@Utah Jazz

HOUR 3: Utah Jazz select Kyle Filipowski with 32nd pick | Thoughts on the Utah Jazz 2024 draft class

HOUR 3: Utah Jazz select Kyle Filipowski with 32nd pick | Thoughts on the Utah Jazz 2024 draft class

it’s draft night and the Utah Jazz are building towards the future you’re listening to the zon’s Utah Jazz draft night coverage on 975 the KSL Sports [Music] Zone it’s day two of the NBA draft your NBA draft night special right here on 975 the ekl Sports Zone Scott Gerard Hans Olen back in studio is Ben Anderson Ben how you doing man hey Ben doing good guys thanks so let’s just get right out to it uh the Jazz will essentially could very well have their choice um could either have Johnny Fury or Kyle filipowski uh Toronto will be picking at 31 then the Jazz will be at 32 they could have one of those two guys do you think it will be one of those two guys that would be my strong guess at the moment but I mean it really could be wide open I’m telling you I was surprised the Jazz went in the direction of Isaiah Coler last night when someone like Baylor shyan was still on the board now it makes sense it totally tracks with what Danny a has done historically but it was a little out of left field where I thought maybe shyan was going to be the direction they went uh and they went really high upside again so Philip howski Fury I mean they’re still young they’re first and second year players in college it’s not like they’re low upside guys but maybe they really want to take a swing at this thing man I said it yesterday during the draft show that I got to be a small part of and had a blast with you guys and I’m gonna say again today Danny a loves his draft picks man are we really going to see three drafted and three kept again I guess if there’s only one player that they’re you know in love with at this point that they’re willing to draft and give a basically guaranteed contract to I know that’s technically not what happens with second round picks but they’re going end up giving guaranteed money this is not a player who’s going to end up on a two-way uh if there was only one player and that person gets drafted at 31 maybe they trade out but I’m with you I think Danny a is just like kind of tantalized by the idea of adding more players and I’m sure there are a couple of guys on the board Jazz had in the early 20s uh on their big board that are still out there and they think okay well we’re going to get one of those guys so we’re going to hold on to this pick and it’s funny to make six picks in two years knowing that next year they have three more first rounders most likely well and yeah so you get another three you got to play with for sure uh but you know that’s the thing that’s interesting when you get guys of that caliber though of Philip palsky and fury and and other guys that I’m sure other teams had as first round talent that means there’s some value there what is what are the parameters of second round if you get really Nerdy with this of what the Jazz could conceivably get and what the opportunities are there in terms of asset accumulation for that for that for that 32 well Toronto traded F or excuse me Oklahoma City traded five first round picks to move up to the what 25th pick or whatever to get Dylan Jones so five second rounders is a lot you’re not going to get that because you’re in the second round now it’s not a first round pick and you lose some things with that so you know is it four second rounders and then is that enough in a future to trade those four first rounders to get back into the first round somewhere so essentially in the Long Haul you’re trading your 32nd pick for a future first round draft pick and is that something you’re interested in doing uh I think if there was a player the Jazz were trading we proba would have heard about it already we’ve seen some moves already been made earlier in the day nothing spectacular nothing big but a couple of you know names being moved around for some of these second round draft picks I think we probably would have heard about it at this point because they’ve had all night to work on it so you could probably get more than three second rounders for this pick would be my guess maybe three at the very minimum uh and then if you want to do that you can take a swing because there’s a chance that you end up with three picks in the 30s again and that’s you you continue to get those guys who fall out of the 20s that you had first round grades on many many non-american born players taken in the first round and still many many non-american born players available one of my favorites that’s available is Bobby Clinton um but you’ve got guys like Juan unz and there’s two or three other guys that their names are just slipping my mind right now that are available Utah Jazz not taking a European even though they had a lot of success with Larry Markin Rudy Gober and and other European players um is there a possibility that they find a way or have any ideas or designs to get a European player or non- American Born player yeah and you could draft and stash your player absolutely I would think that’s probably a little bit more likely if they were later in the 30s uh because again they’re just going to have their pick of who they want here basically outside of one player uh they’re going to have their choice of who they want to take so if they felt like oh three of the guys we wanted on the board but we’re drafting at 37 and they’re just not there anymore you take uh Nicola jur jurisich and you you draft and stash him you know that or Juan n who’s a draft and stash guy potentially you could absolutely do that I I kind of suspect they’re just going to make this pick and hold on to it and you’re going to see that guy uh if pacome daier had still been on the board he ended up going in the early 20s uh had he been available I could have seen the Jazz really taking him and stashing him he was one of those guys who was right there in that 20 range I think he went to the Knicks if I’m correct but regardless that’s one of the names I could have seen the Jazz doing uh and Drafting and stashing here but uh I just I see a first or second year college player or maybe even a g-league player come to the ja has here um all right so let me ask you your thoughts uh you’re Danny a and for whatever reason let’s say something comes out of left field Toronto takes a player that you weren’t expecting it’s not filipowski or Fury uh so you have your choice of those two um I I believe is it Kevin Pelton who had fury like in his top 10 he like number four on his big board yeah like he had him at number four number five overall you’re talking about Fury Fury yeah so I like filipowski more than Fury but so if you’re picking and H I want to get your thoughts as to why you would take filipowski over him um what uh what which of those two would you go with uh well okay let’s play Devil’s Advocate because if H if you like uh filipowski more than Fury I’ll just say I’ll just say I like Fury more even though I can look at my big board or my M my mock draft and I’ve got filipowski and the teens above Fury but just play devil’s advocate here uh Fury shot extremely well now not crazy he’s only 35% from the three-point line but he takes so many threes uh that that number actually ends up being really good like he’s a very prolific three-point shooter so if he took that many and hit that many that’s a good sign excellent size at 6 fo n uh and then rebounded the ball really well and don’t underrate that being a huge part of Kevin pelton’s numbers uh and it’s why Cody Williams I think ended up at like 30 because Cody Williams does not rebound it doesn’t have a lot of assists uh and those will impact how Kevin pelton’s numbers come out even if he shot better percentages than uh Fury did Fury will rise because some of those rebounding numbers Etc so that’s one thing to keep an eye on but that would be the case for Fury really efficient oneandone kind of a late riser in this process wasn’t expected to be a oneandone player and has good size and rebounding numbers okay so just on the other end of that with Phil psky and what I’m thinking Scotty just feel like the league is heading a direction you know where we saw porzingis play a role and when porzingis Got Back back on the court for Boston actually made a pretty solid difference whether it’s him or we’re talking about Joel LBI or we’re talking about Nicole yic or we’re talking about The Greek Freak or you know we’re going down the list of these 611 to 73 74 frames with positionist basketball guys that can move around the court and give you length now I I you can’t say the same for Edy because we were talking about this with Ben yesterday Edy is not that moving Target he’s not that guy that’s going to rotate to the corner and keep extra movement going under the rim constantly rotating and forcing Defenders to follow with him but I do feel like filipowski is kind of in that vein I also like to see guys that have the the ability to to Really dish these big guys these guys a little bit more length to really dish and find their targets and find their targets when they’re moving and I’ve seen enough of that in the film that I watched with Philip pasy that I feel good about that and if we’re just going Phil lowski compared to Fury I don’t think Fury is ready for the strength of the NBA and I’m not sure his frame right now has the ability to put the strength you need to throw hips in the NBA and rting and and I feel like philipos has has more of that frame to throw hips he’s done he’s not there with the strength either is Cody Williams you know Williams has to put the strength on but but projecting but projecting strength I think he can match some of the powers that you’re going to see in the NBA the league is trending towards seven Footers who can dribble pass and shoot and that’s what Kyle filipowski is I’m pretty shocked he’s on the board it sounds like he had a really bad pre-draft process like he didn’t interview particularly well he didn’t shoot well at the combine so there are like some question marks there but like again seven feet tall he was an elite recruit when he came in so he was a really good high school player as well he was good at Duke his first year would have been a first-rounder last year had he come out he bet on himself clearly that was a mistake because he’s in the second round now but yeah I mean we saw how valuable in a down draft in a down draft and that’s a you know that’s not a great sign but you look at what Kelly oen met for the Jazz you look at what these guys who are seven feet tall I he’s not he doesn’t play like this player but I I kind of talked about this on my podcast a little bit you saw how valuable Nas Reed was for uh Minnesota as that third big who is just a real change of pace from what Rudy goar offers or what even a little bit of what what CAD offers because you can give him the ball he can dribble a little bit he can make some passing plays he’s not a great quote unquote big man he doesn’t do big man stuff but he does a lot of other things at his size which become really valuable and and another thing we haven’t touched on with with filipowski and one of the reasons I really like him though he only averaged you know I mean he was over a block and a half which is fine I love to steal numbers he’s just a kind of a defensive playmaker even if he doesn’t project as a lock down defender or a great rim protector guys who create plays on the defensive end just have added value guys who get steals we we’ve become a little bit underrated on steals because it’s a takeaway I mean it not only is it a stop it’s the ball going the other direction C and they lead to transition opportunities and he’s a guy who’s can who can do something with it once he does get the steal that’s that is my whole take Ben and and Scotty my whole take is all right if he pans out and he’s something great and he’s a mobile big that can truly stretch then maybe you do have a car Anthony towns if he’s not then maybe you got a walker csor and you either way I’m I’m fine with that in this draft at number 32 oh yeah absolutely either way I’m fine with that in this draft at number 32 like I look at it from and I looked at the Coler pick a little bit the same way although I think that’s going to be a little safer I think Coler has a chance to be really good but but you look at it like you know hands you and I let’s say we’re in Vegas here in a couple weeks we playing a poker tournament and uh we take second or third we got an extra $200 or $300 in our pocket all right you know nice chip chop tournament we’re we’re we’re at a blackjack table we’re going to play a little bit more loose with that because you know it’s like hey we never anticipated this money in our Pock ET this is fun so let’s let’s let’s have a this is this is extra money this is house money we’re playing with this $8 I can live with or without this $8 Mama doesn’t know it exists there’s no accountability for it let’s have some fun you know 750 and so if it works great if not no big deal but I would I would I like your line of projection more than sure thing and I think that’s what the Jazz did in terms of Collier versus shyan last night is saying we know who shyan is he been around he’s been around forever we know who he is like that dude is going to be Plug and Play he’ll go to Boston he’ll be really good for Boston but we know what the ceiling is on him but mallier we don’t know and it could be really special let’s go to the podium it is time for pick number 31 the ESPN for hosting us at their seport studios in New York last night we watched 30 players join the NBA family and today we usher in another group of great we’ll get back to uh when I think that’s uh the Deputy Commissioner starting to make some opening statements there when we get that pick we’ll uh we’ll throw it out to you Toronto on the clock Utah Jazz up second in the second day and kind of jumping into this second round how are you guys feeling about them pushing this into a two-day thing I think it’s been extremely successful I I like that we were done by 9:00 or 9:30 last night uh I got to go home and write I mean just and I’m just talking self L I liked it and I got to get my work done before midnight and then you have a whole day to talk about like it’s actually been good for the NBA the NBA has stolen this second day of things to talk about well in the other aspect too I wonder if the quality of I don’t want to say quality of picks but like you know you have a little bit more time to reset your room and and reset your board and say okay uh it might lead to more trades it might lead to more movement because teams have a little bit more time to talk um in terms of drama and Intrigue it might add to it a little bit Ben yeah absolutely I mean I think it has we’ve talked about it a lot today I’ve written articles about it like honestly you want to steal days you you want to have days where you’re the thing that’s being talked about from a League wide perspective and I actually like that they’re not trying to turn this into this Mega musty 6 pm on ESPN thing they’re just kind of throwing it in the middle of the day they’ll get casual viewers and then they will have something to talk about tonight I I know that Danny a doesn’t have to take this into account but we do because we speak to the fans on a daily basis and we have to take their re actions but how do you guys feel the Jazz fans are responding to the first two picks and the fact that the Jazz are keeping their picks and making their picks and are possibly going to keep and develop their picks I think the Jazz fans have been pretty universally thrilled with the players they got uh I I think they like the the upside swings of of who landed and I think it’s a lot of players who Jazz fans were familiar with a because they were both Pack 12 guys but B they were just kind of they were in the conversation those were guys who were not out of left field like this is not the udoka asabuki pick which is like who why who what where does that fit like they all fit and they were all in the conversation leading up to the draft well and the fact to that you know Danny a and Justin zanic are getting a lot of credit but these dudes just fell in their laps yes they didn’t have to use any ammunition to go get these guys uh by the way you know you look at Kevin pelton’s Big Board I’ve got it up here you mentioned uh the one that posted last night Cody Williams was ranked 27th guess Isaiah ker was 11th yeah yeah on the big board on his big board yes you know and so like he was in top 15 on most big boards that I looked at I mean it it it’s pretty amazing that that you get a guy at 29 that was that highly thought of and has that kind of upside I mean it’s on on the flip side do you have his board up where where did he have Edie on his board uh I don’t think he had Ed in his first round that’s what I’m talking about so like if if if as a fan if I’m paying attention to things I would much rather see somebody that was top of the board that I’m picking up the bottom of the 20s rather than somebody that wasn’t on a lot of first round big boards and somebody takes a shot at him at number seven number eight or was it number nine oh wow actually I take that back he had him at four wow he he thought well of Ed then he had him really high I I saw a lot of guys that had him that buried him yeah my bad no he Pelton had him up there so uh I I I think that Ed thing was a horrific mistake and Memphis did themselves some serious damage on that one Memphis feels like he’s a good fit for the roster that they put together but well you know what if John Moran wants to take a shot at that then go good for him but we talked about this yesterday like but my comp my comparison sorry well I’m gonna let that air for a minute let let that marinate for a I’m gonna let people breathe in what you just said for but you know my take on him and we were talking about this yesterday with Ben and and coach I think top end he’s a Yao Ming like that’s that’s his that’s the high end of what he can be with his mobility and movement and passing and and shooting well uh according to Shams Ben uh Toronto’s going to take Jonathan MBO at number 31 which means the Jazz if they want to go one of those two guys will have their choice of those two what are your thoughts on that one yeah I mean assuming they didn’t want Jonathan MBO who was a guy who did come to Utah and and worked out here I believe and uh went to San Francisco uh if I remember the top and he just kind of like he he’s a freak athlete big player and there’s a guy who could have I mean that could have been a guy that the Jazz liked in all honesty again that’s what’s kind of the mystery about this part of it is they could have anybody on their board that they thought like oh that’s that’s the guy at 32 and then he disappears and all of a sudden you’re struggling yeah I called uh a couple games of his Utah state had a home at home with San Francisco but let’s go to the podium and let’s make it official here with the 31st pick in the 2024 NBA draft the Toronto Raptors select Jonathan mobo from the University of San Francisco mobo in that game against Utah state had uh 14 points uh nine rebounds two assists he was a force that dude was an absolute beast in that game and uh fun player to watch um Utah state was able to get that win but uh he’s a he’s a really good player and uh he gets taken at the first pick of the second round transfer from Missouri State went to San Francisco but now uh Fury and filipowski available for the Utah Jazz they are on the clock okay so so Ben really quick I Lloyd keep us updated when the Jazz are ready because I know that the second round goes a little bit quicker Ben help Jazz fans understand what the investment is into a second round as compared to what the investment is into a first round player question well you’ve got you can offer non- guaranteed contracts entirely I mean they don’t you don’t have to give them any guaranteed money generally they will get a bonus for being drafted and you give money to come to training camp Etc it’s a little bit more like the NFL in that sense but you know the first round the first two years of their deal are guaranteed and then you’ve got team options for the third year and the fourth year if you want to pick those up before they become a restricted free agent at the end of their fourth season second round just doesn’t have those guarantees at all now there are kind of Standards agents will go back and say well look the last 30 players taken in the top 10 of the second round all got veteran minimum deals for the first you know two years years four years even uh and then our chance to renegotiate after that so there will be guaranteed money here as long as the Jazz hold on to this pick and again the question is okay did 29 other teams or 28 other teams now see Jonathan mobo go off the board and say oh man Johnny Fury still on the board or Kyle filipowski still on the board call the Jazz get that pick we want to have that pick now it actually could potentially increase in value well Shams is saying that the Jazz are going with you want to take a guess you see filipowski no I haven’t Ben have you seen it uh I haven’t do we want to wait for the pick do we want to wait till they announce it Lloyd you want us to you want us to wait and and hear from the podium or do we want to go with the Shams breaking news what do you think Lloyd according to Shams the Jazz are going to go with Kyle philipos a I knew it I knew it and I love it and I’m excited about it because it just it gives you that potential pot of gold I don’t you know you’re you’re talking about less than 5% chance actually finding the pot of gold but at least it’s it’s something it’s what we just talked about it’s where the league is trending it’s that 7 foot guy that can really move that can dish that can possibly shoot and he comes from a program where he was really pushed high expectations and he could play multiple spots multiple positions all right let’s go back to this time yesterday Ben and I we going to and I told you that the Jazz would not have to maneuver a single pick they would not have to move a ounce up and down in the draft they would not have to use any ammunition whatsoever and they would land Cody Williams Isaiah Collier and Kyle filipowski in those three picks in the first 32 how surprised would you be I would I would have given him an A+ and I would have been shocked I mean I I think look I will pull up my write up of Kyle pH lowski really quick and I will tell you where I had his draft range I bet you I started it at number 12 which is where Oklahoma City picked draft range I have it 15 to 30 so a little bit lower than that but right outside the lottery like and in my mock draft I think I have him going 15 to the Miami Heat on my little big board that I put together last night before the show I had him at 16 yeah but not in the second round I didn’t have him out first round yeah I think I put him 15 to 30 so there was an off chance he could fall I guess to the end of the first round but no I did not see him being available to the Jazz in the second round again size and skill is just so hard to replace uh it’s it really is and uh this is a guy so Ken pomoy well let’s go to the podium and let’s get the official announcement here with the 32nd pick in the 2024 NBA draft the Utah Jazz Select Kyle filipowski from Duke University played two years at Duke and uh had himself a season last year uh as I mentioned Ken palmery has his National Player of the Year rankings Kyle filipowski finished seventh in his statistical National Player of the Year rankings a guy who uh shot 35% from three uh 56% from two uh just did so many good things for Duke last year uh got to the free throw line at a decent rate uh can block shots um he can pass he is assist rate was 23rd in conference play a high possession user but overall this is a guy that has been really fun to watch um struggled in that game against NC State to wrap up their NCAA tournament run but other than that was just a huge player for the dukies all season long and um yeah he has a chance and that’s all and and the Jaz for the Jazz to be able to snag him at 32 is a huge huge win well something I’m looking at is I want to see if he can keep Pace with the NBA speed and NBA level and I know we say that about every draft pick but I’m asking that of filipowski because I’m hoping he can be a contributor somewhat quickly I I think Cody Williams I slowed down on Cody Williams a little bit like I I I don’t know how quick he can put on the muscle and the mass to be a force in the NBA but I look at Kyle filipowski and I I’m hoping he can keep up the speed and I’m hoping he shows flashes that that big seven 11 frame can really get the position and hit the shots that are needed um you know we’re just we’re watching Walker Kessler and like Walker Kessler is the perfect sample size for me because I’m watching his development I’m watching his growth and then I’m watching his body language I’m watching him him self-hate at times and I want that guy to continue to believe in himself and grow and turn into what those bigs need to turn into in the NBA because there’s no longer there’s not this there’s not this need for the bigs that there was in the ’90s and and even in the early 2000s you got to be something more special you got to be a Moc core like me was just way before his time and you got to be a Meo core and can Philipi kind of be that type of player for the Jazz right here on 975 the ekl Sports Zone 3 2 1 it’s the 10th Annual top 60 and 60 get your college football fixed every day at 1:30 as the Zone counts you down to the start of the 2024 season by listing off the top 60 players in the state of Utah as voted on by the local media and you the fans you’ll also hear from the coaches as they talk about the players that will impact their season the most it’s the top 60 and 60 weekdays at 1:30 presented by five star painting on your home of the best college football coverage in Utah 975 the KSL Sports Z the future begins now this is the Zone’s coverage of the NBA draft as the Utah Jazz continue to build for next season this is 975 the KSL Sports sub NBA draft night special continues on it was a quick one folks Jazz didn’t have to wait too long Jonathan mobo goes number 31 to Toronto and then the Jazz take Kyle filipowski number 32 overall so let’s reset the scene here for the Utah Jazz again I made the joke last night it it kind of feels like a North Carolina test a North Carolina class you don’t even have to show up and you get an A um Jazz don’t have to move they don’t have to use any assets they stay where they’re at they pick at 10 29 and 32 and they come away with Cody Williams um and uh now you add another player into the Isaiah Kier 29 and then Kyle filipowski at number 32 and hands you don’t have to do a single thing no you don’t have to do a single thing and you do pick up a lot of talent and Ben something I want to ask you about because Scotty and I have talked a lot about this and Jaz fans are filling this and for a second year in a row Jazz have three picks essentially three first rounders and they take all three okay now at this point the Jazz have drafted they have who they have what’s the likelihood of us seeing any one of the three or a package of the three or a package of the two being moved to try to somehow benefit the Jazz current roster situation I guess conceivably if you know something materializes next week when free agency opens and someone comes after the Jazz and the Jazz need to throw an extra piece in to push it over the top uh you could definitely see one of those names get thrown in any of the three guys from last year though uh I wouldn’t bet on it I think it have to be a pretty big trade for at least keontay George and Taylor Hendrick and I think Danny a actually likes uh Bryce Sensa quite a bit so I I think it would take a significant trade I mean I don’t think the Jazz are just going to throw anybody in just to throw them in isn’t that what Walker Kessler was essentially for the Jazz yeah absolutely now they got him in the go bear trade yeah yeah and but he was a a first round pick that was already been selected Y and but had not played a season in the NBA correct right so it it does happen do see it um I I’m only suggesting that because I think that there is a group of jazz fans that are probably sick of rookies probably sick of growth and would like to see something that is more sure and the only thing I would warn those Jazz fans against is just to get something more sure I don’t know if you give up something that has bright future like for instance if if I’m bringing in a guy and I know what his ceiling is and I know he’s going to go get me six assists and I know he’s going to go get me 18 points but I also know he’s going to get me a a look at a playin uh tournament situation I’m just not interested in that type of sure thing now if it’s going to bring me back a piece that I think is a true contending style piece that Danny a can start to build this thread monster on fine move them around but I’m intrigued enough with these three guys Ben that unless it’s that guy that can be a part of the three-head monster unless it’s the big game hunt that appeases me that I know can be a champion at some point then I do want to see what these three are all about and context certainly matters and I think when we talk about oai abaji or we talk about Walker Kesler who were guys who were drafted and then traded later by the teams that drafted them not on draft night but sometimes you know weeks if not months later those were traded from teams that were trying to get a piece to put them over the top so they were trying to get Donovan Mitchell to put them over the top they were trying to get Rudy goar to put them over the top and they didn’t need oai abagi to come in and play at Cleveland they didn’t need Walker Kessler to come in and contribute in Minnesota they wanted a more proven piece the Jazz aren’t close to needing that piece to push them over the top they need as many swings as they can hoping these guys develop into something that will help them get to the point where then they’re looking to make those types of swings have we ever seen a more intriguing um summer league team than what the Jazz are going to put on display and dominant yeah I mean they’re really going to dominate as long as everybody plays I mean we can walk through really quickly Isaiah Collier who by the way is just built for the summer league like he so big and strong he’s just going to put guys under the basket we saw what keontay George did last year Bryce sensah has that same physical Advantage uh I think you’re gonna obviously see Cody Williams coming in play right away You’re Now gonna see Kyle filipowski who’s got two years under his belt uh you just you’ve got a lot Taylor Hendricks I mean there and then not to mention some of the veteran players that they’ve got coming back I mean Johnny juang might average 25 points in the summer league if he’s back with the Jazz and I think that’s the plan so yeah it’s going to be loaded top to bottom of these three players that were picked Ben who’s the most NBA ready filipowski yeah I mean I I would almost pencil filipowski in for 10 minutes 15 minutes right away he the thing that he does is he offers something that the Jazz don’t have anywhere else and I don’t know if you can say that about either Collier or Cody Williams now down the line those guys both offer a ton you know uh Collier’s ability to get into the paint and score and create plays for others his playmaking might be what he offers that nobody else for the Jazz has that’s his real Advantage Cody Williams combination of size and shooting and defense is a huge plus Philip hsky right now is the best big man passer on the roster by a lot by like a ton so oh and allow me to give space for Kenny Lofton Jr there maybe Kenny lofton’s the guy but but love Kenny Lofton you get a lot of those same things with uh with filipowski uh he just is a probably a better three-point shooter is is this any indicator of the future Walker Kessler for the Utah Jazz I don’t I don’t think so I don’t not not immediate future but if filipowski like and I’m sorry to cut you off Ben no you’re if if filipowski averages 10 minutes a game and you see some benefit and you see the development of the trajectory then it does allow you to pay play a little fast and loose come trade deadline with with Walker Kessler to your answer not immediately like this offseason but if he comes on and he starts playing 10 minutes 12 minutes 14 minutes you’re like Okay okay then you’re like all right then we can play around here and see what what we can get for Walker Kessler for sure that’s my opinion on that yeah I think you’re completely right uh if I were Walker Kessler I wouldn’t have felt great about what happened today that’s my first thought and plus you know if I’m Walker I’ve already had my name swirling B about a bit and and so I’d be a little bit nervous about it and you know Ben I talked about this yesterday I I need somebody on the court that can get Walker Kessler’s head either out of the clouds or out of the sand I need somebody that can that can shake him loose of whatever he’s dealing with because when you got the dogs on the court that can that can really Hound him and force him out of that negative attitude or that heartbreak that he suffers at times then I think we see a better trajectory on growth because I’m a big Walker Kessler fan I just don’t think we’ we’ve completely tapped what his ability is uh I I totally agree with you and one let let me say where as this might be a kind of shot of the bow of Walker Kessler where it might be a plus is I think these guys actually could play together because Kyle filipowski has the ability to step out I think he can probably play the four as well as the five because he is a playmaker the same way we saw Kelly oen play with Walker Kessler at times uh and Kyle Philip psk is a guy who can actually get Walker Kessler the ball in some spots where he can be successful with some of that high low big to Big passing that might be advantageous and really help his life out and you know what the Jazz don’t need to pretend Walker Kessler’s going to be this corner three-point shooter anymore now is Walker okay with that is he okay if that’s not a part of his game just sitting in the dunker spot the rest of his life and and cleaning up rebounds or catching lobs he should be because he can make a lot of money doing that but if he sees himself as doing more maybe that’s an issue but filipowski can make everybody on the jet as better including Walker Kesler and that should be something that you would hope he would lean into by the way Walker kesler’s going to be on the summer league team too we didn’t mention that so yeah this team is is really stacked look I don’t know if you degenerates out there want to gamble on summer leue games but uh you may want to go down to Vegas and throw a few Pennies on the Jazz because uh my goodness and get those tickets uh for the summer league here in Utah as well are you guys a little bit surprised ke George on that roster uh oh yeah well no I mean a little bit it is for it’s a bit of a surprise for me I mean his usage was high last year the thing is I’m used to back in the day you know every everybody always played that second year they you’d play two years now granted things have changed quite a bit and we’ve altered the landscape but I mean the fact that they’re making Kessler do it keante do it Taylor Hendricks was a no-brainer certainly he needed to be there but yeah you bring up a really good point but and it could be a thing where you get him here to Salt Lake he plays a couple games here maybe he makes an appearance in Vegas and then you’re like okay we’ve seen enough go home like the likelihood of all these guys being there for all the games is pretty slim I agree I don’t think he plays every game uh there’s gonna be times you just say get off the floor and let uh let Isaiah Coler take over and do his thing uh he also just keeps everything together he will keep everyone kind of going together in the same direction which has some has some value well and it goes back to your your you know conversation we had about leadership maybe that’s an opportunity for him to be a leader and be like okay you know what you’ve got a you you were a big part of this team last year and so you’re going to be asked to be a leader let’s let you lead a bunch of young guys and see how you do in that situation can you can you motivate guys in practice can you uh you know get after a guy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time maybe there’s some element of that on not necessarily the game itself but how he handles himself in those situations you got to want to see that growth from him yeah and if he if he’s going to play the role that they probably hope he plays in this upcoming season he’s going to have to show he can do that absolutely and you know what there might the simplest fact is he probably needs the Reps like he was good last year he was better than the 16th pick he still has a lot of room to grow like he’s got to get a lot better to really stick uh and make a big time impact as an NBA player and he showed bright flashes of it but he’s got to get way more consistent doing it so simplest explanation is he needs to be there but if you want to get into the politics of it well now you’re asking Walker Kesler to be there going into year three how how does he go into year three in the summer league and look and say well man ke’s not even here like why are you making me play year three and ke year 2 is not playing and then you know what next year you can say hey Isaiah Collier or hey Cody Williams or hey Kyle filipowski we want you back for year two and look keontay George did it last year after a phenomenal freshman or rookie season you’ve got to get back there too and it’s just this is how we operate I think you can start to set that as just the Baseline and expectation like you mentioned with Darren Williams playing in the Rocky Mountain review for a game yeah yeah you and and that that always cracked me up that they made Darren Williams Come Back for year number two and he played one game maybe two but I think it was one game and he just flat out dominated and Jerry and Kevin o Conor’s like go home we don’t even need to see you here anymore everything we needed to see we saw go home hey Ben where do you think keontay George would have been drafted in this draft would Taylor Hendrick still go ahead of keontay George yes I think so actually uh well okay are you talking about after their rookie season or are you talking about just as prospects before for the class prospects because if you’re talking prospects I think there’s a real chance uh Taylor Hendricks is a top three pick in this year’s draft yeah I agree uh if you saw Alex SAR go where Alex SAR went number two overall to Washington he’s bigger than Taylor Hendrick Taylor Hendricks did all the theoretical things you want from Alex SAR he just kind of did him at a he actually you know he shot the ball well he blocked a lot of shots he he played a much bigger role at Central Florida than Alex SAR did in in Australia last year so those two that would have been a big debate for a lot of teams are you USR guy or are you a Taylor Hendrick guy but keontay would have gone top 10 uh his size was was a real plus and and I know he didn’t shoot great at Baylor and he hasn’t shot great in his first year at Utah there was just a lot of belief that that that offensive pop is going to be there and develop and the Jazz certainly feel that way so I think he would have been he would have been right there in the conversation at 789 a player you were keeping an eye on hands uh Detroit is uh taking uh Bobby Clinton at 37 I like him Bobby Clinton he’s a Sweden he’s a a Swedish player and he is he is a very versatile weapon it was one guy that I thought might slip up the board in the second round and that I thought maybe the Jazz would take a look at but he goes win uh 37 to Detroit all right take a break uh come back wrap this thing up and uh we’ll hand it over to JJ and Alex coming up at 3:00 hands in Scotty 975 the ekl Sports Zone hey bro you hear us every day with our crazy opinions hey what you doing well now it’s time to hear from you hey great show download the KSL Sports app and fire off your thoughts with a call-in tab on the bottom of your screen your show is fantastic it’s the one that captivates me the most you can tell PK to stop singing let Jake and Ben know what you really think of the Jazz tell Hansen Scotty about your favorite barbecue spot or what color of tie JJ should be wearing on TV the best entries will be played on the air download the KSL Sports app now and hit the call-in button to let your voice be heard I think you guys do an incredible job this is 975 the KSL Sports Zone looking for the latest on the Jazz Utes cougars and Aggies yeah we’ve got you covered this is H Olsen and Scotty G on 975 ESP Sports [Applause] Z standing here beside you want so much to give you this love in my [Music] heart all right wrapping up another edition of the show hands and Scotty 975 dkl Sports Zone as we are live here at RGS the NBA draft night special continues on day number two not a lot of drama for the Utah Jazz Kyle filipowski goes number 32 overall to the Utah Jazz and uh looks like as of right now he’ll be part of all the V summer league and Vegas summer league and every all the festiv he coming up well the impression that I want to leave with Utah Jazz fans in regards to filipowski is he’s got a lot of offensive attributes and he can score in a lot of different ways and I’ve been sitting here watching highlight packages of him since the pick was announced and it’s showing everything it’s showing a bit of everything it’s showing some catch and shoot step back three it’s showing a step back three it’s showing a back to the basket with Force it’s showing a reverse it’s showing a lot of different offensive talent and offensive Vision that he can score in many positions on the court and that’s what you’re hoping for from a 611 type guy so if it’s going to happen this is the the way I hope it happens and and I agree with Ben this to me he’s the most usable the most early of the three picks that the Utah Jazz have taken so Kyle filipowski the newest member of the Utah Jazz Ben uh Jazz get an A on the draft and they don’t really have to do anything to do it it all falls in their lap and you can’t ask for a better situation than that no and everyone’s always excited when you’re Minnesota and you you know don’t have a pick near the lottery and you trade up and get a Rob Dillingham but yeah I think historically you look back the best drafts you just let players come to you you just kind of let Who falls in your lap uh stick around you develop the right players and you pick the right players when they’re there and you take advantage of it Oklahoma City’s done that pretty well they’ve certainly had their misses and some of these guys are going to miss with the Jazz you know the odds that these three guys are all going to be huge contributors for the Jazz in three years is is really low but if one of them is you’ve had a good draft if two of them are you’ve had a great draft so you set yourself up I think with some real upside there with these players and I think that’s the advantage and you still have every asset intact that you had going into the draft minus the picks that you actually made so now the fun really begins uh free agency about to begin and uh now let’s see what the Jazz can do plenty of opportunities to make more trades we’ll have more NBA Draft coverage coming up next JJ and Alex are going to to take things over right here on 975 the KSL Sports Zone

• NBA Draft round 2 with Hans Olsen, Scott Garrard & Ben Anderson

• breakdown of the Utah Jazz 2024 draft classs

• final thoughts

1 Comment

  1. Hay hand the reason Kessler sucked so bad his second year is cuz he had no one that wood pass him the ball key tht Jc sexton all miopic ball hogs who never look to set up a teammate all me first players when Kessler has Connelly he looked good it ain’t Kesslers fault he looked like crap I blame the bricklaying turnover machine key sexton best 1 on 5 player in the league tht is a circus shooter and Jc is a gunner all terrible team players

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