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Miami Heat: Kel’el Ware is the pick at #15 | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: Kel’el Ware is the pick at #15 | Five on the Floor

Flor my day you can check the score Hustle Hard couple SCS we bubble frogs just like Buck said you in trouble y check the Flor plan got it all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and P trust it’s have the guts we here to bring theat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reason Sports Network welcome back to five on the floor I’m your host Greg sander today’s floor plan with me Brady Hawk Alex too Ethan skolnick is on location at the NBA draft we are going to recap the 2024 NBA draft first round get into the Miami Heat selection which was a surprise to many talk about kind of anything else that uh you know maybe we are takeaways from the first round but we’re going to stick to the heat pick here first you should have been on Discord tonight off the floor was popping everybody was uh chatting and reacting the chats were completely lit you gotta go 299 a month 3.99 in your Apple device this is the place for all your Miami Heat talk now that the summer is heating up you got to join because this is where you’re going to get unfiltered Miami Heat conversation with people who are just as big a fan as you are and want to have good respectful conversations check it out off the floor that is our official Discord server link is in the description of this episode also want to shout out a great sponsor of the five reason Sports Network and that is better Edge the social betting Marketplace legal in 45 States better Edge is the Premier social betting Marketplace you win more when you bet with or against the community thousands of sports fans enjoy better Edge they’re getting over 25,000 betters you can join the movement by going to better they are a tier one product in terms of you don’t bet against the book you bet against other people that are on the app so you can find the line that you want this is the social betting Marketplace check it out better they have a web-based app super easy to use lots of fun use the code F RSN that’ll get you $20 of free play five RSN get you that code um get you $20 a free play to start playing now on better all right y’all so the draft unfolded the picks were laid out and um the Devin Carter dream got smashed along the way Ron Holland went a lot higher than we expected he was a guy we talked about for Miami and worked out for Miami and then Dalton connect fell and he was felt like oh my gosh is this a guy because I saw him in mock drafts as high as eight seven uh all of a sudden there at 15 and the Heat come out of left field with a guy that uh we’re going to talk about his good qualities and some of his opportunity qualities and things like that in a minute but they go with kle wear Center out of Indiana they add size to a team that needed size it was a huge pick in terms of the fact that this is a team that was relying on Kevin Love as a backup big now they have reinforcements there uh directly following the pick khle wear talked about maybe potentially playing next to Bam aab bio who by the way got ex uh agreed to an extension today so there’s a it was a pick out of left field because best player available felt like a guard Alex it felt like there was um also the Dalton situation where it’s like is he so good that you can’t pass on him and then ultimately it looks like the heat targeted kle wear this was the guy that they wanted there was no question about it uh Dalton sliding had no uh bearing on that and they took him you’re initial thoughts well um and you know first I want to shout out everybody that was with us on playback um playback. tvrn got a shout it out here because we were there all night as well uh throughout the draft and we’re going to do it again tomorrow which you know for the second round which starts at 4 so be on the lookout for that it was a good time because you could feel the tension from everybody in there who kind of had like their own um you know agenda for who they wanted right including myself and we just know and we talked about it literally leading up to the pick they’re not going to pick the guy who everybody wants no matter you know who slides down or not like whoever they wanted is whoever they wanted and um you know it’s interesting because the way that it played out you had Dalton on the board right you had um Tristan D Sila on the board on the board and it’s two guys that are I think both 23 years old and both could have contributed immediately um into your rotation and both would have really helped um with the shooting which seems to be you know kind of has been a problem for them in the past where it’s like they have too many guys that you can help off of not to mention the way that they’re built with Jimmy and Bam at the top who are limited as Shooters don’t take many threes um and so it it was interesting that they had the opportunity to go with somebody like that a 23y old older Prospect who could help right away and they they they overlooked multiple guys um who check off those boxes right after the success the success that they just had with with haime so that was interesting on its own but then to to to do that and go with a big it was surprising and that’s what the he’d always do they they they surprise you with their draft picks and usually you know that ends up meaning that it turns out to be a good thing because usually you know more often than not ends up being a good player it happened with Tyler happened with bam happened with yic happened with hakz um didn’t turn out that way for precious and uh I guess KZ oala but I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt I liked Kare as a prospect um I think you know getting an a really athletic big man who um is going to be you know instant impact as far as being a role man right that’s going to be his his role to start is being a screen and roll guy a handoff and roll guy um a guy who has some shooting Intrigue after shooting like a nice percentage from three on some pretty low volume I wonder how much of that we’ll see right away with the history that the Heat have with their backup bigs where they just kind of put him in a conservative role um you know on both ends of the floor and um he’s a he’s a good rim protector uses the athleticism there had some concerns from what I could tell about his motor had some concerns about um you know his competitiveness but supposedly you know had a had a better season in those aspects than he did uh before when he was playing for Oregon so that’s good to see um I wonder if the heat think that he can do more than just playing a drop because I think the drop will probably be his you know the way that they use him to start but they’ve been they’ve been a team where like with their backup bigs they’ll um you know sometimes they’ll bring the guy up to touch and Bliss or trap I wonder if they do that with him since he’s you know more fluid than Thomas Bryan or Kevin Love and so you could probably uh you know he moves better than those guys so you can you’ll probably see some of that you almost definitely see him with the way that they’ve you know the frequency that they’ve used Zone every now and then so that part is interesting to me just having a guy with that type of size like everybody wanted um like I said skeptical that we see the shot but just getting an athlete like that you know 20 years old again seven-footer with a a 74 and a half wingspan a guy who was really productive as a 20-year-old in college about 16 and 10 as as the averag is there like I I think it’s a pretty good pick man and again like somebody everybody else had going like I don’t know in the 20s or so that’s usually who the heat get with these types of picks right it’s always somebody that that you don’t expect so um I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt I think he’s a fun you know getting another athlete in the building is nice we just don’t see a lot of that with the heat and I think it would be really intriguing if he could show show off some of that shot and see how viable it is because it would be nice if you had another there right who you’re developing in that rotation going forward who you feel good about the shot and you could have him you know not always being a guy taking up space in the pain where he always has to roll into the paint he could just kind of go right back out to the paint I mean I mean to the arc and space for others like I think if you if he has that option that makes him more Dynamic not only for like just playing with B but just in general for like the way you know having more ways that you can play him so I’m interested to see um how much they put him in that box to start with as far as being a screen and roll guy on offense and maybe just a drop guy on defense I think there’s upside there to be you know a more Dynamic player um but I’d like the pick or spacing upside is one thing with with kle where interior presence shop loocking lob threat I think Derek Lively like that’s a name that pops in my head as a rookie who found a role and played it well for a winning team Brady your thoughts on the pick and also uh what is your take the whole he he’s had issues the focus has wavered since high school has been a buzzline that has traveled um doesn’t really love basketball his motor what do you make of that kind of stuff and your thoughts on the khle wear pick yeah I said that on the last episode when we kind of talked about heading into this draft some of these guys and I kept saying like hypothetically well not hypothetically anymore but at the time hypothetically if the heat were to take them you obviously viously if he went in for a workout and impressed them that much they are not worried about his motor like it I think that matters like I really do think that holds a lot of weight here um and I do think when you when you get these tags of like these adjectives that are like like rough motor like not a good enough motor and this and that like I think some of that stuff could be taken out of context and be drawn out a little bit like I we don’t know maybe it is to a an extent maybe it was in the past but we don’t know like it’s just like I compared it to the Jimmy situation before he came here where where he’s a locker room cancer and he’s like it’s just what he is and then all of a sudden no wait no he’s not he’s not anymore he’s not this guy um so I just I just think that could be overstated a little bit but when looking at him as a player um a lot of the stuff Alex was talking about defensively 100% he’s a a really talented shot blocking drop big I do think they could be be a little bit more creative I think when when you were talking about kind of the blitzing stuff is in interesting but I do think uh at least playing him at the level I think is something they could do a little bit and just kind of try it out cuz he can kind of contain in that way and he can recover which is something they haven’t been able to do with these other bigs I mean when they get these veteran minimum Bigs like zers and the deadmond and Thomas Bryants if they put you at the level that guard’s running right past him and he’s not recovering like none of them and if you get a guy that is a little bit quicker younger athletic even if they get by you get by that first level he can recover and he you could look at his film he’s a he’s really good at those Chase Downs he’s really good at kind of controlling around the rim and kind of glassing it or just kind of blocking it out of bounds where um they just haven’t had that they haven’t had that aspect of things and it’s like even if he goes through because he’s not going to be perfect defensively he’s going to have his issues as well but I’ll take it I’ll roll the dice with a guy that’s athletic that has the the capabilities of just pure length and just the attributes there uh and just he’s just quicker to kind of get to the ball he’s just kind of a ball magnet like you just need that then these guys that are like taking charges backside and worrying about overh helping here and worrying about blitzing and recovering here is taxing in the regular season it’s it’s I’m not saying it’s why they have availability issues but I think it’s part of it it’s a lot of it it’s a taxing scheme so when you get kind of some young blood at that position it kind of changes a lot of the things you can run defensively and then the other stuff offensively um he’s a really interesting post player I think that’s number one he has really good touch uh and kind of play pretty strong like we talk about precious the difference is like and I hate comparing it just because they drafted another big and comparing these two guys but like he’s really good in traffic he can he he good has good hands to grab the ball comes down like he’s he’s just really comfortable in that range and I think that matters um and I like the the upside of him as a face up player like just looking at how much he plays in the posts and you kind he kind of you seen him kind of Branch off a little bit and he gets in that face up he’s he’s got such a high uh release point that you can’t really alter it so if he’s shooting over the top of you in that mid-range it’s tough to guard if he just finds that fluidity and he has it like a lot of these big big guys we look at like they have funky jumpers there’s a little bit of a hitch in it not this guy like K wear has a smooth fluid jumper and that’s why the three-point shooting is intriguing like we’ll see how much that branches out and how much they’ll I don’t want to say allow it but at first I would expect them to to do some of the things Alex was talking about like rely on the rolling stuff rely on the athleticism rely on all that they’re not going to say want him taking three four threes a game but the the ability to be able to do it the ability that teams will probably have to respected at some level just because he could shoot it not just from above the break and pick a PO but he’s good in the corners um good in all those spots so I just think they’re this is an offensive upside play here uh but as much as I use the word upside I think he’s a big that could play now I think he’s a big that could play behind bam I think he can log minutes 100% in the regular season and he can kind of play in that range um and the last thing I’ll say is like finally you just get athleticism on the role with pure length like the fact that you can just throw the ball up to your big and throw it in the air instead of having to throw these bounce passes because most of these guys don’t get off the ground like that matters and miam is going to have to do a better job of getting their bigs the ball and throwing lobs because we know how much that’s been a problem over recent years but it’s comes a whole lot easier when you have a seven-footer that goes up and gets it running down the lane like you can throw balls like not right on the money and it still could end up being a lob and a dunk so just getting some athleticism there as a roller as a putback guy like what’s the last how many putbacks we seen other than bam like it’s Caleb Martin as your second guy getting putback so a guy you could put in the dunker spot that could be an offensive rebounder um I like it I mean they needed to get bigger they needed to get more athletic and they did that you know Brady said something earlier today because it um across the Twitter sphere they talked about how uh rival organizations thought Miami was zeroing in on a guard and that meant that we should have known that they were going to go with a big because the heat do not leak but do you have a water leak and you can’t find where it’s coming from you got to call water cleanup of Florida 954579 356 for immediate assistance with over 60 years of combined experience Michael and his entire team are prepared to handle all types of leak 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deviate from the board and they pick the guy that they’re really um in on it tends to work out I think that that’s going to be something to look forward to with this uh pick as another player that has a lot of size they needed size we always talk about how are they going to keep trotting out a bunch of six seven players to play all the front core positions well now they have a legit seven-footer or close to seven-footer in the building let’s pivot quickly as we close here to tomorrow the second round starts at 4M he will be picking I don’t know maybe an hour hour and a half into that uh I don’t know exactly when but we’ll have you covered on playback and we’ll have another pod to uh go over day two of the NBA draft they’ve split it into two days now but just final thoughts on what you think Miami should should do tomorrow did I lose you yeah I think I I lagged for a second there did you go to me there I did I did I did not hear your question what what do you think they’re going to do tomorrow with the 43rd with the 43rd pick um I think they should keep the pick if that’s you know like if some people are thinking about trading I think they should keep it like there’s people there that are still available who seem like honestly like there’s some names that are out there when you look at um not spe for for the heat at 43 but just guys that um didn’t get taken in the first round like fur filipowski um as far as heat guys like is still available if he somehow down to 43 that would be a slam dunk um the two wings that have been brought up regard as far as like for in the heat range um Harrison Ingram and Kad Johnson out of North Carolina and Arizona like I think those would be absolute slam dunks um at 43 so those will be the guys I most be looking at you know we mentioned on yesterday’s show um Pelle Larson I think that would be nice too he’s still out there but there there are some names um on that draft board still so I’m I’m looking forward to see what they do tomorrow and look it’s going to be interesting because you know like they could go with a couple different uh positions here right like maybe like I mentioned kak at the guard I mentioned their two Wings there’s also Jamal shed ad of Houston another guard who’s a defensive H like I I think it’s interesting and to see what they do here after taking a big in the first round I’m intrigued to watch that and just to kind of wrap things up on K where I think um you know the the the red flags with him as far as his motor and the other one that I didn’t mention before was like the feeli the feel for the game stuff I feel like that was one that I kept seeing regarding kware I think he pretty much checks out as somebody who is like very much a tools Prospect while also being productive in college right like like I mentioned the stats before but it’s like you’re basically betting on his athletic tools and putting him you know having him inh house in your program ironing out and polishing the technical fundamental stuff right getting those reps the NBA reps you got to be able to guard and like make decisions right not just on on offense but just on the defensive side of the floor like to be a weak side rim protector just a you know in general be a rim protector like he’s got to be in the right spots I think there was some questions about him there and the heat are really good at teaching those things right so I think that’s something that you can feel good about as a Heat fan is like his red flags ideally can be ironed out and I think that’s basically what they’re betting on it’s like take the athletic guy and and and like Brady mentioned you know clearly the the his character must have not been a real red flag for them after talking to him and uh working him out because they took him over a lot of guys that people thought would have been taken over him a whole lot of guys um so if there’s on him I think you got to give them the Ben of the doubt and um you know it’s they’ve got an ath big man in the rotation now that’s what you can say you got an athletic big man who could maybe play into a five out offense at some point who like Brady mentioned has some face up and postup in his game um skeptical that we see that when he does play but the fact that he’s got that in his bag is interesting because you know he doesn’t have to be onedimensional on offense where it’s only you know um you know he can only or something like that so I think you can diversify he grows into an NBA player um but iron out the processing iron feel and I think you might really get a nice NBA player from like they’ve done so many times before but yeah man looking forward to the the second round tomorrow I I mentioned the guys I really like and and that’s why I’ve got my eye on but there’s there’s more names that were projected to go late first that are that are out there as well Brady uh your final thoughts on the we pick and what do you think will be the f Focus point for them tomorrow as they uh you know gear up for the second round yeah I’m with a lot of the names that Alex was saying I there’s a lot of Wings Around that’ll hover around 43 that are actually guys that have worked out with Miami so like I think that tie in mattered especially with these second round guys but like you said kashad Johnson Harrison Ingram Jaylen Bridges like three different wings that are just kind of those those three and D um type of guys that you need that the type of guys that can replace the Caleb Martin the type of guys that you need in a heat system that can find minutes in the regular season so I think that matters the funny name that everybody keeps bringing up before they made this pick at 15 that would be hilarious if they did is Adam Bona out of UCLA like if they were to do that after just taking a big and they just kind of double up in that way that would be kind of wild to see um but if he’s best player available I guess you never know uh Tyler kic kind of dropping I don’t think he gets the 43 that’s kind of the name that Greg I know you’ve thrown around with kind of having a work out Miami Tyler Smith somebody I like not I’m not confident he’s going to get to 43 but if he somehow does that would be an absolute steal and another random name I just want to throw in that I feel like could be a chance at at 43 is Kevin mcculler just another guy that that I really do feel like could be a heat type player if he does fall to 43 but a lot of these guys look I mean we keep saying falling to 43 but it’s funny because the the second round being another date it’s literally like they have like the 13th pick yeah so it’s it like they’re gonna have some options here around that range so I think they can get a good player I mean the fact they took a big early and now they can have a little fun with finding like a an offensive type guard or Wing like I think they could get some production out of a guy like this so that’ll be interesting and then to wrap up on where I do think um he could get he’s gonna get real backup minutes this year like I I really do believe that just with the fact I mean that’s not a crazy thing to say with the with the competition he has um in that big man room but I do think there’s a possibility looking forward with him next to Bam and I’m not somebody that’s always been like pushing that like I’m not somebody that’s been saying like moving bam to the four uh is going to change everything but I do think when you add in a guy like this that has the ability to stretch the floor and Bam kind of doing it right now a little bit as well and I think you’ll see it probably a little bit more from bam probably this next season there’s gonna be opportunities like there’s going to be legit opportunities to run this type of style especially against certain teams like it’s going to be a matchup thing just like they match up small ball with certain teams you can match up with with this certain style so I think this is the first time that I’m looking at a future season and I think it’s like it’s legit like they can actually go big at certain points now is he gonna start next to Amna they’re not g like we can’t like go crazy here like they they’re still gonna play a certain style and I think they’re going to try to I don’t want to say box him in because it sounds bad when you talk about boxing in especially a young player in a big but they do box them in to like maximize their strengths so like when you see a guy that that they say okay we want you to just play in the duncker spot screen dive and keep playing that style and defend that’s probably what you’re going to see for the first like two or three months from because that’s that they just want to kind of let him adapt to the NBA and that’s why a lot of these rookies from Miami end up kind of kind of hitting the floor running um but I do think there is real chance for that moving forward next to Bam and um we’ll see how the defense if the defense can keep him on the floor because that that’ll be the the shifter for exposure he must have sold the organization so I think we are sold as a show on kle Weare um it’s going to be interesting what they do tomorrow because now that the big man spot is kind of taken care of they can focus on other areas so that will make for an interesting day two of the NBA draft thank you to our sponsors better Edge and water cleanup of Florida to Alex to Brady thank you and make sure you’re following with us come hang out with us on playback watch the second round uh join Discord off the floor that’ll be where you can chat with us and uh let’s have a good time on day two of uh the NBA draft coming up peace out

Greg, Alex & Brady go over another surprising first round pick for the Heat, taking the 7-foot Kel’el Ware out of Indiana, before briefly previewing the 2nd round of the Draft, happening at 4pm today.

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  1. My call, this guy is going to be Bosch lite. Meaning he'll be at the four, you can't put a lot of weight on that frame (bulking up) without knee problems.

  2. I love the pick. I told you we needed a descent real big. We have everything outside the lottery on roster. If Mitchell is coming you din’t need carter if Herro is still here you do not need Mc Cain, if you have Jovic you do not need Silva. This is how you look at a draft with no out right sure pick. We work the guy out i’m sure Spo said we can work with that. Pat went fior need. I trust in him. If Achuwa was 7’ we would not have a chance to draft him. Your comparaison makes no sense.

  3. In the 2nd round you go for a surprise or a good bench player. I would as far as grabbing Bronny James and send him to the Gleague because we have the best system for him and he is a good gamble marketing wise.

  4. Take this with a grain of salt cause i don’t watch a lick of college basketball but if we get Bronny or the kid from Marquette who can’t read this may be an excellent draft lol

  5. We got the size ,now heat can compete for a title .Thank you pat Riley 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤

  6. Yall need to add something to this show… it’s not sizzling like before.

    Yall will prob just run it back next year too 🤷🏽‍♂️

  7. It’ll be interesting when Ware and Jovic are on the floor together because we haven’t had two floor spacing bigs share the floor together in a while. Theoretically, you could play an ultra big lineup of Jovic at the three but I don’t think that is Spo’s bag.

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