@Indiana Pacers

What does Pascal Siakam agreeing to re-sign mean for the rest of the Indiana Pacers free agency?

What does Pascal Siakam agreeing to re-sign mean for the rest of the Indiana Pacers free agency?

Pascal sakam will stay with the Pacers what does it all mean what does it mean for the rest of the Pacers free agency thinking in the future what comes next in the Pacers offseason we’ll get to all that today on the lock on Pacers podcast you are locked on Pacers your daily Indiana Pacers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team and every day what up y’all happy Thursday and welcome into another edition of the lockon Pacers podcast where we of course talk about the Indiana Pacers as always my name’s Tony East I cover the team for Forbes and Si and today we continue coverage of the Pacers off season Big Win Pascal sakam has agreed to terms on a new deal with the team if you missed it and you’re just here for the first time back in lockdown Pacers land yesterday’s podcast C is an instan is couple hours late but still reaction to the news the length of the deal the agreement some details that you might not get anywhere else an explanation of all the factors at play why it’s such a huge deal for the Pacers why seak fits so well with the team that is the quick quicker yet still detailed version of just the signing now today we’ll expand out to the next question of the why the what does it mean the rest of how it ties into the Pacers team building plans because there’s so much more to every ref free agency signing especially one of this magnitude and expense level that we have to get to and so we’ll do that today looking at Obi toen the rest of the this free agency future seasons of value why it seems like the Pacers might have to make some hard decisions at some point in the next 13 or so months that’s all coming as we progress through today but that stuff while it all matters and we’ll get to it is way less consequential than the big thing which is keeping Pascal zakum on the team I feel like I’m I’m not harping on this enough of how important it was to have a player this good signed with the Pacers like people will remember this contextually as him resigning which feels different than luring David West when the Pacers did that over a decade ago but people to this day refer to David West as perhaps the best Pacers free agent acquisition of all time coming to the Pacers as a former Allstar and maybe that’s the case maybe it’s malcol Brogden who was really a signed and trade but brogon had to agree to come to the Pacers seum was on the Pacers last year so maybe he won’t be thought of the same way because he’s not coming from a different team but if you just want to talk about unrestricted free agents who have Inked a contract with the Pacers an unrestricted free agency not restricted lots of stars have done that unrestricted free agency this is the best signing the Pacers have ever had we can go on into lots of details and we will about all the other stuff but that is a huge win it says a lot about the culture they’ve built the support they gave SE yakum after the trade how he feels about being here his fit with halber all of that stuff which we dove into a ton yesterday but it is just big of a win as it gets for the Pacers that is the new bar to clear for them is a pascal cakam level player he was an unrestricted free agent free to do whatever he wanted there were good teams available with cap space there were bad teams available with cap space but there were good teams available with cap space and he chose to stay with the Pacers huge win for the team I said before free agency even started that if they resign seak and then had a disastrous rest of their summer that’s the worst grade I could give their offseason was still like a B minus C+ kind of range right it’s going to be above average by default they now have two top 40 at worst 40 players on their team for the next four years right like that’s that’s awesome that’s a great place to start building from as they shift from rebuild to contention and maybe you could say they started doing that last year maybe you could say that that became official when they made the playoffs but I don’t think that’s talked about it now let’s let’s actually build out from that the details if you missed it already or if this is your first podcast you’re listening to for me on the agreement and you didn’t know about it yet four years that surprised me a little bit talked about that on yesterday’s show I thought it would either be five or like a two plus one or something 189.5 million which is not a real number to know because what it it really means is it’s a max deal over four years what it actually lands at will depend on what the salary cap for next season comes in at it’ll be close to that but it won’t be ex likely won’t be exactly that we’ll get official numbers in early July on the actual numbers just know that the first four years of his contract and tyres halberton will be exactly the same in terms of value of a year maybe he did the four years for over 38 purposes maybe for future extension purposes who knows what what reason he reasoning he could have or want um again I haven’t had a chance to talk to him obviously uh but but I made some some speculative guesses yesterday based on the cap rules and now we build forward from there and a lot of the the key number to start with for a lot of discussion today is 42.3 million that’s the current projection for siakam’s contract in the coming season that’s what his max would be at the current projection $141 million salary cap for 2024 25 one more note that I got after I recorded that last podcast and now there are no trade kickers in this deal which is a big deal for a star player on an expensive contract halberton has a trade kicker in his deal a trade kicker essentially means if a player’s traded their old team is on the hook to pay a bonus to the player so they get they get a bump in salary that their old team that trades them away actually pays to deinen divize trades or to make them more painful uh all sorts of things in that way and players can wave them if it helps them maybe get to where they want or something like that it’s not that common for that specific reason but they’re nice to have in a contract I have been told sakam does not have one or any bonuses of any kind for that matter so straight for your max we’ll see what that lands at in early July so the key number here and where a lot of the discussion for the rest of today comes from is that $ 42.3 Million number he and howbert and combining for 84 over 84 and a half million closer to 85 million than 84 this coming season against the salary cap they deserve that they’re both wonderful good players who are worth 30% of the cap and that number will go down assuming maximum cap growth I think that’s another key part that I didn’t touch on yesterday 8% raises and what people don’t understand when I say that and that’s on me for not explaining it very well the raise is based on the first year salary it’s not an exponential raise it’s not a% of the last season every time it’s eight% of the very first season of the deal that’s the raise over every single season so that’s why the Pacers could offer more money over four years than any other team because other teams can only offer him five percent raises but it’s not an exponential 8 percent raise which is relevant Because by the end of the steal his percentage of salary cap only be like 28 27 assuming 10% growth for the cap every every year which is exponential so that’s a big deal as well in this process but for the relevant discussion of what we’re talking about for much of the rest of this show the earlier seasons are what matters in the current kind of Realm of the Pacers roster and a lot of the reason that’s the case is because this is a deep team and it’s a deep team with talent and shakum getting traded to the Pacers for Bruce Brown Jordan war and three first SM they got Pascal seak give up one rotation player to do it this is now the consequence you have a lot of talent and you have a very deep team team with one or two guys who are deserving of or worthy of minutes who aren’t going to play so what do you do with that and is this team expensive how do they handle that those are kind of the next questions to me from this so the starting part would be to look at this season in proximity to the luxury tax right and so right now as it stands I am talking on if you’re listening in the future June 20th which is relevant because it’s before the draft uh it’s before June 28th which is when Jim McConnell’s contract will become guaranteed it’s before June 29th which is when Jaylen Smith’s player option decision is due so stuff can change but right now the Pacers have 12 players under an agreed to contract or an actual contract and that the total value of those deals is over 155 million that doesn’t account for dead money also on their books that does not account for any money for any of their free agents and so right now again June 20th this could and probably will change little bit in the coming weeks the Pacers are $4.3 million from the tax and they don’t have Obi toin on their team and they don’t have a full roster they have to at least for much of the Season F at least 14 guys so they would need two more they have not used any of their salary cap exceptions which is possible but much harder when you’re this far or excuse me this close in proximity to the luxury tax so that is the next discussion and I wrote about this in February after they made the yakum trade but before the February trade deadline I said the luxury tax might be the next consideration and the Pacers might be thrilled if the if the cap and tax come in higher than the current projections which is still possible so that’s another reason I need to point out that it’s June 20th the tax projection could grow from what it is right now but the Pacers now have some tough decisions to make potentially this year maybe the year after we’ll see with regards to their team regarding the luxury tax with SE yakum in tow and we need to talk about those decisions the numbers involved ways they can kind of skirt around it and dance around it give themselves as much time as possible to figure everything out that is coming up next year on The lockdown Pacers podcast before we get to any of that though we have got to talk about game time an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which gets making and getting tickets to the game faster and easier pric on the game time app actually go down the closer it get to the first pitch because they’ve got killer last minute deals all in prices view seat and their lowest price guarantee take the work out of buying MLB tickets I can read that on the screen in front of me I can also just tell you because I used game time to get tickets to go watch the New York Liberty play the Dallas Wings last summer when I was in Brooklyn and it was awesome I love the view from your seat feature figured out exactly where I wanted to be in the lower bow count on the corner uh which was 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listen today and every single day for your second listen lock on Celtics hear more about the Champs is the only thing I don’t like about the new rule in the league that you can negotiate with your own fre agance after the finals I think that’s logical given how the rules of contracts and timing work I think it’s silly that they get out and it officially happens two days after the finals such as life lots of other stuff happened the Pistons fired their coach I mean this is crazy um check out lockdown Celtics hear more about the Champs that’s going to be a second listen push for me for probably till the draft uh let’s talk about the tax and all of this gobbly number stuff that I just talked about so this is the next thing for the Pacers this is part of why I asked Chad B Kennon on the record I was very curious about what the Pacers would say and think about the tax and there’s good Merit to paying the tax at the right time I understand fans thinking their favorite team should pay it every year if they can that’s true but there is Merit if a team is willing to pay it but only in certain certain circumstances to wait until the right time which is why the line is so worth talking about so again Ro recent projection tax about 17134 four million a little under 345 uh Pacers currently including their fully non-g guaranteed money and dead money are really close that uh they are 14.36% rotation outside of Obi top and from last year they have some young guys who could in theory step into that but if if this is what holds and they have a draft pick coming up right 30 the 36th pick I think they should pick at 36 given what their youth pipeline is and could be with future firsts but the 36 pick probably is too high of a pick to get a two-way guy and that’s gonna add salary and maybe it’s a cheap guy because it’s it’s a second round pick but that’s another factor to think about as the Pacers consider their salary situation so they have to bake all that in as they try to figure out how are they going to if they want to maybe they want to pay the tax maybe they want to next year the very next season the penalties for going slightly over the tax go down I think that could be a factor in the Pacers thinking I’m rambling too much about rules that don’t matter for what I’m trying to say what I am trying to say is they’re going to have to think about it right and so what what does that mean what can they do for example if Obi toppen who I my estimated contracts that I’ve had for for him before on this very show um something like 3 years 45 million but the exact one I had was 3 years 41.66% raises and I only did that because to me that’s could be toppin like market value just because if cap space dries up a lot of teams could offer him not a lot some teams could offer him that non- tax pyramid level exception and feel good about it he certainly worth it uh but cap space teams may not be willing to so that just seems like a nice starting point number and if that lands at that number then all of a sudden the Pacers are a minimum contract away from the tax only 13 players you have to have 14 so what can they do do they need to think about not retaining Obi toppen can they get them for less than the number that I just made up just now can they clear money in any other ways like if they’re that close is there’s got to be a better way right there’s got to be something they can do so the first thing to remember is when a team has to get under the luxury tax what matters is the final amount of cash they pay not the amount that they are when the season starts so they could get under during the season at the trade deadline waving an on guaranteed player all sorts of stuff but if they want to after SE yakum think about what the next steps of adding flexibility would be especially if they really want to keep topping there’s a couple names to look at and talk about one is Jaylen Smith jayen Smith currently has a $5.4 million contract for next season that was included in 12 players as as you heard me say it’s a player option currently on that deal I noted that earlier nine days to officially make that decision and file with the league Michael Scot reported in hoops hype that the current leaning would be that he opts out of that um I’ll go into more detail next week on another rumors show I mentioned that to say if he opts out the Pacers get farther from the tax line and they could likely get a third Center for cheaper than that number now they would not get a player as good as Jaylen Smith he had a nice one regular season for them Caitlyn and I just talked about his season on our season reviews pod for the centers he did a lot of good stuff for the Pacers last year like during the season people would ask about Jaylen Smith like can he get 12 million a year like we’re doing contract comps I’m like man he you know he could get more now I don’t know that as much because his playoffs wasn’t any good but you just think about what could be next room can he get four million from someone else but a guaranteed rotation spot or can he get even close to what can he get three years 20 million and then he is happy to to lose some money in the first year but he knows he’s getting more in the future he’s got a lot to think about and I think that’s a tossup kind of player option if I had to guess uh I would slightly think he’s leaning towards opting out but I have no idea that is a guess either way that is one way that the Pacers could have some flexibility if they lose Jaylen Smith and instead replace that with a veteran’s minimum contract they could save like $3 million which that wiggle room is huge you can bring in another minimum guy and potentially keep topping in that case or find other ways to do it so Jaylen Smith is one guy to keep an eye on with what relates to Obby toppen in the next steps of the Pacers another guy to keep an eye on uh Kendall Brown Kendall Brown um I’ll talk about this in a second but big loser of the SE yakum sweep Stakes is Kendall Brown Kendall Brown’s contract is non- guaranteed this coming season it becomes $250,000 guaranteed on the opening night of the coming season for a little over $2 million um look he I I would guess if I’m the Pacers I want Kendall Brown to just come play in Summer League he was hurt last year in a lot of the season in his rookie year so they get more data on him I guess see if he looks awesome with another summer of Health but uh if they could find a way to get a cheaper lesser experienced player perhaps the 36th pick uh maybe not anyway someone else in that spot or nothing in that spot to save two million that also could be a way to get some needed wiggle room to keep topping and everything else in and maybe they want to keep him right through training camp and get as much data as they can and then cut him then but I do not think today was a particularly good day for Kendall Brown if he was hoping to make the Pacers opening night roster it just became that much harder he’s got to be that much better to prove that they need to make the decision if they have to to save money elsewhere but that’s the the cleanest routes that are actually logical are Jaylen Smith opts out or they just cut Kendall Brown to at least clear up Summer if they do both of those things they could get like seven million farther away from the tax and they could give some of that to Obi toppen and some of that to another free agent and they’ve replaced two players with a different two but they still have the appropriate level of tax wiggle room and this is just running through scenarios where they do end up keeping Obie toin that is another discussion that we’ll get to in just a second in the next segment so I bring all this up to say that they still have ways they can keep their team together from last year right still be intact still be financially viable but because SE yakum is in and because it’s Max and year one they’re probably going to have to make some decisions or hope someone makes a certain decision that helps them save just a little tiny bit of money or they’ve got to think differently about their approach with Obi toen specifically which is the next part of this we’ll talk more about Obie some other winners and losers the future tax in a future segment coming right up before we get to that though we have got to talk about prize picks America’s number one fantasy sports app where you can turn $10 into a th000 in a single game watching your favorite sports of Summer you just pick more than or less than on two to six player stat projections and you’re locked in if you’re looking for promotions they’ve got them all throughout the week every week and it’s America’s number one F fantasy sports have with over five million active members you can get in on the daily action with your friends and become part of the prize picks Community today the finals and the NHL still roll it’s over in the NBA that’s a great way you can get boosted 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him uh I give no one any credit for hiring a coach and then immediately firing the one year yikes we’ll see what the Pistons do cah Hill has more over at lock on Pistons here at lockon Pacers talking about SE yakum Ripple effects from his deal five years 190 is million we’ll see where it comes in a lot of talk last segment that I just did about the tax what it means for keeping Obi how they can get a little more flexibility to not have to worry about the tax if it truly is a hard Line in the Sand for them next year we just learned uh that you know every team in the NBA got like a12 million tax distribution last season that’s crazy the Pacers got Aaron Smith salary from other teams tax payments right like that’s crazy that is another part of paying the tax that fans never talk about that is potentially relevant so 2024 25 is what we just talked about the tax that year 2025 26 is The Following season and as it’s stands right now with guaranteed money for the following players hang on I have to I have to do some clicking to get there with guaranteed money for hurn seum n Smith Walker maen and Shepard that is uh $121 million in guaranteed salary that does not have any money for TJ McConnell Miles Turner Jaylen Smith Isaiah Jackson Andrew narter Obie toppen and that’s 67 million from the 2025 26 luxury tax that’s kind of sniff at it right McConnell Turner nard toppen just look at those four players ignore the backup fives can those four players alone get you in at under 67 million I doubt it I doubt it so maybe they can keep all those guys if they shed some other money elsewhere somehow but you can see where this gets a little hairy unless I’m missing something with the luxury tax line growth uh That season but you know this is going to get tricky for the Pacers unless that someone’s deal comes in at less than what it currently projects that or they can find a way to shed some other money some other way or else this might be hard this might actually be hard for them to sort through financially to get everyone on the team at a number that makes sense and keep this full group together so what does that mean do they have to get rid of one of those players no not right now they can get more information and figure it out but I all only bring up this to say Obi toppins considerations I still would try to keep him as the Pacers I think if you’re a small Market team and you have a good young player should try to keep their rights right that makes a lot of sense however is there value in potentially thinking about a top endless future yeah there there probably is just from a financial perspective of ducking the tax or using those resources on something else that’s like a two-year deal or something or just some other way to do it because even if you just look at the 67 million let’s say topen nard McConnell and Turner all come in at at a combined 67 million which to be clear is like 18 million a player like that’s absurd to imagine so maybe that’s doable anyway I that does not include jerus Walker and Ben maen who’d be up for paydays in the following two years assuming they grow in any sort of way or B money for Ben Shepard at some point in the future and at some point other contracts will come off the books but you get to see where this gets tricky so they have to start thinking about who’s in and who’s out of their long-term future and so that’s what I think Obi toppen is is an interesting player to talk about right again I just mentioned I still think they should try to keep them they have restricted free agency on their side maybe they can get them for a lower number than my fake projection I made up last segment but maybe there’s other ways to allocate resources that make it easier to keep pieces that make the most sense and the top is a piece that they view makes the most sense they should keep him and again I think they should keep him and figure out the problems later but it does lead to there’s going to be decisions and problems in the future uh because of the tax because of what their team is and other guys are due for contracts in future Seasons so that is where I think the Ripple effects are from the SE yakum deal and what this is going to force the Pacers to consider um if you are Kendall Brown you had a bad day right it’s much less likely he’s got to now a harder time to me to make the Pacers rasher this season if you’re Doug McDermot you had a bad day mcdermitt’s chance of sticking with the Pacers next year I already thought were not super high now I think they’re a little lower now if if toppen is not back or something else I don’t know about happens his chances go up if Smith Ops out they go up um but but tough day for him uh and a tough day for potentially Obi to and again I still think that there’s good sense in keeping him and so I’m not gonna shoot that out of the sky but the chances he stays probably went down just a wee bit from this even though this was an expected thing and I have been talking and assuming all summer like both would be back which is still possible we’ll see where the sa shakes out the business of basketball is what decides everything so now we’re here you’ve gotten like 50 minutes of of shakum conversation for me and I still want to point out one more thing it’s June 20th draft hasn’t happened yet Sean’s the first free agent we’ve heard about in the entire NBA in fact the only one which is surprising in particular I thought we’d hear about one other guy by now that’s Tyrese Maxi who is just going to get the max from the Sixers what is the point of that not being out yet right so we’ll we’ll see what else could happen because again it’s only the incumbent teams that can negotiate with their own guys right now so sakam could only legally negotiate with the Pacers and winking if you can’t watch on YouTube but still um that is reality for this situation so that means Obi toppen is technically he could this could get out for him right now uh same with McDermot same with James Johnson I don’t think we’ll see any of them before June 30th MC durman and Johnson there’s not really a point toppen is interesting because with restricted free agency like pretend he gets squeezed pretend no pretend he’s like a lot of teams second or third option of free agency and they all get what they want and they don’t need to turn to top and well then if he’s out of options or out of mid-level exception viable choices the Pacers could get them for less and so they were they’re probably content riding it out although in theory their proximity to the tax could entice a team to say hey maybe we can get Obi topin with a $15 million a year offer in year one there’s an interesting kind of balancing act on how that would go in terms of who’s motivated to blank first in this it’s a risk exercise for both parties if you’re OB and you think you can get a good offer pretty early in for agency you’d probably like to make it there if you’re the Pacers and you think he can’t you’d probably like to make it there so I kind of suspect that one’s going to get to June 30th because teams might want to see what they do in the draft and what their other options are because teams can trade the mid-level exception now too right so if toin deal comes in at the mid level or less P just could sign and trade them somewhere get a trade exception right there’s a lot of value in Waiting potentially so just to put that all together and basic your compensations going to matter on any sign and trade should that come to pass I still kind of wonder where this shakes out for toppen but I don’t think the Pacers I don’t think we’ll see any other signings or agreements prior to June 30th topin possible but I I do not particularly foresee it happening just because of the market dynamics I don’t know if any restricted free agent besides obvious Max guys would make a ton of sense to jump at them really early for any team but we’ll see this is a whole new thing we’re learning about this all together on the Fly and pass Pascal yakum is a Pacer and that’s the biggest news and that’s what matters and if you thought Today’s show was too Downer or about stuff that was not related to Pascal seak that’s because you missed yesterday’s yesterday’s show was just 23 minutes 24 minutes of like how great this is for the Pacers in SE yakum and how their path forward now makes a lot of sense and how they’re instantly now on a contending timeline instead of a rebuilding timeline and now they’re here where they on a contending timeline have to think about how they can keep their good players or get other good players in the process and the money and the business is everything you know what Clover it all right here on the lockon Pacers podcast but I bring up that I talked about zakum for like 50 something minutes by myself because I got nothing else to add if you think I miss something you should let me know either on Twitter at Tony rast or comment Down Below on YouTube and and I definitely will Circle back to talk more about this unlike July 6 this or even July 1 when free agency opens or seak is officially signed but all this to say back to some scheduled programming tomorrow uh assuming there’s no more news kayln Cooper and I will finish up our season review series on Friday looking at the point guard so we’ll talk some tyres halber Andrew neard and TJ McConnell and then I’ll do a bonus episode over the weekend since I had a day interrupted this time looking at the free agent Market of centers and the next week is draft week so so much endless stuff to talk about with the draft for the Pacers who have three picks one of seven teams with three picks only one of those seven teams without a first rounder a very unique situation but they can now go into that draft armed with the information that pass gal cakam is on their team we’ll see where the rest of the dominoes fall for the Pacers this summer if I didn’t if I said something confuse you today or I said something that was to you fact inaccurate sweet at me let me know at Tony R East or comment down below like I mentioned earlier on YouTube back tomorrow with Caitlin finishing up our player season reviews ahead of draft week next week can’t wait for it all hope you guys are enjoying it take care see you very very soon

The Indiana Pacers and Pascal Siakam have agreed to terms on a new four-year contract. What does that mean for the rest of the Pacers free agency? How will they build around Siakam and Tyrese Haliburton? Host Tony East breaks it all down.

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  1. @locked on pacers you know who i think would be a nice fit on pacers, chris boucher, and he likely can be had for a 2nd round pick. only has a year on his contract left as well.

  2. We need a center who is willing to be physical and get rebounds. Myles contract should be moved next trade deadline.

  3. KP was pulling rabbits out of a hat when we acquired Toppin, Smith, Nesmith and Nembhard. In order to fill the roster KP is going to have to keep doing so. Hopfully there are some good lottery picks that were a bad fit that other teams gave up on and 2nd round steals. Further from that the Pacers are going to have to count on the development of Mattherin, Walker and Sheppard in order to continue the momentum into next season.

  4. The Pacers made themselves a contender for the next four years. I think offering the Max to Siakam so quickly suggests they really aren't worried about the tax.

  5. Thanks for the info. More importantly thanks for doing math. Math is hard. These other podcasters dont even try to do it.

  6. Andre Drummond, Naji Marshall, Kelly Oubre Jr., Caleb Martin. Pacers won't sign anyone tho.. Probably won't even draft a SF, or a C.

  7. Kessler Edwards on a minimum.. Been nice if Pascal could have taken at least 8 mil less. 42.3 is some bs. We lose our other guy's and they don't wanna go over the tax. Then they don't want to win sh!t anyways and I'll stop watching this team. They don't know how to team build anyways obviously. If you aren't willing to go into the tax. Then why would you pay a player so much that isn't even close to being worth all that.. Might make sense for a team that doesn't care about the tax.

  8. I believe the Pacers 2023-24 record without Siakem was better than with him. Only a game or two. Tell me if I'm wrong.

  9. Assuming the cap goes up 10% annually does that mean the tax threshold and apron levels go up 10% annually too?

  10. Obi cant defend on the ball at any position. But when they played him with Siakam and TJ with Haliburton that line-up was very effective.

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