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Explaining Zach Edey’s fit with the Memphis Grizzlies | Chris Vernon Show

Explaining Zach Edey’s fit with the Memphis Grizzlies | Chris Vernon Show

sometimes you might get six shots in a game sometimes you might get 12 shots in the game can Zack Edy be good without taking shots I think so I the question I think about like a Purdue like the players w no offense Purdue the players w is good so of course like I got to be I’m the D in the middle I got to be good right so now you playing with J jiren de the other thing is are you just going to be there at s foot5 and he can just finish everything the job he’s a great offensive rebounder you just clean anything there’s two things on this right which is set the and rolled to the basket but he did not finish on pick and rolls well in college no he didn’t but he had more defensive eyes on him too like will be spaced out a lot better understood I also look with any of the big plotting centers and this has been my thing with you know with Rudy go when when when the Grizzlies played against it’s like I I watch it sometimes I watch a lot of these teams and I’m like bro get out of the way yeah get out of the way no it’s true Anthony Defender is next to the rim because he will not leave away from the rim because he has no reason to leave away from the rim yeah that is going to be a thing for Edie hopefully he can develop a well this is the trick and this is why this you know if you’re trying to convince yourself it can work you think about it this way the way to draw said guy away from the rim when he otherwise would not is that if you are are always the guy setting that high screen that Mor the pressure that Morant puts on you that then makes you make a choice in the matter that’s where you can clean up everything and so he there’s no question he theoretically should be able to finish Above the Rim Yeah he doesn’t have to jump uh to finish Above the Rim he cut the cut the he should be able to finish Above the Rim in a way that you that valent Tunis and stepen Adams could not but he is much more in that type of mold and we were always in favor of bro get the Lively type there two different types of centers you’ve either got the plotter guy or you’ve got the athlete guy and we’ve always thought we do have Brandon come on he’s not a center he’s not he plays the five for us got it I got it also we also get smoked on the board I’m just saying we can’t forget that we have him I love but yeah here’s the other thing Brandon is not playable with him no it would be one or the it’s like when we play OKC we have Brandon when we play Minnesota we have Ed so Edie I hope when you land here bro there’s a gym right there get the get that shot going no they can go small and they can go big right and that’s what it gives you it gives you optionality when it comes to that right and here’s hoping here’s hoping it works I I I got faith man give give us a good 15 17 minutes a game I still think there’s some there’s some some stuff in the chamber we got to do give me give me one more give me one more big man cuz I think he can play what 15 s he ain’t going to play 30 minutes give me 18 minutes a game maybe 20 May 22 maybe 25 maybe 30 no I don’t need all that yeah but I just I’ll tell you this it is crazy something that people have such differing opin I mean if it works it’s amazing yes yeah is that fair yes if it works it’s amazing it’s a hit for sure and what we have to hope is also and this is one of the things that i’ I’d be remiss if I did not mention he also has to Buck the trend of all the vet the vet big man yeah the vet big man yeah yesterday we said you know when we were talking about going into the draft Hollinger had written drafting a senior big man has you might as well just set your money on fire and you and but look there are always outliers wait why and you’ve got to hope that there’s an outlier go look up and down there NBA yeah you won’t find them like the Tyler H Bros of the world the Shawn Mays the them dudes that played in college for a while they usually history fkk OS like big guy big guys that have been in college four years yeah the ones it it’s always the ones that have been there for a year maybe two years in the rare exception you might find three years there’s just this is just and and it’s weird because he went back to college yeah got his bre after his junior year no I’m saying he went back to college cuz he wasn’t going to get taken last year and it’s like the young guys the young guys are all the ones that you look up and down the NBA and you’re just not going to find it I now you can now you could say well that’s cuz none of them stay which is true none of them do stay yeah but he did and he destroyed everyone for two straight years monster he did no I mean look the the the numbers are the numbers the guy Aver 25 and 12 they sent us his like his his like Awards bro oh his Wikipedia Pages it’s it’s like a stack like you got to roll that joint out no one has ever denied he is an amazing college player this is how big there’s no defensive 3 seconds in the n in in college that’s the thing I was worri about too this is just just just stand in front of the basket this is how big of a star he is though like he’s he’s a legit star you turn on ESPN this morning the bottom line across the screen there are two things on there about the NB a draft the first one is bronnie France four players taken in the first round the second win is two-time Player of the Year Zack goes nine to the Grizzlies oh look those are the only two things on there I even I even texted all of my buddies from uh the ringer last night CU I was on a group text with them and I said look I am hosting this thing at uh at like a live event for the draft you guys were there crowd went crazy crowd went crazy for oh you cannot you cannot underestimate College Fame College Fame is real college Fame is real you should have saw mentions last night trust me I know I mean and this guy was in the final four and like you know what I mean like he was Tennessee fans came for our neck show last oh for not taking don’t connect there was so like there’s message boards this morning saying the Grizzlies should not be a team anymore like they’re mad bro bad culture fit for Tennessee fans to have to root for LA Lakers exactly that’s that’s not y”s kind of people over there they wanted to be they wanted to be able to [ __ ] about the Griz not playing him I and let me say this if I’m being fair about the uh about the Ed thing it is infinitely being so polarizing and us having no idea how it’s going to work out or how it’s going to play out even if I have severe questions about it that makes it so much more fun yep than taking like a wing that doesn’t really play for you like dude this dude is going to play and it’s either it’s going one way or the other but that makes it it’s so much more interesting yeah so much more interesting is also so much more because he is 74 I know and he runs faster than Donovan Klinger which is insane they said what it’s 73 and 3/4s without sh don’t act like we don’t have your video of you imitating his run I’ll going do it again he’s the heaviest guy in the NBA now he’s the heaviest what about ban they said he’s the heaviest guy I don’t know how how big is Ban Bon Mur M nope 291 our gu’s [Music] 300 you see the video of him skating as like a being 61 yeah he’s a Tron play the video y’all that’s why the footwork stuff I’m not because if you no he’s got moves no he’s got moves boy C I’m like okay he’s a real Canadian boy he’s well he’s also got post moves yeah again nobody post up in the NBA no that’s what say when we talking about S screen but he has post mve they said yeah and they said Lane agility all his his Lane agility combined stuff was all more athletic than clean was we going find out we got someone in the chat said he measured faster than Donovan King did and everything in the lane the lat your lateral quickness his straightforward quickness no but his lateral quickness in the L he also smoked him in the national championship game he did like that happened it’s all it’s all about how you fit in the NBA I thought I did think we’ll get to the climate St but I did think one of the things he said is that it was pretty simple was you have to pay attention to him like you’ve got to account for him on the court like when we’re you have bro we got to see you bro and you watch some of those highlights dude when he dun like dude he is violent how he dunks like he does not just go just drop the he’s not a shrinking violet the Chris Vernon show presented by Caesar Sportsbook live weekdays at noon

Chris and the crew discuss the Memphis Grizzlies’ 2024 First Round draft pick, Zach Edey. Why did the Grizzlies go with Edey? What will his role be? Is he a good fit on the court with the current roster?

All that and more.

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  1. Did you say he didn't finish on pick and rolls in College. You better go look at the tape. Braeden Smith lobs to Edey. Get your facts straight.

  2. Joker was an outlier. Shaq would be second guessed these days. I think the reason we don’t have great big men is because we haven’t had any good big men.

  3. Tell us you really know little about Zach Edey without saying you know little about Zach Edey.

    Kind of verifies that Tennessee is really not a basketball state.

  4. Edey played 40 minutes a game in college…he has the stamina to do so it’s a questions of how long do they keep him in the floor

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