@Portland Trail Blazers

2024 NBA Draft 2nd Round Livestream! | Where Will Bronny James Land?

2024 NBA Draft 2nd Round Livestream! | Where Will Bronny James Land?

e e e e what’s going on everybody Welcome in to our second round NBA draft live stream today the Blazers have two picks 34 and 40 we get to follow the storyline of Barony James and we get to see what the Blazers do we get to see where Cham shle goes that’s Eric’s Crush can he go 34 or 40 to the Blazers or will they go with somebody else it’s going to be interesting to see who the Blazers today after an interesting day yesterday that left me very happy after last night’s draft stream which was kind of weird Eric being happy last night um we will talk throughout the stream maybe a little bit about the Blazers makeup especially after they choose one or two players there’s already been lots of trades in the past 12 hours between teams trading second round picks this is the first time the NBA has moved the draft to a two-day event and it’s been interesting interesting to follow along with with it all uh Eric how’s it going how was uh how was your day how’s your day going how are things oh great woke up a little early this morning than usual so I could start a little earlier so I get off of work a little earlier so I could be here but thankfully was able to get here in time and I’m excited about the second round that’s about to start yeah me as well me as well um I got to tie up a couple other little Loose Ends graphically here um and uh that’s what I’m going be doing the next like 20 minutes or so the draft will restart is that the proper term it’ll restart in 20 minutes sure yeah that sounds good to Tori looked like he just woke up no I’m just letting the hair flow today it’s the second round okay so no hat just we’re chilling today I I’ve been working all day as well so I haven’t been able to keep up with all the trades like how in the world did Phoenix get to 51 chat can somebody fill me in cuz I see them at 51 on tank ofon and I’m very confused because I know I know the report was they trade for 28 and 56 as part of the the Nuggets trade down and then the Wizards had 51 and now Phoenix has it so what trade did Phoenix in Washington make because honestly I don’t know I don’t know so if anybody knows fill us in because Eric doesn’t seem to know either Toronto got Davon Mitchell yeah that makes sense considering Sacramento drafted Devin Carter to kind of replace the role they were hoping Davon Mitchell could play Shout out to rip city Brady it’s always good to see Brady in here man with the $2 donation says yesterday was hype excited for what today brings yesterday was was pretty hype pretty exciting Eric after a night of sleeping on things are you more or less happy the about yesterday or do you feel the same um I don’t want to start the stream off negative so I’ll just say the same wait wait wait you’re less happy oh man I didn’t think that was that was possible I’m more happy I’m I’m I love I love what happened yesterday yeah I I’m glad I I love it we have we have like very rarely disagreed on like team building stuff in the direction of this team is this the start of a new era of blazers uprise where we just disagree with the direction of the team that could be fascinating well I will say I am proud of Joe Cronin for I mean they had a guy highly rated and they ended up with that guy and uh from what I heard it’s been uh for several days now now they’ve been really trying to acquire Den ABA the Wizards were of course asking for a ton for him the Blazers were hesitant to give up what they were asking for but yesterday um basically was like you know what it’s worth it we think uh because abdia is our guy and uh went to uh called them back and told them that they were willing to meet some of their demands for it so um I think that’s uh I I have to give Cronin credit for identifying a wing that he wanted to go get a young Wing that fit in this timeline and a center that they think is going to fit uh with this team moving forward as well and he went out and acquired both of those guys so Props to him for doing for for like having a plan and executing it so that part of it I’m I’m happy about that they’ve chosen a direction he uses the rebuild word in his uh press conference last night even um so thankfully I think he’s finally admitted what this is and all that kind of stuff and we can now go fully into that where I still have an issue is I don’t think with our current players or the emphasis on uh you know scoot hopefully developing I don’t believe kingan is the right big longterm to pair with him but that is obviously just my opinion I could be dead wrong on that and I’d be happily wrong hopefully kingan is exactly what this team needs and we uh don’t look back from here what I love is yesterday they went out and they got two guys that could be game changers defensively for this team in the future right normally you don’t get two young players that could be game changers in the front Court defensively but it’s not just defensive prospects both guys can pass right like we lamented out fukin Maurice harkless with the pass cuz like oh well Dame gets trapped and if you give one of those guys the ball they can’t they can’t make a play or make a pass kingan is more of like a standstill passer but I have some Faith Like Short rolls he made some good short roll passes he just needs to get down some sort of um like shot for himself out of the short roll to make te pay for trapping ultimately I think that’s going to be a part of his long-term development so you identify two guys that can be game changers defensively but also functional passers as part of a better system I really like that and if that’s going to be like the identity of the front court is we’re going to have guys that defend we’re going to have guys that are smart both guys are very smart players and we’re going to have guys that can pass I like those traits in front Court players because it’s not easy to find defensive front Court players that can also be like smart on both ends and pass the ball um fdia provides tuning if he can if last year wasn’t a fluke provides some off the dribble creation too uh just very well-rounded and then kingan is a 20-year-old big right and I do think there’s a small chance that maybe he could grow into like a three-point shooter I know he works on his three-point shot his form doesn’t look terrible I think that’s like two three years away but long term like maybe that’s some sort of value right or he’s 7 foot2 if he gets stronger I could see him finishing pretty easily on the inside I just like that they went after those traits I like that because we’ve talked about this team needing an identity and especially the front Court when you have like Jeremy Grant deand like what’s the identity of those guys like sometimes they’re going to Coast a little bit they don’t really do the Dirty Work we got two guys that’ll do the Dirty Work make the smart play play defense like really good intangibles love it love it love it love it yeah I mean I see what you’re saying I just I think we’re going to struggle like we struggled in years past matching certain teams athleticism in the front court and uh hopefully that doesn’t come back to Hest see the thing is is long term you get an athletic backup center where if certain matchups if it’s like a really athletic team a backup center that you can trust enough to play in that matchup I think kingan’s foot speed is a little underrated but also I think there’s also things that go into being quick defensively that is more than just foot foot speed um he flips his hips very quick for a guy’s size right like you might have a quick-footed big but if it takes a long time for him to like turn and accelerate he’s going to be slower to the spot if you got a guy that can flip his hips and maybe isn’t the quickest guy but can like see something and recognize something quickly flip his hips he’s going to have more of a chance of getting to the spot even if he’s slower footed Donovan kingan watched interviews last night watching breakdown film seems like very smart Defender knows his matchups knows how high he has to play up on screens depending on who the ball handler is um hand placement stuff is something he focused on the past year there are a lot of intangibles with kingan’s defense that I think gives him a chance no matter what and that’s what I really like um is a is a smart Defender because we haven’t had a very smart defensive like Prospect since I can remember so that’s that’s a plus I think it’s more than just foot speed and I think ultimately you know it’s just going to be fascinating to see how well he guards in space because I do like his intangibles and I do like the way he thinks the defensive end of the floor yeah absolutely I agree with that um I I don’t know I think he you can have a big um because I I compared him a lot um in our group chat to uh people were saying Mar assou and I pushed back against that um I thought he was more Andrew bogish um and Andrew bogot ended up being one of the better like positional help Defenders on uh the Warriors and help them win a championship I think he could be that kind of guy I just I don’t know if as the years go on if that kind of player is best suited for the style of NBA especially in the playoffs when it’s very matchup based and uh certain players get hunted a lot and your weaknesses kind of get exposed I’m just worried about it long term in the short term I think it’s fine and I think kingan can do okay I just hope that it doesn’t I don’t know it just it seems weird with scoot being able to shoot well yet uh maybe he’s able to shoot this year and it’s all our problems are solved I mean after after he could see he was like almost 35% uh he’s I don’t view scoot as a non-shooter bro that was all on like wide openen threep point shots for the most part he if he’s shooting 36% on wide open threes is that not an efficient shot I don’t I don’t like I don’t I don’t like long-term being okay with wideopen three-point shots being I think what 36% guy gets left wide open I mean I don’t know it’s it’s more of a just reputation thing probably yeah and he had a bad reputation was left wide open but started like making shots at an okay enough clip that if he improves going into year two I think he’ll be F yeah well that’s the key I mean he’s got to improve or at least be that um we don’t know but uh this is why I still want the Blazers to draft sham is because I feel like he does have the lateral quickness and the foot speed to possibly be that onew punch where if we need a center like that eventually you know he could be the backup to cling in and uh you know we can use those two based on matchups but uh I understand that the Blazers still have Aon still have Robert Williams and all that kind of stuff so i’ I’d be kind of surprised if they took another Center uh but I do still think they need if they’re going to move forward with clinging they need to find a backup that is a little bit more athletic and can do a little bit more things um just quickness wise than clayon yeah I just think especially with the seventh pick in a draft like this any player you selected there is likely to have a flaw that could potentially get exploited in a playoff series of course yeah you know so so I draft in particular yeah so that’s why it’s just like feels a little little ahead of ourselves to even really think about that long term that could be a problem but also I think he has a chance to be just good enough in space like I don’t people call him plotting I don’t really I don’t think he’s Qui quick but I also don’t really like to say he’s a plotting big man I don’t think he’s that slow and some of it is he can flip his hips like he’s not completely stiff I like the way he runs drop I think he’s going to be able to be one of those centers that can hopefully bother jump shots from three but won’t get beat to the rim doing so cuz that’s what you need and they drop big and that’s the problem is we would run drop with bigs that were not capable of actually executing drop taking away the three-point line while not getting beat to the rim so it’s it’s only a very few centers I think he could be one of them and ultimately like Drop is the easiest scheme to to run I think he can hedge hedge too like he he recognizes things quickly he thinks quickly and that’s a big part of being a center on the defensive end um I also just like that both guys they got High character guys like kingan very high character guy um there’s a some story about uh he got an nil deal and gave all the money to his teammates like he’s going to come in he’s going to work he’s going to set up like he’s one of the guys that can help change the culture here in Portland FD is one of the guys that can help change the culture here in Portland to one like we’re going to defend we’re going to work we’re going to make the right play we’re going to pass ultimately that’s the culture this team needs to build is based on those traits offensively I’m a little bit more worried than about the defensive side right now which I kind of think is a good thing um so I I I love those pickups just for all those Reon as well yeah um I do I don’t think we can just ignore weaknesses because everyone has a weakness so like I don’t I don’t know but I no you don’t you don’t but I just I feel like I feel like we can get caught up hyper focusing on the weaknesses instead of actually acknowledging the strengths because he has he has some legit strengths man so Jake fer just tweeted that um Portland’s potentially trading 40 um who knows cuz Jake fer was hit or miss yesterday that’s what we are hearing um right before we went on I told Tori that uh it looks like we’re only going to keep one of the two picks um so yeah I would be surprised though so if we’re trading down to 52 um I he just there was two different tweets one that OKC was trading pick 51 and one that port no Phoenix I don’t know where you got that it’s on ton and somebody in group chat said they got 51 in a Wizards trade no that’s not that’s not a thing it’s on T it’s on tangon and somebody in group chat confirmed it so they were wrong and someone posted that 51 got traded to the Knicks but not we had we had time in between the first and second rounds in the second round pick trades already don’t make sense the second round hasn’t even started Eric that’s funny um well I would be surprised if we just if we traded down to 51 I mean maybe we pick up a future second or whatever to do so a perfect spot for sham Eric yeah but I don’t uh I don’t know if Portland because the whole point of trading one of these two picks was because we already have 15 people on the roster uh we don’t know I mean obviously 51 could be more likely to be a two-way than than a yeah 34 40 so I mean I guess that’s the thing maybe there’s a guy they like that they think will still be on the board at 51 um which is good uh I don’t like I said apparently those were two separate tweets that people are just assuming are together yeah so we don’t know um cuz oh no he did say now uh apparently Oklahoma City has a deal in place to swap the 52nd pick recently acquired from the Golden State for uh they traded Lindy waters for the 52nd pick with Portland for the number 40 pick cool that’s fine I I kind of want to draft two guys today so if they’re better get we better get it future second for that it better not just be cash for moving down 12 spots like Trenton flowers could definitely be there I kind of like him shamsh could be there there could be a project there that I really like that would make sense to put on a two way at that spot so let’s get the that big slow Dutch seven foot guy who are you talking about oh uh Quinton post yeah wait is he Dutch I don’t know what he is I don’t know what he is either no offense to him all right and so in terms of the other uh people players on the Blazers uh just real quick uh Matt Moore was reporting that the Blazers are actually shopping Robert Williams um I don’t know if that’s going to happen um he also reported that the Blazers are listening to offers on Jeremy grants but not willing to give them up unless they’re like Blown Away by a by an offer what I what I heard and this is why Joe Cronin frustrates me at times uh or one of the many reasons I guess um so for some GMS this is fine that they like this kind of thing but a lot of GMS get a little bit irritated when another GM does this and what happens with Joe Cronin a lot of the times is he will say he is accepting offers for Jeremy so a team will call and offer him something he’ll say no that’s not enough but he won’t ever like say well what would be enough or what like what else do you want there’s no negotiation it’s just call back if you want to offer more whatever you know so like teams don’t know like what he actually wants and this is exactly what Miami you know was rumored to be frustrated with him about last summer when he just kept not being willing to negotiate or talk about any sort of deal and so it’s I don’t know how you may necessarily make a Jeremy trade work in my opinion the best thing would be like if Dallas calls we want your 25 and 2031 first round picks unprotected call back when you can offer those you know and maybe you renegotiate later for slightly less but I would just do that right now because you hold the player that many teams covet that many teams could think of as a final piece or a piece that could be the difference between uh contention or not and so the same with the Lakers when they call you know like I want connect in your 2031 first or something you know um and uh just keep keep telling these teams Philly calls say you want uh you know the 2028 Clippers pick or whatever you want to get and then uh just keep keep doing that with every team and eventually one of them might cave if not then you lower your asking price when teams start to call in a month or something you know yeah yeah or if you can even give a ballpark like we need roughly two first round picks worth of value or a really really good um low protection or unprotected pick like cool at least teams know okay this is the this is the price we have to meet um so I don’t know I mean maybe maybe that’s what he’s doing like I I don’t know but it’s just from stuff that we’ve heard past couple years that’s kind of seemingly an issue is he doesn’t give other teams enough to go off of it’s just yeah send us your offer let us know when you want to offer more we’re only trading them if we get blown away to me that’s like you don’t you’re not looking to trade them yeah so if that’s the case with Jeremy Grant then I feel like they are not looking to trade them I mean I guess they could get an offer that they like yeah yeah I just they should absolutely be looking to trade them though is the problem especially after getting AA if they don’t want to trade him it’s because they want to be competitive next year and like they care more about that um what channel is this draft on it’s again right okay there it is all right they’re not even at the draft ESPN’s not even at the draft the draft resumes in 12 minutes oh maybe that’s oh that’s their TV studio it’s w and them okay draft resumes in 12 minutes so we got time Eric anyway um what we talking about uh Grant trade I don’t I don’t think they trade them I would like to be pleasantly surprised I don’t think they traded today I don’t think the Blazers make a big swing today at all in terms of trading anyone um the letter O I tend to agree with that Matt Turley says flip at 34 I you know what’s funny is like I have him higher on my big board than that Eric I have him at 31 so it’s funny because I haven’t been a filipowski fan I viewed him as a early second round Prospect when people were talking about him at 14 then but now he’s here in the early second round I think it’s fine I don’t really I don’t really like him after getting clinging though so I would not be necessarily happy with the pick but I would understand it just for Value people say I want Tyler Smith at 34 I I don’t I still don’t I still don’t want Tyler Smith at 34 Eric yeah I mean I’m not like crying if we pick him but yeah i’ I’d rather there’s there’s three players um in my mind that two that I have a lottery grade on sham and jusic one that I have just outside my lottery and MBO and they’re all three on the board there’s four picks still pick to me I’m just taking the best player left on my board if I’m Blazers if the BL if I’m the Blazers I don’t know who that player is but um I don’t I’m not really worried about um like this isn’t a spot where you’re like oh we have to get a we have to get a small forward because we need this all these guys like you said have flaws as you get further in the draft there’s even more flaws and weaknesses so I’m just looking for certain skills that have a definite place in the NBA and for those three I mentioned they’re all guys who can grab a ball off the boards and uh take it on a fast break maybe run some offense good passers all good def or two of the three are good Defenders uh jusic uh obviously is probably not there but he’s a really smart savvy player um I think he could be fine within a team concept especially with abdia now in the mix um he’s actually if his defense ever came around um offensively he probably plays really close to the way abdia plays um so yeah I’m just looking for one of those guys if you need shooting uh Jaylen Wells or Cam Christie um I have Jaylen Wells slightly higher just cuz I think he can uh I like his range a little bit better I think he can shoot off dribble handoffs and a little bit of um off the move like in picking roles and stuff a little bit better than Christy can but christe’s pretty young so maybe he learns how to do that so I think there’s there’s like five guys there that all feel a certain need and all have Elite skill that they could translate to the NBA if that’s one of our picks but I’m guessing we’ll probably go another Direction I’m prepared to be kind of sad that we don’t take any of those guys did you mention jayen Bridges Jaylen Bridges is a guy uh I’d be fine if that’s our pick because I think he we talked about this yesterday but I I think he can kind of come in and be um impactful like tamman was as a rookie I just I’d rather take a shot on a younger guy um then then I think he’s 23 oh he almost 24 he was in college for like five years yeah but it’s like at this point in the draft if you get a guy that he’s the most complete player left yeah yeah like we could we could always take another repair but it’s just like anybody like that I feel like has a decent chance of just washing out in like 2 to three years where if you get a guy that you can see being a part of your future um uh I totally understand that like and Jaylen Bridges is a guy I could definitely see having a role in the NBA I feel I feel maybe more confidently about him having a role at the NBA level than anybody else left in the second round other than than maybe Tyler Smith but Tyler Smith just is I don’t know I’m not a fan of Tyler Smith he’s a shooter and doesn’t really do anything else um Jaylen Bridge is a shooter that plays defense like really good defense uh on the wings and you’re going after defense you need shooting so if you get both of those in a player even if he’s older um especially at a small forward spot uh I fully understand that now then you’d have the question like okay is he going to be ahead of repair in the pecking order and what is repair’s development pathway then repair is still very very young so he’s a long-term project so he doesn’t have to play next year um and I don’t really expect him to play much next year unless he takes a huge leap uh there it just raises some questions about which one of those you’re going to keep long term and it just feels like you know if you make a pick like Bridges then the 23rd and 43rd picks last year already kind of feel like a waste if that makes sense I don’t think you can ever take too many swings if you’re a rebuilding team yeah 100% but it’s like repair is repair was never going to be so good as a rookie that like changed the way you thought about him like when you take a guy like when you take a project you have to be willing to stick with him for two three four years you can’t just one year oh we’re going to take a different project now because then you’ll just perpetually be taking and dumping prospects yeah well never seen the projects all the way through yeah I don’t think jusic is a project um I think he’s one of those kind of ready to play players yeah not every player is a project but you get what I’m saying about like if you take a guy like him and then just put him ahead of repair and then don’t really value repair and then maybe like dump him next offseason it’s like what was the point of even taking on a project because you weren’t willing to see it through but none of the guys I mentioned are play the same position as repair so jerisich well I other than him like I I’m saying he’s not really I don’t I don’t consider him a project Jaylen Bridges also plays the same position that’s kind of why I’m like speaking on this is um you know that I like Jaylen Brides it just raises questions about ruper yeah it doesn’t it makes less sense to take a guy who’s ready to play right now ahead of him yeah I just like I just like his fit I like his fit with who we have on the roster so did you PRI prioritize that over a project which I really like repair is a long-term project I don’t know that’s the question the thing is repair might have gone first round in this draft so yeah I think it sure does maybe I’m talking myself out of Jaylen Bridges I don’t know who I want Eric honestly like yeah which is kind of cool I I I don’t really feel any type of way chat let us know who you want in the live chat at 34 let me know who you’re rooting for um Caleb Wilson said something about Jaylen Bridges domestic huh something domestic thing are you thinking of Miles bridges yeah I tried looking up jayen Bridges arrested domestic assault all those things I nothing came up so I don’t know what you’re talking about yeah be careful about making claims like that when they’re not true if you thought we were talking about miles Bridges we will never ever ever want miles bridges on this team yeah absolutely just like until um the facts about the case came out with teren Shannon Jr we refuse to put him on our draft boards yeah we we don’t want bad people like plain and simple um you know what I mean like I don’t think Miles Bridges should be in the league I like I don’t respect a team that brings a guy like that in he has had multiple instance incidents like one domestic violence thing is already really really freaking bad and I don’t want you on my te but if you have another incident like that I don’t think I don’t think you deserve another chance um is how I view that so yeah no anyway chat let me know who you want at 30 for put their name in the live chat right now we got a fury we got a um shamay we got Tyler Smith and chamay we got an Isaiah Crawford that could be an interesting player 52 this feels a little high for at 34 but um I I’d like I like see when somebody brings up a guy like Isaiah Crawford I respect it just because it’s a dude that played at Louisiana Tech but like he has some game um he could be interesting as like a three and D guy we got in Edwards who’s Edwards am I blinking who’s who’s the Edwards on the second round who who am I forgetting oh Justin Edwards um oh yeah yeah Jones I wouldn’t mind him which Jones there’s like three Joneses and one has been taken uh bronnie we got a mogbo we got a colec for shooting and Scoot insurance we need to take a like a old point guard for scoot insurance I mean we got ant still so that’s the if if we take a point guard I think we’re pretty obviously treating aony but I mean we could be taking a point guard to be a third string point like I don’t think it would necessarily signal that um we want mogbo Shaggy squid that was um yeah I saw that post that was a like madeup joke kind of messed up for somebody to make up about him um no it’s that same guy said that he was going to miss the rest of the season because he didn’t pass pass his classes several months ago and then that ended up being false and then that same guy then put a rumor that trying to ruin his draft stock P3 as well it’s completely made up yeah um David Jones is interesting not for us though yeah like he’s just he’s just undersized but he can score the ball like he maybe has upside as a three level scorer um but like the defense the decision making stuff is just going to be something that probably is nonfunctional in a team setting for a dude that’s just not good enough to to make the mistakes that he makes but in the right system maybe he could pop um in Folly Dante I injury-prone big man after taking klling in I am not a fan Cameron Christie I would get why is the second round being announced in a studio bro oh yeah they said this is how they’re going to do it this is stupid this is stupid this is stupid yeah this what the what the hell are the what is the sorry what the hell is the NBA doing they have like The Green Room people in the studio are you kidding me this is a joke the NBA this is stupid as hell I’m actually pissed off at the NBA for this you can’t rent out whatever freaking Stadium the NFL will do it outside for 3 days all the way through the seventh round in like downtown with a whole venue sometimes I wish the NBA could just copy the freaking NFL but this is why I think it was dumb to move it to two different days is cuz like people just are we lagging I don’t see lag okay we’re fine it weird it gave me a no data a no data um did we lag at all lagged for a bit yeah that was random I fixed my internet guys so and it has not lagged since but it fixed itself right away so I think we’re I think we’re good I don’t think we have to worry about lag like that anymore that was just little 2C lag Spike for whatever reason so Toronto on the clock at 31 I I just I am actually so annoyed by that Eric chat do you find this as annoying as I do or do you think I’m overreacting I think it’s just silly I think it’s ridiculous um that they’re doing it in a studio kind of disrespectful for the second rounders exactly exactly ad Adam I like Adam Silver but he does some things that I just cannot stand the lottery on Mother’s Day at like noon was stupid okay and then this second round stupid so we have to listen to Stephen A Smith cry when the Knicks draft another International Prospect Eric yeah pretty much did you see bummed out about drafting daier dud it’s like shut up dude you just got M Bridges like you literally made this mistake when you drafted porzingis too yeah and you wanted scrubs over him like you didn’t learn stupid um yeah for those that don’t know apparently uh is reported by Jake L Fisher that Portland has traded the 40th pick to OKC who had just acquired the 52nd pick from Golden State for Lindy Waters at third and now uh Portland is we don’t know what else they got in that deal but that’s uh yeah 40 for 52 and I’m assuming hopefully a future second yeah this is like so I don’t I don’t think your your uh the club you play reckon doesn’t have like a draft right it just pick your own I kind of wish it did people have talked so so the club I just joined recently has like a a basketball league I don’t know if I’m going to play in it or anything but uh so you have like a tryy outs and then like you get picked onto teams and stuff and then um this this seems like what it is I know but this I’m intrigued by that like the lobby of the freaking club is like looks just like this you know and what club did you join V sport oh yeah Eric we should go try out have our pro day together you know you somebody can hit you with the pads and try and block your shot with the sticks and I can just throw entry passes yeah this is going to be hard to tell when the pick’s about to be announced cuz you’re not going to see him walk to the podium and you’re just going to cut to him and and uh yeah can we draft CH sh during a Taco Bell commercial though please no no M lightning won’t uh lightning won’t strike twice all right here we go MBO mogbo to Toronto I like mogbo man he’s 6’6 but with a 72 Wings spin N9 foot standing reach so he’s a little UND siiz of the center spot but like 66 plays bigger than that because of his arms wingspan stand race Etc super athletic dunk the ball at will last year Francisco guys shout out to the WCC he’s probably going to be the only guy drafted out of the WCC this year because no KAG prospects are worth drafted unless Anton Watson goes um but he Defender handles the ball like a guard was a late growth sprit guy Eric you like this guy as well I actually think he’s going to switch to a wing and it’s kind of fitting that he’s on Toronto since he doesn’t shoot uh another Wing that can handle the ball and do everything but shoot um but I mean if he if he is able to shoot at some point uh this guy could be the star of the second round and everyone’s going to be saying what why did all these teams Miss on him um because he’s got a really quick First Step he’s got great handles for someone with that link um he’s a defensive monster he can guard basically one through five uh it just they the first word they put on the screen after he was drafted was versatile I completely agree with that um he just doesn’t it’s not that he shoots poorly he just doesn’t shoot threes um a lot of that is because at that level or at in that League he was able to get to the basket at will and uh it he didn’t really have to shoot that much but I think he has a little bit of perimeter ability with that handling maybe that opens up his jumper um but I I think he can take uh forwards out on the perimeter and still get by him I have as much Faith as Donovan kingan becoming a three-point shooter is mogbo I don’t like that’s not why I like him I don’t really have faith in it he was a 58% free throw shooter is last two years in college at the D1 level um like kingan more made more threes at the D1 level in two years than did so yeah it’s like one of those guys where like if he can add that then he could be a top five player from this class he could be like a top 15 or 20 player from this class without shooting but that’s why I like him better at Center he’s just like you know unless he’s his best case scenario is playing next to a floor spacing Center in Toronto they don’t really have that um but I still like the pick it’s a really good value pick now we got Utah at 32 Utah had a great first round Eric phenomenal first round and please do not spoil picks I I know Shams and W have been announcing them but we like to be react live as they happen and not re chat to see who they’re taking ahead of time yep 100% think there’s there’s a lot of good players on the board to make their draft even better right now Utah yeah yeah I mean but getting Collier at 29 what a steel man they could have maybe taken him at 10 Cody Williams as well I really like what uh Utah did Jimmy for once I hope he’s right Mark Hoffman says I turned off I turned my TV off and turned you on as soon as I saw that crap yeah maybe they’re driving more viewers our way because it’s in a studio and what the hell are we doing here we go with number 32 filipowski is off the board before the Blazers pick phow shout out to him he was pretty sad leaving the arena I get why he’s I get why he’s sad even more because he uh had to go to this freaking Studio instead today assuming he’s there um I don’t know but Eric he’s a bigname player they’ve gotten bigname players um what’s the good and the bad I’m going to force you to say something good about K filipowski what’s the good and the bad well I do think there is good I do think he has a good feel for the game I think he’s got despite you know his measurements were a little disappointing not having a positive wingspan and all that kind of stuff or a very minimal positive wingspan um so I was a little disappointed in that um I watching him he has all the tools to be a good player um he can dribble a little bit at his size he can pass a little bit uh pretty good positional Defender uh maybe a decent weak side U rim protector slel Defender um going to probably get cooked a lot in one-on-one perimeter situations or pick and Rule um but I think he has some things that can translate and if if he ever becomes just like a high 30% consistent three-point shooter um then you could just use him as a stretch big and I think his role would be fine no matter how good he is in other areas so I think there is a chance he could be decent enough I just don’t have a lot of uh uh faith in him being able to create a ton at the next level like he did in college it seemed like a lot of his his baskets were just based on being able to take advantage of worse athletes and stuff in college than they would be in the pros so I could see a a scenario where he’s a solid rotation player um I just don’t know if he has like a ton of upside outside of h3s at a better clip I was muted yeah fully agree with everything that you said regarding filipowski I don’t even need to add anything who has the 44th pick again who that was a recent trade correct 44 yeah I don’t know chat who is the 44th pick now I’m going to R you guys to uh help me with uh these picks here um oh 44 uh to Atlanta for AJ Griffin that’s what it was Atlanta has it now okay got a lot of Tyler Smith fans in chat chat why are you guys fans of Tyler Smith outside of his three-point shooting that’s my question I’m challenging challenging the people that want Tyler Smith I feel like Tyler Smith would make sense for Milwaukee I kind of hope Tyler Smith goes here to Milwaukee the Bucks got killed on social media last night for their pick of AJ Johnson in the first round I don’t even think it’s that bad of a pick like he has upside it’s not that bad it’s very similar to me with the um the uh Nicole topic pick by um OKC it’s just pick whatever player you think is going to be the right and don’t worry about uh if he’s ready right now or not but the Bucks do seem to be a team that needs to be ready to win sooner rather than later so it’s a little weird in my mind but um I think Fury would be interesting to them Tyler Smith makes sense a Demona makes some sense I think uh cam chrisy makes sense here Jan Wells makes sense Justin Edwards makes sense um I think there’s a lot of players that Kevin mcculler maybe even um yeah think there’s a lot of players here that makes sense Ronnie Brony yeah brony Dam so this is uh the Blazers are are up next um and from everything we’ve heard they’re keeping 34 but have already traded 40 yeah 52 if anyone sees what the Blazers got in addition to 52 please let us know CU I still haven’t seen anything on that Charlotte no update from fiser on it yeah it’ll be interesting to see what compensation Portland got for moving down from 40 to 52 honestly Eric would it shock you if they moved down from 40 to 52 just for cash considerations it would not Shock me at all uh but uh that would be very disappointing um um there was a report today that J Jody got a pat her Pockets Eric you can’t be disappointed she got a pat her Pockets there was a report today though that uh oh bucks are up all right leag Tyler Smith it’s so hard to tell when he’s coming to the freaking Podium Tyler Smith Goes 33 that’s kind of what I was hoping for I’m not a big like Tyler Smith fan for the Blazers and and he goes here to the Milwaukee Bucks out of the gig ignite good three-point shooter um I think his three-point shooting might be a I don’t know is it a little over8 shot 36% which is a decent percentage but people act like he’s a three-point specialist sniper I will say making the jump to the NBA three-point line at as an 18-year-old and shooting that percentage at that speed like it’s very promising um but I had a story I talked about it last season I went to a jite remix game and this just kind stuck in my head I sat right behind their bench sorry go ahead real quick just Portland’s up do not spoil Portland’s pick in chat please we want to react live please do not this could be one of those moments for Tori or right yeah so please though but finish your story Tory so he he there is a play where like they drew up a play for him to drive a lane out of a timeout from the top of the key and then the when they were out there on the court play developed in a way where he had a lane going left he’s a lefty um and had a lane uh and then just did not drive the lane and his coach like got super super pissed off about it and then like three four seconds later he throws a nice back door pass to a cutter for a layup and like one of the assistant coaches was like oh he made a good pass made a good pass though and the coaches just like I don’t care was pissed off that he didn’t execute the play he just doesn’t drive he doesn’t attack he doesn’t um just doesn’t do much offensively for me outside the shot I think it’ll be a 37 38% shooter at the next level but I I just don’t think it provides much value and defensively he can block some shots but uh has a lot of work to do on that end um just with cleaning up some of his positioning stuff so I think he can maybe play right away for the bucks though cuz he can provide some shooting at a four spot and they don’t have much Off the Bench uh so I I like this pick for the bucks I would not have liked it as much for the Blazers yeah are we going to get the Blazers pick during a freaking commercial it’s a Subway commercial Eric see you can’t have the Taco Bell stuff strike twice okay it has to be a different restaurant okay you’re not going to get some sort of like CH who’s the next yic and you’re not going to get him when they’re showing the cheit thing that they’re doing at Taco Bell now you know it’s have you seen that yeah I got to try it because I love cheit man I love cheit but um pick is in for the Blazers we are we really going to get it during commercial yeah just don’t look at chat just do not look at chat all right I I won’t I got to watch the bottom ticker they of course it’s our pick that they’re gonna do during a freaking commercial man I’m not looking chat I’m so I’m trying so hard I’m working on Graphics FY Co on the board Clinton on the board there’s your guy Clinton is not my guy I just have a feeling he’s going to be a Blazer somehow I mean AD de Bona was the guy linked to Portland a lot um but does that make a ton of sense Oh I thought they were I thought it was the selection graphic I got a skateboard commercial on my TV right now and now they’re in an ocean oh it’s uh it’s Pacific I’ve never heard of that but I’m not much of a Beer Drinker yeah yeah if they uh if they announce this pick during the commercial I will play the part of Mark Tatum and announce the pick if they don’t go sh here I I think you’re right there’s still a chance he could be there at 52 but man I love that y’all get so nervous for a second round pick it’s man it’s it’s fun stuff there’s been good players selected at this point of the draft just look at Jaylen Brunson just look at Nicolo yic you can get somebody that ends up being a really good player even though it’s in the second round so yeah Draymond the Blazers select Tyler K we don’t need forwards Eric we just need a center in the point guard the Blazers the Blazers oh man if we are yeah oh new it’s Trad to the Knicks he’s a Nick okay okay okay all right goodbye Tyler coak you were a blazer for like five seconds in my heart um all right who who do we what are we getting 38 read the chat guys it’s it’s we could read the chat cuz people spoil pcks and I saw those people oh interesting pick oh CJ LP 2.0 like we can’t read the chat you guys seconds 3 seconds bro oh man really wait they already gave up five seconds the other day so not even a pick in this draft okay why no Jimmy not reading the chat D now we read chat yeah all right well um we trade both if we trade all our picks and don’t have a yeah we only get one pick from this draft after having four going in wasn’t he someone that you we we just traded said Nick should take kic or was that GP or not GP uh Kier ker klier was like who I liked for the Knicks um pick is in for San Antonio let me put San Antonio’s graphic up there um Eric uh we just traded this pick for 60% of GP two weeks yeah so like conen says sha shamay will be there at 40 yeah we don’t have 40 anymore either anymore either oh man traed we traed both pcks I’m disappointed and there were people oh who cares the second round bad D blah I’m disappointed maybe if Smith was still on the board then we would have we would have taken him 52 will be a two-way there’s also a report today I forgot who said it but that almost every team uh early like in the whole second round was not offering guaranteed roster spots and it was frustrating some of the prospects but I mean that’s probably what’s going to happen yeah a lot in this new CBA uh so yeah sham is going to be there 52 watch maybe San Antonio San Antonio Spurs SNY f f all right so all like the top guys are are going um Fury’s gone Tyler Smith gone filipowski gone I like Fury and San Antonio though at this spot like I’m not a fury fan I thought he was an early second round Prospect this is actually like right where I had him on my big board a lot of people said he might be a like option at 14 for Portland uh a couple months ago uh but on a team that has really good defense you get a shooter with some athleticism like maybe maybe he can create one day I just don’t have much faith in it I he just didn’t show much in that regard at Kansas out of a straight line drive I like him there I think Fury is being traded oh of course it’s Rob Dillingham again Spurs traded him to Indiana Indiana has the next pick I guess Indiana wanted Fury at 36 and then San Antonio took him at 35 so now they’re trading for him here’s the second round chaos Eric yeah well it wouldn’t be chaos if people just reported what the actual trades were but they don’t think anyone cares like we care yeah and so like I understand that but if they just announce what the actual freaking trades were because the according to the draft coverage they’re showing Johnny Fury’s fit with Castle there yeah um if if anyone sees what three seconds we got from New York I’m assuming none of them are in this draft I think I think what this is shaping up to be Tori is like I said two-way with 52 and we have 15 players under contract now uh I think they just keep all of them and stay just under the tax and don’t add anyone else really outside of obviously tra they tra someone trades will still happen but I’m saying like in terms of uh like drafting or free agent wise I think they’re pretty content with the 15 they have right now trades yeah somebody said we’re not drafting today yeah we are we uh we have the 52 pick now we might trade it yeah so is this Indiana still W says Nicks could be moving 38 yeah they just traded up to 34 for coac wait you know who we’re drafting at 52 if the Suns don’t take him at 51 the Suns do not have 51 are you sure about that did they just get it somebody said they made a trade with the Wizards I’ll have to I’ll look they they were wrong in chat I already told you that was wrong yeah but you were saying OKC had 51 and they actually had 52 no I didn’t yeah chat was someone in chat was kept saying the Blazers were trading 40 for 51 and that was wrong too the Pacers select Juan Nunes it’s really hard to see when this pick’s going to be announced Juan Nunes to the Pacers but who knows it’s probably somewhere else so who has 51 then as far as I know it’s the Knicks I love playing this game every second round man at least I got to take a break before this before we played this game yeah chat is there like a live board that includes traded picks Three Studio Vibe is so weird I absolutely agree okay one new thank you rip city one unz at 36 plus cash to San Antonio for Johnny Fury at 35 for Indiana so I think San Antonio was clearly going to pick Nunes Indiana wanted Fury and uh San Antonio picks up some cash they both get their guys so cool nunz might be stashed overseas thank you for that appreciate it and W is just saying three future for Tyler kic which I think is for 34 that’s fine but if they’re all the Nick seconds I hope it’s someone bads like one of those is someone’s bad second cuz be nice to have a little bit more also if you just perpetually trade seconds for more seconds and then never actually use those seconds what are the points of the what are what is the point of those seconds I guess maybe you can trade for GP two weeks but you know but we did end up using two seconds in the the ABD trade yesterday so we got to replenish those somehow true we don’t we replenish the first by trading Jeremy Grant too despite the gp2 trade uh we didn’t have a ton of future seconds yeah well because a couple of ours or one of them is tied up with that Chicago pick and then New York did trade five five uh seconds to or was it New York or OKC did who traded 5 Seconds yesterday for a first round pick okay see it’s for Dylan Jones 26 yeah Dyan Jones right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah thank thanks chat shout out to chat for helping us yeah Alex this is what happens in most drafts and it’s really frustrating trying to follow along is uh when um yeah when ESPN it you know what it was fun to like sit back and try and figure it out like before we streamed um but running a stream like try to plug in graphics and it’s like oh well this pick it’s just so much it’s just so much to do man um so much to keep track of it’s a little different streaming wise um I should have had a a whiteboard or something that I could change but these picks are flying by I thought they’d take a little bit more time um this hopefully they go back to to one day next year this Minnesota pick was traded to Detroit along with Wendel Moore to Detroit um earlier today shower all righty um I got to catch up on uh Daniel we do still have a second round pick 52 so maybe you can still get to see that at 52 but yeah got 15 picks to go for and after this draft we’ll we’ll kind of talk about the next steps for the Blazers moving forward um at the end of the stream we’ll talk about maybe undrafted free agent signings and after the draft there are usually someone drafted for agent signings two-way guys um so we’ll stream for a little bit after this round and talk about that and can react to that so Nicks are trading 38 to OKC what is what is OKC doing bro OKC’s just trading all over the place OK got 40 38 and 40 Thunder and nicks love each other yeah then it I don’t know didn’t they maybe it’s not this like I haven’t I guess I haven’t looked at their roster situation but like each of the past two or three years they’ve had way too many players in picks uh for roster spots and they’ve had to like cut players in training camp and stuff has so many picks though it doesn’t matter they’re just like messing around you know for fun it’s like somebody in our mock off season is really what this reminds me of all right here we go with the 37th pick in the 2024 NBA draft the Minnesota Timberwolves select Bobby Clint from he’s not a Blazer my gut feeling was wrong Bobby Clinton to the Pistons this pick Minnesota traded to Detroit earlier today Bobby Clinton got the glasses on got the oversized suit on in the Big Chain Eric rate his F uh cuz that’s like from back in your day that jacket looks like he uh he like became a kid and put on his dad’s suit to be funny I don’t know wow damn scathing Fit review from Eric Brandt um I like the glasses I like the glasses I need glasses like that they’re probably worth a lot of money so OKC’s up right now and then did pick number 40 get traded I mean it was reported there was a deal in place for Portland to move 40 for 52 but I don’t know yeah I mean to like OKC has 40 did they swap it for 38 is what I’m asking oh I don’t I don’t know who who the fre cuz if not they just they took who’ they take at 12 again uh topit oh yeah what a weird draft from them man what a weird weird draft oh my goodness I need to okay fix that but could can someone summarize the Philip hsky at his girlfriend story for me his girlfriend leave him because he didn’t get drafted first round what I don’t know I think she’s an older like she’s seven or eight years older than him or something that’s the only thing I really oh wow good for him she’s like 26 I mean that’s oh it’s only like six years oh she convin him to cut off all ties with his family when he was in high school oh wow yikes she was his babysitter what I mean okay I’m kind of glad we didn’t draft him now what the hell what the hell of story is that that’s really weird but I mean yeah they’re I’m not I’m not saying this is right or anything um but how many older women uh pray upon young NBA players most of them when they’re in the NBA are obviously of age so it’s a little different but how many women have gotten pregnant to get a paycheck each month from these players you know yeah I mean it’s pretty common I don’t know if that’s necessarily weird other than he was underage that’s not good this pick is going to OKC the graphic won’t even update all right here we go AJ Mitchell from Li Belgium AJ Mitchell this doesn’t make any sense why would the Thunder trade up to 38 to get another point guard bro they’re like the Blazers for real I mean they AJ Mitchell is a good pick here I like AJ Mitchell but they got topage at 12 and now they get AJ Mitchell and also they might have 40 still I don’t understand Eric I don’t understand at all do you understand I’m just trying to figure out if we have 40s not apparently we do not but they only had to give up cash for 38 so why not I guess they only gave up cash okay I feel better about us getting 3 seconds at 32 although they’re probably crappy seconds H 34 I mean yeah he’s the next Jordan Bell remember you got for cash all right up up next is Memphis what were you gonna say um I already know what’s going to happen you do yes now the 40th pick is going to be sha and I’m going to have no idea how to react because oh they s 40 in cash oh so Portland traded for yeah Portland traded 40 to OKC and then they traded 40 in cash to New York why did they okay I’m I mean 40 to 38 for cash is a good move but I just I don’t understand why they’d move up to get a I don’t understand a lot of things right now so we got New York at 40 now 41 is Philly 42 is Charlotte 4 43 is Miami maybe we’ll get a break in terms of teams trading picks hopefully topbit will be out for most of his rookie season yeah wellie I think so yeah I mean the torn ACL he has to recover from thought it was only partially torn in I mean yeah that’s still something you got to recover from so I don’t know no we don’t so 34 we traded for 3 seconds 40 we traded for 52 and I have not seen what else we got besides 52 it could have been cash guys check out the crazy sinkhole in Illinois on that soccer field it’s wild um yeah maybe maybe after the stream I don’t know I’m kind of doing a lot of things right now I’m a little busy a little busy um to check out a SLE but sinkles are pretty wild Blazer fan says ID KFI can be a fan anymore well then you’re going to have to change your username bro I just want to troll chat for the rest of the stream chams effing just pulling the trigger on tweets without full deals then deleting it later is pretty frustrating yeah I mean come on Champs supposed to be better than that bro come on Shams who’s Phil Dr Phil changing it to Blazer Maniac yeah I mean that’s more fitting because we’re all Maniacs for uh being Blazer fans right so so the final trade for sources OKC trade Li wires for 52 to Golden State then Thunder move from 52 to 40 with Portland loky jump from 40 to 38 yeah OKC’s wild here we go with Memphis in the 2024 NBA draft the Memphis grizzli select jayen Wells from Washington jayen Wells Eric you like Jaylen Wells Washington State good to see them represented in this draft what are your thoughts on this pick you’re muted by the way Elite peer shooter can hit from range can shoot off the dribble has a little bit of a step back three um dribble handoff can shoot off of that um maybe some untapped off the dribble stuff that’s to be seen um but I just think uh as a pure shooter uh he was one of the best in the draft yeah um I I like him for Memphis they need shooting and especially like a power or a small forward position he has decent size he’s like legit 66 so um I’m just going to put New York on the screen it says 38 this is 40th they traded the New York and OKC swap the 38th and 40th picks uh all right this pick was initially Portland so whoever they draft here is going to have Portland uh logo maybe next year I just don’t even switch around the graphics for traes in the second round yeah can’t even keep up with it anyway this is wild wild stuff Washington State could have a second guy drafted too um Isaac Jones you you actually you actually it’s funny cuz I took idiot 9 in jayen Wells at 39 you have Jaylen Wells higher on your board I don’t know is that a is that someone reporting that Joey he says Rich Paul is calling teams and saying not to take Brony and if they do he’s going to Australia which is not surprising at all someone someone call that man’s blood I know like what’s it nothing BR so Brony doesn’t want to play in the NBA then or is that rich Paul like who who is that coming from I think you could call his bluff I don’t think bro is going to Australia if he has a chance to go to the NBA this goes back to what I’ve been saying all along LeBron is full of absolute crap when he says that it’s not a priority to play with him anymore he was simply saying that so no team takes him thinking they’re going to get LeBron to come when that might be the case but LeBron doesn’t want to have to do that he just wants the Lakers to get him and uh yeah so now this is there was probably someone who was calling saying they were considering taking him and now Rich Paul has to say crap like this is so dumb I mean Fe yeah Phoenix is at 56 LA’s at 55 right um I guess Fenix could try and jump the Lakers to take them is what the Lakers might be worried about yeah for sure probably pretty easy to trade a spot or two spots higher they’ll take Brony to Australia that’s so funny man just if that was going to be the case was freaking go back to school I know I know like that proves he only entered the draft because he’s LeBron’s son and he wants to go to the Lakers MH I don’t even know if this is who knows if this is even bronny wanting this which is what makes it weird Phoenix has the 40th pick now what the Knicks traded it Phenix is on the clock are they going to take are we going to get bronny with the Blazers logo um okay uh you know what’s funny I’ll put the Phoenix animation and information up here because I got the I got the Nyx graphic and they’re both orange it actually kind of fits so this pick has been traded apparently like four times already it went from Portland to OKC to New York to Phoenix do not spoil the pick please yeah do not spoil the pick I haven’t seen anyone SP I’m just do not spoil um I’m going text Gabe you guys have 40 drafting now FYI I don’t know if he’s streaming or not Dallas says the 40th pick getting tossed around the whole Squad I know wait the sun straight of 51 and 56 wait how yeah he is streaming right now they did have 51 I’m so confused what I tried to say they had 51 bro I don’t know when they got 51 you’re telling me I was wrong I was right sorry oh so igodo all right I don’t think that’s a bad pick for Phoenix if that’s where it’s going it’s just a little anticlimactic for this pick after being tra four to end in Oso igodo um he might be this year Trace Jackson Davis um he can do a lot of the little things they needed uh good passer good rebounder uh solid Defender little under size for Center but you know you got KD and stuff with same size so I think that’s a pretty good fit yeah yeah they addressed their address their wing Defender and maybe back up big man position Oso might be ready to to help them a little bit right away he can pass the thing is is like I know some Suns fans have been begging for a stretch five to compliment nurkic saying buen holer likes his stretch fives um but he is absolutely not a shooter and he’s a bit undersized so and I just don’t know if he can defend the center position well I I don’t know what could have done here that would have been legitimately better so it’s fine I just don’t know if he actually factors into their rotation or not it would have been hard to get a rotation player here anyway though so yeah jusic would have been interesting for them I think cam Spencer would have been interesting but yeah I mostly agree so now I got Philly on the clock 41 why do they make him put on the stupid hat knowing it’s I don’t know the NBA does a lot of things wrong man uh for those just joining us or that don’t know the Blazers picked Tyler KCK for the Knicks at 34 and Oso igodo after this pick has been traded several times uh I guess is winding up in Phoenix so neither of Portland’s picks at 34 or 40 are theirs anymore so don’t have to worry about how Tyler colic fits in or whatever yeah Daniels says uh Sean hkin said tweeted I believe the Blazers are picking at 52 now oh it wasn’t a confirmation H hm interesting because this was like a time when you know it would actually be good to get the uh the confirmation there I’m not gonna I’m not gonna get started Eric don’t worry yeah I kind of I mean I I do think bronny should go to La but I also I do really want someone to just take him and say funnye Lakers especially on the second sorry go ahead 2027 Minnesota 2029 least favorable of Indiana and Washington and New York’s own 2030 seconds I was hoping for a little bit better there but considering yeah although that’s you know several years away so yeah those those picks will probably be traded by then anyway so yeah probably okay was Orlando 48 remember who’s picking 48 oh San Antonio that um was Rip City Brady’s the only message you’ve read read off yeah was there another one there is a couple uh Von mtin Australian 299 Dono best remaining shooter we can get with the next pick um Jaylen Wells is off the books I think cam Christie is probably the best shooter left if I’m not forgetting someone is there any other snipers cam Spencer I guess yeah justtin Justin Edwards maybe I want a shooter that’s big enough to swing up to the three though yeah Justin Edwards would be that guy I guess um Carter Deck with a $5 donation I found it interesting that Cronin said in his press conference we are or we’re building around Scoot and Shaden didn’t mention ant Grant once I also found that interesting yeah I don’t know if he necessarily meant it that way but uh obviously we’ve invested a lot in Scoot and sharp and uh they’re definitely helping their the main players moving forward smog member for 41 months message says checking in from 30k feet in the air hit like bozos on a plane bro where is he flying to where where you going what the hell sm’s one of our guys I don’t know what he’s doing on a plane though have you ever ridden a plane didn’t you like never ridden a plane before me no smog oh I don’t know about smog I don’t know could be completely completely fabricating that not sure hey if you’re watching us on a plane that’s pretty cool though that’s pretty cool I like that oh you know what’s cool we get to start using the new Clippers logo now sweet yeah I like that I like that they are saying that’s true that rich Paul’s warning people not the take of God the power plays do I I cannot believe that here we go with Philly in2 NBA draft the Philadelphia 76ers select ADM Bona from Eon Nigeria and UCLA oo ooh is that a is that a Paul Reed replacement if they’re trying to because he’s what non- guaranteed partially guaranteed I think yeah I thought it was partially guaranteed only if they won the first round or something like that um let me look at it I forget it was some sort of like weird like incentive based guarantee structure but this honestly this is who the sun should have taken I think this is who the sun should have taken instead of oo um I I like I like this pick if they’re trying to save money on Paul Reed I like this as a guy that could like replace that Paul Reed hustle energy guy big man rule uh athletic plays very very hard um he was maybe the highest floor player at this point in the draft uh I like this pick for Philly assuming they’re moving on from PA yeah Philly fans will love him dude Philly fans will love him he’s he’s a hustle guy he fits that City yeah why did we trade the 40th pick um cuz we got 52 and something else who knows oh is that smok’s plain above you shout out shout out to shout out to him for me from the ground oh yeah you’re right what it was it’s non guaranteed fully guaranteed if they would have won the opening round of the playoffs yep so they can save that seven eight million and this is their replacement I like it out the mud to Out of Philly yeah I live well not too far from the hill for airport so there’s a lot of PL here we go with Charlotte KJ Simpson to Charlotte that’s a good pick for them yeah third Colorado player in this draft mhm I think he could be like a tyus Jones type yeah that’s kind of what I liking them too and they need a just a steady guy cuz lamelo’s been the heck you got trains you got planes and you got car alarms yeah sh still on the board Eric yeah I live in North plains Alex is sort of awkward watching the family stare at the kids getting drafted while their kids are sitting there still yeah this whole setup is just so weird it is very very weird I hate it I got lots of leftover pizza yeah oh man I like barely ate yesterday I was too busy IM the Blazers don’t take sha just to spite the Blazers upra guys well I don’t think Tor would be too upset but they wouldn’t be spiting me they’d be spiting Eric I don’t even know if I can react that much cuz like 50 like what if we don’t keep that fer yeah no you got to react as if we are and then you gota and then if we aren’t then you got to react to that too this is f bull crap apparently we have the 52nd pick still yeah look this idiot thinking that Portland selected all right Miami is on the clock they took a Clare in the first round mhm I think there’s several good fits here for them yeah that’s funny do UDF undrafted free agent sign today uh yeah usually right after the draft you’ll find out some that were begging teams not to draft him because they had a two-way in place or whatever here we go Miami with the 43rd pick in the 2024 NBA draft the Miami Heat select n from belb jiss I forgot he was on the board that’s a good pick up for Miami watch he’s going to go there and be really really good now on his way to at Atlanta I don’t even know what she just said trade to Atlanta oh he’s going to Atlanta oh that makes me like it less so did Atlanta just trade up a spot like what are we doing bro another team traded up one spot I can’t I’m just doing the teams that are that are yeah a Nia drafted at 42 they like their Nas and dich but he’s not going to Miami oh oh you’re right you said who is 41 I’m saying uh yic was 41 bro oh he was yeah jurisich was just drafted 43 I was going to say he’s word 42 at the combine I was about to start a conspiracy but it’s all fake at the combine he just looked like a lot more experienced and advanced than a lot of players there yeah I really like uh his development throughout the year uh checked in on earlier in the season was not impressed at all as the season went along he started seeing he was putting together a lot of really good games and so I watched uh couple of games late in the season and uh a guy really could play Man uh just has just one of those guys who you just want to get him on the floor and just does just makes plays you know yeah they’re showing Donan kingan are we interview oh is there a Donovan kingan interview I might have to play that when they get back my guy Donovan kingan if we we have four picks in this draft We Come Away with just play in we have DF trade saves everything bro I I know he cooked on that FD trade for real Aiden ask if you want a kingan or fdia Jersey Mo clinging that’s kind of a tough question because I think having n Dia Jersey might bring about some yeah let’s notal stuff you don’t want to necessarily have no I’m just saying like I I don’t know I think some people might see that is uh yeah here’s the train shout out to that train shout out to the timing on that train man yeah I’m living in my CH Street Jersey if he falls to 52 and we take him um I’ll just wear it under my work shirt every day and or maybe I’ll get like seven so I have one for each day of the week yeah uh um is so who’s at 51 now this is the never ending question Eric OKC is Right Nook traded to New York oh New York is yeah yeah yeah yeah the never ending question of where will 40 end up and who has 51 we both got traded like eight times yeah the train goes at night too y I’ve kind of gotten used to it so it doesn’t know me that much bronny at 55 all but confirmed I mean if Rich Paul has his way yeah what if the Lakers pass on him that be really funny well at that point there’s only 58 picks oh uh pick is in pel Larson into the Rockets oh it was during a new balance commercial they were showing Jamal Murray that’s a sign I don’t who knows if this oh no this is the Atlanta pick that they just traded so that’s going to Miami yeah I guess they swapped a spot so and I I don’t know on to the next I you know what’s funny is San Antonio and Indiana swapped like 36 and 35 Indiana has San Antonio has 48 and Indiana has 4950 so were those picks involved in the trade I don’t freaking know how this boy this is the funnest game to play during the second round who who has which pick I don’t know why I enjoy it so much but I also hate it at the same time oh here’s Clayman my guy know the moment you were drafted that your mother who unfortunately is no longer with us would be proud of you what did you feel in that moment wait so this pick is Toronto I wor this moment my whole life you know so just to have that moment with my family I know she’s looking down on me she’s happy for me she’s proud of me um you know she wants me to keep working she’s going to want me to keep getting better and that’s what I’m going to go do we had a couple of of minutes with Alex SAR joining us a little bit earlier and he mentioned just how insane the last 18 hours have been since he was drafted can you just walk us through what it’s been like for you yeah um a lot of media uh a lot of photos was able to talk to you know coach phips and you know the organization over there my office uh you know great people I’m really excited to get out to Portland tomorrow and you know just a lot of lot of media a lot of photos and just trying to meet new people Don congratulations on on Landon Portland how do you feel about being there and what do you think you bring to the table specifically for that roster presently Assemble Yeah I’m really excited you know I feel like they have a young roster that you know is on a a heavy climb to winning a lot of games and competing at a high level and you know someone that just wants to win you know I’m really excited to be able to go there and you know try to have an impact right away you know on defense protecting the r at a high level in the ball screen game you know having active hands mov my feet being able to switch um you know an offense just spacing spacing the floor knocking down the three ball being able to play make hit the back door Cutters find you know everyone cut in find the shooters and you know really just try to be the best teammate possible and you know be the most cable player on the team Donovan you’ve won each of your last game of the season the last two years of high school the last two years of college I’m not sure there’s another player um who could say that uh what do you hope going into Portland that you can bring to the environment there that impacts winning beyond beyond what you do on the floor uh you know a lot of energy you know I’m very outgoing you know I want to build a lot of great relationships uh you know I just want to bring know a lot of pop into Quick One you know into the the building um you know I’m just just really excited to be able to get there and you’ll try to have it impact on winning right away um Don you ever go to Coach Earley and say why can’t you just let me shoot some threes I mean was that ever I mean in the three draft stuff they said you shot pretty well but I didn’t in college I didn’t see a ton of volume threes out of you no I hey coach coach needed me to do certain things to win and that’s what I did see and that is the type of player that Portland’s G that’s the type of player that you would always look for he wanted to shoot the three whenever it takes to win Donovan kingan thank you so much congratulations again good luck in Portland and we’ll be seeing you down the road thank you I appreciate it I like him man I like him as a dude yeah for sure um so this pick is going to Toronto because they traded uh I don’t know Wasington traded it to Toronto right Jaden McDaniels oh yeah or Jaylen McDaniels sorry wait whatever whatever the Lesser McDaniel McDaniels it’s like the worst of two draft he’s headed to the Kings and apparently um uh shed is the 45th pick to Toronto wait so they got Davon Mitchell and Jamal shed I guess or or is Davon not part of that trade because that makes no sense no davon’s in Toronto and so is Jamal sh hey quickly needs defense around him man right something I don’t know sure there there’s the animation he needs two super undersized defensive guards messii became so overrated just because of the kawhai trade it’s Davon I think got traded to Toronto along with this pick yeah I believe oh you know what it’s time for the Clippers new logo yep is 20 Jimmy but still same oh it’s not I’m having to like download these from the cloud because the last thing I want to do is try and do graphics on the main computer after crashing yesterday thank goodness I saved it right before I pick that would have been bad I had to go like grab the stream key and like plug it in like after restarting my software like as fast as possible it was stressful bro stressful dude that have the Clippers logo yeah they do nice love it anyway has bronnie been drafted yet no he has not Junior but the Clippers watch let’s go come on Clippers I like their logo chat how do you feel about the Clippers logo best players on the board according to ESPN mcculler cam Christy Justin Evers chamchi they have at four Harrison Ingram Melvin ainsa Crush you don’t have to put someone in timeout for opinion stuff as long as they’re not attacking anybody here we go the Clippers with a 46th pick in the 2024 NBA draft the LA Clippers select Cameron christe from the University of Minnesota yeah he uh gets to be in LA with his brother you know Max plays for the Lakers cam gets to play for the Clippers good pick for them floor spacer I think this pretty good value on him I think he’s a better Prospect the max Christie was like actually I really like this pick for the Clippers I really like the logo change I really like Kim Christie here good job def Max is a free agent but yeah restricted though right well it depends on if they offer him or not they might try to avoid the uh yeah just a I think cam is a more functional uh athlete than Max and I think he’s he’s a better shooter coming into the league and I think he’s a little bit better as a passer playmaker and Cam and Max Christie was not bad last year for the Lakers like he was okay he was solid he played some rotational minutes on a team trying to win games so um if Cam can be even better than him then this is probably going to be a steal default username says ESP and high on shade like Eric uh they have him as the third best available at 47 I still have him as the fourth rated person on I board we are not the same do not put me in I’m in on my S love bro that means that means I’m like you because because out of the players left on the board hold on let me look at this real quick first let me change the the graphic over he might be the number one player left on my board Orlando traded 47 to New Orleans of course they did thank you Nia whatever we’re just using Orlando is New Orleans or Missy ended up yeah we both thought that was a pretty good pick for them Portland traded 52 question mark what do you mean where did you see that the magic are trading 47 in New Orleans for two future pick swaps second round pick swaps I assume that’ll be fun more crap you have to input I know yeah for mock off season yeah SI cool I just don’t like that trade for the mock off season next year all right uh who’s 53 53 is Minnesota and 54 is Boston does kingan have the potential to be like yic uh no I don’t think he plays anything like yic he’s much he’s probably better defensively he just doesn’t have the scoring feel or the like he doesn’t move that way does the handle the ball can’t create as much does is a functional passer but not like a Creator passer playmaker type so I think yeah Antonio Reeves 47 to Orlando I like that actually it’s uh New Orleans to New Orleans God dang it yeah which I don’t like that as much at all I mean they need they need guard depth so I think that’s solid I guess you like Antonio Reeves though we’ve kind of liked Antonio Reeves during this process he’s just a bucket getter can shoot you liked him a lot more than I did earlier in the season it kind of frustrated me that he was out there scoring 20 points with Reed Shepard and Rob Dillingham not getting the ball as much but as the season went on they started uh not playing him as much towards end of games and let the young guys kind of cook a little bit and uh but yeah I mean he shot like 45% from three or something last year right shot the three well yeah I mean all they all those guards shot the three yeah crazy yeah they’re GNA I I don’t even know who the heck has this pick San Antonio this pick hasn’t been traded are you sure no not at all I haven’t heard anything about this pck getting traded is what I should say can we like just put a big thing on the screen that says Portland has pick 52 for everyone that comes in and asks I’m just joking but well soon they’ll start showing up in the graphic in the bottom left as an upcoming pick okay Portland has 52 people until you guys hear otherwise I’ll be excited when we draft Trenton flowers yeah he going to do well on the remix you think he’d be a fun player on the remix that’s the only bad thing about the G League of knite going away is that was cool that you got to go to a game and Scout some of those guys in person I know yeah yeah if I’m ever rich and can travel I’ll uh I’ll do some good amateur scouting you know the reaction clip would go viral if Portland picks Brony if if they’re open to trading ant Eric yeah I’m waiting for uh bronny to show up on the best available is he going to oh there he is nine yeah never mind wow yeah I mean it’s not like he’s not on the top 10 best available right right in front of aial hook py I would rather have bronny than aiel hook py at this point yeah hot to Jimmy says imagine getting a text from Rich Paul saying don’t take bronny or else he Joe Cronin star at the Miami Heat in the face he could stare Rich Paul in the face that’s like everyone Stephen aith trying to act all tough you do not want to make an enemy out of me Kevin debrand like he was in the mob or something was going to take him out funny bro you tell what though you know who’s on the clock right now who would take Cham Spurs I don’t even know if they’re on the clock though you okay you think who’s on the clock right now yeah yeah I don’t know how else to phrase that any chance shsh Falls to 52 well we’re at 48 and there’s still several s just a few P there’s a chance that any of the players still available Falls to 52 100% 100% at this point in the draft you never know people can just be taking flyers on foreign players um they could just be drafting fit there could be all it takes is one person to like a certain player and want to control their rights and stuff yeah so Memphis has 57 I guess just trying to finish up these Graphics so I can just be done they’re showing the Spurs Draft headquarters with the 48 pick in the 2024 NBA draft the San Antonio Spurs select Harrison Ingram from the University of North Carolina he kind of you hey this is a Steven Fawn draft Crush just like haime hawz was last year so watch he’s going to be good this feels like a Spurs player so it does yeah he’s just when they’re when they’re good maybe he’s just older and does a lot of things solidly and is like a team player I mean yeah he can pass like he he was a really good really solid passer at Stamford if he can shoot 38% from three or something like that provide some passing and like provide some okay defense he’s maybe a bench player yeah I just I thought the Spurs had a chance to hit this out of the park I’m so disappointed well you’re happy but I’m glad that I’m glad they took him here yeah yeah mean Castle I’m disappointed for them we got a Reggie Jackson to they dumped Reggie Jackson Jackson going to Charlotte for what like what they dump with him it just a straight up dump or H for three seconds wait Charlotte traded three seconds for him or Denver traded three seconds to dump him uh Reggie Jackson to Charlotte for three seconds is what Charlotte trade three seconds for Reggie Jackson bro there’s their lamelo insurance I guessing dumb so what does Denver do with backup point then may honestly so Morris is a free agent right but they only have the minimum because they’re past the second apron maybe now they’re not I’m not sure what their cap situation is but like I could see them trying to bring back Bonte moris yeah I heard something today that Charlotte was going to smartly use their cap space to acquire assets along with taking up salary and now they just gave up 3 seconds for like an old Reg Jackson that makes no sense really doesn’t man really okay never mind sounds like Denver is sending them yeah that makesense that makes more sense good on Charlotte then if they did that Isaac says did Portland pick already guys no they traded both of their picks but they have 52 though they have 52 which is shamsh and Brony territory man if all this comes down to a Faceoff between bronny James and oric shamsh that is very fitting I don’t know why but it just is why would we take Bry to be our third guard of the future in like five Michael says we need a blev could you see or could you see Cronin being like man and we got AA we still got Grant we got a good backourt LeBron wants to play with bronnie maybe we have a 10% chance of getting LeBron I’m completely bullshitting right now but the thing is though you you don’t really want to piss off Rich Paul yeah he has a lot have a pretty good relationship with him so they’ve taken care of guys like nerk and Grant chony well maybe that’s enough Goodwill for them to draft Bron Is What It All Leads up to Brony and and Grant to the Lakers uh that random at 40 is not going to the Blazer so it doesn’t matter puff yeah he’s going to Phoenix via he’s going to Phoenix via Portland OKC in New York and Via Atlanta CU that’s whose pick it was in the first place Indiana’s up the next two picks but who knows if either of those belong to them yeah just means I don’t got to change Graphics pretty much so I’m chilling chilling chilling chilling yeah Sierra Nevada was the Blazers sngg 900 viewers in here hit the like button subscribe if you’re new to the channel we’re going to have a free agency live stream on Sunday we’ll have Twitter feeds on the screen for that don’t spoil the Blazers pick don’t spoil any of these picks please um please do not be respectful of our wishes and the Indiana Pacers are selecting right now during a power tools commercial and they selecto Tristan new this is a guy that you like so I’ll let you speak on Tristan Newton I don’t really know how it makes sense with all the point cards they have there but I’m pretty sure they traded this P probably so but TR why do you like them well uh winner uh obviously was part of the last two championship teams much like kingan and Castle this one year um yeah so just to me you know you can question the shooting percentages and stuff like that but a guy in college that after is 15 six and six as a point guard I just I think that’s really really nice I think his defense is good as a competitor I think he’s good um I like his shot mechanics and just the way he approaches the game I think he just understands it really well and uh I don’t know if he’s like a true point guard or not but definitely someone who could be a backup point guard slash uh fit in well with a a established starting lineup um kind of kind of like uh if he’s on the Pacers uh I kind of compare him to nard um just kind of guy who does all the little things to win yep I think nard could be the centerpiece of them making a big upgrade somewhere else so maybe it’s uh some insurance if he can prove that he can play at the next level um cuz I kind of want nard to go somewhere where he can be a lead guard he looked really good in the playoffs when he was a lead guard um he had some really good moments I never thought he’d be this good as a gin zaga fan to be quite honest with you so yeah what’s up Robbie ask what time we guys start the stream on Sunday when does free agency open again three our time yeah so probably like two unless Cronin makes a trade at like 6 a.m. yeah if there’s trades or you know big rumors that come out ahead of time we could start earlier than that but yeah probably probably around two good I think these next two picks are going to be tough to not see CH Cham Shay drafted I think he makes sense in both spots and is like but I don’t know if either of them have have that pick we have to operat if they do until they don’t the Knicks and Pacers have both made several trades This is Indiana they have not traded the 50th pick uh and you can ESPN graphic has it as Indiana with no proposed trade either so the next trade they have the next pick they have New York which is kind of strange kiss of death by Tori yeah the death of AR dreams it’s all tor’s fault if sham Shay goes before okay right now let me just get this off my chest if I see another person compared Donovan kinging to Myers Leonard I might have a freaking aneurism you’re talking about Myers Leonard who like had a season where he played like 37 games and didn’t block a single shot compared to the rim protection of Donovan kingan like how are they similar at all they are not sim just shot threes de went inside Clingan will at least go inside yeah Myers wasn’t like smart defensively those guys are not similar at all outside of one obvious trait which always gets players compared to each other when their games are nothing alike literally just hearing people say how’s he not another Zack Collins or Myers Leonard it’s like I don’t get it man he is a closer comparison to Rudy goar than he is to Myers Leonard there’s a good chance that by the end of his rookie year Donovan kingan will have blocked more shots than Myers leoner did in his entire career maybe that’s an ere exaggeration I don’t know how many shots Myers blocked but come on man with the 50th pick in the 2024 NBA draft the Indiana Pacers select Enrique Freeman from the University Enrique Freeman he said yeah so you said we were gonna talk about Enrique Freeman and then you said uh well we’ll just talk about him when he gets drafted okay he just got drafted what are your thoughts um I’ve kind of similar to what I was saying about filipowski I like his game in college the more I watch the more I struggled to see him being able to do some of the things he does in the NBA um the rebounding and motor size obviously Josh Hart’s proven that that doesn’t matter so I think he can do that kind of stuff in the NBA um and uh so so that is reason enough to get him drafted I just think um a lot of what I saw from him a lot of his scoring opportunities came from post-ups or inside he didn’t really have anything off the dribble which means at his size I just don’t know if he’s going to be quick enough to play much Wing um so unlike mogbo who I think is quick enough to play the wing um It’s just tough to see him translate to having a position in the NBA um much like we talked about with Dylan Jones um so yeah just I I wanted to like game is just tough to see him uh doing anything other than his rebounding at the next level I mean he plays good defense too yeah but I I don’t think he’s big enough and strong enough to guard bigs and I don’t think he’s quick enough to guard I think he’s a I think he’s a forward Defender like primarily I you might have some some problems on that end but like optim if you’re if you’re optimistic he’s somebody that can come in play solid defense at either forward Spot Will rebound the ball and then hopefully knocked down a three he shot like 37% last year but was a non-shooter his first four years of college so he projects uh like it if he ends up being a role player in the league it’ll just be because he can hit some threes and rebounds playes hard and plays some okay defense so maybe ninth 10th man that’s like optimistic version of him um because I don’t think he’ll ever be anyone that creates or anything like that but he was a walk-on that turned himself into like the player of the year in his conference LED them to an NCAA tournament birth pretty cool story so like he works hard right cuz you’re not going to make that those sort of improvements if you don’t work your ass off so you know it’s always hard to count out a guy that works really hard um oh for sure so I I think this is this is good value for him um yeah towards the end of the second round absolutely so Portland’s up next sham Shay still on the board the Knicks are picking at 51 they could break Eric’s heart and it might be during a during a Jack In The Box commercial do the Knicks have this pick there’s TR on the screen I know they haven’t it’s been very the Knicks right now have this pick until they trade it okay no it’s an Arby’s commercial anyway um the bottom graphic is God I’ll just say this unless there it’s part of a trade that’s already been agreed to I would bet everything I had that the Lakers or the Blazers would not take Brony uh just due to the fact that they are a front office that cares about their relationship with agents we saw what happened when that relationship deteriorated with an agent last summer um and I don’t think they want tock off the most powerful person in the OR agent in the NBA right now so LeBron we got Nike headquarters up here and we got your son up here too Shams tweet LMAO oh the dra okay who’ the Knicks pick because the bottom graphic was gone and when they made their pick oh they picked Melvin ainsa nice so the Blazers this is proposed trade to OKC uh Shams got locked out of his account for deleting tweets I guess or something I don’t know that’s actually hilarious so this is our pick correct JJ Ben we have no idea what else we got for trading 40 back to 52 ESPN says what’s up heiken got locked out of his account too all right I’m sorry chat but I cannot look anymore uh so this is says Golden State says proposed trade to OKC so that’s wrong on the screen this is allegedly to us um Phoenix got Oho Garo with our pick at 40 um and so here we go at 52 um yeah uh I have to I I’m too tempted to look so I’m I got to minimize yeah don’t look don’t you dare look I have a feeling we’re not taking CH because we took oh yeah oh of course yeah I do not expect them to take him here please C can’t look at the chat I gotta consciously stop myself stop letting Bob Myers talk the pick is in announce it bro I think Justin Edwards is probably the guy honestly or also yeah I could also see cam Spencer Jaylen Bridges is still on the board to Tor I know you Ted yourself out of it I he that’d be great him if you get Jaylen Bridges here that’d be great yeah I’d be very happy with that if you can get Justin Edwards I’d be happy with that yeah if you get sham sh here I’m happy with that although I feel like he might be the next deu baji where he’s like on a twoa and then they cut him he let me too good to cut I I don’t know about that baji uh baji was always a long-term project he was guys too though you know yeah but I don’t feel this with in the24 NBA draft the Golden State Warriors select Quinton post from Amsterdam no are kidding me are you freaking kidding me you idiot gosh oh man that’s funny oh hopefully this isn’t our pick for Eric’s sake hope Quinton post we talked about him what just stupid chill bro it’s the 50 second Vick man um Quint post he’s skilled but he’s very slow and not defensively doesn’t really make sense with cig I don’t like this pick um CH has a much higher ceiling offensively yeah I don’t really understand going big and not going with shamay we getting the there’s your next yic Eric there’s your next yic um Tor you kind of like them towards the end of this process like a late late second yeah but I don’t like them for I mean that’s what this is yeah um he shot like it’s Golden State okay it’s not ours not our pick trade where is going this pick back pick back to Golden State so did we ever even have this pick Eric’s no was okay says it’s OKC yes but OKC traded up from 52 to 40 never had it so what did we trade 40 for I wish our local media clear this up jeez what’ you say we know what the TV said but we’ve been following this or trying to follow along the whole time like yeah yeah oh man this is this is Cinema we love this Fisher saying they’re reacquiring the pick so we traded it back to them OKC traded Lindy Waters in a pick that trade was official I saw it on multiple sites 52 to OKC who has the 51st pick became who has the 52nd pick so they got Lindy Waters now what do we get for what did we even get for did we get 52 for 40 I’m not sure now Keith says it’s ours Daniel shamberg I’m not sure if that is or was our pick or what is happening anymore all I know is Minnesota is on the clock and bronnie is coming up Boston could just be funny in spite the Lakers so we lost 34 and 40 for a bag of chips we trade 34 for 3 seconds which is fine we don’t know what else we got for either the other two trades Quint post to the golden St Warriors are 52 but will eventually land with the Portland Trailblazers Keith Smith one minute ago what is the point of this is a great question Garbin you’re asking the good questions right there because no one thinks people care about what’s going on Shay could go undrafted man and then we could sign him but I just don’t cam Spencer went 53rd to Minnesota I’m just going to switch this over to 54 we got Boston on the clock okay talk a little bit about Quint post then because he might actually be our guy um he’s legitimate seven-footer can pass a little bit can shoot the three shot like 41% from three slow footed though won’t be good defensively in the NBA I think we’ll get picked apart cam Spencer traded to the Grizzlies it’s a shooter for them cool um what are your thoughts on Quinton post Eric why do you what do you think I just for some of the reason you just mentioned I didn’t I don’t know I guess he’s okay but uh I just don’t think he’s an NBA level big no I don’t think so either I think off defensively he is but I think the defense is just such an issue yeah what if shamay goes and drafted then we could sign him I still think he should have went and spent a year in college Eric I mean if he goes undrafted he probably should have but I I think it’s crazy going and drafted and getting drafted here is probably the same like thing for him yeah Ian maybe he just didn’t want to waste the year going to school and all that wanted to get in the NBA without it I think he was I think he was considering going to the G League of night right before they disbanded too yeah Fisher said Golden State bought the pick back cash considerations Jody gotta Pat her Pockets so we didn’t draft it was a second today but require 50c pick and then traded back from Golden State Warriors for cash in a future second so what do we trade 40 what so we traded 40 for 52 and what though Jody got a p her Pockets we got four seconds today for two early seconds if if that’s ACC and jod paded our pockets what whatever we got from moving back from 40 to 52 man jod loves Joe right now duck the tax and got her cash considerations in a 2day span so OKC is at 56 right think it’s n I don’t I think it’s okay because I think OKC traded 40 for 51 and 56 right Chad yeah yeah sure Blazers got cash from OKC to go from 40 to 52 and then got cash from Golden State for 52 Jody doesn’t care about money guys she’s invested in the team she don’t care about patting her Pockets I’m G lose my she she she’s not only is she willing to pay the tax but you know she she I mean come on man come on I bet it’s not even going to end up being that much cash either because there’s a limit on how much cash you can accept well she just Anton Watson got drafted let’s go what a horrible pick not a horrible pick it’s Boston they know what they’re doing that’s my guy don’t talk bad about my guy Gonzaga player has been going off in the league my guy Anton Watson let’s go Washington Native Gonzaga Legend mogbo was not the only WCC player drafted I didn’t even make a player card for Anon Watson I’m just happy he got drafted bro all that’s that’s sick that’s cool another Gonzaga guy in the league um nichel ask why wouldn’t they want to duck the taxs they would want the duck the tags this these second round picks have nothing to do with ducking the tags they’ve already ducked the tags yeah yeah which means you know who’s up they won’t be in commercial for this one you already know that good old cash considerations Jody gotta Pat her Pockets who knows with like where that money even goes maybe it doesn’t even go to Jody like I don’t freaking understand their whole ownership setup maybe Berke cold patted his pockets a little bit too maybe Vulcan vulture whatever Jody going on a paid vacation yeah she gets her money back for re you know investing some money in the remix would you rather have Anon Watson or Quinton post neither man you’re a think player I just he’s just he can defend and he can pass and like kind of shot the three ball okay last year there’s other those guys I don’t think he’s quick enough to play the way and too small for a bait in the NBA he can defend smaller players I think he can be a four I’m biased though yeah you they likeed them more than sham and they just want to chip anyway you guys know what what it’s about to happen Watson’s definitely a more I mean that’s you’re hoping to have someone that could give you some minutes right away yep all right they’re all clapping at brony we’re about to hear that we’re about to have the ultimate uh example of nepotism of all time maybe what’ you say the ultimate example of nepotism am 620 confirmed the 502 pick went back to Golden State thank you watch Quinton post being an Allstar now now you want no I’m just saying like that’s going to be funny I know he really is the next yic oh my God just announce the freaking pick bro they got a they got a they got a pick 55 on 3:00 on a Thursday Angeles Lakers James from bronnie is gonna go play with his dad in La well his dad is a free agent well player option lots of money no he he oped it out yeah oh I mean he’s going he’s in that way bro bronny going to play with LeBron it’s what we expected um pretty cool you know Ken griffy Ken Griffey Jr sort of situation there um and uh yeah it’ll be cool if they play together in garbage time or whatever I think the Lakers will give him a a main roster contract I mean this honestly value-wise isn’t even a bad pick like LeBron or Le bronny had a uh had a rough year last year uh but had circumstances around that USC sucked had his card Cardiac Arrest incident before that so I think he may be able to develop into like a role playing three and D guard in terms of perimeter Defenders uh I think he’s up there is one of the best in this draft and uh I really I really like his effort and just this pestine on that end yeah um and uh I think he’s quick enough to guard ones MH um offensively I think his shot is fine uh I think his percentages are a little misguided uh same with CER same same type of thing um I do see some very elite level like vision and just like feel uh when he has the ball um especially in the open court um I mean obviously not like his his dad but uh I mean he does have some intangible just knowing how to play the game at a really high level now whether he’ll be able to shoot well enough to make it work in the NBA is yet to be seen and being how he measured at 61 I think that was pretty bad for him because you have to be a point guard basically at 61 and so if he doesn’t improve his handles a lot I think he’s been a really strong that’s the one thing with me improving his handles being able to drive the lane um Kevin mcer finally got drafted this pick to OKC um is what is rumored uh yeah Brony Brony has to get better as a ball handler get better driving the lane and like being able to finish he just isn’t really somebody who gets downhill um doesn’t have the best first step doesn’t have the tightest handle so for a point guard that is um you know a little bit of a problem but ultimately he’s young long run way ahead of him has the genes right so we’ll see if that can work out for him so now Memphis is on the clock at 57 two picks left apparently this is traded to Toronto okay Toronto is on the clock at 57 I well uh they had good Fortunes in drafting uh the last Cameroon player yeah I’m just going going to keep the Grizzlies graphic screw it all right that was uh Pascal sakam the last yeah player from came drafted uh I mean right now you’re just praying Chi’s undrafted huh I mean I don’t really care at this point because I I mean the him choosing us or US even giving him an offer for a two-way out of all 30 teams I don’t that’s probably a long shot so um yeah I kind of I feel bad for him I hope he does get drafted who’ he even work out for because I didn’t really hear much with his workouts I didn’t hear much either I don’t know I didn’t hear a lot around the league for workouts kind of disappointing yeah it was a little weird Justin Edwards was remember when he was like one of the top picks at the beginning of the year yeah yeah it’s crazy so there was only what two picks left so Trenton flow is still on the board Eric Jaylen Bridges is still on the board I’m guessing J Bridges would be good for Dallas at 58 oh my goodness anyway go ahead yeah kind of a Dorian finy Smith type player yeah um I think uh some of these players uh we heard about this with repair last year they tell teams they’re they have a actual contract offer or something um or they have a good situation lined up so don’t pick me um no you can still pick them anyway there’s nothing they can do about it but I feel like that’s less likely this year where teams don’t really want to give guaranteed contracts to to anyone you know it’s probably two ways anyway so maybe they want to choose where they go on a two-way though so yeah someone like Jaylen Bridges I think would rather I mean maybe Dallas but um I think we’d rather just pick where he goes right now yep um all right and then after the final pick we will discuss undrafted players maybe that the Blazers could Target I have a feeling they’re going to sign someone as on a two-way that’s undrafted and there’s a couple of names that I think would be really intriguing for that I think Jaylen burges has been slept on too much I haded him like 28 he can shoot and play defense I it has size to play some three maybe even some four I don’t really understand why that hasn’t gotten drafted you got Justin Edwards on the board I’d take a flyer on him at this point very easily Trenton flowers I I like and then of course sham they’re going to another commercial when The Pick is in well bronny draft so they don’t care about the rest of the draft now just finish the draft then just finish it why are we dragging this out like this they’re going to announce this during a commercial probably um David ask Will Joe Cron have a press conference he alluded to it at the end of his press conference yesterday that he wasn’t going to have one so because he knew he wasn’t going to draft anyw after all this Eric four picks going into the draft we draft one guy little bit of a bummer you know but we love the draft we like trying to identify it’s some of it’s like our love for the draft but I do think it would have made sense for them to try and take a chance on someone else throw third Dart yeah at the board they have three two-way spots like exactly now I think the undrafted player crop is going to be better than we expected or at least a couple of the names at the top of that crop I’m happy we we didn’t get Quint post like but they traded that pick for cash grey says aren’t you guys pumped at the two players we did get are you talking about FD and Clinton or yeah I’m pumped yeah I’m pumped that’s not really the Focus right now we’ll talk about that after we talked about that yesterday too I’m I’m very very happy with what the blers said yesterday I’m very very happy how much they get with these cash considerations uh a couple million but it’s I don’t know it’s where aren’t apron teams not allowed to trade cash or something second apron teams isn’t Golden State pretty far up there yeah that’s what I thought but is I don’t know still saying pick is in I know what are you doing Christian’s about to list off the highest uh rated players on all the big boards that didn’t get drafted yeah unfortunately on YouTube you can’t like hit shift and like leave it on multiple lines it just sends it if that’s what you’re trying to do Christian I’ve done that before yay Mattress Firm commercial that takes up the whole screen so they’re probably going to announce the pick right now when we can’t see it on the graphic Ry says we’ll scoot playing summer league you think uh I don’t know I think much like last year he’ll practice with the team he’ll play uh like one or two games like sharp did and then probably probably just bail out I don’t know yeah yeah I would I agree gray it would be nice to have Scoot and cling and start playing with each other and get some chemistry going summer league chip here we come so Kevin mcculler to to the thunder right that pick got I think got traded to the thunder so the Thunder got AJ Mitchel niika topic who who did 51 end up with okay see if they have 56 who they draft at 51 I don’t know I don’t remember I got I’m lost I’m lost too chat somebody remind me who went 51 do you guess that F has the potential to be an All-Star I think like it’s it’s very optimistic Buton sh to Toronto Toronto for some reason my volume wouldn’t turn up anyway There You Go Eric sham that’s a good spot for him a raptor this is the second time they’ve drafted a big recently that you really like because you really like Koko as well unfortunately Koko’s career got derailed by um health issues but CH yeah good pick good spot for him yeah great spot going to beat out yaka purle for the starting center sick could beat out knew um you love him though I I’ll let you talk about why you love them for me when you see a guy come from a place that doesn’t lead to anything more traditionally than just raw athletic physical tools that you hope become a basketball player for me it was like the opposite with him it’s like he showed Advanced levels of understanding the game and he has athletic ability but that’s almost like second to some of the instincts he has as um like a passer a rle man and then he he played soccer a lot so his feet are really quick um he chops them really well he he moves his hips well um he’s like I don’t know the closest I can think of to like a a a a totally switchable big and uh I don’t know I just and then he measured pretty well better than I thought um and so and then his shooting form uh extremely small sample size but his shot looks decent for for his size and uh I I think he has some potential to be a good shooter as well um RI protector all that kind of stuff so when you talk about some of the things that make a player unique and and Elite I think he has a lot of those skills there like I said which is rare for a player that doesn’t have any kind of experience uh playing at a high level or anything like that so I think once he learns how to play and the game slows down for him I I just think he’s going to be really really solid and could just have a massive jump once he gets some experience before I announce today’s final pick I want to congratulate all these young men and their families thank you to ESN for hosting the second round of the draft and to our partners around the world for your continued support and thank you to all the NBA fans watching today we look forward to the start of NBA Summer League in Las Vegas on July 12th with the 58th pick in the 2024 NBA draft the Dallas Maverick select Ariel hpy from frankurt Germany Ariel hook py goes 58 to Dallas and with that that is a wrap on the 2024 NBA draft it’s kind of a shame uh they they had a couple players I thought could have helped them right now and they probably are going to stash someone yeah yeah interesting um I will put Taylor Packer says one pick is crazy yeah going into this draft with four we knew they probably weren’t going to draft four players but to only Come Away with one as a rebuilding team is kind of crazy yeah a little bit a little bit some people won’t care I get it um but man Christian says top undrafted players just Justin Edwards Kad Johnson Jaylen Bridges Trenton flowers Isaiah Crawford Trey Alexander PJ Hall neol Dante Judah Mintz reys bman and Isaac Jones yep sorry I’m trying to just put our our webcams here there we go all right to fly Dante on a 2way would be interesting if you can keep him healthy yeah I just I want Justin Edwards man on two way I want Trenton flowers or Justin Edwards on a two-way I want TR flowers on a two-way though did we trade the center we took 52 it appears we traded it back to Golden State who originally had that pick yes yep so now we can pay attention to W and Shams if he’s not locked out anymore maybe he called Elon he probably has a connection that know Zeon uh so now we start talking about two-way signings maybe I can even tweet deck this and toss it up on the screen okay great this offseason so far for the Blazers Eric after not doing anything today after tinkling in yesterday at 7 and the FD trade um I also do that as a chat poll chat so the more I thought about this cuz I kept it was just bugging me about the whole oh see how easy it was to duct DET tax thing I don’t think people realize we gave bro in away as an expiring contract we didn’t get any value for him the value was all in the pcks that contract didn’t matter for w the Wizards would have taken anyone with that pick package we gave them yeah so we got nothing for Malcolm Brockton y um so no value nothing uh so that to me the more I thought about it made me think well then why how is that easy to the tax when we didn’t get any value for the player we traded out but see you know what you’re doing you know what you’re doing you’re critically thinking you’re thinking it’s critical thinking hm not not in terms of negative in terms of like actually using your brain some people don’t like that but anyway go on keep using your brain uh so I think two things can be true one I think that was fair value given up for Denny OFA I like that they identified a wing you had speculated uh months ago that maybe they try to swing for someone like uh fron Wagner um which you you agree that was a super long shot but like they were interested in that type of wing and you got a guy that’s kind of like him yeah I mean the more I thought about sh T I don’t even know if abdia is really that much worse than than fron Wagner uh and if he shoots the ball better or you know moving forward is a better shooter than fron I mean maybe he’s not quite the Creator fron is on offense but I think he’s slightly better defensively he’s a better rebounder and just he’s a little bigger and stuff so I think he fits R team maybe better than fron does yeah neali Don to the Rockets PJ Hall to Denver um yeah here you go so uh um lost my train of thought but uh where was oh so abdilla I like that they identified a young Wing that fits the timeline and they used some of their assets went after him got him so I like that move I we can argue how some of the semantics of that but I like overall getting Denny fdia on this team um so so good job there I also like that they had a player they had rated like third or fourth on their board and ended up getting that player um so good on them for that uh in their mind they got the third best player in this draft or whatever so good job for that I just I can’t give it an a because I still I I well I still need to see what we do with the rest of the roster I I don’t think a lot of things make sense if we just run it back with fdia and kingan um so I hope that’s not the case so hopefully there’s some more moves to come uh so I think it’s still incomplete kind of but um I also so far is basically what I’m asking for here yeah and I mentioned this earlier I I like clinging I do not like clinging with scoot I like him a lot better with Anthony um so if we keep anony and I kind of like clinging a little better if we afid Anthony I I just I have a tough time seeing the it working out perfectly between Scoot and clinging I just think it’s a little clunky why do you think that is because I don’t have confidence in scoot yet doing anything off the pick and roll other than getting into the lane and I feel like that’s where kinging is best suited as well so like they’re both kind of needing the same area to get their best shot opportunities or pass opportunities off and so if you have two players in pick and roll that are both needing to occupy the same space to be the most effective I think it’s just like I’m not saying it can’t work I’m just saying I don’t think it’s the most dynamic or it just it leads to a lot of predictability in my mind so um I I just don’t see it like that at all because I think maybe scoot’s best pass type last year out of the pick and roll was dump offs or like getting to the Baseline and dumping it back or some of the Interior passing to you and like yeah it’s two guys going downhill at The Rim but you hope that one dude 7 foot2 cling it doesn’t really jump well enough um is kind of the problem but like one dude’s 7 fo2 and one dude’s an athletic freak like you’re going to put be able to put pressure on the rim both guys are going to be able to get to the free throw I got to go for a minute T all right go ahead um yeah I I let’s see Kad Johnson to Miami Heat I don’t really view it as a bad fit this is where we disagree um having a big that roles next to scoot I think is completely fine um and I think scoot will get better shooting off of screens I think I just don’t like this early in scoot’s career pigeon H holding him as a guy that like has to get downhill at pick and rolls like yeah maybe right now he struggles shooting off screens But ultimately if he can never develop that then we got other issues than his fit with clinging then scoot’s probably not that good okay so I don’t like necessarily Bas in you know a pick off of oh right now it doesn’t fit with scoot the question for me is longterm does he fit with scoot it would help for scoot to be able to pull up off of screens and then maybe be able to like dump it down to cling and rumbling towards the rim kinging can make some short roll passes like ultimately that’s the best case scenario still don’t get Eric’s Eric grade yet um I give it a b probably a b plus Justin Edwards two-way deal to the 76ers that’s a pretty good two-way deal right there um I probably give this offseason so far a B+ a minus B+ like if they if they made what I felt like was a good pick here in the second round I would be a minus maybe maybe is straight up a I’m still torn between ant and Scoot I kind of like ant better yeah I mean but scoot’s supposed to be better than ant I think scoot’s potential is better than Ant and the kind of problem I have is like this time of year when with the draft we’re talking about like a 19-year-old Prospect of like what he could be in five years right you got all these young prospects and it’s um you know what could they be in 5 years and then you know we draft scoot he’s 19 after one year we can’t start like pigeon ho holding him as oh he can’t do this or can’t do that so therefore he’s a bad fit with kinging in my opinion because it’s a long-term it’s a long-term guy he’s young you know it’s you’re not drafted a 19-year-old to come to conclusions about him after one year and around draft time that’s what we talk about these young players is what they can be not in one year but in 5 years but then with SC it’s like after a season people start to kind of put him in a box and I just don’t view things like that so hopefully Eric listen because I’d love to get his response jams tweet tayori to the Lakers on a two-way he doesn’t really impress me Isaiah Crawford to the Kings I like that how many seconds do we have we traded two seconds for three or four I no we traded 40 for 52 in cash and then we traded 52 for cash so we only got three from 34 yeah so we traded 2 seconds for 3 seconds that are likely all going to be later than 34 and we got some cash I don’t like what they did in the second round today what are your thoughts on Grant and Scoot for Zion and Ingram why in the world would either team do that sorry no offense but like why why would we are we I don’t understand we got AA at a forward spot Ingram and Zion are it’s a small forward power forward combo Zion can’t stay healthy I mean you’re gonna play Ingram at the two I mean maybe that works it’s just I like I feel like that’s a move to try and be mediocre I don’t really like that I don’t think ant Ingram avdia Zion and kingan win a championship but I think that team is better next year so their pick’s going to be worse I just don’t really think it sets us up for the future you can tell Tor is done with today LOL what do you mean done with today how do I seem like I’m done with today the day is getting started it’s 3:30 it’s kind of weird to be wrapping up the draft at 3:30 um does ant get traded hate to see it but also want him to go to a contender I feel like it’s more or so a team trying to get to contention that would trade for him like Orlando than a team that’s already a contender realistically how many teams are shopping for I think there would be a couple maybe a few um J Max says yeah the second round was crap and extremely underwhelming yep I fully agree 1,000% agree do you think we could keep ant and scoot this year yeah long term maybe not but what’s I don’t know like I don’t know what the plan is with ant I think they listen to offers but I think they probably keep them because they don’t get a good enough offer unfortunately um unfortunately for his trade value I don’t really know what I want I just don’t want to dump ant for some of the packages that I see proposed as ideas out there I want him um I want him if he gets traded I want a good return on him whoops what happened to the tweets there we go to do you think clay Lees going State um I don’t think so unless like they have to let him walk to try and get PG or something I don’t know how that happens but Robert Williams and th will have to get trade this offseason right I couldn’t imagine either being in the rotation this year they could be on the team and not be in the rotation with Robert Williams you could you know say you’re prioritizing clinging and you’re keeping Robert Williams healthy for a playoff run step says I would consider wend Carter for ant thoughts why wend Carter’s a center we goton and kingan and Robert Williams I don’t really understand that at all um the Blazers are not in a market for a center the Blazers aren’t even really in the market for a I think they have one starting forward in avdia clearly and they still have Grant if they trade Grant you still can see sharp or tamani kamaro at the three which I think is fine in a rebuild at this point so right now they’re in asset accumulation mode whether that is the um really good high upside young players in the future or being able to somehow accumulate more future draft Capital that is the mode that I think they are currently in um before it was like we need a young forward as part of our future core other than Kamar we got that with ailla bot says people acting like injuries don’t happen when can when we can have an extra Center but the thing is we don’t need injury in we don’t need injury Insurance because you only need insurance if you’re actually trying to win and like make a playoff run we’re rebuilding if eighton or somebody gets hurt Clingan starts and you play dwop wath and you’re fine um but like you’re probably going to lose a lot of games next year anyway maybe that should even be the goal so if somebody gets hurt okay well we’re worse now like okay so what so I don’t like keeping Robert Williams for in injury insurance when you could dump him maybe save even more below the tax in order to have some leeway for trades down the line or maybe even a team gives you a couple seconds obviously they’ve valed a couple future seconds today so they can get even more maybe not sure injury insurance is twoa players that are developing in the g- league exactly so like Ryan ruper where it’s like if couple guys on the wing get hurt then Ryan ruper starts getting developmental minutes so you’re at least doing something for your future still you’re giving a guy developmental playing time so yeah the injury sucks but you’re giving a young player minutes I’d rather do that than oh we got hurt okay well we’re just going to throw in this veteran that’s not a part of our team down the line like I would hate for matis not be in the rotation we’re a rebuilding team we’re not good somebody gets hurt so then we throw matis Dall out there instead of Ryan ruper doesn’t really make sense to me in a reboot Blake Hinson to the Lakers reys beakman to the Warriors will the Blazers do anything Clarity on Mavericks Knicks trade Dallas sent 58 cash and the draft rights to to a player to New York for 51 so who did New York draft a 51 Trey Alexander to the Nuggets oh Melvin okay wait no who did the Mavericks draft to 58 is what I meant so the Mavericks got a jinsa and oh har Ariel hipy goes to New York did we draft anyone on second round nope we did not we did not um next up for for the Blazers I think they should trade Jeremy Grant they should see if they can get anything for DeAndre Aon and then I don’t know with Anthony Simons but if you can get couple first may maybe I even maybe I even start messing around with the trade machine here yeah I’ll start messing around with the trade machine and kind of put forth like what I’m hoping for okay how do we do this we just put it below the tweets huh hello um oh I basically I kind of responded to what you were saying and just like I I don’t like I don’t how do I phrase it like I don’t like worrying about the fit with with clinging with scoot right now because scoot should hopefully be better in the future shooting off screens and being able to hit shots off screens and being dynamic in that way and basically I likened it to like this time of year we talk about these young 19-year-old prospects and we look at them oh what could they be four or five years down the line right some of these guys are raw but oh they have all this upside down the line and then with scoot it’s like okay he was 19 when we drafted him now he’s 20 but we’re talking about him like oh he struggles in this area so I don’t like that fit maybe right away it’s a little bit weird but like we’re not you know drafting for right away we’re drafting for down the line and if scoot never gets better shooting off screens then we got a bigger issue than the clinging and Scoot fit because scoot probably isn’t that good and that’s a bigger issue to me um so that’s just kind of how I how I view that oh wait let me let me unmute you there you go go ahead oh in the in the NBA now I I just I have a hard time thinking that that kind of combo works like it used to I think you need uh one of the two to be more Dynamic and hopefully that scoot I’m not saying it can’t be I just feel like it’s just going to be kind of clumpy I mean we saw we saw Anthony Edwards and Rudy gobear go to a Conference Finals this year you know like I think that’s maybe the closest comparison I don’t think scoot will ever be as good as Anthony Edwards but they’re both kind of downhill drivers Anthony Edwards got better from three but his you know in college and his rookie year was not good from three particularly his rookie year he shot um 33% so you know Edwards now 36 to 37% you know hopefully scoot can get there and then I think it’s fine yeah so I great did a B+ cuz I didn’t like what they did today what was your final grade I’ll say B minus B minus yeah chat right now 48% B 36% say a so like that’s probably a B+ mhm like right in line with me um 11% say C 6% say d I’d be curious who those people are CU I don’t think any Blazer fans are like upset and think it has been a bad off season so far now what I wanted to do after this AA as maybe more two-way signings roll in um caught up on who all sign and F Dante two-way to the Rockets all these guys are two-ways PJ Hall to the Nuggets Blake Hinson to the Lakers Reese beakman to the Warriors Isaiah Crawford to the Kings that’s maybe my favorite one arml tayori to the uh Lakers that’s somebody had Scout a little bit Justin Edwards to the Sixers that’s a good one keot Johnson to the heat I have a feeling he could be a role player for them down the line they turn two-way guys into role players and he’s athletic and can defend a little bit so um and that’s about it also the in the final thing in The Saga of the 51st pick it got traded to the Mavs for 58 so you know how it was the Knicks at 51 it got traded to the Mavs so the Mavs got Melvin ainsa and the Nick Scott hook py and that’s where we’re caught up um so now you know more things might roll in but I wanted to have some fun here what are we hoping for for the rest of the off season so I’ll leave the tweets up there and I’ll put up the good old fpo and I’ll bring up the trade machine and uh Eric like realistically top landing spot for Jeremy Grant what do you think it is that we could get like the best realistic package for uh Dallas or Philly I think is the best packages just in terms of those teams have some picks they can trade I think they might get desperate enough to do those trade those picks this isn’t even true right now by the way just gonna put that out there the whole second apron thing for Dallas um and then uh yeah I think I think the Lakers so the Lakers are up there with them in terms of they can still offer a couple first or possibly even include dton connect in a trade I think he’d have some value back to us um but I’m not a fan of the contracts they’d be trading out um if we’re trading grants I don’t think ruy makes a ton of sense to us maybe you a third team involved or something um but it’s I don’t kind of I don’t know their contracts are weird like Vanderbilt’s locked up for on extension for several years whereas Philly could give you picks and just take his contract potentially outright and that is more intriguing to me just from a sense of completely eliminates our cat problem and also um frees up a roster spot completely without having to take on like three players for one to add up to enough salary um so I think ideally if all three were willing to give up two first I’d probably prefer Philly um and because also their picks aren’t their own so it it doesn’t matter how good they are next year I guess yeah um and if we get that 2028 Clippers who knows what that team will be in in a few years or so um um I uh I think Philly is the best spot for me personally but I also I really like Dallas in terms of a 2025 and 2031 unprotected if they were willing to give up a top two protected first for PJ Washington last year who was having kind of a Down Season I think maybe you could convince them in a bidding war to give up both picks and then I also think if players like Josh green or or c CBA or whatever were in that trade those guys are probably easily flippable for some value too down the line I like Dallas for trying to get off diable too can they take back $8 million of salary if it matches uh I think it’s going to be tough for them to do so they can’t because they can’t take thyo back until I think it’s July 15th true uh so and I think they are going to be in the second apron once the new calendar year starts yeah so I think they’re GNA have apply was because they have it they have to cannot aggregate because the new le gear they in yeah so that’s so so they if it’s going to be Dallas I think it has to or maybe not has to maybe they could find a way to get rid of a contract that get them under the apron but uh I think it’s more likely if that happens in the next few days before the the new league year starts because they can now trade a 2031 first and they have a few days until the new league year starts where that wouldn’t so affect next year’s cap numbers I guess we have them 5.4 million under the first apron yeah and then the matching rules change if you go past the first apron and that’s this year or next year next year oh okay so so right the matching rules change if you go past the first apron so basically they could bring back 5.5 million that’s the amount they’re under the first apron so you’re not going to be able to give them a t stable basically yeah I was trying to figure out a way to make that happen jayen Bridges to the Suns oh great I see there there’s this tamman yeah there’s your tman that’s a great signing that’s a great signing that’s the best tway signing Isaac Jones to the Kings wow the sun’s cooked with jayen bridges yeah that kind of makes once again I think they should have taken caller but I know you disagree I yeah vly disagree um I’m gonna I’m GNA text Gabe uh DJ Burns went to the Cavs by the way I don’t know if you heard that DJ Burns huh do you see how much weight he lost yeah um is there a team on left field that could trade for Grant though um Cleveland I they only have one pick they can trade though yeah they’re tough tough trade partner they don’t have young players and they don’t they got Jaylen Tyson oh yeah they got Jaylen Tyson now I guess how do they match salary is the problem yeah um I don’t know I mean maybe if it’s if they move on from one of their other players and then so there’s like a third team that gets darus scarland and um or Jared Allen even maybe work something out but Carris Levert George Nang Jaylen Tyson and their 2031 first that’s interesting you save like 5 mil you could try and reroute Caris LeVert New York traded all their piics uh I would say Miami but I just have a hard time with them trading trading with us still um fully agree uh I still think if if they try to win I have no idea what they’re doing but Atlanta if they were if they keep Trey or jante and try to win still I I could see them going after Grant they have Capella’s expiring contract um Sacramento uh I think Sacramento is a good spot who do they draft 13 Devin Carter Carter yeah so guard I can maybe see I know they got McDaniels today but obviously Grant’s way better than McDaniels you can do 27 2029 and then what’s their matching salary would have to be Barnes and do you think they want to give up Barnes for Grant yeah I think they give up Barnes for Grant with picks it’s just I think they have to include someone else and I think that’ have to be like herder or somebody and then yeah yeah I might do that I don’t know if they’re giving up two first than that but I mean that should be the going rate like where can you reroute Barnes though um it made sense to the Cavs if you could try and get 20 or trade up from 34 to 20 and then they could have gotten Tyson but yeah granta Memphis I don’t know they got Ed and jiren Jackson Jr I don’t know if they’ want Jeremy’s actually for Jen Jackson Jr can place some five and just be the most awful rebounding Duo but no you got a 7 fo4 guy so you slide him down a position I actually think Memphis is is intriguing I kind of I kind of like this though like this is just kind of a mundane trade maybe these picks are slightly protected but like you get filler salary and two first right then you’d have in 2029 you’d have the best of Boston Milwaukee Portland and the worst of best of Milwaukee Portland and then you’d have sacramentos could a basketball be for real right now please what um he said trade grant for Brandon Ingram after he said uh trade an for Cole Anthony and Paulo he’s drinking early on a Thursday um danis Jenkins I don’t know who that is but good for him um what about him tway with Detroit uh let’s go to Memphis what’s their matching salary is the question Canard probably and H they’re one of those teams close to the second apron let me look at their cap sheet but they could maybe do that trade this year right this year they’re currently $1 million below the first apron and then next year it jumps to three because Desmond Bane’s extension so you’d make this trade in youd make this trade before the new league year so let’s go 2023 2024 Jeremy Luke Canard you’d have to pick up his next your team option okay Luke Canard they would need to trade out another 5.3 million so laravia and Rose I mean only problem is roster spots but and then you do two two first 2025 it’s it’s probably going to be you know protected a little bit and probably I think they’ll be back to a playoff team but who knows honestly Eric like memphis’s 2025 first if it’s lightly protected is very intriguing to me yeah like is this 20 let me look at this 20130 pick and see what it is so in 2030 Memphis has the right to swap its own first for the less favorable of Phoenix Washington’s if possible and Orlando’s oh yeah remember that kindy moved around and involved in yeah um so that pick is just kind of crap uh next in 2026 Memphis has the right same rights to swap its 2026 first round pick for the less favorables of Phoenix and Orlando’s and Washington’s if their pick is conveyed to whatever team they’re swapping with I’m not sure which team they’re swapping with there um I don’t know do you think you could get a second first round pick out of Memphis if they were interested in Jeremy I don’t know I know they gave up two first for smart last year but I think they’re kind of regretting that now um I don’t know yeah I mean but if they’re like going for it you got 80 you need more scoring right like Grant kind of fits what they need I mean throwing Ed onto that team just throws my perception of that team so out of whack yeah honestly wait so if they trade Canard plus Clark no that wouldn’t work um H would this work oh it barely doesn’t work wait they have a trade exception big enough to take Robert Williams and they’re still below the first apron by like 2 million all right this is like my maybe my favorite optimistic trade right here um I don’t know what the protections are but you trade Jeremy Grant and Robert Williams for Canard Clark and Derrick Rose you save 11.8 million um you create a $15 million trade exception and you get back two first yeah mean I take that yeah I don’t like Clark’s contract but maybe that’s why you can get it done and then you’re not like picking up a bunch of roster spots so let’s say the Blazers do this so they have basically just like filler contracts maybe they cut Canard going into the final year of his deal or they cut rose but Rose I like kind of as a veteran Mentor that doesn’t have to play um how do I do the offseason simulator how do I like keep trades on Deck I’ve never done it on P but I don’t know I know that’s like a thing on this website resources uh not sure let me just go back to trade machine all right so let’s say let’s say you do that you have 2025 2029 Memphis first along with just filler contracts and you save 12 million what would you try and do next Eric um probably trying to move aen what team do you think could trade for Aiden I have no clue if Chicago didn’t have vich and ex try to win I’d say just call them immediately like we could maybe get our you know own future first back I take that for I just don’t think they do it because they have vich right well maybe they trade you vich for Aon and know what vusic plays less honestly if there’s a team to trade for Aon I feel like it’s the Bulls bro We’re Dreaming a little bit anyways so maybe if you take back Lonzo I took long though yeah you’re adding 7 million but you just saved 12 right so you’re still like 6 million below the tax your roster spots are like 18 which is messy but that’s when you then go cut Banton cut Jabari Walker maybe like well play in the offseason yeah you just cut Lonzo yeah yeah you could cut Lonzo yeah I mean he’s in expiring contract so it’s not like you have have dead money in the future you wouldn’t stretch them um ooh what but okay that’s a good one Cameron uh mentioned the the Hawks earlier um H to Hawks for capella expiring in picks or a pick I don’t know if you’re getting a pick out of them because I don’t think they’re going to value a like that but I mean I would do it for seconds right I think that’s more realistic than the bulls actually so I like that um the Hawks are kind of dumb though you know the Hawks are dumb and directional list and so are the Bulls so capella for eighton what other salary though they just traded AJ Griffin yeah that’s the problem what’s your other salary piece DeAndre Hunter and we include D yeah that’s the tough part with them um okay let’s just see Bruno gets them to 24.9 they’d have to trade out like another contract if you could lump it into the AJ Griffin trade that’d be great but if not H this would work assuming they’re not in the apron let me check their their cap sheet real quick okay what pick pickwise what do you think you can really get from aen in this trade though um since you’re getting crap back uh um I think we maybe get like a lottery protected first I don’t know San Antonio has the right to swap in 2026 with Atlanta they also have the Kings 2025 first protected 1 to 12 and 2025 1 to 10 and 2026 but like that’s I don’t know I just your best bet might be a swap a protected swap yeah they are currently like 15 to 16 16 million below the first apron new league you’re in now so if they’re bringing in 7 million you could you couldn’t really toss anything into a trade exception because they do have a $25 million trade exception from John Collins but after this trade they’d be like 7 million below the first apron so I think it’s more so this trade and I don’t know yeah do they have any good seconds Minnesota no Memphis no Houston probably not um I’m just trying to be like realistic this Clipper second round pick might be decent let’s just say like something like this 3 seconds you get off eighton you clear minutes for kinging could maybe even play duop wreath a little bit as a third string Center too um chat would you do this trade after drafting kinging let me do a chap hole I would love to get a first out of this obviously if you can get a first you do it but 3 seconds expiring like might be your best bet I’m not sure so we’ll do a chat pole we’ll see what you guys say most of you are saying no okay so do you want to keep eight and long term with clinging if this is the best deal on the table you guys say no so what’s your long-term plan then with Aon and kingan is my question for anybody saying no is it to hope for a better deal in at the deadline is it to try and trade him next offseason once he has one year left on his deal are you just holding out hope that somehow down the line you’ll get a better offer is that why because I understand that but any other reason I don’t understand at all because ultimately you’re gonna have to move off from Aon for kinging Twin Towers dominate wemi Aon can absolutely not play the four and neither can cling in yes hold for a better deal I don’t think his value get goes down uh until a rookie is playing ahead of him and he doesn’t like that so starts playing worse um you know cuz he’s not getting enough minutes hopefully that wouldn’t happen but Aon can definitely play the four in what world can Aon play the four guys let’s be for real in what world can a dude that doesn’t shoot threes doesn’t play outside of the paint doesn’t defend the perimeter as well as he defends on the inside so you’re just going to have every time scoot tries to drive you’re just going to have clean in and oron just sitting in the paint with three Defenders there like that’s that’s your plan to develop scoot is to play a non three-point shooting four next to a non- three-point shooting five neither of which are best defensively guarding the perimeter you’re muted by the way you’ve been muted they’re not using Aon and clinging Clingan to follow the Minnesota model they’re that’s not even the same model did somebody compare those two to the Minnesota model no they just said maybe they’re thinking about trying it that there yeah cat’s like a 40% three-point shooting big if Aon could shoot threes like cat then we could have that conversation then we could have that conversation Aon doesn’t even want to shoot threes like he was lowkey not good defensively last year can you imagine him playing a more perimeter position defensively yeah no you got clinging so that you could get better defensively at the center spot so you could protect the rim we were the worst Rim protecting team in the league last year with Aon playing but aon’s not like a perimeter Defender either so you got clinging well so long term you can improve defensively at that spot why would we play eighton at the four he’s not a four I don’t understand the plan there so ultimately like I just don’t feel like they’re if they wait they’re going to get a noticeably better deal than this yeah maybe they don’t maybe they just you just contract after two years and also also if you did this trade right now after doing that Grant trade that saved us 11.8 million in these two trades you would save 18.5 million you could be in play for a full level exception signing if you want it to be and stay under the tax roster spots are super iffy But Eric the way I’m thinking about this long term is at some point before Shaden sharp gets an extension if the Blazers play their cards right they can have a good core with gobs of cap space because Denny aia’s contract yeah is phenomenal and if your core is the problem is ant making 25 but even if you have you can still have gobs and cap space right and this could be like as soon as next off season so if you do this trade say you don’t sign an ml guy fine okay the only problem is in the last trade we got Brandon Clark’s contract right so you got to try I don’t know that’s not great but hypothetically if you could trade Grant and Aton for expiring if you could get off thyo and Robert Williams somehow what contracts do we have going into next off seon if we get expiring for all those guys just hypothetically right it’s it’s far out there maybe a trade happens at the deadline where we get expiring it doesn’t have to all be this offseason just if you’re able to get off their money you have your core you have ant you have scoot you have sharp you have kinging you have AIA you have Kamar how much money do those guys add up to I’m just guessing like 50 million and if the cap isn’t being 141 this year it’s going to almost certainly go up 10% from now on so that’s another what 14 million there it’s be over 155 million yeah talking 100 million in cop space yeah so hopefully you get you know two first and maybe a maybe you can get a decent young player for Aon like who knows what you can get for Aon but long term if you can have your core you have six good young players with ant scoop sharp Kamar fdia kinging and then $100 million of cap space I’m not saying they should go Star chasing or that they’d even be able to go Star chasing I’m saying you could maybe sign a guy a little bit overpaid for on a one-year deal and then trade him at the following deadline you could absorb a contract and accumulate assets you would just have all this flexibility going forward with your core in intact that’s kind of intriguing to me and you’re getting more future draft Capital long term if they can be like a playoff team and have Max cap space because fd’s contract is so good and maybe they extend sharp but like that’s the thing when you have let’s just say it’s two off Seasons from now sharp going into an extension scoots on the going into the final year of his rookie deal so scoot’s still somewhat cheap kingan’s on a rookie deal still somewhat cheap um Kamar I think would be going into extension but who knows how much he’ll get paid the cap will have gone up a ton and maybe that was a playoff team the year before if you’re really really lucky like then maybe you can be a player in free agency it’s just more intriguing to me than Oh yay we duck the tax see I told you Cronin could duck the tax we still have all these veterans though and like they’re blocking young players playing time Tori that’s stupid to worry about this now we don’t have to about that till next offse I’d rather keep aen and let his contract expire why why have eight in the next two years when you just drafted klling in at seven just to let him walk for nothing what’s the point of even keeping him right now then two off scenes from now when Dame’s player option is up too o There You Go Eric there you go I just like the idea of of having a ton of flexibility a good young core intact and a bunch of future draft capital I like that I like that I think that’s a good position to be in so I’d be trying to trade grant for two future first and expiring I’d be trying to trade Aon for a future first and expiring and maybe you’d have to settle for seconds that is intriguing to me and part of the thought is is because avdia is on such a great contract you got yourself a really really good NBA player that is super super cheap that can do a bunch of different things fill a bunch of different rules that is super easy to build around that’s why I love the avdia trade so much I was not thinking like this before we got avdia Eric but with avdia with how good his contract is it’s declining it’s set up so that in the later years of the contract you can have more flexibility because it’s not going up from 15 million it’s going down and the Blazers only have two two off Seasons before they have start paying people again so it’s really use that time to accumulate assets yeah it’s really next season’s the big off season it really is who knows where we’re even going to be picking like the next the next year is going to be we’re going to find out a lot about scoot I feel like in his second year we’re going to find out a lot about sharp in his third year um we’ll see what they do with Grant with Aon Etc we’ll see how kingan looks as a rookie and then you know I know this offseason just started but and then all that leading into next offseason Eric M the next year is the start of an upwards Trend like we’ve been at rock bottom and we’ve sucked and it’s been miserable and Scoot sucked last year the whole Dame Saga like we hit rock bottom this upcoming year I feel like is where we Trend upwards if we do the right things and the strategy that I laid out I think is the right strategy who knows if codin is thinking that way um but cash in on your assets now have flexibility later to accumulate assets or make different types of moves there was just somebody that said do you hear that like I’d rather just hang on to a in the next few years then that he can walk in free agency like do you agree with me like what is the point of that yeah I mean maybe they think you know they don’t want to put clinging in major minutes right away kind of play grad yeah like play Robert you could keep Robert Williams if you trade Aon and if you get capella back in that trade you can play capella too yeah you’re not forced to play M him too many minutes or you could look for another young big somewhere in one of these trades as exactly like the one had Brandon Clark I mean I know he’s not yeah good size for a center but it’s you can do some spot minutes or whatever yeah exactly you’re like you’re fine that’s not really going to be an issue I don’t think action Isaac Figaroa yes Cronin said they like Aon of course what else is he gonna say he’s not gonna say yeah we draft to the center so we can replace him of course he going to say they like Aiden that is GM speak and that’s GM speak that he kind of is forced to sing that’s not GM speak where he lied about Dame stuff you know um you can’t expect them to say anything else other then they like Aon too and they just want to be competitive with roster spots and position battles and build a culture of competitiveness yeah you also risk Aon at some point becoming unhappy that they’re starting to lean towards developing clinging more as time goes on yeah exactly so it’s best just to try to trade him this offseason there’s a comment that said um let’s see I get it I just don’t wait no no I wasn’t the comment where was the other comment um crap where did it go man I lost the comment oh G Willer says I think it’s more likely Cronin targets players over pick just like with Denny here’s the problem though Denny is like the perfect player at this point for us to trade for yeah declining contract that’s really cheap in a bargain for his production plays really really good defense handles the ball shot the three ball W last year rebounds the ball like does everything do it all forward that can score off the dribble and play defense is is not easy to get especially on such a good contract especially at 23 years old okay so he’s the perfect player there’s not many AAS out there to go and get I was shocked that they were even able to go and get abdia so if you are of the mindset oh we got abdia let’s get more players for future picks then all of a sudden you don’t have future draft capital and you’re stuck with a playing team that doesn’t really make sense to me I think we have one more year of sucking you trade the veterans right now you’re bad next year because of it you get more draft Capital you get future flexibility maybe you get lucky in next year Draft Lottery and get a star could you imagine if they could add a Cooper flag or Ace Bailey to this roster with abdia kingan scoot sharp anr tamat with gobs of cap space and a bunch of draft Capital going forward that would be a freaking that would be a dream man that would be amazing okay now they might get unlucky like they did this year in the lottery but next year’s draft is really good you’re going to be able to add somebody to this core if you’re drafting in the top 10 and then you could start talking about maybe be trying to be competitive next off season if there’s something out there that makes sense Hugo Gonzalez I love I love Hugo Gonzalez I that’s just that’s how I would build that to me is guarant is maximizing the chance to win a championship down the line with this timeline keeping vets and letting them walk for nothing or maybe getting back Less in the future just isn’t really worth the risk to me Chad Co I agree 100% Owen says next year we’ll need to trade Scoot and Shaden too old want to go younger I mean you’re funny bro the whole point is to build around Scoot and Shaden not build around Jeremy Grant deand raen it’s kind of the whole point of all this is you’re building around scoot you’re building around sharp sharp is 21 scoot is 20 you’re building around AA okay you should value picks and guys 20 to 23 24 right now over guys that are 30 or guys that aren’t going to get any better like Aiden and are blocking the guy we just drafted at seven I don’t think we drafted somebody at 7even to be a career backup hopefully we didn’t draft Donovan kingan to be the next Ona a kongu who stuck behind Clint capella aeromancer please tell me you’re trolling I know you’re trolling Daniel shamberg gets it continuously parlaying assets is the key never let any contract expire you don’t want to do what the Bulls did where you could have maybe traded Demar D rozan for a couple of first like a year a year and a half ago when the writing was on the wall that you should trade him and rebuild and now he’s a free agent and they’re not having talks and he could leave for nothing a year and a half ago they could have asked themselves should we just like get nothing for demard d r rozan and suck because of it and be better and have worse picks so that we can draft at 11 or should we trade them get back picks draft even higher and be better set up for the future they chose the first route they’re worse off for they should have traded Caruso when they were getting offered multiple draft picks and now they had to go settle for Josh giddy who has more value in the league Denny or aern I have a feeling it’s Denny simply because that archetype is more valuable kingan is probably a bench guy in his rookie season right probably but I mean if you trade Aon you can keep Rob will and start him ahead and then if he gets hurt then you start clinging like kinging I think is fine starting in his Rook here you also got D you can bring in a different Center whatever like if you really really don’t want to start him fine but kingan kingan’s not scoot where he has to like run an entire offense King will have his struggles but experience will help him in my opinion so if he’s gets experience going against starting centers I don’t think that’s a bad thing he’s not somebody that’s going to be like have the responsibility of running an offense so if he’s struggling he has like six turnovers in a game and it gets in his head it’s going to be he needs to go block shots and finish plays at Finish offensive plays at The Rim John Simmons I agree West Davidson says at least after yesterday I have more confidence in cron in getting something decent for Grant he hasn’t really I don’t know if kin’s really sold showed that he could sell a play player before if they get two first even if they’re somewhat protected and expiring for Grant I am I am I am celebrating I am celebrating this offseason is that where you’re at Eric welcome back the Blazers get two first round picks even if they’re somewhat protective for Jeremy Grant and expiring like are you celebrating this offseason because that’s where I’m at I don’t know if celebrating is the right word but yeah I’d be I’d be decently happy with both freeing up minutes for the young guys and the direction it would finally feel like they have a plan yeah exactly like they got two players with some specific traits in the front Court defense passing IQ cool you you like that archetype awesome and then if it’s you know we’re going to cash in on these veterans give minutes to these young guys and pursue bunch of flexibility in the future whether it’s to maybe sign someone if really lucky or trying to accumulate assets by taking on a contract in a trade that a team needs to dump on someone then great right like we just saw Reggie Jackson who’s not making that much get traded along with three future seconds like cool you can get more seconds and then not lie maybe you when you’re Contender and you need a role player Off the Bench you can trade five or six seconds for him or you can package seconds to move early into the second round if there’s a prospect that you really really like you have flexibility you can pivot in so many different areas absolutely the way to build no question about it if they show that they’re taking steps towards that I feel so much better about this organ iation is where I’m at because the problem with me is just they haven’t really seemed like they’ve had much of a plan or a direction yeah that’s been my biggest issue too it’s like what are we doing why don’t we entertain more offers for Jeremy and players like that at the deadline if we’re secretly actually rebuilding just didn’t want to re admit it yeah um and then we don’t play any of those guys after the deadline anyway so yeah but I mean you have a chance to correct all that now if you still get value for him but of course uh you know they already traded broen for they got nothing for broen’s actual value yeah um so we’ll see if they’re able to capitalize cuz we we haven’t really seen that yet when cron is trying to get like value in a trade yep that’s such the one thing about this off season is like I don’t know maybe my expectations got so low but I’m I feel better about the direction but if they go back and it’s clear that like oh yeah we want to keep ating with clinging and we want to keep Grant and we just want to be competitive next year then I go right back to feeling the same way I felt going into this off seed about this organization MH yep there’s still a chance they think Denny helps them win next year and there cling what I’m and just don’t make any other big moves maybe they make a couple small moves or something that’s what I’m worried about you like but stals are starting small forward next year and yeah I think I don’t think we have to worry about that hopefully not um but I’m just just freaking tank one more year and then next year like trade the Vets we’re gonna be bad take one more year develop the young guys play them play scoot develop chemistry hopefully with kingan you know like those guys should be playing every I feel like almost every minute of kinging should be next to scoot let those guys develop chemistry it’s your long-term starting point guard and center and then you can stagger scoot with you know with Scoot and maybe fdia you sub out early bring him back in with the bench so he can be a point forward because that was the best role he was in with Washington was when he was being used as a point forward I just I just I just dream about getting expiring and picks for our vets yeah as many picks as possible who knows how much that is we struggle next year we add I won’t even say Cooper flag because maybe I’m being too optimistic but let’s just say ace Bailey and then next off seon you have 100 million 90 to100 million of cap space with a core of scoot Sharp ant Ace Bailey Denny avdia tobani Kamar Donovan kingan yeah like now you know you might have to take on some contracts and have less but it’s just like even if you take on contracts you still you you know maybe you worry about the salary floor because you won’t get your tax payments okay go trade for the worst contract in the league then so you meet the salary floor and get back seconds for it then you know what I mean like you can find ways to to beet the salary floor go sign a freaking role player to a onee Max you know like you got you got some options so that’s that’s just clearly 1,00% the path it’s it’s honestly not even that difficult of a path to take the most difficult part I feel like would have been the AA trade and I I do see some conversation in chat about tanking like graay says he doesn’t like tanking or whatever in my opinion there is a big difference between going young just letting turning the keys over to scoop and the young core and seeing what they can do for an entire season but them kind of struggling at first and growing pains and that kind of stuff um I wouldn’t expect them to like be a playoff team right away or anything like that if they do we’re in really good shape because that means someone popped or possibly two or three people popped right um so I don’t necessarily see that as tanking as a bad tanking I I think the bad tanking is if we go into another season and we’re holding Scoot and Anthony and tamman even out of games for the last two months of the season because we’re trying to lose games I mean it might be smart to do that but that’s the kind of tanking that sucks in my mind is when we’re like not even playing half our roster because of fake injuries and and and stuff like that so I understand that but like you’re naturally going to be worse if you trade grant for lesser expiring and pick no but that’s what I’m saying that’s taking that’s that’s cool because we get to see scoop play 30 minutes let ant don’t freaking sit ant for no reason at the end of the season just let him develop and get minutes for the entire season uh let sharp uh don’t play in 40 minutes of course but uh you know let him make maybe take on some extra ball handling duties as the season goes on like he did in his rookie year and and got better that way um you know involved Donovan maybe shooting a little bit more from mid-range and extending out to the three-point line as the season goes on um you know like get tamman uh and those kind of guys like experience like let uh Denny get his usage up towards the end of the season um I I think there’s so many different things you can do with this roster now I don’t think it’s going to be boring at all to watch yeah 100% And like one of my biggest worries if the keep Grant is you’re not getting Denny enough touches next year best being used as a point forward you’re already talking about sharp scoot ant right and maybe Aon who’s going to get his shots to be a 20 point per game guy or whatever like you I I just the post steps that go to Jeremy I would want to be putting the ball in Denny’s hands and let letting him create um also like I think Denny will help the pace especially if he’s at the power forward position CU he he’s a really good defensive rebounder for a power forward he’s much better than Jeremy but the thing I love about Denny he’s willing to he’ll go grab a board and then he’ll push the pace and he’ll look ahead and he’ll bring up the bring the ball up the floor quickly that’s not Jeremy Grant because a he won’t get a defensive board and then B if he does he’ll go find a guard in the back court to walk the ball up the floor he’s not a guy that’s really going to push it himself and if he does he’s just kind of like not really scanning the floor in the way Denny does so that’s part of the reason why I like Denny at a power for position it puts him in position to get more rebounds and push the pace with those guys filling the wing scoot sharp an filling the wings with any he pushing the pace that’s super intriguing to me and I know clinging doesn’t really necessarily I don’t know like Clan can kind of I don’t think he’s that bad at running the floor is a big like he can run in a straight line okay but like he can Trail a play with those guys running ahead like I don’t think Clingan hurts your pace at all really to be honest um that’s I want that lineup to see minutes together same Mar’s Alex ducas has AG on two way with the Thunder Alex Dukas man Brandon Carlson to the Raptors nothing with the Blazers Zion Poland went to the heat uh stays in Florida Armando Armando Bott exhibit 10 with a jazz oh yeah Bott he’s finally out of college that’s funny there’s this random Twitter person that says trade idea for the Hawks DeAndre Hunter for Robert Williams and matis thel see I don’t like that because I don’t like Hunter on this team taking up $20 million of salary being super injury PR mhm because he’s what like three years left on his contract yeah 21.6 million next season 23.3 million this season after 25 million this season after that in 2026 2027 like I would rather just keep both those guys and let them expire because they expire quicker if that was like our next move Eric I would freaking hate that actually yeah that’s one of those I would hope they been a third team that’s one of those we want to be a playin team next year and we’re not worried about the future type of moves and then when he when we’re injured because Hunter really injury Pro oh we’re just going to blame the injuries and that’s why we weren’t good I don’t know I’m not a fan of that gray why you why you even got to ask that question man we don’t got to go there bro we don’t even got to think about that man he does have some foot injury history so I don’t want I I don’t even want to I don’t even want to talk about it I don’t I do not uh anyway no what should no live stream tonight right because we stream today I gotta L game anyway so yeah um and then I I didn’t sleep I need I need a mental break I mean legit and then we we have that big stream Sunday as well so yeah like we we could easily have a trade stream the next couple of days we might do like a little free agency preview on Saturday night so no stream tonight but you know we got the free agency stream on Sunday and um other than that it’s trade stream if it happens and maybe a for agency preview and then Monday of course we’ll stream as well shout out to Brian tavic donation so who’s on the bench Tomar tamman sharp or Denny no way Denny is being brought Off the Bench they just trade too first for him no way sharp should be off the bench tamat is the number one guy out of those three to bring Off the Bench um but also it’s tough to say before make other traits who’s tamari and Danny good question K Lamar uh 78% of people oh yeah shout out to Greg who sorry Greg we’re on on a we’re on a whole uh talking point here uh gr Hughes $5 donation says time to Super Chat everyone two days of coverage great coverage thank you gray I’m glad you enjoyed enjoyed the coverage uh it’s been fun it’s been fun always happy to bring this coverage to you I’m just toas you Brian you’re all good thanks for Tori looks like Chris Kringle in the old animated movie I don’t know who that is you don’t know who Chris Kringle is I’ve heard of the name but I don’t you know I don’t watch movies that’s another name for Santa Claus how do I even look like Santa Claus I think they’re say like what is not yeah is that that’s another name for Santa Claus I I don’t know Tory too young for that [ __ ] dude says Daniel that’s funny that’s funny Daniel tell Steph what’s up for me as if I don’t text Stephen on the uh anyway yeah so that’s right for the stream anything else Eric that you wanted to get into oh just want to give a a huge thank you to everyone who tuned in uh whether it was for both live streams the whole time or just for a few minutes of either one uh it’s been a lot of fun doing the draft um kind of disappointing we don’t have a prospect to talk about today I just wanted one out of the couple picks we got um but yeah uh moving forward um it’s all going to be about the assets we get in trades and what happens but thank you every for joining us and I hope you have a good rest of your evening yeah the channel growth the last two days has been great man I it’s always I always love this time of year just because it’s it’s always fun to see what the Blazers do see what direction they’re headed find out who they draft see who the next players that are going to be wearing that Blazer uniform are but also it’s just a really good time for the channel really good time for growth so if you just discover the channel we do post game shows throughout the year we do video content as well uh and it’s a lot of fun um so hopefully you hit that subscribe button before you leave leave a like all that good stuff support the Channel you know this is our baby so it’s always good to see our baby grow up a little bit Eric I wouldn’t know I’ve never had babies so this basically is is the closest thing I got appreciate all you thank you to everyone who donated sh Brandon uh Romero $2 message retracted donation if you meant to leave a message with that feel free to say it in chat we’ll read it off before we add to here shout crushable says great stream boys can’t wait to talk tomorrow Eric yeah I need to do something with Steven before free AG see maybe that’s what I do tonight is I try and sit down with Steven and get his takes and anything um that I do with Steven we upload on our second Channel same thing with Eric and crbl we have a couple podcasts on a second Channel called Blazer surprise podcast Link in description box below if you want to go subscribe to that also you can get Blazer surprise merch on the way out here if you want as well you should be able to view it below the video but also if you click the link in the description box you can get yourself some Blazers uprise merch if you want it supports the channel and I think the merch is pretty clean um shout out to power hitter 427 $2 donation says here’s a tip thank you for the tip power hitter appreciate you Brandon Romero $2 donation says Blazers didn’t draft anyone today what they get yeah to to recap thank you Brandon for the donation to recap Blazers don’t do anything in the second round they trade the 34th pick for three future seconds from the New York Knicks one of them is like Minnesota one of them is Knicks and one of them is like like the worst of a couple teams and then they traded the 40 40th pick down to 52 and got cash considerations and then they traded the 52nd pick for cash considerations and it went back to the team that it was originally with which was the Warriors they like traded away and then like 24 hours traded for it back very weird stuff today chaos with all the trades the Blazers basically turned 34 and 40 into three future seconds and Jody patted her Pockets with some good oldfashioned cash considerations anyway don’t like giving away the 40th pick in a draft for nothing no no yesterday was great today was a bit of a bummer but we move forward and we see what the Blazers do next fre agency stream on Sunday looking forward to that content between now and then so stay tuned with that being said we’re out of here we will catch you next time until then as always peace out go Blazers

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