@Cleveland Cavaliers



on today’s show the Cleveland Cavaliers took Jaylen Tyson in the first round of the NBA draft yesterday he’s exactly the type of pick they should have made and I’ll tell you why you are locked on Cavs your daily Cleveland Cavaliers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thank you for making lock on Cavs your first listen ever every day you can find the show wherever you get your podcast Apple Spotify everywhere else be sure to subscribe to the podcast give us a festar review if you want to help us grow the show that’s the best thing you can do also check out the lockon Cavs YouTube channel if you’re watching this video right now give us a thumbs up make sure you hit that subscribe button and click the notification Bell as well that is how you can help us to grow the show part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day Today’s Show is brought to you by game time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms do apply hello over again everybody I’m Danny Cunningham you know might know me for my time covering the Cleveland Cavaliers here at lockon Cavs 923 The Fan Cleveland magazine or some other places throughout the years the Cavs had the first round of the NBA draft come and go they stuck at number 20 overall tonight made a selection they ended up taking Jaylen Tyson a forward guard type player a swing type player out of Cal there’s a lot to dive into here I want to talk about his fit on the Cavaliers his journey to the NBA draft um I also later on in the show I do want to talk about a potential trade that I think the Cav should be interested maybe it is something that can happen today maybe it’s not but it’s something to keep an eye on for the Cavaliers as we move along through this off season it has to do with the Brooklyn Nets we will definitely dive into that but Jaylen Tyson out of Cal number 20 overall selection for the Cavaliers he played a lot of guard in college um I think that his role in College is very different than what it’s going to be in Cleveland but let’s talk about the player first some of the things that I think he does well some of the things that I think do need to be improved upon and some of the things that we heard from Cavs general manager Mike ganzy who met with us media after the selection as far as what the Cavs think Tyson does well or Tyson does need to improve so his role at Cal he was on a team coached by former NBA player and coach Mark Matson that wasn’t very good um he was on a roster that didn’t have a ton of talent he was the guy there he was tasked with doing quite a bit if you go online watch his YouTube highlights check out what his college career was like while he was at Cal and of course you know he was at a couple of other schools before Cal he played at Texas to start his career he played at Texas Tech and then he transferred to Cal that’s not something that the Cavs seem too worried about that’s not not something I would necessarily read into as some sort of red flag here every situation is different especially in today’s era um you know 5 10 years ago a guy playing at three schools was certainly a red flag I don’t think that’s true anymore I really don’t I don’t think that’s something if you’re looking up and down Jaylen Tyson’s qualifications to be in the NBA his resume so to speak and you see that he played at three different schools that might raise your eyebrow I don’t think it’s a big deal I really don’t but while he was at Cal he wasn’t on a very good team he was very clearly the best player on that team and he was in a role where he had to do just about everything he was the main creator for himself and for other players he was essentially playing point guard a little bit of an oversized point guard standing at 6’7 with shoes on I know I I tweeted that out earlier and people are oh he’s 6′ five he’s 6′ five and a half I don’t care about the Barefoot measurement he’s not going to ever play a second of the caves in without shoes on that’s not how the NBA works I care what you look like with shoes on and also I do think heid is a little bit overrated I care more about wingspan he does have a positive wingspan if he’s listed at 6′ 7 if he’s listed at at 6’5 you know I don’t care about that as much he’s got a 6’8 wingspan that is what intrigues me because the length matters that’s the thing that matters more so than the height to me especially when you are a player out on the wing which I think Jaylen Tyson is going to eventually I don’t know that it’s going to be day one but eventually I think he’ll be a contributor for the Cavs on the wing so the things that he did well at Cal I thought he did a good job of getting others involved now he wasn’t the the best caretaker of the basketball no one’s going to confuse him for an elite level point guard that’s not what he is but that’s what he was asked to do at Cal but I do think he’s able to make some really nice passes I think he’s got solid Court Vision you know no one’s going to confuse him with Chris Paul in that aspect but I think in a role as a secondary Creator in the NBA he can be pretty successful in getting other involved I do think he’s a pretty athletic kid I think he’s got a decent amount of Bounce in him um he’s not an elite level athlete but I think he’s a pretty good level athlete he was able to create his own shots and one of the negatives one of the knocks on Tyson is that his shot diet while at Cal wasn’t the best you know you go and you watch his highlight tape there’s a lot of mid-range shots there and he’s making them and of course he is because it’s a the highlight tape the highlight tape isn’t going to show the the 19 Footers that he pulled up off the dribble to take and clanked off the rim it’s not what highlight tapes do but I think that shot diet that he took a cal is obviously a con to his game it’s not it’s a minus right but I don’t know that that’s something that you have to worry about because when you’re in when he’s in a different role in the NBA that shot diet is going to be so different it’s going to be so different so I I understand trepidations when you look at a guy that took so many mid-rangers even if he shot you know I believe it was right around 45 in between 45 46% from the floor while at Cal this past year that’s great but the shot diet is going to look I think so much different in the NBA um I the other thing he was taking a lot of shots off of the dribble and that is something that is that’s the product of being a point guard and playing in a system playing on a team that there’s not really another very good primary Creator if he played alongside a just not even a great point guard just an average point guard someone that could help to shoulder the load that he had to take on while at Cal I think he’s someone that looks a little bit different because he’s taking more catch and shoot opportunities now his jumper I don’t think it’s Flawless for him no one’s going to confuse him with Ray Allen with his jump shot or Klay Thompson guys that just have perfect form but the ball goes in the basket enough to make me think that it’s okay it it’s okay that it’s not the prettiest looking jump shot in the world it doesn’t need to be but I do think that his shot and just in the limited amounts of him that I’ve watched I think his shot looks cleaner when he’s in catch and shoot opportunities than when he’s in the pullup dribble opportunities when he’s having to create the shot for himself and finish the shot from the outside he’s able to get to the rim in college in the Pack 12 I don’t know how much that’s going to translate again I think he’s a good athlete not a great athlete but he’s able to get to the rim he’s got a decent floater package he’s I also think part of the the optimism I think people should have for his transition to the NBA is there are some clips of him cutting off the basketball and that is an area that the Cavs mentioned he needs to improve upon as he gets to the NBA is playing away from the ball and we’ll dive into that coming up in segment number two but he does show some glimpses of cutting off the ball of being a guy that can um when applicable get to the basket when others can’t create for him I don’t think there were a ton of those opportunities in Cal I think that’s something that there will certainly be more of when he’s in the NBA with the Cavs if he’s able to find his way onto the floor but that is something certainly to keep an eye on because that is part of it um he he is a good athlete like I’ve been saying I think the shot will improve a little bit because the diet will improve so there are certain things that you can take away from his time in college but there are other things that you can watch that you can look at but it’s also something that okay he’s just going to be in such a different role in the NBA with the Cavaliers specifically with the roster that he’s going to be part of this season he’s going to be in such a different role that some of that stuff just doesn’t matter and it’s still okay to use those data points and to look into that stuff as okay this is who this player is but you also have to understand that this is something that’s going to change this is something that’s not going to be the exact same when he gets to the NBA I do want to talk about his fit with the Cavs I do think there’s a place for him on this roster I do think potentially there’s a place for him in the rotation I don’t know if it’s going to be right away obviously the roster situation very fluid as we’ve not hit free agency we uh are starting to see some trades in the NBA and we will talk about some of the trades in the NBA a little bit as well on today’s show but I want to talk about his fit specifically with the Cavs what needs to improve and how being in a much different role in Cleveland than he was at Cal could help to speed up some of those improvements right here next on lockdown Cavs Today’s Show is brought to you by game time game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball and that makes getting tickets faster and easier fast easy two things I like two things you should like when you’re looking for T tickets specifically as the summer is here and we are going to Major League Baseball games because there are a few better things to enjoy during the summer than being able to go to a baseball game enjoy a drink be in great weather Outdoors enjoy a baseball game it’s awesome and prices on the game time app actually go down the closer to first pitch that you get so maybe you last minute decide hey it’s a beautiful night in Cleveland the Guardians are playing great I want to go watch them hit the game time app they’ve got killer last minute deals all in prices views from your seat and the lowest price guarantee game time takes the guesswork out of buying MLB tickets so I actually went to a Guardians game last week checked out Guardians Mariners last Thursday Guardians won I got great seats awesome experience and I got there by using game time when I woke up and decided hey you know what I want to go check out the Guardians today they’ve been playing awesome it’s the last game before they go on a road trip I got to check them out what do I do pull up my phone open up game time find the seats for me soon enough I find myself inside Progressive Field at the baseball game and I got it for the best price possible so take the guesswork out of buying MLB tickets with game time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NBA that’s l c k e d o n NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms do apply again create an account redeem code l c k d o n NBA for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed so one of the interesting things that come comes with every time someone is drafted is figuring out where do they fit in on the NBA team that just picked them we talked about this last year with ammani Bates when the Cav selected him 48th overall and it turned out that fit for the most part was with the Canton charge as a developmental Prospect and maybe maybe Jaylen Tyson is someone that is going to have to spend some time in the G league with the the Cleveland charge that’s absolutely a possibility but I do think that he has a lot of tools and I think he’s a guy with a relatively High floor and there are some things that need Improvement but the fact that his role is going to change so much in Cleveland is something that I do think should give hope that he can make those improvements just by being in a better situation it’s not that Cal is some bad situation and I don’t want to talk poorly about that because I do think Mark madson’s doing a good job with what he’s got out there and I think he did a good job with Jaylen Tyson in particular but he was asked to carry so much to where for the most part he was the team’s primary point guard and he’s not a point guard that’s not who he is that’s not who he’s going to be in the NBA I think that he can in the NBA be someone that is a three andd guy that also shows some ability to create for others because and I think that playing point and guarden college actually helped him here but I think it’ll help him more develop when he doesn’t have to do that anymore when he can worry about making super easy reads after having someone else get the ball to him instead of having to be the one that initiates everything I also think that and I talked about his shot diet in segment number one I think that’s going to drastically change in the NBA I don’t think he’s going to be someone that’s taking you know X number of mid-range shots per game I think that that for the most part is going to be pretty eradicated I I think he’s going to be someone that the vast majority of his shots are going to be behind the three-point Arc or at the basket or in transition think basically what Isaac ao’s shot diet is where you see him take Corner threes you started to see him take more above the break three-pointers last year I think he’s a solid guy at getting to the basket he’s great in transition offensively I think that’s the the sort of shot diet that Jaylen Tyson has or will will have in the NBA but I do think he’s certainly a better playmaker for others than Isaac Koro is like I don’t think that these are two very comparable players outside of what the ideal shot diet should be um I asked Cav’s general manager Mike ganzy really how they view a type of player where when you draft Jaylen Tyson and you’re scouting him and you’re watching him play in college knowing that he’s going to be such a different player in the NBA and you know gan had a press conference availability for everybody and this was the thing I was most interested to ask and he essentially said that you know we we do believe that guys when they have a little bit less on them in the NBA it’s easier for them to adapt and there are things that are going to be difficult adjustments because Tyson’s going to go from being someone that was so bald dominant to playing off the ball and that is a big adjustment to your game a lot of guys struggle to do that and that might be something that is a big key just how well Tyson can develop is how does he adjust to playing without the basketball in his hands 85% of the time on offense because that that opportunity is just not going to be there with the Cavs how does he go from somebody that has taken so many pullup threes or so many threes off of screens creating them for himself to being someone that can be sometimes a standstill three-point shooter sometimes a three-point shooter shooter that is running off of screens sometimes someone that is crashing the glass after other guys are shooting from the outside how do you adjust to not being a ball-dominant player we don’t know what that answer is going to look like but I think that that if if Jaylen takes advantage of this situation fully and really immerses himself and dedicates himself which the Cavs and gansy really talked about him having such a great attitude and talked about how during his pre-draft workout with the Cavs he was dealing with some back issues but wanted to be out there so bad fought through it and really put forth a really impressive performance that helped to um shoot him up their draft board and put him in the position as someone they were very interested in at number 20 overall with that stuff all being true it makes you think that okay this transition is one that he can make but it’s one that it’s silly to expect to happen overnight I wouldn’t expect Jaylen Tyson to be a guy that comes in right away and just is a stud 3 andd player that really doesn’t happen all that often at the number 20 spot it really doesn’t happen all that often in the NBA draft overall rookies for the most part don’t impact winning in a big way I wouldn’t expect that in year one but I do think that Tyson is someone that has quite a bit of potential um gansy mentioned him as someone that is a good shooter not a great shooter which I think is important because I do think he can get to that point but right now he’s a good shooter there can be development there you can improve as a shooter but the tools are there considering what his shot diet was he shot 36% from three this past year out at Cal a lot of those threes are threes he’s not going to be taking in the NBA so I do Wonder okay well what’s he going to shoot on looks that I think for the most part should be a little bit more open I know defenses are so much better in the league than they are in college but he should have a little bit more airspace he should be a little bit more settled in taking those because they should be in catch and shoot opportunities so that’s certainly something to watch gansy also mentioned that he is someone that they believe will be an average to above average Defender that can defend essentially he thinks right now shooting guards small forwards and at some point in the future um select power forwards as well so he is someone that brings some positional versatility to the defensive end of the floor that is something that absolutely will be a a good thing for the Cavs you can never have too much positional versatility defensively um and that is something that the Cavs valued here as they made this selection so that those are the things to keep in mind there will need to be adjustments to for jayen Tyson there absolutely will need to be those things but he is someone that the Cavs think is a really good fit but they Al also thought according to Mike gansy was the best player on the board and if you can combine those things you have to feel good about this selection I think there’s going to be a lot of development time he’s not someone that I would expect to be a contributor this year at least not early in the year maybe later on in the year as things go on and and of course we have to see what the roster is going to look like overall we don’t have that answer right now but he’s someone that you I the outline of a solid role player in the NBA I think is there with Jaylen Tyson I think it’s there I’m not just saying that because the Cavs drafted him I think when you look at everything he had to do and being such a high usage player and having to drag a cal team that wasn’t very good when you look at all that and you start to question okay what does he look like if he has to do less and he’s surrounded by better players I think that with his skill set leads me to believe that there’s a bright future for him just in terms of being a good role player in the NBA I want to talk about a trade or a guy in particular that I think the Cav should be interested in I also want to talk about whether or not the Cav should look to find a way back into the second round in today’s second round it’s the first time the NBA draft has been split into two days when it’s been a two- round draft so we we’ll talk about how aggressive of the Cav should be also a trade that a guy they should be looking into next right here on lockdown Cavs so Mike gansy was asked I believe Chris Fedor of was the one who asked him this near the end of his press conference on Wednesday night about how aggressive the team plans to be in terms of maybe buying a second round pick to get back in the draft um maybe making a trade with a team to get back in the draft and select another player he said that they’re going to be very aggressive I think that’s the right way to go about this if you are going to go about this it’s find a good a good solid player that you think you can develop using a two-way contract think of a player like ammani Bates that they took at number 48 overall last year I don’t know who that player is going to be but if they find somebody like that in the draft on thir Thursday in round two I think it makes sense whether it’s buying a pick trading a future second round pick for a second round pick in today’s second round I just said second round a lot there that was weird I think it makes sense I think it could be a wise thing but it also isn’t going to be something that makes or breaks this draft like I’m not going to view the 2024 NBA draft as a success or failure for the Cavs based on whether or not they buy a second round pick like that’s just not something that is that big of a deal but there certainly can be some upside there the trade I want to talk about obviously on yesterday’s podcast if you are an everyday listener one I appreciate you thank you thank you for making locked on Cavs your first listen every day but I had on Adam arri of lock on Nets we talked a lot about Kenny ainson we also talked about some trades we recorded that episode Tuesday afternoon obviously at this point we all know what happened Tuesday night in terms of of the big trades that the Brooklyn Nets made where they’re now I think they have signaled to the league league hey you want someone on the roster they’re available everyone in Brooklyn is available Mel Bridges now with the Knicks um they made some draft pick they made a big draft pick trade with the Houston Rockets that is absolutely fascinating to dig into but I think that the Cav should be a team that is very involved trying to get Cam Johnson I think he’d be a perfect fit in Cleveland I I think the Cavs have what it could take to get it done and I think that they should be a team that is pestering Brooklyn to try and get a trade done there I’m not positive what that trade’s going to look like I would bet maybe someone like Carris Levert is part of that deal um maybe some draft compensation in the future maybe it is even someone like if the Nets want Jaylen Tyson bad enough even though he’s already been picked by the Cavs I don’t think that that’s something that should be off the table I think cam Johnson would be a perfect fit in Cleveland it’s very clear he is available he is absolutely a guy that is available to be traded the Nets have signaled they want to rebuild they want to turn over a new page in that organization they want to do it the right way the cap should be a team that takes advantage I also wonder Dorian finy Smith can he be available maybe at a little bit of a lower price than cam Johnson I like cam Johnson as The player a little bit more but DFS absolutely a guy that could make sense in Cleveland like I said the Cav should be calling the Brooklyn Nets trying to make a deal trying to upgrade the roster I think that this is something that absolutely makes the Cavs a better team and it’s a way to take advantage of a team that has decided you know what we’re no longer interested in competing every time that happens because in the NBA it is so difficult to make a trade with a team that believes they are winning when you are another team that believes you’re set up to win it’s hard for for instance the Cavs and nicks to make a trade that’s a really difficult thing to do is a very very difficult thing to do but when the Nets are rebuilding the way they’ve signaled to the NBA they are it becomes much easier for them to make a trade between the two franchises I think it’s a good fit I think it’s something the Cav should absolutely be looking into 100% that is something they should be looking into I will be back tomorrow talking more about the NBA draft as a whole certainly will be talking about jayen Tyson how things look I will have another locked on Cavs for you tomorrow be sure to find it make it your first listen make lock on Cavs your first listen every day if you’re already doing that I appreciate you a ton I need you to know that if you are not subscribed yet Apple Spotify everywhere else you get your podcast click that subscribe button make sure that this pops up in your feet each and every morning you’re not going to want to miss this especially as free agency arrives could be getting some big news on Donovan Mitchell any day now at this point also if you’re not subscribed on YouTube subscribe on YouTube we’ve got a ton of great stuff click the notification Bell if you haven’t liked this video like this video that is how you guys are helping me to grow this channel it has been a great first month for me here on lockdown Cavs I cannot wait to see where this continues to go again thank you for making lockdown Cavs your first listen every day I will be back again tomorrow with more Cavaliers talk for you all for

The Cavaliers deserve praise for their selection of Jaylon Tyson in the 2024 NBA Draft.

On Thursday’s edition of Locked On Cavs, Danny Cunningham (@RealDCunningham) of Cleveland Magazine and 92.3 The Fan talks about why Jaylon Tyson is a perfect fit for the Cavs after being selected No. 20 overall in the NBA Draft.

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  1. Seems too much like Ochai pick and missing on Tari Eason – we could have picked up Holmes who Denver traded up to grab

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