’s the way coaches behave it’s ridiculous for Mike Woodson to put this guy in a position to have the podcast he’s had and cast doubt on Mike Woodson’s ability to lead as he is on the doorstep of what is likely to be a really successful season is just too stupid to analyze it is so ridiculous why would he do this I don’t know you know what um and while we’re talking about this one man’s recollection if if it was inaccurate I think we would have gotten a rebuke of some kind of a correction from Indiana University either Scott doon’s office or the basketball office or somebody but I don’t understand why coaches can’t just succeed and be happy with success no they’ve got to make everybody else feel like hey if you don’t kneel before me you’re some kind of an idiot and that’s what Mike Woodson did did by calling this who’s your hysteric fell into the principal’s office for a dressing down the only thing Mike Woodson didn’t do was give him a couple of swats and send him back to class right what in the world is he thinking uh and and really when Rick boich at is writing about your ass you you’ve done something screwy Rick boich the most Fair guy in the history of media doesn’t dislike anybody always accurate really good at his job and a very good writer you got bosich suddenly questioning your ability to lead and and that’s problematic um but you know ninth in the Big 10 tied for second but three games behind Purdue and then tied for sixth with two trips in three years to the NCAA tournament and wait a minute yeah one real win in the n CAA tournament to get to the round of 32 when you walked in the door you said at Indiana we win championships we are about winning national championships going to the final four and winning the Big 10 no box check no boxes checked at this point so whatever hubris you got and whatever dressing down in the media you want to indulge in you go right ahead but the record speaks to mediocrity and again this coming year could be really good so Woody shut the hell up and coach your team and don’t worry about the freaking media are you out of your mind stop it it’s embarrassing all right let’s talk and there are the records no greatness 21 and 14 23 and 12 19 and 14 did a great job keeping Trace Jackson Davis that was good other than that what you got a lot of mediocrity uh NBA draft tonight Mel Bridges he is going to the Knicks from the Nets does this prompt Kevin Pritchard to scratch his head and say I better get going I better get busy Brian windhorst on the pat mcae show said that the Pacers are on the prow now what that means is that Wendy knows that a lot of people in in uh Indianapolis watch Pat McAfee McAfee always gets Indianapolis Centric and and so he doesn’t want to say yeah p are doing nothing right on the prow is a very generic way of saying I don’t know what they’re doing maybe they’re doing some maybe they’re doing nothing I don’t that’s what he’s saying at any rate hopefully the Pacers make some kind of move because I think it’s important that they do they are young they are talented but they’ve got pieces that would be coveted elsewhere and they have needs here Mel Bridges going to the next they’re putting together the Villanova nexts right with Bridges and Hart and Devon chenzo and Brunson holy cow that’s a whole lot of Nova so uh them getting Bridges but mortgaging their future it’s kind of a good thing right because they lose unprotected first round picks in 25 27 29 and 31 a protected first round pick that came to the Nets via the buck that next year but it’s protected although it what if if Giannis plays there’s no need for protection but the neck’s really overpaid for male Bridges and good so that kind of that makes them in the immediate future relevant out there not so relevant so uh the Pacers with Miles Turner with Andrew neard they’ve got pieces they should not trade into the first round tonight however that’s not what they need they got a bunch of young guys that they’re developing already you need another veteran a guy like cakam is at his Zenith 30 years old going to sign that extension and stay here in Indiana for the foreseeable future or at least four years that’s a good thing but you need other pieces to become competitive with it how about the Celtics Celtics went to the Eastern Conference Finals five out of seven years right did Brad Stevens say h yeah we’re rolling it back you know what Jaylen Brown and Tatum those guys are enough we’re good thank you white enough no Brad Stevens went out and got Drew holid and christop porzingis to check another couple of boxes and all of a sudden the Celtics really really good in the regular season and ran through the postseason like a hot KN through butter and that is what the Pacers need to do they need to check boxes outside of what they got they could run it back and they could make a case to run it back and say you know what we feel really good about going to the Eastern Conference Finals we’re in Ascension but if they want to win a championship they need to understand what this team is and what it needs and it needs something they don’t have so that’s what they got to do maybe that process starts tonight maybe it doesn’t we’ll find out and again Chris Ballard has said they not a problem with Anthony Richardson he’s full go of course he is we tell you that every day I got people in the comments section saying my God stop eating this drum saying that Anthony Richardson is just fine he’s full go and then all of a sudden old nutzi Chris balard says it on some guy’s podcast and it it’s like in the the lead block on we know he’s full go stop telling us things we already know I’ve tried to do that for you ESPN should do it for all of us let’s go

Mike Woodson says he is coach for as long as he likes, according to a podcast. Results after three years are mediocre, so the hubris borders on the absurd.
Why can’t coaches just win and forget about the rest of the crap – like criticism from media!
NBA Draft tonight and the Pacers are currently without a pick in the first round – but are “on the prowl!”
Anthony Richardson will be full-go, which we have known for weeks, but somehow it is news again!

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  1. All Woodson had to do was make a phone call. Dragging him to Bloomington to end the relationship was a power move by a man struggling at his job.

  2. If you give all videos on YouTube a like, even the bad ones, the algorithm will feed you a higher percentage of garbage. Like all the videos you like!

  3. Hey Kent did you forget Bob Knight used to coach at this university? Maybe we should exam his rights and wrongs as much as you and you buddy does. Also I'm understanding that Woody team underperformed however all across Indiana sports is pretty mediocre. I seen a Colts organization that doesn't do anything to get better for several years. Somehow some way he has a job for 7 season??? All while paying Luck 58 million to walk? Also remember the reason Paul George left you? Yeah where just a small market is what he was told. Why do you also hate Myles Turner? And what other big can you get to play that style just curious?

  4. Woodson more and more is coming off as a pompous jerk, which is probably a result of all the deserved criticism he gets. He’s a snowflake.

  5. Woodson better win. He is getting more unlikeable each day. Knight put banners up so people tolerated him. Woodson has not won anything and is just warming up the bus to get him out of town.

  6. Everyone is missing the point — HH have an NIL collective, were let into the program, and had access to players, intel, and have a large following. We can all agree that Woodson wasn’t up to par, HOWEVER, these two went on a social media tear last year and were quite literally calling for his job and naming coaches they’d like to see replace him. Use your damn heads…these two are absolute clown shows.

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