@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons Trade Into Second Round And Select Bobi Klintman, What’s Next After Ron Holland

Detroit Pistons Trade Into Second Round And Select Bobi Klintman, What’s Next After Ron Holland

for the first time ever we had a second day for the round two of the NBA draft it just wrapped up we saw the first trade in trasan lon’s president of basketball operations career we’re going to talk about who he selected and the selection of Rod Holland on day one in today’s episode lockdown Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the locked on Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host Cahill you can find me over on Twitter at Cahill I want to thank you guys for Mak lock on Pistons your first list of every single day we’re fre toel your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a festar review or whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by game time downlo the game time app create an account and use code locked in NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply with game time so I want to start off talking about like I just said in the cold open we’re recording this right after the day two round two of the NBA draft first time they’ve ever made it a two-day event I think it’s only because of bronnie I don’t think they’ll do it next year so I mean we’ll see what happens but first time ever for a day two round two and we saw Tran Lon make his first trade as a Detroit Pistons president basketball operation so I want to talk about that and obviously who he selected with that pick he ended up trading for later on we’ll also move in talking about Ron Holland obviously the Pistons fifth overall pick I want to get how’s thoughts on that and then we’ll wrap up with what is next for the Detroit Pistons after the draft now um so we it’s gonna be a fun episode today so but before we get into any of that how how are you doing today man um I’m I’m ecstatic man this is a holiday for me this my favorite time of year so yeah well at least you got to treat it like a holiday you got to take the day off I still had to wake up go to work and then come home so I mean yeah well it’s it’s like the one day year that it’s like this and like a few days around Christmas those are those are the holidays every year for me I love the draft all right well let’s get let’s get into some of the drafts then so day two Tran Lon he mentioned after uh the selection of Ron Holland in his presser um he mentioned to all of us that moving up and getting a pick in the second round was something they were going to consider doing um the next day which is now today and they ended up actually doing that they traded their late second round draft pick which I believe was number 53 correct um they tra and they traded that for wend Moore Jr and the 37th overall pick to the uh Minnesota Timberwolves so first off I want to say that trade I thought was a great trade uh this is he took on salary a minor salary they what was it $24 million I believe it was um so they went from $64 million to $2 million in C so he took on some some salary not much at all but some salary to get an early second round pick and then basically swap second round pick so I thought that was a great value trade by traan Lon to H for that to be his first deal um as the Detroit Pistons president basketball operations I don’t think it’s gonna be his only trade this off season but for the first one I thought it was a good value trade and that’s something I don’t think we said many times over on the last regime um but with that pick they went with Bobby Clinton um he is a Swedish Prof basketball player um how before I get your thoughts on Bobby I went and asked multiple people that we respect in the draft Community just to give me their quick notes on Bobby because obviously I didn’t know much about him I like I I didn’t know anything really about him um but so I wanted to get someone else’s people people that I respect their opinion and their Scout on him instead of coming on here and lying and acting like I knew I knew what I didn’t know that that was make that’s what that’s always that’s my move come on now well you know that’s what that’s what makes me good how is that I I get smarter because I know I’m not the smartest in the room you feel me you know it is what it is but okay so the first Scout uh Scout me or the Scout review I got was from Bryce Simon friend of the podcast he is a co-host Omar sofa of the Pistons PA he also has that podcast with Sam Vini um so I want to read his scouting report of Bobby and then we’ll move on um he said a long rangey Wing forward I would say needs more time as a forward right now that offers some versatility as true off-the-ball offensive player he definitely knows who he is and what he provides in terms of value on this end of the Court the shooting numbers may cause some people to question his floor spacing but I am a believer and he combines this with an awesome knack for off ball cutting where his ceiling is somewhat limited as what he can do when he has the ball in his hands he has Flash the ability to attack close out close outs and attack off the dribble with positive results but is not nearly consistent enough defensively there are real concerns on and off the ball along with needing to show some more overall defensive playmaking this did improve during his MBL season compared to his freshman year at wake fors but there is definitely a lot more room for growth he also went on to say he had him in his early 30s on his board for this draft um next person I I got uh a quick report from was from our friend R does great stuff over at Swiss Theory um dropped a really great article on Ron Holland before the draft by his strength creation so uh really just go check out roow he’s amazing on Twitter um you can find him what what’s his Twitter oh roll yeah so go check him out um and his he just gave me a quick few sentences he just said solid touch at 610 can shoot catch and shoot shots well some flexibility at that size on drives but terrible at finishing at The Rim in the half court has some tools defensively but the effort level and motor is waning um so with all that I talked for a minute trying to give everyone there you know give as much perspective as possible how what was your report on Bob Clinton it it matches a lot of what what Bryce had right he’s he’s uh roughly 69 611 wingspan so he’s not a huge plus wingspan guy but he is real tall right uh 215 roughly in that range so he’s got a little bit of muscle on him but he’s not like a big Power uh forward you know he’s he’s mostly like a a space the floor and cut to the rim type Wing right that’s what he does he has a little bit of a handle and a little bit of of some passing chops which is nice he he can kind of connect play a little bit I don’t love his decision making um he’s uh one of those guys who was very late to basketball uh he he grew up in Europe uh came over to play at I believe Sunrise Christian um he committed to a couple different colleges before settling on Wake Forest and then uh when he tried to go into the draft last year I guess he got some feedback that said hey we need you to work on some things and he went and played in Australia so he’s had quite a bit of a journey already and he’s he’s definitely a little raw um than maybe you might expect from a seconde guy who’s played some professional basketball um you know it is it is to me it’s a little bit of the offensive decisionmaking uh you know he plays a little bit of point forward like a point Wing at times especially when he plays for uh uh Sweden but he’s not really that creative like pick and roll ball handler type it’s just more he’s got some clever dump offs and some stuff like that um um the big thing though is he moves really well he he he’s a good runner and and good across the floor he’s not at all explosive though one of the lower vertical numbers at the combine like a 32inch maxer that’s not that’s what you expect out of centers really it’s not something you expect out of your out of your wings so uh covers ground well but doesn’t explode and that’s where you really see it in the finishing numbers uh it pops up sometimes in the defensive things um on defense he’s real raw he uh he tends to ball watch or watch his man but struggles to do both he’s a little rate late in rotations um you know he he’s he’s active I don’t I don’t necessarily think he’s like overly passive or like asleep on things it’s just uh he still has the ways to go so um you know I I had him probably in like the 40ish range in in uh my ranking so I I it’s certainly good value where the Pistons got him I wasn’t mad at all about the the value there but to me he’s a guy who’s going to probably be g-league uh you know project for a little while I’m not sure he’s the guy that comes in and plays right away so I wanted to ask you so ant Wright friend of the podcast as well we’ve had him on a few times he mentioned one of his I I think he tagged me in a in a quick uh recap on the Piston’s draft um and he said that at the beginning of the year it was thought that he would be a first round grade and as the season went on kind of slipped a little bit um so one do you agree with that that he started the draft process more or maybe not the draft process but the season um as a first round Talent kind of slid a little bit um and also what is the cell what what’s the cell for Pistons fans what was the cell for the Pistons front office that made them pick him what would you say is the cell in the belief uh where is that coming from uh so part of the reason he was thought highly of is is right this was a a weird draft right there was a lot of confusion about who would actually land where where the value was actually going to end up being so part of it was just this is a dude who was of well enough to to do some combined stuff last year right he got some NBA Buzz last year at Wake Forest so that alone was like hey this is a returning sophomore you know clearly you look at him and it’s like this is an NBA sized player he can shoot the three right so he’s he shoots 36 37% from three mostly catching shoots right now he’s got some footwork stuff he’s got to clean up before I trust him to do a whole lot more he’s got uh inward pointed toes and stuff that that uh make his base very unsettled at times um but he he was he was thought of as maybe a second rounder last year and you think okay you take a guy who was maybe expected to go in in basically the same range last year right High uh you know early in the second round uh you know you let him go play professional uh you expect that guy to move up 10 spots 15 spots and be a late first-rounder so uh certainly I don’t think ant was wrong there and then I think part of it was he just came into this season and it didn’t make a leap in any category which is why he’s still kind of a second under it was like okay yep he he is who we thought he was and not sure not sure where he grew the this the pitch is easy it’s it’s you know this is a a tall Wing who um isn’t a complete idiot with the ball in his hands right he can do a little bit um he can do a little creation he can do a little slash he’s a very good cutter that’s that’s I think Bryce mentioned that in his report and I I agree he’s a very good cutter um despite not having a ton of explosion at The Rim uh he he he moves quickly and decisively and that’s very good and then he can shoot enough right especially catch and shoot threes from the the corners he can hit those at 35 to 40% so he’ll be somewhere in there so the that pitch you know in the second round is is pretty easy right you’re GNA you’re gonna get a guy who’s uh you know he may not he may not be an NBA player but he’s going to get a couple chances just because he’s got the right tools and you know that that is an an archetype of player that’s really valuable right so at this point do you expect if you had to your own guess do you expect him to become an NBA player would you be shocked if he became legit rotational player what what what where are you feeling your overall stance on him I wouldn’t be shocked I’d be shocked if it happened like in the next two or three years I think he’s a bit of a project but it wouldn’t it wouldn’t surprise me um you know again that’s it’s a valuable skill set if you if he can actually shoot and if they can get him to just play you know more mature defensive uh stuff and just get his his IQ there I mean that you’re going to get minutes because that’s that’s an NBA frame and if you can shoot and play defense you’re you’re in all and to wrap it up apparently his agent is among the TMS I just answer this do you think he’s a he was a legit pick like the fact that he was picked at 37 by the Pistons do you think it was because they look they feel like him as a prospect or are you buying the conspiracy that it’s a telum agent so that’s why they picked him or do you think they actually liked him as a prospect look the the allegations are not going away right you can’t keep drafting a telum guy basically every draft and and get rid of the allegations they’re going to stick around uh I think he would have been drafted absolutely in this draft uh if it weren’t the Pistons I think someone else would have would have gotten him uh I have a sneaky suspicion they were looking at at Johnny Fury when they acquired this pick in the first place I’m not sure that they like made this move to go get him uh which they’ve done in the past so I’m not sure this was really a tellum thing uh I think it’s just a coincidence but it’s a it’s a coincidence that kind of rears its ugly head every draft so you know it’s not like they can be uh they can’t be mad that the allegations sit there every year when they keep doing this so all I’ll say on on clitman is that one swagged out absolutely swagged out for the draft he was Absolut he was absolutely swagged out for the second round that’s first um and second just listening to I believe um oh my God I’m drawing a blank who was the one that was providing the the draft coverage for ESPN was it given bony or oh yeah yeah yeah I believe it was him and he uh the description he gave immediately I didn’t know anything about him but as soon as he gave his description I was like oh that’s a that’s a player I’d like okay I get that but after listening to some people talk about him I understand it seems like he’s a little bit more of a project and we’ll see if he actually latches on or not I’m interested to see how he plays in the summer league so um I don’t know if it was just simply a tellum pick guys I think it sounds like he was a legit NBA prospect that would have went around this range anyway so I I want to hang up too much on that but like you said you keep doing it you’re just it’s GNA be tough for you it’s just it’ be tough to beat the allegations but um when we come back though I do want to ask Hal about Ron Holland because that is the Piston’s main prize from the draft that is the fifth overall pick and that’s the one that left people whether it be for good or for bad pretty shocked at the time that it happened so we’ll talk about Ron Holland coming up game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace a Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier prices on the game time map actually go down the closer gets to the first pitch with killer last minute deals all in prices views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guest work out of buying MLB tickets and the reason why I love game time is because I’m a procrastinator I wait till the last second with everything I do and it oftentimes screws me over when it comes to tickets but with game time actually saves me you can save up to 60% off buying last minute tickets for sports concerts comedy theater Etc any kind of events near you and 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gonna talk about what you’re talking about just just we’re gonna move past that like nothing happened um all right Hal so the Pistons last night when we recording this it’s the 27th so last night but first day of the draft they selected Ron Holland and I think it’s very fair to say it shocked a lot of people hell it shocked Ron Holland Ron Holland was shocked after we got him on a conference call and we able to ask him questions I’m telling you guys the quotes don’t do it justice his voice he sounded like someone that was like I don’t know I wasn’t expec him to be here guys I don’t know like he was he was shocked so and I think a lot ofans fans were shocked too whether it be for good or for bad um I’ve already given my explanation that once kinging fell to five I thought for sure they were trading back I thought as soon as that happened I was like okay everything went right got someone’s gonna come up and trade some assets for you can fall back and you get the guy you like I thought that for sure was happening so I was shocked because of that not because I thought Ron Holland’s a terrible Prospect just because I thought for sure that’s what was gonna happen but Ry Holland ended up being selected so before I turn over to you how I do want to say this again for everyone who’s listening if you did not listen to the last episode Ron Holland said he did not interview at all with the Pistons he said he did not work out at all with the Detroit Pistons he said he did not think he was going to the Detroit Pistons um and we didn’t really have any indication before that Ron Holland was someone being considered so I think that’s where the place of of shock M comes from um and also we’ll talk about you know the the inevitable fit questions that everyone’s talking about but just immediately how when that pick happened were you you shocked I I was I I was shocked like you that the that it wasn’t a clinging trade I think basically my my read kind of is that nobody believed that the Pistons would keep clinging and therefore they kind of lost leverage uh and there and uh I forget who picked next but I don’t think they were a plausible team Charlotte they went yeah yeah so they’ve got Mark Williams so I I think it was I think it was Port was like no we’re not going to pay you for something we don’t believe you’re going to do so um I think they kind of lost leverage maybe if some somebody had wanted to Leap Frog Portland that badly uh but I think Memphis was the other obvious team and they they it seems like were happy with Ed so uh you just kind of lose some value that I thought was definitely going to be there but uh for me Ron is number two on my board so I I was shocked in a good way where I was worried that he was going to keep falling uh it didn’t seem like a lot of people agreed with with my assessment personally so uh I was kind of worried that it would be another Prospect so I I was shocked in a very pleasant way when it was uh when was wrong and I do want to say I said this in the last episode too that people like yourself a lot of people in draft Twitter that I respect that do really good draft work they had they were all really high on Ron Holland I didn’t see many um and many people that I respect that do a lot of draft work that didn’t have him like top five at the very least a lot of people have him top two top three I believe someone said that John Hollinger had him like top two as well like he think holler was number one yeah yeah so he had him number one so a lot of people it doesn’t seem like the NBA Scouts were as high on them at least what it seems like but a lot of people I respect were really high on Ron Holland I think everyone agrees that he’s a high upside player so how I do want to say or I do want to ask since I did not think Ron Holland was really a consideration so I didn’t spend much time before the draft talking about him and to be fair I didn’t talk about many individual prospects before the draft I didn’t have enough time to really dive into each Prospect like I did the previous year but I didn’t really look into him at all I didn’t think it was someone they were going to consider so I didn’t have as much on the last episode to really talk about eval wise so can you give the listeners what your eval of Ron Holland was yeah well so 67 61 wingspan right so so Wing sized player right roughly an assar sized player right same same similar body type uh really really good athlete right um more he he’s got good vertical pop but he’s more of a of a lighter more of a of a horizontal athlete a little more like Zack LaVine than than Aaron Gordon is what I’d say right he’s he’s going to cover ground really quickly um watching him before the ignite right so before he went to the ignite watching him with Team UFA watching some of his high school stuff he was like a utility forward right go get rebounds defend the heck out of the ball you know push in transition but he wasn’t doing a lot of Primacy uh you know ball handling that kind of stuff right so he was just a guy who fit in at high level a really high level I mean he was doing that stuff enough to be a five-star top-of-the-class Prospect but he wasn’t a create on ball guy go to the ignite the ignite have no point guard on the roster worth talking about they don’t have a center really to talk about uh I think they expected modest to be more of a ball handler than he was and it just ended up this was a terrible context the ignite were a worse team than the Pistons were last year right just a worse fit for Ron than the Pistons were for Kate and that’s uh that was kind of the focus of of my eval is okay what does this guy look like when you don’t make him do all the weird stuff he did because he took a ton of terrible shots drove into traffic like crazy and the takeaway is mostly that like this was a guy capable of driving into traffic like he has an insane first step in incredible uh burst uh a functional handle he needs to get better but like um he’s more advanced I think than assar was coming in he’s not the same level of like passer and field that assar is um but like he was able to pressure the rim seven eight nine 10 times a game and just really do it on the back of pure athletic traits in the G League which uh you know is a messy league in many ways but you have guys who are who are defending oneon-one for their lives and their and their jobs there um and so to beat you know adults like that repeatedly with no spacing on your team uh was a real credit to him and then you see him do things um you know the ability to like drive to the elbow and immediately stop and pull up and shoot the like 17-footer you want him to be a better shooter right we we can talk about the shooting and it’s a problem that he has to fix but like the balance and the control to be able to get into those shots off of you know to drive at full speed and immediately stop and shoot is the kind of thing that like makes Anthony Edwards special right so the these are things that he keeps flashing uh as he plays and then defensively this is a guy with an awesome motor uh who can defend just about anyone one-on-one rotates well he needs to to just be uh to to kind of mature and and learn but you I I have no real complaints about what he was doing especially given the kind of coaching and situation he was in at the ignite I think he’s going to be a really good defensive player so um really it was just about the offensive evaluation what is he doing and um you know sometimes you say a player is flashing skills right you mean like oh I saw that once every other game and with Ron it was like no he’s flashing something cool every other play the problem is the the plays when he weren wasn’t flashing he was making wild mistakes and so you just have to hope that those mistakes and like some of those the shots that he misses right you just kind of have to hope that some of that is the context in the ignite and being in a terrible situation and that you know you just keep trimming away and trimming away and trimming away and that in four or five years you look up and it’s like oh this this guy’s like an All-Star because he has that kind of potential so I want to say I did watch today at work don’t tell my employer um at work I did watch I you know you’re saying that publicly bud I did I did watch three G League games three to four so bad for you no yeah no like three and a half G League games I do want e what you said g- League’s terrible G like the spacing was horrific just the shot quality is just terrible like it’s it’s bad um but everything you said there it did pop off the the screen to me as well um crazy athlete like you said a glider more so than like a explosive uh guy like that um I look him as a prospect I understand why they took him best player available especially like I said in the last episode no matter who the Pistons were going to take it five they going to be a non-shooter either they were going to be a non-shooter you’re going to have big questions about them as a shooter the only other player you could take was connect and he went 17 so unless you were gonna do a big reach at five like you were gonna end up taking best player available and he would probably wasn’t be able to shoot like that’s just what this draft was they were like they didn’t have no choice with that like it is what it is um and unluckily or yeah unlucky for them they fell a five so I mean it is what it is but I want to move on to the fit stuff because I think this is a I think this is a fair conversation to have though I think some people maybe go too far off the rails um and maybe we’ll go ahead and make this the last segment as well so we can break it up a little bit because I don’t want to run too long with this um in just one segment um but you know what let’s go ahead and wrap it up here and then we’ll move into the third segment and we’ll finish it off with just talking about this but just real quickly your answer on this is the fit questions is the is the concerns over fit do you think it’s a legitimate concern for fans to have I think it’s a legitimate concern but I don’t think it’s a concern for like this upcoming season the way everyone kind of seems to be processing that question do you want do you want to wait till after the break to to further explain that or why why don’t we make that a teaser yeah okay okay there you go that’s the make how to host the lockdown piston he’s he’s doing a good job with the teaser I can’t do those summer podcasts man people don’t get it man I’d be putting in work over here this is tough like this is tough that’s what that is so stay tuned for that here how’s answer to that and what he means by that coming up so I want to thank you guys again for M Lon pist since your first listen of every single day we’re free and available on your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star riew whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast all right how we’re I’m looking at the time we’re at 27 minutes I’m going to give this segment the rest like 13 minutes we’re guys everyone listening we’re going to go 13 minutes here going to be a little bit of a longer podcast you guys usually enjoy those so not concerned about it but um Nick forgive me please I I think I think I think 40 minutes is fine though I think I’ll be good I think I’ll be cool um all right so go ahead and expand on that answer you had just given about it’s not so much about this year well like you can’t expect to win 45 games this year right so I I see a lot of people being like well I can’t win with you know non-shooters and it’s like well you’re right but your goal is to get like 32 wins right and you wish that you were in a position to win more this year right you wish that you’d won 28 last year so you could aim for 38 this year it’s not what it is right you you’re trying to double your wins and you know can you do that if you have some inefficiencies on the team yeah that’s you you can’t so um do you have to play all these players together at the same time right no you don’t right you don’t have to play assar and Ron Holland at the same time you don’t even necessarily have to play them in the same games right now somebody can be in the G League um you go out in free agency just go rent shooting right and when I say rent I mean pay money for for short contracts and just bring in guys that can shoot and you know help you build lineups that let you kind of toggle these kids on and off the floor and you know two three years from now hopefully one of them all of them have learned to shoot if they haven’t you have to make some decisions and hopefully they’re they’re proven enough in their other skills that like you know if both Ron and assar for example become great Defenders who can dribble and score at The Rim and pass but neither one can shoot and you probably have to pick one as long as they’re good enough with the other things they’ll probably have enough value that you can move them and do something right that’s just part of the process of team building and so to me it’s like would it be great if they could all shoot and we could win 45 games this year yeah but that’s not it’s not really realistic and it can’t be the goal and it can’t be the only way you make decisions is how do I win more games this season you’re trying to win and build a process to win games in the future and that’s um you know it’s what it’s what Tran Lang has said in his press conferences right he’s about building a process and and setting this team up for Success long term and I think this is just part of that process you you know you still have plenty of money to go get you know someone like a a Tobias Harris you could overpay kcp right give him two years and $60 million just to come in and fill in the lineups around these these players and and see what you have and and try and put them in positions to grow and and do uh do the things they do well for you right put them in positions to do the good things right now try and avoid putting them in positions to do the bad things right if you play all of them together then yeah it’s look bad when when they’re all bricking threes if it’s just you know one of us sa and Ron on the floor you know they can cut and move and run dribble handoffs and do all sorts of stuff and you’re not going to notice it as much right we saw assar work in situations last year as long as it wasn’t like ham and isaah Stewart and Jade iy together and all of a sudden it was like oh there’s no one reliable on the floor you C you can work around that and thankfully they went and got uh fono hopefully Grimes is healthy hopefully he’s still here you know we’ve heard rumors and Rumblings that maybe something is happening there but like those are the kind of guys where like if it’s Cade and Grimes and assar and fonio and Duran you have enough spacing to try things and and let guys grow so I think that’s just the plan is to just keep doing those kinds of things and you know again hopefully two three years from now is when you’re really looking at this and saying okay do these guys fit or not have they have they grown enough right now you can’t worry about that so I think to give my my answer to this I do think fit is a fair concern however like I said there’s a few things I want I go with this one like I said in the last segment you were going to be drafting someone with this was going to be a question no matter what like this was an inevitable inevitability we are going to have this conversation no matter what like it was just gonna happen that’s the kind of draft this was um so I and again I don’t it’s not so much about Ron the prospect it’s not about Ron himself I’m fine with him himself um I’m fine with this overall process either anyways I’m just speaking to the theci side has concerns I understand the concerns I tweeted this out today and I think more than just fans agree with this I think the concern is and it’s fair one is that last year the conversation was okay assar can’t shoot but we have all this cap space we’ll go get the spacing in free agency and then they didn’t do that they they they drafted assar and they did not go get spacing and then they dealt with one of the worst shooting Seasons like actually the worst season in Pistons history they they that’s what happened so the concern is now okay you did it again are you actually going to use the c space you have now to address the spacing or is it going to be the same thing like last year where you don’t actually do that and now you just added another non-shooter and we still have not addressed the shooting I think that is the concern and I understand why you’d be concerned about that after what look when you win 14 games when you have the worst season in the franchises history I don’t blame any fan that has PTSD and is concerned about everything like that I don’t think people truly understand how bad this past season like how bad this past season was it’s like I get it you get to have healthy doubt about just about everything that’s fair I I completely get that however Ron is a really good Prospect and he is a high upside Prospect they believe he was the best player available at that spot so I don’t think I tweeted this out I don’t think the conversation needs to be about Ron Holland I thought I think Ron Holland was if you were going for best player available and you had him at the top of your board that’s the best that’s the right pick the conversation needs to be about what happens after now what are you doing after R Holland because if you are not then making the the or creating an environment for your young guys to excel then the fit stuff then all that is actually going to rear its ugly head again and it’s going to ruin everything it’s gonna ruin everything so it’s not Ron I think everything that happens after Ron now is what matters and I do think that’s where I I don’t know if you did this on purpose how but you you said something I again I don’t know if you did it on purpose but I think uh whether you meant to or not you were on to something you mentioned about two three years having to decide on these guys and you only mentioned Cade assar and Holland I don’t think Duran and Ivy are going to get to I think they got to the deadline that’s what I believe is going to happen they have to the deadline until there’s going to be a decision made on them I think there’s a good chance or maybe not a good chance I think there’s a chance that you might get a decision on him already like by the end of this offseason I think the concern I think what the question is and I’m gon to be interested to see what the answer is from Tran I don’t know what they’re going to decide to do I just think that I know that the question is okay we want to create this big en this great environment for our kids you want to create a good environment for our young guys to develop great can you create that young Environ can you create that good environment while keeping all these guys together is it possible to do so can you create an En is it is it going to be the best environment for your best guys or the guys that seem like are their like main guys in a cade assar and now seem Holland can you do that by bringing all the young guys back is that a good environment and James asked them this question after his initial press conference I think he kind of played both sides which I thought was interesting he kind of played both sides and it was like we like the young guys blah I want to develop them but you’re right we can’t you don’t want to have all young guys because then it can provide it it it can ruin an environment it can cause trouble so that’s the question that I think fans are going to be waiting to see and I’m really interested to see how they answer it because I do think that’s the next Once you draft Ron that’s the next thing you got to decide are you bringing everyone back can you bring all of them back and have a good environment for your main guys or will that cause some cause some trouble that that’s that’s where that’s where I’m at what where are you standing on that do you think that’s that’s G to be a question that they’re answering or do you think that’s out of bounds where do you stand on it no no I think it’s a good question and I think kind of the related question to me is as Tran and and those guys review the roster do they think they’re done tanking right is this the year right they’ve got the money and they’re not going to have this much money for a while right that they’re going to have more flexibility I think unless they do something really really crazy but they’ll have flexibility for a while but they’re not just going to have empty space for a while are they is this a year where they want to go try and win 32 35 games right do they want to make a big leap go sign your Tobias Harris’s your kcps go sign your hartenstein right these these veterans who maybe you’re going to overpay them a little bit from what the market wants uh but you know you’re trying to set a Baseline and do what the Rockets did right you’re trying to do that you can do that if you think that among the young players you have you know at least two of them are going to be legitimate Allstars right you have to have some faith in one of Holland assar Ivy during to really be that dude moving forward because that’s what you need at least two of those guys to be you know an elite team if they don’t think they’ve got that then what you know where are they going to go with that money what are they going to do with it because they might be thinking well Cooper flag’s coming up you know camb boozer’s coming up in in the 2026 right um you know you you might be thinking about more talent and if they’re thinking about more Talent that’s where it gets concerning because that’s what Troy Weaver was doing right he was saying well I’ll just tank again right it won’t it won’t be that bad I’ll just tank again and then he kept making decisions that just didn’t build a good enough roster and eventually the surrounding Talent just kind of disappeared on him and he had a team that won 14 games you can’t do that anymore so you know walking the middle ground between uh you know finding the line of like how do you win at least 25 26 27 games and just look you know respectable and then do you push that and try and go a little further how how far do you want to go you know I I don’t know exactly where he is on that scale of wanting to to actually tank or wanting to really push in in you know I think the plane is is you know outside the realm of possibility personally but do you want to at least make it look like you’re trying for that right is that is do you want to make that kind of progress that’s kind of an open question for me and and uh it really depends on his evaluation of the youngsters but I think that’s kind of what I’m thinking about now is is where does he really want to what’s what’s his vision for the next like two years yeah look I completely agree with you and that’s what’s going to be the most interesting part about this next off about this part of the off season is that I look I’ve been saying this on the podcast for a minute people can believe me or not I I have heard throughout the whole offseason that they are really high on assar now that was before they got Tran but then Tran basically echoed that at his like after drafting Holland that he really likes assar and Holland believes they can be really good together in a few years maybe not initially but I I’ve nonstop all I’ve heard is that they look at assar like a Cornerstone like he is like they are very high on assar what what player on this roster looks the most like a player that would play for the Pelicans right correct right like all all those wings they drafted it’s assar and Ron are the two guys where it’s like those two those two would have been in New Orleans if if they could have been correct I I completely agree so my thing is I just I just really am wondering what their decision is is on Ivy and Duren I think that has to be the next are you going like you mentioned this on the last time you were on on on the podcast are you going and paying big money to a starting center and if you do do that are you what are you doing with d are you convincing him that hey you’re just gonna be our bench big for the next four three four years like is he that something that he’s gonna be on on board with is he gonna have Buy in on that is that the best use of your s your value with him your resources with him like Ivy do you believe in Ivy as a like one like you were saying like one of those future guys if not are you is now the time to move on from him can like what that’s these are the questions that I I’m really interested in seeing what they have to have to uh what they decide on I don’t think it’s on Holland I think and maybe this might be a little prematurely but this is just what I’m reading on I think I think Tran has his what he prefers as and this maybe not tran but just the Pistons or has their three guys that they really like right now I think they got Kar and Holland I think those are the main guys right there and I think there’s open-ended questions right now on Ivy and durren and the question like we just mentioned is that okay can you bring those guys back and try to develop all of them at the same time is that something you can do or do you need to move on from some of them to bring in more vets so it better helps your main three like that’s that’s the question they got answer I’m I’m interested to see what they do um so how last question I have for you do you if you had to put money on which route they go this off season which route do you think they go and not not even you don’t have to be specific about who they trade if you do go that route just you think they go the T route do you think they go we might see another offseason when they don’t actually use the cat space to get veterans that can actually impact the game like what route do you think they’re gonna go at this time and then we’re gonna wrap up the podcast I I think they’re going to try and kind of split the middle I think we’re gonna get at least one guy that they signed to like a real contract that’s you know like a Tobias sisa player like at least one of those guys that’s that’s legitimately brought in to be a starter and and contribute and uh you know I think we’re going to keep at least uh you know the young guys around at least until the deadline I think you probably want to see where they are with your new coach whoever that ends up being and uh Fred Vincent that really scre the co who cares about the head coach is Fred Vincent he Fred Vincent is the might be the most important acquisition in Pistons history like look if he if he if he gets one of AAR or Holland like 35% from three right you build them a statue 100 feet tall right in front right out right out in that Plaza in front of LCA you just big old statue he they’re asking him to turn water into wine and look we’ll see if he does it he has a really good he might he seriously might be the best suting coach in the world like he’s one of the best like in in the world quite literally so I mean we’ll see what he does but I I I I do think that’s a really big possibility to you’re right I I think it’s a good chance that they wait till the deadline I think the deadline’s the latest still that you’re gonna get that decision I think that’s when they they start making some decisions on guys I do think though that that is just the biggest possible endorsement of Tran langden as a as a GM right as a pobo here is he would he saw a problem he wouldn’t fix the problem right there’s a lot of chams that have not done that around the league right that it it says a lot about him and backs up his his statements of you know this this is a process and we’re going to go through the process and you know and make you know make something and build something that he went and immediately went and got you know for my money the best shooting coach in the NBA I have a lot of faith in Fred vinc and what he’s done for Brandon Ingram Etc has been really really important so uh it just says it speaks a lot to something you know that that they’re following up on their statements already which uh is not something we had with the last regime I’ll tell you that much oh yeah I I we’ll wrap up the podcast with this I think Tran is a great interview very straightforward transparent I I think fans are really going to like him and hopefully his moves back that all up because if if they do I think they’re really Gonna Love Tran so um we’ll wrap it up there though thank you Hal for coming on man how was originally supposed to come on for just one segment then stayed on for 44 minutes so I really appreciate it but you guys can follow him on Twitter how brius appreciate you guys thank you making lockdown piss since your first list of every single day BR available on your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review I want podcast listening to us on until next time I’ll see you guys later stay safe out there till next time peace out

Trajan Langdon made his first trade as President Of Basketball Operations of the Detroit Pistons to move up into the second round and select Bobi Klintman. What’s next for the Pistons after selecting Ron Holland fifth overall?

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  1. Very good picks I think the shooting can teach Ivey Thompson and Holland shooting 40 percent n two way wing all stars very athletic fast defenseful dawgs

  2. He’s a poor mans pascal siakam which when pascal came to the league he played in the gleague for a minute as well.

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