@Milwaukee Bucks

Bucks draft TYLER SMITH

Bucks draft TYLER SMITH

so the bucks with their second pick in this draft 33 overall at the beginning of the second round just selected Tyler Smith from the g-league ignite and in my video before the draft on players that the Bucks should want to draft Tyler Smith was actually on my list of players to avoid with that 23rd overall pick I wanted either Kil wear Delon Holmes or Eve Mei but those guys were all uh taken before the Bucks could even select that pick and they went with AJ Johnson which I did not like at all but with 33 overall at this spot I actually don’t mind Tyler Smith in the first round I wanted to get more of a sure big man that could uh protect the paint but be a little bit more switchable on the perimeter than a Brook Lopez but the Bucks weren’t able to get that I was very upset about that first round pick uh at 33 overall though Tyler Smith is not a bad pick at all I’m actually not mad at this one I would have not liked it at 23 I would have liked it more than AJ Johnson but at 3 I think that this is pretty good value for a guy that depending where you go ESPN has him listed at 6’9 his g-league page with his stats everything has him list at 611 so he’s between 6’9 and 6’1 he’s still 19 years old he’s going to turn 20 soon and he’s a guy that at that size can knock down the three ball he shot 36% from three 73% from the free throw line and he’s quite athletic to where defensively he wasn’t really that great in the G League I don’t really love the g-league system it seems to not not breed the best habits in these players so it is part of the reason I don’t want didn’t want them in the first round is a lot of these G League guys seem to come into the NBA with actually pretty bad habits especially defensively in comparison to college level players so his overall def defensive ability in the G League wasn’t that great but he has potential he’s long enough he’s athletic enough to be solid on that end especially when with with what the Bucks are lacking which is a little bit of juice a guy that can um fly around and be switchable that’s what he’s known to be able to do and he’s definitely not a guy like an Andre Jackson where you worry about teams just leaving him wide open he’s not that type of guy he’s going to make you pay if you leave him wide open and at this point of the draft a guy with that size athleticism that can knock down an open three I’m not mad at this at all John horse I hate him as a GM but this pick I can’t get mad at it at all um for the bucks they’re going to have to look into free agency to try to find another option at the big man position or maybe move Bobby for some pieces and hopefully a big man that is more mobile defensively I feel like that is what they’re lacking maybe you go with Giannis more at the small ball five this year and maybe play Tyler Smith next to him that that I wouldn’t mind if they um go to that lineup a little bit this year if you try to go an all athletic switchable lineup especially like when Dame goes to the bench if you try to really um just overwhelmed teams with your switch ability size and athleticism maybe they try a lineup this year I don’t have faith in Doc Rivers to make good decisions but I would be it would be interesting if you try to line up with like Chris Middleton Andre Jackson doing the ball handling um and then you have another Wing that they had this year or Andre jck I already said Andre Jackson maybe Bo champ or another Wing that they had in free agency Tyler Smith and Giannis in the front court that would be something that would be an interesting thing that the Bucks could develop because with these young guys most of them have have been shaky have had moments and then have looked rough but all of them at least have not all of them but we have enough athletic guys to at least have an identity which is something positive to have where you could overwhelm a team with just being more athletic and being more switchable so Al line up with Middleton Bo champ Andre Jackson uh Tyler Smith and Giannis it’s something to think about it’s something to consider and the fact that Tyler Smith can fit in a lot of different rotations whether you want more shooting on the floor he could provide that if you want more switch ability um versatility athleticism defensively he can do that he’s a guy that has a chance to be able to come in and fill needs right away for the bucks by being an athletic potential Defender that can also knock down a three you don’t have to worry about teams leaving him wide open like an Andre Jackson so overall I give this pick with what was available left in this draft I give this like a B+ to an A minus I’m actually happy with the Bucks in this one overall it’s not a good draft for the bucks because I wanted to get a sure thing big man that um that is versatile defensively but Tyler Smith provides like a power forward kind of stretch big that does some of those things potentially um but let me know what y’all think about this I I I think this is making me feel a little bit better after what I think was probably a rough day yesterday let me know what yall thought so drop a comment hit that like And subscribe please yes sir

Reaction to the Milwaukee Bucks drafting Tyler Smith with the 33rd pick in the second round of the 2024 NBA draft.


  1. This was a better pick not great but this draft is pretty weak and the bucks are handcuffed money wise but a better pick idk how we are going to fill out this roster

  2. We should've drafted a big guy cause Brook is now an liability being on the court getting back in time smh this guy is 6'9 but still.

  3. Not sure I can say "Much Better Pick" If this kid AJ puts on a little bit more weight/muscle, he'll be the better guy between the 2 picks. Either way, these 2 guys wont get developed properly or playing time as long as Doc is the coach. Ajax definitely needed more run time and Doc refused when we just looked old and slow vs the pacers… fun question, What player under Docs coaching has he ever turned into a star, that was not already a star via trades? Legit Allstar, not role players 😅

  4. You guys hate jon horst . The bucks have won more games than any team in the nba since the 2017-2018 season. Well the internet allows anyone to have their say. Even with their lack of knowledge.

  5. Tyler Smith was supposed too be a first round pick. The reason he doesnt have good stats is because he broke out halway through the season. Too average 12 points per game, 37 from 3 and a block per game and .09 steals per game. Hes a both end player whos only 19. Thats a steal but we need too actually develop

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