@Golden State Warriors

MY GOODNESS!😦 Kendrick Perkins CONFIRM Paul George To Warriors | Golden State Warriors News

MY GOODNESS!😦 Kendrick Perkins CONFIRM Paul George To Warriors | Golden State Warriors News

perk what big three is best for PG is it the Clippers the Warriors or the Sixers I got to go with the one that’s proven to make guys like Paul George become Champions right and that’s the Golden State Warriors ask Kevin Durant ask Andrew Wiggins ask Harrison BNS right if PG is serious about trying to compete and win a championship and play the right way that’s the Golden State Warriors and I understand you know um when it comes down to it about can he play in that system can he uh you know can he move without the ball yes he can and I feel like he will adapt I feel like having Dr Draymond Green there to Mentor him will bring out the best version of him defensively uh Golden State Warriors to me is the best fit for Paul George they need him and he needs them well let me say this LS we had the same questions about KD confident before he got the golden State we had the same questions about Andrew Wiggins confidence before he got to Golden State and both of those guys are champions playing alongside Steph Curry I think it’s the best thing for the Golden State Warriors to try to get Paul George for the points that you pointed out you can’t waste you know these moments of of Steph Curry he’s been loyal to this organization and we’ve seen how frustrated he’s been over the last two years is to the point that it seemed like at one point when Draymond Green was ejected in in Orlando series it almost looked like Steph was crying like and you got to do right by him as a organization now when it comes down to PG I believe he fits well in that system because he’s great at moving without the ball he’s a slasher you know he could defend and you okay I don’t know about that last part what you mean I mean I don’t I listen listen I’m Paul George is a smart basketball player and he’s very very gifted forgive me legs I don’t view him as somebody that does an extraordinary amount of movement without the basketball hold on hold on hold on I I don’t get that no no no no no no no no no see you’re looking from a shooting aspect right I’m not saying they’re going to run pin downs from for him or floppy sets I’m telling you when it comes down to moving without the basketball it’s other was cutting to the basket right T you you got his phone number right you got T you got a great relationship with him calling and call and ask him how many pin downs and floppy says he run for Paul George he’s he’s underrated in that category and if Andrew Wiggins Thrive playing alongside those guys I believe Paul George can and with with when it comes down to being consistent defensively would you love to see him play playing alongside Draymond Green a guy that puts a good point that puts that key in your back some of keev Kevin Durant best days defensively was playing alongside Draymond Green I’m going to merge the two thoughts here I’m going to create Stephen A Perkins Kendrick Smith what whatever we’re about whatever we’re about to do whatever we’re about to do right here I’m going merge the two because here’s the thing I like what you’re saying about the pin Downs of floppies uh the curl action Paul George a great curling that’s not what Golden State runs where Paul George would have to buy into this is and this is what Golden State requires you to do when you play on a wing are you willing to cut and screen and dive and spot up and relocate and spend a lot of energy doing that knowing full well you might not get the basketball that is what Golden State requires you to do that is what Paul George has never been asked to do and that is what we we don’t know but I do think he’s capable of reading it he’s capable catching and shooting it out of that action I think he would actually really he’s a smart guy I think he would like playing with that kind of IQ around him but what I just said that’s not for everybody the amount of energy you expend knowing you won’t get it that that’s a different ask for a lot of star players that have been great offensively in this league PG don’t need to be your first option you need to be your second or third option and Steph Curry he needs a closer on this team a GU is going to be available look we know kawhai Leonard is a closer but he’s never available at the end of the day I think it’s a perfect match made in heaven two-way player is two-way players are hard to come by and if you’re Golden State you got to do right by Stu I 100% agree with you on that all right Stephen A going to start with you on this one how do you feel about that do you think that the Warriors should give PG a max deal no I do not um I’m not trying to imply that he’s not worth you know the money that he’s asking for particularly in today’s NBA economy you’re damn right he’s worth it um I would just tell you in that system the way that they play knowing that Steph Curry would be his teammate Paul George can ball and he can hit a three uh he can get to the basket he’s a big- Time Defender as well when he’s committed to doing so all of those things are true I just don’t view him as a catch and shoot guy I view him as somebody legs perk that has the potential to disrupt their Rhythm he’s better suited for the Clippers he’s better suited for Philadelphia he would have been better suited for the New York Knicks to some degree rather than Golden State that’s just how I view it I could be wrong but that’s how I see him watching him and his style of play uh ju depos that to how Golden State balls I just view them as a bit different well I I will disagree with you a little bit here Stephen A far as a catch and shoot component he can do it he’s clearly better once he’s got a live dribble getting into his rhythm to shoot you’re 100% right about that but he did catch and shoot last year out to the three at like a 46% clip which is one of the reasons I said Philadelphia would make sense because that was one of the lowest catch and shoot percentage teams in the league in terms of attempts makes percentage you name it and that’s why he would fill that bill playing off of embiid and Maxi uh here’s the thing you got Steph Curry it’s incumbent upon you as an organization to continue to try to stay relevant and competitive and win at the highest level as long as you have that dude you owe it to Steph Curry to do it he’s still playing at an elite level so when you look at the landscape of the league and who would potentially be available Paul George fills the bill as far as a guy that can fill it up he’s so smooth I love watching him play I’ve got some questions about pressure situations there’s been some spots in the playoffs when I’ve been questioned whether he had you know full confidence and was clear-minded to deliver the way he needs to so I think that’s the one thing for me that holds me back from going all in on Paul George so I wouldn’t love this move but I also understand when you look at what you potentially could get there’s not a lot out there and if Paul George becomes available his age his skill set I think his ability to play Within the system and move without the ball pretty well um I think it would make sense from Golden State standpoint to give Steph Curry another multi-talented player next to him to give him a chance a better chance than what he’s got now is currently constructed nine time Allstar Paul George’s future with the Clippers is uncertain George arrived in LA in 2019 to pair with current running mate Kawhi Leonard but the duo has yet to get the Clippers to their first NBA Finals appearance in franchise history so Wendy what is going on in LA to this point the Clippers have only been willing to offer Paul George about what they gave Kawhi Leonard three years at a little bit less than the max contract and Paul George frankly wants four years he wants a full out Max and there are a number of teams out there I am told that are prepared to give it to him who are prepared to trade for him one of those teams potentially is up the coast in Golden state that would be an optin and trade scenario uh for the Warriors and another deadline that we need to pay attention to is Chris Paul’s guaranteed date deadline which is tomorrow because if the if the Warriors have until tomorrow either guarantee that contract for 30 million or wave him unless they all agree to extend it and that so when you talk about Paul George for the Warriors you’re the question would be like how what is that what does that trade look like what is Golden State sending to the Clippers that is appealing to them or does Paul George just leverage his way there I think Chris Paul’s contract might have to be involved in that one way or the other that is a sort of off the map option that people are starting to buzz about a little bit we’ll see uh it really you know it’s been Philly and clippers for quite a while and I’m just fascinated to see what he does because he holds a lot of the cards in this off season and I’m fascinated to see what are the plan bees for whatever team if it’s down to those two teams in the end that doesn’t get him who is really spending that cap space on and where did the Clippers pivot if he leads cuz it’s not like they just suddenly have $50 million in cap space they can use this is a Monumental decision and a Monumental moment for Paul George for the Clippers and maybe for the Sixers too you know I love your point about seeing him in the Golden State system it sounds like might maybe that’s a little bit unlikely depending on what happens with Chris Paul so let me focus on the on the Philly one then because I think either of those are good options if I’m Paul George and I’m looking at this situation one thing about the Clippers if you stay there based on the way the season just ended with Kawai again being unavailable to play right and now it’s here you go Paul bail us out in a loaded West more obstacles more potholes to try to navigate not certain of what you’re going to get out of Kawhi Leonard going forward and will he be there at the most important time of the year now look don’t get me wrong Joel embiid’s had some of those issues too agreed but you also do have that other guy next to you too and tyres Maxi who’s not any more a projected star emerging star he’s a star he’s young too that’s like like the Clippers are starving for that kind of Youth on agreed so I’m look and look Philadelphia is not the easiest place in the world to go and play and perform under the pressure of the playoffs that is a a city that’s starving for an NBA championship and it’s not easy it’s not for everybody you better have thick skin to be able to go do that in Paul George’s playoff performances in a passive but inconsistent so that’s something maybe he’s going to weigh like the market the city he’s comfortable where he’s at maybe the Clippers are just easier for him we’re going to know a lot more about where Paul George’s mindset is in terms of how badly he wants to win based on what happens with so let me toss this around right if you’re one like Paul George got to ask himself and be honest what what do he want to do like if you’re serious about winning the championship then the Clippers are not for you in my opinion but didn’t he say on his podcast that he didn’t podcast he said style he said he he just want to play not NE a champion but is the right way but but Zack Tim like let me ask y’all this legs and Zack if Paul George stays with the Clippers do they actually win have a chance at winning the championship I don’t know okay if he leaves it’s the same result for the Clippers or for Paul George for the Clippers like if Paul George stays I don’t think no one here has to look if it’s just run at back time and it’s Harden and PG and Kawai a year older a year with another injury under their belt for Kawai it’s like it’s just hard to see that we’ve just seen you have to suspend reality’ seen to make that argument that you think they can run through two months of the playoffs and win a champion they’ve won three playoff series in five years yes and Christin to your point he said that like he just want to play the right way what is his definition of the right we like we is there another episode coming where he where he elaborates on this right like what is the right way I mean the why was out you had your opportunity you and James the ball were in you you guys’ hands to your point and I said this earlier today as I as I know these people so well cuz I’ve living there so long Philadelphia sports fans here’s what they want they want two things out of you that’s all just two things they want you as a player to suffer as much when they lose as the fans do they want you to feel it and hurt and not sleep at night and the second thing they just don’t want you to be afraid they can live with you having a rough shooting night in a big moment they can do that but they can’t have you look like you’re affected by the pressure of the moment so if you can play through that and you take it home with you and you embrace the city man there are guys that they’ll build statues around in that city that never want anything but they exhibited those two qualities and that’s what the Philadelphia fan relates to so that’s something Paul George should consider and if he comes in there with that mentality and that’s the pitch he gives the day he shows up for his press conference guess what man they’re going to wrap their arms around him cuz they want that talent and they want to win a title it’s been 40 plus years do you think they can win a championship in Philly with PG I mean it gives them a chance I mean at that point it would be the Celtics Knicks and Philly right and then everybody else let alone you going in the stack western conference with like 10 to what 12 teams that got the legit chance that you got to face I mean you know it’s just what do he want do he just want to continue to find a destination where he plays the right way or do he want to get uncomfort and go and actually go compete and play for a championship play the right way hello dub Nation we have an important update on Klay Thompson on the hoop collectives podcast which is the ESPN insiders podcast with Brian Windor Tim bontom and Tim McMahon recently the Warriors offered clay a 2-year contract although exact numbers have not been released we know that the contract offered is for 2 years let’s analyze what was said on the podcast and discuss other moves an NBA free agency and how it affects the Warriors Warriors fans rumor and trade season is in full swing we’re a week away from the draft two weeks away from free agency and summer league and the Olympics are right around the corner don’t miss anything subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications to stay up to date with everything that happens in the Warriors Universe let’s talk about Klay Thompson as I mentioned he was offered a 2-year contract before NBA free agency we know that this offer is $48 million that is24 million per year however before the start of the 2024 calendar year clay rejected that offer wanting more than 24 million there are reports that he could fetch more than 30 million per year on the open market with possible offers coming from teams like Orlando Philadelphia and San Antonio who have salary cap space Dallas is also interested but would need to to make some moves to create space Additionally the Lakers could be an interesting option as clay has roots in Los Angeles and his father played there Monty pool reports that clay wants a contract of at least 3 years he is eligible to resign with the Warriors before becoming an unrestricted free agent on June 30th due to a new League rule that allows teens to negotiate with their own free agents however it appears negotiations are facing some hurdles as clay has unfed follow the warriors on social media which could be a negotiating tactic Stephen Curry and Draymond Green Clay’s longtime teammates have long valuable contracts Steph has a 4-year contract and Draymond signed for four years with a total value of $100 million considered a discount for being a home player if clay sees himself at the same level of importance he could be seeking a similar contract perhaps 3 or 4 years for between 25 and 30 million per year however this could complicate the Warriors salary situation the team is already above the salary cap limit with 174 million committed close to the first level of sanction Gary Payton 2 opted for a 9 million contract which is part of that 174 million Chris Paul’s 30 million contract is not guaranteed and is a team option Clay’s contract is also off the books for now one factor to consider is Kevin Looney’s contract whose value of 8 million becomes guaranteed on June 24th depending on when you’re watching this this situation may already be resolved only 3 million is guaranteed so if he is waved the Warriors could save 5 million helping to increase the offer for clay Looney has been a faithful Warrior but his role has diminished with the rise of Trace Jackson Davis additionally if Chris Paul is released before June 28th when his contract becomes guaranteed the Warriors could save $27 million giving them more flexibility to resign clay or make other moves Paul could be interested in other teams like San Antonio which needs a point guard or Philadelphia in the NBA the movements are intense Alex Caruso was trated to the Thunder while Josh giddy went to the Bulls the Thunder which already had one of the best perimeter defenses became even stronger Malik who would have been a great addition to the Warriors decided to stay with the Kings for 4 years and 78 million these movements show how heated the market is in short the Warriors offered clay a 2-year deal but he’s looking for something bigger with the current salary scenario and possible movements there is still a lot to be decided but what do you think do you think Klay Thompson is really done with golden state or is there a chance the front office will give him what he’s looking for for remember they didn’t think he was worth a three-year contract before this season and before he performed poorly in crucial games it’s time for the Warriors to consider a risky move for years the Warriors played conservatively resigning their veteran Stars while using draft picks on young prospects that was the two timeline strategy Champion by Ona Joe lacab while it brought them victory in the 2022 NBA Finals it proved inadequate to sustain their dyn y the upcoming offseason emerges as a critical moment for the Golden State Warriors ready to reshape the franchise’s trajectory will they commit to one last attempt at winning the championship or will they opt for a financial restructuring Mike Dunley Jr and the front office face a series of daunting choices leaving fans eager to discover the team’s next moves expectations surrounding Golden State’s future intensify before you finish make sure to subscribe to to the channel after all as we said before we are producing Warriors videos almost every day thanks for watching we’ll see you tomorrow on goldblooded news in conclusion the future looks uncertain for the Golden State Warriors with the possibility of losing and adding players to the team and the various trade options available the Warriors are well positioned to continue to be a force to be reckoned within the NBA stay tuned for more updates on the Warriors and remember to support by leaving your feedback in the comments section below don’t forget to like And subscribe to the channel turn on notifications to know when I will send new news thank you for following goldblooded news a hug and see you next time we’re gold blooded go dos

MY GOODNESS!😦 Kendrick Perkins CONFIRM Paul George To Warriors | Golden State Warriors News #goldenstatewarriors #goldenstatewarriorsnews #goldenstatewarriorsnewstoday

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  1. Even with where the warriors are at and if they get kd back it's almost guarantee they back to the finals. Can't say the same for pg.

  2. No, thank you I do not want Paul George he does too much load management and in the Warriors organization there’s no such thing as load management

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