@Miami Heat

Pelle Larsson Post-Draft Media Availability | June 27, 2024

Pelle Larsson Post-Draft Media Availability | June 27, 2024

hey P welcome and congratulations I’m just curious as to how much uh connection did you have with the heat during the pre-draft process and then on top of that how do you think your shooting ability fits into what for them has been a a very successful development program for Shooters over the last five years uh yeah I think I mean I had good conversations with them during the draft process I went to work out there and and it was a good time loved everybody was there taking care of me and I think most of all the heat just feels very well-rounded players and that have on careers and and they can do a lot of things and they’ve had you know similar players to me they are great Shooters and and I’m just excited to implement that to my my daily routines and my practice thank you right up next we’re going to go with Bruce Pasco Arizona Daily Star go ahead yeah hey P congratulations um did you feel like you uh you about where you thought I mean you were kind of projected maybe get in the first round early second midc I didn’t know like what kind of range and and did you feel like that the heat kind of was as much is anybody interested in you yeah what’s up Bruce good to see you again no I mean it doesn’t matter to me uh wherever it is as long as I get to to show my talents through myself and and uh or under trust from the organization and uh you know he’s he’s my team they pick me they trust me and that puts my trust in them what was it like in this two round process where you know again there’s a possibility you might go Wednesday and then you have then you don’t go and you have to sit around I mean like what was last night like Was it crazy or you know were excited disappointed anxious how did that feel I really just trying to enjoy it you know just my flew out from Sweden so just trying to enjoy my time with that I had with them and and everyone that I love being together so uh you know we just hung out watched the draft and and then today I got to hear my name called and and it was special okay cool thanks right up next we’re going with Anthony Chang Miami Harold go ahead hi congrats and welcome to Miami like they like they said um I’d to ask you a question as far as is there a certain player maybe you modeled your game after during the pre-draft process or even in college that you kind of look at and kind of see some of yourself in um and I guess what what type of feedback did you get from the heat during the pre-draft process after you work out uh I mean I don’t think there’s a specific player I just try to uh play really hard every time I get the chance to and and in any area and there’s a lot to basketball not just shooting the ball so I’m just trying to do uh the best I can in all those areas and I mean there’s guys that have immediate impact in the league that are similar to me I think uh and then during the process like the feedback I got was that they likeed me you know and and and now I got the the proof of that with this this draft this night so yeah just really really good experience all right up next we’re GNA go with Zachary Weinberger clutch points go ahead hey welcome to Miami as everybody said so you know just kind of talk about what maybe the the Heat fans can expect from you you talked about your intensity and everything can you just kind of talk a little bit about what the fans can expect for you when when they see you on the court uh yeah I mean I think I’ve shown the people in Tucson and Arizona just how hard I play for for the team that’s on my jersey and and the pride I have every time I step on a court uh whatever the role might be whatever the minutes I mean I’m going to just do what’s best for the the the team and uh that’s so you’re going to see from me a guy that can do a little bit of everything shoot the ball really well and and play really hard all right uh looks like we have one more uh Bruce go ahead again I think you’re M muted Bruce did I get mute I’m sorry okay I think can you hear me now yeah yeah um so sorry I I was just wondering like when you look back on it you came here after that one year in Utah the three spent here when you look back on it how how did that help you get to this position I mean are there certain things in your game you felt like really developed that that you know especially after you went through the process in the pre-draft where you thought yeah difference anything like that I mean I think coming to Arizona I just played with a lot of great you know a lot of great players coming through that program program a lot of NBA players and and I just had to chance to play alongside them and and learn from them and learn from Tommy and and the rest of the coaching staff just being around really good people that are really good at basketball is going to help you H ultimately and and also learning how to play with the other really good players yeah okay and um the the style of playing to do you feel the heat does that similar anything sorry you cut out I couldn’t hear you um I’m just wondering if if the style you play here at Arizona you know some of the teams were looking for course that you thought maybe would yeah I mean the side I play I think definitely fits the heat culture uh and I think the people that watch my games the the previous years they know that and uh it’s a team that I was really excited about in the in the draft process and even more now you know obviously and and it’s it’s going to be great to to learn from such a you know great organization great coaches with with the history that that there is here so just excited one and just one final thing just wondering what’s this spring like like how how what’s it been like how many teams you work out for roughly have you been all over the place or you had any time to to get away from it all or what’s what’s it I mean no pretty much constant constant traveling around the country working out uh but I mean I really enjoyed all the workouts it’s for me it’s just been an opportunity to compete stay in shape I mean the workers are really fun you get to compete with guys that are in similar position with you and and it’s it’s might have been the the the days in between that are a little bit less fun but uh just as soon as one work is done I just look forward to the next one

Pelle Larsson spoke to the media immediately following Day 2 of the 2024 NBA Draft.

Larsson was acquired as a part of a three-team trade after being selected with the 44th overall pick.


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  1. This kid is gonna be good great shooter and good defender I hope all the guys we got make the roster because we could use that kind of size here.

  2. Sad about nikola djurisic. Was a jaime jaquez jr/caleb martin. 3 years younger and taller. Chemistry with nikola jovic

  3. Just watched some highlights online, and if his game can grow and adapt to the NBA, he’s gonna be a hell of a point guard, maybe even all-star. Seems to have a great feel for the game.

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