@San Antonio Spurs

React: San Antonio Spurs select Castle at No. 4, but why did they trade Dillingham?

React: San Antonio Spurs select Castle at No. 4, but why did they trade Dillingham?

hey let’s react to last night’s Spurs draft in the first round of the NBA draft and then bring you some live uh react from the Spurs practice facility you are locked on Spurs your daily San Antonio Spurs podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey welcome back to lockdown Spurs on the lockdown NBA network I’m your host Jeff Garcia Spurs rord K 5 San anonio glad to have you all back hope you having a great day and letting the dust settle after the first round of the 2024 NBA draft for your Spurs pick Stefon castle and then Trad at number eight more about that later uh today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app cre an account use code lock at MBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply well what are we talking about today you can see on your screen right there and give you some quick reaction uh to the Spurs Draft last night out in Brooklyn uh first round’s over mov on second round later today and they’re going to be joined by Vinnie vetta my colleague at Ken’s we’re asking some Q&A back and forth about what the Spurs did with number four number eight that’s coming up next right here on lockdown Spurs but first quick recap yeah Spurs we all know by now picked number four Stefan castle at Yukon and then picked Rob Dillingham number eight then traded him to Minnesota for some future round uh draft picks more than that in just a few seconds but first with Stefan castle look my reaction to that simply was okay win according to plan there there was not really a big surprise and again we’re just talking only about number four here now uh you know you look at all the mock drafts uh look give me Vegas odds it was Skyhigh the Spurs are going to take castle and it it came accordingly but this was a draft where you could have just outside of the top well outside of the the Sai spot the center spot wimy whatever they picked would have fil the need whether it be point guard Castle shooting guard small forward power forward whatever it was it was going to help in this rebuild but they elected to go with kle at point guard and look not a bad pick you know it’s a safe pick it’s a smart pick that if you want to triage it uh with the Spurs to-do list is this off was to address the uh need for a point guard and they got that and and and probably more um look at coming off a championship with Yukon right averages 11.1 points per game 4.7 rebounds 2.9 assists and 34 games shooting 47% from the field he was the Big East freshman of the year uh still young 19 years old uh so he’s not even hitting his Peak not even close to that yet and uh yeah I mean he’s coming from a winning program coming from a damn good coach Hurley out in Yukon so he’s coming in with the pedigree ready to go right now and and you you look at Castle and Beyond just the fact he played Yukon forget he played with Team USA at the 2022 FBA under 18 America championship team wanted gold medal with that Team USA so you got a winning program in Yukon wins a gold medal with Team USA he has that winning mentality and I think that’s what the Spurs needed especially the point guard spot now I got a chance to talk to Brian right after the uh Spurs picked castle and I asked him okay you know we know the shoo mechanics we get that uh we know you know he still needs to fill out physically we get that but what do you like about him that’s not stat related doesn’t have to do ex he told me that he likes that castle is very stoic you know kind of even Keel but that he’s the biggest hype man that he’s he’s so happy for his teammates when they succeed and he said that really stood out for him and other interesting too is that everybody knew knew that the Spurs were uh you know scouting Castle away Yukon but did you know and BR Wright said this that they’ve been scouting him since high school so he’s been on the radar for quite some time obviously he’s on the board number four you grab him you move forward but look he he definitely is a player that I think will boost that point guard spot tremendously no not on Trey Jones but the big question now is is he the point guard for the future and I think that’s something we need to address at length in a future episode of lock on Spurs you know is this the guy that’s going to be wy’s running mate gotta factor that in um looking at what he did you know he’s an 11 time Big East freshman of the week you know again you’re seeing this winning mindset he was named to the 2024 NCAA Final Four allamerican all tournament team again more accolades more that winning mentality overall you like the pick I I think I think it was a very safe pick fancy nothing out of the ordinary nothing out of left field at number four we’ll talk about number eight in a bit but all in all I think it was a good pick at number four I would give it an a a solid a it helped the Spurs at what they needed most and that is at the point guard spot but what likely stands out for the Spurs and why they select the castle was defense defense look the Spurs let’s face it on the perimeter they were getting cooked they were let you you saw guards is having tremendous nights you know pick up probably a PR player the posing team and that perimeter player guard whatever you know probably had an amazing night it’s probably a big reason why they selected Castle as well so you got a great defender outside you got wimy in the interior that’s a not a bad one-two puncher there on the defensive end 66 210 big guard the Spurs have been searching for their big guard for a while Josh Primo big guard didn’t work out Jo uh Jeremy soan big guard didn’t work out for a while it was Malachi brandom at point guard didn’t work workout they would Trey Jones again no knock on Trey Jones but now they have a 66 2 10 19 year old so all in all you get some defense you get a winning mentality uh you get a guy that’s coming from a good program Yukon coach well at Yukon you know gold with Team USA you big guy at the perimeter and the Spurs did well you got to give him an A+ Stefon castle that was a solid pick at eight at four now speaking of eight select Rob Dillingham you would think that would have been the perfect compliment okay you got a defensive guy guard now you get an offensive guard Dillingham didn’t work out big trade Spurs send Dillingham to Minnesota for H future future future first round picks in 2030 and 2031 and those are uh first round picks that Minnesota will have in 2030 and 2031 there goes to the Spurs and it was shocking and everybody in the meeting room was kind of like what just happened I just remember a silence kind of falling over the everybody in the media room like what just happened and yeah I mean I was there too you know they made the pick and again I said okay fine going the plan you know that was a lot of mock drafts it was going to be Castle more than likely dingham or you know he was always solid number eight and I said okay you know just the way it went you know Spurs four and eight they picked accordingly and they flipped it so you got to think and let’s put it the way Spurs fans were just in shambles on on social media it was bad but you got to think that they’re looking forward still this is a sign that the rebuild is going to continue this is a sign that this is still a slow cook for now I say that because the only irrational explanation why you make that deal you get a Rob Dillingham you flip it for 2030 2031 future first round picks is there’s got to be a bigger move down the down the road there has to be whether it’s this offseason or maybe even as soon as a trade deadline next season but I still think they’re playing their cards for 2025 that has to be the answer right there that’s a stack draft the free agent pool is going to be a lot deeper with bigger names and the Spurs not only flipped those you know Dillingham for those picks but they also got some cash they opened up $7 million in a cap space as well so you figure they’re playing the long short game you’re not talking years from now we’re talking maybe just one more season not to say that you know they’re going to be bad again look there’s no way nowhere else to go butt up after a 22 win season but you can only figure that that that’s the only R look I’m with you Spurs fans I was scratching my head like what did they just do why well what uh but you got to think that with wmy repeating himself a lot lately that he wants to win now this move has to be for the near future not saying long-term future but maybe for the near future to get wimy the Spurs cooking in the right direction and get out of the rebuild for now the rebuild still continues for for now the rebuild is ongoing but we cannot close the book on the move yet till we see what they do so they still have the rest of the offseason and yeah maybe give them till the trade deadline we’ll see what they have I worst case scenario give them till 2025 offseason draft for AG then we’ll see what they we’re going to do but yeah I mean for a brief moment Rob dhan was a Spur now Brian rght was asked during the media session okay so why are you amassing all these picks he says they they they like picks and that is always a smart thing to do and he left it at that um when we add much to it just said that’s just the right thing to do the smart thing to do is to acquire draft picks get at the currency it’s just the rich getting richer the SP getting rich and richer with draft picks I know that’s frustrating for Spurs fans they want to see progress now in the form of a sexy pick or a swing for the bat defenses kind of trade you know where you’re bringing a big name star player and that could still be down the road we don’t know yet so we’ll see what the Spurs have cooking but let me tell you if they don’t do anything in the near future and they keep on doing what we saw uh with the number eight pick in the 224 MBA draft then yeah then then I can see pitchforks coming out but as of now you got to figure that wm’s on board with this plan they’re probably not going to make any major moves that are going to impact him and his development and his wanting to win now so I feel you Spurs fans seeing Rob Dillingham get traded for 2030 and 2031 future picks not good left me head scratching left you head scratching left a lot of Spurs fans head scratching but let’s just see what they do with that but uh overall you know I I give the the the castle pick an a I give the trade an incomplete just an incomplete we don’t know what they’re going to do we’ll see what they do know now Castle will be in San Antonio this weekend he’ll be his first time coming to San Antonio I never visited here before you like they like you roll up the red carpet for him and right rightfully so but yeah and the more thoughts on Brian R afterwards he did say that they’re aware of the shooting mechanics things but they said they feel that that can be corrected uh that they like and he brought up words like leadership um scouting him early you know whatnot so that’s that was the Spurs guy from jump they got him and they’re moving on part of me believes that another reason maybe maybe I don’t know not like nobody told me but maybe they traded away dingham you maybe they saw one of their guys that they were targeting get off the board namely Salon they saw Charlotte pick up said okay he’s gone you know we got we got our guy Castle let’s move forward with him let’s maximize what we can in the in a draft that’s considered weak and get two future first first round picks in 2030 2031 look we’ll see what Brian wght has cooking but as for now I give that just an incomplete I I just don’t know what they’re going to do with it but we’ll find out soon all right I’m done talking when we get back we’re g to be join well you’re going to be joining me and Vinnie vinetta we recorded a segment on getting our more in-depth reaction and video reaction to what the Spurs did at the 2024 NBA draft that and more that’s coming up next right here in lockdown Spurs hey want to talk about you want to go to game time right now go set up that account get yourself an account right now why because game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer that gets to the first pitch you got killer last minute deals they got all-in prices views from your seat lowest price guarantee game time takes the guess work out of buying tickets another reason why you got to go get that game time app and make account ASAP look app is easy to use Simple features you can do so many things with a game time app such as last minute tickets you got Flash Deals Zone deals views from receive from the venue the lowest price guarantee van cancellation P protection job loss protection what more do you need well speaking of that low price uh guarantee well they guarantee it or they’ll credit you 110% of the difference 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one of the 2024 NBA draft is in the books the Spurs in at number four and number eight tonight in the first round I’m sure all of you know about the drama let’s go immediately to that eighth pick tonight Jeff it was Rob Dillingham from Kentucky and then we learn he’s headed to Minnesota yeah the Spurs in return get a 2030 protected and a 2031 unprotected draft pick what’ you make of all that noise what I made of it was simply this there better be something cooking down the road because to trade away the number eight pick and a guy a guard Dillingham who could fit in seamlessly with his team to flip him for a few future picks 2031 years from now yeah all I can think of is look assets are a premium I get that but you got to start turning these asses around for something that’ll help the rebuild now and then we got to the post-draft press conference tonight with Spurs GM Brian Wright and that’s when Spurs PR advised everybody that he would not be talking about the trade that went down at number eight because it’s not yet a League approved trade even though Commissioner Adam Silver announced during the ESPN broadcast that the trade had gone down so uh some of the assembled media I I I took that they weren’t very pleased about that didn’t like that at all so what did you take from that that he’s not going to talk about the specifics just yet uh when can we talk about it then that’s my first thought like it’s going to happen it has happened silver said it it did so when can we talk about it I don’t know I mean could it be situation like you know we got they got to get their ducks in a row to figure out how this is going to work out and then have their official statement but just the fact that they went radio silence on that I don’t think that was a good look they should have answered it it’s a Hot Topic right now with Spurs fans Spurs fans they want to know why the trade was made I think it it was a little bit of a disservice for the fan base and not address it does it tell us that maybe something else bigger is cooking perhaps in any sense there I hope so I hope Something’s Cooking because look you have the rest of the offseason you have once the bell rings for rer agency trades all that stuff all the good stuff you hey we’re rock and roll but you got to think this is a move for sooner than later you hope you’re crossing fingers that’s the only thing that makes sense is this move was made for a bigger move hopefully sooner that’ll help wimy in this rebuild go forward and said stall because as of right now it feels stalled yeah well to start the night the Spurs were in there at number four and the pick was Stefon Castle The Freshman I guess is he a guard or a forward or basically a guard guard combo yeah out of out of the University of Yukon he’s a he’s a strong finisher at The Rim he can get get up there and have some amazing dunks he’s known for playing some lock down defense what do you make it uh uh of that pick for the Spurs at number four in round one my first initial reaction was all right expected you know that was many of the mocks that Castle’s going to go to four Spurs going to pick him up he had a phenomenal workout here in San Antonio Brian Wright told us that they’ve been scouting him since high school did I hear that correctly since high school they way back in the went way back to high school to scout him to now he was act well the Spurs were actively scouting him at Yukon talking to the head coach out there not a surprise they picked him look this is a situation where the Spurs outside of the Five Spot wimy they need help anywhere they picked a a three a three fine picked a four fine one fine two fine whatever position they picked I think it was going to help address a need now Castle addresses the need for point guard depth he’s big he can get to the him Brian wght told me that he likes that he’s very stoic that he doesn’t really show his emotions too much but that he celebrates his teammates even though Castle was not a part of any winning play or big time action so overall this is a very Spurs pick but a safe pick and you just you know you hopefully he works out but the big question is is he the point guard of the future rebuild that’s a big question yeah he’s a winner from uh the University of Yukon uh as a national champion we were talking earlier because it felt like late in the year of this past season that that the vasels and the soans maybe figured it out with wimy because we feel like they have can they in turn help make the transition easy for him to work with wimy as a rookie well look we talked about this too how long did it take for the Spurs last year’s roster to get going with wimy a while it took him a while so but in paper it should work out right hey I’m Castle I see a 7 foot4 guy out there I’m going to go throw it at him that should be it and get out of his way but look you got to give him time to adjust to playing in the NBA and then get adjust to an alien so that’s going to take some time and then you know can pop can he earn Pop’s trust to run the point guard spot you brought it up there do we see shades of maybe Tony Parker teenager getting thrusted into the position what does that mean for Trey Jones CU you know that was his spot now he get shifted to the to the bench I think spurge fans going to be okay with that but yeah I really want to see how they use him Brian told us that they like his versatility so we’ll see if they slot him and pigeon hole him at a point guard spot this is Emily swallow and you are listening to lock on Spurs with Jeff Garcia you know what I found myself thinking I was thinking back to the days of of David and and Tim and and the Twin Towers in there and winning championships and I know the I know the league has changed but I I thought wouldn’t wimy and and Donovan kingan from from Yukon it’s not way theame ised but I started thinking two seven Footers I mean right hey look pop is known to Buck the trend when the when the league was all about uh full speed it was four down Tim Duncan when it was uh you know don’t take three shots I mean take a lot of three shots they was take mid-range shots in so yeah you know twin tower version 2.0 would have been phenomenal but as much as Clingan would have been awesome it’s still the issue of he’s not a four he’s a true five right wheny excels at the Five Spot the center spot do you shift see I think that would have made more mess than maybe the Spurs need right now yeah yeah we still have of course uh round two of this draft on Thursday but last one for you I want to bounce ahead to 25 you know Jeff the Spurs potentially have four first round draft picks in the first round in 2025 and that’s supposedly the star studded draft I mean he’s in that draft too I feel like they’re positioned well yeah they’re very positioned well and we’re not forgetting the Atlanta unprotected first round picks a deep draft I can see the Spurs being big major players in 2025 off season and the I wouldn’t even be surprised that come the trade deadline next year that they’re active as well getting prepped for that big off season I know Spurs TR are disappointed tables were being thrown out the windows chairs are being flipped over for this draft but I think if you play the long game which is not that long it’s just next offseason the Spurs could be major players and acquiring players young players in that draft the current development players and this team could be back to the mountain top and a Powerhouse in the NBA and I want to add to that and we’ll finish up here but but after the Dillingham uh trade was announced on social media whether it was Spurs fans on Facebook or Twitter oh the world is ending world was ending everybody fire everybody they don’t know what they’re doing exhale relax I mean it’s not the end of the world sun’s coming up tomorrow I think they know what they’re doing in fact they had they may have just made the pick for Minnesota that that’s what this deal could have been sure you know another thing that just pops in my head just a random thought is what if they just dealt number eight because one of their guys was off the board already and we all know who that could have been Saloon out of France maybe they saw him go they saw him leave and they say you know what there goes our guy you know we got our guard already Castle you know all right who’s willing in dealing with us Minnesota yay you got yourself a guy give us some picks but again Brian White was it just me or was he just kind of salivating over the fact he acquired more draft piics was I felt that way right he was like those assets he literally looked at all the media those assets they’re they’re really good so he when yes he loves accumulating assets and if you saw him tonight at the Press ring he got that smile got even bigger didn’t it when he got more assets yeah yeah uh it is BR brutally hot out here it only cools off when somebody opens the door over there and there’s like a rush of of AC comes at us but uh we’ll we’ll wrap this up uh good night for the Spurs round one of the 2024 draft they’ll finish it up tomorrow and then we’ll see what uh free agency and uh and and what they have in the pocketbook holds for this summer say his his financial status right you basically just look to you for any time then they won’t be getting anybody yeah sorry sorry SPS fans thank you my friend yes sir all right Jeff Garcia locked on first Vinnie venetta from Ken 5 we’re going to close it out [Music] a [Music]

In this episode of Locked On Spurs, host Jeff Garcia gives you his reaction to the San Antonio Spurs selecting Stephon Castle at No. 4 at the NBA Draft 2024, as well as thoughts on the team trading Rob Dillingham to Minnesota.

Then, KENS 5’s Vinnie Vinzetta joins to give more thought on the Spurs at the NBA Draft and react to what Castle will bring to the Spurs.

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  1. Such a weak move… Giving up a very valuable #8 with still plenty guys available ready to impact W, for most probably future late 1st round pick and a protected pick swap…

    Guys who think Twolves will be be bad in 2030/31 are just dellusionnal, the core of that team is still very young, and they will just be at their prime in 2030…

  2. They didn't want Matas Buzelis for free? They can't use his help!!! WTF ARE THEY THINKING. THIS MOVE WAS WORST THEN TERRIBLE…..

  3. Stupid draft what a fail. Didn’t answer the elephant in the room someone to spread the floor and a TRUE POINT GUARD THAT CAN SHOOT! Everybody whined about this all season and they do this? It’s not like we have no defense Wemby has that locked down. We could have at least got Buzelis at 8 and would have saved this draft. Castle better turn into Kyrie Irving. Isn’t he the same build as KJ and plays wing sometimes great another KJ.

  4. Man i like your thoughts on this cause you're not giving them credit like everyone else until we see more. We had plenty of problems with spacing & playmaking I can't believe we didn't try addressing them with a hot #8 pick.

  5. I couldn't breathe when they took Dillingham : "Why did the team with the worst backcourt defense take Lou Williams?" 😡
    But I was relieved when they traded it for 2 FRP 😊

  6. I now am wonder who the Spurs may take in Round 2 tonight.
    The addition of Stephon Castle will prove to be huge. Some believe he is the best overall player in the draft. If he shot the ball better, he may well have gone first overall.

  7. Basically Spurs are saying there’s nobody who can play drafted 8 or later.

    I’m gonna bet THEY ARE WRONG. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Problem is they didn’t know and were scared to make the pick.

  8. Why did they trade Dillingham? Because he is ndersized and plays no defense.
    I feel sorry for Rob because I think he wanted to play for the Spurs, but he is going to a good situation at Minnesota.
    It will be interesting in the future to see what the 2030 and 2031 first-round picks will be.
    The Spurs and the OKC Thunder are two of the smartest organizations in the NBA.

  9. I got to see George Gerwin in his prime. I never dreamed we would win 5. That said WTF? Ok you can say I'm thinking Checkers and they are playing Chess. It's always about economics with the Spurs which is the only explanation. Mark Cuban would of taken the two picks and still some how manage to pay a free agent

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