@Indiana Pacers

Indiana Pacers make no moves/picks in round one of 2024 NBA Draft | Obi Toppin gets qualifying offer

Indiana Pacers make no moves/picks in round one of 2024 NBA Draft | Obi Toppin gets qualifying offer

night one of the NBA draft is done and the Pacers did not add anybody kind of as expected we’ll talk about what did did not what could happen what did not happen what they could do with their 36th pick which is now the sixth next pick other transactions that matter for the Pacers we’re getting all of it today on the lock on Pacers podcast you are locked on Pacers your daily Indiana Pacers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what up y’all happy Thursday and welcome into another edition of the lockon Pacers podcast where we of course talk about the Indiana Pacers as always my name is Tony East I cover the team for Forbes and Si and today oh my goodness the NBA drafts first round is over there were one two three four five six trades seven trades that doesn’t even account for signings that happened before it none of those trades involved the Pacers they did not do anything in the first round could they have should they have what can they do today for day to what else happened yesterday that matters to the Pacers we have a lot to cover transaction season is upon us and there’s always a lot to break down when this stuff happens even when the team we’re talking about doesn’t actually do anything Pacers did actually do something yesterday not draft related Obby toen got a qualifying offer from the Pacers we’ll talk about that as well today with that means in practice because I got a lot of questions about it for people who clearly don’t understand it which is on me for not explaining it very well okay we will start with the draft though that is the big news of the day and we’ll go in this order we’ll do what the Pacers didn’t do what they maybe could have done what they’re about to do and then we’ll get to what else mattered and happened from Wednesday so what they didn’t do is anything they did not trade into this draft they did not make a pick if you listen to Eddie Garrison and I talked about it yesterday we did come up with reasons why they could do it and why if they did it we’d go yep we get it but the the conclusion we both had was there is no losing path for the Pacers in this draft and given that reality you know they already are going to have assuming they resign Obi toppen and we’ll talk about Obi later if they don’t this could change a little bit but if assuming they resent over but they already have 11 guys and one of those guys will not be playing most likely on a night night basis this season right now that looks like it’d be jarus Walker but you never know if that’s already the case and maybe 12 guys who should play if Jaylen Smith Ops in anyone you draft is not playing is it worth giving up assets to get someone who’s going to develop very slowly that is for the Pacers to decide and they decided potentially I don’t know what trade offers they did have or did not have or if they even could have moved into the first round they did not they opted to not do that with established depth right their second units already a bunch of young guys and this being conce or perceived as a bad draft that makes sense to me right that is a reality that makes sense um looking in the 20s specifically is where I would start here so what they didn’t do is anything right they did not trade in could they have what trades were actually made what picks were actually moved the Suns who were long reported to be trading uh did trade 22 everybody was asking you get the P straight all their picks and get it well the answer was no because they didn’t have a good enough thing for the Suns 36 is okay but the rest of that package stinks and they you know maybe they could have traded future seconds for it the Nuggets ended up doing that for 28 and a lot of other future second rounders so that is more valuable than what the Pacers could have offered to get to 22 and the Suns actually picked at 28 right so that first rounder has value to them the eighth pick got traded Rob Dillingham and Anthony Edwards are on the same team I think I’m gonna become a Timberwolves fan that’s sick doesn’t matter for the Pacers 14th pick got traded to the Wizards that doesn’t matter um 24 got traded and the Knicks are fast ining we’ll talk about bridges and in and it’ll be for like two seconds later in this podcast um but the Knicks traded 24 but they traded it in a package that got them 26 right so that was really not trading back where the Pacers could have gotten involved because they got 26 they got a pick right there and they had picked 252 so the value had to be at least a little different in calculation because they know no one’s going to jump them for their guy because they have the pick in between so another one where the Pacers value probably can’t get there if I think it was 26 and 51 the Pacers had 50 and 49 they could have done future seconds but that’s not going to do it the one trade that you’ll wonder about if you were somebody who said the Pacers should have gone into into the first round at 26 and at 26 all the guys Ben Fifer and I talked about were still on the board funnily enough two of them went in the next three picks the Thunder jumped up to 26 this is the only trade that I think if you want if you if you think the Pacers missed an opportunity and I don’t to be clear I don’t think they did anything incorrect or dumb on Wednesday night if you were someone who does think that you’ll look at the 26th pick trade the Wizards uh traded that pick to the Thunder for five second rounders of of decent quality um that you know the Pacers have extra seconds like could they have traded 36 and four of their future picks I think they have a Sacramento one a Portland one a Dallas one maybe like a fake Miami one next year I forget the other one they have a bunch right because they’ve done all of those to get 26 should they have done that that’s for you to decide I kind of lean know Dylan Jones someone I love went with that pick two picks later Ryan dun I guy liking a lot of fans like went so if you think they should have gotten those guys right now yeah okay um saving those for a better draft or a future transaction potentially more valuable to the Pacers and maybe they were trying to and did not we’re not able to get this who knows but that’s the only could have thing that I think is interesting for the Pacers uh in this draft is pick 26 specifically a lot of the other picks I thought could be traded you know Eddie Garrison and I talked about the Knicks yesterday that did happen that we thought the Timberwolves pick could be moved but then the Timberwolves did something crazy completely different I did not expect that to be there draft strategy and then the Celtics are the other one uh at 30 they did make their pick and I did not know at the time that christops porzingis was going to be missing time to start their season so now all of a sudden they need other avenues to add Talent or change the talent for their team so a lot of changing Dynamics even between Eddie and I recording and the actual draft happening with the big Knicks trade transactions all over the place it’s that time of year so the Pacers did not do anything and I think the only trade you could look at and say could they have done that is the 26th pick and they didn’t and I don’t think that that is missed opportunity in any way even though I actually like the player who went uh at 26 uh what are they about to do now so night one is over first round picks are gone a lot of mocks did pretty well I was just I just Ton’s like in my browser because I did you know I had to look at the odds last year and stuff whatever uh their mock draft I think is like a compilation one where they like use a bunch to get them of their like first round guys on there I know this isn’t a legit mock draft but I think the only guys who didn’t get picked that are on it are Kyle filipowski Tyler kch uh Johnny and Johnny Fury oh and Tyler Smith of the first round so 26 of them did get picked so that’s a pretty e if you’re looking for a place to see who’s still available that’s a place to go and then the four guys who did get picked in the first round who aren’t that group are 31 33 uh and 36 on that list I can’t tell who I’m missing but um it’s it’s oh and 49 Dylan Jones there we go U so that’s the four guys to make it easy for you to follow along if if you want to yourself but that’s now what’s next for the Pacers they did not pick in the first round they did not even have a chance relate any of the picks that happened given with the other trades were except for maybe one um but what they’re about to do is pick 36 Chad Buchanan was you know smiling through his teeth a bit talking about this but he did mention this when they actually talked about the two night draft he said trying to find the quote now us in a story he said we look at it as we have the sixth pick in the draft on Thursday night so they have the sixth pick tomorrow if they rank their best six players left they get one of them whoever that could be so here are just some names right uh two guys who are in The Green Room which is the I believe top 24 maybe 25 this year because Ed didn’t go um and teams like send in names for the rankings because they want it to be the guys getting picked at the draft so of the 30 picks only two Green Room guys didn’t get picked but that means two did not get picked uh Kyle Philip housei is one of them from duke the center and look at Jaylen Smith Ops out not the worst idea for the Pacers ever Tyler Smith from the J ignite was the other one oh no he was not the Green Room guy I’m sorry um Tyler Smith was another mocked first round guy who didn’t get picked the other Green Room guy who didn’t get picked was Johnny Fury from Kansas the Australian good rebounder knows for the ball I don’t know much about his game but he’s a wing who’s 19 and a half years old we’ll see what the Pacer side to do so those two are obviously among the potential guys at 36 Tyler Smith of course as well Boby Clinton I still don’t know if I’m saying his name right I apologize a guy they reportedly had interest in last year did not get picked Jonathan mogbo one of Tony East draft crushes and a guy that Ben f for I talked about still on the board Tyler kak somewhat mocked in the first round by some places really good passer for a Marquette still there I don’t know if that’s a very good Pacers pick but he’s still there Kevin mcculler is still there uh like that alone I just named seven guys I believe like it’s guaranteed that two of them will be on the board when the Pacers are up and Adam Bona who I like uh could add to that list Isaiah Crawford who was one of the three guys I talked about when I did the podcast with benight for licking at Targets was still there two of my three guys got picked in the first round that makes me feel better about that although maybe I shot too high with the talent Dylan Jones I don’t know if anybody thought he’d be a first-rounder Ryan Dunn makes some sense so those are the some of the top guys available you could pick your favorite draft coverage person they have a list of the best still available because there’s a lot of time to soak this in now instead of just flowing right in to round two I do think they’ll be TV interest in round two bronnie is still there still some interesting players so we’ll see what the Pacers do at 36 one of those names maybe two maybe three of the names I just said guaranteed to be there we’ll see what the Pacers end up doing tomorrow and we’ll break that down let’s talk about some other draft stuff uh for the Pacers what else mattered in the draft that happen to them Obi toppin qualifying offer plenty more to get to from night one of the NBA draft but before we get to any of that stuff we have to talk about game time game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier and it’s a great way to get tickets to all of your favorite sporting 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on lockon Pacers thanks for making us your first listen today and every single day for your second listen jump on over to lockon wolves holy smokes the Minnesota Timberwolves got the eighth pick what what that was the craziest trade of the night to me the craziest trade of the night before will have be our second listen in the second segment because it’s an important lead in and something we’ll talk about now but Rob Dillingham one of my favorite if not my absolute favorite prospects in this draft is now on Anthony Edwards team I’m so psyched that is so sick um a lot of the top of the draft elsewhere was as expected or at least chalky in most places I think buzell falling to 11 was was interesting to some people Dalton connects falling 17 I was never really a fan of him but you can score like that maybe he’ll have a role in the NBA but mostly normal-ish to me top lottery or so of the draft with trades coming right before Malcolm Brogden to DC Pacers and Wizards had trade talks around him when he was with the Pacers that’s where I want to go now what else happened around the league that the Pacers care about or think about or a move that happened that made me go huh the pce that that that made me think about the Pacers in some way um we’ll start with that one Brogden is on the Wizards uh remember when he got traded to the Celtics from the Pacers I believe he had a choice between DC Boston and Toronto and chose the Celtics well now he’s with DC so that’s all settled um Denny AIA who could have made since his logical Pacers Target is now with the Blazers as a part of that trade in terms of real tangible stuff for the Pacers to actually care about one ogan anobi has agreed to a fiveyear $212 million deal with the Knicks that was per wge uh player option trade kicker the works so one now you guys can stop asking about that because it was never going to happen anyway and now it really can’t uh that’s a a very strong prize for anobi but what it takes to keep him uh and now the cap space teams move on to something else and the Pacers who couldn’t have got him without a very specific set of circumstances occurring also move on to something else even though they weren’t going to get oan and Obi anyway but you see that price flash across the screen and I was driving when that trade or that trade that signing got got leaked by woj and I only bring that up to say when I thought saw that happen you know I’ve never I don’t think like jerus Walker becoming OG anobi is a very very very very very highend outcome for jerus Walker I’m not saying that’s going to happen not even comparing the players but players of that size and defensive skill level have that kind of value and that’s why if I’m running the Pacers which I’m not like it would take a ton for me to trade jarus Walker if there’s a chance he turns into a guy who’s a $40 million a year player because of his defense almost exclusively and he’s a good offensive player he can really shoot it but like that’s crazy valuable so I I can’t believe it but I saw that contract and I was like man it would take a lot to Pride jerus Walker for me if I’m the Pacers but also they got to find a way to play the guy to develop him to that level either way ogj anobi is not coming to the Pacers that was the pipestream that’s not even a phrase the whole time anyway uh the second note I have in here Obby toppen got a qualifying offer we’ll talk about that in the third segment what it specifically means for the Pacers but Obby toppen tendered I reported this yesterday a qualifying offer from the Pacers they submitted it he is now a restricted free agent starting in June assuming he and the Pacers don’t agree to terms earlier than that they can do that uh they probably won’t there’s no real benefit to going early with that like there was with seak but uh Obi toop and officially a restricted free agent will get some more on that in a second Nick claxon agreed to a deal that might sound stupid why does this Rel to the pcture let me tell you Nick Claxton got four years a 100 million I think it’s 96 million with like some some guarantee nonsense in there I forget who reported that it’s it got to 100 million with some bonuses but isn’t actually it yes that was Shams who had that so I think Miles Turner is probably better than Nick Claxton so register this contract right now Miles Turner free agent next year Rising cap environment Miles Turner got his extension last time so his current contract pays him 17 18 million per year but that is not not accurate because he got the huge bump on the renegotiation two years ago uh it’s really closer to like he got 27 million added per year 28 is now Claxton getting 25 million a year if Turner’s better he’s going to point to that and say Hey I want more than that per year and I think for if you’re looking for analoges that’s the first one of the new CBA of centers getting a deal uh I want valent Tunis is not even close to as good as Claxton or Turner but I’ll be curious where he comes in at uh but Claxton a good player a very good Center I think the Pacers in M Turners look that go what’s going on there jacobe Walter he went to the Raptors why does that matter that was the Pacers pick 19th overall pick jacobe Walter to the Toronto Raptors everybody can track his career now like maniacs to see did the Pacers mess this up 29 the Pacers also traded that pick to Toronto in that trade then Toronto flipped it to Utah that pick became Isaiah ker that that guy was at one point mocked as like the number one pick in this draft by certain people that’s going to be crazy um he went 29 to the Jazz so if you are interested in tracking who got selected with Pacers traded away picks does anyone remember the traded away 2020 first round pick for brogon if you remember who it was congrats you win brownie points for me RJ Hampton out of the league uh we’ll see what happens with these two first the Pacers sent away but jacobe Walter and Isaiah klier are the guys for you to care about there um so this this is now my notes about the trades the Pacers didn’t make right 26 and 51 was the price for 24 is that could the Pacers have done 36 and 50 and a future second and out bid that probably not 26 has a lot more value than 36 right so I put after that and then if you think about what the Pacers would have gotten right the difference between pick 36 and late first just the extra year before a stricted free agency matters a great deal right that’s the biggest benefit of this even if the even if you look back at this and this was what Eddie and I talked about yesterday the talent gap between 20 and 40 may be very negligible this year you know there’s a big tier of guys you’re not like desperate to give up a bunch of assets to move up but there is actual value there’s a reason that the rounds are rounds it’s not just picks one through 60 the first round ends and the second round starts and the first round pick 30 is a four-year rookie scale contract with the first two years guaranteed and then two team options and then restricted for agency so you get all that team control and four years before restricted free agency the 31st pick the early the latest you can get restricted free agency after three years and you have to negotiate that deal with a second round pick exception it’s just different right that values higher how much higher maybe not that much if the player stinks it’s it’s not that valuable but in fact it it’s not valuable at all because then you run into like the Jaylen Smith the kin team opson situation so that’s what the value really is and so that’s when I when I was typing in my notes like is that really worth it to like outbid this price NH probably not right especially for Pascal running for four years like that extra year could be nice but again probably not 5 seconds for 26 was the only one that made me go I already said this but I really wanted to throw in that that note uh and then Ryan Dunn went 28th and I typed that down because I know a lot of fans were very interested in Ryan Dunn some considered him the best defender in the draft no longer available obviously at 36 he went 28 to the Phoenix Suns perfect go guard you don’t touch the ball Bradley Beal Devin Booker and Kevin Durant will touch the ball I’m opining on picks that AR the Pacers now I apologize but uh that’s other stuff that mattered to me and two of my three guys in the draft Dylan Jones Ryan Dunn gone we’ll see what happens on day two tonight one more thing happened in pacland Obi toen got a qualifying off for restricted free agency coming his way what does this actually all mean because a lot of people did not understand what a qualifying offer was or what the offer really meant so I need to break this down in more detail and say what it means for top in the Pacers Etc ahead of night two of the draft and tomorrow night we’ll break down what the Pacers dead because they will have to make actions tomorrow let’s talk s Moi top and to close out Today’s Show back here on lockdown Pacers thanks for making us your first listen to to day and every single day your second lesson has to be locked on Nicks they have Mel Bridges now they paid OJ and anobi a boatload of money what can they do with isah hartstein they still made two first- round picks who’s on the Knicks who’s not on the Knicks what is the Knicks now they look that team looks insanely good to me I mean I already liked a lot of the Knicks players but that team looks gross if they stay healthy that’s I hope there’s a Nick Celtics series at some point next season it would be awesome given what they’re ERS currently project to look like Mikel Bridges is on there the Nets did some crazy stuff check out lock on Nets Rockets made the third pick but did some crazy stuff too there’s lots of places to go okay Obi toppen received his qualifying offer from the Pacers yesterday I was told what does that actually mean right so let me start by telling you what the qualifying offer is and does and then tell you what it actually isn’t okay so to get a player who is eligible for restricted for agency coming off of a rookie scale contract like toppen is he was a first round pick in 2020 you have to submit a qualifying offer Tender Is the word used most of the time tender A qualifying offer and it’s a oneyear a qualifying offer is like literally a contract offer it’s a one-year offer at a predetermined amount the CBA sets what your qualifying offer is and Obi toppen there’s another rule called starter criteria Obby toppen did not meet it so his qualifying offers lower that’s not important to the story we’ll keep going so it is an actual offer air quotes but it doesn’t actually represent an agreed to contract so you submit a qualifying offer to a player in Obi toppin case it’s a one-year 7.74 million doll deal by just by submitting the offer not not agreeing to it submitting it that that player now becomes a restricted free agent instead of unrestricted so now toppen is a restricted free agent that does not mean he’s on the Pacers on a one-year $7.7 million deal that does not mean that is the deal he’s signing or the price the Pacers think he’s worth that’s just a required standard op operating procedure deal number that they had to do to get him as a restricted free agent okay so now they can negotiate with him they could have anyway without this but now they can and he’ll be restricted come June 30th and the big the big uh benefit the biggest benefit of restricted fore agency is if you want to keep a guy you can no matter what right they now have right of first refusal as it’s called which means if another team signs top into a contract the Pacers should have 48 hours I can’t can’t remember they might have they might have changed the restrictive free agency timing I think they did in the new CBA whatever they’ll have some amount of time to look at that contract signed with the other team determine if they want to match it and if they determine they do toppen is now on that contract with the Pacers and if they determine they don’t they lose them so remember they signed DeAndre into a contract and the Suns exercised their rer first refusal in like two seconds so they didn’t get him obviously but that’s that’s how the process goes from the other side so toppen is now a restricted free agent because he got this qualifying off that does not mean that’s the salary he will have this coming season but if he wants to go somewhere else he has to go through the restrictive free agency process now that said you can pull a qualifying offer at any time right the Pacers could resend it and say you know what never mind we don’t want you to be a restri free agent for us we’re going to do something different that’s that’s not usual in the Pacers circumstance usually qualifying offers are ascended for cap hold reasons or cap space reasons or just any variety of reasons that don’t involve being an overthe cap team with a player that you might want to keep Chad Buchanan said they would like to continue the relationship with Obby toppen and his end of season next interview so I don’t think they would do that for any reason but they can if for some reason that is what is permitted or if they use their mid-level exception and they know they’re not GNA be able to keep top because of the tax just let them become unrestricted do them that favor right some agents prefer that that’s how that goes so that’s what happened they submitted that offer toen is now a restricted free agent they can match stuff to keep him that does not mean he’s on that contract the Pacers could uh the first thing they do June 30th 605 we could get a wo buom they could do it now in theory Pacers and Obi to and have agreed to a three-year 45 whatever I’m making this up million dollar contract that could happen now that could happen on Sunday that you know that could happen at any moment right that e the qualifying offer has nothing to do with that part of this so that it’s just the formality to get him into restrictive free agency now here’s where it’s interesting him not making starter criteria really lowered his qualifying offer it would have been higher if he met it and it’s not worth getting into what that is but he has a lower qualifying offer which is relevant because if his qualifying offer was higher if his restrictive FR agency goes poorly there could have been a chance he just takes it right with a one-year $7.7 million deal I doubt Obi toen wants to take that right there’s no there’s no real benefit to that if fre agency goes poorly for him he he could probably get more than that from the Pacers for a one-year deal anyway there again there’s no benefit of the Pacers to do that but that’s such a low number that it almost entices him to negotiate more than if he had made starter criteria so the this could get to June or excuse me July 2nd and Obby toppin goes man this market sucks I’m get a bet on myself have a great year with the Pacers get back out there as an undried free agent next year I’m picking up the qualifying offer that’s allowed he could sign it and then then he would be on the Pacers for that contract but he does not have to do that and that is very infrequent for teams that have a good Rel relationship with a player that’s very infrequent last year PJ Washington had his qualifying offer sitting out there for a long time and eventually just agreed to something with the Hornets and like August right like it can take a while but usually it happens now very rarely does a guy sign the qualifying offer and then stay with that team beyond that one year there’s so like they get a no trade clause because they would lose their bird rights there’s a lot of factors at play um there’s a lot of reasons for the Pacers and toppen to want to negotiate and not have him end up accepting that so that is what that actually means the Pacers did not offer obit toop in one year $7.7 million that’s not what they think he’s worth that’s what they they contractually had to offer him to get him to become a restricted free agent and now he is so now the Pacers if if assuming no unreasonable offer outside of their budget comes in for Obby toppen which is not impossible but assuming that does not happen they can keep Obby toppen they have the means to do it and they’ve done all the paperwork required to do it but negotiating is the next step or seeing if there’s something else there could be the next step who knows we’ll see how that actually shakes out seems like he’s a good fit I’d be trying to keep player rights if I’m the Pacers but I understand looking for upgrades and I only say that because man oh man Brian wior was on Pat McAfee’s podcast yesterday tyres hurns in studio sitting there listening as uh as Wendy takes the stage and does the good old Wendy performer he said the Pacers are working the Pacers are working not necessarily about tonight referring to the draft but they’re trying to get Tyrese some help they’re not done working they’re on the prow I can’t wait to say on the prow on this podcast for the next four or five days to see how that goes then he added they see opportunity uh they cut to Tyrese his face is hilarious during all this then later Windor says they have assets at their disposal and I think they that they are active from what understand I do think the PAC are interested in some names I don’t think it’s going to be an All-Star level player so noteworthy context but anyway a good player a rotation level player a starter who knows what that means Pacers is apparently on the if they get someone or they upgrade their team but it gets more expensive that maybe does not vode well for Obby toppen but restricted free agency is now on the horizon for the Dayton product had a great season with the Pacers exceeded my own expectations looking forward to seeing how that chaks out and that is draft night one for the Pacers they didn’t do anything they have some options they could do stuff they didn’t do anything lots of moves impact them and Obi toppen is a restricted fre agent tomorrow we’ll have a lot more to talk about have their three picks presumably they’ll use at least one of them who knows so we can actually look at their new team what they did what they didn’t do what it means if anything for free agency usually the draft at least in my head has some bearing on what’s going to happen in free agency and then we shift right into free agency mode because it’s Sunday there’s no time to lose you got to move and get into it so lots of great stuff coming here on lockdown Pacers probably not a guess tomorrow night because we’ll be at the Pacers facility a lot of the day but certainly Saturday Sunday if possible maybe even Monday there’s so much to come can’t wait I hope you guys enjoyed Today’s Show and learned something about the draft the Pacers whatever back tomorrow talking more team building and summer fun thank you all for listening have a wonderful day we’ll see you very soon

The Indiana Pacers didn’t trade into the first round during night one of the 2024 NBA Draft. Could they have? What all happened, and what could the Pacers have done? What is left to do in round two? Host Tony East breaks it all down before looking at other important transactions and Obi Toppin getting a qualifying offer from the Pacers.

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  1. I've done a ton of scouring for the best SF available we can get. While most team's have passed on this guy. Because of his age of 23 and his past seasons of poor shooting. Then they haven't paid attention to this past season. He's completely fixed his jumpshot. Raised it to 60%TS and 54% on Catch n Shoot 3's. Can hit spot up, step into 3's around 30%. 70+% in transition. Oh he's 6'6, 224 and has a 6'9 wingspan. I'm talking about Reshad Johnson. He has big hands, quick and great body position on D. Guards have a much worse fg% when guarded by him. They struggle to get past him. While his weight/strength/wingspan make SF's struggle to get past him. If you can't get past him, he can jump to block your shot in mid air. He gets chase down blocks. I believe he was the fastest player in the combine and tied for the max vertical. He reminds me of a bigger Shannon Brown. He's always looking for backdoor cuts too and can explode for lobs. He's basically a smaller version of Obi Toppin, except a SF that's a really good defender. I'd personally pick him at 36.. He's projected in some mocks later, around 39 to 40.. maybe even later.. but I wouldn't chance waiting to 50 for him. If Bobi slid to 36 I'd take him, but I'd still want Reshad and I think we should do whatever we can to get him.

    The other two player's I like a lot are Jaylen Wells. A great shooter, takes high % shots, 6'8. Not an intense player, more offensive focused. Yet he's very good at getting to his spots, nice handle and solid stroke. Has moves and can find many ways to get his shot off, either at 3, or midrange. Not super athletic. But has size, 27.5 standing vert.. 36in max. Not and NBA ready body. Needs to put on weight and would take a couple year's before he'd become a better defender. But we saw what Nesmith was able to become in a few year's with effort and determination.

    The other player I like is Jamal Shead. A strong tough, attacking and solid passing PG. A bit undersized, not a good 3pt shooter. About 30%, but a very tough, vocal player and could make himself a McConnell like career. If he can raise his 3pt shot, he could become a very good PG. Because he's a solid defender for his strength and tenacity, even at his size.

    If you want to learn more about him yourself. Read about his improvements, statistics and even clips of his shot transformation. His Defensive and everything else he does well. This was an awesome link on Reshad. Check it out and tell me you don't want this dude for us at SF.

    The only thing he doesn't do a lot is handle the ball. But just like they used him at Arizona. We would use him the same way. Because they used their ball handlers and best passers to set him up most the time. While we have the best PG's in the league to do that and he loves/thrives to play our playing style.

    Either way, despite how we pick, I hope we get Reshad.. I won't hold my breath. Because I doubt they will pick like I would.. But here's to hoping.. 🙏

    I do like PJ Hall, but even though he can hit the 3 and listed as a PF. I think he plays more a C/PF role..

    Pacers should sign Cody Zeller on a minimum for a backup C. Since I doubt they will go for Drummond. If not Zeller, maybe Chimeze Metu. He could be another 3pt stretch, defensive/huslte player to play alongside Pascal as the C. If they wanted to sit Myles, or even could play him at PF with Jackson. While also play Metu at C himself.. Even though he's 6'8 with shoes.. I think he has a 7'2 wingspan and even at 220ish. He's a fairly good huslte player and scrappy defender. Defenses have to guard him at 3 a bit too.

  2. Miami will end up with lowkey, one of the best potential player's in the draft. Kel'el Ware does so many nice thing's. Walking double double, 3pt threat and post with Defense abilities. Heat culture will bring out the best in him on a consistent basis too.

  3. I found out later this year after watching some of Klintman, that his first name is actually pronounced (Bobbi). According to the announcers. I wanted Bobi since last year. He can guard multiple positions, has tons of skill. Only needs to work on his consistency a lot and shot selection. Having great teammates and some time to develop will help him a lot. With the way he plays and how he plays at his size. I think he will do just fine. Even if the consistency takes a couple year's to get it down. His stroke looks very nice.. and most of all we need defense. Not like we'd be asking him to shoot 20 shots a game. He can take them in practice though and become an awesome player possibly, one day.

  4. Knicks would probably love to keep Hartenstein and move Mitchell Robinson. With the rate they're going, maybe they keep everyone. I'm becoming more and more of a Knicks fan these day's. 😂 They make all the moves I want the Pacers to make. Finally after all these year's. Knicks are actually a destination that is acting like a big market team for once.

  5. Is the NBA draft ever going to change the horrific way they don't announce trades? Having guys in hats of teams they're not going to is infuriating.

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