@Memphis Grizzlies

The Grizzlies draft Zach Edey and get their center of the future

The Grizzlies draft Zach Edey and get their center of the future

[Applause] Mor with a running start elevat Point D oh my goodness TI game in overtime Gasol will turn his he is gone is on top s remain Conley now a three counting a 15o lead for Memphis and Blake Griffin gets into it on the floor with Randol hard to tell if there are any punches being thrown under there but Griffin took acceptance Adams going long Mor H it he hit it he hit it jat Insanity you got to be kidding me welcome to grits and grinds a Memphis Grizzlies podcast we got Zach Edy Edition my name is Keith Parish the Grizzlies got their center of the future if you listen to Zack kimman they got their guy they took Zack Edy the reigning two-time National player of the year in college basketball they did not trade up and if you believe Zack kimman they didn’t even want to anyways let’s get into this somewhat surprising selection of Zack Edy before I do that just a reminder to try out under dog fantasy if you want to play fantasy sports for cash if you want to play daily fantasy in the WNBA if you want to go ahead and do some NFL best ball drafts you want to pick highers or lowers for any sport you can do it at Underdog and if you use my promo code F BBF Underdog will match your opening deposit up to $250 plus give you a free bonus pick again that’s promo code F BBF as in Fast Break breakfast or if you like click the link in this episode’s description all right the Grizzlies stated objective this off season was to get a big we said they could do that in the draft or free agency or through a trade well they went ahead and did it with maybe their best asset of the off season the number nine selection there was some mystery around who they would take and also like what they would want to do in the first round did they want to trade up of course there was so much smoke around them Desiring Donovan kingan there were even some reports saying they’ work out something with the Hornets was that all just a misdirection was that a smoke screen I don’t know but I do feel like all of that stuff maybe somewhat clouds our perception of The Pick of Zack Ed but Zack Ed the player let’s start there he of course is massive he is 7 foot2 and an offensive Force now if I’m trying to tell you about Zachy the player let’s be honest maybe I’m not the one to do it I did not study Zack Ed very much as someone who doesn’t know anything about the draft prospects when I begin studying I’m basically looking at all the mock drafts the consensus mock drafts I’m looking at the top 15 players or so Zach was not a consensus top 15 player so I didn’t spend that much time looking at his stuff I also kind of felt like I had a grasp on him so maybe that’s my own prejudice against him where I didn’t feel like I needed to find out that much more it was similar with Donovan kingan I didn’t watch that much Donovan ining tape once I got the idea of like okay he’s huge got it I know of course there are more subtleties uh to their games and their differences but the idea of Zach Edy is he’s going to be a dominant paint scorer and his statistical profile it’s kind of off the charts unreal efficiency his impact numbers outrageous his uh his analytics are great so like you have the statistical profile of an Elite basketball player of course if this was 1990 he would have been the number one overall pick but it’s not 1990 but still the skills he brings he’s going to be that huge physical presence in the paint he’s going to be a walking mismatch against most teams even on defense just a sheer size he’ll be able to Anchor the defense for the Grizzlies specifically that should help jiren or allow jiren to roam off and help uh his screening Ed’s screening for johnar is going to be a massive weapon plus his offensive rebounding the way he’s going to displace other players when johnar is going towards the basket he’s going to get a lot of offensive rebounds off of jarand drives and misses it’s going to be I think very reminiscent of what Jonas Valen chunis and Steven Adams did when they were on the Grizzlies I mean at worst worst case scenario I think most people have said like he’s going to be maybe akin to Jonas funis like maybe that’s the floor he might be similar to like Enis caner in his prime years in the NBA where he was a bench player usually but he would come in and give you 15 points 10 rebounds in like 20 minutes the guy was this unique post player a very good rebounder and that is what Zack Ed could be the ceiling for Zach e you think well how well is he going to pass if he becomes a good passer or if he he is a plus passer that’s a great weapon if he eventually hits jump shots I think he took two three-pointers at Purdue last year he made one if he ever adds the jump shot if he’s a useful passer you combine that with the size with the screening and his unreal post game that that is going to be this unique weapon that other teams do not have and of course it fulfills the biggest need on the roster now the drawbacks that most people were saying the reason Zack Ed was not in like the top 15 of most big boards if you look at the aggregate mock drafts you add up all the mock drafts or big boards from all the major sites he’s not the top 15 if you look at NBA draft Twitter consensus big board he was 16th and the reason being is because of the fears of his limitation on defense he can only play Drop he’s not going to be able to switch he’s not going to be able to guard guys on the perimeter he’s not going to be able to contest three-pointers that kind of locks you into playing a certain way and there’s a fear he’d be played off the court in the playoffs so for those reasons a lot of people thought you need to aim higher with the ninth pick and I don’t know again if it’s the right pick cuz I’m an amateur when it comes to draft stuff I said I wouldn’t second guess the pick of the front office on a previous episode because they are experts this is what they do but I do feel like again I can question the value proposition of taking him at nine and I hope of course Zack is incredible and he might be incredible we’re not going to know for a while but I do think one of the reasons why maybe it’s hard to be overwhelmingly excited about the pick for me is just that the context of how everything shakes out and the feeling this that this was kind of a reach and maybe the team has had a history of reaching in the first round now as far as like it being a long shot pick technically according to the casinos Edie was the second most likely player to be drafted by the Grizzlies at nine again according to the betting lines it was a bit of a long shot it was plus 600 the books had Devin Carter as the player most likely to be selected at nine but Ed was second also this was forecasted Zack Ed at the draft combine in May said the Grizzlies are interested in me after the Draft Zack kimman said that Edy kind of let the cat out of the bag there pretty funny moment of course we never know what to believe before the draft and we don’t even know what to believe during the draft and that goes to like the maybe the weirdness around the thought of trading up and how that I think influences my opinion or just my feelings about what happened for the Grizzlies because before the draft we were inundated with these reports that the Grizzlies wanted Donovan kingan Donovan kingan consensus that was the best big in the draft I mean some people I know there’s Grizz fans out there that I see on social media some people thought Ed is a better player than kingan flat out my problem is I’m not sure if the Grizz thought Edie was the better player flat out Zack kman intimated that is the case more on that in a second but replaying how the night went and how the leadup to the draft went where we got these constant reports the Grizzlies wanted to trade up to get Donovan kingan they were targeting Donovan kingan we got it from every basically major news source ESPN Yahoo Bleacher Report on and on the Grizzlies are targeting Donovan King when the Hornets were on the clock we actually got a report from a major newsbreaker Jake fiser that the Hornets and Grizzlies were going to swap picks so that made everyone who was following Along on Twitter to the draft that made everybody think the Grizzlies got their guy Donovan kingan when Jake fiser says Charlotte is trading back from 6 to9 with Memphis per Source our only is okay it happened I thought it was weird that this was forecasted so much that there was so much talk about the Grizzlies being obvious about what they wanted to do in the draft and here it is we Trad up to get Donovan kingan so then uh Jake of course who did not have a great night with accuracy Jake has to retract it and saying talks are still ongoing and then the Hornets actually uh take to Jean Salon then it’s like oh okay maybe it didn’t work out and then we’re starting to think okay maybe the cost was too much maybe the Hornets were like yeah yeah we’ll trade with you but we need this future first and maybe something else and maybe Zack Clem’s like no that’s too much the price is too much and I support that personally I didn’t want the Grizzlies to trade up to get a big I just thought hey man take take whoever is the best available player for you at your slot let’s use those resources for something else in the future so then when the ninth pick came and then when the Grizzlies actually took Edie my thinking is and I think a lot of our thinking was oh well they didn’t get their first choice again based on this Jake fiser thing they didn’t get their first choice so they went with their second choice and now I’m thinking well with the ninth pick if your second choice is Zack eedi that just feels like we’re drafting for need you’re telling me the best player available on your board was Zach Ed and of course that’s operating under perhaps a incorrect assumption that the Grizzlies wanted Donovan now Jake fer got some things wrong I think most notably he missed Miami’s pick just totally whiffed on it said that trick in Jared McCain they took CLE aware so Jake fiser who has had a track record of being accurate in in years past he missed some things so maybe the Hornets were feeding him this that is absolutely a scenario that makes sense supporting the theory that this was the guy that Edie was the guy all along the Grizz preferred Ed over clinging even like but right before the draft Jonathan waserman of bleach a report said it sounds like the Grizzlies are staying at nine Zack kimman after the draft said this is exactly what we wanted to happen now of course that’s a Trope that GMS always say this is exactly what we wanted to happen regardless of who you draft so I I can’t really believe that I give credit to the people at the media availability asking Zack kimman about the reports of the Grizzlies trying to trade up to get Donovan kingan listen to this exchange you talked about you being thrilled with the way this ended up but didn’t you try to trade up in the draft to try to take Donovan kingan uh I don’t I haven’t seen that reported anywhere I’m asking I’m I’m saying this is how he wanted the the draft to play out tonight okay and then earlier kimman had said quote about the picking of Zack Edy he says quote let’s just say this is exactly what we were hoping would happen that was in regards to him being asked about trading up for Donovan kingan now I have a little bit of trouble with this quote maybe Edie was their their preferred guy which I get I’ll even Grant you Edie was their preferred guy but acting like oh this is exactly what we we hoped was going to happen I don’t see any scenario where a team with the first eight picks took Zack Ed there’s something like a 99% chance that Zaki was going to be available for the Grizzlies to take a nine acting like wow it everything broke perfectly this is exactly what we wanted for me I kind of roll my eyes because it’s like well he was going to be available you possibly paid a premium to get Zack EDI I think ideally wouldn’t wouldn’t it have been better to trade back wouldn’t quote this is exactly what we hoped would happen wouldn’t that have been hey we picked up an additional asset and still got our guy Zach Ed by picking 15th I mean maybe Zak wouldn’t have been there maybe the Bulls would have grabbed him uh the Thunder easily could have grabbed him so I don’t know and of course we’ll never know we’ll never know exactly what happened but I think the perception of a lot of these trades and and player moves and draft picks a lot of the perception is is the way we get the information given to us and in this situation where it felt like we were trading up for kingan and then we didn’t and then we took Edy and maybe it was a reach for Edy and then it’s like no no it wasn’t a Reach This is who we actually wanted I’m I’m skeptical but maybe I’m just generally a skeptic also one of the perhaps issues maybe it’s not an issue at all because again maybe Ed is going to just be dominant as a center maybe jiren and Edie in the front Court’s going to be ridiculous uh the two-man game with johnar it could very well be ridiculous be great for the Grizzlies um and also like the Grizzlies depth chart starting to look way better uh just by adding Zach edti but like um maybe one of the negative things that sticks in my mind is the fact that on paper it looks pretty good because you filled the need and it looks like maybe you drafted for need and if you were considering clinging and you ended up with Ed even if you had those guys one two that sounds like you were specifically drafting for need like there’s no other Wing that was high on your big board like modest buis or somebody wasn’t maybe a better option I don’t know I kind of preferred modest balis but like you’re saying Ed was your highest ranked player okay but it also leaves the Avenue open which I’ve identified as worst case scenario for the Grizzlies off season which is you fill your big man needs through the draft and then maybe you decline Luke canard’s player option and then you fill your 15th roster spot or your 14th and 15th roster spot with like cheap guys and you dodge the tax and then you you pitch us on hey man Ed’s gonna fit great with jiren gonna give us a lot of optionality uh we have JW we have Desmond we have jiren we have Edy we got Gigi we got Vince we’re going to be very competitive very very good and I think they will be very very competitive if they take that route but to me that’s not maximizing your chances we should be maximizing the talent around J Desmond jiren Vince Gigi Zach Edy and to maximize the talent you gotta you got to bring in players you gotta you got to pay luxury tax you gotta you got to go big and so I worry by drafting for need if that’s what they did it gives them that out to go cheap by the way Ed so he’s the 13th guy on the roster um the guys we have right now not counting Luke Canard you got John marant Desmond Bane Marcus Smart jiren Jackson Jr Zack heedy perhaps that’s your starting lineup you got some backups you feel pretty good about bince Williams Jr GG Jackson San Al dama Brandon Clark you still have Derek Rose John conchar Z Williams Jake laravia on the roster if you pick up the option for Luke Canard or if you work out a different contract where he’s paid less Luke Canard would be your 14th player the Grizzlies today on Thursday have the 39th pick and the 57th pick in the second round your 39th pick or maybe you trade up trade down but like someone you Draft today that could be your 14th player again not counting Luke Canard if you pick up Luke canard’s option or if you keep Luke Canard and then whoever you draft early in the second round that could be your 15th player and guess what that could be your roster that also for me that’s worst case scenario that is not maximizing your Avenues to build around the players you have so the Ed pick I’m agnostic I mean essentially I don’t know very much about his game I hope he comes in and can average the same like per minute production I hope his box plus minus in the NBA is a fraction of what it was in college basketball because it was kind of off the charts if the guy can develop any kind of Jumper if he can stretch out like Brook Lopez he’s going to have Rim protection he’s going to provide the screens he’s going to be dominant in the post that’s going to be cool also um Zack kman talked a lot about his uh competitiveness he mentioned that’s one of the big things about Zack Edy he said the quote care factor is through the roof he also said there’s misconceptions about Ed’s defense because at Purdue Edie was instructed to not foul out no matter what occurs do not foul out so maybe he wasn’t being as aggressive as he could have been so maybe there’s a better Defender in there I’m a little bit dubious also one of the big drawbacks About Edie is like this this feeling that he’s slow now his combine speeds were fine they actually were pretty good but the way he plays he does not get up and down the court very quickly there’s an unbelievable stat that I believe was on Bleacher Report that last season when of course Zaki was the college player of the year he averaged 25 points per game Purdue was really really good but in that season Zack Ed did not score a single point in transition that’s incomprehensible so I don’t know if the zachi pick will work out I just think some of the weirdness around maybe the reporting even if it was incorrect I think definitely influences the way I feel about it but anyways let’s take a quick break and then there’s actually more to talk about with the Ed pick and the second round and other moves in the NBA we’ll do that right after this short break [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right in regards to the Grizzlies taking Zach Eed zachie the newest Memphis Grizzly across the media landscape there’s not a lot of rave reviews for this most people who are super excited about it in the media sphere are more college basketball traditionalists I think a lot of it are viewing it as like a win for college basketball um Matt norlander of CBS is like this is a great pick and also he’s talking about how like Edy just dominated workouts to the degree that it was uncomfortable how much he was dominating workouts which is a funny spin I mean maybe it’s true um like you had a guy like Seth Davis who by the way is a college basketball um primary person he thought it was a horrible pick called it an awful pick by the Grizzlies based on some of the players still available uh I know like uh UT fans are very upset that uh the grizzly didn’t take Dalton connect Dalton connect who slid down to 17th at the Lakers UT fans acting like they they would have been Grizzlies fans if they just picked Dalton connect come on I don’t think those people were here for the Kennedy Chandler year the eve Pawn’s year Jarell Stokes I don’t think those people would cheer for the Grizzlies anyway um but the uh Grizzlies players uh they seemed excited about it John Morant posting on social media some encouraging stuff Desmond Bane may be excited uh they’re fired up about the size option being added to to the Grizzlies when you just think about the fit on paper maybe we can analyze the pick this way when I think about the fit on paper jiren and Zach front court that seems pretty good that that no problems there that sounds great of course we have uh jiren and Brandon already in hand we know that’s an elite that’s a great front Court pairing jiren and Santi very good front Court pairing but it maybe lacks um some defensive uh heft maybe you need more rebounders at the other spots that’s more of an offensive first type of lineup even if both guys are are decent at block shots they’re just not quite big enough um when you think about Zack and some of those other players though like Edie and Alama I’m highly dubious that’s going to be that effective I mean it’s intriguing I Think About Edie and Brandon Clark is that a pairing that even works like that’d be the idea of playing Brandon Clark alongside uh Stephen Adams they didn’t do it that much doesn’t doesn’t work out that great so like while Edie is a good fit theoretically in the starting lineup and a good fit alongside jiren Jackson Jr I don’t know if he he is an ideal fit alongside the other bigs Ed Brandon Clark I think that’s a great option Ed Alama question mark of course is Alama going to be on the team next year there’s a lot of rumors flying around out there about Santi Adama possibly being available of course um zire Williams is extremely available both those guys on the final years of their rookie deals so like they’re very maybe apt to get traded if the Grizzlies don’t intend to resign them after this season and that’s another part of the draft where we get our hopes up for so many big moves that could happen and maybe it was affected by the first and second rounds being split into different days uh the Grizzlies didn’t make any player moves we thought maybe Alama or zy Williams would get traded today the Luke Canard situation is still floating out there we thought maybe a big something could happen with Luke canard’s option being picked up then being shipped out in a trade these are our dreams as fans and podcasters about the Grizzlies our dreams for the ideal off season for me it involves trading to get extra talent in yeah we’re going to draft some guys we’re we’re hoping turn into great players but also we’re going to acquire players who are going to bolster this roster that play positions of Greater need like the Nets so since the last time I podcasted on grits and grinds you know the the Nets traded M Bridges to the Knicks the Knicks ended up with the two most coveted Grizzlies targets of like the last two years in OG anobi and male Bridges the Knicks now have both of them but the Nets apparently are still open for business the Grizzlies have pursued Dorian finny Smith in the past recently in the last couple of weeks they’ve been linked to Dron sharp uh I of course have coveted CM Johnson for forever me my dream is getting cam Johnson without sending out Marcus Smart if you do that all of a sudden I’m less worried about just drafting for need I’m saying oh we’re being aggressive we’re going into the luxury tax we’re trying to build the best Contender we absolutely can so like that also is what I’m still waiting for I think a lot of us still wait on things like that and maybe in the second round maybe just a few hours when the second round starts we’re going to see the Grizzlies wheeling and dealing and doing stuff also there’s good players still on the board I mean Johnny Fury would be a great fit on the Grizzlies he’s probably the most in demand player overnight he was in The Green Room didn’t get selected in the first round I mean Kyle filipowski would you add another big I mean that’s that’s my question too with with the drafting of Zach EDI do you do you check the mark that says done for your Bigs like are we going to go for like I’m excited about I don’t he’s not a real big but like the Tyler Smith guy in the draft like he seems great um mogbo still out there but even like we think about free agents does drafting Zack ed mean we’re not going to pursue like a goo bad or a Jaylen Smith or an Andre Dre Drummond does it mean we’re out of the trade business if we’re looking to get someone like w Carter Jr or anangu I mean there’s reports that the magic are extremely interested in signing Isaiah hardenstein if that’s the case sounds like window Carter Jr is available are we out of the trade business are we out of the big business because we got Zack Edy I would hope not I think you got to find different Avenues you also have to plan I think you have to have a contingency plan for what if your assessment is is wrong what if Zack isn’t that good what if he can’t play in the playoffs like you have to continually I think operate on multiple paths and and keep your options open because again we’re all in for me we’re all in we got two more years before jiren Jackson Jr Hits free agency these two years are huge so you got to be all in um thinking about the idea of it being an overreach for drafting Ed at nine uh I think it’s worth observing or mentioning the Grizzlies pattern now of possibly overreaching on their targets in the first round of course the Grizzlies have had some home run draft picks no one saying they have not Gigi Jackson at 45 Vince Williams Jr drafted 47th Desmond Bane at 30 that is an all-time great draft pick that is you know you can retire on that draft pi pick basically that is one of the best value picks all time it’s like getting mono jobi uh you know in the second round it’s uh it’s the drafting of joic in the second round not quite that’s the greatest draft pick ever um but like the Bane pick huge the Brandon Clark pick uh you know several years ago that was really really good value now so Bane and Clark those are guys who slipped though those those picks universally praised I don’t want to I’m not trying to take away from those selections again great selections but I think there is context of like those were universally thoughted as like wow I can’t believe the Grizz got those guys where they got him now the recent years let’s say after 2020 the recent years in the first round there is a I would say a continual pattern of the Grizzlies maybe overreaching on their draft picks you have zy Williams who was taken 10th in the 2021 draft of course there was a a trade involved a trade which brought back the pick which became Vince Williams Jr but uh zy Williams at 10th most mock drafts at that time had him going later in the lottery it had him like mid mid teens a lot of mock drafts had him available at the Grizzlies previous draft spot at 17 so like zy Williams they went up and got him also there were rumors at the time the Grizzlies traded up hoping to get Josh giddy when he went off the board maybe they panicked and took zy Williams that’s been like a long um repeated rumor I don’t know if it’s true is that shades of the Grizzlies maybe wanting kinging did they panic and take Zack Edy you don’t have to believe that story I’m not even say I believe that story it’s just I think worth thinking about like Edy you take it nine I think consensus he was that was an overreach uh Z Williams you took him at 10 maybe an overreach of course zire didn’t totally work out um Santi Alama in that same draft taken at 30 Santi wasn’t even on a lot of the big boards Santi was not projected by anyone to go with the 30th pick now San’s been a fine player decent value for a 30th pick but like you would say maybe they overreached they went and got their guy maybe it’s dumb to say that about a player who’s who’s proven to be a useful NBA player which is a good return for the 30th pick but you look in 2022 Jake laravia they traded up to take Jake laravia with the 19th pick that was higher than he was projected to go if you do those aggregate big boards you add them all up that’s higher than he was projected to go David Rody of course they traded DeAnthony Melton to get the 23rd pick which they used on David Rody on those consensus big boards look back from 2022 Rody was in the 40s so like they went up and got him um but like I think if you look at Z as a 10th pick you look at them taking odama who wasn’t on people’s big boards you look at The Pick of um Rody and laravia and you look at The Pick of Edy those are all picks that were not what the quote unquote experts were saying as far as value now what’s the return going to be if if you hit on the return it doesn’t matter also if you look at the things in the aggregate as far as like well we got GG and Vince in the second round so it’s great uh TK bich the who knows it’s too early to call but I do think it’s worth looking at that saying hey maybe we could have gotten these guys at our old spots did we really need to to trade up and get these guys or could we have moved back and still gotten the target we wanted um anyways I think uh let’s wrap this one up because of course the second round is coming in about 5 hours from when I’m recording right now uh other news that I should hit though um uh Zack may miss parts of Summer League because of his commitment to the Canadian national team that’s something Zack Clemen was asked about he didn’t have an answer he didn’t know what the situation would be but that’s something to monitor uh Drew Hill reported that Brandon Clark is not playing for the Canadian national team because Brandon is still doing rehab work on his leg I think that’s what we guessed was the situation there um as far as Fallout League wide with the draft and what it could mean for the Grizzlies and their maybe pursuit of other targets I feel like the Trailblazers drafting kingan makes them just a very interesting team like what are they going to do with DeAndre Aton not saying the Grizz the grizz’s are not in the market for DeAndre Aton but like what did the Blazers do with Jeremy Grant and DeAndre Aton and Robert Williams uh the TR Blazers also traded for Denny AIA I mean Denny AIA I think would have been an incredible fit on the Grizzlies but uh the Wizards traded AIA on that really bargain contract they traded him for multiple picks so like it’s an interesting deal the Trailblazers did it to dodge the tax and also get abdia but they have a new front Court where you have abdia and Donovan kingan which honestly with Jeremy Grant and Shaden sharp and Anthony Simons like that’s a solid team if scoot makes a leap I mean the trbl lasers aren’t supposed to be good but like it looks like on paper uh they got tremendously better as far as other targets we were looking at like the Pistons didn’t go for a big man the Pistons went for the guy I had said I I wanted or I had targeted Ron Holland that took him at five so I don’t know if there’s any trade um Avenues with them to get a big and again I wonder are we still in the market for a big I would like to be but I don’t know if that’s a priority of the front office um the Nets of course we’re going to monitor that situation give me uh I don’t know give me Dron sharp Dorian fin Smith or or Cam Johnson um Minnesota got better I think I don’t like that at all uh Minnesota this is a bizarre trade to me from the Spurs angle the Spurs had the eighth pick traded it to the Timberwolves for a 2030 pick swap at a 20 31 unprotected pick the odds of those picks in 30 and 31 being better than the eighth pick I mean I’m just saying like just the math of eighth pick is pretty high what are the odds in seven years it’s going to be a higher pick that seems weird to me um and the Timberwolves who are so capped with what they can do because of their salary concerns to pick up a guy like Rob Dillingham who might be like an air parent to Mike connley might give them this like great offensive boost it gives them this Avenue develop a young player who could be dynamic for them I don’t like that as we compete in the Western Conference also looking like the Thunders draft uh topic fell to them I don’t know if that that raises their cealing at all they did do a very NBA Twitter thing and trade 5c round picks to get Dylan Jones that’s a name I’d been uh thinking about or monitoring as like a second round option who could be pretty good but uh I think we can end it there um I mean I’m excited I don’t want to stamping anything sometimes you guys think I’m negative not negative just asking questions about what exactly happened in their pursuit of Ed if you believe kimman version of Events maybe the Hornets were the ones leaking things to Jake fiser maybe the Grizzlies you know they kept it close to the vest that they wanted Edie all along and and it turned out they got their guy and now can Edy translate that dominant college game into being a dominant Pro Player if so this will turn out to be a great pick and The Grizzlies will be one of the best teams uh in the NBA anyways thanks you guys for listening of course I’ll have another episode out tomorrow after the second round subscribe to this YouTube channel if you don’t already if you want to support my show do that at Fastbreak breakfast I just released a bonus episode over there talking about the male Bridges trade also if you sign up at patreon you can join the slack Channel we have a grits and grinds a Grizzly specific slack channel that I’m very active in talking about grizzly stuff around the clock so if you want to do that and support the show Fastbreak breakfast all right hope you guys have a great day I’ll talk to you soon goer is [Music]

The #Grizzlies take their center of the future by selecting college player of the year Zach Edey with the 9th pick. This episode goes over that decision, plus discusses the fit on the roster, the question about him being an “overreach,” the erroneous report about the Grizzlies trading up, and more.

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  1. I’m not saying he will , but let’s say he turns into a shaq then what will the haters think. Shaq believes in him , even named him zackelle O’Neil. I hope he goes and lets shaq teach him a few things. Then go get advice from Hakeem . Analytics say three points are worth more than 2 but if your high enough percentage you can’t say that anymore plus he will keep the other team in foul trouble . Unlike shaq he can hit free throws. Think about what Ja said the night before, ( it’s gonna be crazy ) it’s not crazy to most to draft clingon but it was Edey. He knew

  2. That stat from Bleacher Report about Edey having 0 transition points last season is not right. According to Synergy he had 24 (which is still the 0th %)

    I did say it seemed incomprehensible!

  3. Exactly – Walking mismatch – incredible rebounder, screen setter – wait til they find out they have to guard him out to the 3 point line

  4. I actually do believe Zach K wanted Edey and not Clingan from the Jump.

    Let’s put aside that Edey is clearly more productive, more skilled, larger, won the head to head match up, scored better in speed and shooting drills at the combine and basically just shows better in every way we measure these things..

    Edey was saying he had been in touch with Memphis for over a year. Griz puzzlingly let Adams walk, with no apparent replacement.

    When asked, Klieman not only said we got exactly what we wanted – also said Edey let the cat out of the bag.

    I think Griz targeted Edey as the center of the future a year ago and have been playing the smokescreen game since then which in large part included Clingan in order to help grease the wheels so that he wasn’t selected before the 9 pick.

    I actually think that false trade was gamesmanship.

    I think the Griz wanted Edey all along and never planned to take Clingan. Go listen to the Klienman interview with this in mind and it all makes sense – also never seen Klienman that confident

  5. Is this a pro-Grizzlies channel or are you against the Grizzlies? I can't tell by the way you're talking out of both sides of your mouth.

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