@Miami Heat

“I’m told (Jimmy Butler) will not be signing an extension with the Heat or any other team ahead of his opt-out in 2025 free agency.” @ShamsCharania

“I’m told (Jimmy Butler) will not be signing an extension with the Heat or any other team ahead of his opt-out in 2025 free agency.” @ShamsCharania

by jbenson255


  1. jbenson255

    lol if they let jimmy walk for free im done with this front office

  2. rice-guardian

    This might be it folks


  3. It would be very Miami if he went off this season and leaves the Heat next summer for nothing… but I’m happy he’s staying for now

  4. He wants to stay supposedly, and so he’ll play out this year and maybe sign after. I low key wonder if he’s considering retirement though. Seems extremely unlikely but who tf knows, he’s definitely been openly talking about how he knows he only has so much longer before Father Time gets him

  5. Good luck in 2025 not a lot of teams with open cap space to sign him to the max outright (76ers won’t have the cap space)

  6. TheRatchetTrombone

    It’s a wait and see. Jimmy heard pat call him out on not playing games and coasting too much and fucking around. It’s pretty obviousPat wants to see Jimmy actually fucking play and not sit out games to watch with others. Jimmy does that and Pat will extend him. Yall are just so sad and so easily fucking scared; its embarrassing that yall call yourselves heat fans pissing at every little thing.

  7. Esjay_954

    Jimmy betting on himself and then Heat losing him for nothing instead of just giving him his 1 year extension

    Pat masterclass

  8. ThickArepa

    I wonder if Riley gave him a handshake agreement if he balls out he gets max money

  9. Standard_Strategy_25

    Would not surprise me if he outright retires after this year

  10. What contender is going to have the cap space to sign him outright after this season?

    If anything it just gives the Heat time to assess things more, and you get a motivated Jimmy in a contract year.

    If Jimmy doesn’t sign an extension, there will be a sign and traded next summer or sign an extension then with the Heat. He is not walking for nothing.

  11. iliveonramen

    Damn, so that means we have Jimmy one more year then he’s hitting free agency.

    If Jimmy has a supermax level year it’s going to be even harder watching him go

  12. Severe-Vermicelli-71

    how are people seeing this as a bad thing, it is by far the best option for both sides. Jimmy has said he wants to retire in Miami, and even if he wants to leave next year, what contender can sign him with cap space?? If he were to leave it would need to be a sign and trade with Miami getting assets back. Plus if things don’t work out again this year I think its fine to move on from Jimmy anyways.

  13. Phenomenon0fCool

    So he’s definitely going to be 1st Team All NBA and Finals MVP. That’s the only news I see here.

  14. JabezMakaveli

    If we don’t trade him before the end of next season and indeed let him walk, then we are officially in need of a refresh in the front office.

  15. Welp, if he ain’t gonna go to another hear in the regular season then it might be time to send him off imo

  16. pineking2323

    I still have faith the front office will pull their heads out of their asses and trade him for picks and a young player or two. It goes against the culture of the team but even they have to realize this team isnt winning it all or getting back to the finals.

  17. Yall are getting ahead of yourselves. He WANTS TO BE IN MIAMI. He’s going to ball out to shut up Pat and get paid in Miami. He’s not going anywhere and he’s ending his career in Miami.

  18. Shiny_metal_ass

    Contract year Jimmy is something I want to see.

  19. No need for the Heat to throw away more money to an aging player that picks and chooses when he plays – picks and chooses when he is going to give even half effort let alone full effort.

  20. JJ-Bittenbinder

    Look I love him, and hope he proves me wrong. But unless he has a season like he did in our finals run, I’m not sure he’s worth a multi year max. He’s 34, not many players are able to stay elite until they’re 36-38.

    This front office has already shown they don’t really want to pay aging stars just to keep them (see D Wade)

  21. FstLaneUkraine

    Bye felicia. This dude about to average 17 and miss 30 games lol. It’s in his best interest to swindle a team into an extension now because his value is going to drop. No one is giving $150M for a player on one leg.

  22. grzzlycity

    If his play is going to be similar to last year, it might be best to move on from Jimmy.

  23. JZ_the_ICON

    Jimmy betting on himself to prove to Pat to pay him. I can see Pat saying go out and see what you can get and come back and give us a chance to match. I know players want and deserve to get paid, but if Jimmy wants to win he should consider take a pay cut and handshake deal that they’ll hook him up role in the organization for as long as he wants one.

  24. twozeromm

    This is exactly what Pat wanted, go out there and play for an extension, show that you care during the regular season.

  25. jimmybutler123456

    i hope jimmy tries this regular season cause it might be his last go

  26. I’m mentally preparing for the upcoming dark ages of CULTURE

  27. Western-Carpet266

    This is absolutely fine by me. I want to see what he’s got this year, and how many games he actually plays. Pat Riley was right about that. Also not just jimmy but the structure of NBA contracts where players who are clearly declining but have all NBA talent still in mid 30’s are eligible for super duper max’s it so silly to me. Almost nobody after 35 is worth that money yet because of length of service and past achievements it is what they demand. I think teams will come around to this soon (as it seems Miami might be here) and not hand out 4year maxes to old players just because

  28. NonchalantGhoul

    If he’s not interested in a contract that’s not a max, please trade him away to get the maximum value he still has

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