@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons Select High Upside Prospect Ron Holland, Does The Immediate Fit ON The Team Matter?

Detroit Pistons Select High Upside Prospect Ron Holland, Does The Immediate Fit ON The Team Matter?

the Detroit Pistons shocked myself they even shocked Ron Holland by selecting Ron Holland with the fifth overall pick in this draft we’ll talk about this pick the impact on the future the current impact on the team we’ll talk about all that and obviously Ron Holland himself in today’s episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the locked on Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host kill you can find me over on Twitter at cill I want to thank you guys for make lock on Pistons it’s your first listen of every single day free and available on all your podcast platforms if you haven’t ready head to the YouTube channel hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on there another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode was brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as playoffs wind down the Sports Stop sport like we want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit lockon to get started today’s episode or tonight’s episode I’m recording this really late I finally just got home from the pressor we got to speak with Ron Holland we got to speak with Tran Lan so I’m just now getting home at 11:20 p.m. I’m so I’m going to get this out as soon as I get this edited and posted so it probably be really late episode maybe even the middle of the night um but this episode is going to be I think it’s going to be a lot of fun but it’s just a lot of things to discuss that at least I want to discuss so the Pistons have selected Ron Holland with the fifth overall pick in this draft he’s out of the G League ignite um there’s a lot of factors that we’re going into like when the Pistons popped up on the screen and their timer started there was a lot going on I know there was a lot being talked about in The Press Room amongst us I can see that there was a lot of Talk Amongst the fan base in the community once that timer started because when the Pistons pick came up Donovan kingan was still there at five I think everyone includ or a lot of people including my own opinion was the Pistons are probably about to trade back now because the The Talk of the Town was everyone wanted to trade up and get Donovan King and everyone wanted to go up there and get him and if he fell the five the Pistons could get a really good deal to move back in the draft and also get f asset so once that happened I was like okay this is what I’m for sure expecting to happen this is exactly how they wanted things to line up and turns out that was not what happened and D kinging for what’s wor didn’t get traded up for at all Portland has ended up taking him at seven so maybe that was a smoke screen who knows but the Pistons did not end up taking Donan kingan didn’t end up traing the pick they ended up taking Ron Holland so Ron Holland the player there’s a lot of different angles again we’re going to talk about this but just as like Bri Holland the prospect he from the people I talked to I don’t think he was like the national guys on ESPN it doesn’t seem like they were as high on Rod Holland as you had heard a lot of talk about him potentially slipping in the draft but amongst I’d say um NBA draft Twitter and and and the people I talk with a lot of people had him top three Prospect in the draft top two in the Pro in the draft I saw a lot of people that I really respect had him number one Prospect in this draft so as far as and obviously traan Lon agrees this is a player who is dynamic athletically has extreme upside defensively has really good size tras and langon mentioned after selecting him they expects him to be able to guard one through four so this is another wing with Incredible size incredible athleticism incredible slasher around the rim or getting to the rim as well but again a another player who does not have a shot he shot 27% from Deep this past year for uh the G League ignite so this is another player that the Detroit Pistons are taking a chance or not even 27% um he he had 97 total threes this past year when you take into account the Showcase and the regular season he shot 23.7% on threes amongst those game so again another athlete another prospect that the Detroit Pistons take that can’t really shoot he can’t shoot and we’re going to talk more about this from different angles later on the podcast but what I want to say I want to really stay on the pick itself if you’ve been listening to the podcast for a minute or at least the last few weeks I’d say and we’ve had a lot of these draft guys on one of the main consistent themes were you know I’d asked the question like obviously the Pistons need shooting who should they be picking should they be picking for fit is there a shooter here that they should go after and a lot of the same sentiment we kept hearing was the prospects that will be available for the Pistons at five the best prospects at the top of this draft all have question shooting so unless you trade back or if you reach on somebody you are going to have to take a chance on somebody who does not have a reliable jump shot at this point obviously you could trade the pick you know trade back or you could just trade it for a player right now but if you are keeping that pick and you want to get the best Prospect you are probably going to be taking a player that can’t shoot at this moment that is at least a work in progress shooting wise because of where what this draft is it just seems like all the prospects that were in consideration for five either were non-shooters questionable shooters or Shooters in progress like you weren’t getting a guaranteed shooter at this pick I know a lot of people like d and connect but he ended up falling all the way I believe to 17 to the Lakers so for whatever whatever reason that is that would have been incredible reach to take him at five so I I I I said a few jokes on Twitter OB obviously as soon as they made this pick like oh yeah this faing is going to look amazing like cracked cracked a joke real quick obviously he had to have some fun with it but I’m not mad at this pick at all I actually I could I really understand it it goes back to what we talked about on the podcast I think like two weeks ago or something I came on here I said I’m having a really a hard time deciding what I want the Pistons to do in this draft because my draft philosophy has always been you take the best player available because in two to three years if you end up looking back and saying you didn’t get the best player you passed up on him for a fit and he turns out to be a star superstar you’re going to be kicking yourself for years so always take the best player available and then figure fit out later that’s always been my stance most of the time but with this team and how badly it went this past year trying to do that it seems like they’ve went that route of taking best player available over the last few years and how bad it went last year I found myself thinking okay maybe they should draft for fit should they really go for best player available in this draft and again I it was something I was know really struggling trying to figure out where I stood with it but listen Ron Holland according to a lot of people that I trust and a lot of things I’ve read and listening to tras Ledon which we’ll get to later he has probably the highest upside in this draft he has the ability to defend the Pistons are probably G to go from a few years ago to having one of the least athletic Wing rooms in the NBA to probably having the most athletic Wing room in the the entire NBA with AAR in around Holland defensively again like I said he can get to the basket tras L said after the press or after the selection that he could check all the boxes off except for shooting so I cannot hate I canot get mad at this pick by the Pistons if they feel like this guy if Ron Holland was the best player available if they believe he was the best Prospect available if he was number one on their board as prospects I cannot hate on them for take for making this pick at all I can’t I I can’t hate on them for making this pick the only question I have when it comes to concern with this pick and again like I said one of the reasons why I can’t really criticize this pick is because every other Prospect it seems like they would have had a choice to pick has questions with their jump shot so you were gonna have to honestly it feels like what they did said was look no matter who we take we’re probably GNA end up having someone who is a questionable shooter so let’s just get the player we think he’s going to end up being the best anyways and if he doesn’t up getting a jump shot at least he ends up being the best out of all of them anyways like that seems like what the the thought process ended up being and I can’t hate on that I can’t I can’t hate on that along with Ry H having that the type of upside that he has on a team that just won 14 games I also get hey you just won 14 games you need talent take the guy who has the best chance to be a star so I get that argument too um and trust me don’t worry we are going to get the other angles of this I will address all the angles um the only question I had or I I still have and Tran kind of answered it a little later um in the presser but my only question is once kinging fell the five how bad were the offers that you did not trade back to seven or nine with Portland OR the Grizzlies to acquire another asset and just trade back into the draft how how bad were those offers because I I thought that was a shoe in I was I was completely shocked that the Pistons took Holland because as we’ll talk about a little later there wasn’t much you know indication that he was on their board but even more so I was shocked because as soon as kingan fell the five I was like oh my God this sh out exactly how they wanted it now they can trade this for future assets like this is actually going to happen like that that was my immediate thought process so I just need to know like how bad were the offers that they didn’t end up doing that um and trean ended up speaking to it saying that he would have Lov to get another asset and move back but he didn’t want to do it at the at the chance of getting a player he didn’t like in the draft he would rather take Ron Holland than trade back and end up with a player he didn’t like and just another asset so I get that but would Ron Holland not have been there at seven that this is my only questions I’m not complaining like I think this is my only fair questions about the pick are we sure Ron Holland would not have been there at seven are we sure he wouldn’t have been there at nine and how bad would the offers must have been terrible that’s my assumption because Charlotte at six also didn’t trade back they ended up taking uh salon at the six pick they didn’t trade back for kingan either so the P the the the trade offers for kingan to for the opportunity to draft him at five or six must have been terrible that’s what I’m assuming because neither Detroit or Charlotte did it so I just want to know how bad were these offers I thought it was a shoo in once they once to happen that that was what was going to happen looks like Memphis and Portland must have been really low blowing lowballing and if Portland at seven it seems like that Portland never really felt threatened it seems like that someone was going to take clinging before them they didn’t think Detroit was going to take him and apparently they didn’t think Charlotte was going to take him because they were able to just stay at seven end up getting them without trading up so that that’s my only question with the pick but as far as Ron Holland himself he is a high upside Prospect and when you just won 14 games and every other Prospect around that position is also going to have question shooting wise I completely understand taking this swing however along with this there are some other things that have to happen we’re going to talk about that when we come back passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your rid or die alive eBay Motors is everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to your ride every time you’ll get your money back because with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber not cash with all the parts you need at the prices you want it’s easy to make your cars the 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gonna read you his quotes but I’m telling you and this is why I want to say thank you to the Pistons for allowing me to be into the building this past year and contining to allow me in the building because this is the kind of access that I would not have been able to have in this kind of context I would not have been able to give you guys if I was not I can read you guys the quotes but listening to him talk I can tell you guys the quotes don’t even do it justice this sounded like a guy who was incredibly shocked that the he was drafted to the Detroit Pistons he was not expecting to go number five now I’m not saying he didn’t want to go to Detroit that’s not what I’m saying I’m saying he was clearly sounded like a guy who was just completely shocked that he was drafted by the Detroit Pistons um but now let me read you the quotes but like I said the coach thin do it justice I’m telling you listening to him talk he did not sound like he sounded completely shocked um he said I never thought I’d go fifth overall tonight he also said that he did not have a workout with Detroit at all before this and he didn’t have any contact with Detroit before the draft at all either um and then they he was asked did he know anything about Detroit before being selected he said no because I wasn’t really expecting to go to Detroit at five like he was over and over and over again he showcased that he was just shocked that he went five which I think is interesting um outside that I think he just kind of said some coach speaks stuff you know um love to can’t wait to get started you know I’m going to love whoever the head coach is you know uh yeah I like K Cunningham you know nothing really too crazy a lot of it was just expected stuff but that out of all the things he said that right there is what jumped off the page to me is that wow he they must have really kept the cards close to their chest because he had no clue he had no clue that he was going to Detroit so I just thought that was incredibly interesting so to tag on to that the next angle I want to go with is what now needs to happen so this is why I want to reach you guys I have I typed this out I was talking to some people in the in the Press Room when the pisses made this pick I want to type this out so the pisses have over $60 million in cap space correct after the draft now I’m so there’s nine guys there’s nine guys that are on this roster that matter that that all feel like like these are nine guys that they I’m assuming all feel like they should be they can play they should be playing and want to be in the rotation not guys who are you know don’t really matter and could just be released or traded and not cared about like I count nine guys that have somewhat of importance to the Pistons Cade Ivy assar Stu Duren Sasser Grimes fonio and now Holland so that’s nine guys I count that again they all individually I’m assuming expect to play and want to play and expect to be in consideration for the rotation obviously right and all have a level of um investment into them whether it’s through them being selected by the Pistons within the last few years obviously Hollin tonight but even like a Grimes or a fonki who were traded for who the Pistons gave up ass assets to acquire there’s all level all these players have a level of investment in the reason why I bring this up Holland cannot shoot but like we said in the first segment I understand why they made the pick he has incredible upside I’m not hating on him as a prospect but it’s undeniable to not bring up the fact that the Pistons are now they are now nine guys deep of players that have a level of importance and they still have not addressed the shooting I’m going to let you guys know why bring this up the reason why I’m bringing this up is because people I won’t say myself I do have some questions about the shooting but not to the point where I would say they just shouldn’t have drafted Holland but why there some people who feel that way and why there may be some people close within the Pistons that feel like okay are they ever gonna address shooting like is that ever gonna happen well this is why I think that’s a fair question because last year when the Pistons drafted assar Thompson the talk immediately after drafting assar was you went with the high upside pick you can use free agency and your cap space And Trades to address the spacing that was the this is the exact conversation you had this past season this past off season and did they actually end up addressing the spacing no they did not this was the the talk of well they have the cat space they can go in free agency they can do trade still they have all this flexibility why are you worried about them addressing spacing this was the exact same conversation we were all having last year when we were just assuming they would do it and they didn’t so until they actually do it everyone who has concerns about the spacing is completely within their right to do so because again this is the exact same conversation everyone was having this past season this past off season so again this is not enough of a concern to me where I would say they just should not have drafted Ron Holland but it’s a fair concern for people to have until the Pistons actually address it that’s number one number two if the Pistons do go on to try to address spacing which I do expect them to because Tran went out of his way in his presser a few days ago that he mentioned they need spacing and that it will help Cade and it will help cut down the turnovers that they had if they have spacing and they need it so okay if that’s the case again nine players people us teams usually go with like a 10-man rotation some go with a Neman rotation during the regular season but at most usually like a 10-man rotation you have nine guys that I just named you have $60 million in cap space who are you who one who are you attacking and who are you getting to help the spacing and two which of these nine guys are either being traded or being just flat out bench I don’t mean just coming off the bench I mean not in the rotation which one of the guys are not going to be in the rotation flatly or three are they just bringing them all back and they’re not actually going to spend a lot on guys that are going to play and they’re going to take on bad contracts of players that can’t really play for future assets and they’re just going to play all these guys which one is it that is a question that it has to to be answered because again nine guys 10 man rotation so if I had to take a guess I’m going to assume that Sasser is one of the guys who probably won’t be playing are they keeping Ivy are they moving on from Ivy are they keeping Duren or moving on from Duren is Stu actually gonna be traded it’s Grimes staying are they moving Grimes like who’s who is staying who is going who is being flat out benched and how are you going about addressing the roster that that is the question that remains after the draft and the argument which I understand I probably would make the same argument is that no matter who the Pistons drafted at five you were gonna have this discussion that is true but again because of what happened last offseason when this was the same conversation you had after drafting a similar player to assar Thompson and then they didn’t do it that is why you have people who are concerned that right there is why some people are concerned and I cannot blame them for that so that’s why I said that okay I’m cool with them drafting Ron I’m cool with them drafting Holland High upside guy I get it but after doing that you cannot then do what you did last year you cannot you cannot draft a guy who can’t shoot and knowing you need spacing and then not dress in free agency they have cap space but they did last year they had flexibil they have flexibility but they did last year you actually have to do it this time you absolutely have to you cannot go into the into the season trolling again like you did last year with a Joe Harris type of trade or something like that actually address it actually address it and I think everyone will be okay anyone who has questions about it will be fine as long as you actually address it this time the other thing I have is so is is Holland not going to play out the gate because if he is again this is it’s just a numbers game at this point everybody like so k obviously going to play like if you just go through these guys who are going to be playing minutes okay like I said last year I said there’s all offseason last year people said well yeah technically we think we they addressed spacing they got Joe Harris and they still have Alec Burks and Boon but I said all offseason okay you can have players that technically can shoot but are they can you actually make a lineup of those players that Mak sense you can have those players but if you throw a lineup out there of Kate Alec Burks boan Joe Harris are you actually going to do something you’re just going to get torched on defense the way it doesn’t matter like can you actually put a functional lineup on the floor so that’s what I’m watching for that I think that’s the question that needs to be answered is who’s not playing who’s sitting out and if these guys are coming back who are you adding that makes these lineups or makes this rotation a functional rotation where you can have functional lineups on the floor that’s it that’s it I do want to know if R Holland is going to end up playing like the start of the year like is he GNA be in the rotation at all or is he about to be in the G League I have a problem if he’s in the G league if the Pistons actually started utilizing their g- league I think that would probably be smart they said they were years ago but they they haven’t um but again those are the questions those are the that’s the other side of the argument and that’s the other side of the coin and I think that’s all fair especially how they addressed last off season especially how they addressed last off season so we’ll see we’ll see what they do as far as Just My overall opinion Ron Holland he is a high side Prospect I’m not hating on him as a prospect I don’t have a problem with them picking Ron Holland it’s just the work you must do after making this pick better happen and like I said that might this might have been something I said no matter who they picked fifth but I’m going to say it anyways I don’t care like that that was gonna be something I was gonna say anyways so it is what it is no matter what they actually have to do something they can’t be last off season it just cannot absolutely cannot also TR and Lon said quite a few interesting things in his presser um I want to relay those things to you guys coming up I love sports I’ve played Sports my whole life I grew up loving Sports I love them so much that I never want them to stop but with the playoffs over we get fewer games and basically no games and the sports aren’t sportsing like I want them to but FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whenever I want all I had to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long so head over to lockon and start making the most out of your summer that’s what FanDuel official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball again head over to loock on start making the most out of your summer with FanDuel so I want to thank you guys again being locked on Pistons your first listen of every single day we’re fre TOA on all your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel lock on Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review or whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on as another great way to support the podcast so Tron Lon first of all I want to say this about Tron I think the fans I think you guys are gonna absolutely love him especially when you get to watch him talk I can say this from being at two press so far with him one of the crism of Troy Weaver was that a lot of fans and I think rightfully so but like he didn’t speak with confidence behind what he said also I don’t think he just I don’t think he was a great public speaker to begin with so it may have been just that and that you don’t have to be a great public speaker to be a good GM but I feel like a lot of people felt like he didn’t speak with a lot of like Bas in his voice and not like literally bass in his voice but like you know confidence and conviction with what he was saying um immediately like with langon he captures the room he when he speaks he speaks with a purpose and it feels like you can immediately feel the confidence and and conviction he’s speaking with so so I think fans are going to love it and he’s very straightforward I like the fact that he’s very transparent like so far a lot of the questions that get asked to him he’s not giving back quarterback answers like he’s actually giving you Insight he’s actually just being straightforward with you he doesn’t have a problem with it I I think he’s gonna be a great interview so far I’m a fan of traan link I think he’s gonna be a great quote like I really enjoy that I like guys who are just straightforward and very transparent about things so I think fans are going to like him especially if some of the video of of his presser comes out I don’t know if they’re going to post any videos of it um I had a bad seat to not a bad seat I had a good seat but where I was sitting at I couldn’t get video of I would have had like five people’s heads in the way um so all I got was audio but anyways my point is I think you guys are gonna like Tran Lon um anyways some interesting things that Tran said in his pressor um he did say that they were a lot when he was asked about the fact that they didn’t work out Ry Holland before the draft he said that there were a lot of agents that didn’t want to send their players to Detroit to work out and that contributed not wanting or that contributed not getting a workout with Ron Holland I think that’s interesting again that’s not me making stuff up that’s what he said so I I don’t know what that means I think that’s pretty interesting why were agents not wanting to send players to Detroit people don’t want their prospects going to Detroit is that the kind of reputation Detroit has built was there another reason was there an inocent reason for it I I I mean when you say something like that you you’re G to leave open people reading into it so I wonder why why weren’t agents sending their player wanting to send their players to Detroit for a workout like gu Detroit really perceived that badly by some people to where that they just don’t want them going to the Pistons that they’re not looked at as a good organization at all I I mean 15 years of how this has gone I mean I can’t I don’t know if you can really blame them but is that really the perception about them now and then the next question is is that why R Ron Holland didn’t work out with the p like did the agent not want Ron Holland to go to Detroit did Ron Holland not want to come to Detroit doesn’t seem like that’s the case Ron Holland uh said that he was very excited to get get started he want he’s excited about turning the team around so I don’t think that Ron H didn’t want to come to Detroit but did his agent not want him to be in Detroit like not just him but all the other agents too so again that was a very interesting quote that Lon just threw out there um and again he’s very transparent but I just wonder what why that was the case why was that the case um and this is a big talking point right here that you mentioned I probably should have mentioned this earlier in the episode but there’s just so many different things we probably could even talk about this stuff next episode but when he was asked about you know Ron Holland his him as a player again L was very straightforward he said I think he checks most boxes but obviously his shooting is a concern he admitted that the shooting is is a concern but he also said quote we hired Fred Vinson for a reason if his shot hits he’s going to be a really good player numerous times in his press where he said we have the best in the business when it comes to working on shots in in the building like we have the best in the building we have the best in the league and Fred vinsent we hired him for a reason he’s gonna get his money is worth so I’m not gonna lie to you I think the draft pick I think whatever free agent signing I think whatever trade they do I don’t think any of that is going to be more important than Fred vinsent I think Fred vinsent might be the the most important addition to the Detroit Pistons in the last 20 years like like that they’re put it like they are putting so many of their eggs damn near all their eggs into the basket of Fred Vincent turning water into wine and you know look he has an incredible an absolute credible record okay we’ve talked about in a few episodes ago Fred Vincent white literally may be the best shooting coach in the business so you do have the best in the league you do have the best at doing it in your building that is true but like I said last offseason or two actually two offseasons ago whenever everyone was saying like know internal development is going to be why they got better Killian’s going to get better sadik’s going to get better st’s going to get better Cage’s going to get better like that’s why they’re gonna make this big jump and I was on here saying like look expecting one or two to make a jump that’s fair but just assuming that everyone’s gonna make a jump is just not realistic it just isn’t I know people want to be optimistic people want to be positive but we have to be realistic everyone making a jump in one offseason is just not realistic and it didn’t happen I think it’s the same same thing here I I Fred Vincent may be great at his job I do have a little bit of a concern that could he make Ivy a really good shooter maybe could he make assar a really good shooter maybe Ron Holland uh could durren maybe stretch his range out like who know like could one of these players eventually do this or could he make one or two of these players do this sure possibly but expecting him to to do it with all of them for for Ivy Holland assar potentially like for all these guys to do it and like it’s just it’s not a realistic thing to think about happening like I don’t think it’s realistic doesn’t mean it’s impossible it may happen I just think that that’s my one concern is just betting on Fred Vincent fixing everyone’s jump shot and now you don’t have to worry about anything I just don’t think that’s realistic maybe he solves two of them but all four or even more whoever else gets added I just don’t know if that’s how realistic that is but heck like I said Fred Vincent is the best in the business TR and Lon has a lot of confidence in him so maybe maybe he is truly the savior in the greatest addition the Pistons have made in 20 plus years like that that that could be the case that could be the case um he also mentioned tras and that is he also talked about how part of his strategy was going dark and being really silent keeping his cars close to the chest I get that makes sense no one saw him getting Ron Holland um which maybe helped him get Ry highand who knows um and this is the last last thing he said and like I said next episode we could talk even more about this because there’s so many angles to talk about this from um he talked about how assar and Holland are very similar but he also spoke really highly of Holland but I think also obviously was speaking very highly of assar I don’t think he’s moving on from assar with the way he talked about this tonight but anyways um he said you can never have too many athletic great Defenders and again said that he’s not worried about their shot he said we have the best the business in house to fix their shots so it seems like he really likes those guys um he says that assar and Holland are players that are incredibly hard to find and he said numerous times he thinks they can play together but then also said it may not happen immediately I don’t think they’ll be able to look great immediately together but that’s not what we’re concerned about I think eventually they’re going to be great together I think they’re going to be really impactful on both ends of the floor together I’m not sure it’s going to be this year though that’s what he said and again I really appreciate that transparency to actually answer the question and not just give quarterback answers and you know hide behind answers he was very straightforward with this stuff so I really do appreciate that um but that’s really again there’s some other stuff but I don’t want to make it too long of an episode but look my final thoughts on the draft again whoever they picked at five you probably were going to have questions about their shot and whoever they picked at five I probably was going to have to come on the podcast and say okay what you what you do now is what matters you actually have to address the shooting somehow that was probably going to happen no matter what I think the initial shock of Holland because he wasn’t there were no indications of him going to the Pistons I think that had a part of it I think clinging falling to five and then not trading him I think that had a part in the level of shock amongst people um and I think the similarities between him and assar shock some fans but I completely get the pick he has a high UPS player again I know a lot of draft guys that were incredibly high on him and I respect a lot of those guys so look I I understand the pick um I’m gonna go watch some more Holland tonight and tomorrow while I’m at work um I’m gonna watch a lot more of them um and like I said man I have no problems with this pick whatsoever if Tran then spends the next two weeks addressing the spacing as long as he does that I have no problems with the pick because he was a high upside pick and a team that has won 14 games if you think he’s the best player available you get best player available like that’s always been my stance so um and then like I said eventually we are going to get the answer to which of these young guys are going to be traded I don’t care what Tran says about this he’s kind of playing both sides with it when he talks but the idea that he wants to create an environment for all the young guys to develop that’s true you are not going to keep all these guys I don’t I don’t care what anyone says to me I think he kind of hinted at it too that you can’t have too many of these guys but there’s nine guys I just named you have $60 millionar in c space that you have to address to build a functional team some of these guys are going to be traded like someone’s gone that’s why I’m looking forward to seeing how are they going to figure out this roster and who’s gone and who’s staying that’s what I want to see happen that’s my biggest takeaway but that’s all I’ve got for you guys today thank you guys for making lock on Pistons your first listen of every single day you’re podcast platforms hit that subscribe button to the YouTube channel leave us a five stareview whatever podcast platform you’re listening to us on and until next time I’ll see you guys later stay safe out there and I’m going to go ahead and get myself some sleep before I gota wake up in the morning go to work um but till next time I’ll see you guys later stay safe peace out

The Detroit Pistons stayed put at the fifth pick and drafted Ron Holland out of the G-League Ignite, an extremely athletic, high-upside prospect but has a familiar weakness; his jumpshot. Should that have stopped the Pistons from drafting him?

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  1. Front office must engage prospects face to face interview's most important. The optics to your star player matters. Not a good start for a new regime minus the coaches participation

  2. Doesn't matter who the Pistons hire, this franchise will be perpetually obsessed with players who can't shoot

  3. No one in this draft would've contributed to winning now. The highest upside selection was the best decision if no trades involving the pick were satisfactory

  4. Tragan said teams didn't even want their player working out for the pistons. This is how bad the old management was with Monty, and Weaver. This is a bad sign for free agency.

  5. Lol people still think this the same regime is wild.

    Ausar & Holland locking up JB & JT in 2026 and will be able to knock down spot up 3’s

    Fred Vinson is REALLY HIM and this’ll be light work. Rob has the right mentality& physical tools to make this work.

    Dalton knect and all his shooting wasn’t gonna move the needle for us. And Holland is 5 years younger

    Sorry we couldn’t finesse Derrick white for josh Richardson & get Porzingis for Marcus smart

  6. Lol people still think this the same regime is wild.

    Ausar & Holland locking up JB & JT in 2026 and will be able to knock down spot up 3’s

    Fred Vinson is REALLY HIM and this’ll be light work. Rob has the right mentality& physical tools to make this work.

    Dalton knect and all his shooting wasn’t gonna move the needle for us. And Holland is 5 years younger

    Sorry we couldn’t finesse Derrick white for josh Richardson & get Porzingis for Marcus smart

  7. Today basketball is all about shooting three,that’s the trend we cannot deny. And since everyone chasing for this culture, most of the teams & players lack of the other skills. Paint area judgement, playmaking vision, defense dynamic or intangible abilities etc. So on the other hand, if we can develop an intensive three-quarter or half court defense press, pay more attention on counter attack, we may stop over 60% of the NBA team from our youngster. bIn order to achieve that, we need energy and defensive mindset. It’s a gamble, but it’s worth to do so. I’m happy to see the ingredients that we have, besides they still can train up their shooting percentage.
    not playoff this year, but i am seeking for 30 W on the road.
    chill up guys~💪🏼

  8. I thought he was the most NBA ready player. Hopefully we develop him and the shooting coach gets him together. 🙏🏾

  9. At this point, I'm actively rooting for the funniest possible outcome because that's what this piss poor excuse of fanbase deserves. So i loved this pick 🤣

    Another athletic non-shooter we'll fail to develop so Cade can keep having to play in a crowded phonebooth anytime he goes inside the 3pt line? Hell yeah, let's go! Bonus points for taking him at 5 and having to pay him more when Memphis wanted Clingan bad and would have at least given us some seconds so we could still take the guy at 9 on a cheaper rookie salary and future extension if he ends up being worth extending.

    Fuck sharing the longest win streak with another team, i want that #1 spot all alone in the record book. Give me the worst win % in an 82 game season in NBA history right after the worst win % in Pistons history because i want that record too. I want this team finishing last in the league again trying to turn the corner while at least 3 other teams are actively tanking from game 1 so that we can fall to 5 in the lottery for the 3rd year straight and then Cade, Ivey, Ausar, Duren, and Stew all ask to be traded while still on rookie deals.

    It's objectively the funniest outcome (unless youre a Pistons fan, of course, but then again God hates the Pistons fans and they have it coming so eat shit 😂😂😂)

    Stopped being a Pistons fan a long time ago when I realized most of the "fans" of this team were toxic, hoops and analytics illiterate scumfucks who had exactly the kind of moronic, corrupt owner and front office they deserve. I realized i was actually a Cade, Ivey, Ausar, Duren and Stew fan who couldn't wait for all of my young guys the fanbase has already given up on to get traded to teams with an actual proven player development system and to get back pennies on the dollar for them just like Dinwiddie, Middleton, KCP, Bey, etc It was a liberating experience, i highly recommend trying it.

    Fred Vinson and Borrego are awesome hires… 4 years ago when the rebuild started before we squandered important development years for our drafted players by letting the GM's approach to development be:
    -telling players "that thing youre not very good at? You should get good;"
    -telling gym rat hoops fiends that they spend too much time on basketball and they should spend the offseason "getting a hobby" (fuck JLE3 for talking us into ever thinking that was a cool thing instead of the massive red flag the front office was inept)
    -hiring Jon Beliene as a "player development advisor" for his shooting drills because he supposedly turned so many guys into 3pt snipers when he coached U of M (he coached 2 guys other than Duncan Robinson who had more than one NBA season of 36% or better from 3 – Nick Stauskas and Glen Robinson lll)
    – using his G-League team for the exclusive purpose of developing career role players in the G-League into 15th man, blowout garbage time minutes eaters instead of as a player development lab/reps force feeder for more raw draftees who aren't getting enough minutes on the main roster like the other, actually competent franchises do.

    I'm actually rooting for Ron Holland to be a bust at this point – not just because it would be hilariously on brand for this org, but also because a lot of the people i see gassing this Hamidou Diallo 2.0 up are the same ones i saw rooting against Killian Hayes, danced on his grave when he was waived, and have since turned to shitting on Cade and Ivey. Can't wait to bring up his abysmal shooting splits (Fred is the league's best shooting coach, not Jesus Christ himself) after every game the way Kill's were by the "Ron Holland got that dawg in him, tho" box score watchers.

  10. Ausar all over again, athletic plays defense can't score a basket to save his life, need shooters we get the same thing.

  11. People wanted buzelis but Ron holland is a no… neither of them shot good but Ron holland out scored him and out defended him on the same team.

  12. We now have an identity…. For the first time in like 8 years atleast we know Trajan’s plan is to bring in defenders

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