@Dallas Mavericks

Mavs Fail to Trade THJ?! + Dallas Mavericks Draft Melvin Ajinça | Mavs Podcast

Mavs Fail to Trade THJ?! + Dallas Mavericks Draft Melvin Ajinça | Mavs Podcast

on today’s show oh no the Mavs didn’t trade Tim Hardaway Jr they’re going to lose Derek Jones Jr too and everything’s ruin and awful false tell you why that’s not the case and who the Mavs actually drafted on today’s lock Mavs I’m L and this is lock maveri Mavericks NBA [Applause] champions it’s good and the M have won the game if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away and welcome you’re locked on of the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media member and NBA channel manager for the lockon podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show Making lock on maps your first listen today where the best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day on any podcast platform Apple Spotify castbox I’ve been using castbox recently I kind of like it leave a five star review on that platform like the video on YouTube and comment anything below let me know in the comment section what you think of the Mavs pick of a Melvin agenta I’m curious what you guys have to think about that don’t give me a grade I if I see another letter grade for a pick in the 50s I’m going to smack someone today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account use that code locked on NBA for $20 off your purchase terms apply today we’ll talk about Melvin a jinsa I’ll tell you about him what he could bring to the Mavericks if he joins the Mavericks we’ll talk about all that uh some good stuff in there I think that he could be a good developmental piece for the the Dallas Mavericks but I want to start here up until the 51st pick in the draft which ended up being the Mavericks pick and we’ll talk about that the maps didn’t do anything nothing Nico Harrison is about to go speak to the media and I’m recording this before because what’s he gonna say they didn’t do anything nothing happened day one came and went nothing happened Mavs didn’t do anything Mavs name didn’t even come up the whole whole day one of the draft nothing day two of the draft nothing until they traded they traded up to get 51 Tim Mar Jr still a Maverick Dereck J Jr still a free agent Josh Green Maxi still on the roster future picks all still intact Mavs did nothing so what does that mean did the Mavs fail did the Mavs fail their number one priority coming into the offseason was to Reign Derrick Jones Jr and to do that niik Harrison said I don’t know how we’re going to do it it but we got to figure out a way to do it it’s priority one and one one a and one B the off season is not just the draft it didn’t have to just happen in the draft everything I said yesterday all the different teams that I mentioned yesterday where they have cap space and they can take Derek they can take Tim Hardway J’s contract the Mavs can clear up the space to resign Derrick Jones Jr all those are still intact for the most part there’s still time free agencies is a couple days away stuff will still will continue to to monitor it we’ll do shows every day but just because Timar Jr didn’t get traded around the draft doesn’t mean it won’t happen so there it is we did learn one thing though one thing that I am interested to to hear about and to see is I do think it may be a little more difficult than we had thought the Denver Nuggets made a trade today and then there a couple other things that happened today we’ll talk about some of the other things that happened around the league that I think are interesting for the Mavs too Denver made a trade to the Charlotte Hornets they sent Reggie Jackson in a trade with three second round picks to dump Reggie Jackson’s $5 million expiring deal so that they could get now they have about now they’re about $19 million under the second apron and they’re going to try to to clear up even more space so they can resign K K’s callwell Pope kcp declined his $15 million player option doesn’t sound like he’s going to come back from listening to Calvin booth and his comments the other day about you know it’s his it’s it’s kyp’s prerogative if he leaves okay all right doesn’t sound like he thinks he’s coming back it’s your prerogative It’s your prerogative he said it’s your prerogative You’re Gonna Leave okay I think he’s I think he’s gone but other teams can offer more teams are going to be limited even to sign their own guys this is a new CBA this is a new you know salary cap there was a YouTube comment yesterday that said why is the new CBA so cringe it is it is very cringe if you’re a team that is good trying to get better it’s very tough a team that has a lot of stars it’s tough it’s tough if you have salaries and you’re up against the one of the aprons the first apron the second apron to try and add Talent even the Denver Nuggets to resign their own guy it’s not just hey we resign kcp and then all of a sudden you know we can we can spend as much money as we want to resign him and they they’re limited the amount of money that they can give him both going up against the the apron and just because of some of the new rules of the CBA it’s wild this is this is really tough and you know what it does cuz someone asked me this too and I I hate stuff like this where you’re like all so why is it so difficult for teams to resign their own guy like why are we having such a hard time why are you talking every day on your show about how can we resign Derrick Jones Jr and how can we create $12 million $15 million to resign him that makes no sense that we’re talking so spending so much time on this it’s because the owners made it this difficult on their on their end of the CBA they bargained for these rules so that they didn’t have to all stand up against what the Golden State Warriors were doing over here with like a quarter of a billion dollar luxury tax bill the Warriors had an insane luxury tax bill and all the other teams were like man well why can’t we just spend like them if we could spend like them then all of a sudden we could win like the Warriors do having all these guys and all the other owners were like you know what I don’t really want that smoke I don’t want to spend that let’s make it really difficult let’s make it actually non-ad for us to spend that amount of money you know what let’s make it so that it’s bad that I spend a bunch of money and so now the owners got what they want in the CBA and now it makes it more difficult and now we spend all these days trying to figure out how the Mavs are going to resign Derrick Jones Jr when in the past the CBA before this we would have just said all right new owners Patrick jamont Edison’s Las Vegas SS just Pony up the money the MS will pay like there know Nico said money’s No Object Pony it up it’s not that way anymore it’s the part of sports where SL slightly biased posted the other day he’s like I’m trying to come up with fake trades and it it’s I’m having a really hard time am I am I washed or what is what’s going on problem is it it’s changed and he knows too much once you start learning some of the rules of it and once you start learning some of that you realize like oh this is not as fun as it used to be trades aren’t as easy as like all right one for one or this for this if you don’t have any cap space and you’re up against the first apron or the second apron you’re really limited it’s tough because certain things literally hard cap you you cannot go above that even if you wanted to but Tim Mar J didn’t get traded Reggie Jackson got traded from the Nuggets to the Hornets and they used three second round picks to dump his salary that makes me think that it’s going to be tough for the Mavericks to just straight up dump Tim Hardway J’s contract now Tim Hardway jun’s a better player than Reggie Jackson he’s more playable than Reggie Jackson he’s younger than Reggie Jackson he can shoot regie Jackson can shoot a little bit too but Tim Mar also makes three times as much as Reggie Jackson does on an expiring deal so it may be a little more difficult for the Mavs to dump him to dump Tim Maro Jr than we thought to just or just send him into the space and maybe that’ll happen maybe eventually Detroit will cave and they’ll just send him uh the Timberwolves traded Wendell Moore Jr who if you if you been a mman for a while wamore Jr was the player that the the Rockets picked and eventually went to the Timberwolves that was the pick that the MAV sent to them for Christian Wood and wend Moore got traded with the 37th pick to Detroit they had use a 37th pick in this draft to dump wend Moore Junior’s contract it’s kind of tough to dump players right now it is not super easy to do that he was only making 2.5 million and it took a second to dump his contract it’s tough out there tough out there so it may have become more more difficult but that doesn’t mean there’s not Avenues there’s still teams with cap space so we don’t have to worry about that there’s still options out there the Quinton Grimes thing is not done like that’s not dead the Wizards that that’s not dead I mean there are options there are ways for the Mavs to do it and so that seems to be the one move the Mavs are going to make and Nico Harrison surprises us all the time with moves that he makes including a move he made at the end of the draft let’s talk about Melvin ainsa let’s talk about what he brings to the Mavericks let’s talk about why the Mavs maybe traded up for him we’ll talk about all that and more coming up you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app use that code locked on NBA you get $20 off your first ticket purchase with game time I love game time I use it all the time I’ve used it for Dallas Wings tickets uh I didn’t use them for the the uh the weekday game but they did win on Thursday so good for the Dallas Wings they won in front of the camp kids if you’ve ever been at that game it’s hilarious there’s just like a thousand children screaming th actually probably multiple thousands of kids just screaming it’s all these camps that join uh it’s like it’s like on at noon so you can go and have fun like that go have fun at a Wings game go have fun at a Rangers game go have fun at a comedy show a theater show a musical do whatever you want this summer and go use Game Time download the game time app use that all in Tech pricing toggle toggle the feature to show upfront pricing you see all the fees and all that compiled at the beginning so check that out take the guesswork out of buying MLB tickets with gain time download the game time app create an account use that code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account redeem that code locked on NBA LLC k d o n NBA for $20 off download the game time app today last minute tickets lowest prices guarantee shut it down let’s go thanks everybody for hanging out with this on lockdown Maps being part of the show part of the raccoon Squad listening every day if you want to support the show further text us get text alerts I was texting all throughout every room that I see about the Dallas Mavericks I will text you all throughout free agency I will be Manning the computer lines and sending it straight to your phone if you want that text the number and I’ll send extra content and all that I was sending a bunch of stuff about the map’s pick and all kinds of stuff like that text the number or click the link in the description wherever you’re listening to this show all right Isaac let’s talk about the Mavs actually made a trade they did something everybody poked him with a stick all the Mavs fans poked them with a stick and said do something and they did they traded up from 58 to 51 and it was kind of confusing for a second because if you were following Along on Twitter sham Sania who’s been tweeting out every pick I mean he it’s just like a sickness he’s got he’s got to tweet every single pick he’s got to do it before it gets announced he’s tweeting out every pick and all of a sudden like it stops and you’re like okay wait what what’s happening like and then he goes my account I keep getting locked out of my account and I got locked out of my Twitter account today too so he gets locked out of his account and then all of a sudden I TV Malik Andrews says the Mavs are picking the the Knicks were picking at 51 they take Melvin ainsa and that that pick is going to the Mavericks and we’re like okay it’s it’s going okay and so we wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and finally timman confirms which is what my my suspicion was that the Mavericks went from 58 to 51 and they sent cash considerations you have a certain amount of cash that you can send in a trade I think you have like $7 million a year or something like that that you can send in a trade or bring back in a trade and uh the MAV sent cash what however much amount of cash to move up from 58 to 51 they sent it to New York and so now the Mavericks have Melvin ninsa the Knicks pick at 58 and so then they had the last pick in the draft which ended up being uh a player that I don’t know sorry uh not gonna I’m not gonna try they can try over there player from Germany but Melvin ainsa what does what are the Mavericks get in Melvin ainsa he is a 67 wing with a 67 Wings span 2 15 lbs he’ll be 20 he’s 20 right now literally just turned 20 yesterday uh June 26th is his birthday so just had a birthday really young uh he he was from France he played in like a second division over in France and his agent this is important his agent is bua ji who is Victor wean yama’s agent he is goar’s Agent Nick batum’s agent Yan Mimi NBA champion Yan mim’s agent a bunch of you know French players here in the NBA and he’s Dallas based he’s he’s you know the agent is based here in Dallas I think he was Frank Nina’s agent when he was here as well and so that’s that’s notable that the map’s doing doing a solid for doing a solid or you know had the connection there with the agent that is dallas-based now melbour jensa becomes part of the Dallas Mavericks who is he as a player he’s a long armed Lefty shot maker with a three you know High three and D Floor possibly even more potential that’s what the ringer says about him he’s the cousin of the Mavs former big man Alexis ainsa if you remember him the center and uh you know jinsa has is you know a promising role player coming off of a solid season in Pro a in France what does he do he’s three and d three and d three and D player knockdown three-point shooter great feeli for re relocating on threes he can do some movement threes too uh he can really knock down a three he’s got a great looking shot there’s it’s a little bit like he leans back a little bit and there’s it’s maybe a little weird not like the perfect stroke not like perfect Klay Thompson stroke but he’s a knockdown three-point shooter you can guarantee that he’ll be able to shoot in the NBA I’m not worried about that his shot at all that’ll come along the Mavericks will work with him and that’ll all work he can also fire against heavy contest or pump fak side side dribble three like he can do he can hit some threes moving around here and there so I think that’s a super positive he’s not just a stand catch and shoot three guy but he can’t do that too he has shown some flashes of scoring potential with you know step back threes pull up mid-range jumpers things like that couple drives here and there but that’s not really going to be his strength uh his defense great energy on the defensive end of the floor hardnose Defender displays versatility off ball awareness willingness to crash you know the glass things like that uh you’re typical 3 and D guy that that’s what you’re that’s what you’re asking for from him you hope that eventually he becomes you know three and D but at 67 that’s pretty good size for three and D guy the 67 wingspan is a little bit small so uh it’s an even wingspan you call it a square right instead of a rectangle uh he you know he’s been known to have some defensive lapses on the defensive end of the floor but he’s 19 just just turned 20 so there’s time to to work with him on that uh his three-point consistency is is can can be an issue which is why he didn’t go so high he shot 32% uh you know in in that league and uh he’s got he’s got to work on that but his shot looks good he can knock down threes for sure he doesn’t have great ball handling ability and playmaking ability to create his own shots you’re not asking him to do that and uh and yeah just kind of a limited player if you’re trying to look at him from a broad basketball sense but if you’re just looking at him from a three of sense you’re getting what you’re getting what you’re asking for uh the ring had him going at 44 ESPN mocked him at 48 and the athletic mocked him at 48 so he drops a little bit there and the Mavs apparently were like hey he’s available let’s go up and get him so they traded up they went up and got him and uh to me like the ceiling floor if you’re trying to look at all right what what can this player be to me the ceiling of a player like this is could he be a starter sure three and D you know can he be uh some of the the comparisons are Reggie Bullock or Raja Bell can he be that type of player sure yeah he could develop and you know he’s got to we got to figure out how his defense looks against NBA athletes and against NBA players and NBA size and all that so that’s something that I’m I’m interested in seeing got to see how he looks shooting the NBA 3 but could he be a starter sure that to me that’s the high end and you’re talking about a pick in the 50s so this is he’s a you know 19 just turned 20y old coming into the NBA picked in the 50s there’s not high expectations for me on this if he becomes a starting level player knock that out of the park incredible second round pick if you did that the floor is out of the league he just can’t make it the defense just he just can’t hang defensively his three-point shot isn’t there looks timid you know all that what AJ Lawson is is is you know is right now is sort of like all right he AJ Lawson’s at the end at the tail end of this a little bit where he’s like all right let’s see what he can be he’s got all these tools like all right let’s figure out if he can play in the NBA AJ Lawson’s been around for a little bit Melvin jinsa is like starting that process all over again I I I brought up AJ Lawson because I think he has the same kind of ceiling floor could he be a starter sure could he be out of the league probably you know it’s like the the same sort of tail top and tail end roster impact we always do this with our draft profiles we go through we like talk through all right what what’s the roster impact of a player like this um he could be a draft and stash guy but to me if the maps are trading up for him the agent is based in Dallas I think he’ll come over and I think that he’ll be such a cost controlled asset that I think that I think he will come over I don’t have any intel on that but I think that I think he will come over and I think he will he will play but there’s a couple there’s a couple notes of like you know in the Athletics mock draft they said that the Spurs could were going to take him at 48 and that they could draft and stash him so that could that could be an option we’ll see uh and so maybe he takes know a little time over there he’s going to take time I I don’t expect him to play his rookie year really at all for the Mavericks I expect him to take some time play in Frisco but if he wants to stay over in France take some time and then come over we’ll see what happens there could be a draft and stash but since the maps traded up for him I’m gonna guess he’s not that’s that’s going to be my my educated professional guess on that one coming up let’s talk about what what this pick kind of means for the Mavericks and then let’s talk about the other moves in the NBA let’s talk about some of the other moves that happened in the draft let’s talk about some of the other moves that happened on day two talk about all those and what they mean for the Mavs coming up you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here today’s episode is brought to you by eBay Motors eBay Motors passion Drive patience the formula for winning a championship is also what keeps your ride or die live eBay Motors is everything you need to maintain your vehicle level it up to Peak Performance with superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 Million Parts to choose from for your number one ride or die you’ll always find exactly what you need and with eBay guaranteed fit you know that that part is going to fit your ride every time or you get your money back because with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber and not cash with the parts you need at the prices you want it’s easy to make your car the MVP and bring home huge wins keep your ride or die live at eligible items only exclusion Supply eBay guaranteed fit only available to us customers take all right Isaac let’s get into the rest of the NBA but one more thing peace out one more thing Mel a pick Mavs picking another three and D guy does it mean anything’s going to going to change no Mavs took a what what this pick is to me is the Mavs took a uh took a flyer on a three and D guide that could pan out they’re going to you know bring him along slowly they we’ll see what happens maybe he is a little more ready when they think and maybe just like some second round picks he pops and all of a sudden he can be a rotational player sure but it’s a very lowrisk thing Mavs you know use a second round pick and we’ll see what happens with him but I’m I don’t have huge expectations for him if he can become a 3D role player and let’s say all right let’s let’s play the hypothetical game let’s say all right he works out really well and he can defend point of attack and we’re like oh my gosh all of a sudden he’s he’s looking really good then omx prosper and Melvin ainsa are like really good backups that you can have if they can keep Derrick Jones Jr and PJ Washington maybe they use Tim Hardaway and Josh Green in trades and then all of a sudden you know if Melvin ainsa and omx are both like able to be playable it’s pretty good those are pretty good that’s pretty good like style of play or types of players to have his backups right there and then eventually develop into the guys that can start it’s not bad it’s not bad to have in your pipeline so if it works out for ainsa and for omx proser that’s great because AA is that guy that can can be the point of attack Defender can be you know can be that that type of guy whereas omx is a little bit he can guard bigger guys he’s a bigger player than than ainsa longer wingspan all that kind of stuff interesting but we’ll see 51st pick in the draft if you put high expectations or if you try and grade it I saw some people saying oh this is a grade of an F all right what do you know it’s literally a crap shoot in the second round you could be picking joic you could be picking a player that never sees the floor one minute you never know other things that happen I I sort of mentioned the kcp move earlier at the beginning because we were talking about the Reggie Jackson trade for the Nuggets if the Nuggets lose kcp that’s kind of a big deal Calvin Booth GM said that they’re they’re ready for Christian Brown Christian Brown to to replace him okay great but they don’t really have a way to rep they don’t really have like a full way to replace him it’s joic it’s Murray who’s getting a new deal it sounds like Michael border Jr Aaron Gordon Christian Brown o can Julian St take a step forward can pton Watson take a step forward can zek Nagi ever give them what they want they just picked Don Holmes which everybody seems to like that pick but he’s a he’s a rookie uh do they bring back chanar vaco chanar from Slovenia he’ll be back from his injury uh they trade to Reggie Jackson I don’t know if they’ll bring back Justin holiday it’s like they technically still have the cap hold of Richard Jefferson which I just find I find really funny like a cap hold is like you have to renounce the cap hold of of a player in in an offseason to uh to clear up space or whatever like that they still have Richard Jefferson’s cap how long ago did Richard Jefferson play this happens a lot where like a lot of like older former players will still be on people’s cap old sheets and all that Richard Jefferson played for the nuggets in 2018 in like six years that’s funny to me but the Nuggets taking a hit if if they are going to lose kcb now they may be able to clear up some more space let’s say they are able to trade Zeke Nagi or dump Zeke naji’s deal to somebody else Zeke Naji makes 8.8 million he was a you know what was he like a first round pick a little while guard or no they gave him a deal didn’t they but let’s say they’re able to dump him clear up more space and then bring kcp back okay well it’ll take more assets for them to do it but it’s going to be difficult they’ve got to clear more space in order to do that and fill out the rest of the roster too cuz if you you dump zek Naji then all of a sudden like you you got like 10 players but at least one of them would be kcp because you could ring him back but that’s a hit that’s a hit for for the Denver Nuggets if they lose kcp still up in the air we’ll still we’ll see what happens but I know I saw I think I saw Lauren gunay everybody in the you know the West got better you got to wait till all this plays out you got to wait till all this plays out the Denver Nuggets did not get better if they’re going to lose kcp I don’t care how how good Christian Brown is for them you just lost another player another guaranteed starter another guaranteed player that can play in the playoffs another guaranteed role player that one’s tough you look at the thunder thunder added you know a couple rookies here and there but they didn’t they didn’t add a ton just yet we’ll see what kind of move they make um obviously they do the the Caruso deal I think that makes them better it also makes their offense a little bit more um predictable and makes their offense a little bit more one-dimensional because they’re going to rely on a lot of isos and a lot of you know driving kicks and things like that um Josh giddy for all the the problems he gave them in the playoffs and they couldn’t play them necessarily in the playoffs he at least gave them that transition and the the passing and all and all that another big body that can can drive and kick and do all that truso just doesn’t do that for as as good as he’s going to make their defense he makes their offense a little bit more one-dimensional but they definitely got better so OKC got better the timber wolves really haven’t done anything yet we’ll see if they lose Kyle Anderson that’s something that they’re kind of up against it’s kind of the same thing with Derrick Jones Jr but less dire uh the Clippers really haven’t made a lot of moves right we’ll see what happens do they lose Paul George that could be a big one if they lose Paul George to the east then that’s really tough I did see that kawh Leonard is playing for Team USA and the Clippers fans including Lo then C Darian baseri was was like come on really man like you can’t play for our team ever in the playoffs but you go play for Team USA he’s rehabbed and ready to go Suns haven’t made a lot of moves they did get Jaylen Bridges and now that annoyed me a little bit because I did like Jaylen Bridges we talked about Jaylen Bridges a couple times on this show uh the wing from Baylor I thought that that was a good move from them and uh Mavs draft Richard samon reported that he had heard that Jaylen Bridges had angled to not get drafted I talked about this that there are players that angle to not get drafted so that they can pick where they go like hey I would rather not go with the 55th pick or the 54th pick let’s use a better example I’d rather not go there so instead let me go you know let me just go on drafted don’t pick me so I can just pick where I want to go and so Jaylen Bridges goes to the Suns I like that pickup we’ll see if he you know it’s it’s again it’s an undrafted guy so if he works out for them that’s a great pickup for them another three and D type guy the Mavs could pick somebody up too I think I think they have a roster spot open so we’ll see what happens with with the Mavericks if they move anybody or if they they pick up anybody on you know undrafted guys you can take a bunch of guys into Camp too so we’ll see what happens if they pick anybody up but I waited a little while waited like an hour or so after the draft and then nothing happened and so I said okay let’s just go ahead the Lakers there we go I’m just going down the standings right here I I didn’t want to necessarily start with this but there was a lot of people upset that bronnie angled to go to the the Lakers I understand the frustration the hatred of the Lakers my former co-host Isaac Harris was one of the biggest Laker haters that has ever existed sometimes I joked with him he hated the Lakers more than he loved the Mavericks I get that I get that people hate the Lakers but the angled to what did bronnie do that made people so mad Rich Paul angled for him to go to the Lakers with the 55th pick it’s not like he was a first round pick it’s not like they reached for him it’s not like they traded you know like all all heaven like an arm and a leg to go get it I he wanted to be the 55th pick so he could go play with his dad a historic thing that was it never happened before I mean and we may never see it again I’m fine with that I didn’t see the big deal in it I see the big deal as it being an awesome cool like cool thing like great good for you if he starts getting preferential treatment by JJ reck and like he all of a sudden is like starting at guard next to LeBron James is his son bronnie James it’s like okay then all of a sudden we’ve got some issues but to take him the 55th pick some of most of these guys don’t even play like that’s fine come on if you’re getting upset about that today go outside touch the grass and uh wear protective wear protective gear because it is extremely hot outside how many players last year the 50 pick last year played four minutes in the NBA last year four minutes now 57 was traced Jackson Davis that’s actually a really good pick right there and that’s the example of a guy that could actually like that’s the example of somebody that could actually work out GG Jackson was the 45th pick that one ended up being a really good deal like every once in a while you’ll hit on some of these second round picks Trace Jackson Davis is a really good pick at 57 man that’s insane tumani kamaro played a lot too for the the the Blazers but I don’t know if that says a lot about him or it says a lot about what the Blazers played last year but yeah the Lakers taking bronnie that’s fine them getting dton connect was actually it seemed like a good pick yesterday but I don’t know that they’ve taken like a big step forward at all Pelicans were waiting on them to make the Brandon Ingram trade we’ll see what happens with that um they haven’t really made any moves yet so we’ll see they got a couple guys in the draft it seems like the Kings kind of made a move they traded Davon Mitchell today but I don’t know if that move is the needle for them at all they didn’t make the trade for kakusa that we were all kind of waiting on with the 13th pick or they had 13 right Warriors haven’t made a huge move either it’s like it’s everybody get kind of like stagnant nuggets may lose kyp that’s a big one Thunder get Caruso and outside of that the Grizzlies will be better next year we we got to expect that Rockets made a couple deals but they haven’t made any huge moves for players or anything like that like everybody’s just kind of staying where they are and then we’ll see free agency can be really big free agency is the next big thing and so stick with us the next couple of days we’ll be breaking down free agency talking about the things that could happen for the Mavericks and uh and we’ll be here whenever something happens so keep coming back subscribe wherever you get this show and uh we’ll be back talking about free agency the draft implications all that kind of stuff guys thanks for listening to locked on Mavs peace out boom

The Dallas Mavericks didn’t trade Tim Hardaway Jr. during the NBA Draft, did Nico Harrison fail? Then, the Mavs traded up to select Melvin Ajinça from France with the 51st pick, what does he bring to help Luka Doncic & Kyrie Irivng?

Nick Angstadt breaks down the recent NBA draft and its implications for the Dallas Mavericks. Despite initial disappointment over the lack of trades involving key players like Tim Hardaway Jr. and Derrick Jones Jr., Angstadt explains why the Mavs’ offseason is far from over. He discusses the team’s strategic move to trade up for Melvin Ajinça, a promising 3-and-D player from France, and what this means for the team’s future. Angstadt also touches on the challenges posed by the new CBA and how it affects team strategies. Tune in for a detailed analysis of the Mavs’ draft picks and offseason plans.

0:00 Mavs Failed to Trade THJ?!
11:21: Mavericks’ Trade Details and Melvin Ajinça
21:32: Denver Nuggets’ Potential Loss of KCP & West Outlook

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Locked On NBA League-Wide: Every Team, Fantasy, Draft, WNBA & More

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– Music & Arrangement : Marjan Gjorgjievski
– Mix & Mastering : Marjan Gjorgjievski

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  1. lol it's bad enough that you cannot win playing scrubs like Maxi, Dwight and Timmy but hell you can't even add picks to get teams to take them scrubs lol thank you Cuban

  2. What’s not talked about enough is Kyrie’s age. This playoff run showed us that he can wear down. I absolutely hate how mavericks fans don’t think this offseason is absolutely pivotal when it comes to actually winning a championship. Honestly… I could care less about the future and development when you have a once in a generation type player on your team entering his prime. But most importantly, by the time these guys develop, Kyrie will most definitely be past his prime. Resigning DJJ is also not the answer. After making the finals, it’s time to go all in and strike while the iron is hot. Anything less than a championship is an absolute failure. So sick of being a “dark horse” with at worst the second best player in the league on the roster.

  3. This team does not have the young pieces nor the picks to get anything of value. This team is really as good as it's going to get. Could possibly make a very slight upgrade, but nothing that will move the needle.

  4. Our time to trade thj will be after free agency or close to the end of it, when teams who need someone who can shoot and didn’t sign the players they wanted. Mavs might be able to swoop in and offer Tim on a guy like grimes

  5. I have faith in what your say Nick but damn nothing went are way and not a single team want are trash ( maxi THJ and Powell) 🤷🏼‍♂️ pretty shitty still not anything on Grant which sounds like isn’t going to happen

  6. Mmmmm, disagree. There's no significant difference between Reggie Jackson and Tim Hardaway Jr. They are in the same broad category of player. Just depends what you want but I wouldn't claim that Hardaway is the "better" player.

  7. No THJ's dad already confirmed he is being traded its just a timing issue for the Mavs to see Team's rosters after the draft to see what stances they'll take.

    2 options I want on the wishlist side is to get either Bruce Brown or Broghdon with a trade that includes THJ, Hardy, and possibly Maxi. That's the only 2 players I'm willing to ship Hardy off to get.

  8. Im gonna be honest, let Djj go cause it will be a mistake to give him a long term contract. Dude was playing to revive his career, he was on likely his last chance in the NBA and what we saw in the playoffs is likely his peak. I like him, liked what he did, but I think the Mavs should at least strive to do better.

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