@New York Knicks

🚨 OG ANUNOBY TO SIGN 5-YEAR/$212.5M DEAL WITH KNICKS 🚨 Tim Bontemps details | SportsCenter

🚨 OG ANUNOBY TO SIGN 5-YEAR/$212.5M DEAL WITH KNICKS 🚨 Tim Bontemps details | SportsCenter

and what’s the reaction around the league to the Knicks trading for Mr Bridges well Jay that’s a great word plethora to describe the number of picks that the Nets got from the Knicks in this trade and honestly the reaction around the league was shock shock that Mel Bridges went to the New York Knicks the Nets and Knicks had not made a trade in 41 years to this week between the last deal they made and the one that consumated last night which I saw joe side take a call for while I was at the links game out on Long Island and look this was a huge move seen across the league as the New York Knicks giving themselves a real opportunity to go toe-to-toe with the Boston Celtics in the Eastern Conference and a top the Atlantic division we saw Boston go to the NBA finals with a deep versatile roster that could play in a lot of different ways at both ends of the Court by putting Mel Bridges with those Nova guys we could likely see Ryan Arch diako who was with the Knicks earlier this year as a free agent this summer maybe he signs with them gives him five no Knicks on the team but these guys can play versatily at both ends of the Court they now go seven or eight deep across the roster and this is a team that right now Jay sits second in the East probably behind the Boston Celtics I feel pretty confident we’re going to be seeing Celtics Knicks on opening night in Boston which should could potentially be an Eastern Conference Finals preview so this was a massive move one that’s got a lot of reverberations around the league and one that signals both that the Knicks are looking to be a championship contending team and that the Nets are going to be tending to get Cooper flag in next year’s draft mhm all that yes looking forward to all that okay uh Tim we got some breaking news into sports center our Adrien wowski reporting that free agent forward OG anobi intends to sign a 5-year $22.5 million contract to return to the Knicks W saying the deal will include a player option and a trade kicker an anobi averaging 14 and four this past season and when healthy was a v part of New York’s rotation so Tim what does this mean for the Knicks going forward well first of all Jay needs are giving a massive amount of money to oan and Obi that’s an average cord a is reporting $42 million a year that’s going up near a full Max contract for ogn and Obi that’s got a few implications for the Knicks one of them is that when you look at that their salary structure going forward is going to be very difficult for the Knicks to keep both Mitchell Robinson who’s currently on the roster and Isaiah hartenstein who is an unrestricted free agent at the center spot we saw those two guys alternate throughout this season with New York giving them 48 minutes a really good Center play when they were healthy it’s going to be difficult to fit both of those guys under the salary cap that the Knicks have under the new rules under this current CBA it’s a lot more restrictive for teams and after that trade that the Knicks made last night they’ve got some limitations on what they can spend and they just gave a ton of it to oan and Obi but to go back to what we were talking about with Mel Bridges Jay with him and with O and Obi Mel Bridges on the wing now for the Knicks along with Josh Hart along with Dante D chenzo this Knicks team is as deep as anybody including the Celtics in the NBA they are built to give the Boston Celtics as much trouble as possible and they clearly have established themselves by getting oan and Obi back as the second best team in the East and they are set up to have some Titanic battles during the season so obviously a lot of time to go here in fre agency we haven’t even gotten to July 1st yet but this is a huge move for the Knicks to get ogn and Obi locked up alongside Mel Bridges in their front Court oh it is going to be good I already know it [Music] he

Tim Bontemps joins SportsCenter to detail the New York Knicks’ recent roster news including trading with the Brooklyn Nets for Mikal Bridges, and OG Anunoby intending to sign a 5-year/$212.5 million deal.

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  1. 42 mil a year for a 15 point a game defender is a bad deal. 5 first round picks for a 19 point a game defender is a bad deal.

  2. OG and Mikal as wing defenders with multiple hustle and grit guys like Hart and Donte? Phewww not even a Knicks fan but they’re gonna be fun af to watch

  3. As a Raps fan happy for him, but he hella injured. Lucky if you will get 50-60 games a season out of him. But again, proud of him. When healthy top 2-way forward. And great guy.

  4. They should trade Randle or Robinson to thunder as , they need cap space and okc needs some size , ( just my amateur opinion don't flame me if you disagree)

  5. Blessings!!

    Happy about OG staying and Knicks building

    Knicks time will soon be here 😊

    Eyes on Boston… Exactly 💯

  6. Nets saved face also trading him to Knicks completing the 4some. Joe tsi made right choice here.

  7. Anyone saying he doesn’t deserve that don’t know role players avg like 30 mil a yr.

  8. Ayo, Brunson as the superstar, Randle as the co-star, legit 3 and D wings in Bridges and OG, and then tough hustle guys like Hart, Divincenzo, and possibly Robinson and/or Hartenstein…that is tough. Borderline Boston deep.

  9. Leon!! Our fearless leader. People have doubted every move he’s made, but he has turned this franchise around into legit contenders. Remember people clowning the Brunson signing, how much we over paid? Don’t listen to the hater Knicks fans, this is a great move. As long as we stay healthy, this is a title team.

  10. Man ima die hard laker fans but the knicks gone be a team ima be rooting for if we don’t make it far lol their so dam good man look at their roster from top to bottom they literally got the formula to win a ring two solid all stars in Randle and Brunson with bridge’s hart og anuoboy they still kept Micheal Robinson to like dam that’s insane man wow devincheko or whatever his name is to can’t forget about him from top to bottom it’s unbelievable I think they should try to move Randle to get some cap space and maybe add more to their depth even tho their stacked lmao

  11. Doesn't make sense to give O.G. that much when you just traded for Bridges, already have Brunson and then there's DiVencizo who has outplayed his contract. I think they'll all be eligible for extentions in a year or two. I know Bruson has two years left. I guess that last year has some kind of player option. Still have Randell on a large contract. Guess NY has money to burn. This is bad news for Hart though. He's not getting anywhere near the minutes he got this year next year.

  12. 0:25 I was at the Liberty game and saw him take the call, I thought it was weird that he would answer a call during the game and thought it must be important

  13. 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💯💯💯🧡🧡💙💙💙🗽🗽🗽🗽I've been waiting for this since that game 7 loss let's go off-season 24-25 season here we come💙🧡💙🧡💯💯💯🧡💙🧡🗽🗽🗽🗽

  14. I hate to admit it but you right sometimes I hate being right he actually stepped down stats wise I'm telling you this is all-star money for all-star not smmfh OMG he must gonna average twenty and ten what's that I hear crickets and here we go again addition by subtraction don't max too many people out and later become hog tied and on the hook like we were for Houston stoudemire Curry Randle and Noah people we couldn't pay other teams to take cuz of the ridiculous contracts now here we go again it's just like you have the qualifications for the job but you just can't stay healthy now what will a boss tell you . We appreciate you coming in but we were looking for someone more reliable rightfully so who's gonna give that kind of money blindly and the answer is as it always shall be an is wait for it…. the Knicks oohh my stomach hurts every time that guy screams in glee he better become an all-star which is the only way to fix this now or else he becomes Julius Randle very expensive damaged goods

  15. Knicks trade for Bridges.

    Critics: They won't be able to keep OG now.

    Knicks resign OG.

    Critics: They won't be able to sign Harkenstein now.


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