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on today’s show we met Jaylen Tyson at his introductory press conference myself and Spencer Davies will tell you what we thought of the newest member of the Cleveland Cavaliers you are locked on Cavs your daily Cleveland Cavaliers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thank you for making lock on Cavs your first listen every day you can find the show wherever you get Podcast you can find us on Apple Spotify everywhere else be sure to leave a fstar review leave some kind words in the comments as well you can really help the show grow by doing that you can also find the show on YouTube search the locked on Cavs Channel if you’re watching us on YouTube like this video subscribe to the lockon Cavs Channel leave a comment below as well with what you think of the Cavs selecting Jaylen Tyson with number 20 overall pick in the first round of this draft Today’s Show is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms do apply I’m Danny Cunningham you might know me for my time covering the Cleveland Cavaliers at places like right here at lock on Cavs 923 The Fan Cleveland magazine or anywhere else that I’ve worked over the years joined today by Cavs insiders own Spencer Davies we uh earlier today Spencer you and I both met Jaylen uh Tyson the Cavs number 20 overall pick he had a what I thought was a very endearing and engaging press conference as he met with the Cleveland media for the first time what were your initial thoughts on uh on Tyson well you know like you said he definitely had a charm about him I think that there’s also this uh innate confidence that I think uh it should really make Cass fans happy just because he was talking about winning championship in his first year he was talking about winning rookie of the year being on all defense that’s not that’s not light talk for somebody who was picked 20th overall in an NBA draft that’s outside of the lottery guy that’s somebody who’s coming in that literally feels like he has nothing to lose and I I think that that’s really something that sticks out about him and if the Cass were sold on the way that he performed in a draft workout and outshine some other guys that were drafted before him then that should tell you all you need to know yeah and I thought you know I I thought he was very insightful particular particularly in you know when you’re meeting with guys that are drafted in the first round uh for the very first time you don’t know what you’re going to get not all of these guys are often trained in the Arts of dealing with the media it can be a little bit more raw it can be a little bit more emotional as this is you know for most of these guys the biggest moment of their life um and and with Jaylen I thought he was really insightful I thought he was refreshingly honest and I thought he was willing to be open with who he is and that’s something that I really did appreciate um the comments you mentioned wanting to win a championship in the first year like that’s just trying to shoot up the gets us meter like that is such a an easy high score day one um mentioning wanting to be on an all defense team but I thought Spencer it was really cool how he was willing and he didn’t want to Dive In Too Deep I didn’t think but he was willing to talk about some of the lows that he’s had and the journey that he’s been on from you know starting out at Texas going to Texas Tech ending up at Cal two last night being drafted in the first round I thought that was a really cool part about this is we start to get to know him a little bit yeah and there’s reasons for that too and Kobe Alman kind of referred to this as you know this is kind of the norm you’re gonna see a bunch of guys in the second round who are getting taken who were went to multiple schools maybe not you know one each different year but uh in Jaylen Tyson’s case if you really dig into it the reason he went to Texas is because he followed Chris beard so Chris beard was coaching at Texas Tech initially he was committed to Texas Tech then he decommitted and went to Texas and the the situation didn’t pan out the way he wanted to so he ended up going back to the school he originally committed to in Texas Tech and even though he had a good year there he was doing a lot of the off ball stuff that Mike gansy and Kobe Alman were talking about and as far as fitting in um doing the cutting doing the catch shooting uh and not playing with the ball in his hands as much there was an off- thec Court uh racial component with his coach that didn’t put his coach in the best of lights and so he decided to train for another time and this time he ended up in the hands of Mark Madson somebody who’s very well respected around NBA circles who’s won a championship with the Lakers who’s been there as a player and a coach and had his own chance to to start his program at Cal a program that’s desperately needed some some rebooting um and the way that he was able to work with Jaylen Tyson this year saying that these sets are going to prepare you for the next level the the way we’re coaching you is going to prepare you to be a pro and the best part about this I think think is that Jaylen is just kind of ready for the next chapter just because he’s learning from these guys and and somebody that I’m sure we’ll get to because of a moment that we had in the press conference about Al Harrington but I’m going to ask about that I’m going to talk about that he he is respected by that that next tier that the guys that we grew up watching honestly so that’s a a really good sign for him and I think should serve well for him being ready for this so I want to talk a little bit more about the mark Madson aspect about it and I was going to save this for a little bit later in the segment but I have to bring up um your moment that you shared today with Jaylen Tyson where you asked what was you know I thought a a good question um Jaylen has a relationship with Al Harrington he is someone who uh leans on Al quite a bit he looks up to Al as a mentor so you asked him about what that relationship was like and Jaylen I don’t know if he was expecting a question about Al but but he acted as if he misheard you at first that like he didn’t hear you say Al Harrington and then you clarified you know oh no Al Harrington and he goes who is that and then took a really pregnant pause and then let everyone else in on the joke that he was just trying to to screw with you a little bit that was honestly my favorite part of the press conference because it’s funny to see something like that happened to you and we’re friends so I do feel like I can say that but it was I thought it brought his sense of humor a little bit um and the fact that it might have embarrassed you a little bit too I I just it made me laugh you know it made a lot of people laugh there were people in the building whether it was media front office people that were joking about it after it so whatever but uh he got me he got me good I will say that um he did I was standing there like I know I did research on this I know this isn’t the wrong person I’m asking this about so uh but no I think that is a moment there that I think one you know introduces to his personality that he’s he’s very easygoing he’s somebody who’s conversational I mean sheesh can you remember the last rookie that was that talkative that came into a Cav you know Cleveland Clinic courts and and talked like that like I mean not even rookies but like you know Spencer I’ve been around guys that second year even into their third year that are not that and listen you and I are not expecting every player all the time to be enthusiastic to meet with the media like that’s not what this is um but the I I think what we’re both trying to get at is the presence that he had about himself while holding a microphone like that’s not often an easy thing for someone that’s in their early 20s to be doing he had a lot of good on liners too man he was talking about how he had to get a new number because George Nang hit him up 10 minutes after he got drafted and gotta switch that up and it it’s it just again it kind of just gives you that behind the scenes look into who this guy is and it’s somebody who’s who’s you know he’s using humor and but but he was very real about how many lows he’s had in his life and that’s a you know a good thing to kind of to have a crutch to to be able to do that and you can’t get lower than low is one of his quotes and I was like wow that was that was really deep but the way that that he kind of presents himself and isn’t afraid to fail I think if you’re if you’re putting that stuff out about you that’s not Kobe saying that that’s not gansy that’s not fans talking about I want rookie of the year I want to be on all defense I want to do all of these things in my first season I want to win a championship that just oozing confidence and I think that’s that’s a big part of who Jaylen Tyson is and we learned a lot more about him today in that respect yeah and the the last thing I want to touch on about his experience at Cal um aside from the actual basketball things he he does which we’ll talk about in segment two he spoke really really highly about Mark Madson um you mentioned him earlier former NBA player uh guy that I believe won a title with the Lakers has been on NBA coaching staffs the head coach at Cal he he spoke so highly of Mad Dog as somebody that has been so influential and really you know there was the one question I believe it was Terry Pluto who asked him you know where what did you think about where your career was a year ago and he jokingly again he used a little bit of humor here but he said you know it was in Mark madson’s hands um so I do think that’s a really good sign that he was able to trust in a coach like that yeah and I think one of the cooler quotes was was what came after that was like you know I knew I was for a breakout year but it’s one thing to know it and it’s one thing to show it and uh it’s clear that when he had the ball in his hands and he was playing around guys that were Walk-Ons guys who didn’t really have too much experience didn’t have too much of the talent the raw talent that Jaylen Tyson possesses and the usage was high but he went out there scored 20 a game somebody who was not afraid to attack not afraid to playmake um you know shot the ball that’s not going to be his role here know that you’ve asked that too in in the press conference yesterday and today about what his role is going to be like around Allstar talent and and and Pros you’re not going to be coming in there and getting 30% usage off the bat you’re probably going to get more like a 12 per usage um around the talent that’s up here but how do you adjust to that how do you do that well and I think the film from Texas Tech is really what’s what sold the Cav on that because again the the catch shoot percentage the The Cutting when he didn’t have the ball in his hands something that we know watching Kenny ainson teams that’s what they do yeah I want to talk about his game um what he looks like on the floor how that translates to the Cavs we’re going to do that next right here on lockdown Cavs Today’s Show is brought to you by game time game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball and of course that makes getting tickets faster and easier prices on the game time app actually tend to go down the closer you get to first pitch they’ve got killer last minute deals Allin prices views from your seat which is something that I think is very important when you’re selecting a ticket that you want to buy game time will show you what that view of the Field Court rink whatever you’re looking for is going to look like from where you will be sitting and of course the lowest price guarantee game time takes the guesswork out of buying major league 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Tyson is going to look like on the Cavs um I don’t think a lot of the stuff from Cal is going to translate just in terms of his role it doesn’t mean the skill set doesn’t translate but when he was at Cal he was you know Mike gansy Cavs GM mentioned it that he was essentially playing point guard that there wasn’t a talent a ton of talent around him I think he’s going to look like a drastically different player but I think some of the skills that he has particularly the shooting and The Cutting are things that can be accentuated by playing off the ball even if that’s going to take some time for an adjustment yeah and what do the Cavs have they have a bunch of guys who are selfless they have guys that are going to share the rock um you know Darius Garland mind you this is what we’re talking about currently current interation of the Cass we don’t know what’s gonna happen with the offseason we know Donovan Mitchell’s extension um is probably on the horizon and then we’ll figure out what happens from there but and fla record before you go any further it is 4:45 on Thursday as we record this so if something happens because I was recording an episode the other night and then male Bridges got traded like 3 hours afterwards so it is 4:45 on Thursday as we’re talking right right now so if something happens in the second round that certainly impacts us or a blackbuster trade happens we will have reaction but this episode does not contain that sort of stuff great disclaimer but no they have a bunch of selfless guy they have a bunch of selfless guys and like you said what he can do without the ball in his hands is what’s going to get him on the Flo and I think a lot more of uh what he’s able to do too from from who I talked to last night after the draft is when he catches the ball in his hands he’s really good at making making decisions quickly um so he can he can playmake off the catch he can attack off the catch and uh somebody that is not going to be afraid again afraid not afraid to fail and um that’s I think some a sticking point uh for a lot of the the front office here right and I I do think in dissecting his game you know while he was at Cal he was he’s taking a lot of shots that he’s not going to be taking with the Cavs like a steady diet for him offensively ended up being mid-range jumpers and yeah I just I don’t see that as being part of his NBA game no maybe he develops into that but right away as a rookie as a 20th overall pick on a team that had homecourt advantage and won a playoff series last year that at the very least is going to be bringing back an All-Star guard um maybe it’s two All-Star guards but it’s at I’m pretty confident saying at the very least there’s going to be one of them on the team with that being the setup in the backourt I don’t see that as being part of his game and I mentioned that online and people said oh so does that mean you you know all these shots that Donovan Mitchell takes are bad shot because his diet of shots can turn into that sometimes and people don’t always understand that a shot that’s a bad shot for somebody else might be a good shot for another player that’s a little bit better but I think a lot of his opportunities to score the basketball from the perimeter are going to be beyond that three-point Arc and in catch and shoot situations and that’s a big thing here for me Spencer 2 because I think his shooting form looks a little bit different it looks a little bit cleaner when he’s in catch and shoot spots as opposed to when he’s taking um jumpers off the dribble so when I was diving into the film myself uh I think that you’re correct I think the release is quicker off the dribble than it is when he catch shoots when he catch shots the form looks cleaner but it’s slow uh so that’s what they really need to work on I think they need to improve um maybe the the apex of the shot maybe they need to improve um just how quickly he gets it up there and I’m no shot iic but just it’s just uh it’s it’s something that they’re probably going to have to tweak in the development and that’s what Kenny ainson really specializes in his Player Development so um that’s nice but it’s also nice that they can plug and play somebody like this because as we know he’s had three years of college experience so it’s not like he’s coming in and he’s a a fresh 18-year-old that’s just you know needs needs developing and he’s a project this is somebody who probably could play rotational minutes if he cracks rotation and and earns it yeah I I I do not disagree whatsoever with that the other thing offensively I want to touch on before we flip to defense while he’s not going to be in a role that even remotely resembles the role he had at Cal where he had to carry the team where he had to be the primary Creator where he had to do all these things I do think the fact that he has experience in that aspect of things will help him even as he’s playing off the ball because I think he can be a sort of secondary Creator and the fact that he makes those decisions relatively quickly and can pass a little bit like there are some passes on his highlight tape that are pretty impressive passes it’s not saying you know he’s the next Chris Paul but there are some passes that you look at okay I can see how you maybe maybe you shouldn’t be initiating offense at the NBA but you can be someone that is helping to set up others if what you’ve been set up with isn’t quite there he’s not going to turn into a black hole offensively right and I think that instinctually that’s going to be the adjustment for him because when you’re coming from Cal when you have that 30 plus usage and you were the guy the whole time uh you are going to have a mindset to attack in this case now that you’re up here again playing with with four other guys on the floor who probably are GNA be more aggressive be more of the scoring types you’re gonna have to learn how to reverse the ball when you get the the second pass or the first pass on on the first possession um you’re going to have to learn how to to work in pick and rolls as the screener you’re going to have to learn learn you know how to to pass out of the short roll and whatever ways because the Cavs I know this is a new coaching staff but a lot of the new wave in the NBA is guard screening so I’m sure he’ll be used in screening actions and stuff like that uh I think that he’s gonna have an opportunity to showcase some different sides of his game that we didn’t see at Cal and might have seen it at again at Texas Tech from what I was told that he did a lot of the off ball stuff there so um probably more or less like that um we know that you know he’s a ball Hawk he’s somebody that’ll go after the offensive glass he needs to improve obviously on the defensive glass on defense in general and maybe add some pounds um but uh yeah he’s you know 66 six7 uh gonna be able to play one through three and in a pinch maybe four depending on what kind of lineups that Kenny ainson wants to put out there but I don’t know why we didn’t touch on the point what’s he measure without shoes because that’s really important we’re going to see him not wearing shoes so you know he’s 65 only so good this gracious I I I was actually going to bring that up like that was the next thing I had on my plate um I’m so annoyed by that talk like he’s 65 and a half without shoes okay great how many games is he going to play without shoes on how many possessions in his entire career is Jaylen Tyson going to play without wearing shoes in the NBA please let me know because maybe his shoe maybe hiso one shoe will fall off and he’ll be down here and like he’ll have like like and you think that’ll happen four times an equal two possessions total exactly it’s aming people come up with it it really is because I mean dude you look you look at even you know Max stru for example like he’s definitely capable of of playing the three and he’s there’s no way he has as much length and and as as tall as Jaylen Tyson there’s zero percent um Jaylen for me like it’s because gansy described him as a bigger guard and then later in that press conference he referred to him as a bigger Wing so I think that fans might be kind of processing in this they’re like oh my gosh we drafted another okoro I’m like dude the the play type is completely different than Isaac a coral first of all like Isaac was very raw offensively when he was coming out of Auburn this guy he had pretty much carry an entire team on his back last year so let’s stop with that kind of player comp what I was told when I was talking to people who who were close with with Jaylen is that you know he’s almost got a a um he’s not quite as good of a shooter but he’s almost got a maxu type of game he’s almost uh like what he did last year was Caris ldes um I know there was someone questioned in the press conference talking about Caleb Martin right like like that’s the the kind of you know role that that probably suits him um at the moment and he’s gonna have to learn how to grow into that but yeah enough of the the without shoes talk the stuff so irritating I don’t understand why we even dive into it it’s it’s it’s just it’s driil it is to me Spencer it is people that want to be critical of this front office and like I get it not everyone’s going to be a fan of what Kobe Alman and Mike gansy and the rest of that crew have done and they are by no means perfect but this is just an opportunity for certain fans to be able to say oh they drafted another short guy he’s not 66 because when he’s not wearing shoes he’s 65 and a half like it is it’s it’s ridiculous man it’s ridiculous it truly is and you know you know not to like kind of rain on up here but I think that when you know a big name that that was mentioned that Cavs could have taken was was Tristan D Silva and he went to Orlando two picks before maybe he wasn’t the very top of their board so you know they had to pull this off and from the sounds of it again you know coming in for the the draft workouts really what sold him and uh the fact that that he’s got that kind of work ethic it just kind of fits right into what Kobe and and gansy always talk about with just that that rugged nature and that tough guy well he is going to be playing his basketball for Kenny Atkinson um we are expecting that Atkinson will be introduced to the media on Monday let’s get Spencer’s take on the Cavs making a new head coaching hire right after this unlocked on Cavs Today’s Show is also brought to you by eBay Motors passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance a lot of NBA teams right now trying to level themselves up to Peak Performance as free agency approaches and the draft concludes superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights so much more whether you’re in speed 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mortgage Fieldhouse but initially when you saw the news come down what were your thoughts on um the Cavs H and Kenny ainson well I think that it’s definitely somebody that that has not had a chance to show that he can do it at the next level at that next tier I think he got a really raw deal in Brooklyn the way that that ended with with Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving and the whole DeAndre Jordan starting over Jared Allen thing that that has constantly been referenced I think I mean that’s kind of full circle now with Jared Ian and of course we don’t know what the roster is going to look like when Kenny ainson coaches his first regular season game for the Cavs but coming to a situation where Jared Allen and Caris LeVert for that matter are currently on the roster is a pretty full circle moment yeah the irony there isn’t it but it’s just it’s just I I think it’s a hire that is Player Development Centric but it’s also a chance for Kenny to to stick it to Brooklyn I think and say okay yeah I can get him there and I can get him to that next tier that next level Evan mob we should be very happy about this hire um Darius Garland if he sticks around should be very happy about this hire I just think about the teams that the Nets had when he initially came in look at those rosters and St how competitive they were despite Fielding guys that were on 10day contracts and guys that probably shouldn’t have been starting NBA games when you look at it it’s just some of those rosters from 2016 17 season you’re just like was that an NBA team like and that’s no disrespect to those people because they probably worked their butts off to get there but just it’s the reality of the situation of how talented the other NBA teams were at the time compared to what Kenny ainson was working with but just kind of like the way I described it was you know how Terry Frank cona could got could get the best out of his guys even if he had didn’t have the best talent I feel like that is what Kenny ainson does in NBA specific um Niche and for me I I believe that he is going to get the best out of these guys he is going to to bring them along player develop maybe we see Evan Moy stepping out a little bit more as a three-point shooter maybe we see Jared Allen stepping out as a three-point shooter uh some that I I referenced I know you’re going to get a point there but D’Angelo Russell had the best season of his career under this guy and that was one of the the All-Star Seasons that D’Angelo had if the only Allstar season he had yeah if if he could do that with DG and get him to shoot nine 10 threes a game and then in Evan moley’s case if you can just get him to be more of a playmaker more of a downhill um threat uh dribble handoffs uh some who’s not back to basket but but really being active in actions then you could see these new Concepts really come to fruition and maybe that it could work um I I’ve been waffling the whole offseason about what they’re going to do but I think it comes down to what Kenny wants yeah I I think that is certainly part of it I don’t think it’s entirely what Kenny wants but I think that’s part of the equation um so you and I will have the chance to ask him questions on Monday the thing that I am most fascinated to ask him in looking at his time in Brooklyn just from an on court perspective and there are certainly other philosophy things or you know just his experiences that I’m interested in asking him but when he was in Brooklyn those teams always played fast three of the four years he was with the Nets they were top 10 in Pace the fourth year they were 11th I’m fascinated if the Cavs are going to now maybe not be a top 10 team in Pace but they’ve been a bottom five team in Pace the last couple of years so I wonder if they rise up closer to the middle Spencer what are the what’s the one thing that you’re interested to ask Kenny ainson on Monday uh just his philosophy as far as the the motion goes on offense off ball stuff um a lot of cutting a lot of um spotting up and again like you brought up the pace thing can you instill Pace into a team that might not necessarily be suited for it I think that the Cavs are and they have tried this the last couple of years JB bicker staff did make no mistake he did up the pace and try to get them to make you know move the ball uh but it’s just for me I want to see how do you kind of tell guys you thought you were running fast before just just wait just wait this is the way that it works and you know you’re gonna be the ball’s gonna be popping and I’m interested to see what you know what his defensive principles look like Cavs have amazing individual Defenders but you know do they keep some of the old Concepts around uh you know there’s there’s plenty of questions for Kenny I I think the first one’s going to be like definitely about the Brooklyn stint and how it ended and all that but um yeah I’m I’m interested in his his schematic uh beliefs and uh what what he learned maybe from that Golden State three years underneath Steve Kerr um being on a championship team and and uh he obviously worked under tyloo too so he’s got some ties here yeah he uh I think he’s got great experience as a head coach in the NBA I’m fascinated to learn more about him I’m I’m very interested to have the opportunity next week to to speak with him Spencer very much appreciate you taking the time and doing this today it’s been blast no problem buddy you can find Spencer’s work at Cavs Insider of course you can follow him on Twitter spin Davies thank you again for making lock on Cavs your first listen every day you can catch the show five days a week we will have a ton more content coming at you Kenny ainson free agency begins this weekend so keep it locked here at lockon Cavs follow the show on YouTube like this video if you haven’t already hit that notification Bell also subscribe on whatever podcast app you choose leave us a five star that is how you can help to grow the show thank 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The Cavs can use Jaylon Tyson in a number of different ways once he acclimates to life as an NBA player.

On Friday’s edition of Locked On Cavs, Danny Cunningham (@RealDCunningham) of Cleveland Magazine and 92.3 The Fan is joined by Spencer Davies of Cavs Insiders to discuss their initial impressions of Jaylon Tyson after his introductory press conference.

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