@Dallas Mavericks

Brian Windhorst details the Mavericks’ next steps & Klay Thompson’s future 🏀 | The Pat McAfee Show

Brian Windhorst details the Mavericks’ next steps & Klay Thompson’s future 🏀 | The Pat McAfee Show

what’s next for uh Jason kid Luke and Kyrie and over there uh with Dallas yeah so look they’ve got a very good team but the team was kind of just put together at Mid season um so I think they’ve got some more development there and they also frankly have room to make a trade this off season and bring in a piece now they’ve made I don’t think they’re like in the market for like a huge name player but they can’t upgrade this team primarily they have the contract of uh Tim Hardway Jr which is the now expiring contract for next he just wasn’t really a part of their rotation throughout the playoffs he is a player that I do think has some value especially on an expiring contract so if they’re willing to take on some longer money which they now have one of the wealthiest ownerships in all the professional sports with the Allison family um I don’t think that’ll be an issue is Mark doing anything over there anymore he’s got this really first off he was very distant throughout the the playoff Run Okay um we and I think part of that is because we’re used to seeing him um front and center yeah he did he he did he did get like 2.7 billion for he he still holds a percentage of the team but I think he I think he walked away with like 2.7 cash you know uh in his bank account um so I’m not feeling sorry for him but I think the title that he has and think about the workshopping that went into this I think his title is Maverick’s proprietor okay which is really weird and I think they should get rid of I don’t know what it means um and I kind it sounds like the guy who’s running the Country Store I it’s a weird what is the definition of a real is the owner of a business or a holder of property huh I guess he hold like 30 20 or 30% of the team I I don’t like it I don’t like that term but they they made it up because he’s sort of in this awkward situation where he still sort of you know basically helped construct this team but doesn’t own it anymore and the way it works in the NBA there’s no honorary owners there is one governor and that Governor that man or woman is the person who is the face of the franchise now if that Governor wants to invite Mark Cuban to stand next to him when he gets the trophy or her when he gets the trophy that’s fine but Cuban didn’t have you know because when he when he sold the team he’s like I’m still running basketball operations I don’t think so you’re not the governor so um oh but anyway that feels like pretty big news yeah cuz I thought he was running basketball operations as well I assumed he negotiated in that $2.7 billion cash that’s what I’m going to need also I need my uh Courtside seat still because still do the whole song and dance and also operations like in other words like he you can’t you you are the governor or you’re not you know he is not the governor so that’s just the way it is but he obviously had a lot invested in this team he basically put this team together under his watch but anyway he hell of a run Mark hell of a run Mark seems like you got no saying anything at all anymore but it was a hell of a run had a hell of a run he um they they do have the ability to make an upgrade trade what’s it going to be we’ll see the offseason’s literally just starting today but I do think that they will be in the market to upgrade this roster and they have a good young team there’s some real comp competition in the west though no doubt about it uh congrats to the Pittsburgh Pirates Mark Cuban’s obviously buying them sure so that’s why okay thank you Mark coming back home to he tried to buy the Penguins before and then could Pirates I think it was the Pirates he tried to buy the Pirates like four or five different times and either the MLB didn’t let him or the owner didn’t want like he want it and then obviously there was a chance he was going to run for president there for a bit but then he came out and was like not until my kids graduate so I think there’s always been other things that are massive that Mark cubin has potentially gone on to do so him selling this while remaining in charge of basketball Ops I didn’t fully understand like what’s he need 2.7 billion for right now we’ve all seen Shark Tank he’s got a bunch but maybe he is kind of pulling it back there and then going let’s go buy the Pittsburgh pars could be that would be fantastic may maybe something outside of sports that would probably be some type of conflict to interest kind like Michael Rubin when he had when he sold his Sixers got out had to do the Fanatics and the sports book I feel like Shaq when he got out of King’s ownership because of something else he had going on so maybe and remember Mark cubin got his money because he was streaming Indiana basketball games online that’s how it all started he was like streaming Sports on the internet he was like the first person to do that while he was at IU then he got paid broken off billion dollars I think to Y I think y I think it was yaho gave him I I forget the entire thing anyways he’s a Yer who goes on to make a ton of money everybody in Pittsburgh has wanted him back in Pittsburgh owning a team because they see how he acts in Dallas and I think it was the Pirates for a bit maybe he’s getting there maybe there is some other massive business that he’s trying to pull money up for which would be that one business they’re trying to get casino gambling past in Texas Tik Tok and that’s one of the reasons why made this deal with the Adon family the idea would be that he would be a partner in a potential casino with them but you know I don’t I’m not caught up on Texas politics I can’t tell you how that likely that have you heard about Florida Politics the seminal tribe will be running Sports gambling uh until 2051 corre y long time we need we need we need to utilize the brains that the 7 old tribe has they are absolute beasts at the negotiation table I had a chance to go on vacation down there and uh I just so happened to be in an area where there was like a seminal tribe Museum and my wife and I took I don’t know 100 milligram and we went in there I feel like I read the amount of History we need to utilize the SE old tribe as a country more they are weapons we’re talking about in control of a lot of things and also said that nah to so much yeah yeah is our hey we’re going to do this nah you are those are guys you don’t want to mess with right there well it’s funny you say that it’s funny you say that because they’re so damn great at business you you kind of have to mess with them so whenever um we were when FanDuel was our exclusive sports book and that was from like the beginning of when Sports gambling got legalized so we were very pumped to kind of ride that wave alongs side of them we got to learn a lot about the ins and outs and lobbying that’s taking place in every single state and how hard it is to pass and get a license and everything like that in Florida was going to be a a concerted effort by DraftKings fand and everybody because obviously the amount of sports fans down there sports teams down there the amount of people uh we’re going to try to put on a full campaign to get Florida to pass for outside brokers to be able to do Sports gambling in Florida and uh the seminal tribe matched them just just how much money are you guys spending in 100 million okay we’ll spend 150 million then saying these people that aren’t from Florida are going to try to come and they just beat DraftKings and FanDuel and everybody in the L I mean it was just clear as day the the marketing down there so I I said to the FanDuel people as they were laying this all out and they say hey this is going to be our next pain and blah blah blah I was like has anybody talk to the chief you know has anybody gone down and just talk to the chief that’s how business gets done and they’re like uh nobody’s done that I was like I’ll go you want me to go I’ll go I’ll go down and talk to Chief AOL or whatever and they’re like we we couldn’t recommend stronger uh for you to not and I I have never I’ve never laughed harder in my life I’m like all right so nobody but Ron the STIs went met and we they got a deal done until it all but you’re right we don’t know enough about politics of at all but if Mark cubin is trying to get into the casino gambling business it’s like obviously that would make sense because I don’t think any of those have ever lost money Mark CU is considered like good business person but that would also be a business 2.7 billion doll from the adon’s came from from Blackjack so that that I would I would back that up so him not owning a team while trying to get into gambling could potentially be makes sense an entire thing well Mark will Mission if if a casino doesn’t work which we’ve never seen one not uh Pittsburgh Pirates you need to buy it ASAP and there’s a Rivers Casino right across the street if you ever need it Ty has a question about somebody that has been uh a little active on social media Yeah Wendy obviously now that the final is over I think we have the draft next week and then it’s on to free agency but what’s going on with Clay Thompson we see that he you know unfollowed the warriors on all his social media accounts oh no uh yeah not not good you know pretty much sign seal and deliver he’s not going back he’s going to go somewhere else is this ultimately like is this kind of the end of this run with the Warriors are they kind of just old fodder now with everything that’s going on in the west and the Celtics in the East obviously and what is Klay Thompson gonna fetch on the open market I wouldn’t assume that I think he’s negotiating so they tried to get a deal done so um they there was a couple other guys on their team that you know had won championships there who got new contracts Draymond Green and Andrew Wiggins where they lowered the amount of money they were making and then added a bunch of years on I think four years in both cases and sort of set the standard okay clay now is when you will take a pay cut and we add years on they tried to get something done before last season they couldn’t agree then clay went out and didn’t have a very good year um he had a good year by your average NBA player standards he averaged 18 points and shot 39% on three that type of production would probably get you 20 to $25 million if you were just saying I’ll deliver that to you know teamx in the open market clay was making like over 40 million last year so they want him to come down and wherever that number is that they want to come to and the years not just it’s not just the amount of money per year it’s also the number of years he saw Draymond and and Andrew Wiggins get four I don’t know exactly where his negotiations are but if I were him I would ask for four too so I don’t know if it’s the whatever the amount is or the years are but clearly even after a year of talking about it they’re not in a good place and this to me sounds like a negotiation um I find it hard to believe that clay would walk and go to a place like the Orlando Magic um but I guess it’s possible and there’s one other thing you know and again I’m not up to date on where these negotiations are but knowing clay a little bit I wonder if it’s not all about money obviously he wants to get paid something that he considers Scotty Pippen situation I I’ve been talking about this for a while Wendy I’ve been talking about this for a while when he was gol and terribly and he was getting it just chewed apart and he had his own Klay Thompson brand on and I was like I’ve never heard of that I don’t know how many people are buying that I hope people buy that though to support Klay Thompson I started inevitably thinking is Klay Thompson going to be bitter towards Steph Curry in this entire thing in the future like is history going to look back and be like Steph Curry is the reason why this entire thing and forget about Klay Thompson and then he unfollows him is there a chance that Klay Thompson is a little bit bitter about how this is all gone with the Golden State Warriors and Legacy because they’ve done a lot together for him just guys you guys have won a lot there’s a lot of things that have happened together for him to unfollow you let not get ahead of ourselves this could end up being still a happy story but I would say that remember last year like clay was getting benched at the end of games he lost his starting job at some point so part of this may be and I again I do not know exactly I’ve been covering the finals I do not know exactly the status of negotiations but part of this may be what’s the role G to be like you know I want to get starter money then I want to be a starter you know something like that so it’s definitely a signal to the rest of the world he knew exactly what he was doing that things are not going well and if I was interested in signing clay which there are teams definitely wanted to do that I would have seen that as a green light when June 30th gets here when that is when you’re allowed to start talking to him they can still come to terms between now and June 30th I will just say a few years ago this happened with Andre Iguodala they they had won a couple of championships with Iguodala and he was a free agent and he wanted to get taken care of and basically he wanted to be kind of overpaid and he took like a free agent tour and I remember Steve Kerr telling the story that when the Warriors actually went in to meet with him in this boardroom the Iguodala had left like knickknacks and pamphlets and brochures from other team like as hey just so you know this isn’t my first meeting and igala did that acted like he was going to go to the the uh Rockets who were their Arch nemus at the time and at the end of the day he got resigned and he was sort of at the same stage of his career as Clay is so I agree it doesn’t look good but I would also say don’t misjudge a negotiation for you know you know a statement of finale okay well I hope that’s the case because Splash Brothers were awesome to watch here for a while so fun and then obviously the whole conversation was Klay can’t hold up his end of the bar that’s seemingly what the media started saying while Steph continued to make shots and Clay seemingly didn’t now I think there was injuries that happened which is always a part of the entire Grand conversation but it’s like I hope Klay Thompson and we as a Sports World don’t forget that like hey CL you were a massive piece of that you’re you’re a massive piece of that whole thing and like the reason why the Golden State Warriors are such a nationally recognized brand at this particular time is because of something that you helped build over there the future the weird like let’s say Klay isn’t there and then you talk about how great the West is Steph Curry’s still out there right Steph Curry’s one of the biggest stars in basketball still or yeah for sure he’s still a top I haven’t seen him play basketball a long time long I haven’t seen him play that’s what the playoffs are interesting thing the interesting thing that they got going on is they’ve got Chris Paul Chris Paul has a non-guaranteed contract for 30 I think it’s $30 million he is no longer a $30 million player you would you would assume that if Chris Paul um you know if Klay was resigned that they would actually doesn’t doesn’t even really matter with clay that they would sort of release him from his contracts because they don’t want to pay him $30 million but one option that they have is if clay were to make it seem like he was going to leave they could trade Chris Paul with a draft pick or two or a young player or two and that contract becomes like a piece that you use in a trade so that’s something that you know that they can sort of maneuver and say okay well clay if you want to walk we can always use this Chris Paul deal as a as a trade now I’m not saying that’s what they’re doing but the Warriors have maneuverability there you know it’s not just being left high and dry and they also have young players you know the guy they drafted last year Brandon psky was a very effective playing alongside uh Steph Moses Moody their top 10 pick from a couple years ago just had his best SE season Jonathan kaminga just had a good year Big Year I if I had to wager I would say that they figure something out with Clay although I admit right now it’s probably not in the best [Music] [Applause] [Music] place is

Brian Windhorst details the Mavericks’ next steps & Klay Thompson’s future 🏀 | The Pat McAfee Show

Brian Windhorst joins The Pat McAfee Show to detail next steps for the Dallas Mavericks and Klay Thompson’s options.

0:00 What’s next for the Mavericks?
8:08 Klay Thompson’s future
10:25 Is Klay bitter?

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  1. They’re going to pull Biden part way through July and run with Cuban. That’s my prediction.

  2. Mark runs the team, he’s just using the new owners bigger Jew money to make the team and market bigger/better😂

  3. If I remember reading that article right Mark Cuban owed a lot of money from all the different types of business he had. So he decided to sell the NFL company to get as much money to pay that stuff off. But he still has lots of money but that's what I remember hearing could be wrong

  4. Get shooters Reed Sheppard and Klay…
    Trade THJ and KYRIE who is a part time player who cant have 2 straight good games.
    HE needs 3 games to have a good game.

  5. Mick caffey talks. Too much let fat man windy speak. And second. If SAS called katy Clark a White B!thx he would’ve been Cannnnnnnnnn Cannnnnnn Cannnnnceled

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