@Minnesota Timberwolves

Timberwolves’ Tim Connelly on NBA Draft Picks Rob Dillingham, Terrence Shannon

Timberwolves’ Tim Connelly on NBA Draft Picks Rob Dillingham, Terrence Shannon

I guess tell us kind of how the Dillingham deal came together and did you see that as a real option kind of it was we had I think three or four guys we thought um could be uh long-term uh foundational pieces and we didn’t have much you know to go off of we didn’t want to touch our um our our rotation guys coming off the season so we were um you know we were trying to find creative ways to kind of get there and we think um the dyan’s explosiveness and his playmaking I think he’s a you know he’s a heck of a playmaker and his ability to play both on and off the ball Kentucky this year was it’s hard to replicate that skill set we’re looking for guys that could break the paint they could play a little bit faster they create for themselves and others and throughout the process our eyes just kept getting drawn to Rob um and you know we were um calling all around so we get something done we didn’t we weren’t too optimistic when the night started and um we were lucky enough to to obtain a pick and we get get a Ki that we think can really help us have you ever seen or been a part of a trade like that getting a top 10 pick for for a that’s seven years from now no um no but you know it’s you know San San Antonio and those guys are you know really really bright so sometimes you want to spread the picks out you don’t want to have too many picks at once so I think it’s a it’s a win-win trade and um again we we were trying to address certain things this offseason certainly bench scoring ability to create for themselves and others um FY talks about all the time breaking the paint break bre in the paint playing in the paint playing with a bit more pace and all those attributes are really um Hallmarks of Robert’s game in terms of where you see him fitting in you see him fitting in right here from day one yeah for sure no I don’t think he’ make a move as aggressive as this and and sit on him I think uh and finchy was he’s the best and you know I haven’t talked to you guys so excited for his extension but um finchy and I watched him two days ago in his office for a long time and you know he was as excited as we were so he’s a guy that from from day one’s going to have a role responsibility um certainly it’s going to be hard for him but I don’t think you’re that aggressive in the top 10 with a guy you don’t think can play right away with the breaking the the paint like what does that do for the rest of the the players to inject that into your team to have a kind of bucket getter guard like what is that going to do for the surrounding pieces on your offense yeah I think what was really neat watching Kentucky especially him and um him and Reed Shepard and I believe the roommates was cool to watch those guys effectively play off each other and Kentucky was scoring like an NBA team in the second half of the season um you know I think sometimes you look at a guy his size and he’s diive and um you think he’s just a bucket getter you know he passes more than he shoots in pick and roll I think he’s very unselfish guys his per 36 assists are really impressive so um and his energy is uh infectious so he’s going to play fast you got to play fast with him at 19 and 165 pounds how much you going to have to protect him or basically do something with him on defense n it’s we’re not going to protect him we’re going to challenge him you know we’re not we’re not here to hold his hand I mean he’s a very competitive guy there’s been plenty examples of guys that are slight that are are plus Defenders certainly it’s it’s not easy when when you lack Elite position sides but you know he’s unbelievably competitive guy everybody we talk through from from high school to the people grew up with him to Kentucky to OT to D competitiveness is one of his Hallmarks so we’re we’re going to challenge him we’re not going to protect him Tim you talked about him contributing right now you coming off the Western Conference Finals with this core how important was it to stay in that win right now mentality with this group yeah I think we’re there you know you know obviously it’s going be extremely challenging but we’re returning seven of our core guys we’re hopeful to bring you know we’re hopeful to bring um other core guys back you know free agenc is going to start soon but um we felt we’re there either way but we challenge ourselves this offseason you know how do we get uh more athletic how do we have more shot creation and be brutal we didn’t think we could achieve those things in the draft sitting at 27 and the way the night broke and the the way the calls kind of developed um we are unbelievably excited to get a guy that uh you know we think is as talented they W in this draft how do you see Shannon fting in season yeah he’s another downhill guy nine you know nine free throws a game I think he’s a three position Defender the off the the offc court reputation is Sterling we talked to the coaches Texas Tech talk to the coaches at Illinois they they don’t say good things they say amazing things um obviously he was um on the wrong end of of a really unfortunate situation and his ability to to play through that and play winning basketball for you know a great coach and Brad Underwood um we just think he brings toughness I think he’s a unbelievably competitive guy he’s got size he’s another downhill guy another guy that’s going to play with Pace um you know you don’t you don’t take those two guys think how they’re going to match up together but our challenge was to try to play a little bit faster over the second unit and I think we got two of the fastest most athletic and aggressive guys in the draft Tim what the with SH did you do any extra kind of diing into that when we did yeah we did a ton and it was I think it’s a I think it’s a shame that it’s even a footnote I think it’s a shame that say it was a was a AC quitted it’s I think it’s if if you really dig it’s it’s a really unfortunate thing for a kid by all accounts and every relationship is a great kid so um often times you know you’re the minute you’re accused you’re found guilty and um thankfully he went the legal process he he chose to go to trial because he knew he did nothing wrong and um I just think it’s kind of it’s a shame he went through that and I think it’s a testament to his who is as a kid and his ability to kind of play through obvious really tough distraction you talked about the pessimism to get up to get a guy like Rob at the beginning of the night is that because maybe like a pered lack of ammo that might be required to get there yeah I mean we’re approaching a different Financial reality and we really want to keep our core together and again we want to so we want to bring back our own free agent so um and because of the Rudy tray we’re not we’re not Shock full of uh picks so um we we were not optimistic at all again I think um I think it’s going to be a win-win trade for San Antonio they draft a great player in Castle obviously with wanyama they can kind of spread out their pick inventory um so um we found a a partner that maybe both timelines align and um but if you’d ask me at 6 o’cl can we get Robert Dillingham I said don’t think so do you think that this um move can get your offense going by scoring in transition mostly I mean that’s the easiest way to bump up a 17th or 18th ranked offense yeah I think the ability to spread the floor again play in the pain and I think he he’s a really really unselfish player he’s a very he was able to play both on and off the ball last year a lot of these guys kind of with his profile have struggle without the ball he didn’t struggle without the ball and he’s like competitiveness is something that is a Hallmark of his so any any anytime you can add a shot maker that that’s quick and he doesn’t play like he’s a buck you know he’s he’s Fearless at The Rim so I I do think the playmaking will probably surprise a lot of people when you look at him and he’s flashy and he plays fast and he’s he’s a pull-up three-point shooter I think the playmaking is is underrated I think it’s something that finy will really help develop and and we’re so fortunate to have him learn under Mike connley you can you throw him into the deep end and have him be like the point guard of the second unit yeah know he’s going to play yeah I think he’s he’s he’s going to play again we were pretty aggressive and we gave up a a pretty valuable asset he’s not he’s a guy that’s from day one’s going to give him the opportunity obviously it won’t be he’s got to earn to keep that opportunity but we we traded for him to to play right away Tim does that take a commitment from ownership to to be able to make yeah ownership was was fantastic you know certainly anytime you’re aggressive there’s Financial realities and um you know we think we have a chance we’re at the the big table so it’s no no time to get scared now you talked about that at your your exit interview about this is you’re learning the the second apron in the new Financial realities how much I mean you really only had minimum contracts or things that you could add in your own free agents how much did did that impact getting maybe not just one guy but but two guys tonight yeah I it’s a great question you know I don’t know how we can add this level of talent via trades unless we want to get off Court guys I don’t know how and we don’t have a pick next year I don’t you know fingers crossed we’re not going to be um in 20126 a team that can select in the top 10 so yeah I think we’re still learning and we don’t know exactly what it looks like like um it’s weird right now that we don’t have a second round second round right now that’s kind of bizarre but I just don’t I can’t think U of any time that um you know you can get that high without losing the court piece and um certainly it’s a real asset we gave up it can inhibit dealmaking moving forward but knowing the restrictions that you start to enter when when guys rightfully get paid um we just looked at it we think how can we get a guy that can be this impactful Tim ttain that up up yeah I mean I’m there’s there’s no value to be honest with you it’s just very happy super excited about the season just um you know we’re in this unique time right now we have everyone involved is great and ownership throughout the whole the whole crew has been unbelievable supportive and aggressive but um you know just trying to ensure that we keep this thing going and build off of what last year was a just a super fun time Tim you mentioned Rob being able to play off the ball as as well do you envision him being able to play both guard position do you like him better at one or the he’s a one I mean he’s he’s a he’s a one who’s a bucket but U but again coach C does such a great job last year he played with Reed Shepard played with Wagner played with Reeves and I think what jumped out at us is sometimes again the guys who looked like him at first glance tend to play selfish basketball or we dribble don’t make quick decisions he’s a quick decision maker and he um I think his IQ is is Elite and I the the playmaking not just watching highlights but really digging in the analytics it’s we we were kind of really impressed by guy that can balance that know 15 points a game in 21 minutes six assists per 36 um in pick and roll he’s more apt to pass than shoot um the more we dug the more impressed we were hey Tim with uh Finch getting his contract done too like what kind of was the motivation behind wanting to even extend that out further and how’ you guys just go about getting that done yeah I think organizationally you strive for continuity and this organization has struggled with that forever you know when you have a good thing you keep it going finish and the staff have done a wonderful job job and you guys got a bunch of guys be head coaches hopefully someone smart enough to hire mic soon so I’m a big believer in continuity in in our ownership is very is very much a big believer in rewarding a job well done so you know we have a core group that’s committed it’s locked up we have a great coach great coaching staff and if you can ensure those things are in place you know you can’t ensure wins and losses but you can ensure the type of people that you have working together and I think we’re all kind of Tethered to to the same goal and it was kind of a no-brainer when you look at the success that we’ve had and each year we’ve gotten better and better Finch is is not just a great coach it’s a great guy um and you want to reward all those attributes and again continuity this this think of my faces Carl seen you know he’s finally seen the same faces for several years in a row and I think it wasn’t accidental that the success we had last year was for to some degree because of continuity do you also think like that with the roster has a good environment for two young guys to come into and just like be accepted you know help develop and learn and we’ve talked again we were there was a handful of guys we were really aggressive with in this draft um specifically behind Mike and I think all of them were envious not just of playing with ant but to learn behind Mike you know Mike’s um an elite starting point guard and he’s he’s such a giver you know um a lot of vets um are can struggle with being a mentor and Mike loves it so I I couldn’t think of a more conducive environment to growth than where we have right now with fing and staff be behind Mike next to ant who’s just getting better and better um so I I think um we’re lucky but I think Rob’s lucky as well if this bench is different next season that seems like what we’ll be changing here this or maybe in free agency if this bench is different in the ways that you want it to be what does that look like next season I look we’re trying to create more easy opportunities we’re trying to play a bit faster we have Elite athleticism and Anthony and Jen and Nas and at times um and and those guys have to take the challenge at times we play a bit too slow so um um you know Finch is a huge a huge proponent of space and Pace getting out early getting out often and finding easy opportunities and I think you’re also trying to find often times A diversity of skill set between your starting five and your second five so um you know we we want our second unit to be the best defensive execu in the league we’re not going to again not going to take shortcuts or protect guys but um we do think we could get a little more athletic and create easier opportunities where the pressure to score wasn’t you know wasn’t so daunting at times still a pick tomorrow still a pick tomorrow what what’s on the docket tomorrow how is tomorrow I don’t know man this is like weird I don’t know um we had Derek faly um hanging with us tonight we talked about several day draft we had quy here yesterday we’re like tell us about these multi-day drafts cuz um yeah we don’t know I mean we’re excited about 37 um you know we’re excited the flexibility potentially allows us there’s we got a handful of guys that have first round grades that are still on the board but it’s kind of Uncharted usually this is 2 hours later and we’re all exhausted and we’re working on 2way exhibit 10 so um not really sure talked about no value in the opt out you know I think fans would just be like I don’t know is he going to leave after this year or anything so is like your long-term view like I’m here and is there a situation where ownership plays out where you’re like no I don’t know no I mean I me here I mean that’s I could have opted out so I think that that speaks very happy here um it’s become home obviously love the guys we work with now there’s Derek right now um so it was just you know there’s a a situation right now that there’s a bit of known and anytime you can kind of EX extend the flexibility when there’s a bit of a known I think it’s probably wise U but it’s certainly not reflective I mean I’m static to be here and I think we’re going to have as good as the year we have this year I think we’ be that much better next year when it comes to just kind of forecasting few days out this tonight does that mean relatively quiet free just you guys no I mean we we still like to retain our guys that’s our goal we want to retain our guys now the market will impact that but like again I’m I’m a Believer if you have a good thing you keep a good thing um so we’d like to we’d like to come back largely looking the same maybe a little a little variance in the roster with these new draft faces but we really like what we have and we like what we’re building so I think the more guys we come back the better so that’s the goal you uh you’ve been a guy in the past has had guys who can kind of provide that really scoring punch Off the Bench and Finch has kind of preferred that too it seems like how nice is it to have somebody un likee Rob who can maybe kind of give that when it wasn’t necessarily on the roster in the past I mean all you’re doing optimally and and it’s rare to achieve anything optimal is like all right we have this we don’t have that so you know we we have we have a lot of good things you know the the success in the playoffs the regular season but we lacked probably a guy besides it like just go get it um so how do you get there it’s free agency we have limited options in free agency um trades you know the guys that have value League wide we don’t want to trade him so it’s and then you’re trying to get creative we thought he was the best shot Creator in the draft so you know he was a focus um there’s a couple other guys that we really liked and we thought hey we get one one of these three guys even though the give is is could be um aggressive and it could be a lot I don’t know how we can achieve that next two three years via free agency we don’t want to trade our core guys so um you know don’t it it’s pretty simplistic you know and it I think we’ve checked the major box that we lacked last year thanks too thanks thanks

Tim Connelly made a trade for Kentucky guard Rob Dillingham and took Illinois wing Terrence Shannon Jr. in the first round of the NBA Draft Wednesday night.

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