@Sacramento Kings

Sam Amick expects the Sacramento Kings to be aggressive post-NBA Draft

Sam Amick expects the Sacramento Kings to be aggressive post-NBA Draft

oh I’m tingly Tony Allen with offense Drew holiday okay white comps joining us right now uh saw him in the uh I mean this this a hustler senior NBA reporter for a massive National publication what’s he doing last night oh he’s chilling in the king’s media room yeah always working taking notes and doing his thing and he joins us each and every Thursday speaking of sluming it at 8 a.m. the one the only the lovely The Talented the well coifed yeah Samuel a good morning Sam me ow yep no he’s muted did the whole thing and he’s muted and he’s there he is you’ll never believe what I said is that why did did you have to dump yourself from all the swearing yeah I was saying I said you’re such a a good reporter yourself you got spies in the room how did you uh how did you spot me uh you know what Sam we uh we don’t share sources do we in this business come on you know better than that Sean Hing again uh how uh do you carry I would imagine at least one if not multiple cell phone backup batteries on you at all times for a night like last night uh the draft has not become that crazy I don’t want to like cut into the you know into the the Assumption of the profile it’s not for me the draft is not that crazy because we have uh San Vini you know my Shameless weekly athletic plug we just have a lot of good people san Vini on the draft is a 12-month Endeavor for him um Shams is obviously trying to Snuff out every trade U my role which has become fun because I didn’t end up even writing last night was it’s it’s tracking everything around the draft so admittedly um I did spend a fair amount and I think we’ll certainly talk about this a fair amount of yesterday you know making calls on a lot of things but including them that what the kings were doing with the 13th pick it did seem like there was a fair amount of activity and and I’ll be honest I was pretty surprised when they ended up making the pick um so you know it’s stuff like that but it’s not hot and heavy in the way that the first day of free agency you know might be yeah which is basically almost here but let’s let’s go back to that Sam what were you uh hearing what was going on with the Kings uh I mean that you know the two names that were loudest were were Kyle kma and cam Johnson um and you know I don’t have Clarity on how close it was or what happened there and then you know In fairness to the Kings there’s there’s kind of an assertion that and this is that time of year of course that uh that some of it you know might have been overblown um from some parties to create more of a market but also that you know stuff doesn’t die on draft night so I I still like myself and Anthony Slater wrote a couple days ago you know they they want to be aggressive this summer and I still think they’re going to be looking at a lot of different things because they know that that this roster has got to get better Monty said last night in his uh post-draft media that I think he I think he alluded to or just flat out said you know the the offseason is far from over here uh I I took that and I don’t think I’m being smart here by saying this I I think it’s obvious that to the questions on roster imbalance if you will by bringing in another six5 guard hey uh we’ve still got we’ve still got moves we can make and we intend on being aggressive for the rest of the off season was that your take as well yeah for sure um actually as a funniest side I enjoyed Monty’s press conference uh and just I I’m a sucker for like humility and and self-awareness and then this is not anything to do with the King but did you catch his line where he joked about how the media is lucky that they get to talk to Mike Brown you know 82 times a year and and and him three because the I was it something like he’s far more charismatic or something he’s like I don’t have Charisma yeah and I don’t know I thought it was actually kind of charming that that Mony U because he knows that he’s pretty close to the vest to begin with yeah go ahead I am the king of unintentional funny life um it’s funny I I almost I didn’t really I just wanted to read the room last night and and so I didn’t end up asking him anything and I probably wouldn’t have done this but I I was tempted if I did ask him something to start by saying I nice to see you I like the new look you know it’s a good looking fishing vest right there um but yeah like this the off season’s it’s going to be wild I think honestly from the Kings and Beyond and you know we’ll see what they do but uh there’s a lot of teams or at least a handful of teams like them where the motivation is at a high level to get something done but you know it takes two to tango and then on top of that it’s the the question of price tag like you see uh you know m bridg is going to the Knicks the other night and in some Corners the Knicks get celebrated for going all in you know and it’s a related context thing like I wrote about the Lakers this week like their their star players would like them also to go Allin but when all in you know looks like four first and multiple pick swaps for somebody like male Bridges who might be the third or fourth option on the Knicks um if you’re a team like the Kings or the Lakers that’s it’s a tough business to be in because that’s you know emptying the entire cabinet for the most part for you know to take a swing at a guy yeah what does that truly do to the market because a lot of people talked about that a few years ago saying with like the gobear trade like wow that was just so much overall you know assets coming back for for a player like goar who’s been good but you know Bridges like you said it’s really good but that’s a lot does that how much of a factor does that end up having on other GMS I mean I don’t think it helps you know um for the teams that are pursuing uh or maybe they should just say hey forget about that trade let’s look at the Alex Caruso Josh giddy trade you know and and have that be the comp uh because you know that was one where people were surprised that that uh the Bulls didn’t get more but you know that’s that is always part of the calculus and that is part of this time of year so um you know I don’t think it helps yeah can up on that too Sam because in your piece with uh Anthony sler you guys did talk about the Kings being close or at least aggressive on Caruso what what other you know nuggets might you have on that how close were they in that deal yeah it seems like they were they were very close um you know and they had the 13 out there and I think I think they were surprised and not in any sort of disparaging kind of way but you know it’s really it comes down to the fact that the Bulls and arterus carnus basically had a a higher you know value assessment of Josh giddy than I think most of the league um and also that part that that trade was unique because Sam prey the Thunder comes out and you know unsolicited shares publicly that they had asked joshh to come off the bench and he didn’t want to and so Josh obviously sees himself as a high level starter but uh you know I think the kings were well within their right to feel like what they had on the table was enough to get that done he would have helped them quite a bit that would have been a good move for a team that is trying to improve defensively Sam amch joining us uh let let’s just switch real quick to the Knicks you mentioned that uh they resign OG and anobi um add that to M Bridge it seems like they’re they’re going all in I I was we were talking about the meeting of M Bridges versus Tom Tibido and the uh the reputation Tom has for running his players in and uh and M doesn’t doesn’t miss games I I is Tom Tibido and opinion I wouldn’t say on the hot seat but is he on kind of the lukewarm seat this year now that Leon Rose and friends have kind of set him up with what I’m sure they believe as a as a championship Contender uh I mean there’s expectations you know what I mean um elevated expectations and this is I shouldn’t even admit this I’m trying to remember whether tibs got a uh yeah see they haven’t gotten a deal done yet I didn’t think so an extension for tibs right um that I mean so inevitably that would lend you to to feel like there there is pressure there um I think culturally he’s in a great spot with them I mean it really is first of all you hear out there you know Jaylen Brunson has the keys and his dad Rick Brunson you know is in the passenger seat and that’s kind of how they’re operating well Rick and Jaylen you know if if uh if Jaylen was getting married tomorrow I mean t might be his best man you know what I mean um there you know their relationship is very very solid but when you have this kind of money committed to a group then yeah like anything I I’m just spitballing but anything short of the East finals would be just a woeful disappointment for them I think and and obviously the goal is to be a finals team and contend for a title uh it’s a ton of capital um and it is I I’m kind of here for it because I told somebody yesterday what are the odds that you could put a bunch of former college teammates excuse me together and not have the NBA World be laughing at you like normally that would be gimmicky and stupid it really would yeah I mean we see it like hey Darren Fox and Malik monk oh that’s cool and and it works but it’s only two guys sure but like this many guys is insane but you actually see the basketball sense in it and I think they’re going to be a very very good team so I’m looking forward to seeing it so Sam with the free agency beginning what is it this yeah this weekend um is there a domino that starts it in your mind is there something you’re watching you know there’s from LeBron to Paul George Klay Tom I mean there’s a lot of names but is there something that you feel or people in the industry feel like kind of is the first name to watch because that could then start a bunch of different movement is there something like that out there yeah I mean it’s it’s George to me and It’s tricky because I you know I think it might I mean we’ll see it might take a while like it’s you know and I might end up writing about Paul tomorrow it just you know this dance that he’s doing with the Clippers where and we wrote about this a couple months ago at the end of the Clippers season you know they gave Kawai his three-year 150 million dollar extension and that was below his Max and you know he played ball to some degree to help them stay out of uh not out of the second apron but they would like to be out of it after one year well the plan from there was resign Paul George resign James Harden um but Paul is going for every penny and that is you know causing issues for the Clippers where I mean he wants four years he wants the max which I think starts around 60 million um or at least gets to 60 um in relatively short order and he is you know flirting for lack of a better way of putting it with a number of different teams in terms of um looking elsewhere and then the question becomes is is he doing it just for leverage purposes to get the deal want out of the Clippers or is he truly ready to leave you know I had somebody tell me yesterday it it both can be true you know um so to me it’s Paul and from there it’s like because you know a lot of the same teams that might be involved with Klay Thompson and one guy that’s a little overlooked is kavus cwell Pope important free agent did you hear those I’m sorry Sam did you hear the comments Calvin booth made yesterday I I putting you on the spot I’m sorry but made yesterday when asked about kcp and I think he said something like uh you know that’s his call blah blah but you know we we as a contender have to be able to Plug and Play starters like that it was it was a strangely uh open and Beyond lucid answer from a GM I thought about a free agent I don’t know if you caught that or not I didn’t um I’m not surprised Calvin he’s kind of a reporter’s dream he doesn’t have much of a filter um but yeah that that checks out with what I’ve heard out there you know I think they they are prepared to to you know very likely well I shouldn’t say very likely to possibly lose him sure uh and you know and then it’s just all it’s the chess board with all these different players right so Klay Thompson situation is very very interesting I’m leaving somebody out that’s a wing um but Paul to me is where it starts because he’s just he’s the best player out there um you know LeBron’s thing is in is just different it’s I still think he’s going to go to the Lakers I wrote a couple days ago about you know he and Anthony Davis were I was told hoping to have the Lakers put all three of their first rounders on the table and and go after somebody this week you know whether it’s just you know I think I believe that dejon Murray would be their preference but it’s still like I think he’ll likely go back to the Lakers you know and and and keep applying pressure to make the rocker better but I don’t see him going elsewhere Paul is a is a different story so to me it starts with him uh you saw the JJ red at press conference I assume I did any idea who is fair who’s the guy in the background when he said that uh hadn’t talked to LeBron had talked to LeBron he goes did did we ever get an answer on that that’s my hard-hitting question for you we’re trying to figure out I didn’t see that I mean I watched most of the presser I didn’t see that moment I’ll send it to you I’ll text it to you after he he’s asked about like Le the whole LeBron thing he goes yeah honestly up until yesterday I didn’t talk to LeBron at all about this entire thing and you hear a guy in the background go ah like I’m not joking I’m not being dramatic so we were we were wondering about that is that the CRA is that the genie bus Rob pinka Kurt Ram is crap show show I think it is obviously you don’t know and I don’t know how good of a uh of a coach JJ reic will be so that’s unfair but is there calm and and businesslike ways around there or is it like uh throwing darts at a board you have you always have really good insight into that organization I’m curious what is help me uh what was my rambling I just wonder if I I just wonder about how that team is being run like do they do yeah no this one they it’s funny when they hired Darin ham they um they had taken some criticism for their process and I and at so during that process they were you know it was more uh laid out within the organization the communication was it was at a higher level the the circle was bigger um this one they went into bunker mode and yes you know this one it was run by Rob and jeie and like always to some degree cart and Linda Rambis um the rambi if you will we will we will 100% yes and like I and there was more mystery elsewhere in the organization that’s why some of the reporting uh was so all over the place because the Dan Hurley thing was kept in a silo um when they decided to go down that road and you know and only they know mainly to me it’s like even like the Hurley thing thing which was such a a fascinating subplot like it’s it’s Rob and Dan Hurley to me are the only ones who really really really know exactly when that began why why it began you know things like that but yeah the the list of folks that were making this decision were were pretty small I mean eventually they did open it up and JJ and James bgo and you know I think they were the only two candidates to talk to other people in the organization in the front office but um but yeah pretty pretty small group just to follow up possible uncomfortable question alert you do with it what you will you you kind of alluded to it and you know how fascinated I am with all you and I kind of share a a fun ongoing conversation the fascination with NBA uh Sports media and how things work what if any hindsight take do you maybe have on those what two weeks of coverage where you had you had one NBA reporter saying hey uh look the the the JJ reck’s the focus and then another NBA reporter was like no Dan Hurley is the guy and then there was you know arrows being thrown all over NBA Twitter and the the stratosphere and then what do you know it was the first reporter that ended up being right like that whole thing just seemed so strange to me Sam from afar knowing nothing it was very strange um I don’t I don’t have total Clarity on it other than I don’t know you you know me you are it is an uncomfortable question we can skip it that’s fine no I’m on you know I mean Shams is a is a friend and a cooworker and and uh and and I I agree with him uh even independent of that relationship that you know the Intel from the beginning was that JJ was the focus uh now again we talked about the process and the way the Lakers siloed things off you know the reality is that that when it was when he was reporting that they were zeroing in on JJ I mean the the Lakers were doing you know very specific things that typically reflect um an advanced kind of uh you know part of the process I guess where where you know where it would indicate that they were locking in on one guy um but the hurly thing the only thing that again that only Rob and Dan know is it was the motivation to do it did did you truly want I I believe the genie truly wanted Dan Hurley to coach the team by the time you know it crossed her desk um with Rob the question is you know was it truly pursuing a high level coach all the way through and that was the motivation or when the Optics became such that your search was being questioned because there was a minute where everybody was saying that it was a sham search uh no pun intended that they that they had JJ in their sites and that ESPN didn’t want JJ to leave before the finals and you know it’s almost like they needed a reason to slow the process down and you know that is those are for sure some of the suspicions which might explain why the offer to Dan Hurley was seen by some as a lowball can we make that connection perhaps or am I reaching no I just don’t know the answer to that because again I one thing I will for sure say confidently is like the owner of the team truly wanted him to be the coach and is is also excited about JJ the way it was explained to me from the organization was that it’s it was two tracks you know that it was you’re working on two tracks you had one pool of candidates led by JJ uh that that was less experienced even though James Bargo has been a head coach that you know James was in that pool of candidates as well and then Dan was you know I think Shams he picked the right terminology Dan was a Hail Mary uh the only question is again what were you know how nuanced was the motivation in terms of throwing that Hillary you know what I mean was it was it just to actually to win the game or you know were there other benefits that came with it Sam kind of related to the Lakers in a sense I think with Draft day two today the one name there is intriguing there’s been multiple reports for months on this whether LeBron wants to play with Brony the Lakers would have interest he’s only talking to Lakers and Phoenix uh anyway today’s thought on bronny James do you think uh at the end of today he’s he’s a Laker probably um I mean 55 is is deep into the second round he’s obviously you know if his name isn’t James you know he might not be get you know get taken in the second round so I say probably because um his agent who’s rich Paul just like his dad’s agent has you know an LeBron have changed the messaging around Brony and made it pretty clear that uh what happens with him is not going to have any correlation to what happens with his father and I think that takes any motivation off the table for teams to go ahead and take him higher the only just because you don’t necessarily think you’re getting a crack at LeBron and I don’t know how many list or how how long the list of teams would be who would be interested in that but I think for sure there’d be a handful but if you take that incentive away then you’re talking about a more just legitimate draft selection process relating to bronnie the only caveat I will give is that because it’s the Lakers and because bronny would come with a certain level of fan interest I could see a random team just taking him a to piss off the Lakers and B to you know to to give their fans something interesting to track so last thing on that and help me because there’s a logic disconnect for me and that’s not nothing new but if Rich Paul who is LeBron james’ agent and bronny james’ agent and this relationship goes Way Beyond a normal player agent I mean LeBron pretty much you know started Rich’s career the other guy is LeBron’s son it’s almost like Rich Paul’s nephew what is what is the virtue of changing the conversation ahead of time that bronny being picked would not affect where LeBron went why not stay silent on that let teams think what they want increase Brony perhaps his draft Capital so that he makes more money gets picked higher I don’t see how they lose in that scenario but by coming out and saying that maybe they’re costing his kid a few spots I just don’t understand the virtue in him doing that um I hear you I would argue uh you know I’m gonna attempt a comp here if Mason decided to enter the radio industry and he was fresh out of college had no resume um no clips and you know and then you said I can get you on at this station uh and and the the process was not true to him I mean I just think even as a dad like I think if you’re bronny part of it might just be I just would like to enter the NBA with people evaluating my talent um you know and and not putting me in a spot where you know the inherent nature of me being here is because this team wasn’t actually in love with me in my game they thought they were getting something else um now that’s where the comp ends because nobody needs anything from Mason’s father you know that’s not great point right there there’s no leverage there whatsoever but like you know yes MoneyWise you might lose some in the short term but they’re not worried about it longterm success right you know and to have like I’m this not to ramble the rant but like I think there’s just a holistic element to it you know that that has crossed my mind recently with Monty Williams getting fired in Detroit like holistically Monty’s choice to go to Detroit was not healthy because he just took the bag when he didn’t even want to coach um you know I’ve said recently Paul George with the Clippers I think holistically Paul doesn’t want to go back to the clippers because I think he’s worried that if they don’t play well in the next six months they might move him you know like the the reasons for being where you are as a player as a coach as a person like I think they matter and to me that’s why if I was running Bron’s you know situation I I actually would probably do something similar to Rich uh that same am of the athletic by the way I feel uh as we wrap up here we’re we’re late for a break just contractually obligated Sam do you and or Anthony have any like super awesome Kings articles coming out tomorrow or Saturday that we need to know about because I feel like that’s been kind of a habit lately where it comes out the day after we have you on and then we gotta wait a whole week for the cycle to have you back on again do you guys have anything coming out we should know about Budd I love you guys if you want to like change the contract so we drop stories on the morning of you know the radio show yes yeah sure but you know like maybe like 3x the the amount oh just kidding sorry we’re hey buddy I just paid $87 to open endorse to get Devin Carter it’s in his bio on Twitter to do uh to send a tweet out endorsing uh and promoting our program so we we’re willing to dig into the pockets here and be creative we got go I do have to share this correct me up Slater after that story dropped texted me I don’t think he’d mind me sharing this he’s like yeah getting some hits you know calls about Sacramento radio I think we’re going to be a little busy on that front you’ll be proud of me I wrote back I was like no I’m exclusive to to Dave and Jason’s show I’m like you’re going to be busy man that’s great that’s it look at that that’s Sam exclusively heard right here on the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on your home of the Kings sack toown Sports Samuel thank you oh I’ll send you that I’ll find that uh uh JJ Reddit clip I’ll I’ll text it to you take care buddy your hair looks great today talk to you soon yeah thanks guys appreciate it bye we are late for a break when we come back M McNair speaks

The Sacramento Kings just narrowly missed out on acquiring Alex Caruso, then fell short of swinging draft-day deals for Cam Johnson and/or Kyle Kuzma. What’s next?

The Athletic’s Sam Amick joined Carmichael Dave and Jason Ross to explain why the Kings will continue to seek roster upgrades in the coming days and weeks as the NBA offseason gets underway.

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  1. I was looking forward to the draft – but not for the picks. For the trades? Every time Silver went to the podium, a little hope disappeared from me.

  2. we say this every year that the kings will be "aggressive". can you use a different word or just be more specific or something. its very redundant. lol

  3. The Kings can be as aggressive as they want but the fact is they just don’t have the assets available to make a major move. They have their 2028 and 2030 pick and that’s about it. I would expect some fringe moves and not the major swing that fans want. The protected pick owed to ATL, until conveyed, along with the Stepien rule really limits want Monte McNair can do. The market has shown that it takes 3-4 1st rd picks and young players to trade for an impact level star. The Kings just don’t have that right now. Even a trade for a player like Kuzma would probably take 2 picks. Giving up 2 picks that far in advance for a player who may not move the needle as far as you like is risky. They will be in better position to make a big move next off season when they no longer owe the pick to ATL freeing up all their draft assets. However sitting still and running it back for another year while the rest of the league is aggressively improving is not a recipe for success either.

  4. Aggressive means trading for cash considerations 😂😂😂😂. And a g leaguer to be named after the g league draft.

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