@Toronto Raptors

Scottie was with Mogbo when he got drafted

Scottie was with Mogbo when he got drafted

by Ill_Region_9582


  1. EarthWarping

    You know you have a star when he “Suggests” players for the front office to go after

  2. torontomans96

    They’re both from West Palm Beach Florida, wonder how long they’ve known each other and how much of a role Scottie had in getting this drafted.

    Following Knicks plan of building on friendship? Lol

  3. Young leader. That’s super cool. Excited to see what the culture built around scottie will look like.

  4. Denisaur9

    Even if Scottie had an influence he was projected in this area on most mocks, seems like a Masai guy, win-win

  5. Scottie having a W off-season, got that huge bag with $270M and now his best friend got drafted to his team.

  6. Living_LaVida_Koloko

    He didn’t look back at Scottie after getting drafted. Does the mean he doesn’t want to play for the Raptors?

  7. Honestly he was projected around this range anyways so being able to bring your superstars childhood friend into the organization seems like a no brainer.

    Doesn’t hurt that this guys dawg on the court

  8. OG3SpicyP

    Scottie def knew it was coming based off that smile alone haha, cute af!

  9. gravitypimp92

    Still woulda preffered we got Flip but interesting to see how this plays out!

  10. Vxcevega22

    Okay but is anybody seeing how long his arms are?? Holy cow.

  11. Apparently they’ve been friends since they were kids. This is an awesome story in the making

  12. WobbleKun

    now get him with that shooting coach scottie had and we’ll get og v2.

  13. modernchimpanzee

    Scottie with that suspicious smile hahahaha

  14. peppercola666

    I’m happy they’re giving Scottie the keys to the franchise

  15. Musicferret

    The good vibes gonna be flowin’ this season.

  16. Dull-Brick4924

    not sure drafting him is a good idea. scottie is going to pout when the raptors cut him and opens the door for player drama

  17. SundaeSpecialist4727

    They work out in off-season together.

    Mogbo has been in Toronto for game

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