@Detroit Pistons

What Ron Holland Brings to the Detroit Pistons! w/ Pistons Talk

What Ron Holland Brings to the Detroit Pistons! w/ Pistons Talk

should bring in the voice of reason a little bit bring in out piston talk our good friend Anthony Columbo he uh just get his thoughts live here on crunch time get a little bit of a breakdown what he thinks of Ron Holland and who was on the board so please welcome to the show the man the M the ledge Anthony Columbo AKA Pistons talk Anthony welcome to the program I’m so glad I’m home I’ll to say that first and foremost um what do you think Anthony Ron Holland I’m not surprised by it I I’m not it kind of if you go back and look at Tran langon during his time in New Orleans this is kind of the archetype he goes for kind of those lengthy defensive minded Wings Jones yeah I I know I I I heard Boer I I get it I get where he’s coming from if they went BPA You’re Gonna Go BPA when you won 14 games I’m sorry you’re not gonna go for fit what you think no I think that’s fair I just I’ve been in I’m sure like you’ve watched I I’ve just been so high on on just adding shooting and adding just complimentary pieces with Kade and Jay NY like if if that’s who they want to roll with if try John made it it seemed like clear hey we want to try out with these two guys all right let’s get some some compliments around him it just I think Ron Holland like say you didn’t have Jaden Ivy I think that’s a good pick do you see what I’m saying like I think that’s a similar type of player but maybe you could even argue a ceiling maybe a look well what well Anthony what’s what’s the what’s the vision here in your opinion like because we talked about uh we were just talking about it earlier if you have a lineup of Kade Ivy Holland assar and Duren you can’t really do that until at least you know what’s your what what’s the long-term Vision you think I mean you need a sar Fred Vincent to work overtime and develop some shots here yeah uh no pun intended there with the S um I would say you’re not going to play them both right away because it doesn’t make sense from a spacing perspective I think what you’ll see is you’ll either see Ron Holland in the starting lineup or assar Thompson and I I think why that’s valuable is you’re going to have a defender in the starting lineup or Off the Bench now where I see kind of Ron Holland as a player he kind of plays that between that small forward and power forward the one thing that I really like about him and if you guys watch the tape watching games on him this guy is just such an elite cutter he can move so well without the basketball and you watch his jump shot believe in the jump shot I think the mechanics are good I think it’s just he was playing on a really crappy team in the G league night didn’t make a whole lot of sense from a roster construction standpoint but I’m pretty high on this pick I I know uh Boer I get what you’re saying like you want to add more shooting around Kate Cunningham and and Company but they have $64 million in cap space to do that in free agency and I think that’s where they’ll spend a majority of their money to address the shooting and Anthony when you look Rob Dillingham just going to the Spurs when you see that and then you see Ron Holland go to the Pistons how does that make you feel especially when you just brought up the shooting that they do need does that like God damn it this is G be another pick that we look back on regret or do you still sit with a little bit of confidence like all right we’ll be fine it’s just going to need some time I’ll start with Dillingham it’s kind of wild that the Spurs went uh two point guards in this draft I I I think they’re just covering their ass just in case one of them’s a bust personally um I like Dillingham my only concern with him coming out of the draft was being just a negative Defender he he wasn’t really the the defender that I think a lot of people talk about um re Shepard was actually a better Defender than Rod Dillingham Rod Dillingham can shoot though um but you already have a lot of guards you have jadeen iy you have Kate Cunningham uh Rod Dillingham is a guy that needs the ball in his hand so if you were to draft Rod Dillingham then you kind of have to ask yourself what are we doing with iy what doing with Gade uh because this guy is kind of like a Darius Garland if you will um in terms of the rod Dillingham pick I think we’ll be fine Lucas I really do I think this is a guy that was really highly recruited out of high school uh he did slip he he had a little bit of struggles in the G League of night to to start off you know going from you know High School to you know shooting Pro level threes and playing against grown men in the G League um is a big step I I think it’s a little bit above at the college level um the G league is is no joke there are some guys in there that are eight nine 10 year Pros that are just hungry trying to get an opportunity I I I think Ron will come in be fine I know Pistons fans are probably really pissed off right now and I understand it but just know this guy was very highly recruited coming out of high school and it shouldn’t deter fans that you know he he did didn’t go as high as the mocks had him going you know two three slipping the five real quick update just an update uh Rob dham now a Minnesota timber wolf yeah traded he was just traded to the Timol and also Zack Edy remember Anthony we did that uh alternate pick draft he actually went to the to the Grizzlies so he went even higher remember we were joking around I had him in the the lottery he went higher than that Grizzlies take Edy take nine that’s uh that that’s interesting uh Dillingham going to Minnesota I I kind of like that for Minnesota um Mike Conley is like what 50 uh they’re going to player he is he is they’re gonna need a new point guard um I I love that you got dogs with Anthony Edwards and Rod Dillingham but Zack e the Memphis I’m surprised man that that I’m surprised that’s the center they they went with um I probably would have went KH we if it was me personally but uh good for Memphis uh getting Zack Edy yeah I don’t know about Edie I I I get why like you take him for obvious I mean especially at the combine he was shooting the the ball but I don’t know I something tells me that I don’t know I I a Defender Absolut day won 72 he’ll be able to block shots for you and that’s probably what they’re looking for obviously but man I for you I don’t yeah that’s like the hard part is like what is what does Ed look like at his best like that I I don’t know to be honest with you I really well you know what it does for that team it fits a need right they needed to add a center to that team and you know they they would need they I guess they do have joh rant so they do have players but and they got jiren Jackson yeah for sure yeah I mean that’ll be if if they both pan out him and jiren Jackson will be that’s gonna be a hard front Court to try to get a bucket on tough tough tough tough front Court that’s a tough team in general if if Ed end up ends up working out like people think that him Desmond Bane you have Mark they have Markus smart still John I forgot about Desmond b a tough five right there I’ve always just admired the way that Memphis builds a basketball team I just think it’s like because yeah they’ve never obviously when ja was peing they were a serious like team they were a higher ranking team in the west but they’re never just completely ass like they’re always just in the kind of 500 range but they’re never an embarrassment of an organization for how small of a market that they do have yeah and that I mean you hit on players that uh you know they go from the era we talked about the other day to now with j and ja’s holding up pistols and now he’s going to be back you know there’s a lot of you know know I I think the the Zack pick will be interesting I don’t know what you really make of it he would way higher than I honestly expected him to uh the Utah jazzer up maybe Cody Williams is is in play here he’s still on the board Modis is still here remember he’s fallen he’s falling a little bit Mike I see you over there Mike what do you what do you think of all this Mike what are you thinking look at you what was that I don’t know just I don’t know Z Anthony I just wanted to ask you uh kind of your view of the pick did you kind of it as like a reach or did you expect him to go in the top five or do you think we obviously the situation probably wasn’t available for someone to trade up or no one was calling or whatnot or no one was answering the phone rather but do you view the pick as a reach um I don’t but I actually thought that he was going to trade down because he got on the phone and then he kind of like walked out of the camera view I was like okay they’re trading down because Memphis was trying to trade up the five that was the reporting um but I I think it’s a good pick uh you talk to any NBA draft just anal analysis they had Ron Holland as high as two on their big board a lot of these draft an analysis are really high in Ron Holland just as a Defender um as a connector as a guy that runs in transition um I I just think he’s he’s going to be a really good pick and he’s gonna surprise some people just the way that he can pass um the way he can cut defend protect the rim play play multiple positions defend multiple positions um and this is a Detroit Pistons team was one of the worst defensive teams in the NBA so you are getting a need here if you ask me

Jeff Iafrate, Booner, Lukas Klotz, and Michael Gentry discuss Ron Holland getting drafted to the Detroit Pistons in the 2024 NBA Draft with @PistonsTalk and whether or not he was the correct selection.

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