@Utah Jazz

Kyle Filipowski’s brother and MOM are on here revealing how his girlfriend groomed him into mormon culture and cut him off from his family

Kyle Filipowski’s brother and MOM are on here revealing how his girlfriend groomed him into mormon culture and cut him off from his family

by elmokilledseasamestr


  1. elmokilledseasamestr

    Not a Jazz fan, but figured you guys would want to know, since some things are more important than basketball.

  2. BumbleLapse

    People in here making jokes don’t seem to understand the seriousness of these allegations. Like Filipowski’s life and connections to his entire family are being impacted here.

    Bigger than basketball to be sure

  3. Available_Remove242

    I’m gonna go ahead and stay out of his business and call it a day. Congrats to him on fulfilling what I can only assume is a lifelong dream in getting drafted.

  4. menghis_khan08

    Sheesh. All that being said the fam airing that out on Twitter just before the draft (and from some insiders pods I listened to, likely contributed to his draft slide) is not the best time to make your son/brother start talking to you again

  5. Denverbros1

    It’s the day he’s been looking forward to his entire life and now he’s getting all this thrown around today? It’s pretty messed up, let him celebrate in peace 

  6. GunnerRocket

    The religious zealot angle of Kyle Filipowski/AJ Griffin wasn’t on my draft day bingo card

  7. I don’t know how people don’t see this and instantly despise this kid’s family. They are posting public shit about him on the day he is drafted into the NBA?? It should be the greatest day of his life, and they are publicly humiliating him. It’s no surprise he doesn’t talk to them.

    Best we can do as fans is just embrace him and cheer for him as a basketball player. Stay out of his personal life (that’s not our business).

  8. bogeyblanche

    Gold digging whore goes after young kid. An event that happens in all religions, in all countries, in the whole world

    “Well if you look into Mormon practices”

    My brother in Christ, from an ex-Mormon atheist. Shhhhutup.

  9. I don’t really understand what we’re supposed to do about him having a weird girlfriend. Are we worried she gains power by being in proximity to other Mormons?

  10. lopodo777

    From this point on, im starting a Kyle Filipowski fan club, where we are going to support him in his NBA career.

    This shit is more than basketball, getting humiliated by his own family is a bullet in the neck.

  11. Full_Poet_7291

    This was Danny Ainge’s plan from day one, get him to drop into the Jazz’s lap.

  12. That doesn’t actually make any sense. This is making her and the brother look weird too.

  13. JazzSharksFan54

    There’s gold diggers in every facet of society. Denying that is intellectually dishonest. This has nothing to do with Mormonism. Besides, judging from her social media, there’s not much Mormon about her anyway. Stupid angle and stupid distraction. Leave the poor guy alone.

  14. poopinion

    A grown ass man loves his GF more than his domineering mom. Whoopty fucking do.

  15. Majestic-Sector9836

    The Jazz have the most terminally offline fan base I’ve ever seen in sports, so I have no clue What they’re even trying to accomplish with this

  16. Love to see what the fanbase that worships karl malone says about this

  17. quikmaths

    This chick is not an active Mormon, I don’t think. She has none of the Mormon girl indicators in her socials. No temple pics, no church website in bio, dressed immodestly, no scripture verses. If she was devout enough to brainwash a kid to abandon his family, I think there would there would be some sign. Idk what exactly Kyle’s brother means, maybe he’s comparing what she did to Mormon behavior or something, but her and her family don’t seem outwardly active Mormon.

  18. CptnAhab1

    “Mormon grooming and brainwashing” Bro, if you’ve got nothing to say, just shut up

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