@Detroit Pistons

Was This the RIGHT PICK for the Detroit Pistons?

Was This the RIGHT PICK for the Detroit Pistons?

did you see flannels reaction oh man play it do we have to do that again Play It Again do yes I I play it again okay uh give me one I do need to see this ready [Applause] [Music] for what are you doing number 10 on my big boy do we have to do we have to do this again hey and and as I said before in my defense did you not hear EAS and Joel losing their minds as well we was all losing our mind stuck out your stuck out so no I was I was worse you and Joel’s reaction were MVP reactions yeah no Joel had me in tears bro man should should have fixated the camera on him nah I don’t even think he was on camera he was an intern he doesn’t get doesn’t get uh camera fixation that’s fair that’s fair okay lot to unpack here today hello everybody hello jump into that Woodward Sports Chat thread subscribe to the Woodward Sports YouTube channel get in there and um yeah so that’s it oh people tell hey you left your helmet over here by the oh shoot yeah I didn’t even who did that I didn’t know who did that I did hey nice there you go nice all right full matches a shirt that’s hey true a bunch of trash for the record it does make a lot more sense on my side than yours yes it does uh Vincent e flannel never disappoints no he constantly disappoints um yes so DNC ENT f f FF over a consensus top five Prospect all right let’s all right let’s get into it then kg you asked I’ll answer and for me what did I say when when we were talking you know pre-draft yesterday I said I’ve kind of moved to this I’m more about the philosophy yeah then I am about a player so you’re never going to see me act like flannel Sam over a player I’m more concerned about the philosophy so so there’s a couple of Parts here number one what kg says Neil what did you think about the pick here’s what I think about the pick I like it from 30,000 feet and here’s why okay there is no debate in my mind this is just me talk I haven’t talked to anybody down there I haven’t been down there there is no debate in my mind I’m talking Neil the Piston’s fan right now okay that tran Langan is the guy yeah this was a tra and Lon pick make no mistake about that that’s fair I’m with you there I’m with you there we so we’re in accordance with that yep and that was up for debate According to some people absolutely abolutely hey come on come on I wasn’t the only one that’s a hard head I wasn’t the only one come on now come on you got the shakes do you tone without the voice that’s tough no no but but flannel we’re we’re together on that right yes and and with but when he was hired Trent langon for the record I I think the next day on this show was more positive about him than anybody in this room I waxed poetic about what was done in New Orleans with him as GM I did so that was always my hope that tran lingan would get control and if you if this was his pick who knows how it will turn out it’s just it wasn’t what I wanted and I understand I’m not the GM but it wasn’t what I wanted okay well you you made that abundantly clear I did abundantly clear yes okay so from that standpoint I liked it Tran’s a guy man yeah he’s smooth in a press conference to he is man it seemed honest to see genuine he’s sticking by his convictions 100% that’s the book on him he has always shaded towards if you look at the Pelicans if you look at the Pelicans where he came from what do they have two-way players guys that can do a little bit of everything all right that’s how they operate so in that standpoint I like it there is no outside of three-point shooting there is no black hole in his game yeah but three-point shooting is a big black hole you know well I mean what is this team’s biggest issue sure okay which I’m going to get there on that then I’ll ask you this then what was the play Cody Willam Cody Williams or dton connect I half the league passed on Dalton connect this dton connect to the Hall of Fame thing needs to stop with you man the fact that he was picked at 17 is not dton connect to the Hall of Fame uhoh that was a I would say a steal and like I said I gave you another option I gave you Cody Williams who in my opinion and I’m not going to talk about him too much more because he’s not ours and I’m going to have to embrace Ron Ron Holland eventually but Cody Williams I think was a more efficient scorer he like Ron Holland was a low volume three-point shooter but Cody Williams actually made his he has like a size similar to Ron Holland not quite the girth I’d say defensively they’re pretty comparable and athletically they’re pretty comparable but here okay and here’s a differenes and I’ll say this here’s the difference here’s what I do like about Ron Holland and I think Detroit will like Ron Holland a lot he has a potential to be one of those guys in this town because what he has that Cody Williams doesn’t he’s a dog he’s a dog look at hey wait okay because it doesn’t fit your narrative right flannel so go ahead discuss I like things that I can you know quantify okay like saying that someone’s a like loose ball stats and things like that those are good effort those are good I I I’ll give you that Ron Holland does a lot of things this town this town has a chance to love love this guy my problem is that with what the Pistons have done I’m just going to boil it all down to this and maybe I’m being simplistic but I don’t think you can blame me for this what the Pistons have done with how bad they’ve been with how their draft picks have turned out at least early on and in the case of one of them he’s already gone they’ve kind of turned me into a little bit of a single issue style voter like if you can’t shoot shooting threes is what gets you into the club so so so then you had two picks that were available to you right yeah pretty much and that was it those yeah do connect Cody Williams weaknesses be damned weaknesses be damned all you co all you cared about was a three-point percentage that was it guys three-point percentage is big on this team I’m looking at and especially when you have Kade Cunningham as your point guard I’m looking at potential lineup combinations and being like who are you going to play with who and I understand that the that the offseason is far from over but that was what bothered me so much about the whole Kate Cunningham narrative last year is because he didn’t have any shooting really around him I mean at the beginning of the year when Buon was hurt you were starting Cade Killian Hayes and assar Thompson and Jaylen Duren I want three-point shooting I want spacing I think that would most maximize Cade personally and I think that if this turns out to where they shoot threes poorly again and they don’t win but Kade puts up big numbers some people are going to blame Cade for that where I would have thought they need to put him in a better situation like they didn’t last year that’s that’s where my hangup is uh wward Chad threat Tony D too much yelling later bye Tony D see you um yelling that bad what what was he talking about right didn’t even got bad yeah okay later this is just a sample uh but anyway though okay so so you come at it from that perspective you were obsessed with a threo percentage number yes I so so in your world there were only legitimately two guys that could have been the pick anyway well they were available that’s my point they were both available it’s not like I was opining after Zachary rash or something like that he was never available it’s not like I was opining after Keegan Murray instead of Jaden Ivy I wanted Keegan Murray but he was not available dton connect and Cody Williams were and we’re going to see I understand that we’re going to see how it all plays out but in the immediate aftermath and even when I’ve had a chance to think about it I would have preferred those two even though Ron Holland does some things well he does he does a lot of things well I understand that but so did a lot of the other poorly three-point shooting picks that the Pistons have picked recently Killian Hayes not last year but the year before led the team an assists in steals he still is not a valuable player last season assar Thompson led the team in steals and blocks but he was a 19 Point 19% three-point shooter Jaden Ivy was Sixth and Rookie of the Year voting he has some value but although he’s not as bad of a shooter as those guys he’s not up toart as to what we want and I don’t think he fits well with Cade and Jaylen Duran walking double double we know that but doesn’t shoot threes at all so I’m a little bit skeptical even over what Ron Holland does well if he can’t improve his three-point shot well you know what’s funny about that flannel is I guess kg that flannel is not a big Anthony Edwards guy oh I guess that’s a good I was actually kind of stalling for Spenny to get back in the booth because he’s our Anthony Edwards Insider yeah but I mean that’s a good comparison though he came in with just defense he came in with just defense the 29% three-point shooter he was in college yeah in college so how do you feel about that Spenny that Sam flannel thinks that Anthony Edwards is a fraud and will never be good in the NBA how dare you FL no it’s I mean I I also wanted Cody Williams I did not have the same reaction that that many did here I will say wasn’t just flannel I will say it was many many people had the reaction in the show last night Neil you weren’t here but I I was at the gym while it was going and it was perfect timing right as soon as I got you know I did my 45 on the treadmill got off Pistons around the board I was like perfect I’ll do this before I go hit the weights I was waiting there I watched it I got excited for a second cuz it wasn’t Matas and then I saw it was Ron Holland and I was like all right like that’s I mean it’s not the worst thing but like this kid was the number one Prospect in his in his class for a reason it is a very trajan Langdon pick do I love the shooting uh shooting splits not not even a little bit but Fred Vincent’s here for a reason I would have preferred which was TR and lon’s words last night which was TR lon’s words last night I was I would prefer him to I don’t know have someone he doesn’t have to start from scratch with and at least give him a little offer but he’s going to earn his paycheck so we’ll see and again I think that move means they’re not done I think they’re going to shake up that core even more and that’s we’ll get there coming up in just a little bit we we’re going to go it’s the it was the draft dude and I I do have uh a full breakdown of his of his shot percentage so it’s yeah 24% from three 27.3 on open Catch and shoots 29.7 on contestant catch shoots see like off the dribble right there Spenny there can be something too like it’s not like it’s 17 it’s not like it’s a sword Thompson or something like there there could be something there you can un like there could be maybe there could be but assar Thompson had a better three-point percentage in overtime Elite than Ron Holland did in the G League he did that’s facts yeah and assar thomps and assar Thompson even in the g-league playoffs which I kind of fell for a little bit actually shot the three pretty well we saw what happened when he went to the NBA it was a disaster not saying Ron Holland could never develop a three-point shot I just I wanted someone that was kind of already ready made with that yeah just cuz I want PE I want players that can fit well with Cade because that is my underlying thing as well I don’t just want the Pistons to be successful I want the Pistons to be successful and for Cade to become a star yeah do you think it’s a situation where maybe Tran just didn’t trust the the three-point ability of these young guys and he wanted more established Shooters kind of you know whatever I’m paying for or trading for I know what I’m getting as opposed to taking a chance on on a young kid cuz yeah his his three-point percentage is pretty down there and like I said before you it might be two to three years before we really see the results if Fred Vincent actually works out and and kg that’s that’s going to be a point I was going to make later on this dude is 18 yeah 18 he’s a kid now but you took him so knowing knowing how young your team is no I I just think is very simply that’s the way TR and langon rolls with his picks yeah and we’ve seen it work and we saw it work in New Orleans they went from you know the the the doldrums to a team that won a series in the playoffs you know they got into the playoffs and look I I don’t want to be that I want to be a CH like everybody calmed down yeah you know like I I want to eat a meal you can’t blame fans for the getting tired of the wait and see Approach at this point but that that’s what the NBA draft is I get it but we just talking about the Pistons we don’t have the track record of really developing guys correctly so I can’t blame a Pistons fan for scratching their head at this pick I can’t I want to be optimistic what was the move where you’re not going to scratch your head Williams dton connect I’ve said it for the a millionth time half the league passed on Dalton connect it’s not just a Pistons thing F okay fine and we’re going to see you didn’t want Dalton connect I did you’re more okay with Ron Holland than I am those are both I would say valid opinions but we’re going to see how it all plays out you have your reasoning have mine and my reasoning is half the league passed on the guy that’s it and the and the Cody Williams thing I again I don’t think he fit a profile that Ron Holland fits and I’m not I’m no I’m talking about I’m talking about how does he play does he float around yeah is he just a guy that’s on the floor at times which he was you if you we’re being fair you got to give me that he was in games and he floated around a lot was he the first option there here was he the second option there he was off the bench I understand was the third option there I would say he was he was like right about there but I just these dog or not a dog mentality narratives lead you to believe no it’s it’s it’s verified no you can’t verify dog you can’t verify look at loose ball stats though it’s there that’s a good point that that one’s a good point I’ll give you that loose ball stats that’s a want to proposition enough I’ll give you that point that that was a good point he wants to I’ll start with that when you are at the bottom give me somebody that gives a [ __ ] I’ll tell I’ll tell you right now being um optimistic on this Ron Holland and oar Thompson will be one of the best Wing defensive tandems in the NF or in the NBA from day one like those two guys can defend their asses off and the jump shots need to get there for them to play together for sure I will say this and and this comes you know our guy Bryce from the Pistons pulse podcast that’s our guy shout out Bryce yeah shout out to Bryce we got to work to get him on um he said that Holland gets a little more credit for staying in front of guys than the film does give credit so I will say that that’s a tough way to go what you have K before we cut to the break no no and I just wanted to to ask this question so we heard Tran at the presser after and he said that you know the deals kind of dried up as the draft happened they were Fielding deals before they were Fielding deals the day of and when the draft happened it it they needed to be prepared to take a pick and and perfect kg cuz that’s a perfect segue cuz I heard Spenny ask you know cuz I want to do a 30,000 foot of the draft and nobody’s talking about this like the whole the the people that pounded the table about Ron Holland I want to know what the move was then yeah a million times because there was no moves and I have concrete example and we’ll talk about it next Iraq in the chat Big D is not for sensitive ones not today cuz we’re drawing lines in the sand [Music]

Neal Ruhl, Flannel Sam and the rest of the BDE crew discuss the Detroit Pistons 5th overall pick, Ron Holland. Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. Best pick of the draft. Number one player on my board. Ron Holland is an Alpha Male and there wasn't one player better than him. By the way, players can learn to shoot the 3. It happens all the time. Ignore that. He will be a good 3 point shooter in 2-3 years. Just get free agents who can shoot, stop crying about him not being able to shoot. Not sure what you expected from an 18 year old lol. Can't wait to see him play!!!

  2. What’s dude’s name? I watch this show because he’s always gonna give me one 🤣🤣🤣.


  4. Y'all the dumbasses that wanted Luke kennard over Donovan Mitchell back in the day😂

  5. Woodward Sports is a dumpster fire. It started out great. Now, just a bunch wanna be gm's sounding like but hurt faggots crying about things that didn't go there way.

  6. Poor Cade
    He and Ivey are the victims
    Stfu with the pathetic shit
    Ever since dude with the beard and hookah left
    These nerds have too much – koolaid too 7:32

  7. Dennis Rodman couldn’t make a bucket if his life depends on it. But Rodman was a Dawg.

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