@Brooklyn Nets

Brooklyn Nets resign Nic Claxton, but don’t get into NBA Draft first round

Brooklyn Nets resign Nic Claxton, but don’t get into NBA Draft first round

the Nets fail to make any moves on the first night of the NBA draft but they do make a move in this new era of Brooklyn Nets basketball resigning Nick Claxton to a multi-year deal we’re going to break down the Claxton contract what it look like for the Nets on draft night what is in store for this team going forward we’ll get to that but first the theme music you are locked on Nets your daily Brooklyn Nets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day all right welcome back to the lockon Nets podcast on the locked on podcast network is your team the Brooklyn Nets every single day want to let you know today’s episode it’s brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account use the code lockedown MBA for $20 off your first purchase turn terms apply over there with game time first night of the NBA draft is in the books one of the first days of the new Brooklyn Nets basketball era which we’re going to spend a lot of time talking about like sort of what this means for the team uh in general going forward what this sort of like new I don’t know new part of the timeline it’s all new here in Brooklyn Nets Nation we’re still sort of trying to wrap our minds around that we’re going to spend a lot of the summer you know try shifting our brain into what it means to be a team on a totally different track than they’ve been over the last many many many many many seasons uh but that’s just uh there’s going to be plenty of time for that over the next couple weeks over the coming months with the NBA draft in the books the Nets do not end up trading into the first round I’ll get to that here in a little bit they do make some news though on the sort of just you know what is the team going to look like front going forward with the news prior to the draft starting that they had signed a deal with one Mr Nick Claxton for four years a hundred million they lock him up he does not end up hitting overall free agency uh and it’s an interesting contract for the Nets and just an interesting spot for the team to be in uh you know when you see this contract come through for Nick Clon obviously congratulations to him life altering generational money I mean a massive contract for a guy who’s worked really hard for a guy who you know second round draft pick wasn’t you know there a lot of question marks around what he was going to become heading into the just like his NBA career ultimately what he becomes is a guy who just made $100 million guaranteed over the next four years average uh annual salary $25 million a year we do not know what the year-to-year breakdown of that is right now um I I I suspect it’s something like it’s front loaded and then decreasing that’s is just totally off the cuff but we’ve seen this happen with marks before and if they’re you know trying to just get some money here going forward and make that contract like sort of like more tradable at the end of it or something like that depending on where they feel like they are with timeline I could see it decreasing money but we’ll see about that like I’m not exactly sure that’s just a a total guess the bottom line though is we wondered after the male Bridges trade to the New York Knicks and the resetting of the franchise toward uh full tank ofon which uh is going to be the theme here over the next couple years we wondered actually what would happened with Claxton in terms of his Market I suspected right after incorrectly by the way suspected right after that this would really soften the market because the Nets really wouldn’t have to feel obligated to to try to get in on the sweep Stakes for him to you know not really kind of get into a deep bidding war around the guy who maybe was going to seem very very important if the Nets were GNA try to contend or try to build around a superstar or do something like that later have this you know really good switchable Defender um you know Center that you know some of his offensive game is limited but in general I mean he’s a guy that most good teams would want to have on him just because of his defensive versatility to say the least his Rim running he is athletic he runs the court really Court really really well so there’s a ton of stuff to like about Nick Laxon I just wondered more about why the Nets would feel maybe like they had to get into this uh a deep contract negotiation because that’s just not where the timeline of the team is anymore they’re not trying to win they’re not trying to spend a lot of money they’re not trying to do some of the things that we’ve seen them do for you know almost decades now in terms of contracts and all that other stuff so when it came out that they had signed the contract it makes sense to me and I think the contract is fine um I was just like I said just a little surprised because I wondered if they would say hey look we shifted Focus the team’s headed in a new New Direction This is just not where we want to be if you have other offers out there you know go ahead and take them we’ll see how it goes and people had mentioned maybe there was going to be the uh the possibility of a signing trade I actually never really thought that was too much on the table sign in trades are pretty sometimes kind of tough to pull off especially with over the cap teams who would be the teams that would be interest the most interested in Nick Claxton service and you know some other teams that weren’t really there like Philly it’s just like not a clean fit with embiid so I didn’t think signing trade uh the sign and trade piece was really on the table that was just my own opinion but it’s all moot now because they end up locking him into that contract I do think that from a team building perspective this is totally fine look the Nets are in a situation now where hey they just got at some point got to spend the money right they’re got they have to spend the money they have to have a salary floor on the books they can’t just go in and just have all minimum contracts and when the Ben Simmons money comes off next year you know it’s not like they’re going to be looking it like sort of this robust free agent class with all these guys are gonna be clamoring the sign with the Nets because the Nets are going to stink right so being Forward Thinking about the Classon contract does make sense in terms of look got to get money on the books Simmons is coming off I mean there’s no way they’re going to resign him and if even if they did it’s not going to be like anywhere close to the number that he’s getting now Bridges is already gone they there’s there speculation that cam Johnson’s gonna be traded here there’s speculation that Dorian finy Smith’s gonna be traded here all of a sudden you take those contracts out of the mix for 25 26 and like the Nets have like literally nothing on the books maybe you’re looking at a cam Thomas extension okay right that’s going to be some money maybe we’ll see what happens with d Dron sharp maybe there’s going to be an extension there doesn’t feel like Dennis rud is going to be around here his money comes off the books after next year so $25 million a year after next year for a guy who probably his you know in terms of his age curb will also fit into the possibility that you can trade it it just makes total sense again I have to remind everyone at some point you do have to spend the money the Nets have going into 25 26 right now the Nets have you so everything on the books this year this one’s this one’s set but going into that year only money guaranteed on the books right now is Cam Johnson again might not be on the team Bridges he’s gone Dorian finny Smith he has a player option but we’ll see he if he’s even on the team like they’ve been trying to actively trade we’ll talk about that here in a second sher’s gone you have the claxon money now you have Clowney at nothing three and a half you have DQ Whitehead at 3.2 these are all team options by the way you probably think they pick these up you get maybe a cam Thomas extension and that’s kind of it like they don’t have anything out there it’s going to be a bunch of just other pieces that come in maybe it looks like sort of distress money from somewhere else maybe it looks like you know distress money plus an asset to just take in all this with all this Cas space these are gonna have a ton of c space so putting him on for $25 million a year seems totally fine I just think that there was probably a little bit of head scratching around that only because I think only because of where the team stood in terms of timeline not because of CLA I think for his skill set it’s I don’t is a little bit of an overpay yeah probably a little bit if it’s a little bit of like hey stick around they like him they get the fashion thing going he’s been the guy they actually drafted um old friend over here on on Twitter Billy Reinhardt had mentioned that this might be the first homegrown guy that the Nets have signed to a100 million do contract that seems to be correct like they paid a guy that had been around and it worked really hard and worked his way into the starting lineup worked his way into a Defensive Player of the Year talk two years ago a guy they’ve by all accounts really really liked and they gave him a huge payday I think from that standpoint it doesn’t seem all that surprising to have more to get into I want to talk a little bit more about CLA I want to talk a little bit more about what or didn’t happen on draft night as well we’ll get into that here in one second before we get into that tell you about our friends over at game time look you want to make that ticket buying experience really really easy it’s summertime maybe you want to head out to an MLB game we know that New York City’s got uh more than its fair share of chances to get out there to the ballpark this is where game time steps in get on the game time app make sure you’re getting the lowest prices make sure you’re being able to see exactly what you’re 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ends up going down with Jordi Fernandez and how he ends up using Nick claxon I think adding a little bit of organizational stability around a player who had been there for a long time makes a lot of sense with Nick Laxton I think heading into these situations of the great unknown right this is what where the Nets are headed right now they’re headed into this place of who knows like we don’t know how this is going to go down like we think we hope you know we see Cooper flag in the in the future you know guys like Ace Bailey like do we see these guys like as part of the future hopefully right like that that’s there’s no guarantees around this but heading into a season where you can at least sort of guarantee like I said that stability guarantee that like sort of know what you’re getting we know what Nick laon’s work ethic is we know what his attitude is we know what his just sort of motor is knowing those things for an organization in transition does make a lot of sense and I can see why you know Shawn marks and Company would look at that situation and say hey look let’s just get a guy we know he’s already here we like working with them both on the basketball court and off you know they got the the the fashion stuff going too we know we have these other connections we want to still show the rest of the NBA that we’re willing to sort of commit to some of these guys that we’ve worked up through I think we’ll see how that works out with the cam Thomas extension or not EXT you know extension going forward I think there will be one but I think that like being forward- facing and signaling around like hey look we know we’re heading to the tank but we’re still a stable organization like this isn’t just this isn’t just a clown show over here right like guys still want to play here guys still want to get paid here guys still want to show up to Brooklyn every day I think that the the signal around that and the sort of the story that gets told around that is kind of important so I just like just try to put a cap on where the Nick Claxton piece is and just like why like the even the non-basketball like non on the court reasons why an extension would make sense for him I I just think there’s just there are a lot of there’s just a lot of lot of pieces to it by the way depending on how the money works also there is a world where this contract is also very tradable right um $25 million a year it’s not all the way up to like anywhere close to the max but if you’re showing like role player for role player or you’re just saying hey we’re going to take some bad money off the books that doesn’t really totally fit for you right now this is in a couple years or you just want to add a guy like you know another team sees him as a piece that can really help that contend it’s this also a very tradable contract also so I think that there’s just no there’s no downside to a move like this as far as I’m concerned not with where the Nets are now because it just doesn’t really totally matter in terms of like oh is it a perfect fit with Ben Simmons well obviously no right arguably that’s a better situation now like oh let’s play these guys all the minutes together because again the team’s like not going to be totally incentivized to win so if we have just guys that don’t really pair all that well together that we want to showcase uh okay great um go ahead and have at it and let’s just see see you 48 minutes later so I just think that like there’s just no B there’s no downside at all I can’t really find a piece of this that where there’s anything bad about it now look if they had gone to like 28 million and they still had they still have male Bridges and they’re like trying to work out what’s going to happen next year then I think we would do be really sitting here in head scratching and kind of wondering about what was going to happen but where they are now with the money it is with claxon as a player all the other pieces line up to me to not really to tell a story that just ends up being just totally and completely fine all right let me try let’s pivot here real quick to the draft um in terms of sort of what happened and what didn’t happen so the first night of the NBA draft goes down uh you know some interesting moves some some I don’t know not like total head scratchers in terms of where guys had end up going a couple kind of like surprises here and there top of the board was mostly chalk U you know in terms of rashay SAR Shepard those were guys were um you know pretty much expected to go into those spots uh Castle 2 he was expected to go into that spot and man you know Ron Holland goes up a little bit from where I think people thought he was going to go with the Pistons uh moving on you know clinging drops a little bit we saw a little bit of movement around possibly Memphis trying to get in to to draft clling in I really like the Dillingham pick for Minnesota I’m not going to go through every single pick Zack Edy for sure was a surprise I think moving all the way up to nine for where Memphis uh ended up drafting him got Cody Williams the guy we really like that we were supposed to do um a Draft preview on we had an episode tapped up uh for Cody when he was actually in the being mocked around the 20s um and then he like within the next like four days shot up the board and we were like ah the Nets probably aren’t going to get into these sweep Stakes so uh anyway at the risk of going all the way through every pick um in terms of where like every single guy landed with from a Net’s perspective what we heard of Rumblings all night long were you know the Nets are trying to get into this draft they’re trying to trade a piece to to to pick here you know there seemed like there was going to be some movement specifically around the Kings the Kings have been rumored to be move to be talking with both the Nets and the Wizards around pieces that could possibly D get those two lad teams into the draft It ultimately didn’t end up happening the Kings end up picking I thought there was going to be um I thought there was going to be maybe the they end up picking Devon Carter um there I thought there was gonna be a possibility like because as you look at the draft board what you have to think to yourself too is like hey okay look the Nets can say to themselves they want to get into the first round that’s great we can all I could I could say I wanted to get into the first round okay awesome the the question is whether we have the ability and the functionality to do it I was always a little skeptical of how easy it was going to be for the Nets to do that just because for a couple different reasons yes they have guys in cam Johnson and Dorian finin Smith who they clearly want to trade and I think other teams would would take on the contracts right so I think that part to me makes sense um so I think like the the the want to do it was for sure there the ability to do it is where it gets harder because remember it’s it’s really has more to me at least I mean this isn’t reported but to me at least it always came down to do they have the salaries that they going to be able to match do are they going to be able to match a salary for cam Johnson and get a pick back right it’s all great $23 million for cam this year then decreasing money in 2526 the contract’s totally fine I know he had a bad year last year there’s teams that would be interested in his Services we know DFS is still on 15 million these contracts are fine the problem is getting the money to match on the way back and having a team wanting to throw a pick in as well this is where when Adam and I would do trades specifically around DFS it always kind of got a little difficult it was like okay great you want the pick and now you want a player too and the player’s got to be like the money’s got to kind of match and the other team’s not going to want that guy anymore it got a little difficult and so as we watched the draft play out while there were rumors that the Nets were trying to get there and picks I was never I mean Adam and I were texting too neither of us were ever that confident because we the reason we were like really on top of it for obvious reasons besides the Nets is that we knew that as soon as they picked or drafted that we would just jump on and do a live episode so we’re like we’re watching we’re prepping we’re seeing the the names that are there but if you just even were to like what look back through our messages neither of us felt very confident that it was going to happen we hoped you know I hoped it was going to happen but neither of us for the reason on all the work that we had done prior to the draft in leading up to seeing how sort of difficult it was to put some of these things together I think neither of us really were all that surprised and so I just want to explain because I know we’re getting messages this morning like how’s DFS still on this team how’s Cam J still on this team I agree that the Nets have to move off these guys but I also see that it’s not super the easiest cleanest let’s hey you’re out there draft pick back like it’s just not like that’s just not how it’s works why you don’t see tons of these trades I mean we didn’t see except except for Denny Avidia we didn’t really see any player trades around the draft last night right like it’s just not so it’s usually picks for picks right and that’s and that’s when when it picks for players it just gets a little bit more difficult especially was when you have to mark uh when you have to match that salary I have a few more thoughts here on the draft and about bridges well we’ll take one quick break and come on and come back we’ll talk about uh you know just a few last minute pieces and I do have a couple more draft thoughts as well all right just a couple final draft outs I do think that like there was a world I was you know as we were kind of like targeting what could possibly happen the one other place in the draft that I thought we could see some movement for the Nets uh in getting into this I there was a back-to-back picks for Cleveland and then New Orleans that I thought okay at 20 and 21 if it’s going to happen sort of this is where it’s going to happen right two teams that could probably use Wing guys that could probably use the services of either of these who specifically Cleveland on the wing front um with maybe some salary that they could send back and a pick at 20 like could we see a DFS go there could we see cam go there especially you know knowing or thinking that they’re gonna extend uh Donovan Mitchell and be more in win now mode I was like okay maybe maybe it gets there but It ultimately doesn’t because I don’t think you know we weren’t going to see it at the match from the magic I don’t think I don’t think you were going to see it from the Raptors the Lakers already said they were keeping the pick they take all and connect um after that like I didn’t think we were going to see a Suns move nice job by the Suns by the way leveraging uh the Nuggets clearly wanting Dron Holmes we really liked um but uh o over the nuggets and then just getting some picks more picks out of that um to move up uh definitely a surprise with AJ Johnson with the Bucks that one came that one made to no sense but again like even with these teams it’s just like what were they going to be able to send back uh in terms of I don’t think the Bucs could even trade it because of the steppan rule um with the with the Holiday trade before so um excuse me with the Dame trade so the I just wasn’t that surprised as we looked at it unfold like I said maybe a 20 or 21 that was where was going to happen but it just ends up not really being the case but we know I don’t think we we weren’t going to see another Nicks trade they trade back toback they kind of do some swaps there with the Wizards we knew the Wizards weren’t going to get on either of these guys uh Timberwolves didn’t really seem like it was going to be the case nuggets didn’t seem like it was be the case we heard about the Jazz who the Jazz took Isaiah ker oh my goodness he was the guy actually that as the draft was unfolding and ker kept drafting dropping and dropping and dropping I was like man if we if they can make a move to get in here on ker who by the way it’s a year away from the second overall high school player in the country um we did a draft episode about him talking about him being uh kind of ready he would have been a great guy to put on a tanking team I thought like just NBA NBA point guard build kind of ready to go flaws in the game shooting whatever couple years to work on it Reclamation project he seemed exactly like the guy the Nets would want to get in on um and I if I was thinking you know as he’s dropping and as he’s and his stock is just kind of like taking a hit and hit and hit and he goes all the way to 29 and I was like oh come on if they can make a move here if they can get in this like this is sort of of the mold of a guy you for a team that might be bad of the mold of extreme VA possible value with really no risk at this point he was the guy that I was really hoping uh that that they could find their way back in there so nice job by the Jazz who had another point guard I don’t know they got a lot of guard seon kante Jorge they got ker uh we’ll see how that ends up all shaking out but overall I’m not totally shocked um I’m not just totally shocked that they did didn’t do it all and like I said just from you know I’d like to judge our actions how Adam and I had been sort of prepping for it it’s not we weren’t sitting at the computer ready and and rip roaring to go cameras on for the the second the net draft that I always thought that it was just kind of a little they were going to be a little outside looking in as it was all now whether they’re able to turn this into day two second round picks and maybe try to take some flyers on guys we’ll see I’m not really sure about that like it’s um I think there’s I think some of these other teams are probably still open for business maybe it gets a little easier and softens the blow on trading a second round pick in a player for guys like Johnson or guys like DFS I mean that’s that’s definitely realistic so I think there’s while the Nets don’t have a pick here I’m I it wouldn’t totally floor me if I I just think actually more realistic for them to get in on the draft here today um and try to get a player we know the Nets have a million picks going forward now four picks just in the 2025 draft alone but um you know every young player that they can start looking at sooner than later I think is would be beneficial because I at some point like you have a ton of draft picks but at some point like you just can’t play all the guys we’ve seen this sort of happen in okcs they keep all the picks all they draft all these guys and then not everyone can end up taking the court to get full full looks at them um and I think that’s what you end up seeing yeah look the Nets aren’t in a situation yet we’re like putting the cart before the horse with that but um ultimately you know getting looks at guys earlier is is sometimes better so we’ll see what happens day two of the draft I think that there’s some chance they get in there but again like I just like go go put the trade machine to work go see how you get fair value on the money coming back from a player plus a pick with with with either of those two guys so if Cam Johnson and DFS entered the season as Nets and you know they were more like trade deadline dudes that would also kind of make sense to me and I just uh I’m just at this point I’m not really with the way that the the stuff has unfolded with the Nets I think there’s like less of an urgency to me at least around grabbing maximum value the Nets re got maximum value off of the bridges thing in my opinion um I think that they reset this thing in just about the perfect way possible even though um you know doesn’t it’s not going to look totally pretty now I think that like probably one teams know that they’re not desperate to move some of these guys as much or like or they’re just GNA have to move them so the price drops a little bit like especially like a guy like DFS um and I just think that like you know maybe they TR head into the trade deadline and and Away you also just having some veteran guys in the team like professionals these guys are awesome professionals around young guys is also not the worst thing in the world too right like having a DFS who is just sort of universally like loved as a player cam Johnson a really really respected player as well having good veteran presence in a locker room that’s probably about to start trending young and kind of you know maybe a little bit just you know different tenor having those guys around is not the worst thing in the world either so as Nets fans I I don’t want to get everyone too crazy around you know thinking that the Nets missed some huge opportunity probably some opportunity cost lost for sure uh I don’t think it’s for sure the end of the world in terms of the bridges thing a lot of different opinions not going to get all the way into it here um you know saw some push back on on Bridges and sort of his attitude near the end with the Nets about whether or not he sort of demanded to be out of Brooklyn I think the the the reports on that are mixed some say that it was kind of like Nets it was very obvious that the Nets were starting to shop him with moves like you know to the ja Jazz teams like the Jazz and the rockets calling uh and at that point said hey this is a possibility and at that point he said hey if you’re going to do it go to the Knicks and he got together with his guys probably and they made him a Godfather offer I I fa to see like tons that Bridges don’t did wrong here I thought I think some fans you know didn’t like the attitude near the end they didn’t like that he went on the podcast with the other guys um you know maybe they thought he didn’t stand up for his team that stuff to me doesn’t really bother me like I know there are got people out there that that’s stuff really gets you kind of annoyed that is not the case with me personally I understand it I guess to me it’s just like hey you played you played all all 82 games it didn’t work out perfectly the Net’s got a massive Hall he obviously retained a ton of value even in Down Season like what is there to be mad about that’s me I get that other people feel like it’s different and then you know you bought the jerseys and you want to see the guy say everything right about your team and you want it to be you know just kind of like go hard at your friends and and and and make sure you’re not getting clowned on or whatever I get it that’s just not me um so no hard feelings out the door but if you do for Bridges uh I I can I guess I can understand it all right we are going to be covering day two of the draft if the Nets get into the draft we will obviously jump into that as well um there’s there’s some possibility we’ll make sure we try to go live if it happens so we’ll be around during the draft in the evening maybe they can do a Shawn marks second round draft pick special in the meantime make sure you subscribe to lockon Nets over on YouTube make sure you’re subscribe over the podcast incredible incredible uh response over there on YouTube over the last couple days with some of these videos so really appreciate everyone who’s jumped into that look Nets aren’t Nets are in the tank we’re still coming at you five days a week all through the summer into the season as well make sure you subscribe to lockdown Nets we get to this portion of the podcast where Adam always comes up with a quotes from alltime great poets I always say at that point Adam arre one of the alltime great poets we back again tomorrow talking more Brooklyn Nets basketball

In the first day of a new Brooklyn Nets era, the team brings back Nic Claxton on a 4 year, $100 million dollar contract. It was a move that makes sense for the team even with Mikal Bridges now headed across town to the Knicks.
Locked on Nets discuss the Claxton signing, why they did it and why it still fits with the current build. Plus, the Nets didn’t get into the first round of the draft? Why might that have been a difficult thing to pull off.
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  1. I've been a Nets fan since 1990 and this is one of my proudest moments. Claxton is my favorite player and I've been wanting them to build around him, Cam Thomas & Clowney. I've also been begging for them to trade Bridges and not build around him and they did and also got a great haul in return. Now just trade Cam Johnson & DFS at the least please.

  2. I'm really happy we paid Claxton. It's a great optic and cultural tone-setter that we take care of our own. I can't remember the last player we drafted, groomed and extended.

  3. I agree with you Doug. It's hard to have any hard feelings towards Bridges. He's not the kind of guy you have bad feelings for. Plus, he retained his value around the league in spite of a tough year. Also agree that it's easy to say trade DFS and CJ for picks but incredibly difficult to do. I love my Nets podcast. Even solo you guys show up and rock.

  4. Joe Tsai did say he wanted a slow rebuild. We fans should take him literally. That could be one of the reasons the Nets didn't make any moves in the 1st round of the draft.

  5. @Doug Norrie Good show. You and I have the same attitude about the trade of Mikal to the Knicks. It's time to focus on the rebuild.

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