@Orlando Magic

Tristan Da Silva was always the Orlando Magic’s pick

Tristan Da Silva was always the Orlando Magic’s pick

the Orlando Magic get their man why Tristan to Silva checked every single box the Orlando Magic have and what he needs for the future plus we’ll look ahead to Thursday’s second round on today’s episode of lock on Magic you are lock on Magic your daily Orlando Magic podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and you are indeed locked on Magic today is June 27th 2024 my name is Philip roson Reich I’m the senior writer over at you could of course follow me on Twitter at Philip [Music] rror on today’s episode of lock on Magic The Magic get their man they draft Tristan D Silva of Colorado why he checked every single box the magic have and what he means for this team suure we’re going to get to that coming up here in just a moment first we want to thank you again for making lockdown magic part of your day every day no matter when you listen to us whether it’s first in the morning that’s right when we upload we truly appreciate you making lock down magic part of your day every day remember there’s a great lockdown podcast covering every single team in the NBA to search for lock on and the team you’re looking for the lockon podcast Network it’s your team every day day today’s episode of Locked on Magic is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply when Jeff wman met with the media after the pick tonight so maybe there’s some some coloring here going on but when he met with the media he said that the goal for the Orlando Magic in this draft was to get four things to add shooting skill IQ and positional size a lot of this stuff is stuff we know the magic like we know the magic like players who are big we joke about it all the time it was in that in that uh mock draft and that joke mock draft that came out we know the magic like their big players they like positionally big players we know the magic like IQ they want players who are interchangeable can fit anywhere and play off with each other they play a pretty still unstructured offense that’s about read and playing and reacting off of each other rather than going through a set motion and whether that’s a good decision or bad decision is neither here nor there anymore we know that the magic needs shooting so obviously getting a decent shooter is not a bad thing we know the magic like skill and so with this draft pick we knew the magic was searching for certain things and in many ways they found it with Tristan D Silva in many ways we always knew Tristan da Silva was the kind of player who would check off all the boxes for the Orlando Magic the kind of player who just made sense for this seene no one should have been surprised when Dalton connect came off the board at six at 17 uh and Tristan D Silva was sitting there for the magic to take that that is who the magic would take it wouldn’t surprised me if the magic ran to the phone after the Dalton connect pick was in to make their pick that that the actual recording of them making the pick is is on on their socials we’ve talked about Tristan D Silva a ton in this draft process in fact one of our first draft Tuesdays I sat there and said Tristan D Silva seems too good to be true he checks so many boxes that are so key for this magic team there’s no way he’s going to be available at 18 there’s no way he’s going to last that long if if the magic if he has all the things that magic liked surely someone else will like those skills too D Silva is a 6’8 200 pound forward who went to Colorado a four-year player at Colorado and a three-year star he averaged 16 points per game last year improving on his scoring average every single year at Colorado he added 5.1 rebounds per game and 2.4 assists per game more importantly for the magic he shot 49.3% from the floor his second straight year especially as a starter and a key starter at that shooting better than 49% from the floor he also shot 39.5% from three his second straight season shooting about 39% from three a 38.6% career three-point shooter 4.8 attempts per game on top of this he shot 83 and a half% from the foul end suggesting those shooting gains are real including 78.6% as a free throw shooter for his career if a player is going to stay in college for four years if he is going to be that kind of player then he needs to improve over each of those four years D Silva certainly did that and he had some big games to close his career including 20 points in the first four win over Boise State 17 points in the overtime win over Florida in the inst tournament including some big shots in that game and then another 17 points in their second round loss in the in tournament D Silva has always been a guy who just helps teams win that’s ultimately what this is about and Jeff welman said this uh a afterward he is someone that just makes everyone else’s life easier because he’s going to make the right play be in the right spot make the right pass be unselfish be a great teammate these are the things The Magik are looking for again it is no surprise Orlando look to a big forward someone that they believe someone that fits their style to be the answer for them in this draft Tristan D Silva was always the perfect pick for the Orlando Magic and yes I will say I say that knowing that okay dalon connect was there maybe the magic would have taken him because they need the shooting and he’s a volume shooter but Tristan D Silva was always the guy you turned back to and said that’s a magic player that is the kind of player that is the kind of person the magic want to bring in is is no surprise that he is the pick it is no surprise that he will be on the Orlando Magic because he just makes sense for this team we will figure out the fit and where his minuts are we’ll talk a little bit more about that here in a minute but from a skill base from a personality base from uh uh a idea fit Tristan D Silva is what a Magic player is we’ll hear more about we’ll hear hopefully more from about Tristan Silva from him in a minute but let’s revisit the prospect review from our host of locked on Buffs Tristan D Silva is taking his talent to the NBA after a great four-year career in Boulder I’m Kevin borba host of locked on bus and I’m gonna tell you everything you need to know about Tristan DVA DVA is a Ford who is 23 years old and was named at two all Pack 12 Conference teams during his career one of which was his past season he averaged 16 points grab five boards and a skill set is something that will immediately translate to the NBA because he’s a lot like Kyle Anderson he plays defense he hits Threes And every NBA team needs that Pronto they need it by yesterday and he could do just that for more on Tristan D Silva and all things Colorado follow And subscribe to locked on Buffs on YouTube or wherever you get your podcast you can see the Echoes then of what Tristan D Silva is I would say yes he is a low seiling player not not that he won’t get better he will get better he will become a better shooter and and I think that’s going to be the key to him having success is can he be an efficient and effective floor spacer in addition to a smart and steady attacker um but to me Tristan D Silva it’s not about the ceiling being low it’s the floor is high he comes into League already skilled he comes in League already knowing who he is as a player and how he can help his team win and that’s ultimately the other part of this equation because the magic are in a new phase of their rebuild whether we you know whether the the front office wants to admit it or not or say so publicly we are in a new phase the draft is always a push and pull it’s always a little bit of a debate of do you take the best player available or do you um or do you draft based on need as Jeff wman said on Monday and repeated tonight you hope that those two things intersect you hope that you get a prospect where that intersects you’re are filling some needs are you’re checking off boxes of things that your roster needs in the in the short term while also bringing a player that you can maximize in the long term I would argue the magic did that Tristan D Sila was the top player on my board when the magic drafted uh and I do believe he is a player that will help this team win because that’s what Tristan D Silva means because now the magic seem ready to win and they got a player and they got a rookie here who is going to contribute we’ll talk more about how Tristan D Silva fits into the bigger puzzle we’re going to get to that coming up here in just a moment but first it’s time for quick work from our friends over at game time look we there are big events going on here in Central Florida I know that basketball is done uh we don’t have a baseball team but we got the summer of soccer this weekend Copa America plays the first of two games here at here in the city beautiful at in Co Stadium Orlando city is going on with their season and your 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the lock with the lockon host to Break Down The Pick of Tristan D Silva as it H or just shortly after it happened all of us did that and if you want the latest on the NBA draft if you want the latest on the biggest stories in sports from the local experts who know their team best check out the lock on sports day 24 7 streaming channel it’s a continuous stream of the best of the locked on podcast Network they give you the can miss analysis opinions and news streaming 247 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app that’s part of the lockon podcast Network your team every day before we move forward let me make this quick announcement I will be going live on Sunday we’re going to do a live episode Sunday for the start a free agency react live to everything happening around the league we’ll talk about what the magic do who the magic might be targeting who the magic might be losing out on we’ll talk about all that set the table we’re going to start at 545 PM eastern time that is going to be YouTube exclusive so I can be on my phone watching the Twitter stream happen U make sure I’m not missing anything so if you’re Audio Only please subscribe to to the YouTube channel so you can watch the live show I will post the audio uh afterward we’re going to go at 5:45 p.m. eastern time 15 minutes before the start of free agency to set the table going to go for about an hour probably go till about 7 or so maybe longer we’ll see we’ll see how things go um you’ll get my immediate reaction to whatever the magic do we’ll talk magic stuff so bring your questions it’ll be Q&A time too check it out again on the YouTube channel search for locked on Magic but since we’re here what does the what does this pick mean for the Orlando Magic what what doesn’t mean for the future of this team um we are working on two tracks here um we are working on the track of the draft obviously and adding a new player through the draft and making sure that there is a way for that player to play you know obviously the magic have jet Howard and Anthony black who didn’t really get that much of an opportunity to play in their rookie year and will be expected to step into some bigger roles or at least compete for bigger roles this season but we’re also working on this big free agency track the magic are expected to have a little bit less than $50 million in cap room they will have to spend some of it um you know we will get to deadlines I think later on this week I may talk more I may talk about um deadlines a little bit more tomorrow I know we’ve gone over what the team will do with their own free agents but might be time to refresh that a little bit um update what’s going on with some other free agents that the magic might be interested in um but the magic get $50 million in cap room to spend and and we do expect them to spend it they need to find a starter and Tristan D Silva doesn’t fill that role I think it’d be I think it’d be stretching to hope that the 18th pick will be a player that you expect to start you know we’re drafting in the lottery here hopefully Tristan D Silva becomes a very valuable player um but we got to figure out where he fits and where he fits into this team’s overall future essentially when I look at D Silva he’s 6869 I see him as a 34 and so I think that he fits very much into the Joe Engles role so if you had to ask me drafting Tristan to Silva to me means that the magic are going to decline team option on Joe Engles and have that extra 11 million to spend in free agency Joe Engles played about 15 minutes per game so that does leave that pathway for DVA to get minutes and get minutes immediately I would also argue that yes D Silva is a player that can play when Jonathan Isaac has to miss games if that’s going to be the case again this year um he’s not 69 610 like fron fogner is but he essentially could play that role behind him and I think even step into to Fran’s role as the a starting three when necessary the beauty of what the magic did here and and maybe this is an unfair thing to say and I think the magic front office Jeff wman and Jamal Mosley were trying to downplay this aspect of things but Tristan D Silva being 23 being a senior who has played four years of college basketball at the high level at the Pack 12 level with Colorado to me that means that to me that means he is ready to play or he is more ready to play than you would expect a typical rookie to be I don’t think he will have his you know he will have his rookie moments every rookie does but trist Sila’s skill set and his understanding of his own game is at an advanced level he isn’t Anthony black trying to figure himself out trying to figure out what he can do obviously he’s gonna have to figure out what he can do in the NBA but he knows what he is good at at this point someone tweeted at me concerned that he was 23 he like why are they drafting a 23y old I’m like no that’s actually a benefit because he’s going to be ready to play immediately he’s you know he doesn’t need to develop physically he’s a strong dude already um get into NBA rate training program you’ll get stronger but um but his skill set looks like one that will translate directly to the NBA the magic here did not take a project let’s put it that way Tristan D Silva is not someone who’s going to take a gap year in the G League he’s not going to spend a lot of time in alil I’m not going to say he won’t spend time in alil it’s possible the magic like to use that way but Tristan D Silva is someone who will step in immediately and make an impact he is someone that has the capability and the skills to make an impact very quickly and to me that tells me the magic are ready to win that tells me the magic are looking at the roster and saying everyone’s going to need to step up and be ready to contribute everyone’s going to have to be able to add something to this team we are in the hunt now now the magic didn’t make a trade and we’ll probably talk more about trades and what the magic did or did not do after the second round tomorrow so we’re going to revisit kind of what the future looks like for the team but the magic for now are staying with their roster and going to rely on free agency to supplement what they have um what that means I don’t know we’re GNA find out here in a c couple days we’ll be on the live show when it all happens but to me picking a player like d Silva over a player like a Kang who’s another tall 68 not quite a forward is more of a wing than than a forward if there’s a distinction there um that maybe that distinction only makes sense in my mind but there’s a distinction there you take a kwn George or a Pome daier they’re gonna need time they’re not ready to play in the NBA they need to figure out how to play basketball a little bit Tristan D Silva knows how to play basketball Tristan D Silva is a player you draft expecting him to play a role for your team to be able to contribute quickly because yeah he’s 23 and it’s not that a 23y old can’t get better he’s 23 that bell curve is a he’s a lot closer to what he’s going to be and how good he can be now than Anthony black was last year it’s not that he won’t make mistakes it’s not that he won’t be a rookie rookies are bad typically but Tristan D Silva is someone that should be able to contribute quickly think about what Courtney Lee did uh in 2009 even in that small role he knew what he was doing he knew the co when the coach said this is your role this is what I want you to do he did it he just did it didn’t do more than that he just did it he had a higher understanding of of defense and what it takes to defend at a high level what it takes to win that’s where the magic are at with Tristan D Silva and that’s why to me this signals that the magic are going to be aggressive this offseason may not be in the trade market but they’re going to add someone that’s going to help them win more games to be again all those things the magic light IQ selflessness uh defense size all that stuff three-point shooting especially they’re gonna they’re going to put themselves in a position to they’re gonna put themselves in a position to win more games and to me that’s what the Silva really signifies we’re done with the projects we’re done with players who are going to need a little bit of time to figure themselves out get themselves going if you’re going to be on the Orlando Magic now you got to bring a skill preferably more than one skill to the team and Tristan da Silva certainly does that it is a brand new draft day Thursday is the second round the Orlando Magic hold the 48th pick in the draft so let’s talk about some of the names you should know perhaps for the second round if the magic do choose to use their second round pick we’re we’re going to go through some names here coming up in just a moment okay the second round of the draft is always a little bit of it’s It’s hard like um predicting and trying to guess who the magic are going to take in the second round the world is open now um you know it it it I there there ex the reason why the the second round was was split out into a second day was a more inventory for ESPN but a lot of it had to do with I think GMS were complaining about how fast and how frenetic the second round could be um and so I think so again there’s a lot of you’re negotiating with agents agents work really hard to to place kind of place their clients um because there is no guaranteed contract so you’re not kind of binding someone so you want to draft someone that wants to be here because sometimes they could get better deals elsewhere um there’s a lot of moving around so the second round is going to be a little it’s going to be different it’s going to it should I think it’ll Works more more smoothly and there were some surprising players who did not get picked here in the first round uh from Johnny Fury who was long mocked to the Orlando Magic uh throughout this draft process to uh um Kyle Philip palski uh Tyler kak is a player that I really liked although he is under sized as a point guard I don’t think he’s necessarily on the Magic’s list um there are players here that the magic can grab and and again the magic tend to defer second round picks they tend not to worry so much about second round picks it’s kind of a joke amongst all of us here about that this is still an opportunity to add Talent if there’s a player you like you go for it if there’s a player you like here in the second round go get him you know it’s not going to cost you a ton it’s just second round picks um but this is an opportunity for the magic to again add some more talent and and add players to the roster that could could be good this is also a time this is the time to take your risk on a project to say this is a player that I believe in but they’re going to need a little bit more time so let’s keep them in Europe let’s stash them in Europe let’s play him in the g-league this is the place to go do all those things and so we’ll see how this second round uh shakes out but there’s a couple names on this list that I do want to note and do want to uh a point out to you to get you ready uh for the uh second round today let’s start with a player that I had graded as a borderline first- round pick I put him in my first round mock draft uh six fo6 Guard from Minnesota cam Christie Christie averaged 11.3 points per game last year um shot 39.1% from three 3.6 rebounds 2.2 assists for game uh he is really still coming into his own but really got better as the season went on in Big 10 play toughest con tough one of the toughest defensive conferences in in the country 11.3 points for game as a freshman 38 and a half% shooting from three uh Christie is considered a a big guard um 6 foot5 190 pounds good shooter a lot of this a lot of his shots are coming off the dribble because he’s he’s the main Creator that’s not going to happen in the NBA he’ll be able to focus more as a shooter if he can be a a shooter especially you know if he can develop into a three-point shooter especially as a fresh you coming off his Thresh from year that’s going to be good the problem with Cam Christie and the reason why he’s kind of uh stuck here in the second round is he really didn’t show much else besides his shooting um he really didn’t attack well off the dribble he wasn’t a great finisher around the basket um he his his his success is dependent on him becoming an excellent shooter and he is not some ACE shooter he shot 79.1% from the foul line which is good only two attempts for gam so maybe that isn’t real or not um making about four out of every five free throws 5.4 threo attempts per game is a pretty high number 39.1% is Pretty good overall this is a guy that can shoot it a little bit uh and so if that’s what the magic are looking for he might be the best shooter in the second round in the second round group among the high high level second round players um again you’re looking at a guard so he may not be a clean fit he’s gonna need a little bit of time that’s that’s kind of kind of the thing um but I would keep an eye on him I did have him as a potential first round pick this the next player I want to talk about is another guard six fo4 pounds he is listed as a point guard three-time all big West player from UC Santa Barbara uh AJ Mitchell three-year player out of C Santa Barbara averaged 20 points per game last year four rebounds four assists per game last year 50.4% shooting from the floor 39.3% from the three-point line 85.8% from the from the foul line if there is a sneaky good player in this second round someone that a lot of people are not necessarily talking about that could develop into a really solid player I would put AJ Mitchell again a little bit of an oversized point guard big point guard magic love that um you know showed some good showed some ability to score in the mid-range showed some ability in the pick and rolls that’s what you like to see um he is not overly athletic and that’s why he is kind of in this range in the second round um not a great three-point shooter over the course of his career he got better as his career went on and again he shot 39.3% last year under 30% % in his sophomore year in 2023 32.7% in his freshman year so took a big boost that’s good you want to see Improvement seeing a guy get better is a good thing I’m not going to knock a guy for getting better it’s just whether is that is that real and can he control the pace of the game like he could in the college level especially in a big West so you know you’re not even talking about West Coast Conference you’re talking about one of the smaller conferences a one bid conference um he’s gon to have he’s goingon to be an interesting guy to watch and see if if he can figure it out at the NBA level um but I would keep an eye on AJ Mitchell uh from UC Santa Barbara another player I have my eye on another guard let’s let’s stick with guards here Jamal Shed from Houston we saw him come here with UCF uh um I covered UCF for the Associated Press this year uh Houston was by far the best team I saw come through and I did not think they played a particularly good game against the knights when they came here to Orlando but that’s how impressive they were to me was like they didn’t play well and I thought they were still the most impressive team I saw they they got after you defensively played for Kelvin Samson means you got to get after people defensively and Jamal shed was the head of the snake uh just you know just a just a dogged Defender he is pesky um you know I would I I always describe this about jir Nelson and we’ll get to why I’m comparing him to jir Nelson here in a minute um jir Nelson may not have been the best defender in the NBA but he was pesky you knew you you were going to feel him because he’s big he was big big you know had some weight behind him uh and so you were going to field you might get by him you might get forced him to help he’s got Dwight Howard behind him you were going to feel it that’s how it is with Jamal shed now Jamal shed’s issue is he’s 61 190 he’s on the small side certainly on the small side for what the magic like uh overall average 12.9 points per game f 6.3 assists per game last year 5.4 assists per game uh two years ago for Houston um certainly played well jumping up to the the Big 12 just not a great shooter 30.9% shooter last year 29.6% shooter for his career a four-year career didn’t really show a ton of improvement 77.2% free throw shooter so he’s you know okay from the foul line shed is there for his defense but I think his lack of size uh and his inability to shoot the three may take him off the Magic’s list um but again for if the magic are looking for good defenders in that point guard spot in that kind of deep bench point guard spot Jamal shed is a I would look at the next player I would look at is French forward Melvin ainsa um ainsa is still really young still really raw he’s probably gonna need a little bit more time to develop and just just grow into his body a little bit but like his cousin Al I believe it’s his cousin it might be his uncle Alexis ainsa who came to the NBA just really long limed strong Dude Looks Like a fluid athlete just learning basketball skills um and really he grew a lot toward the end of the year he had he had a really strong finish his season in in Europe um whether he becomes success or not it’s goingon to be about his shooting and and he’s just not an excellent shooter at this point um you know it it there there are signs that he could get there um I would not surprise me if jinsa is taken fairly early here in the second round that someone does believe in him and invests in him um but he’s got a long way to go with the shooting and and just again just kind of getting himself fully into things the last guy I want to talk about is Ol chamchi um we had a lot of people expect the magic to go after a forward go after a center go after a big and and the magic still need their third Center and I don’t think they’re going to get it in the second round I was very skeptical of them getting it in the draft in total but if the magic are looking for big and are looking to develop some some Rim protection and see a guy who’s gotten a lot better um very very quickly he’s at the NBA Academy in Africa uh he’s from camon originally 6’10 232 pound Center 7 fo4 wingspan you know we know what the magic like there chamchi is still growing he hasn’t played enough to really kind of cement himself and and figure out who he is as a player but and he certainly doesn’t have any skills offensively but this is a very talented raw talented player and the shop blocking is there or the shop blocking potential is there the potential to be a really good player is there and so if you draft all rich chamchi you need to make sure you have a very good development plan you to make sure that you’re patient with it he’s goingon to need a gap year in the G League um but he is an interesting Prospect to me I’ve had my eye on him for a little bit he is kind of you know he’s all over the place um but you know give him some time and and there’s certainly Talent there to see if he can figure figure something out probably not you know certainly not ready to play in the NBA immediately um you know like I said the magic are kind of in a win now mode now a little bit but I would still have my eye on him as as a potential potential reach a potential guy that they say okay let’s let’s see what we can get out of him let’s see if we can develop him the way that we want those are the five guys that I’m kind of watching here early in the second round um again it’s the second round there are like a million prospects there’s not a million but there’s a lot of prospects to go through so more than any other time this is the this is the time especially picking at 48 like fairly you know past the midpoint in the second round um very very possible that either the magic sell the pick move on from it magic use used to pick on a stash guy they use to pick on a guy that’s already agreed to be in the g- league for a year and defer defer a year um that’s kind of how these second round picks go so you know may not be one of the big names here but again there’s there’s there’s still some Talent here in this rft there’s still some places that you can go if if you can be patient with it uh and we’ll see if the magic indeed are but that’s going to do it for us today I want to thank you all again for listening to today’s episode of lockdown magic course find me on Twitter Philip rror OMD subscribe to the podcast and apple podcast your tuned in himay Google Play Spight Odyssey and All pod to your podcast enable listen advice for lat on the Orlando Magic be sure to check out Orlando Magic you can find us on Twitter Magic daily and for even more Orlando Magic content be sure to check out my patreon page the Orlando Magic Hub at Orlando Magic Hub and as always thank you for your support now that you’re done listening to me be sure to check out the lockon sports today 247 streaming Channel on YouTube and now available on Amazon Fire TV and the free Fire TV channels app lockon Sports here for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of lockon plus our national shows covering every League find lockon sports today now available on the free Fire TV channels app that’s going to do it for me today though on tomorrow’s episode of lockdown magic we’ll go over who the magic teak with their second round pick plus lessons we learned from the draft to set us up for free agency trades that happened trades that didn’t happen and what it means through the L manic or get to all that on tomorrow’s episode of lock on Magic don’t forget to to tune in Sunday on our YouTube channel to search for locked on Magic at 5:45 pm eastern time we’re going to cover free agency live at least through about 7 o’clock um so check us out there on the YouTube channel again search for locked on Magic but that’s going to do it for me today I want to thank you all again for listening to today’s episode of Locked on Magic for Orlando Magic daily and locked on Magic this been Phil Rosman Reich we’ll see you again next time for another episode of lockon magic for

Tristan Da Silva always felt too good to be true. He checked every box the Orlando Magic like in a draft pick. When it was their turn to pick, of course he was going to be the one they picked. The veteran forward not only checked off all the boxes for the Magic, he signals they are ready to win and everyone has to be ready to contribute.

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  1. So happy everyone wants to support teams like golden state and lakers I only started supporting orlando I'm 2016 was always drafted by them in 2k16 did my history on them and just fell in love with this team. We made an amazing pick.

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