@Brooklyn Nets

Mikal Bridges Traded To THE KNICKS!

Mikal Bridges Traded To THE KNICKS!

what’s the word yo whoa Mel Bridges he’s a nick man he’s a Nick it happened um it happened like two hours ago if I’m being honest with you but I was too busy this try came out of nowhere I couldn’t drop what I was doing but hey we here and I guess I got to start saying this now with these quick reaction videos I hold the right to switch my opinion if if things start shifting over the next couple days slash a week or so okay so we do these initial reaction trades my word is not Bond my opinion is always fluid but now Mel Bridges adds what the fourth Nova boy to the bunch so they’re one Nova boy away from the infinity gaunlet and I don’t know what happens if Leon Rose snaps his fingers and he’s got that fifth that fifth guy Ryan Aro I hope you’re in your agent and sitting next to that phone because you might get that call jayen Brunson Josh Hart Dante nenzo and now Mel Bridges it’s weird this just different we just very rarely in history have we seen one team be represented so much on a singular NBA roster you know what I’m saying like dukes and kuy they always got a couple people on the team cuz they just produced so many NBA players but like villain NOA obviously just have success but like this many of them on one team is kind of crazy let’s talk about the trade though because magnif hey I will say this right up top magnificent work from from Shawn marks whoa I mean he’s he’s done some good things throughout his career do not get me wrong the last couple years have not been let’s say amazing for them over there but this right here this trade right here come on man let’s talk about it it is the Knicks sending four unprotected picks four of them 25 27 29 31 that’s one more pick from the Milwaukee Bucks that’s protected for this year I’m sorry for next year and an unprotected swap in 2028 and a second rounder for this year one of my favorite things about this trade is this pick is this one thises Leon Rose tail sha marks yeah I’m not doing this deal unless you give me a second for next year what is this second round pick doing for the Knicks watch that draft the next joic wi it or something but what a what a ho what a ho we going to talk about it from both perspectives let’s talk about the Brooklyn Nets cuz I love this for the Brooklyn Nets like 10 out of 10 especially when you start talking about the things they did like a couple minutes after that basically it got so convoluted it was it was difficult for me um to to even even like comprehend it but this is the thing that they did after um and you don’t need to know all the specifics because I just it was just a little bit too much most importantly in this deal per sources Houston relinquishes the right to SW Dr a Houston OKC first round pick for Brooklyn’s 2025 first round pick the next control their own pick to go full into a rebuild in the 2025 draft I don’t do draft coverage like that but the 2025 draft is supposed to be one of them ones and one of the things that Sai said in a press conference like two three weeks ago is that they were at a Crossroads with their franchise they didn’t know whether or not they wanted to keep Mel Bridges move some other people pieces and have Max contract spots in 2025 to build around Mel or should we trade Mel Bridges and go into a rebuild this makes it so much easier to go to a rebuild because you have your own pick the other time they did all list the other time they went all in when we talk about them getting Kevin Garnett and getting Paul Pierce and getting Jason Terry and getting back whatever whatever they had to bite the bullet and still go rebuild even though they didn’t have their own picks and again those picks turned into Tatum and jayen brown but now they they really kind of eliminated that that that period of time that we don’t talk about anymore they kind of eliminated to an extent they kind of eliminated the failed experiment of the big three because they will have their pick in the draft that matters the most now they didn’t get all of their picks back but they will have their first round pick in the coopa flag draft and that’s huge so I want to give them a round of applause because I remember not people literally laughing but but the conversation around the Brooklyn Nets when they acquired Mel Bridges and then then the Memphis Grizzlies the Memphis Grizzlies offered four first round picks for Mel Bridges and the world was like what the hell why are you not taking four first round picks from Mel Bridges there’s no way you’re going to get anything better than that well they did they still packed and they did now you can say Kenny the 2025 2027 2029 and 2031 picks might not equate to anything cuz the Knicks will be good for the foreseeable future for sure and I think you can say that about pretty much every single trade over the last couple years that have had a star player and I guess Mel Bridges is fitting in that because of the trade package a star player get traded for a bunch of picks like yes the team that you’re acquiring the picks from is they’re buying in for the now in the future like it’s not like the Knicks are this geriatric team like everybody in their team is relatively young I don’t know if anybody in their rotation that matters is 30 yet like like Jaylen Bruns is not 30 julus randle’s not 30 Oobi who I’m assuming is going to be back is it’s not nobody’s sty so it’s not like this team is going to be um like the the the Brooklyn Nets of old where it’s like we acquired four guys in their 30s and in three years they’re going to be either out of the league or not good anymore I I understand that and that’s why the Knicks feel comfortable with doing this but still just having that type of equity and drafts even if those picks are not going to equate to the Jason tatore Jaylen Brown like the other time it’s just great and I I think if you do the math for Kevin Durant they got nine first rounders nine of them I think they got four for Kevin Durant specifically from the Suns Plus Kell Bridges Plus cam cam Johnson right Plus cam Johnson and then they just got five first rounders for Mel so they they’re walking out right now with nine and they’re talking about full rebuild there’s a chance you can probably get another pick for cam Johnson again he he doesn’t stay healthy I think he’s played 57% of all the games he’s been eligible to play in his NBA career so far his contract is pretty big for his production but I’m sure there are some teams out there that will be calling you might be able to get another first round pick so you might walk out of that failed Big Three experiment with potentially 10 first round picks out of it and again I think that’s phenomenal um that that is the getting picks for your stars objectively at this point in basketball in 2024 just it just is the right way to go about a rebuild because even if you’re not using those picks who knows in 2027 the Nets have Cooper flag and somebody else and now they want to use the pcks that they got from Kevin Durant trade or the Mel Bridges trade to buy in and do something else so again master class from Shawn marks and Company I don’t even know if I mentioned this at the beginning because I’ve been I’ve been rambling a little bit I’ve been a guy that has made a fair fair amount of jokes for the Brooklyn Nets man you know what I’m saying we got to the NBA finals and I had a tweet thank you to the Nets because Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown are part of the Net’s deal Carrie Irving was a part of the Net’s deal both of those teams that fought in the finals the Nets had a good part in building those teams so I’ve got my jokes off but there’s no jokes here this is phenomenal especially when you look at what Ian a Begley I don’t know if I’m ever pronouncing this man’s name wrong right or wrong um he tweeted this um net surely didn’t want to tray Mel Bridges to Brooklyn but Bridges side was prepared to force the issue by telling teams he wanted to be with New York so like Cons considering Mel said it’s Brooklyn I mean it’s New York or nothing they walked out great now of course Leon Rose them didn’t know that Leon Rose didn’t know that Mel Bridges was like his here at no other place but they they used all the leverage that they had to walk out with a plethora plethora picks now let’s talk about the New York Knicks because obviously they got the player um in most trades they end up like this the team that got the player ends up winning a trade that’s the way it has worked in the NBA history not every single time but a lot of different times so let’s talk about it um the Knicks go pretty much as all in as they have in the Leon Rose era Leon Rose has been a guy to make a meticulous move here their small deal here to turns perfect a jayen Brunson signing for a second round pick who just showed his ass a little bit in the playoffs but some people thought he was overpaid and he turns to a superstar they’ve done some smaller deals here and there they never have gone like completely completely in until now and the question was when when a team like this that is as good as the Knicks last SE remind you they were the two seed and hell they were in my opinion I I think when they made the oan and noi trade and how good they looked after oan and noi I thought they were um going to be a case study and as how far can you go as an NBA team without a top fiveish player right Jaylen Brunson in the playoffs you can argue in the top 10 right but without a top five is player but unfortunately they battled so many injuries that we never really got to actualize that experiment or anything but the but this team was very very good and I commend a a team or front office that can recognize that yes we were good and and our season ended partially because we were injured but we’re not just going to sit back and just run it back every single year like teams around us are getting better that team that just won the championship they not going nowhere anytime soon so we want to maximize our timeline as well by acquiring other players that are great and Mel Bridges as a fit there I don’t know if there’s many other people that fit up any better I mean Tom tho has been a guy that’s gonna play his dudes and Mel Bridges don’t miss games it would be what a Travy would it be if um Mel Bridges missed his first game of his life since high school because he’s Tom diido and Tom tho got him playing 46 minutes but like this is an added depth piece as well and a lot of questions I got after my tweet cuz my initial tweet was Wo because it came out of nowhere was like okay what does this mean for Oobi what does this mean for Isaiah hardenstein and I think that the Knicks are still going to be in on on retaining OG anobi and the lineup of Brunson Bridges anobi Randall and then I think Isaiah hardenstein might be a casualty to this trade um but maybe it’s Mitchell Robinson who was in some other trades regardless whoever is at that five position one of those two dudes that is a a great lineup especially if Dante even chenzo who just was so great this season and Josh Hart who was just so great this season are your sixth and seventh man we still got we still got Deuce we still got precious we still like that is a squad and when you can build a squad you don’t care about the picks that you gave up in the now and 2031 could come back to bite you hell yeah but that’s not what we caring about today because we have a star player in his prime and some of the best collection of talent when it comes to role players let’s add another one of them dudes and they did Mel Bridges as a talent you would think you look at that draft C and be like that’s an overpay and I understand that but sometimes you’re not just acquiring the talent you’re acquiring the fit you’re acquiring everything around it more it’s sometimes just more than the talent because again was it Kevin Durant was four in two players and you got F like you traded five to get Mel like yeah it could it could be looked at as an overpay but will get overpay if this team is good enough to go to the Conference Finals to get to the NBA finals to raise Larry O’Brien nobody cares at that point and and in my adult life this last Knicks team was the best Knicks team I’ve ever seen other than what 2012 2013 Nicks this is the best Knick team you ever seen and that 2012 2013 Nicks flamed out to the Pacers 2 right to the Pacers 2 and then that that window shut I don’t even know if the window was completely open if I’ll be honest with you because 2012 2013 I’m 16 years old so I’m not completely as locked in as I am now but the window right now when you consider that there are teams in the conference that you feel like you can compete with the window is now like we don’t know what the Milwaukee Buck is going to look like next season because they’re rumored to be looking to make some significant changes the 76ers have three players in their roster right now we don’t know what their team is going to look like so the really only team you competed with in like right now is the Boston Celtics so the window is open it’s completely open so I just I this is when one of them Traders I’m walking out like man some people cooked I think both of these teams feel really good about what they did again the Nets just I think the Nets get the higher grade for me considering they had little to no leverage because Mel was basically going to tell the world that he wanted to be a Nick or nothing else and they walked out with five first round picks um I I wonder what this means next for Nicholas claxon who’s a free agent does that means that Nicholas claxon’s just just gone for um in free agency I know some teams like the Grizzlies are probably pretty excited about that or some other teams from cap space are probably really excited about that um what does that mean for cam cam Johnson right I I just put a photos shop in him in a Dallas Maverick jersey and I saw some MK fans like yes Kenny you got it other Mass fans like no why would we do that we already got PJ Washington um um cam actually hits his three-point shots like 40% of them no disrespect to PJ he was phenomenal in that run but like cam is a different level shooter but again 57% of his total games I understand why you won’t want to pay him 20 something million dollars if he only played 50% of the games regardless regardless regardless Doran fenny Smith they have players that if were going if they’re going full rebuild they can they can really go full rebuild and the question that we were asking who’s going to be the next team to tear it tear it down a lot of us expect it to be the goddamn Bulls instead it’s the Brooklyn Nets and that’s great because I remember a a Twitter question and and I get I get out of y’all here um a Twitter question was of these two teams which which of these two teams have the Bleaker future is it the Bulls or is it the Brooklyn Nets and it was like a it was like a 50-50 Split near 50-50 split now the the an is unquestionably the Bulls right now because we don’t know what they’re going to do the Brooklyn Nets made their decision and they have their own first round pick in a 2025 draft which looks great looks looks great so they could tear it down C cam Thomas might average 40 next season Ben Simmons rehabil ation I don’t know I’m just excited the allseas is here the draft is tomorrow so this is not the only trade we going to get I’m excited I’m excited man Hoops is here

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  1. Knicks really doing big things right now. Imagine, they come back with their same Playoff roster, but you add Randle (hurt), Bridges (trade) and Anunoby (hurt). Might have the best 1-11 roster in the league honestly.

  2. Please check your boy D Mills for saying the Nets lost any chance at a good trade for Mikal all season. A main reason Marks did this trade over others was not wanting a weak 2024 pick as a centerpiece and wanting a big 2025 pick

  3. Enjoy your take Kenny, it’s good to see the Knicks be aggressive with all the picks they got. OG is a must signing tho for them to have a special run.

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