@Miami Heat

DraftBeat: it’s Mockin’ Time!

DraftBeat: it’s Mockin’ Time!

[Music] for e [Music] it feels like the draft draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy dra d d draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draft B it feels like the draft draft dra dra dra oh I’m going to miss that sweet sweet music ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another edition of dra beat it is uh my pleasure to have you all today as we celebrate a Stanley Cup victory in South Florida that’s right but first let me introduce my co-host and co-founder of stream be Mr Frankie G Frankie how are you feeling how are you doing today I see the Panthers hat I see the excitement talk to me buddy draft draft draft draft draft oh my God bro I I know all of South Florida can relate that was the most [ __ ] stressful Series in in sports history for us I I felt I felt better about [ __ ] game six with uh in Boston with LeBron oh my God three and0 it was the most it was the most anxious I’ve felt since the LeBron era to be honest like nothing has felt that way even uh game seven vers Boston last year which was just as as excruciating but even this had just a little bit more you see him down below exactly that’s what really the outlier plus hockey never been done it’s crazy but we got to keep moving you see him down below you see him in the light he’s finally out of the dungeon here to give you some crucial draft news I’m talking about sashy takes Coach Lou coach how are you doing today oh man 25 hours man 25 hours man I’m excited is that how long you’ve been a Panthers fan yes 25 hours fun fact I watched the entire game seven it was very exciting for somebody who’s never seen hockey in their life I’ve only watched the finals and it was it was pretty [ __ ] fun man I I will catch a couple games next year call me a b asking me what color is the blue line um but really quick well listen guys uh I’m really excited because this is an episode that I have very much been looking forward to yes Lou mentioned it we are 25 hours away from the draft but before we get there you know we love to give you a mock draft Extravaganza so we’re goingon to go through the entire Lottery leading up to number 15 the Miami Heat pick and uh we did a little coin flip before we started so starting with the number one pick is Mr Saucy takes and oh wait Frankie do you hear that uh that’s right that means the pick is in Coach Lou representing Atlanta what are you gonna do at number one overall uh so this is a predictive mock this is obviously my big board but this is yes I was supposed to set that up sorry we’re we’re good got to me this is what we think is going to happen Bingo this is what we think as a community here at Miami he is going to happen um too much smoke for Reet at one will I make him the pick personally probably not I’d probably take SAR if I was him but Reay fits alongside he’s a long linky Wing um gives him some direction he wants to be there which is more than can be said For What alexar and Duffy and his agent are doing but uh you know three andd prototype might not have the highest uh ceiling but a a overall a safe player there yeah and I think I’m with you on this being the number one overall pick especially with everything we’re hearing from SAR granted it could be smokescreen but it does seem like that’s kind of where we’re leaning and Frankie I think the next pick is in man ah there it is yes that’s right I we you know all the smoke screens uh for this season everybody thought it was G the number one pick was going to be uh this guy but he’s kind of forcing his way to Washington which if I’m a Wizards fan I’m I’m ecstatic because nobody’s ever forced their way to Washington so I’m gonna go alexar very Talent big alexar feels like it’s gonna be the pick at number two and you said it Frankie one of the rare guys that actually wants to be uh with the um the Wizards it just makes no sense to me even trying to get the sentence out doesn’t work for me uh so I believe yes the clock is now at zero and the pick is in thank you Franky yes sashy takes what’s going on here with with the third pick the Houston Rockets will select Reed Shepard um makes too much sense the only guy who can come in right away uh other guys were probably in consideration they’re probably like clinging or whatever but um somebody who can learn behind van vet best shooter in the draft he has an argument for that shot over 50% in college at Kentucky yeah the guy will be the third pick he’ll be it’s funny because every single mock draft is entirely different but of the only areas that seems to be somewhat of a consensus is Houston Rockets at number three targeting Reed Shepard it seems like they are going to be uh really valuing his shooting and yes the clock is up the next pick is in Frankie thank you what are the Spurs gonna do at number four um I this is where the draft kind of really starts because uh the Spurs can go a lot of different ways they’re trying to win they’ve got wemi in in to they they’ve got a lot of talent but they’ve also got a lot of needs um I I think uh the best pick for them would be go go Stefon Castle which Lou’s favorite player in the world uh ever existed he’s he’s a tough-nosed guard wants to play the one uh Champion his only year in Connecticut uh I love this kid uh he’s gonna be a really good Pro yeah it really does feel like it would be probably the best selection uh both to work with wemi and in terms of honestly what they need uh in their own backcourt um also I do have some Intel uh my buddy Matt Wood who is from San Antonio really wants Stephan Castle uh at number four so it seems like that’s what they’re gonna do and yes with that the clock is now up thank you Lou number five what’s gonna happen in this mock draft draft beat Edition man this is probably one of the toughest picks to make just because I feel like Detroit is probably so pissed right now like all the best spacers and guys who can fit alongside what they want is gone but um there’s been a lot of rumors of Matas buellis his agent is apparently a member her of like the Detroit front office now so there hasn’t been a lot of quote unquote smoke I just think it’s something that they’ve been trying to keep under the the covers but he’s a 610 small forward power forward with some real versatility upside on both sides of the court so I love it I love it and kudos to you for actually saying the name because I was not going to anywhere near it the clock is at zero Frankie with the sixth pick in the draft beat that’s not going to get annoying with the sixth pick in the draft beat mock draft the Charlotte Hornets who are they taking Frankie uh this was such a [ __ ] tough pick uh me and Lou went back and forth on this uh and and really have no idea they could go a number of ways that make sense uh I like Ron Holland here I like uh Devin Carter makes some sense here but don’t do it don’t do it I’ll kick you out nope nope but we we went Dalton connect uh here with the with the pick gives him some shooting uh athleticism uh he’s really talented scorer uh he I I think that he’s one of the guys that’s a pretty much a lock to be a lotto Pick uh and I I think that Charlotte would do well picking him at that six spot how do you feel about the pairing with him and lamelo I I think having shooters around him uh you know they have markk Williams who they really like at Center um they have Brandon Miller that one of the best players in in the draft last year um having those that spacing and and uh will make things easier for him he’s got the um connect is a sneaky good athlete like he tested really well at the combine um now he’s just got to improve on both ends uh to to display his athleticism a little bit but guy who can absolutely put the fill up the [ __ ] stat sheet with the uh with buckets just [ __ ] can score one of the argument for one of the best Shooters in the class um he’s super talented um dropped 40o games in in college U repeatedly he’s really good man I think lamelo would love uh getting his assists up over with him I think you sold me on the pick because I wasn’t really sure about it until you gave me the explanation there and while you did that the clock ran out Frankie that’s right you know that that sound means that the pick is in and unfortunately the pick was made by Joe Cronin number seven Portland Lou what’s he doing yeah realistically Cronin will probably pick the worst player in this draft but uh in this case we’re going to give them Donovan kingan uh they have been floating too many ideas of not liking Aiden and obviously the trade that they did so exquisitly well for Robert Williams a man who played no minutes for them they’re going to get an answer at Center uh he doesn’t have to come in right away and be the starter but going to be probably the best backup big in in the business honestly right away for them an elite rim protector and a very good screener so hopefully scoot can show some kinds of improvement for them but hopefully not L I don’t want to spend too much time on it because he’s obviously not someone for Miami but we didn’t really get a chance to talk about Donovan kingan someone that I’m a fan of but yeah what I’m really surprised by is just his overall rankings in each mock draft he’s either you know incredibly High I’ve seen him as high as like number three and number four in some mock drafts uh and then sometimes he’s falling towards the end of the lotto where do you see him I know you have him right now going to Portland do you think this is realistically his his draft range I think his floor is nine I think his floor is Memphis realistically so um you know we talked about the Hornets pick being a little bit iffy with dton connect I fully get it I think that’s a spot where the Hornets are maybe a little bit more comfortable moving back and getting a chance to connect at night and somebody like Memphis is trying to move up I think this draft is I think there’s minimum going to be four to five trades tomorrow like it’s going to get hectic today has been so quiet it’s the quiet before the storm I’m telling you now there’s too many this draft is so flat teams are going to lean into their evaluation on prospects and really go for their guys just because moving up five six spots isn’t going to cost as much as it would in other drafts where there’s clear tier breaks yeah also just that volatility in every single mock draft it almost behooves you to just stay in your spot and wait to see who’s going to fall because somebody’s going to with just how crazy everybody is and Frankie as I was talking the clock ran out hit the Sounder that means the pick is in ladies and gentlemen at number eight San Antonio Spurs are back up who are they grab who are they getting to match with wanyama sorry I started reading comments too soon go for it well this is where I think uh the Spurs are going to one of these picks I think the Spurs are going to get an upside play and uh uh Lou has done some quiet reporting here uh gathered up some sources some Saucy sources here sour I can’t give away the Saucy sour no he’s not going to but we um I I believe it it makes a lot of sense uh we think they’re gonna PIR wbi with uh Saloon I’m not GNA pretend I know how to say his name uh but this is a guy who’s rised up the draft boards uh with his impressive athleticism at uh really raw Prospect but got a lot of size and tools and uh I think wemy would love to be paired with somebody like him and this is becoming a very popular Mock Draft selection in a lot of different areas because of how vocal wanyama has been uh that he wants to play with one of his guys from uh from the France team Salon being the most obvious in that position and with that the clock ran out again Frankie Lou that means the pick is in at number nine for Memphis what are they doing uh the Memphis Grizzlies I think you know they’re kind of bummed out that a center was off the board I think it’s a little bit too high for some of the other centers but um a guy that’s been consistently uh you know rumored to go in the top 10 even though mocks are pushing him lower and lower I’ve seen him even be in consideration at five I think they’re going to take jdub’s brother and Cody Williams from Colorado and get some youth the zier Williams project didn’t work but you know they add somebody else to that Wing room with some actual length to help cover up for some of jaw’s weaknesses and one of the best finishers at the draft even though if he’s only 178 pounds yeah I know that internally in draft beat we all kind of have different grades on the guy but I really do like the landing spot of him in Memphis I think that’s a really great place for him to grow and kind of fall into that system and Frankie I just heard that the pick is in for Utah who’s Danny a selecting at number 10 um I think it’s going to be Nick a little to pic I think this is where he falls uh they they’ve kind of Set uh the tone that they’re they’re open to tanking they’re patient they uh drafted a nice guard uh George last year out of bayor uh they have uh seon who’s had had a phenomenal year so they can wait for him to get healthy um but he but I I think this is the the the risk right here this upside swing but we’ve seen mock dra of him falling out of the lotto because of that a knee injury he’s a potential guy that I would love to see Miami to be serious about uh and be patient with we’ve seen a lot of guy a lot of teams wait for a prospect to to heal one year we’ve seen it with just recently with Chad hrom and OKC um I I get Jimmy and everything but like when you get can get one of the best players in the draft at 15 I think you gota you can take that upside swing um but ultimately I think o uh Utah is the place where he he goes guys I’m a little disappointed I’ll be honest I asked you not to mock with me so I didn’t know what the uh turn away I I I I already know I already know but I thought at least you would let this guy that talks just like Darth Vader fall crazy craziest voice ever crazy as you were talking Frankie I was trying to find the clip to send it to you we’ll we’ll come back to that later but my biggest takeway from the draft process is how did we get to the day before the draft to find out that this guy sounds just like James Earl Jones like is crazy his voice is terrifying but with that being said Frankie somehow the clock ran out as I was filibustering and with that the Bulls are now about to make their selection at number 11 yeah I think I don’t even want to hear it yeah don’t don’t cover your ears Heat fans uh they traded away Karu so I think it’s because they targeted somebody who they can get to fill his role for cheaper maybe even better dare I say they’re going to go Devin Carter here um a a tough two pick stretch here for us Heat fans in my [ __ ] personal opinion I know it [ __ ] sucks but it’s bound to happen at some point so I I can’t let the you know we we have to stop the momentum here because my heart will break harder than it did for Cobe buffkin last year yeah and unlike Kobe buffkin this one this one’s gonna hit um I’m extremely disappointed but I’m not surprised because as we’ve been talking about throughout this process there has been Rumblings he has a promise in the lottery and many people have speculated that it is with Chicago that has made that promise and it just feels inevitable I’m depressed I don’t want to talk anymore hit the Sounder and make the [Music] [ __ ] OKC’s on the clock Frankie what are they gonna do um this one was a back and forth too because uh OKC can obviously trade this pick they can go for some veteran win now pieces uh but we’re we decided to go it was between Tristan D Silva and Tyler Smith here both guys who made a lot of sense uh uh I think we’re going to go Tristan D Sila here just to be safe uh shooter bring size does a little fits right into what they like and what they do uh but he’s actually he would actually be the second tallest player in the rotation so I think it would be a great addition for them yeah I like that addition for them I’m sorry I’m still reeling from the Devin Carter pick I I know that’s what’s going to happen and I still can’t take it uh but I like that selection Frankie at number 13 the pick is in what are the king’s gonna be doing in Sacramento for number 13 so uh Frankie you know taking TI Jan Salon the guy who was probably gonna this would have probably been his floor 13 or 14 it’s going to be tough to like see what direction they’re going but them taking Malik Monk and giving him that money I think they shed up their guard room um I think that they’re missing an athletic front Court partner next to Keegan Murray who is one of the best Shooters of his class but obviously um it’s a nice yin and yang with Ron Holland here I think they will ultimately decide to go with Ron Holland at 13 they they can wait for him to develop they can let him play Off the Bench with some spacing with Malik Monk and Kevin herder and sabonis running the top of the key of you know D stuff and cut back door off of that um I think Ron Holland defensively is gonna make an impact for this team too as they need one of these Wing Defenders to I love that selection you’re talking about one of the best Motors one of the best defenders in the draft Landing in a place that I think he’s going to have a lot of time to grow fit the system but before we continue this mock draft we have to listen to an very important sounder from one Mr Luke Star Wars nicpic this voice is crazy I’m terrified already Frankie let me hear it outside of basketball what sport are you the best at soccer mhm yeah I was practicing soccer before I play basketball yeah so I was decent at it but I mean just I want to to play basketball and that’s that is my love what what happen at the end there hold on Choice that’s all okay um it’s terrifying he sounds like he’s gonna drop you know a double double and kill someone on the same night he sounds like a Decepticon that that was Terri that was terrible poor guy we had we had to pause the draft for that because that was very important that’s that’s a a draft beat exclusive clip right there we did a lot of dirty research to find that voice uh all right Frankie I just found out that the pick is in sorry pick the Portland Trailblazers are double dipping and what are they going to do here uh this pick is up for trade as well they’re trying to uh trade some of these picks and try to get some vets uh we think if they stay here um McCain and Dillingham don’t make sense I don’t think they’re going to go back to two small guards after just after uh the CJ Dame exper and Anthony Simons experiments um so it’s it’s probably gonna be upside swing I like Tyler Smith here uh big who could shoot from the G League ignite uh brings can play the three a little bit probably longterm a four but once they trade Jeremy Grant he’s probably the guy who uh uh will get a lot more playing time there okay interesting pick and I like it uh Tyler Smith going about where I think he’s going to be so let yeah let’s take a look at the board really quickly let’s look at picks one through 14 because next up we got the Miami Heat with a very important first round selection I know Carana that cracked me up too I’m not gonna lie so right here we got Al uh Zachary rasher yeah I’m not even gonna learn how to say his name at number one uh I think the most surprising selection here for me honestly is topit going 10 to Utah because I think he could go literally anywhere in the lotto I’ve said it before it’s just whoever clears him first uh Lou before we move on to the heat pick which one here in the top 14 is the most interesting to you um to be honest I think probably the most interesting pick is Cody Williams at nine just because it kind of doesn’t really fit with memphis’s timeline but it fits in the mode of player that they like to draft in a position of need um so it’s it’s just an interesting I to be honest you can pick any pick here be like that’s the most interesting one just because that’s we nobody [ __ ] knows what’s gonna happen on draft day so like but definitely Cody Williams to me I think it’s a little Rich for him so it’s I don’t mind the swing it’s just not what I would do personally yeah Melody agrees uh really quickly for the Pod audience I’m just going to read the uh the draft results as we have them right now and then we’re going to get straight into the Mii heat pick so number one we got Risser number two Alex SAR number three Reed Shepard four Stefan Castle five Matas bazus uh number six Dalton connect Frankie you just wanted me to read these names come on number seven Donovan kingan eight Saloon that’s all I’m doing nine Cody Williams 10 nicoa topic AKA Darth Vader 11 oh God my guy Devin Carter that one broke me uh number 12 Tristan D Silva backto back breaking me and number 13 Ron Holland number 14 Tyler Smith uh Frankie if you could go up to the draft board really quickly things didn’t exactly break the way that I was hoping to with my one a and one B being off the board but let’s see who we have available and you know what I’m GNA need some help with this uh with this Miami Heat pick so let’s go ahead and call in the big guns and welcome in our very special guests Greg sander and Alex try baby from cracking what’s cracking what’s thank you so much for joining us today and uh listen guys the board isn’t exactly the way I would have loved it to land but there are some really interesting names especially at the guard position which is kind of where we’re leaning at draft beat if you guys could just kind of take us through your thought process with Oh I thought we were doing Panthers talk uh we will oh the entire second half all we’re going to talk about is bosski and uh the incredible game last night but I’m really curious what you guys think of the board as it is like that and what the pick would be at 15 if it fell this way go ahead Alex oh man look look I’m still recovering from the Panthers winning so that’s that’s like number one right now um in my mind but since we’re doing this draft stuff um look and and in all seriousness the the leading up to this one I feel like kind of took out everybody that I was interested in right as far as you know the most interested in we did our job but um I mean yeah but there’s still some like some interesting guys available here though um like when you look at some of the guards right when it comes to Rob Dillingham still being available I think that’s something that he would have to think about right even though he’s probably going to be a liability on defense in the NBA with how small he is I mean a guy like Isaiah klier being there like I think you would have to consider that I mean McCain is a different type of player but it seems like you know it’s kind of rich in guards at this point right if the if the drafts were to go this way and the other thing that’s still kind of completely available is um all the bigs in the Heats range right like the filipowski and K wear and Missy and donon Holmes all these guys Z Ed still available so like it feels like there’s a lot of guard and yeah it’s it’s a lot of guards and bigs available it feels like a lot of the Wings I was looking into for the heat there um are off the board um Le how are you feeling about what’s what’s out there you gotta go best player available like what are we doing and at this point unfortunately for the heat because there’s a log Jam at the position it’s at guard right um I found it interesting and y’all correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t call year the only reported workout was with Miami I think that that’s an interesting nugget to to chew on Rob Dillingham is a top 10 talent in this draft without a doubt we don’t even see Tyler KCK on the screen and he’s another guy that I think Miami will consider Dynamite he’s dynamite and they and they’re gonna consider him I don’t know if that will be at 15 but I think that that’s a guy that they do like but ultimately here for me Jaylen Tyson we know Ethan has chronicled that that’s another guy but that’s is way too high for him at this point I think most people are going to want to take Jared McCain here because I didn’t get confirmation that they worked him out for some reason I’m wanting to go in the opposite direction and if I’m making the pick right here it’s going to be Isaiah caller okay so are me and supposed to are we supposed to come to a consensus here is this listen we’re gonna do it the exact same way that the Miami Heat do it everybody gets a vote okay there we go I like that okay cool um so that puts more pressure on me to come up with a different unique answer look at this point I almost can’t even believe I’m about to say this right now I think I would go Dillingham I think I’m not even like that huge on his game I just think like that would be kind of a fun project for the heat it’s like get this guy who is so kind of the opposite of what you had in house for so long right where it’s like you know he’s not gonna fit right nicely into your defense right away but he is this absolute bucket getter who is super Shifty who can create his own shot who can create separation at will um can really shoot the ball can score in a lot of different creative ways is slithery right but again he’s like a buck 60 and that’s not even really exaggerated he’s really small I think he’s 6’1 with a 6’3 Wing ban if I remember correctly so it’s just that part of the the floor it’s such a gamble on him to be more than worth it on the offensive side where it’s like okay what he brings offensively like I’m okay with the defensive but that’s just like my my first instin because it’s like you know best player available to me that’s like the most interesting player on the board just from when you look at the names I don’t necessarily think that’s like the best pick um fitwise or a pick that I think that he will make so if you’re just talking about what I would do um you know I I think again I’m not even that big on on his game but I think Dillingham at 15 is pretty good value you keep saying project and defensive liability and that’s my only concerns with Dillingham yes we know he’s got an great offensive game but at 15 I’m willing to take a swing on topich because I I actually trust the game you know if the if the medical clears out I trust that project I don’t know if I’m willing to gamble with Dillingham with Kier and McCain both being on the board who I think are a little bit better in in different areas I think McCain is one of the better Shooters in the draft and I think that he has the potential to kind of jump up the way a Tyrese Maxi does not saying he’s gonna hit that same ceiling but he has that type of uh jump potential um but Isaiah Collier being the only one that’s actually worked out with the heat should be telling and I think defensively SPO would love what he could bring to the perimeter if I’m if I’m getting my vote I’m putting it in for McCain just because I value shooting that much more and I’m going to leave it up to my uh Compadres here who have been grinding the tape so hard uh real quick uh I on the the Hoops hype draft workout tracker that we’ve been using I did find Kier worked out for the uh Spurs and the 76ers as well so I say his last name Kier we have no idea it is it is we switch it up every time like call your county in Florida you know what I’m saying like so that’s why I went with Coler sorry if I’m mispronouncing his name and making that pick you’re good bro we we make we switch it up to keep everybody on their toes you’re you’re a legend you you C you noticed you know sometimes I don’t even try and say the name Lou who do you think is gonna be the pick at 15 if the board fell like this what would be your selection oh man it is if I’m being real honest the way I’m trying to cycle it through my head is what is the team around this pick going to like also look like so it’s kind of projecting a little bit like I think it’s a lot easier to fit McCain into this Jimmy and ban build especially if if you know we project Tyler or whoever projects Tyler to get moved um if that’s the case then he’s an immediate replacement offensively to the spacing at least that Tyler provides so that’s something that is very intriguing I do think he has more to his game than he showed at Duke clearly he’s 11th on my board for a reason I am a big big fan of Jared McCain I think Kier is interesting for different reasons I love he is literally a walking paint touch and we know how much Miami needs reim Rim pressure at from any spot on the floor um when this offense was at his best was when Goran was at his best um you know not saying Kier is Goran but they’re both very downhill drivers he gets to the rim almost at well especially off the high ball screens it can open up the floor can the shooting come along enough to work I think so personally I don’t think he’s Asad of a shooter as he’s being built out to be but he’s definitely a little bit rougher ding him we know who he is man he’s a special special offensive Talent I’m it’s it’s so difficult to like turn him I I wouldn’t even consider him for the pick just because we asked bam to do so damn much and this guy is 164 to put that into context Trey young is a small guard he weighed in at 178 he is 14 pounds heavier that’s a two Monon baby than Rob Dillingham like it’s tough for me to put that into context Rob Terry Rosier is small he has 25 pounds on Rob Dillingham like it’s hard for him to put 25 pounds on and still be undersized so that’s my concern with him I do love the talent the last guy that I’d really consider is pacol Daddy uh I know this is too high I know oh my God take him out moose take him out that’s like literally the entire draft process is the only guy he’s wanted to talk about literally he he he just found out this guy was a guy like two days ago that’s I watch out for Miami no I I love him I think in terms of wings with all the wings getting taken to Silva um obviously Tyler Smith Ron Holland um he’s probably the last guy I’d consider I think this is a little too rich for him and I don’t think Miami is gonna do it but if I had to make the pick I am agreement with Greg I think it would be schmolck in the chat saying why is troppy baby dressed like a fisherman on Deadliest Catch that’s crazy this is all the Panthers Birch I have let me be yeah he just bought it today guys come on has even taken the tags off yet Mar this season so it looks like we’re leaning Isaiah ker Frankie would you be okay being the final vote to send that up um I’m with Lou the concerns on dillingham’s defense is wild like like uh gos is in the chat talking about the Kentucky guards you know Maxi Booker at worst hero um this guy might be bones Highland like on defense like that’s how risky this pick is I I’m okay with it I completely get it but I you definitely need to make some other moves to uh accommodate his his weaknesses and and hopefully like believe that he can gain that weight and be good enough defensively because this guy defensive it wasn’t just weight it was effort it was uh uncharacteristic swing for the Miami Heat that’s my issue with it like I I could see them taking on projects with high upside but this one is just so off character yeah and I like almost definitely not happening right yeah s Rob Dillingham you are a Miami Heat it looks like it looks like you’re leaning Kier then I I I am leaning Kier because McCain I I do like him a lot more after I dived in but if you’re drafting him just for now and and not for long term like you he needs to be a point guard he’s he’s 62 200 pounds uh but he’s he’s small uh wingspan I don’t think he uh he didn’t really show a lot of on ball skills he was almost entirely off ball uh maybe he has that in his bag but he didn’t show it at all at Duke and Kier while he does have his own questions uh I think he’s the the biggest upside pick uh with his size his strength um his ability to get to the rim and you know like you you look at some of his numbers I compared him to Carter uh which a guy we love his freshman year a lot of kier’s numbers were better than Carter’s and and we saw how much improvement Carter showed uh over three years Carter’s pulling up from 30 feet and maybe Kier gets there I would take the risk I would take the upside swing uh but you definitely need to balance out the roster with more shooting around them I totally agree I love the pick would like to lean guard and as Greg sander says in our chat we’re going to be completely wrong and it’s going to be a big or it’s going to be someone I mean we saw it last year we we knew haime hakz was the most heat guy in the draft and nobody had him going to the Miami Heat uh Greg we’re all leaning guard internally here do you get the even talked about the bigs that that are out there well and and that’s kind of the question that I wanted to get to do you get the sense that maybe it’s because the way the board is going to fall but it does feel like guard to the heat feels more likely even though they will have their choice at The Bigs is some of that smoke screen or do you think that’s realistic no I think the best talent will probably be a guard the question will be do they draft as they have been recently they’ve been going what they believe to be best player available but also like these players fit too you know what I mean and that’s when we when we talk about um some of the guards there’s going to be a log Jam and so like there is roster implications to this if you expect the 15th pick to contribute in any way so I could be completely wrong my sense is that’s where the talent’s going to lie so that’s why I’m gravitating that way but if you look at the roster with Caleb potentially leaving with heith potentially leaving with obviously they need size they they look undersized every damn night it makes sense like I was hoping Tristan da Silva was gonna be there when we did this mock draft exercise yes um because I feel like that’s a perfect guy that can slide in and and replace some of way what may be leaving um in Caleb and heith potentially so um maybe we’ll be wrong but I think that the best player available will likely be a guard particularly one with that downhill ability like Kier I’ll say it correctly now yeah uh Frankie I I want to give you a chance to ask any questions here but we did talk earlier about second round possibilities for the heat um I I guess where do you think that they’re going to go in the second round and How likely do you think are to keep the pick because this is a conversation you and I have had many times I think they’re going to end up trading it for some future flexibility uh yeah I think they kind of need to like uh start holding on to some of these assets these cost controls you can see how difficult it is to just get into conversations right now without assets without trade picks without young pieces and their one of their biggest talent is finding and developing guys and the talent pool in the draft is a lot higher in than in the undrafted guys all the best undrafted player in the league is Fred Van B very good player second round picks Nicola yic was a second round pick you can find a lot more talent in the second round overseas uh uh Jaylen brunson’s another great find in the second round you H uh some of these guys I I trust the scouting Department to find these guys um and I think cost controlled assets especially as a second apron team who’s looking into contend and seeing how how you can’t even aggregate players right now they have to sell some players or do one for one trades that’s really all they can do right now because of where they find themselves financially uh I you know I wouldn’t surprise me if they traded it but I would be disappointed but uh Greg I’m definitely interested in in what you think they’re gonna do they are praying Baylor shyan follow Falls to 43 that’s what they’re praying for I don’t know that that’s going to happen but that’s the guy that I would definitely watch the second round uh also heard Kad Johnson I believe is how you say that his name from Arizona he had a great workout so that’s something to watch as well I mean a workout is a workout doesn’t mean you all of a sudden are catapulting up rankings necessarily but I just think that’s a player to watch in the second round too it’s it’s feeling like Bona is not gonna fall to that second round pick right now huh or is thaton that’s it feels like the the conversation round has been really hot the past couple days um according to Sam Vini he said said that U I heard him on his pod earlier uh yes yesterday actually he was saying that every single team that Bona has worked out for that he’s asked for feedback said he was the best player or like he was either a the best player or B like the highest energy most impactful player maybe if the talent wasn’t raw and Bona just gives off so much like I I don’t like to do comps but he he plays a lot like bam did coming out of Kentucky very physical attribute like similar build I see why Miami wants him like you know they they like to take chances on these Uber athletes even if they’re small ball fives just because their strength can hold up um I don’t think he’s gonna be there though but Baylor shyan Greg might have just made my [ __ ] day with that one man I love Baylor shyan like because we we didn’t even get a chance to talk about him I didn’t think he was gonna be there but if he’s there 99th percentile pick and roll ball handler I don’t think you know how crazy that is considering he’s a lefty shot 40% from three nine rebounds like 20 points five assists I’m all in they had a scout Park his ass at every kraton game this past season for what worth I believe maybe pick at 15 I better not believe it oh now it’s too bad we should have known the 26y old five time senior pick at 15 uh let’s get to this question here that we uh that we got from the chat what do you guys think about Jamal Sheed out of Houston shed sh yeah well well listen nobody even this guy’s not gonna make it who cares uh sashy takes I know this is someone you liked tell me about him oh man I you know I’m gon give Frankie credit man Frankie put me on Jamal shed I’mma Be Honest he was like oh I just think he fits Miami and at first I like you look at the measurables you’re like he’s six feet like not a great three-point shooter like uh statistically not a great three-point shooter and then you watch this guy play basketball and you’re like holy [ __ ] Pat Riley somebody wake him up like like tell him to turn the TV off it’s Jamal shed highlights like defensive highlights like he is probably the best point of attack defender in this whole class um I was going over the list of point guards or just guards in general who have had an over over 40 assist percentage over two block percentage and over four steel percentage there’s very few guards in college that did that every single one of the guards that did that had a decent NBA career some of the names on there were you know Michael Carter Williams I guess but he was good for a couple Seasons there were a couple of other guys that I Alex Caruso was on there as well like some of the guys that were on that like very Niche list for Jamal shed have had some decent careers I think his offense is GNA be better than people think he was asked to do a lot for a Houston team that didn’t was offensively uh just bad int yeah there you go than um real quick Alex and Greg have to get out of here to do their show one last question for you guys Greg we have the workout list here as if you’re on Twitch you can see it on YouTube as well uh is there any names here that weren’t listed that that you can confirm that uh Miami did work out and or is seriously interested I know you mentioned Baylor shyan is there another uh sa I can give hold on one second let me pull up sorry this great great audio here for everybody um it’s all good it’s all good troppy before you go I’m gonna need your uh Florida Panthers Bona fites it’s it’s nothing he got it at Ross 49th Street like I I I I’m here to embody South Florida fans who can you know jump on when something is good I’ve only been a fan since like last year nobody like hockey from where I’m from growing up so you know what I don’t care hockey’s fun go Panthers uh go ahead Le uh one guy that I don’t know made it onto that list uh Zion Pullin out of Florida I heard he had a really great workout so that’s something also to watch as another he’s a senior point guard from Florida that’s just another name to watch although he may go undrafted yeah H Riley’s for him I was gonna say just the kind of guys that uh the heat love those undrafted senior veterans um really quickly to get you guys out of here thank you guys so much for joining us today and for helping us make that selection at pick number 15 once again it was Isaiah klier ker we don’t know how to say the name but if it’s the figure it out uh Greg Alex thank you guys so much for stopping by and for helping us out thanks for having us absolutely man thank you guys make sure you all check out their work on five reason Sports uh really appreciate them joining us guys I think that’s basically the show if there’s anything else you wna uh get to oh I do want to mention we will be live tomorrow for the NBA draft we will be doing a twitch stream uh probably probably after the first 10 picks we’re not going to do the whole lotto because we want to watch it too guys uh but we will be on for a live reaction of the pick so yeah probably after pick number 10 we’ll be sending out the uh the link for you all to uh to join and watch along with us uh Frankie Lou anything before we wrap it up yeah me and uh I I’m gonna be on playback hosting the the a draft watch party uh from the get-go uh anybody welcome to join uh Lou if if you uh we haven’t really talked about it but if you want to join of course I’m there man we can do it and then I did not know I will swing through there you go and then like Mo said uh once pck 10 goes up uh we’ll we’ll jump over to Twitch so we can do a live reaction you guys can get our takes uh I’m predict we’re gonna start playback car Tiana uh first and then a Pick 10 we’re gonna switch over to Twitch um yes real quick guys just cuz we had that mock draft you know that’s where we we had it was highly debated me and me and Lou went over that draft for like an hour and a half and that was just the first 14 picks and there’s a can we can we talk about that this was actually draft number two yeah we had PR the previous draft we did realistically okay well the draft that I heard can I say what the pick was which was why I was so surprised yes go ahead go ahead you guys had us taking Darth Vader at 15 yeah oh man the dark what happened we heard him talk today man and I just could moved him up Frankie play it one more time play one more time outside of basketball what sport are you the best at soccer soccer yeah I was practicing soccer before I played basketball yeah so I was decent at it but I mean just I wanted to to play basketball and that’s that is my love well I think you made the right choice you know Mur when when they the pick and roll bomb unbelievable sound a little Jamaican and on that note I’m going to wrap us up before uh we get ourselves cancelled thank you guys so much for but we have the draft tomorrow I’m very much looking forward to it but really quickly I just want to shout out both of you guys thank you so much for all the work you’ve done throughout this draft process because it has not been easy grinding all of this tape and getting the big board ready and the clips ready and all that and you guys have absolutely killed it and made my job a hell of a lot easier so thank you guys he does sound like Ivan Drago’s son uh appreci that moose got to give it credit to to Lou as well uh he’s busting my ass uh [ __ ] non-stop texting me about prospects making a prospect daddy daddy is not a real person I don’t care what you say but also moose you’ve also put in a lot of work credit to you man uh I mean we nobody else would have done [Music] this it feels like the draft drafty draffy draffy drafty draffy draffy drafty drafty drafty drafty drafty drafty dra d d but uh yeah man make sure you guys I thought we were wrapping up what the hell that was the out Frankie that was the out running back run it back uh no we didn’t get Lou Lou a chance to talk oh oh sorry Lou no man but uh thank you guys you know first and foremost thank you to G who’s out with Co and Brian out you know just just for uh giving us a platform I guess for giving a random [ __ ] on Twitter shout out alha platform but thank you guys it’s a I [ __ ] love the draft we’re gonna be DED in man from now on you already know what it is thank you to Moose literally he would go over the show script and I would be like there’s no way we’re fitting this many people into that but hey hey is reporting that he are selecting OG anob no no bam on a bio I lied my they took B yo what are we doing twice who is this twice in one show are you kidding what is he doing who is that he just said that OG oh no no we won’t oh no we don’t they’re drafting B bioo dra B I should have played that when Alex was here [ __ ] well we weren’t expecting uh the Florida Panthers number one F to show up but uh you’ll be getting more of reactions like that tomorrow we’ll see if we can get some of the other people from Miami Heat beat to uh to join us for a live reaction as well but make sure you tune in remember after pick number 10 we will send the link out and you guys can uh watch along with us thank you all so much for stopping by every single Tuesday for the draft beat Edition Frankie hit me with the music One More Time [Music] it feels like the draft draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy draffy dra d d

Moose is joined by Franky G and Saucy Takez as they

-go through many scenarios

-@GregSylvander and @tropicalblanket drop by

-They discuss the 15th pick options for Miami

-Questions from the audience

and more!


  1. Moose saying McCain has the potential to take the leap to maxey is just comical 😂Maxey is a bullet to the paint and great finisher and McCain can only shoot I pray to god they don’t draft him.

  2. Rob dilingham is a bucket at all 3 level ,Maimi Heat didnt lose cause of lack of defense, its cause we couldnt score we held team to about 100pts and we scored about 80+pts ,i would get Rob D. at 15pick if he drop that low

  3. I thought Rozier was supposed to be so great because he could get downhill 😂😂😂 and now they want to draft a guy who’s best skill is getting downhill in a league that shoots 3s 👍

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