@Golden State Warriors

Warriors Trade Their Pick, Then Buy it Back?!?

Warriors Trade Their Pick, Then Buy it Back?!?

just sent us we by the way there there’s a secondary piece to the Warriors drafting Quinton post um our Warrior Insider Anthony Slater the athletic had stated this now hard caps the Warriors in the second apron so we asked okay like talk to dummies what does that mean right and and specifically what does it mean with regard to uh Klay Thompson and Paul George or anyone else for that matter what kind of flexibility Slater said quote it caps their total team salary at 189.5 million that’s off can’t go over it that is a hard cap so they cannot go over it not even by a dollar and he says that certainly limits what they can offer George slash clay in combination so you could read this one or two ways I don’t know that it lessens the likelihood of a Paul George trade but if you do see a Paul George trade which by the way could happen as soon as the next 48 hours if you do see that it probably almost certainly means that Klay Thompson plays for a a different team next year right and it almost certainly I think would involve a Chris Paul signing trade because you can’t make a trade until you’re below the second apron you can’t take on a additional money unless you’re below that and I guess come July 1st you would be below that based on Klay Thompson not being on the books anymore but I think if you’re going to bring on that money and right now you’re at 174 million for next year with all the contracts and that includes Chris Paul so if you take out Chris Paul’s 30 you’re at 144 and if you have to stay under 189 that only leaves you 45 for Chris for Paul George and if Paul George right now is making 48 and he wants to get a Max then I don’t know how the Paul George would fit underneath that unless you shed additional salary yeah that’s exactly what you would do that’s exactly what you would do just running the math right there and I think this becomes more of an Andrew Wiggins thing now sure and aggressively shopping right aggressively shopping so if you could shed Paul and Wiggins and a pick or two picks because you know future schmoch as we talked about yesterday if it’s Wiggins the Chris Paul contract and a couple of first round picks for Paul George that would keep you under the second apron and you would have a a little bit of a thinner team but they do they have added two players since we left the show yesterday yes they have they have they they they’ve added two new players that is uh that’s an accurate statement um I wonder if this is how a lot of people are translating it so tomorrow is the deadline for Chris Paul you either wave him or you pick up the $30 million option or you can partially guarantee it I think as well um I don’t know I thought it was already a guaranteed five and you got to either guarantee the 30 or or wave him I think is what it is but you know there’s little quirks here and there I’m going to read this this way if tomorrow we find out that Chris Paul has had his option picked up for $30 million then I think a Paul George acquisition becomes the leader in the clubhouse if you see the Warriors wave Chris Paul tomorrow then a reunion for Klay Thompson becomes at least more plausible yeah I still don’t know what Klay wants to do but that’s kind of my initial read on where we are with this latest development combined with what we’re expecting tomorrow’s development to be yeah and I also think that if Chris Paul’s contract is not guaranteed I think that takes you from big game hunting to medium game hunting so you go from getting a five point buck in the uh the deer world to maybe now you’re hunting for squirrels or you’re looking for a posum because if you lose the Chris Paul 30 I still think that Klay Thompson’s going to be back burner but you won’t have the ability financially to go out and bring somebody in for 50 maybe you go out and find somebody in exchange for Andrew Wiggins who’s making 26 maybe you could go and bring in somebody who’s more in that neighborhood somebody who’s making more in the 30 to $35 million neighborhood somebody like Deonte Murray somebody who is you know more in the mid to Upper tier not the top tier maybe tier two is where you end up shopping I do think that there is absolutely the possibility that the big acquisition that the Warriors might be going for is someone we’re not talking about at all again I do take pause at the idea that this is so public that feels like posturing to me that feels like someone’s trying to get someone else to do something in the negotiating World we’ll ask Ramona shelburn that she joins us in a little bit over an hour the Giants have lost in Extra Innings today to the Cubs by a final of 5 to3 Grandy’s favorite pitcher Luke Jackson coughed that up in the 10th inning and an FP is going to join us in about 18 minutes to talk all of that out but at least the Giants took three of four and some just rollover team is coming in this weekend yeah some uh uh some bums oh the Dodgers God yeah but there’s no mookie bats so fine but they got T Oscar Hernandez like hitting ninth if he’s lucky enough to be in the lineup Shi did I see that he driven in a run like nine straight games did you see him hit a home run and Miss first base yes because he thought act like you’ve homered before because he thought he flew out he homered and he hit it off the end of the bat and it still went out I just anyway let’s go to the phones John John in in Berkeley hi John you’re on with stop it totally we’re on you’re on with Willard and dibs hi John hey hey guys uh Happy uh second round NBA draft day whatever that means pretty exciting well put well put well I I I just want to offer though a counter uh opinion um I think it’s great what LeBron has done I mean you know everybody always talks about it’s a business it’s a business it’s a business and we forget that it’s also entertainment and people are you know it’s there lots of compelling stories I think LeBron figuring out how a way to get his son to play with him there’s a there’s a positive aspect to that I think they were I think that the the criticism of the the Lakers and the CR criticism of LeBron isn’t really fair I just think it’s a great story I think that if the shoe was on Curry’s foot for example which it won’t be because he’s older and his kids are to young I think we I think there’d be a different a different angle and and mind you I’m a lifetime Warrior fan I’m a big NBA fan I’ve always rooted against the Lakers and the Celtics for that matter um mostly because of their fan bases I don’t really hate the players uh but I just think it’s a great story and and and considering his heart trouble Etc I think it could be a kind of a cool uh thing to follow and I just wanted to offer that as an alternative VI that’s all yeah John can you can you stay on for a second I want to ask you a couple questions do you have any kids happy I have three kids all right so let’s talk about that for a second as a dad um one of the things that and I laugh because of all the things we’ve already said about the Lakers being run by somebody else but one of the other things that at least gives me concern about the LeBron and bronny situation is that um as a dad of an athlete and um my son is no massive college or Pro Prospect but he’s a pretty damn good golfer who does Have Eyes on playing at the next level and one thing I would never ever do to him is make such a thing about it talk about it so much that the pressure around his abilities got ramped up to a level that he couldn’t meet that to me I don’t want I don’t live in this man’s house and I don’t know all the ins and outs but I’m concerns that to me Lebron made this much more about himself than his son meaning I I want to play with my son kind of came in first place and in second place came in what’s best for Brony and what is he able to handle cuz let’s be real this dude’s not ready to be a Laker like come on well I I mean well let me say first of all it’s kind of funny because my son is actually golfing today he’s home from college very nice but that’s just that’s just a coincidence but uh he was a pretty good high school athlete but um you know I went I happened to go to the Cal USC basketball game last year um and I have a friend whose nephew plays for USC and so I kind of sat with the U USC parents and I went because she had invited me and I forgot all about the LeBron thing and I got there and I was like wow why is hos bilian sold out uh with team you know I mean actually Matson is kind of doing doing a decent job anyway I sat with the USC parents which is behind the USC bench uh and of course LeBron was there and you know to his credit he sat there he watched the game he wasn’t on his phone he wasn’t posed for pictures he was he was there to support his kid and and you know I just I just think it’s the the the criticism is is is a little bit one-sided considering that it’s not about you I don’t think he’s over hyping his kid his kid was a prospect before he had the hard thing he had a definitely had a rough freshman year at college but uh you know he could still turn into a player a lot of guys develop late and yeah sure he could you know you and you guys were bad mouthing second round pi not bad mouthing but you’re talking about how meaningless second round picks are anyway well that was my partner I don’t I don’t agree with that I don’t I don’t agree with the fact that second round picks don’t mean a thing go ahead and look through your Wikipedia and thank you John for the phone call and go ahead and look back at the history of second round drafts and it’s hilarious because there are names and continents and countries and players who never even sniffed a minute in the association and it’s just the history of the NBA in the second round the majority of second round picks are Flyers anyway so if you want to take a flyer on your Superstars kid then take a flyer and if it doesn’t work out bronnie will get a handful of games and he’ll get out of the G league and although I saw that the reports from Rich Paul were that he’s not not going to sign a two-way contract so he’s going to get kind of a trace Jackson Davis guaranteed contract of course he is and because I mean why would you because you’re right why why would kid yeah you’re not going to be disrespected like that I don’t even I don’t even know why the Lakers showed up today why’ they even show up they’re all sitting around a table clapping and congratulating each other they took a non-nba prospect that nobody else was looking at as if that was some accomplishment hey guys we did it you did what you picked someone that no one else was trying to pick they like the player and they like the pick I mean and and I’m still surprised at your take I’m not like I I understand the data I understand the data but the NBA is littered with second round picks that mean something well it’s not littered there’s a smattering of second is a second rounder Draymond Green’s a second rounder Nicole AIC is a second rounder Trace Jackson Davis we could go through history and I could give you Manu job and Mark Gasol’s and like Gilbert Arena like it happens six players over a 28 I’m not going to sit here and read it like it’s an a dictionary no I get it it happens why not happen no you you try and if you’re sitting there at 55 and you have an opportunity to maybe bring in a project and uh I’m having a hard time selling it and you know that you know when I’m full of Schmidt and this might be one shout outy back in Sacramento but if you’re sitting at 55 why not take a flyer on your Superstars kid it’s great marketing and you know what when he plays his first game as a Lakers it’s going to be a huge thing and LeBron they’re probably to do a fatherson powder toss it’s going to be a special moment I’m getting te thinking about it great and and so the Lakers have officially become a a side reality show it’s showtime Mark it’s a show It’s Entertainment it’s always talk about Showtime won championships it wasn’t a side show it was a show show you’re saying this is side show time this is a side show side show time sidh show time yeah I would like to thank the Golden State Warriors today for conducting themselves with professionalism yeah because uh and and conducting themselves on the day of basketball with basketball in mind not story lines not Familia not gathering around around so that we can become uh a cool footnote in history thank you Golden State Warriors I don’t know if Quinton post will ever play in the NBA but thank you for trying thank you for trying to be a basketball team today as opposed to somebody who is just desperate pathetically desperate for attention that’s all I’d like to say about that I wouldn’t say that they’re pathetically desperate pathetically desperate for attention it was telegraphed and uh if you want to run down the Warriors history of second round picks we can play the game wece on the roster right now who play tyese Martin a gee Santos is a second round pick I like the pick two of their five starters at the end of the year were second round picks 40% of their starting lineup and I’m going to hit you with semantics and you hate it why they didn’t draft Trace Jackson Davis they bought the pick stop it see you hate that but it’s a fact I heard that yesterday from gidds and Grandy but it doesn’t matter cuz it’s business that’s conducted in the second round and that’s what I’m talking about today I don’t care what Manion Justinian Jessup yeah most of them are going to miss m Oni Eric Pascal now you’re just making noises Eric Pascal was mentioned yesterday off the air who by the way for a minute was people were excited about him ainin kich Charles Jenkins stop making noises on dibs put some respect on his name you’re right I love grilled onion I put that on my Burgers uh let’s go Ellis second round thank you you’re welcome eat your words let’s go to Eric and Hayward hi Stefan Las hello Eric what are you doing hey what’s up I’m just driving home from my commute crazy traffic yeah what else is new sorry to hear buddy I got crushed Yesterday by the way yeah anyway nobody cares I I think I think I think all this all this stuff that’s happening with NBA you know nothing’s new there’s always been favoritism you know there’s always been ways to make your Superstars happy I mean look at the Bucks you know they just signed you know giannis’s brother thanes just to make sure that he stays that he has a higher stake but what the Lakers have done is like an entirely different uh ball game you know it’s just the fact that rich Paul were was calling the previous teams picks or teams of picks that were previous to the Lakers and say he if you if you if you draft Brony James not going to play for you he’s going to go to Australia that’s like a whole different type of like bullying you know and this is something that LeBron’s been doing in his entire career you know always getting his coaches fired and thankfully you know Mi Miami is like like a great organization and has a spine with Eric spola and and you know not being not firing him you know thanks to Pat Riley uh but you know it’s just you can’t do that in a professional League you know it’s disrespectful for the other players that have like put in so many hours and should have gone above Brony and could have gave the Lakers something that they needed next year but you know this is a weird trading piece or I don’t even know what to call it that the Lakers done just to keep LeBron happy when I I don’t know like like like you said I don’t think he would have left where he gone you know there there’s nowhere else that LeBron could have gone I I I’m with you Eric I can’t like I can believe it but I can’t believe it we saw it coming I thought it was going to happen but it’s one of those things that until it’s actually reality the belly laughter didn’t actually happen until it became reality and I’m just thank you Eric I it it’s just I’m sorry it strikes me as ridiculous it’s ridiculous pretty funny and I’d like to thank but he’s not wrong about the the thanasis anmo comp because right but that’s he not an NBA player that’s also ridiculous right ridiculous this we do this in sports where you do somebody a solid and you bring in somebody’s buddy and somebody’s caddy to make them happy you don’t have to do this you don’t have to do this no but many teams do do this in order to make certain players happy I’d like to thank the texter from the 650 that gave me this idea um but let’s go ahead and announce it um next week um I will be on vacation I’m going to see family and it has just been announced by Odyssey that dibs will be co-hosting with his son quest for the entire week now is not technically qualified to do this yeah he has been on air before um but he is not been really performing at the level you’d like him to perform in sports media circles he’s been going to Taylor Swift shows and things like that but he has not really have the sports media resume that you want but doesn’t matter because Odyssey loves dibs and odyssey wants to keep dibs happy whatever makes dibs happy that makes Odyssey happy so listeners congratulations next week you get dibs and dibs yeah and and and that’s going to be wonderful wonderful radio to listen to especially when you get questy takes and I’m only going to disparage him because I know he’s not listening but when he was a kid the big joke around the house was his favorite baseball player LeBron James so get ready for some hot ticks this going to be some amazing he was like 10 or 11 can you imagine that’s what the Lakers just did that’s what the Lakers just did that’s not yes it is no cuz they’re not expecting him to come in and ride shotgun they’re expecting him are theying wear uniform and Pat dad on the back when he comes to the bench I just can’t believe it I can’t believe it all right um we’re

Willard and Dibs react to the news that just hours after the Warriors traded the 52nd overall pick in the 2024 NBA Draft to the Oklahoma City Thunder for Lindy Waters III, the Warriors bought that same pick back from the Thunder and used it to draft Boston College center Quinten Post. The pick impacts the Warriors cap situation in a major way, though.

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  1. Engaging in this dialogue is like attending a masterclass in intellectual discourse, led by formidable women.🌺

  2. I think it’s dope honestly, as much as I dislike LeBron. Think about how many records they can start breaking: most father-son double-doubles, most father-son alley-oops, most father-son games played together, most father-son combined points per game, etc. You know all of those random obscure stats the NBA be throwing out there to generate social media engagement 😄. Father’s Day tickets about to go crazy in LA every season now. You got to give them credit, marketing for this can be crazy

  3. The bron hate is weird. Im a warrior fan but im tired of hearing u guys pray on Lebron & Bronny’s downfall . Super weird behavior

  4. Creative by Dunleavy. Now to make big deals happen. Also lebron ruining Kobe's house and continues to ruin the league. Bronny is trash and doesnt deserve a spot, also the coaching carousel makes lebron uncoachable, and hiring a podcaster where you co-hosted is just goofy and just dumb. I hope they fail epically because they deserve it and bronny gets sent to the g league where he belongs. Nepotism at its finest. Forced. Disturbing and sad.

  5. LeBron will only play with Brony if the Lakers agree to play four-on-five because Brony will be invisible on both ends and will be eaten alive by any starter 5 in the league – and most bench 5s. The greater likelihood is that he'll sit at the end of the bench and only play garbage time with his father on on the court. What the Lakers have done is simply consign themselves to the bottom 5 teams in the Conference for the next 5 years unless LeBron retires before then, so then the Lakers can dump Brony in the nearest trash can before the door shuts on LeBron's ass.

  6. Warriors org is full of nepotism, whether it’s Kirk lacob or Nick Kerr, or back when they had Seth Curry or Damian Lee- it’s nothing new in the NBA, and keeping your superstar happy is good business practice. Don’t get why the Bronny story is such a big deal

  7. Who cares if they bought the pick the only reason more first rounders dont fall out early is because of the years and amount of money on guaranteed contract

  8. .Congratulations Bronny. Now, on to phase 2. I have faith in you. Your dad and JJ are 2 of the smartest basketball minds. Block out the noise. Hunker down. Defense and hustle plays will earn you minutes/millions!🫶🏾🔥🫶🏿🙏✌🏿💥

  9. Y’all need to stop klay Thompson ain’t going anywhere and Paul ain’t coming to the warriors

  10. theres a reason why they didn't cut Loon and didn't work out a smaller long deal with GP3, those 2 contracts = 17m add that to CP3 30m that's 47m

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