@Philadelphia 76ers

Jared McCain Selected No. 16 Overall by Philadelphia 76ers | 2024 NBA Draft Grades | CBS Sports

Jared McCain Selected No. 16 Overall by Philadelphia 76ers | 2024 NBA Draft Grades | CBS Sports

back here on CBS Sports HQ on the clock presented by Jeep Jared McCain 16th overall to the Philadelphia 76ers Elite shooter with deep range quick release in his lone season at Duke he started all 36 games averaged 14 points five rebounds made a team best 87 three-pointers on 41% shooting made a Duke freshman record eight three-pointers against Florida State February and mat it in the Blue Devils NCAA tournament run with a record 83es against James Madison in the second round Jared McCain headed to Philadelphia your grade for this is what this is a B+ uh if Dalton connect weren’t still on the board I’d probably give it an A minus because I think connect would have been the better pick but I I love this floor spacing he’s going to bring around embiid and around Tyrese Maxi I think he’s got onoff ball versatility I love what he’s going to bring from a culture standpoint Jared McCain’s just not somebody you want to bet against he cares too much he invests too much now defensively there are going to be some challenges there when you have your primary two guys you don’t want to surround them with with Defenders he’s going to have to show some growth in that area but everything else I really like this this pick for Philadelphia yeah the shooting is undeniable I mean you watch it you can see it St statistically it’s there above 41% from three this season um obviously when your centerpiece is Jo lmid adding shooting around him is never a bad thing and just to your point about don’t make the mistake of betting against Jared McCain like I happen to have friends who have kids who go to Duke and they like you know are in classes with these young people and around them I won’t tell tell you that they love everybody on the Duke Bas in the Duke basketball program that they’ve been encountered but they love Jared McCain say he’s the nicest the coolest most respectable young man none of that matters if he can’t also shoot like crazy but that’s all good stuff to bring into your franchise I I like this pick a lot Aver you like the fit here going in Philadelphia yeah yeah I like the fit and his coach coach John shy talked about how he’s the most disciplined player that he’s ever been around that’s a strong statement I also compare him in terms of his shooting ability to another d guy Grayson Allen that would be my comparable uh for this young man but I think this is a solid fit we talked about it we knew it would be connect or McCain in this situation because of the fit for Philadelphia and and you know the Lakers uh coming up soon it’s very similar there where they could use shooting with Anthony Davis and LeBron James so we’ll see what direction they go but Philadelphia adding a shooter that’ll never be a a dumb thing I’m having a little Deja Vu because I remember sitting here last year cam Whitmore sliding down the boards and everybody’s saying take cam Whitmore take cam Whitmore and you know what we can say a year later somebody should have taken cam Whitmore earlier and when we’re sitting here next year we’re GNA say somebody should have taken Dalton connect earlier and if he ends up spacing the floor around LeBron James and Anthony Davis that that’s going to be huge for him and for the Lakers Aver you mentioned John shy he said this about Jared McCain it’s about his competitive nature it’s about how he’s always talking always upbeat trying to make plays it’s just who he is all the time every single day in practice every single day he comes out here and Matt you have seen uh Jared McCain up close and personal the player he is and the kind of person he is uh what is what kind of player is Philadelphia getting from your perspective they’re getting someone who is extremely dedicated to the game in fact the interesting thing about McCain is uh if you’re a if you’re a younger fell that’s or gal that’s got Tik Tok Jared McCain was the first like megawatt star on on that social media platform and uh he actually proved Pro that you could be someone that could be very image conscious to a level of millions and millions of followers and also be extremely good at playing college basketball and turn yourself into a top 20 pick after just one season uh he invests so much he’s a really good shooter I’m not convinced that he’s going to wind up you know having an ultra successful NBA career I’m not saying that it won’t happen I’m intrigued to see the fit here if the 76ers can plug him in and he can be a guy that can really space the floor improve that team shooting obviously that franchise is fascinating in terms of where it sits in the hierarchy in the Eastern Conference right now but I saw Jared McCain play in person a number of times this season and he was very impressive I go back to a conversation I had in person with John shy back when I saw Duke play against Arkansas and even then sh told me that in terms of the freshmen he had on the team that were adapting and showing up accountable coming through every single day it was McCain easy to say that now but sh saw this initially from the get-go there this is a this is is a good pick and McCain feels like he’ll fit into a specific role where he’s a spark plug and can provide some real energy from a three-point standpoint he practices yoga and meditation does Jared McCain maybe he can get Joel embiid relaxed and get him into the right Groove there in Philadelphia the Lakers are on the clock at 17 are are we in agreement at 17 that Dalton connect is the selection that should be made absolutely without question absolutely three for three but they call us the big three for a reason JJ reading what are you R let’s are they running if they say brownie I’m leaving I’m just I’m walking off and I’m leaving the set come back for that I’d like to see that if he walks off the set that’s next here on CBS Sports HQ I’ll stay stay no matter what you and I we staying we’re Grinders I’ll stay no matter what

The CBS Sports HQ crew give their grade for the Philadelphia 76ers selecting Jared McCain in the 2024 NBA Draft.


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  1. Le niveau de respect et dā€™admiration parmi les femmes ici est une belle chose Ć  voir.āœØ

  2. The lakers grabbed who we should have. Imo..but this dude is a gamer so Iā€™m curious to see how heā€™ll benefit. But to me, a big man good in space who can shoot helps us more then a small one

  3. This guy does Tik Tok and paints šŸŽØ his fingernails šŸ¤Œ. Probably wears skinny jeans šŸ‘– as well. What weirdo's we have growing up in our society now days. With that said I hope this kid balls šŸ€ out but I have my doubts since he's a midget he will be a liability on defense šŸ˜‚

  4. I get why people wanted Knect we need a wing, but letā€™s be real people, Maxey and Embiid are your starting firepower and Knect isnā€™t staying in front of Tatum or Brown.

    We have struggled with our bench. McCain is your second unit leader while he develops, then trade for a starting 3 and D wing.

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