@Detroit Pistons

Woodward Heavyweights I Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

Woodward Heavyweights I Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

yeah don’t just try to tell me you love me can’t keep it real if you really don’t trust me come with the real in the FR get my I’m For The Money Money in the Bank come with a scr a tank rolling with a G you sitting out on theine Tri I go to the hole with the rock like P okay what up though and welcome to whatever way it’s live W I’m easy joined by spin moax what up though Young Chris microwave Nick let’s go Caleb is here in spirit today cuz where he’s actually at is this little place called crois grand opening in Madison Heights and guys that’s crispy they’re it’s amazing I’m not even joking with it’s so good my favorite so far I haven’t actually had their pizza yet the biscuit that biscuit buttery put a little bit of Honey on there too it it don’t choke you like a popey’s biscuit they’re way better than popey biscuit I feel like it it melts your mouth I want to I want to try this pizza yeah I’m going try this pizza gave us the New York style pizza all right let’s [Music] go what do you think oh D that’s good job it’s here I [Music] come this a heavyweight show baby bro bro you should have seen how big the box was I’ve never seen a pizza box that big but it’s cuz they’re New York style slices I’m a big sauce Guy this is this biscuit I approve oh dude by the way bro they say crispy on the chicken tenders they mean it oh yeah what a slogan now that’s crispy these these biscuits are insane look at these bad boys this chicken’s fire shout out to rois go check it out new location I know you guys go right now Kool-Aid there Brady’s there Caleb’s there they’re also giving away coupon not coupons I’m sorry gift cards obviously you know they got the deals on Deck as well I’m telling you if you guys like Popeye’s biscuits he oh my God he [ __ ] on poey [ __ ] on Popeye’s biscuit yeah it’s not even close not even close it’s not even yeah honestly kind of a yeah if you like Popeye’s biscuits just first and foremost you probably something wrong with you secondly not even secondly just first because this is number one good ass biscuits shout out but anyway reason why we’re not at croi partying with the boys is we will be partying with Mina kimes around 5:30 she will be joining the show I will be discussing Detroit Lions topics as well as NFC North topics but the biggest news in the city right now is Detroit the newest Detroit Piston Ron Holland Jr yes the second the second Ron Holland the second yeah he is officially a Detroit Piston and I don’t know I mean my initial reaction is Fred Vincent is going to have his work cut out for him this is a guy who does not shoot the ball well at all he’s going to he’s going to need to figure that out obviously but he does a lot of great things he is a freak athlete he is an explosive finisher nasty in transition A+ finisher around the basket can finish with both hands obviously Above the Rim and also his jelly is is nasty you you look at uh his defensive Acumen as well extremely impressive he is a menace on the defensive side of the ball long rangy fast guy very like Fred Vincent if he can get the jump shots down for OAR Thompson and now Ron Holland they could be the best defensive tandem in in the NBA gotta be honest spinny and I hope when people are listening to this they know that we are an honest Duo when it comes to especially when it comes to Detroit Pistons brother I don’t mind it at all like I I I was shocked like everybody else when you know the name was announced oh however he’s a very fluid athlete yes like he he moves really well and I know people are making the com to assar just because you see that he’s length well he’s longer than assar assar by the way but because he plays defense he’s athletic and stuff like that I feel like assar he’s a little bit more sporadic and but he’s still good I you guys know I love assar however this guy feels more refined more fluid and I I I truly believe I have a belief again I’m I’m like Mr negative when it comes to Detro business we had a [ __ ] we freaked out with the Tobias Harris stuff was announced or rumored to be announced this kid I really feel like his shot could be worked with like when you look at aars I feel like he’s pushing it from his forehead there’s no like there’s no energy like from the legs it’s straight up like just [ __ ] like launched from his forehead this kid actually you know what I’m saying yeah he has much better shot mechanics way better shot mechanics way better and I just think he’s more fluid of an athlete too to where like if if you’re telling me Fred Vince is supposed to be like this Messiah when it comes to like shooting coaches I really feel like this is a piece he could work with and by the way if I’m not mistaken I could be wrong in this I believe he only shot 46 three-point attempts last year that’s not a large sample size at all a lot of people that were and I read this on Twitter actually and I’m sorry I can’t give credit to who put it out there but a lot of people that were kind of like conservative or had concerns of Cody Williams three-point shot and that being legit or not he only had like 42 or something like that so if you’re if you’re buying into his or you have concerns of him only having 42 but still shooting at 36% then you should have some upside with this kid too especially if again if Fred Vincent supposed to be what he is advertised as I I think this guy I like the pick spin yeah I really I don’t hate it at all yeah and I think they’re going to make another move now with their with their main core oh yeah I think it sets you up to where you’re going to make another move actually got a CLI from going to be brought in prester last night too to play later on that that but go ahead Chris I know you want to get in on this yeah well I just wanted to chime in off the shots the shot part two of it the percentage like when I watched the film of him a lot of those were created off the dribble step back contested side step threes like that’s not stuff you’re expected to do especially early on in the NBA so I’m not saying this guy is going to come in and be a great three-point shooter but I think that that percentage you know can really jump a lot not only because of not only because of the shot doctor but also because of the fact that he’s going to be getting much better looks in theory because Cade is the guy that creates for you and that’s that’s Cade’s biggest skill set so I think this guy has the tools my concern I said it last night on the live stream is I just don’t know if Detroit is the place where he can maximize that and that’s what we’re that’s what we’re going to see and I’m in waitand see mode with this W with this regime because I like everything on paper but I’ve liked things in the past that this piston regime has done and they haven’t turned out well so I I I look at Ron Holland and I think if you were going for an upside swing this was the best upside swing to take in the entire draft so I like that part of it and I love the idea of him and assar it’s the same reason I loved OG I love that pairing of having two Elite defensive wings that’s what you’re going to have to have if you’re playing a team like Boston if you’re playing you know some of these top tier teams in the Eastern Conference and just in the NBA you need those you need those great twole two or two-way wings so everything I love I love about him at one point he was the number one Prospect in this draft class yeah yeah like that’s some good upside to be working with and you again you watch it on film’s he’s a fluid athlete he’s in control of his body like I really feel like there’s growth there he’s only what 18 mhm 18 um come on now and Chris there’s a graphic I have in that I sent to myself in select you can grab that um and EXO screen says y’all were bashing this pck yesterday this is the first I’ve spoken on this pick so I I don’t know who you’re talking about in that aspect yeah you this is what I said well I I spoke about it on bde as well but today is the first time I’ve spoken on Ron Holland as a pick for the business no know yeah I haven’t spoken on it yet either I posted a video yesterday that said his shooting numbers were down because they were and you can’t debate that but you can also not debate that he was the number one recruit coming out of high school via 247 Sports he’s Ultra athletic he drives with aggression he’s good he has very good defense for a guy his age and his built like he’s built like a brick house coming out of Texas like he reminds me of a like a football player and one guy specifically that I wanted to outline that played for that Pelicans team was a guy out of the g-league ignite and it was Dyson Daniels his shot was absolutely broken and he shot 25% from three when he was on the g-league ignite he got that shot up to 31% and his shot was broken and I don’t believe that our number five pick John Holland is broken at all so I think he’s going to be able to take a massive increase when it comes to his three-point shot and Fred Vincent was the guy who fixed that broken jump shot like you said so it’s this guy has his work cut out for him for sure with with these two players I I put it out there on uh on Twitter last night that you know Fred vinon is either going to prove that he is sing the singular most important coach in the NBA or he is going to become an insomniac with a nicotine addiction because like trying to fix assar Thompson and then push uh Ron Holland into a good shooter is going to take some time and it’s going to take some effort but they tan langon believes in him he has a track record of doing this in the NBA and I expect him to make good things out of these jump shots out of these young kids like aar’s only 21 you know uh Ron Holland’s only 18 years old like this is uh a big upside pick like I said I love what he can do with creating his own shot attacking people off of the dribble he is Elite in those categories he’s an elite finisher when he is around the rim and a top tier Defender so if he brings a jump shot to the mix he can be a serious serious star for the Detroit Pistons and again to me this is different than the assar Thompson thing like if if people I know you guys just rolling in but like assar Thompson I look at that a sha Maran it it’s just his shot is is a lot different than Hollands aars is just it is what it is and I think he’s gonna be that way the rest of his career I I think he’ll get above that 17% but I think he’ll always kind of be inconsistent with it I again I look at Shawn me a great defender could shoot it but you never really knew what the hell was coming out of that situation where this kid the names I’m thinking of aren’t as good as he is with the ball in his hands and driving to the rim so I I’m I’m yeah kind of pressed for finding a conf right now but like he is I like the pick man he compared himself his comps to himself were Jaylen Brown Mel Bridges and Jaden McDaniels and I would agree with that go coming into the league I think he is a better one-on-one attacker at the basket when it comes to the offensive game like he can break down players off the dribble and he can get to the basket and score really the only thing that’s keeping him from being a complete player is that jump shot and another thing too to think about fit you know cuz that was something that again I emphasized yesterday on yesterday’s live stream and also I I just emphasized earlier but the Counterpoint to that is that we have to be very honest with with ourselves and while some of us may like assar or Ivy or D and have different feelings across the room trejan is not married to any of those guys the only person he’s committed to here in Detroit right now is K kinam he doesn’t even have a coach he’s committed to I mean unless you want to count the shot doctor as a coach but as far as a head coach he doesn’t have even a head coach to commit to so while you like the theory of you know assar and Holland and you’re worried can it work can it work it the truth is that it doesn’t really matter if it because at the end of the day he’s going to choose who he keeps and who he doesn’t so I almost look back at all that talk of us being like Oh trade the pick trade the Pick And while I still like that idea still love that idea I look back and I think I’m foolish because why would a GM come in and not have a a top five pick and just immediately want to make his imprint on this roster and swing for a guy that he believes in just it made me feel foolish you shouldn’t feel foolish cuz in the clip last night he was trying to trade it just they weren’t getting what they wanted to get in exchange for not the three first round picks in this draft for cling in that’s what I’m saying that was crazy talk yesterday of those reports coming out yeah I didn’t we I wasn’t buying that stuff I wasck first I’m sure he would have done it real quick Chris before you debuck shout out to you in the wber Sports Chat he says is Holland a power forward Wing or guard he is a guard that I believe can Moonlight as a wing if need be he’s a wing I’m sorry not a guard I apologize he’s power forward as a wing I see him as a wing he’s going to make his he is going to make his money and make his presence in the NBA out on the wing guarding and playing like you you’re not going to find him on the Block you’re not going to find he is going to be a wing in the NBA there’s a Winger power forward wickley I know I know we had a heated discussion so I just quickly want to say this I think it’s interesting to look at it from the perspective of Memphis taking Edie at 9 instead of trading that Hall that they were rumored to get Kling in that shows that in their mind they probably looked at that that at that Charlotte number six and went you know what I don’t think the difference between kingan and Edy is worth three first round picks so I I I just I’m just putting that out there I think that’s what the Memphis organization did with that still still crazy I still disagree with it still think Ed is going to be out of the league before his rookie contract’s over he is clingan’s father that’s his D let’s not go through it again um I’m dead ass all these guys if you are in the area mass and Heights again grand opening for croi crispy chicken and Pizza you have to get these biscuits didn’t get in the camera at all that’s fine you have to get I mean I as you can see there’s no biscuits on my plate you want know why I [ __ ] ate them boys gone all right they’re so good I’m telling you and the wings are fire too I just already had a couple before the started a’t going to let you but either way we do have K coming up from here we’re going to jump into some football just to get in the flow of things and afterward we will continue to talk to Detroit Pistons draft yes we do know they drafted Bobby Clinton yep uh out of Australia formally of Wake Forest 36% threo shooter I think I like that one more than I’m supposed to to be honest with you guys 69 big guy the second rounder that’s your power forward that can stretch the floor right there but without further Ado spinny tell about Planet Fitness Planet Fitness Planet Fitness is the home of the Judgment free zone where anyone we mean anyone can feel comfortable and work on their fitness goals at Planet Fitness you’ll experience a squeaky clean gym that has tons of equipment a full body workout and 30 minutes and all memberships include Fitness training get all that for just $10 a month no commitment no matter where you are as Planet Fitness close by more than 50 in metro Detroit and thousands more throughout the world Planet Fitness where Fitness is essential love Woodward Sports love wearing clothes then you should be wearing Woodward sports clothes check out our full-on merch at Woodward just click on shop we have all your favorite designs like Dan Campbell kneecaps Woodward Golf and of course our own logo out merchandise men women infants kids all 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code above my head or call 248 971 0476 and tell the heavyweights sent you and KDK will pay your filing fee it’s KDK law they’ve got your back what up though welcome back to world live I’m your boy easy joined by spin Mo Rax you’re on Chris Nas Coop AKA microwave Mario let’s go Chris did you um download those top 10 list for the money mix uh which top 10 hold on let me find them okay I I don’t have them right now but all right yeah you want to find those in slack they’re from a few days ago oh yep okay I know what you’re talking about I’ll find them either way we’re I guess we were going to do the top 10 got many times coming on smash that like button be a friend tell a friend I mean do we talk pistons in the moment or you or we stall how about this on BD you guys had a debate mhm is Monte top 15 running back yes long neck power what power neck power NE said he wasn’t he said he was not and I would tend to agree with him you agree yeah who do you got over I mean I can’t just bust out 15 names but all right let’s start with your 10 okay all right Spencer 10 here here are my top 10 running backs in the NFL at number 10 I have Bree Hall I think he’s going to to have a breakout season obviously he showed flashes last year this is a guy that you know if he can stay on the field he is one of the most explosive backs in the league it was impressive what he was doing in an offense that they knew you were going to have to run the ball CU you had Zach Wilson as your quarterback so you know you’re not throwing the ball too often at number nine I have Kenneth Walker I think Kenneth Walker is a freak of nature like I I think he doesn’t get enough run as he should obviously a little bit of bias there Spartan dog Spartan dog he he’s he’s impressive what he’s done in Seattle has been impressive at nine I have Kenneth Walker at number eight I have bejan Robinson this guy is going to take on a whole new role this year they are going to actually allow him to be the guy that he was drafted to be to go out there make plays in the passing game in the running game it’s impressive we saw throughout the year what he can do not just out of the back field but in routes and doing different things receiving the ball I think they really unlock as a runner and a true rb1 in that team number seven I got kyen Williams this dude came out of came out of the scene and just blew people away and yeah it definitely helps when you’re facing boxes that have to worry about puka nula and Cooper cup running behind them but also just his explosion his ability to find holes make guys miss and again the the complete version of his game he catches the ball out of the back field he can do a lot of different things for the offense I have kyen Williams at number seven and number six I have jir Gibbs I think this dude is going to be a a monster next year I couldn’t wholeheartedly put him above any of the guys I have in my top five just yet but next year I would not be surprised at all if this guy’s a top three back in the NFL what with what he’s working with the the the line that he’s running behind it’s extremely impressive what he can do number five I have Derrik Henry we’re all waiting for it right we’re all waiting for that workload to finally catch up to him we’re all waiting him for him to fall off that cliff and not be the same anymore but every year he goes out there and he’s still Derek Henry like until until he hits that Cliff he is not going to be outside of my top five CU he is a weapon at number four I got Jonathan Taylor he obviously had that that little spat with the contract last year which held him back a little bit in the beginning of the year but when he got back out there he proved why he is a top five back in the NFL the guy is a monster he is impossible to stop when you get one-on-one in the hole with Jonathan Taylor you better pack your lunch and get ready to go home because you’re you’re not making the stop the dude is a monster number three I got saquan Barkley a full healthy year out of him he showed back to his roots what he really is Quadzilla the animal again another guy who receives the ball just as well as he rushes it pause saquon Barkley at number three and number two I got Nick chub when healthy this guy is arguably the best running back in the NFL it is insane what he does obviously very gruesome injury very early on in the season for him but when healthy he is one of if not the best back in the NFL and then number one you got to give it to Christian mcaffrey I mean I I don’t think anybody in their right mind would not have Christian mcaffry as the best running back in the NFL if you don’t have him you’re number one you’re raising yeah like the the guy is straight up the guy is a freak of nature he can do everything he scored a touchdown like 20 great games something ridiculous like that Chris mcaffry is a stud well as always someone’s got to get you guys the correct L and here it is let’s see it now actually I think we’re very very similar there there’s one missing from mine and chub is a guy actually no Nick chub no Nick chub only because as you said very gruesome injury we got to see him work his way back I don’t know what type of Nick chub we’re getting when he does return so in the absence of Nick chub who again if fully healthy finished last year all that good stuff like that probably would have jump jir Gibbs the six for me as well but he is firmly a top five running back as I’ve stated numerous times but at number 10 I have rahee art I understand it feels gimmicky but time and time again and again he just continues to carry the workload not even the workload even in the fraction of the workload it still provides you thousand yard seasons uh I I think I don’t think double digit touchdowns I double check on that one yeah he did I’m pretty sure he moster he led the league in touchdowns we have to accept it at this point he is a he’s a good running back I don’t care how gimmick he is I don’t care if you think it’s just a speed thing I mean that was his first thousand yard season this is also his first time kind of breaking to his own he did have 18 tou so yeah and that’s not even I don’t think he played full 17 Game season either I I see it more of as a Jamal Williams type of thing no get out of here that’s disrespectful he’s way better than than Jamal Williams that’s come on now I’m pulling up his numbers now just because he said that either way rahee art is uh at my number 10 I finally give his due credit Aaron Jones you saw once he got healthy for the Packers team last year that he was [ __ ] [ __ ] up and he’s been known to [ __ ] [ __ ] up I think both in the passing game and the running game Aaron Jones even still somewhat hampered by that hamstring when he returned from his injury still destroying teams out there in fact he was even putting on the 49ers as well it’s just that Jordan love couldn’t cut it at the end of that game above him I had bej Robinson this is a guy that last year I already claimed as a top five running back turns out not the case but still pretty freaking good yeah and he wasn’t used how he should have been no he wasn’t I think Arthur Smith is a little bit overrated as a uh as a head coach at that point he’s no longer a head coach now he’s an offensive coordinator where probably rightfully belongs but bej Robinson definitely in my top 10 kyen Williams my number seven he just does everything he does everything he isn’t there’s not any one thing you point to you’re like wow he’s just like excellent or great at this he just he runs the holes he breaks tackles whatever you need to do he’ll do it efficiently enough to belong in my top 10 kyen Williams is number seven on my list guy I don’t think it’s enough credit though at number six and I think it’s because of his situation Kenneth Walker if you guys remember last year I believe it was yeah it was last year that was the most impressive 38 36 yard game I’ve ever seen in my life the amount of tackles that Kenneth Walker was was breaking just through the Jukes and whatever type of moves he was doing last year blew my mind I think 900 yards last year th is Rookie year I think if Seattle had a little bit better of an offensive line you’d see a lot more out of this kid I think he’s truly talented kenth Walker one of my favorite rning backs to watch He’s number six for me number five we talked about it before jir Gibbs number four king I mean do I got I don’t to go to detail about jir Gibbs you guys know he’s top five right I gotta okay cool pretty close derck Henry I do think he’s slowing down however he is still Derrick Henry and he’s in a the situation he’s going to be in this year cuz I honest with you guys I actually had jir Gibbs over him but the situation he’s going to be in with the Baltimore Ravens this year I would look like a fool because he’s definitely going to produce outside of injury Derrik Henry is a dog he’s the king for a reason saquan number three Jonathan Taylor everything you said and more he is not only can he break you tackle with like physically but he also break it down a Juke and he’s fast as hell too and then Christian mcaffrey does it all to an A+ a tier level Chris mcaffry is phenomenal all over yeah I’m just I mean I I don’t mind that list at all I’m just not sold on Raheem moer as as a top 10 running back in the NFL you guys know a name that I didn’t see in there Josh Jacobs Josh Jacobs is borderline Travis etn is borderline Aaron Jones was not on my list as well yeah I’m just not I’m a Rashad white is borderline I think I said this in the chat last or when you guys were talking about it on Wednesday I’m just I’m a Josh Jacob hater I just always have been he is good and that’s that’s the messed up part about it is I I I H him agree why I I just it sounds like I’m saying he’s not good I just don’t think he’s what everybody else thinks he is you know you know have this argument in the past you him as a top five guy I was like no he was well he was number one that year yeah I just think it was like a you situation circumstances too obviously last year he had like 200 plus carries only 800 yards jir Gibbs way less carries yeah and 145 more yards that’s for sure um yeah moer 18 touchdowns this past year yeah like I feel like mozer was kind of a Jamal Williams effect for me that’s so disrespectful I don’t think so I think previous year he averaged 5 yards of carry or 4.9 891 and the thing that holds him back in my mind is injuries yeah I uh somebody said it I think it was Brandon dogs in the chat he’s not even the best running back on his own team and I would agree with that I would take a I’ll take definitely on his way there but I mean r moer again in spotted situations n he’s top 10 right now I’m giving his due credit it’s consistently been a problem for a lot of people are you guys projecting there like with with Gibbs being in the top six in both of yours yeah or was it top six he’s going to be top five yeah absolutely I mean you got a guy that 182 carries last year had 945 yards look at these guys like number one backs in the league usually get like 200 M and top of like injuries top of just how we started that first half this season not really utilize him fully like this goes with jir Gibbs where I hope it goes at least it goes beyond like just running he’s also going to become a piece of that passing game too that’s what he missed out on really we didn’t see him involved in the passing game as much as we expected to and I think that’s going to be a big factor of it on top of not the you know the first four games of the Season he really wasn’t utilized at all in the offense yeah I agree this time next year I see you it I see them in that top three spots especially with some of these guys getting up there in age and top five purpose yards for sure tell us about Felman Nick since 1996 Felman Automotive has been driven to provide a fast convenient first class car buying 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getting a Planet Fitness membership just for the 24-hour perk listen the FL card is worth every penny for this hydro massage I’m a new man did y’all know that the PF app has workouts you can do at home cheapest therapy I can find is Planet Fitness all the benefits All For Less Planet Fitness big Fitness energy for all every single morning when you wake up make sure you’re putting on wake up Woodward join Kool-Aid flannel sand broer JB and kg every morning as they cover all of Detroit sports Sports Sports Talk banter and live fan interaction all on Detroit’s number one sports network Woodward Sports Oh I thought you play the video oh so I I didn’t want to yeah you’re good what up welcome back to worldway it’s live world I’m easy joined by spin Mo Rex what up and we are also joined by NFL lives and ESPN’s one of my favorite NFL analysts to listen to mina KES I apologize hey I appreciate you uh coming on to uh repent for the the Green Bay Packers offense comments uh I just want to um set the table here we’re talking about whether the lions are like the fourth or fifth best offen like that is the debate here so I understand that there could be some difference of opinion about the rankings but uh that is very very high uh jumping in right here we’re talking about a podcast I did me Show featuring Lenny we predicted the top 10 offenses for 2024 um and yeah the Lions I think I think we ended up putting them fourth fourth we finally have something good to hold on to here in Detroit so we don’t like to take any shots now but I appreciate you joining us and and one thing you did mention to about the Lions offense and what could take it to the next level is Jameson Williams being that guy in this offense I have high expectations for him what are your expectations and what would he need to do for the Lions to hit that next level yeah so part of the reason why I talked about Williams and and this offense going from extremely good to potentially being top three top two whatever um is because this offense is such a load on the ground uh they face a lot of single High coverage there’s opportunities downfield it’s a very efficient offense but as you guys know um it’s not a very explosive one through the air it’s explosive on the ground but there are those opportunities exist and so the point I was making on my podcast and I think this is true is Jameson Williams is like the answer to that it’s not a problem but I would say that opportunity uh the prospect that he was in college I I was I he was my favorite wide receiver in that draft I think he’s he was so unbelievably gifted uh in school and obviously he’s battled some injuries since then and uh suspension and whatnot but if he can be even 80% of the guy I thought he was coming out of college to me that’s a massive ad for this offense because of how they already threaten defenses and the way that uh defenses have to play them I mean for some of the Casual viewers or casual Lions fans are listening who may think Jared G is the second coming of Moses can you kind of speak to this Detroit Line’s offense and Ben Johnson and what makes it so special even before Jameson William oh my goodness yeah I mean I think Ben Johnson’s amazing I love watching the offense um not just because of how unique it is and and all of the uh creativity especially on the ground but I I think as a play caller he has such an incredible touch for uh sequencing the way he sets up defenses over the course of a game the way he figures out uh the concept that I a singular run concept for example that works and then just pushes that button over and over and sort of bends defenses into submission obviously with the help of the best offensive line in football I I think he’s really really talented and to get him back is a massive massive coup um I I think something that he’s done also that is really special is um made the most out of the skill players on the roster like Alan Ross Brown and Sam Le Porter are fantastic but I do think if they had ended up with the different offensive coordinator they wouldn’t be the players that they are in Detroit but I think Johnson has such a fine eye for how to use him with his the way he uses Personnel groupings and formations so creatively it’s really special another weapon that uh Brad Holmes gave to Ben Johnson over the last year was jir Gibbs and that pick didn’t settle well with a lot of lions fans at first but we saw what he was capable of and we’ve just did our top 10 running back rankings and he was in the the top six of both of our lists is that too much too fast or like we saw what he can do out there I you know I really liked uh Gibbs coming out of college but I I will say this I thought he ran better between the tackles than I expected um in the NFL and again obviously he’s he’s helped by the aforementioned offensive line but um I you know that was my biggest question okay you know yes he’s so explosive and he can catch passes and um you know running off tackle and and when he has wide open lanes he will turn them into explosives but I thought he ran with a lot more physicality frankly than I expected and he he is more of a balanced and complete running back I think than um maybe it would have seemed just based on his college tape so Testament or I mean yeah that’s um I just really really really really an impressive rookie season top six I don’t know I’d have to sit back down and think about all the backs but I that doesn’t sound crazy to me off the top of my head I’m I’m glad to hear somebody who covers I guess the entire league as a whole say that because I do feel a bit hom Rous talking about this Lions team at times because I just we’ve never witnessed this stuff in our lifetimes I can criticize it we can talk about the negative stuff if you want really positive thus far you know yeah well how about the how about the defense uh I know obviously defense been a question mark for us uh we finally addressed it with some rookies as well as a trade from my guys kind of been on a I guess a downtrend in his career in Carlton Davis Jr what do you make of those secondary additions and could you see that bu of Detroit Lions to top 15ish respectable yeah uh well yeah I mean I think this was already an average defense because the run defense was so phenomenal um it was the P defense that was the issue and even if Carlton Davis isn’t exactly who he was you know Super Bowl season he’s still probably an upgrade for you over what you got last year which was really ugly um I loved the Arnold pick you know talked about it a lot on NFL live my podcast um I loved it too because it just it to me was really just a perfect fit for what I what we know Aaron Glenn wants to do on defense he wants to play more man coverage he wants his Corners to press they had to back off of that because of the Personnel last year I think I might have mentioned this on live the day after um but uh Arnold is so big for this unit and I think about um Glenn in particular and why he was um thought of as you know a rising uh star uh obviously he’s gotten head coaching interviews but going from New Orleans and it was a lot of it had to do with the work he did with marshan Latimore you guys remember was the Defensive Rookie of the Year in that scheme and if he can get similar I mean that that would be amazing but you know I he has a proven track record my point is of developing young cornerbacks and getting them to play at a high level and I think these additions should allow him to call defense a little bit closer to what he wants to do and that whole defense really is centered and revolves around one player and that is our Blue Chip face of the defense in Aiden Hutchinson last year he had a better season especially towards the end of the year where and in the playoffs he was getting sack after sack what is his ceiling next year you bring in a DJ reader to put in the middle of that of that defensive line who helped Trey Hendrickson get 17 and a half sacks what can Aiden Hutchinson do now that he’s fully Unleashed well I I don’t know if he’s fully Unleashed guys because I love the DJ reader signing I think he he is one of those like NFL players favorite play he you know what I mean like kind of like a hip like people who watch football are like yeah DJ reader he’s like really really good that’s a big loss for Cincinnati he was when they signed him out from Houston I remember thinking oh my God that’s a really good player and as I mentioned this lines run defense is already really Stout and he’s very good against the Run um I do feel like there’s still another Edge rusher away to be honest uh and so I think naturally because of that I understand what you know with reader and we’ll see what you get out of the Interior outside of him but um you know Hutchinson is GNA face a fair amount of double teams he’s not going to be fully it’s not going to be as easy for him as it is for I think defensive lines where they have like a you know like a 1A 1B or like another top 15 to 20 addresser opposite them um but uh if you get even the play you got last year that’s certainly enough uh given the improvements that you’ve made in the secondary yeah the player I truly think is unlocked in that situation is Lee mcneel because obviously you’re going to prioritize double teaming Hutch and reader Le would be the one running free doing damage yeah when he got hurt that was a big deal and I don’t think people appreciated that he’s a really really really talented player I agree what do you think of uh Jack Campbell I feel like DJ bre is gonna help him flourish a little bit here too obviously he’s second year for him as well is there a hope that he could look like the first rounder he was drafted to be yeah um I uh did not love his tape last season to be honest so I guess this is where we get to the negative part right um yeah no just to be honest like I didn’t think he had a great R year but I think it’s worth mentioning very few off ball linebackers seem to do well when they come into the NFL these days and I think a lot of that has to do because of Ben for me offensive coordinators like Ben Johnson who really isolate them and make their lives hell it’s very hard to play linebacker right now in the NFL because of all the motions and the RPO Centric offenses and and everything that offensive coordinators do on that front um there’s very few examples of guys who have come in and played that position at a high level early so I think to your to answer your question I think the hope is like this is a very hard position and you’re two you’re going to make a step because of that experience and the mental adjustment and that development curve which is again something we’ just see across the NFL right now at that position and you mentioned the second Ed Edge rusher to go opposite of Aiden Hudson at the trade deadline Last year me easy we we got upset a little bit when we saw Chase Young go to the 49ers instead of the Lions and they didn’t our chat did not like that as much but how I see it now is the Lions we’re at the big boy table we are a top four team in the NFL as of last year I think they’re going to go all in and make one of those deadline deals to improve that defensive front do you see something like that happening at the deadline it’s plausible I think it’s going to really they’re going to really see okay how improved are we on the back end right how much is uh reader how much of an impact do you have there but really like what kind of player are we getting from the secondary will go a long way towards determining whether they feel uh I wouldn’t call it desperation but that sort of like you know desire to be opportunistic at the deadline when it comes to the pass rush um they are a team that should have that does have and should have Championship aspirations uh and that would be a position I would Target the other one though you know depending on what happens with Jameson is wide receiver I still feel like is an area that they could add um just to be more complete in the passing attack uh but you know uh for me for both of those positions I really feel like it’s going to be wait and see to see what kind of contributions you get early on you know you talk about you know possibly getting to the negative stuff and I don’t Neally see this as negative more than it is truth I’ve caught a lot of flack recently because I placed Jordan love as a starting quarterback on my all NFC North team where are you at with the Jordan love versus Jared gol de I mean come on you guys we watched on Thanksgiving let’s be real like you gota you gotta be honest and like the lions are a better team I’m looking at my power rankings I have them over the Packers so I just want to say this is we’re being calm down tell the TRU Thursday Like You Gotta Be You know you can’t you can’t just be all sunshine and roses and pandering and it would be lying to pretend like Jordan love didn’t ball out in the second half of last season um I it was just half a season but that was a very young receiving group uh which I think kind of explains in part some of the adjustment period early on um yeah he he’s to me right now the best quarterback in the division I think he’s one of the best quarterbacks in the NFC the NFL and that sucks right because it’s like God damn it how they do it again that sucks that’s got to be so infuriating as an NC North fan but the good news for you is you have a ton of other pieces in place that are not only going to be good this year but are going to be good for a long time this team was built in the trenches it was built extremely well and you have a head coach in GM uh that appear to be amongst the NFL’s best and B know we appreciate you so much for joining us and and spend I know you have a very busy schedule and breaking off some of that time to share with us before we let you go Dan Campbell he is the face of this team honestly he is a media darling I wanted to know if you had a specific Campbell ISM that is your favorite or or something that he’s done out of all of his quotables that you like more than the rest two things I love I’ll come to mine I love that he has two teacup yorkies I saw that photo I was like like whatever like this is like a green flag this is a confident man he is not embarrassed of his two tiny dogs that he’ll purch on his shoulder um but the other thing is like I I mentioned this I did a top 10 coaches pod and he finished in the top 10 for both of our rankings I had Kevin Clark on and I talked about this a little bit then um you know it’s with a head coach sometimes it can be like hard to pinpoint especially if they’re not the play caller what is he doing and I think with Campbell it’s very easy because he’s obviously established a culture the way people talk about him it makes it very obvious the impact that he has on the organization but something that I really loved last year um you know the like lions drew some criticism for the aggression and I know sometimes with people like me who like using analytics we can be um people are like you just love want to goes to fourth down that’s not true it’s there you know it really comes down to like situation but also I love it when it’s obvious that it’s that the coach not only knows why they’re doing it he sticks to his guns but he gets organizational Buy in I think uh it was after was I don’t know if it was after it was I don’t think it was after the playoff loss I think it was after the um famous did not report game uh where was I know sorry but I think it was Alex anzelone who wrote a piece or something about it and he was like you know this is he was like yeah we’ve gotten some criticism for you know going for it or going for whatever and he was like dude this is who we are this is who we’ve been this is how we got here like we’re not changing now and I loved that because what that told me was like oh this is not just a coach coming down from on high and saying oh I’m going to do this now it’s a coach who has instilled a belief in his process across the entire team and if that’s not leadership I don’t know what is Mina again I appreciate you taking the time guys if you haven’t checked it out already it’s the Mina pin Mina kind’s Show featuring Lenny there’s always a little pun in there every time that begins top 10 defenses this week what do you guys got coming out next week uh next week we have my first Power Hour uh Power Rankings pods are GNA be start dropping every Monday spoiler alert the Lions finish very high uh so you can tune in that Lions fans uh and then we start division previews so we’re getting those kicked off uh good chance to learn about uh teams across the NFL Mina I appreciate you again hopefully get you out during the season and uh we’ll see you Monday Night Football maybe get you on that week yeah thanks Seahawks oh God yeah we’re finally beating the Seahawks dude these lion Seahawks games last couple years have been wild so we’ll see how that goes yeah you guys own us I it well you’ve owned our defense too they’ve been high-scoring insane games but uh yeah I’m looking forward to that it was nice to meet you guys take care thank you so much there have me to Kim being generous enough to like you said break off some time turn the Heavies talk some ball the weed NFL analyst for ESPN we got she’s goed it’s awesome go very cool person and knows your stuff she knows ball I told we stared the video Chris caught her off guard shout out Chris Shout Out Chris no but that was awesome shout out to mina make sure you guys go check out her podcast it’s amazing of course but let me tell you guys about Guardian Alarm Guardian Alarm offers you customized solutions from real experts their professional technicians take the time to recommend security and automation Solutions specific to your needs they also have 24/7 professional monitoring you can call them anytime day or night no Guardian Alarm team member will stay on the phone as long as needed and of course they have technology backed by people your safety and security deserves technology has been proven to work and people who have been proven to care so call them at 1 1800 stay out that’s 1800 stay out and let them know wward Sports sent you congratulations to the real Coach of the Year Motor City Dan Campbell just put your head down and go to work it’s about to be fun man man it’s about to be fun Woodward Sports walking to any Lady Jane’s haircuts for men for an award-winning haircut experience from one of our talented stylists enjoy a Precision haircut hot lather neck shape scalp and neck massage and a hot towel treatment to top it off enter for your chance to win the $50,000 perfect bracket challenge with more than 25 Metro Detroit locations there’s always a Lady Janes near you lady Jan’s haircut for men open 7 days a week walk in any Time Lady James it’s wicked awesome thank you to the Detroit Lions and Sheila Hamp for the best season in Lions history now it’s time to let Brad Holmes cook Woodward Sports is that an octopus in your pants or are you just happy to see me see what I did there go Red Wings from octop experts Woodward Sports a ton of fun a ton of sports and a ton of manmat Welcome to the Woodward heavyweights live daily 5 to 700 p.m. on Woodward storts dismo dispensary is your number one local cannabis plug there over six locations more across the great state of Michigan they got the best curated cannabis the best Benders and the best deals and so much so that we making our ways out to the first cus Mall Michigan in Romeo tomorrow it feels so good to be back free food tons of deals come check it out talk to draft talk Nina talk it all we’ll be there tomorrow dispo youal canis plug what up welcome back to the boy easy joined by SP Chris Nicholas Koff AKA Detroit Mario that was dope man it was dope that was dope and by the way she knows ball she does no ball right like lead ESPN NFL anal I said the Jordan love thing first I’m just letting everyone know it’s true caught a lot of flag for that’s true I’m thankful that you know fellow ball noers came through and backed me up on that but uh during the break Nick was talking about like imagine Maring a wife they could talk ball with really I’m the one who brought that up you weren’t no Jesus who did oh it’s me yeah I that’s a nightmare scenario I love it look how often we are you talk sports you argue that’s that’s like the it’s the foundation yeah I don’t want to I Love It D that my wife on top of arguing about wife and husband stuff be perfect oh would not I would love it I I put you this way mea is actually married prob sickos out there she happily married just had a first child just had a beautiful child y her husband I’m pretty sure it’s not a no yeah upos track that’s for sure thing hey what is Bo I hate football I don’t like it at now can’t stand it can’t stand it Nick where were you at with the uh when she confirmed the Jordan Love Stuff there I mean yeah all of the head NFL media is leading the charge in this Jordan love race they do not want to be wrong big NFL media yeah bigl media is leading the [Music] charge signed by Michael T I think I think Mina is one of the best analysts paid for by Chris ill one of the best analysts right now like without a doubt but I just don’t think I’ve seen enough personally from Jordan love and we did she did bring up Thanksgiving this was a brutal secondary which we’ve always talked about I know you said that he tore up KC the in a a couple weeks after but this lion defense was so bad and there’s so much improved going into this season like I don’t think we can put it all on that Thanksgiving game I really wanted to ask her um because I I talk about I talk about pen Su being the best non-quarterback in the NFL and I wanted to see if she oh yeah that would that would a good question for sure I did want to see if she had a good time during the draft mean she mentioned multiple times like how good the Lions offensive line is and obviously that starts and ends with pen so yeah yeah it’s a um it’s all right next time I I guess hope but you played the the KC Chiefs after who I’d say probably top five defense in the league at the time too probably the best or second best secondary he shredded them too yeah I mean you can get hot for a game and he got hot for eight of them so that’s where I’m at with Jordan love I need to see it I am not ready to announce this guy as like a top six seven quarterback right now in the NFL and maybe it is part a little bit biased that it’s another Green Bay guy and I don’t want to say that they did it again but it’s just an eight game sample size and who they beat in the playoffs the Cowboys who choke over and over and over again so I’m not too impressed with them beating the Cowboys yeah I mean I don’t want to get Dak had what two picks three picks in that game like I like the fact that she also kind of broke and that’s why I asked her the Ben Johnson question too she kind of break down like why you’re seeing what you’re seeing and beating the Cowboys in the playoffs I’m with Nick on that that’s not too much of a like feather in your cap I mean it’s better than losing to them hold on hold on they just beat they beat the do [ __ ] out yeah and that’s a team that we though at home but we literally had to pull out the [ __ ] oky do but it wasn’t in the it wasn’t in the playoffs it’s different it’s true it is they choke in the playoffs but no Jordan love looked looked damn good at the end of the year last year for sure um yeah that’s I I really liked what you was saying about Jameson Williams and how he can unlock this offense cuz that’s what we’ve been talking about and with you know them losing Josh Reynolds obviously he’s going to be forced into a bigger position and I don’t know if she’s you know obviously she has a lot to to cover and a lot to go over but us being more Lions focused I think we’ve heard more of the Rumblings out of alen park and you love to hear what you’re hearing from J so I’m excited yeah J stuff is probably it’s such a tease bro because like this offense has been so great with minimal input for and I’m not I don’t mean a disrespectful way it just has it’s been a very it’s been a top three top five offense the past two years with J Mo being again minimal input there yeah and now you’re adding that kid who way back when we were before even on this desk we were talking about J coming out of Alabama and we were talking about creaming our shorts then having on this team and now he’s on this team with a brilliant offensive coordinator healthy healthy unsuspended with with the system in Roots now understood yeah yeah I I’m expecting big things for sure and I like how she didn’t push back on the Jamir Gibbs talk either that gives me confidence like yeah bro you think you know top five is a little aggressive but obviously she said you’d have to write it down and figure it out but that’s not out of the realm of you know possibility he say multiple times like like you want talk about you know Sunshine rainbows Sunshine rainbows but like guys that’s what this franchise is on there’s a lot more rainbows than storm clouds for the Lions right now like there’s not a lot of storm clouds to talk about you’re talking about the Detroit Lions this ain’t your horror grandmother’s Detroit Lions this is yeah this isn’t your [ __ ] uncle’s Lions this is the brand this is the brand new lines brand new lies the one question I didn’t get to ask her your drunk uncle at thanksgiv this your drunk uncles Lions this is the brand new Lions um I don’t hate J oh he’s he’s trolling me um the one question we didn’t really get to but I kind of already know the answer I feel like I know the answer was Sam lorta but maybe I don’t know the answer and I guess I ask you guys this but I feel like I know what you two are going to say I know what you’re going to say for sure what how much of it was the scheme versus Le por also being like just him I think it’s about 50/50 I think they they definitely obviously we’ve seen this scheme and how well it benefits tight ends we saw Shane zra get three touchdowns in a game we saw the tight end room of Zila Mitchell and Brock Wright score more touch sounds than the lines tight end’s ever had before like so the scheme is definitely tight end friendly but also we’ve seen leaport in the open field we’ve seen leapor get the ball in his hands go out there and do things that not a lot of tight ends in the NFL can do so I think it’s they compliment each other very well cuz that’s what he was that’s what his Scouting Report was that’s why they saw that in him when he was coming out of Iowa is you get the ball in his hands one person is not going to take him down he’s going to make guys miss he is good with the catch and run you give him the ball and he’ll go do some other things so this scheme to get him open definitely helps but it’s also him and his natural ability to go out there and make the most out of the opportunities given I saw a comment from dark cash earlier maybe somebody else that I asked who I think is the better pocket passer love or golf it’s a great question to be honest with you I want to say love I would say golf yeah I’m I would be totally fine if somebody said golf I think love is better on the more off-balance Herky jerky kind of throws but golf clean pocket turn chicken ship in chicken souit yeah but golf clean pocket delivering on time there’s not many in the league that are better than him with that it’s just weird cuz like he’s not with with GF he he’s kind of forced to to be that pocket passer right where like love does have the option to leave and do elsewhere but against us I mean there were times where he did just slay us right in that pocket it was and I think it was remnants of was it week three or week two that we went there or four I think it was and just [ __ ] bullied them I think they just timed their routes 2 seconds we broke down the film on on the show yeah and there was not much that the secondary could do they were a lot of the secondary were in very good positions on the receivers the ball placement was just Immaculate so yeah so I think Jordan Lov is a better throw of the football but I’m not mad if anybody wants to say golf there I think that there’s more evidence of him being that pocket passer over love um however we you got go to break you guys want keep rolling the questions I’m down to do that we also the Detroit Pistons draft we get expounded on also got some filming can break down on that one too that I meant to do in the beginning of the show but first I got to tell you tell spinny about lady James lady James what happens when awesome is when a I don’t know why I said what happens awesome is when a guy can be a guy and get an amazing haircut that’s Lady Jane’s haircuts for man you can stop in sit back relax and let one 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Premier pet welcome to whever live I’m easy joined byx what up though y Chris Nicholas callof AKA microwave Mario let’s go smash that like button be a friend tell a friend I appreciate you guys tapping in and uh I guess supporting the show appreciating the show that’s how we get these cool guests on couldn’t do it without you guys actually watching appreciate the chat during that you guys weren’t too to to to crazy yeah it was kind of crazy it was pretty aggressive I’m not going to lie I saw somebody say it was like a bunch of teens that were just hitting puberty was I didn’t see I didn’t see any of yeah the chat was uh chat was aggressive but we know our chat we know how they work um we got a couple videos from the uh grand opening of the Masson height sroi make sure you guys check that out until 8 they’re giving away gift cards food I’m telling you those biscuits are phenomenal it’s the best biscuit in the game and it’s not really close not close at all one thing I want to get to Christ if you could three cam this if you can um I sent both assar three-point shots from OT and then I sent Hollands for mcnight and I know we talked about this beginning of the show but we obviously have enough people right now I truly think the Ron Holland pick is better than people are giving it credit for I just I just do I I think his shot you could actually work with and I don’t me to discredit assar or disrespect assar but his I it’s just ugly who do you want first what it is uh do AAR if you can okay assar I just want to point something out and because a lot of people saw the pick with Ron hen obviously he’s more known as a Defender although I think he possesses a tremendous uh offensive skill in terms of driving the driving the ball too but if you watch aar’s three-point shot I I think it’s like all yeah it’s low it’s I feel like it’s more armed and just like energy yeah it is right and I said it before the break or I guess when we were talking about it it reminds me of Shawn Maran who still was a very good player by the way but I just don’t know if he’ll ever get it I think when people think of Ron Holland’s three-point shot they’re pitching as bad as assar has looked however Ron Holland is a lot smoother and as you put the Ron Holland up too if you haven’t already yeah give me give me one second here just cuz I want three cam it to be safe and as Chris said too a lot of his shots when you go watch the highlights or just the tape in general he’s creating these shots yeah step backs and shooting the three like he is like doing the most to get it done and it’s also finishing like you would see a three-point shooter shooting it’s it’s a lot more crazy arc on that one yeah lot more Arc it’s a lot more fluid the one thing about his though I will have to say is he does start pretty low he does start that’s gonna be one thing they clean up I guarantee I noticed that too actually I guarantee that’s going to be one thing they clean up I actually caught myself wondering like does everybody do that I just don’t notice but now that you guys said it no yeah that’s one thing you get rid of when you’re in the NBA that’s what all NBA shooting coaches will take out of your shot is starting from down here you start right in the pocket and just go up and shoot yeah I’m actually surprised that they didn’t already start working on that in the g-league ignite I have to to think that the coaching there just isn’t really up to par when it comes to NBA standards I know they want to say it’s the G league and it’s the developmental league but I mean we’ve seen a lot of guys come out there with you know non-existent jumpers right now I think too you know even if you have bad form I think you’re in especially if you’re planning on being a oneandone prospect you probably don’t want to tweak your jump shot that year you don’t want to you don’t want to mess up your Rhythm cuz if you have a broken shot but it’s working for you you can address that later through an NBA off season multiple NBA Seasons when you’re given a chance especially if you’re a highly talented rookie like he is but yeah fixing the guide hand um you know keeping it keeping it in the pocket in Rhythm I think those are two things that are very easy that a lot of shooting coaches could help fix right away now this guy the shot doctor I’m expecting even even more from him and as EAS pointed out as as I said earlier in this show it’s a lot of just it’s a lot of just unconventional shots and shots that he’s not going to be expected to take at the NBA level at at least not for years so I have faith that not only can he become a good shooter but I don’t think it’s this three to four year process that the percentages would suggest I really don’t I think he could put it together fast in a year or two two years to yeah he’s two years he’s only 18 years old and I agree with you wholeheartedly Chris if you’re the top prospect in your class you’re not going to start tweaking stuff until you sign a million dollar contract like you have multi-million dollars that get the bag and then you start worrying about the guys who paid you telling you you need to fix this stuff uh that graphic though of uh Holland’s shooting splits kind of breaks down some different things that like his shooting percentage on different shots and different attempts and uh there was some telling things there in that graphic about his shooting splits you didn’t send it I sound slack he sent it to himself yeah I told you earlier put in said you had it y him Chris I only saw the I only saw the mean of Kes one in slack to myself slack to yourself just recent in heavyweights I guess yeah um yeah and spin alluded to this as well and Tre mentioned it in the presser but he said that you got you have it actually downloaded yeah I had to I had to download it it was all right I just looked at the last one and it was the Mina one so I didn’t well I guess one thing I want to say though is uh he this is Ron Holland comparing himself to Jaylen Brown yeah he said Jaden D McDaniels and who was the third one Jimmy Butler no it was uh Bridges who Mel Bridges Mel Bridges now I don’t have Mel Bridges I look at McDaniels like a p McDaniel right now but I know Jaylen Brown in college shot 29% yeah which is isn’t too far off from what he’s shooting now and obviously he’s hit the NBA to shoot what I think he’s shooting like 35 36 so like it’s and he only took 46 three-point shots if I’m not mistaken and that is here’s the advanced breakdown of his say Bridges his first year he got the league he was shooting 33% and now he’s up to 37 yeah 29% for Jaylen Brown in college yeah and then McDaniels oh no McDaniels actually was he was lights out in college too he’s actually pretty cold fellas this is the one I was thinking of Norris Cole who was his point guard who also obviously those heat teams with like LeBron obvious he’s maybe not the best guy you would think of but he played with them and he compared him to a young Jimmy Butler a guy that wasn’t shooting well from the perimeter but came at you every day with the aggression on defense and obviously the ability to attack the basket offensively that’s a guy who played with him Mel Bridges his first year in college he shot 29% I’m yep I just like that and every year and that would be his last exactly and then it progressively got better and now he’s you know 37% three-point shooter speaking of LeBron though breaking news bronnie to La it’s official got drafted yep he got drafted by the Los Angeles Lakers 55th overall pick I see looks so disappointed by it Stephen looks pissed about I uh I heard Tim legler did you hear what Tim legler said yeah no that [ __ ] was legendary he was like if I was the Celtics because the Celtics had the pick before the Lakers I would do some cold war Lakers Celtics [ __ ] draft bronny James send the Lakers a video and say we have your son if you want him you can have to like that’s [ __ ] I would do that too what do you mean you can get something on the Lakers for that I love we have your son give me Austin re what a lot of people wanted the Pistons do yeah what a lot of you guys think they should have not in the first round no and not no you’re you’re rebuilding a team you don’t have time for pieces in the second round no right there when we made our Pick N no no I I actually like this Bobby guy like I haven’t dove into him all the way but I like Bobby Bobby [ __ ] I’m catching bodies [ __ ] Bob cman actually looks [ __ ] cold bro I’m not going to lie talk about that’s your that your stretch forward right there that’s your stretch for if he can work out obviously he’s a second round pick so not putting too much stock into anything but that’s what he is he’s 69 he can shoot the three C us Ste unless unless you’re unless he’s finally back up Center unless he’s finally back up Center yeah and I’m okay with trying that for a year before getting ready obviously I’m not putting any hope into Bobby just yet he is a a prospect from what he played one year at second Pi are crazy Vanderbilt and Forest went Australia and he was he’s a Swiss born guy so second round picks you don’t put much stock into but especially in the weakest draft Yeah the weakest draft in the history of drafts but Caleb appreciate you joining us welcome back first of all how was your sro’s experience chicken pizza I was in heaven yeah great Vibes was awesome itmp did you win any credit or gift cards credit C I didn’t but they had people spinning the wheel and everything for him I saw some people celebrating winning some gift cards cool good vibe there it was awesome and how do you feel about the I saw your posts last night I was at the gym when it happened I saw your first one and I watched the draft I saw your second one you were like I you didn’t say anything I mean not a lot of people do a lot of homework on him because we expect draft to shooter was he even in your guys’s like thought he was not he wasn’t in my no early hard pass early in the draft process was in my top three yeah but that’s not necessarily the reason I’m upset about it cuz he’s a good player he’s a great defender he’s athletic um jumps out the him but my whole thing was I wanted shooting that’s the whole thing and I know you guys just talked about how he can develop uh with Fred Vincent obviously a great shooting coach but I wanted to skip a step and already draft a guy that can shoot already like a guy in doton Connect or Cody Williams I know everybody talks about small sample size for Cody Williams but I mean he shot 40% and it doesn’t matter if it’s three three attempts a game that’s that’s a good number but um after hearing trejon talk about a little bit and seeing Wings he drafted in the past I can lighten up towards the idea but like I said I would rather have drafted someone that could already shoot so that’s not another project that Fred Vinson has to work on especially because assar is going to be a be a tough one for him yeah I’m actually I guess the numbers to point out and I wish we had time to better looked at them before the show but the maau bridges ones that’s that’s the that’s the that’s the map that’s the that’s the Boer path that’s the you know the blueprint that’s the blueprint that’s the spinny path right there is for him to go from because Mel Bridges as a freshman at Villanova shot 29% and then he shot he got his eventually his junior year he was up to 43% yeah so like you you want him to follow that trajectory and like you said it’s not like he’s got this ugly slingshot you know it’s it’s a decent looking shot some things can be tweaked and that’s why you got Fred Vinson in here is to is to tweak those things and help him become an at least average shooter his rookie year another guy that we’ve talked about just numbers wise that you can think about that was so bad at a college spot is Herb Jones shooting 28% at college for his career up to 42% in the NBA like these are actual transitions that this dude has been a massive Vincent exactly exactly so it’s like we have seen this and we did just draft a guy with the highest upside I would say in this Draft when it comes to actual intangibles that this guy brings if he can shoot the ball it takes this team’s ceiling like down the line to a different level and I know nobody wants to hear in this room especially microwave Nick talk about patience but that’s exactly what we’re going to have to have with this kid are we are we going to uh are see LeBron loading are we going to see LeBron play in the summer league no cuz that’s the only chance he’ll be able to play with bronie roster we do got to go to break though e tell us about Randy W just real quick I’m proud of us because we do fly off the handle if there’s a a show that’s definitely not sunshine and rainbows I’m just it’s us yeah like you called Tom gors the PE word I did a couple times so if if you guys are hearing us especially microwave Nick talking about being patient for this kid feel good yeah I’m feeling good about you’re allowed to have some optimism I I I will allow you’re not a Slappy don’t feel crazy don’t feel stupid like I think some optimism is allowed here I I really do and it was not Matas yes let’s go that’s a dub someone was like why are you celebrating a kid not getting drafted I was like cuz he’s not getting drafted here and because he is uh Michael tm’s client so I love that that b is a tellum client though Boby there second round pick is he yeah stop it I swear to God are you K I saw in the chat so take it with a grain of salt but um at least it wasn’t our first round yeah I never really got the mataz hype to be honest with me no this kid looks like Matas but actually good is it wild people like yeah Matas five I’m like what and you watch Ron holl you’re like why the [ __ ] would he have ever been holl looks like everything Montas does but better yes like oh mattas is a Defender he’s a better Defender oh Matas is great in transition he’s better in but he’s an athlete this guy’s a freak athlete like um do we just keep it rocking and double up uh no we’ll go to break we’ll go to break yeah what I tell you guys about Swiss Randy Wise Randy Wise all right but how would you like to play with the University of Michigan golf course on the University of Michigan golf course with University of Michigan’s greatest wide receiver ever brillan Edwards it’s the Randy wi Celebrity Golf Tour register today and you could round off our forsome atw or scan the QR code on the screen when it comes to golfing with celebs Randy Wise got you cover congratulations to the real Coach of the Year Motor City Dan Campbell just put your head down and go to work it’s about to be fun man it’s about to be fun Woodward Sports yo let me just say I love Planet Fitness trying out Planet Fitness and dang they got lots of equipment not me getting a Planet Fitness membership just for the 24-hour perk listen the pf black card is worth every penny for this hydro massage I’m a new man did y’all know that the PF app has workouts you can do at home cheapest therapy I can find is Planet Fitness all the benefits All For Less Planet Fitness big Fitness energy for all we don’t like to brag that we are the toughest Sports Network in Detroit but we do have a guy named Daren mccy on her side Woodward Sports soki’s crispy chicken and Pizza is taking over Michigan with the grand opening of their 13th location in Madison Heights today on Dinda Road just north of 10 Mile again it is today from 4: to 8:00 p.m. crois is giving away free pizza for a year to three lucky customers and $22,000 in gift card giveaways be sure to stop in today while you still can in Madison Heights crois now that’s crispy all right what up though people we are at sroi crispy chicken and Pizza it’s the grand opening on theer in 10 m you guys got to get out here it’s the best chicken is the best pizza that nille hot it’s awesome listen I’ve had Smokies have you had Smokies nope you have it be the first time for me yeah okay okay hey you know what tell the people your name man you got to tell the people name name’s Adrian I heard great things about the place so I had to come check it out trying to win free pizza for a year you know you know what to do listen listen listen I got a question for you okay at aois they have this problem solve Pizza and Chicken in one place but if you can only pick one yeah pizza or chicken which one is it tell you what I do B some chicken wings and put the pizza sauce tomato sauce on it pepperon two for one deal you seen those the system I I just seen something like that yesterday but I I can’t call it man I can’t call so that’s the best way to go two in one right two in one two in one hey you know what before we sign off let’s get a go Lions oh yeah go Lions let’s go it’s too late taking contract attack we thought maybe this would be a case where it could happen with a trade and you could collect assets are you at all disappointed that you couldn’t do it and does the asset colle process now begin in other ways I don’t think I’m of course I would have been elated if we could have been able to collect an asset move back and get a player of Ron’s caliber but I think we’re very very happy getting Ron at our pick this year um I think it was our intention to find a player that we really liked and didn’t want to move back and get a player that we didn’t like while Gathering assets in the draft so I think that was definitely something that we thought about in the process um not only leading into the draft but also when we were on the clock um and uh look we we have space so we’ll listen to calls we’re getting calls already on some things um but we’re looking for future assets a little bit more than Assets in the draft right now and we’ll um I think we’ll be thoughtful and we’ll be process oriented around those that we take in um I don’t think it’s going to be something we jump on right away if we don’t think it’s the right asset value or something that again like I’ve said before helps bolster the grow the growth of our young players that’s what I wanted to hear and and I think it’s so crucial Beyond points I’ve tried making it for beforehand when just you grab draft pieces you trade them in for that player or you obviously just go and draft those players and hopefully just good at drafting him but beyond that I think last night the other piece of it was a perfect example we witness it actually the past seven days a guy that rum to come here two guys remember to come here first Malik monk signed 4 years 78 million following that Nick claxon okay well at least we’re get Nick claxon right four years100 million like these guys don’t want to come here collect your assets in the draft like I’d rather us as much as like I don’t hate the Ron Holland pick I would have rather and it sounds like they would have rather trade on the situation too just wasn’t enough for them to I guess feel like the value was met there in terms of like what Ron Holland was too but with Nick claxon signning the $100 million deal L monks signing his $78 million deal I think this is like evence that we need to get these assets we need to trade away like you said maybe stew whatever ends up with that situation but trade for these veteran pieces that we like and why the yeah there are there are a lot of teams in the East there are a lot of teams in the west that think they’re wide open that think their time is now so these attractive pieces that the Pistons have that can contribute like an Isaiah Stewart and that’s kind of it when you talk about pieces that can contribute right now but guys that you don’t see as your plan for the future give get rid of him now and get some assets take on a Julius Randall to get your pick back take on some of these other guys that teams are trying to clear and get cap space so they can go after someone they want and take those picks and that’s what Ron Holland or I’m sorry Ron Holland that’s what Shan Lon said he was going to do and that is what I expect them to do I like they double down it just now too their yeah and I think also too it can’t be overstated that two of the top three free agents signed before free agency even started so not only do they not want want to come here they damn sure don’t want to come here they’re the first people off the board they’re not even legally allowed to sign a contract that’s how much they don’t want to be in Detroit right now so Detroit you can’t look at the free agency market as really being a a way to to acquire Talent just at this state at this state of your franchise you can’t do it so you have to trade contracts and you know what the kind of the Silver Lining that I’ve kind of come to with it is is this is look if if reputation is that bad as far as free agency goes and even extending to the draft when when trejon spoke about players not wanting to even interview here and work out like and agent trying to stop that then you know what I’m okay with acquiring these kind of these bad contracts quote unquote because realistically the pisses would have to overpay to get these guys anyway so Duncan Robinson is he worth 17 million or 19 million I think what he’s getting this year no but if you’re Detroit on the open market he’s probably getting 15 and Detroit probably has to pay him 19 to get him anyways so like these bad contracts I think I think when you contextualize where Detroit is at and you’re honest with yourself I don’t think these contracts are going to be as bad as we as we as we look at as long as you’re getting the picks with it too and I think he he emphasized it in that that video as well like the future picks that’s the other thing I was harped on yesterday all day future picks cuz all respect to the yeah all respect to these guys getting dra today and yesterday this draft is Boo Boo for the most part right Boo Boo a lot of us could even find the we’re we’re fans of the sport right we couldn’t even allow ourselves to do the Deep dies that we have been doing in the past couple years cuz you’re like I already know have these guys are kind of rooll guys and that’s in and NBA drafts are always crazy like that where you may have a guy you think is a superstar ends up being a rooll guy or just a complete bust it felt like the middle of the first round at the beginning of the draft like literally it felt like like none of these guys would be lottery picks in like an actual draft I their their comparison to the first overall pick was I I forget what it was Harrison Barnes or something like that oh wow man be like yeah we got the number one pick in the draft all right here’s a role player like oh [ __ ] but I that’s what happens man and that’s where the the true the true Talent evaluation happens is when there isn’t the Cade Cunningham sitting in your lab there isn’t the the LeBron James The Chosen One prospect that you can’t miss on you got to actually do your time and do your due diligence in in weeding out who is going to be an impact player in this draft and I truly think that Ron Holland can be an impact player in the NBA with what he can do with his athleticism his like I again he may have the second most upside in this class to bring it back to to what we were talking about like his comparisons of these guys who came in just defense like like a Mikel Bridges like a Jaden McDaniels like a Jimmy Butler he’s not just defense like his offensive game is pretty damn good he just can’t shoot like he can break he can break people down off the dribble he is a nasty creative finisher with both hands around the rim he can finish Above the Rim and below the rim so really it’s if he just figures out his jump shot he’ll be a complete player I know averaging 20 points per game without a three-o point shot against a lot of NBA players still shot 47% like that’s what I’m that’s what I’m saying man like you put that together I mean that’s a guy that he hits his ceiling you’re talking about 24 to 26 points per game Dynamic star tway and that’s why I like that I like too the awareness and I know that that’s one thing that that trejon spoke about is the fact that he is very comfortable in himself and comfortable in his skill set and what he brings to the table and you know that by his comps the jayen McDaniels the Jaylen Brown Mel Bridges those are all three comps that when you watch this kid like I have Mel Bridges as a comp when I was looking at him early on and I thought that was like a ceiling level player for him was it Jaylen brown or Mel Bridges I think he’s I I like he’s that self-aware the doe part two bro is he’s still bigger than all those guys yeah he’s 68 69 yeah he does got to put some weight on though he does got to put some weight on for sure Michael tell him is is Bobby’s agent that is that is confirmed what the [ __ ] no I think that’s why after sleeping on it for a night honestly with this news that we took Ron Holland is because his I’m okay with it because his ceiling is so high and none of these other guys were going to move the needle and especially a 23-year-old Dalton connect yeah he balled out in the SEC this year could you imagine a 23 yearold fully developed Ron Holland in the SEC like he’d be putting up 40 point game and I don’t want to yeah so when everybody’s complaining about yeah you didn’t get the shooter out of Tennessee the dude was 23 playing against 18 19 20 year olds you think about a 23y old Ron Holland playing in the SEC it’s game over and um when I throw my fit about a shooter last year spin was one that told me he’s like you can go sign a shooter tomorrow yeah well also you you can get Shooters anywhere yeah to the alternative was like every Prospect other than Reed Shepard and don’t connect had questions on their jump shot like Cody Williams yeah it makes more sense to be higher on Cody Williams shooting from three than it does Ron Holland just because of the percentages but the truth was it was small sample size for both of them so you got to look at things like who was the guy really that you felt extremely extremely comfortable shooting the shooting the three ball and it was only Dalton connect and Reed Shepard so like if you’re going to take a swing on somebody that needs a three you might as well do it on the player with the highest ceiling which is what they had Mavericks just drafted a 40-year-old who’s got two mortgages four kids dude he looks old back he looks he looks like an old man dude I said who was it they said was like actually like 30 something when he was drafted uh was it aaka no no Ziggy dude Ziggy Ana yeah but for basketball too he actually did end up paying for the pist yeah there was somebody forer th maker they’re like th maker actually was like 20 something th Maker’s best high is throwing flying knees yeah I was going to say terrible flying knes that’s the other part about it fellas One Last Thing on Ron Holland is if this guy played for a like big time University like duke or North Carolina or say he even played for Yukon on a national championship team like I don’t think there’s much of a discussion that he isn’t top three I think it’s the fact this g-league ignite team was so bad his three-point shooting was down obviously and I think that’s why it just slips out of the picture in such a bad draft I think his name got lost in the sauce and people got intrigued with the French Dudes obviously and to be honest too like the G League hasn’t yet to produce an Allstar caliber guy and I know it’s fairly new too you know what I’m saying it’s fairly young but like that’s also part of it Jaylen green is the best guy that came out probably icket really didn’t become anything yeah I mean scoot struggled coming out of the g- league yeah tyon Daniels hasn’t looked great maybe don’t go to the g- league I not get the scoot stuff neither did I when people were trying to tell me scoot was better than Brandon Miller I was like all right you you don’t know Paul I remember people in the chat or whoever may have been Chris that were cool with grabing him after we grabbed Ivy I like and then I looked at three like what the [ __ ] are we doing guys I did honestly I flip flapped with both I ultimately ended on Brandon Miller but I still really believe in like I I I don’t know scoot had the intangible like when I watched his film it it did it did blow me away and I think he’s a guy that I don’t know you just find those guys that you have confidence in that putting it all together he showed some flashes at the end of the year yeah but but still for here what we had going on no he needed glasses that’s why he turned the ball over so much and hilarious I don’t even it’s tough to look back bro you can’t [ __ ] see wear some glasses tough to look back now but you look at like the Pao chat and then the next draft that’s you know Victor Brandon Miller it’s like we just got so screed Paulo think of Paulo and Kade Cunningham on the same floor even chat and Cade paollo how do you guys feel about Evan Moy I like Evan Moy I think he’s a great role player I don’t know if he’ll ever be that Superstar type guy that I think K can be but did you chck has flowers every day yeah I mean she must got that see her ass good good I’d give her flowers every day too um yeah cuz I remember the rising stars challenge or whatever it was that one year where like Kaden and EV Mo were [ __ ] they it was a nasty Duo no I I I don’t I’m very low on Evan Mo’s offensive ceiling I don’t think he’s ever going to put it together but I think he is a damn good defensive player and I think and you saw that I mean he was in the running for dpy this year so I I think he’s got a high ceiling defensively I’m just not sure he can he can ever put it together offensively the ad Kevin Kevin Garnett comparisons I just I never like they wrong they were wrong that’s fair yeah like 16 they literally compared him to every great big man ever they’re like he’s got shades of Tim Duncan Kevin Garnett and Anthony Davis you’re just like wow this guy amazing dude’s going to be the greatest player of all time his rookie year was promising I ain’t going to lie I I I bought him the bought some stock he shot 37% this year from three but only one attempt also too I want to I want him to be without Jared Allen and prove that you’re like a really really actually good defensive anchor by yourself and not with another great maker tell us about Swiss easy I’ll tell you guys about Swiss the best In The Biz number one pick here in Detroit for insurance and Swiss insurance hit up Mark directly Mark Swiss or give him a call and get his take on the draft 31353 01698 that’s 31353 01698 is one in the trenches and our Big Fellas don’t mess around the Woodward heavy on Woodward Sports walk to any lady James haircuts for men for an award-winning haircut experience from one of our talented stylists enjoy a Precision haircut 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the best bud best cated atmosphere in the best deals of diso dispensary visit them online at disos you must be 21 and up to participate is diso your local canvas plug yeah uh everybody in the chat saying DJ Burns didn’t get drafted DJ oh wow did you grab him as a undrafted free agent for the Lions maybe yeah he play defensive tack yeah you know when put moves left maybe be K Campbell 2.0 bro he really could he’s got great feet they were lit I did actually read an article from the athletic which i’ view as like one of the more respected you know ballord agree uh Publications out there oh athletic is great there were actual general managers who were like yeah I could I could mold this NFL yeah for sure I fix I fix I mean that’s what happened with Julius or yeah Julius pepp Jimmy Graham and [ __ ] no you’re right though I would [ __ ] do it bring I would if I was him I would have went to the combine he should have well you got to get invited but I would have went to the pro day for NC State yeah bro yes I’ll I’ll bring him to Camp right now you could make him look look at what we drafted already yeah and Manu you could make him a defensive end or defensive tackle pretty easily I feel like he’s got great feet it’s got great body control um Chris did a little bit of homework to see bring Jack yeah had to Jack Goki not get drafted either not drafted yet no I don’t think did he oh yeah he did enter the is over is it over either way Chris did a little bit of homework on uh Ron Holland’s grades across the board for some of the podcasts that he list to which ones did you grab so I grabbed from just the biggest draft guys so Sam Vini Uh Kevin oconor uh Jonathan G gani from uh from ESPN or gavani uh from ESPN and uh and also also our guy Bryce Motor City Hoops you know I think he’s that’s someone I really respect as a as an EV as an evaluator and multiple people had him nine which was the lowest like Kevin oconor had him nine San Vini had him 10 uh Jonathan gavani had him 13 so what I listened to was a lot of podcast listen to Brian wior everybody kind of reacted all around the NBA Bill Simmons Ryan rill a whole bunch of people and it was split into kind of two camps it was either why didn’t they trade back I don’t like this I don’t like the fit here in Detroit or it was you know what this is a team that won 14 games and I’ll be damn just take the guy that you believe in the most as a prospect you guys we’ve had you know less than 24 hours to digest it here where where where are you leaning do you are you okay with them swinging for the fences because that was the problem in the criticism of Troy right was that Troy just kept swinging for the fenes didn’t care about fit at some point you got to care about fit but if you win 14 games maybe you should just say forget about fit I just need good players I just need you to trust you you 14 games nobody has nobody outside of in my opinion K cam has a right to stand on business and be like I did yeah yeah no one has a claim to the throne outside of Kum yeah in this team and at this point too you’re looking at an adventure where you’re you’re going to be loading off some of these guys you’re going to get rid of some of them so yeah if I’m I’m cool bringing the next guy by the way Kevin OK Conor who initially said I believe he said Ivy wasn’t a fit and then he I was getting my backlash on Twitter and I said oh here’s your lord and savior cuz all the younger kids like you know they live and die by Kevin oconor saying the same thing and then he replied on some hater [ __ ] too well guess what Kevin o Conor you can suck my dick too he also by the way was a big uh K guy yeah he James Harden one thing I’ll say about him is he’s got good hits and really bad misses like he he is all over uh he was big on Halburn hurn was his guy um so stick and stick’s awful yeah well I again I can’t call all of them off handti the worst takes stick has but he hit on HT stick has some rough takes but he definitely hit on halberton um yeah I mean here’s the thing too and maybe I’m just like tooting my own horn here just because like I I feel Vindicated but like I’m looking at Kevin oconor right now he had Matas fourth yeah I don’t see that yes what the [ __ ] the Matas do to Garner this I just I don’t [ __ ] get it I really I don’t you what I’ve heard I’ve heard that kind of ugly too by the way yeah I’ve heard that exact question asked and what people have said is that they believe more in his shot than in Holland’s but I I don’t but I don’t see that either but he’s France Vagner 2.0 it’s all been hearing about this guy but he can’t dribble or shoot you’ve seen him turn the ball over a million times in oh my God this guy I do not like Matas and somebody saying he’s going to be successful in Chicago I will bet all of my credibility right now on NBA takes that he is not going to be successful dude this guy Nick is the special level of hater at 8: a.m. not even 8: a.m. cuz I didn’t get to work yet on the drive to work this guy Nick goes I feel ecstatic he felt 11th and I got to see him cry when he cried yeah he cried when he got drafted he was yeah all right I didn’t so who ended up drafting him I didn’t even Chicago BS from chicag he feels like a Chicago oh that’s actually really cool for him so that’s why yeah that’s why he cried obviously I didn’t know we were I didn’t know what we were exposing takes in the chat right now okay that’s a little ballsy but I thought I thought I thought it was funny I mean look he’s openly hates the guy is it I cannot wait for the match that was fun that was funny but the chat is sacred okay but but okay Nick I apologize then that was I thought it was all a good humor fellas I said before this draft I don’t want to be excited for the summer league another year Well fellas I’m excited for the summer league especially if we Chicago I’m ready for the summer league already I want to see Ron Holland vers Matas is specifically especially with Matas talking all that [ __ ] about I think it was a ret yeah about locking Reet down yeah I would love to see him lock around Holland down let’s go I am excited for the for the summer league as well and it’s tough to not be like when you got a guy that is going to thrive in the summer league and you’re going to see some crazy [ __ ] like if we were excited for the summer league with like I don’t know like Dalton connect it’ be cool to see him get some buckets and stuff like that but Rod Holland is going to put his nuts on some people’s chins in the summer league and I I’m excited to watch that happen um I did make a compilation so I did the we obviously the our three-pointers and then we did the Ron Holland ones too when we get back we’ll get to the Matas uh compilation of three-pointers I’ll let you judge I’ll let you judge great don’t get why the [ __ ] this guy was ranked so high tell us about the morning show every single morning when you wake up make sure you are throwing on wake up Woodward it’s the best Morning Show in the city you know who it’s with it’s with Kool-Aid flannel Sam broer JB and kg every morning when you wake up make sure you are waking up with Woodward 8: to 10: a.m. live on Woodward Sports so just to get the heated steering wheel I also had to spring for the bigger rims yeah that’s how they get you those upgrades of caution noral leg every time hey new car crew how’d it go this weekend I got a great deal on mine how I went to Randy Wise not those other guys they got me in a great new ride and they didn’t break my budget he could you pass me the sugar oh never mind he made the wise choice yep make the Wise Choice at randywise congratulations to the real Coach of the Year Motor City Dan Campbell just put your head down and go to work it’s about to be fun man it’s about to be fun Woodward Sports what happens when you run a great business for over 50 years you expand and offer more products to more people that’s exactly what Le Stanford did by adding Le Stanford Buick GMC the same great service to customers have come to know and trust wber Avenue just south of 9 Mile check out Le Stanford in Dearborn and day find the brand you want at le le Stanford together let’s ride let’s ride look at that re sheeper in oh dude oh Chris there is a picture in the downloads of uh I’m Dynamite picture Okay near like it’ll be like by the BD stuff it’s my favorite thing I saw on Twitter last night um you guys just join the show you miss me com was here uh Ry probably about an hour from here catch the me’s pocket I’m sorry interview I should say shout out to me joining us Caleb back from srois yeah we kind of kicking a [ __ ] Stevie y was on here that’s tomorrow right the NHL draft is tomorrow yep Shan ban flannel me and no way well not for the draft just for BD okay for be Sean F and for Neil be Sean and FL and then me and Jus obviously kg kg is going to be like let’s do that hockey but uh it’s going to be a big hockey show tomorrow ond you the m has three-pointers by chance uh I know we’re throwing 50 things at you don’t yeah did you get the picture I was talking about yeah do you want me to throw that so yeah this picture I saw on Twitter somebody said this is D connecton and uh Austin Reeves pulling up the Lakers practice which by the way that’s that’s what you want in that team oh yeah Shooters yeah that’s yeah got ad on the inside Brown running the ball two white boys in the corner not a better place that kak could have landed if you want him to be successful and if you want offense yeah people are going to you know look back on that and be like oh we should have drafted him when he’s putting up you know 13 or 14 on a good shooting percentage I could easily see that the way that Austin Reeves did just connected right away cuz he has so much space to shoot yeah the cool thing with like younger dudes oh go kale say I was just going to say and with JJ reic too very two very similar players yeah that’s right yeah I survived this league being W too yeah that’s me show that picture last night what was it JJ reic with the Burger King crown on oh dude that’s [ __ ] hilarious um here’s Matas three-point shot that some people viewed as better thanon Holland here we go brick oh damn damnn it easy it was a quick edit oh come on Goa God you’re going to see taxes from my Grandma coming here soon then make sure you wash behind your ears sweetie how many times I tell you put the toilet SE air oh again that doesn’t look bad though like jump do I gave credit for that’s probably what they either way you stop it easy it was on the Fly I respect the hustle yeah damn I you guys know I do that actually often and that’s the only time I kind of slipped up all right give me he said full disclosure I do this a lot it’s not like Chris I’m not going to do that to you Chris I don’t want to make you feel bad what always going CHR he had a dirty back I know that’s not dirty ma that’s what actually factually happened I was like listen we’re going to play your clip and then we we’ll get into she got on like right before was like it was like literally I was coming I blame you cuz you’re rushing it me yeah you’re like um Ronnie’s not playing a minute he’s gonna play bro no way he’s going to play he’s sucks dude it’s LeBron LeBron literally got JJ hired that’s true and got to be the first player ever to have five points or four was it four points per game in his the guy we drafted has pretty similar stats to brownie wait wa what do you mean look at his face the B tell go look at his stats Michael tell’s Cent he averaged like five points per game last year what the two years ago or yeah when he played in Wake fours guess actually would be the same as Bonnie because that’s Bonnie’s first year too bony was like actually like bad he was like there’s no way was literally he was he was a McDonald’s All-American and uh Mikey Williams wasn’t like dude what the [ __ ] are you kidding me I don’t know if LeBron was just so focused on himself the real one and it makes sense right because you’re trying to become the best you have a potential to be the best ever like also if your dad like I don’t know if Ronnie hasn’t figured it out through with his dad and the resources he has by now that are all the same tier that I don’t know and wild wild draft and I don’t like I don’t even really like bringing this up but it is another another Fair Point too like I don’t want to be inconsiderate but but like the health the health scare that he had too right like I mean come on like yeah Dam it Chris why do you always got to do that do you guys think Bron’s summer league coverage even comes close to W yes yes I think it’s worse it’s a freak Show you think you think it’s you think there’ll be more every single Lakers game I mean they’re already all nationally televised but every single Lakers game is going to be national televised every single time he gets the ball there’s going to be a highlight package on ESPN it’s going to be worse than Wes wm’s actually a [ __ ] dog Ronnie’s going to suck do you guys think that wmy should have won defensive player of the year last year yes yes not even close insane once they put the numbers by by way people once they even got [ __ ] within the vicinity of wimy or his his wing span I should say they run away yeah literally like okay I was Lally all right he’s really tall you saw so many players just dribbling to the basket and then dribbling almost out of bounds and just cing around it’s I posted a video I was literally I was creeping on my own t last night for some reason but um you’re so full of yourself I know right what was it though it was a video I’m trying to find it here let me find it it was a video of wem’s defensive highlights oh yeah CHR you’re a monster crazy I was like there’s no way that Rudy goar is a better defensive player than this guy he’s not Spencer while you’re guard the pr while you’re looking for that quick question obviously blocking I just sent it on or I’m about to send it on SPS didn’t have a great first season obviously it’s wy’s rookie year but how long do you guys think it takes for that I think they’ll be in the playoff next year yeah really at least the play in yeah damn like they’re that’s so sad he’s so [ __ ] good dude like he is what we thought he was he is everything that he was hyped up to be he was a top 13 player in the NBA last year it was insane when we were watching mad at you for saying that the dude’s a [ __ ] alien bro they took Stefan Castle last night right you want to talk defense that guy’s a [ __ ] dog yeah bro they’re going to be insane son dude that team’s that team’s young they’re going to be really good missing a point guard but that’s what pissed me I hate R go bear but a we we the K actually was okay at pass can I be honest about killing real quick and obviously garbage and I and I you obviously turned to you know Killian’s trash train do you think the hip affected him like like that hip injury cuz I feel like he used to be quicker before he’s a little bit more it looked yeah it looked like he lost like a little burst K had the biggest uh his biggest issue was he was a little [ __ ] that that was Killian’s biggest issue is he would get into the lane and would get scared yeah Mo Vagner he know nothing about that he don’t know nothing about that Mo Vagner put his ass asleep yeah that’s true um here so here’s here’s the defensive player you got three cam it yeah yeah okay let me three cam it this is yeah it’s a video of of wemi highlights all right we’re [ __ ] and like we got be all right [ __ ] it I don’t care no just three cam it be good spin’s idea oh yeah we’re straight with this yeah it’s vertical cut off half the screen just look at this dude yeah you’re telling me Rudy gobe is better than this guy no he’s not that’s the thing bro cuz the riters look they’re scared of him dude that was crazy that open fast break Rudy goar is not doing that Scotty still Rudy goar is not doing this dude that was a wide open layup that they they just didn’t shoot two on one both two on one and they just don’t do it that’s a bonus that’s one of the best post players in the NBA wide open layup ah like come on man Rudy goar’s a bum it should have it should have been W dud this makes me sad watching that yeah I mean it was rigged bro it was [ __ ] 100% rig look at that he just guarded like four people on that same play and got the block who went two in that class Brandon Miller damn I would love to have him Scoot a man assar oh I would have [ __ ] loved to have Brandon Miller Brandon Miller or well obviously well obviously would be yeah K would been sick too I don’t know I I’ve like ad is a better Defender than Gober too for sure we got a caller for sure who we got put him through maybe it’s me again put him right through this is ballsy put him through who is it is he drunk what do you mean I don’t I haven’t screened at put him through Matt you’re live on there oh it’s m Matthew Krueger it’s your casville buddy can’t hear him can’t hear him hello Matt how you doing hear yes sir what up Matt Benny what’s up easy hey what the [ __ ] we gonna do when we’re scoring 68 points a game this year we need a we got to sign a major Superstar man yeah I mean they’re definitely a going to be a little offensively challenged uh I would I’d love to see them get get a guy and bring him in here but defense is is going to look pretty good I understand that but that’s not Rasheed Wallace and Ben Wallace that’s uh assar Thompson can’t score bucket and uh what What’s his name Ron holiday or something like that Ron Holland Ron Holland is damn good offensively it’s just a jumper that he struggles with this is 19 points the average without shooting the three yeah 24 let me ask you a question would you have rather taken somebody out of college or would you rather have taken Ron Holland out of the The Best of The g- League I don’t really think it matters that much man if you can ball you can ball uh the college to G League thing isn’t really that big to me actually if you listen to Treyon langdon’s pressor last night he actually prefers the g-league and playing against grow men that three-point line than College he essentially was saying thought about that yeah that’s a good point but now uh one other thing uh and I’ve been shouting Zack Ed for the last like four months everyone’s been like he’s trash he’s trash he’s trash second rounder 10 pick and top 10 baby number nine top I can’t I’ll tell you the reason he top 10 pick was this is the worst draft class in the history of the NBA that is literally the only reason Zach you to use a top 10 pick any way that anybody thought yeah yeah he went he went higher than anybody thought for sure appreciate your calling appreciate you brother um yeah you were definitely you were preaching e for a while but again like if this draft class had anybody that had a pulse Zack would not have been a top that is so that is so wild that Ed went top 10 it’s it just that’s just proof to how shitty of a draft class is it a fireable offense does anybody think he can be successful it’s not it’s not a fireable offense in this draft class if he’s out of the league in two years no I’m just happy I think a lot of this draft Matas and kingan fell I was I was [ __ ] sick what did when did kingan go seven okay and two spots away from his dead yeah Edie went in front of Matas yeah that’s crazy for all the people that were Matas that’s true I didn’t think about that actually whoa you so cuz I was fairly young I remember him may I just have to watch the highlights itself what stopping Ed from being Yumi um pace of play in the NBA now huh skill skill and the pace of play in the NBA what skill did he does did ya Ming have over you ya had a Yao had a much more consistent jump shot especially in the mid-range he was a better and and had better post touch much better much better post and better I don’t I’d put the post touch fairly even and i’ like to I’d like to look up the numbers on my own time but I also think Yao moved better but I I can’t confir the numbers tell you that I’m watching right now ya 100% moved better yes he moved much better and the pace of play in the NBA is not what it was back then bro how did y’all move so [ __ ] clean he was literally built he was built in a lab that is a fact what do you mean China created him to be the best basketball player in the world you can’t just call something a fact you got it is a fact where’s the fact part of it Google it Chuck Google it Chuck he right he’s right dude it happened tell us about merch Chris merch merch head on over to W click that shout T today get yourself some brand new merch they got hoodies te’s hats all that guaranteed to turn heads head on over to wwor click that shop tab today and get yourself some brand new merch merch I love Woodward Sports love wearing clothes then you should be wearing Woodward sports clothes 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keep you in the game and performing at your best for more information visit michigansports or call 28426 9944 I definitely would recommend it definitely the best chicken I’ve ever eaten in my life I can’t wait to try the pizza too thank you so much a longer one than that is there a longer one in there no no we come back you want me to just play it now or ya had essentially been Brad I’ll play it at the end both his parents played basketball his 62 mother Fang FY perhaps the tallest woman in China had been married to an even taller man yeah she had served as a red guard during the height of the cultural revolution and had been an Ardent Mayo whatever that is maist that’s in Chinese word I’m sorry for that one she enthusiastically participated in the Glorious plan of the local government to use her and her husband to produce a sports Superstar told you the Shanghai authorities who encouraged the match had gone back several generations to ensure that the size was embedded in the bloodline the result was Yao a baby Behemoth who just kept getting bigger there’s another article that says it wasn’t through the government but the pairing no it was through the government everything it wasn’t a national breeding program but it was a desire among Shang High officials for them to get together yeah wow yep let’s post some ya stats yeah I was a dog dude imagine like growing up true screens is right they got a female y now there’s like a 73 women’s basketball I just saw her highlights yeah kill it she looks like Zach gr U ma teams I saw a shirtless picture of Britney grinder and she’s having a kid what she’s that yeah yeah why do I remember y’all shooting threes it just wasn’t a thing cuz they didn’t nobody shot threes for some reason I my it’s his highlight tape T was preseason special that was fun I remember playing with them in some old school like 2K Games I remember I traded Ben Wallace for ya in 2K 6 my dad got so mad at me I was like Dad I’m averaging like 40 points a game with ya wi what do you mean his I tra I traded Chanty for alen Iverson too because you could do one for ones H uh His Highest rebound total was 10.8 you think that’d be higher how many minutes was he playing a night at that size 37 that year jeez oh my God he also 22 points that year 25 the year before what was the Max uh blocks what was his career high per year oh that’s a great question I’m guessing like 4.2 I’m going say 3.7 I’m going to go a little under two straight up it’s 2.0 oh maybe he had the wimy effect though and nobody would shoot around him I remember I remember when Nate Robinson blocked him though how big of a deal that was that was like a that was like cultural moment in perspective for sure wimy averaged 3.6 blocks last year and Shaq’s speech when he’s talking about Yao Ming what’d he say uh during I think it was Shaq’s Hall of Fame speech he’s talking about playing against Yao Ming and always you know loving his game and but never saying a word to him because he thought he didn’t speak English and sha said one time he hit him with a like a little Hakeem fade away baby hook and they’re running down that court and ya Ming said great shot brother what it talks like that taught this one how to speak bro what you say he’s a a freaking he used a lab experiment he’s Kimo all right uh you got that last croi video queued up well that’ll do it for us today if you missed the Mina kimes interview you can rewind it or they’re going to be clipping it and posting it later tonight for our clip of the day for easy for Nick for Caleb for Chris S for mea K joining us appreciate that we at dispo tomorrow pull up dispo tomorrow and Romeo shout out sroi for hooking us up with the food appreciate all you guys we’ll catch you later peace Ron Holland future allar we are at the sroi crispy chicken and Pizza grand opening on theer in 10 Mile and I am with marus hey how is it talk to the people right now about this envir a lot of people waiting line for free for chance to Wi free pizza for a year uh you got going Co fight yes I mean well we’re happy we’re thrilled you see the turnouts looking great um it’s electrifying we’re all excited and everybody else is too we got an unbelievable product our pizza our chicken service it’s all top notch we’re happy uh to the great city of Hazel Park warn I mean we’re right on the corner of everything you know uh so you know we’re just we’re here we’re Grill that’s what’s up man that’s what’s up and you know what s you guys got do this problem already figured out you got both pizza and chicken and it’s fire too but if you can only choose one pizza or chicken what would it be well that’s a hard question for me cuz ultimately I am a pizza guy but the chicken is top you go betray you just go betray Pizza like I love the pizza I love the pizza I’m not going to lie for me I’m a combination guy I like them both you know so I like you know what I probably got to go with chicken try it out it’s kicking good you know hey you know what so we got to talk about these Detroit Lions though Detroit Li what are your expectations from d Campbell says Super Bowl One well we’re all Aiming High Campbell we’re 100% behind him we support him all the way and I I we have high expectations we’re going for the division we’re going for the conference and we’re going for that Super Bowl baby all the way to the top let’s go you know what that’s the word let’s go Mario sroi check in 10 Mile baby [Music]

EZ, Spencer Raxter will be joined by ESPN’s MINA KIMES to talk Detroit Lions, react to the Pistons drafting Ronald Holland II, react to the latest news ahead of the NBA Draft, create trade scenarios for the Pistons and more!

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