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NBA Draft First-Round Reactions With Tate Frazier and J. Kyle Mann| NBA Draft Show | Ringer NBA

NBA Draft First-Round Reactions With Tate Frazier and J. Kyle Mann| NBA Draft Show | Ringer NBA

[Music] we just finished watching the first round of the 2024 NBA draft Verno is gone I think maybe he’ll be back on on Thursday night’s mismatch when we recap the entire draft but tonight I’m here with Tate friser and J Kyle man we’re talking about the 2024 first round Hawks took Zachary Reet with the number one pick we had multiple trades and I want to start out with one of those traits that happened on draft night because it was a big shocker to me it was my biggest wow moment of the night the Spurs they take Stefan Castle Yukon point guard with the fourth pick and then they’re up at number eight and they take Rob Dillingham Kentucky guard you know him very well Kyle man but then they trade the eighth pick to the Timberwolves not for a pick this year not for a pick next year or the year after that they don’t get a pick until 2030 a top one protected swap in 2030 and then a 2031 unprotected pick from the Minnesota Tiber wolves who end up with Rob Dillingham Tate before we get to the Minnesota side of things of this trade I’m shocked that the Spurs did this I’m still trying to figure it out can you help me understand what the hell the Spurs are doing here because I like the castle pick but I don’t like trading for a pick in 2030 and 2031 and I think you pointed this out on Twitter I saw I mean at the end of the day Anthony Edwards will be what 29 30 years old at Point at that point when these picks come up so that would be very confusing I think the exciting part is that Rob dillingham’s a top 10 pick and I think that Rob Dillingham is a top 10 talent I think Rob Dillingham arguably was a top five talent but the way that he was being discussed before this draft I mean it felt like he was almost in freef Fall then all of a sudden you get the Spurs up I mean as soon as the pick came in I don’t know about you guys but I immediately you started thinking about Dillingham and wimy it felt like you know Dillingham was kind of politicking to play with wimy and it felt like this perfect match made in heaven then all of a sudden here come the Timberwolves and here comes our boy Tim Connelly who’s like you know what I need shot creation and I need the best shot Creator in this draft and it is Rob Dillingham so I mean I went from the Whiplash of excitement with wimy to the oh man Anthony Edwards Rob Dillingham I like that combination and it’s good for American basketball so uh you know there’s a lot of whiplash going on KFC yeah I uh I tweeted out after that pick was made all caps oh God oh God oh God no punctuation uh because which you know sounded a little organic I guess I promised it didn’t go that far but I was really excited about the idea we all were excited I I think this was the prophecy was uh was fulfilled where we were like that would be the most fun thing to see uh they would have they would have skyrocketed I think to the to to the top of like League Pass any League Pass ranking I think Rob and wimy would have been really fun and then and but you combine it with Castle too it would have been fun um but so I didn’t even get a chance yeah talking about Whiplash I didn’t even get a chance to celebrate it because we immediately go to uh him being in Minnesota which it doesn’t mean that there’s no celebration there you just immed you’re kind of thinking about okay well all right I mean I assume I assume Minnesota who needed to get more Dynamic we saw that against Dallas interesting how the matchups played out in the playoffs I don’t think it’s going to come in where it’s just like all right Mike connley you know out to pasture Here Comes Rod Billingham I think Dillingham is probably gonna be and you guys comment on this tell me if you think I’m right or wrong here I think he’s probably going to be in a pretty good situation where he’s on a good team they have crazy length we saw how incredible and intense and long and ferocious that defense could get from Minnesota Elite room protection back there um you’ve got guys that can protect him but also put him in situations to do what he does best which is Rock put the ball in the basket and that’s probably going to be with the second unit I would assume I mean for the same reasons that I love the idea of Dillingham with the Spurs I also love Dillingham with the Timberwolves he’s protected by Rudy goar they have size McDaniel cat you know you got Nas Reed as a backup like they have so much size and versatility never mind Anthony Edwards and Nale Alexander Walker like all the flaws of Dillingham are protected and then he’s enhanced with those same exact pieces because you get Shooters you get ant as as a go-to guy who’s only getting better goar is a lob threat so you have Conley who’s almost 40 years old at this point so yeah I think you’re right Kyle dilling him backs up Conley at first Maybe by January February he’s starting if if his development is positive and maybe it’s not until year or two but at the least him and teren Shannon who the Wolves got with a 27th pick Shannon and I had ranked 21 on my board out of Illinois he’s a senior 66 go-to scorer almost 24 years old clearly Tim Conley’s objective with trading for Dillingham and then selecting Shannon is to inject offense into their half court these creators so I love what the Minnesota Tim wolves did but again flip side of it though San Antonio I love the castle pick at four Castle makes a hell of a lot of sense for them because he’s a great defensive player he’s versatile you pair him with Victor wanyama those two are going to be really tough to stop T tough to score against offensively Castle can do you know all the typical point guard stuff he’s a solid passer solid Creator but he also does the dirty stuff he’ll set screens he’ll cut Tate you saw him all year for Yukon he can be in the dunker spot sometimes he’ll set screens off ball so as Victor develops Castle might be that you know kind of like Bruce Brown to Nicol laic right setting screens for Victor so I like that pick for the Spurs but I’m just I’m perplexed with why they traded that eighth pick for picks that don’t come for another seven years from Minnesota who like you said Tate ant’s gonna be 29 and 30 years old clearly this is a bet from the the Spurs that the Timberwolves are G to Cloe that Anthony Edwards will leave before the end of his contract that those picks will be high value selections that they’ll be able to either use those picks down the line to bolster the team around Victor wanyama who will be a supermax player by that point or they use those picks in advance as high value assets to improve the team around Victor but my issue is I’d rather have the player I’d rather have the young guy right now developing with Victor I think there was whether it was Dillingham at eight or whether it was like Cody Williams or Devin Carter or you know Bub Carrington for that matter who went 14 to the Wizards or connect who fell to the Lakers at 17 there’s just so many guys that I’m like oh I’d be excited about that player as a developmental piece for the Spurs like do you guys agree with me there that the Spurs might end up regretting this I I will say this about the Spurs I do think that they were going for the Frenchmen and I do think that because the Charlotte Hornets decided to zag and take Salon that threw them for a loop and when AG when that happened KOC I think that they decided this pick is not our pick anymore it’s it’s for sale and I think Tim Connelly saw that and was like we need the best shot Creator in the draft and he’s still on the board at number eight oh my god let’s go make a play for it so I don’t really I understand kind of where the Spurs are coming from you get castle I’m not even sure Castle was their number one guy maybe he was number two number three um Shephard should have been number one on their board in my opinion there you go so but these guys are off the board so I just felt like maybe the Spurs uh picks were a little bit more reactive I’m with you though when you looked at 4 and eight we were very excited about what the Spurs could do and the combination of those two guys kind of coming in together so it does feel a little bit like a let down that it’s just one guy but if you’re G to get one guy I think Castle’s a great guy to get and Dan Hurley said it he’s a six foot six Drew holiday I think that’s a great comp for him so I like that shades of you mentioned Salon Tate you’re charlot Hornets get him with the sixth pick on the draft preview show on FanDuel TV and on the draft show feed here podcast version you said to me and Kyle man how everybody’s got it wrong the Frenchman that’s number one on your board is not Zachary ree who went first at the me the French basketball expert I’m so locked in not alexar to the Wizards to number two roll reversal you said tjon salon number one pick on your French draft board rankings Tate so here you go you got Salon you’re a man did you know something I I didn’t know anything other than the fact that I watched the tape and by the tape I mean YouTube highlights that were cut together by some 14-year-old um so shout out to him for putting that together got career to Jane Salon he popped off the screen and honestly High motor is what I love KOC I love the high motor I love how locked in he is I love that he has this connective tissue with the French they’re saying it’s the French Revolution he’s played with Reet before we get a little rivalry there with the Hawks you know we got our French guys we got our top 10 lottery picks going at it in the future so I’m excited about that and honestly I I love his size I love his versatility and uh I love the fact that the Hornets were willing to take a chance on upside this is a draft where you could take a big swing a big swing and everyone’s saying who is the Giannis of this class why not the youngest guy in the draft who uh has the best frame in the draft I’m gonna go for him so I like the Hornets doing that at number six it’s fun it’s interesting and honestly people in Charlotte probably hated it because they’re like who’s this french guy what do you think about the fit with Brandon Miller lamelo ball Mark Williams the rest of that horn it’s core Kyle well you got to assume you got to kind of look at the at the future and try to assume or just make some kind of a guess about who’s going to be there you got to assume that Miles Bridges I would guess is probably not a part of the long-term build for a lot of different reasons Tate pumped his fist I guess in celebration of that but I think you need I was saying he’s out I was saying he’s out that was fist fist bump sounds very rude you know I was just like he’s out some people that might want him out of the area just and celebrate but I I think the size and the motor things that you really need to put next to those two guys now Brandon Miller’s not small lamelo ball deceptively you know I think you think of him as a small guy but he’s a pretty big guy I think you need a lot of kind of switchability and you need activity and the big thing around those guys is those those are players who aren’t big like containment Defenders and I think if you get Salon you can you have somebody that’s going to be able to develop into like a corrective piece somebody that can recover and and clean up messes and then you know you kind of have a similar body type throughout this roster I think it’s built to play Fast uh you got decent another thing too is that you’ve got he’s not he’s not a chef as as I’ve said before he’s he’s somebody that he’s a patron who sit sits down and and dines and we have some guys who can prepare meals for him so we have like lot two live dribble passers with Mi with Miller and lamelo and I think that Salon is g to eat well next to those two guys uh assuming I don’t know what do you think his minutes are going to look like in the first year though that’s a question I I would just say that yeah I think he will get playing time I do think Bridges and the free agency will be fascinating but that four spot would be open if bridges does leave so uh you talk about the the lob threats that would be there I think there would be plenty of lob threats for salon and hopefully he can kind of grow his game out from the rim and be a vertical threat and I I think that would be the ideal situation and I honestly have no idea what this new regime does I I don’t know what a new head coach a new GM a new ownership I don’t know what the Hornets look like now so I mean it is kind of trying to piece it all together but I think this is a good step in the right direction let’s talk about another Frenchman let’s talk about the player that we each think I don’t know about each of us but the player that I think is most likely to busts Zachary ree number one to the Atlanta Hawks this is a major risk in my opinion I I had Reay 11 on my board I I I get it from you know an onp paper perspective in terms of he’s 68 he you know he’s very good Defender he shot got almost 40% from three this past season playing in France but with Rees aay my concerns for him at number one when when you’re talking about the expectations of a number one pick this past season he shot 48% from three over his first 34 games only 29% from three over his final 31 games over his previous three seasons playing overseas he was at 32% from three and he’s also been a 70% or Worse guy from the free line in all of those years this past season he was only 47% in the half court on layups below 50% is not good he was only 38% on floaters this past season as well Accord that’s according to Synergy Sports I’m just concerned if reay’s shot is not for real that the defense being good and you know the versatility that brings on defense is going to lead to him being like another one of those cadish DeAndre Hunter underwhelming you know on paper versatile fits next to Trey young but ends up falling short Kyle I mean like do you agree that like ree has the highest bust potential of all the picks in the first round this year or would you say somebody else yeah whenever they showed the graphic of DeAndre Hunter like right after they took him I immediately was just like man I’m just getting barani vibes from this like it was you know that year where we we just couldn’t quite tell who to go with that was more chasing a trend with barani but this like he he has better feel I think than cam reddish or or DeAndre hun I will say in the middle of the floor I was trying to be careful to sort of not go too far with it but you know he shot the ball on let’s see on unguarded catch and shoots this year he 81 attempts 31.3 and then when he was guarded 37.2 but as you mentioned a lot of that can be that’s why you kind of have to dig in and look at the sample of like wh when did they make shots was it more heavy or weighted towards a certain part of the year I was trying to think of like um you know Davon Mitchell is an example of a guy who had a big spike granted a little smaller and had other challenges um he’s somebody that had a big spike and people really bought into it can you think of other wings at his size that we like are examples of us getting like fooled by somebody with like a misleading sample off the top of your head Kevin you’ve been doing this a while no I mean I think with ree like it’s it’s the I look at it like at number one though at number one a guy who barely did any shot Creation with there’s questions about the re reliability of his jump shot I think you know what like whether it’s a Justice wizilla or Josh Jackson or all these kind of wings and forwards over the years and like Aaron Gordon was another one of them granted he’s had a highly successful career or Stanley Johnson there’s been a lot of these guys where we say if they can shoot Reay had more success this past season like he showed more than a a lot of those different types of guys but I mean like it was a 34 game sample and and other than that in his career he’s hovered around 30% and I just I think for number one for the Fox he he’s the guy with the with the biggest bust potential who would you be your biggest bust potential guy this year in the draft tapate uh well just the one thing to piggy back on Reese a little bit I mean the thing that scares me about him is he’s not a spectacular athlete and now he has a Target on his back he only averaged nine points a game he weighs 195 pounds soaking wet I mean these are all things that you’re like there’s these would be the typical red flags to be like why would this guy be the number one pick but the good news is that the Atlanta draft room Landry Fields KY corver Quinn Snider they look pretty pumped to make the pick so maybe they know something or see something that we don’t you know understand or see quite yet so that might be encouraging I was worried about the Atlanta fans there were two fans in the building of Brooklyn that had Beret on so they’re willing to uh you know be excited about what’s ahead so I am a fan of all that I mean as far as like the bust in the first round I I don’t you know know if it would be considered a bust if you’re a late first round guy but I think you know and I like him a lot and I’m a college basketball guy people forget this even though my French connection is coming out more and more um Dylan Jones at Weber State um I was pretty shocked that Dylan Jones came off the board before Isaiah caller um and and maybe that’s my own reading too much into my my own eye and what I see but I I just feel like it was not one to one I like the physicality of Dylan Jones I think he is a good player I think he could translate but um what he did in his conferences something to admire but if there was someone that I forecast where I look up in a few years and I’m like how did this guy go number whatever um I think that might be the name that comes to mind but again I’ve seen Dylan Jones play great so I don’t want to put too much on him but you know Reet would be my number one draft pick here because he went number one and it’s going to be a really tough climb for him but another name would be Dylan Jones for me I’ll tell you what when it comes to the Thunder I have a hard time you know questioning Sam presy I know he’s had his his misses he’s taken risks you know Usman Jang is not has not panned out in the NBA yet poku hasn’t he’s willing to take swing still got for I’m not giving up I’m not I like Po too I like Po too I mean I think he’s taken swings and even if this is a a whiff for Dylan Jones um I I appreciate the swing here like it kind of goes off four a lot of people had Dylan Jones as late second rounder or even undrafted then at the 12th pick they got nicoa topic who you know he’s gonna be probably another red shirt rookie like Chad holgren because he has a partially torn ACL topic he falls in a situation where he’s got chip England as his shooting coach topic an 80 plus perc guy from the free throw line in his in his overseas season maybe he’s a guy that over a year of getting a red shirt year he comes back next year knocking down threes do you see that possible for him Kyle yeah well I I was going to say we they people show you who they are I know have you guys ever heard that that idiom I mean like people really do show you who who they are and OKC continuously shows us that they like guys who have size switchability and size I mean granted KAS was a little smaller but they like guys in that 63 to 67 range who see two really well and pass the ball whether or not that means they’re like a pick and roll Wizard or whatever it is a lot of the guys that come in aren’t that Shay comes in as a primary scorer who can kind of get off the ball Jaylen Williams comes in as somebody that kind of grew into that as well uh we see topic topic and Dylan Jones have similar issues that’s the interesting thing they both have good size Dylan Jones a little beefier can is going to be able to maintain a little bit better but he’s a guy who rebounds his position really well the other thing too is steel rate Dylan Jones this season 97th percentile in the country in steel percentage 3.2% but if you want to be optimistic you mentioned Topic’s free throw percentage Dylan Dylan Jones got to the the 45.4 free throw attempt rate this year and he shot 84 and a half% from the line so there is optimism I talked about how I thought Topic’s Rhythm was an indicator to me that he could become a better shooter um they keep drafting these guys I think when you think they’ve had enough they haven’t they just keep taking them they they totally bucked what we thought they might try to do in this draft and they just keep piling up these assets Kyle who would be your number one bust potential pick in this year’s draft so far um let me pull up my handy dandy here my handy dandy bus notebook accidentally did my Chrome assemble all tabs thing there and that I feel like good dip [ __ ] right now okay uh yeah my notes that are in front of me here I have two that concern me one I I’ll go with the first one that I think just based on the situation buellis at the Bulls I feel like buellis I worry uh I spent some time watching his shooting today just to sort of circle back I don’t know if you guys did any kind of circling back today to just think about strong opinions you had um buellis I like his feel like the way he moves I like his size obviously I like his personality I do believe him when he says he’s going to work but if you look at the context with the bulls I worry that it’s going to put a stress on him they just committed to Josh giddy the all indicators are that he’s goingon to do that Tate I might hurt your heart here but like Kobe White had a great Resurgence returned he kind of returned what we thought he might be coming out of high school handle improve started getting to the spots where we knew he could score from but if you’ve got giddy if you decide to keep Patrick Williams longterm and buell’s shot doesn’t improve I kind of just worry I worry about that situation for him I don’t know if you guys share those worries at all don’t worry because Pat Williams is coming to the Hornets so uh you know that will not be a concern very soon and and I think it will all be figured out but buellis I mean the he was very emotional I mean probably the most emotional of anyone uh throughout the night his brother as well and he obviously is going to Chicago he is a Chicago Kid the guy that drafts him is Lithuanian so there’s a lot of connective tissue there between him and the Chicago Bulls I hope that they let him develop and kind kind of a you know we’re we’re going to give you the keys eventually but for now just you know kind of keep it Bay and maybe that’s the best way to do it maybe send them to the windy city bulls and let him be a g-league star or something like that play gague last year ke you think he gets the keys on this team at any point I think you can sell you can you can dangle the keys it doesn’t mean he’s gonna get the keys but you can Jingle the keys say maybe one day you can get right now Kobe white has the car let Kobe Drive yeah you got another one Kyle who’s your other guy because balis is an intriguing one for I think you detailed the answers uh yeah that detailed your thoughts well there like I think the the I think with buellis the Feelgood story of it is you know a nice thing right all of that’s good and all but the giddy buellis fit is not perfect and for buelos I I wish he ended up somewhere else uh for for his hopes in the near future and so much so much of player success is about team environment as well you know what he said KFC thank you to everyone who doubted me so we all sit here we are doubting him we are doing exact what monis buellis wants and going right on his real I’m just gonna be his Arya Stark I happy to be a part of it but you know I don’t I don’t even know if it’s doubting buzel is as much as like man I don’t love the situation for him you know that’s the way I look at it it’s like I don’t love the bull situation for him specifically especially well this is also the challenge of fitting around giddy this is why OKC was like yeah we’ll trade you know 21 22 year old upand cominging player for 30-year-old often injured Alex Caruso because the fit is tough with giddy so I mean I think it’s just the best player available pick for the Bulls and and I would have done the same thing at 11 if I were them but Kyle who was the other one you mentioned I worry uh if they don’t do anything I don’t understand the Pistons Ron Holland pick I understand taking Talent there to me tran Langan is like underrated one of the like sneaky like brilliant guys in basketball right now and I think people are going to figure that out so to me that I mean like mathematics major at Duke like dude is brilliant I I think people are going to start to see that but to me that makes me feel like they’re going to make moves because you think I’ve had to study this just because I’ve watched the Pistons so much which you know they can attest is like getting a full body tattoo uh for several hours like watching them play it can be tough but like if you’ve got a primary who struggled to shoot the ball in in pick and roll as a pull-up player at Kade and you surround him with like lacking Shooters like I just don’t I don’t understand how you’re going to have assar out there and durran and Ron Holland and continue to put that kind of pressure on Kade to me that surely is an indicator that they’re going to continue making moves because spatially you’re just doubling down on making this hard on Kate’s development in my opinion and it was reported that langon was trying to take calls about Clingan right there was some smoke that he may just take kingan or the Pistons may take kingan and kind of you know dangle him for some you know the Blazers or the Grizzlies to trade up they couldn’t get the trade done in time I thought buellis was a langen type player with the upside but I do think that someone inhouse there you know whether it’s you know at the top with ownership or something they’re probably like we need to know this guy’s gonna be able to play ASAP and Ron Holland he plays hard I mean that he makes mistakes he can be a little bit wacky but everyone says he’s quote unquote wise Beyond his years so maybe they’re thinking he has a veteran mindset and he can plug and play for now and I do think that they’re going to make some moves and they’re going to try to figure out you know some pieces around Cade but know Lon is a smart dude like you said and they’re going to really reshape that roster and uh I don’t know who the voice is in Detroit now but obviously you know they they think that they can make it work with Holland and there is upside I can’t tell our boss Bill Simmons keeps one day he’s like I love Ron Holland the next day he’s like I I I don’t like the pick but he said it was more about the fit so maybe we blame the fit I think the fit for the Pistons a little is a little awkward because of all the non-shooters as you guys mentioned but for Ron Holland it’s a perfect fit and the reason why is because a team without a head coach has one of the best assistants already in the league and that’s Fred Vincent they hired Fred Vincent he’s the guy who is really the architect behind improving Lonzo ball shot behind improving herb Jones’s shot that when he was in New Orleans and they hired him away even before hiring a new head coach to replace Monty Williams so for Ron Holland and for assar Thompson and for all the young guys on that Pistons team Fred Vincent is the guy right now he’s the best shooting coach in the league he’s exceeded chip England so I think for for Ron Holland this is a dream fit but for the Pistons obviously like you need some of these guys to actually work out as Shooters so those are some of the guys that we think could be most likely to be busts and we just talked about some kind of iffy fits let’s talk about our best or favorite player team fits that happen in the first round we each chose a few few of them Tate Kyle which one of you guys want to go first with your best team player fit I’m uh I’ll start with the Kings uh I I’ve been kind of like looking for uh you know an opportunity for them to improve their defense it without compromising some of the way that they play offensively that’s hard to do that’s why those players are so valuable I think Devin Carter is an awesome pick there uh I think he’s somebody that’s going to give them some switchability some energy he catches lobs I think that it it’ll take some pressure give him some time this was true of Keegan too where you know you had offensive things that were in place and Keegan could kind of the things that he did did well and grow on his own timeline and I think Carter is going to give that uh to to the Kings I love that pick for them Tate who do you got again I think my big winner of the night obviously the Washington Wizards uh bub Carrington a lottery pick a lottery Talent they get him the youngest domestic player in this draft and a guy that I think that they can plug and play there in Washington can run the pick and roll also willing to go the G league and develop and eventually be one of those guys we talked about the keys I think he eventually could get the keys here and uh there were a lot of teams that had bub a whole lot higher than you know maybe me many people suspected and the fact that you know they made this trade they made this move to go and get Bob Carrington that was a big signal and then on the back end to be able to get you know keesan George out of Miami I just like what the Wizards did I like that fit and uh I’m excited to see what Bob could do and shout out to coach capable he was there in the building a lot of college coaches fighting for TV time tonight coach capable he got some Lottery time with bub Carrington so that was good there was a lot of comp ition with the coaches was dominating thoughly yeah he was in the shot with castle and he got got the sit down at the desk Wizards get Carrington at 14 they get keesan George at at 24 they Trade It Up with the Knicks to get that pick 26 and 51 to get 24 and then Kyle at number two we gotta mention they take Alex s the second pick a near seven foot forward out of France and super versatile Defender and with you know develop on offense what do you think about the SAR choice for the Wizards too as well I think the Wizards have done a good it’s interesting that they were so active on a night like this when and I said this before the draft too that like whenever whenever there are clear-cut stars I feel like people it it can make it a little easier but whenever there aren’t clear-cut Stars the teams that have really strong philosophies and move and evaluate really well have a huge advantage and you know so if you’re looking at this draft I think the Wizards did a good job of eating their vegetables and getting the fun stuff like thinking about a Carrington and a keesan George George just needs they’re similar guys very skinny dribble pull-up guys and uh you know Carrington’s a little bit better passer at this point but if George can like I said develop his lower body get a Little Bit Stronger get lower to the ground I think he’ll end up being somebody that could evolve into a playmaker but I think SAR um you get the switch ability you think about putting him next to Bel belal kulali uh and I think you have two guys who could be a really nasty you know I know we think of SAR as more of a bigger anchor type guy but I think he could evolve into like a tough assignment sort of like big forward defensive player I think he he has that kind of potential at his size which is what makes him special I’m gonna go with Ryan Dunn to the Phoenix Suns with a 28th pick they made a trade with Denver for number 22 the the Nuggets everybody knew that they wanted Deon Holmes they trade multiple seconds to get up and get him and the Suns 28 they get done and dun I I had him as a kind of a late Riser like Kyle you mentioned earlier kind of like day of draft you know week before the draft who were the guys that you kind of reevaluate you’re like okay I’m I’m too low on this guy and I had Ryan Dunn at 14 on my board in January and like somehow he just slips down into the 30s and I I boosted him back up to 16 over this past week because I just think Ryan Ryan Dunn potential all World Defender one of the best defensive players we’ve seen in years 7 foot2 wingspan six foot6 so he fits that scheme with their versatility can play a little small with him he had 36 dunks this past season for Virginia he’s a lob guy he can cut to the rim you can use him as a screener and if the shot develops if that ends up working out with Phoenix like I think he’s going to be a good player at a minimum but if the shot works out he has a chance to be really one of the steals of the draft so I think the worst case Ryan Dunn is a great fit for the Suns and and maybe he ends up to be much much more than if that shot actually works out he is oppressive on the ball guard like so B big and physical can can change can contain penetration but like you said he’s an eraser too he’s probably the best shot blocker at his position gosh I I’m trying to think back of somebody who’s been better you said in the last little while but I I think that he’s an interesting fit with the per the perimeter orientation that they have he’s going to be able to take tough assignments away from KD potentially away from Beal or Booker potentially uh and he’s somebody that you know if you if you can somehow get a five that can space it affords you and that was where I was thinking with Denver where I was like okay you got a five who’s spatially so smart that was kind of the thing that pushed him down on my board was the fit is so conditional um but yeah I mean he’s an impressive impressive Defender long well I was gonna say longer wingspan than LeBron uh that was my favorite nugget from the night talking about Ryan dun he can guard one through four and it steals and blocks I mean that’s really what he does you you know if you try to figure out like what does Ryan Dunn do on a basketball court well he gets steals he gets blocks and he just makes things happens and and his brother is an MLB player I love baseball players that play basketball I just have a soft spot for them I think they have great hand eye coordination and uh Ryan Dunn being a first round pick it does feel like that’s a good one for the Suns who else you got t uh next one for me I think this is just because he’s such a steal uh 29th pick Isaiah CER he was the number one player in his high school class I think that the attention that bronnie kind of brought to USC and the fact that they were so bad he got injured I mean there was just so much so many eyeballs and so much criticism on USC and I feel like you know Isaiah CER was kind of like secondary uh you know associated with some of that stuff and it really knocked him down a Peg and if you look at Utah if you’re a Danny a disciple I think tonight is a big win for you you get Cody Williams who’s Mr upside I think he’s one of those guys where we could look back at this draft and say how did he not go top five um you have Isaiah CER who’s a guy that I think that he’s tied up about falling this far in the draft I mean he looked like uh when he did finally get picked he he was you know that he had to kind of control how affected he was by the moment he’s gonna be a guy who learns from these great guards I know he already has great guards around him trying to Mentor him Baron Davis you know BJ Armstrong Rod Strickland right you got these point guards that are of that kind of fraternity that want to give him game he’s kind of a throwback in that sense a true point guard I think he’s going to get there to Utah they’re going to give him a chance to grow into to that role and uh I wouldn’t be shocked if he ends up being a starter you know a a point guard in this league and someone to be reckoned with so I just think that that is a really good pick up there at 29 and again big win for Danny a I I like the pick for Danny a there I mean you get a young guy and Cody Williams with the 10th pick Isaiah clier at 29 who could be a potential steal I mean I think if you if you you know ask anybody before the season what went wrong with Isaiah CER to fall the way to number 29 USC stunk and Isaiah k was not great but I don’t think he was so terrible that you know you would have still expected him to fall all the way to number 29 but I do think that speaks to the quality of role players you know that went ahead of him I mean like the Silva to the magic at 18 you know a guy like Tyson to the Cavs at 20 or or Mei at 21 to the Pelicans or Holmes to the nuggets at 22 like a lot of like good role players and then you know these raw point guard ends up falling all the way to 29 so I like like that choice a lot Tate even like if it doesn’t work out you know for him in his career I think it makes a lot of sense for both sides Kyle who else you got is your favorite team player fits I was just going to tack on I’m a Believer in high R SEI at that spot that’s a great value he’s somebody and that’s I think especially when Utah chooses to go small um caller just let him do what he does best get it off the rim Blitz it and go you know it doesn’t matter if you’re a home run passer like Jay billis was saying you got all those Shooters around you which has kind of been their philosophy lately I’ll I’ll pick a couple obvious one here I mean like I think Jared McCain is just a perfect 76er I think he’s going to be somebody that’s going to be like as a culture fit obviously that stuff is all obvious I I can’t wait to see the in scrim reels of that whole team painting their nails and things like that but I think he he’s somebody that uh we were joking about this over over TCH that he just fits everywhere I mean in transition he was just a killer from three 56.6% from TR in from three in transition he rebounds as well really spot really well for his size um the fit with maxi you wonder you know you wish he was a little bit bigger you know maybe he’ll back up Maxi for a while I don’t know if you guys think he’ll be moving into the starting lineup in his first year but I think when you get a movement shooter like that he does a lot of the things that he’ll does I think uh and he’ll be able and he has more playmaking upside in my opinion than heel does which is not hard to do but he healed I think that’s a good one Kyle I mean McCain dribble handoffs with joeel and beid as well like that’s going to work great like the the back court fit with maxi and McCain those guys are going to be so fun together I mean they’re both smiles between those two guys oh so many Smiles it’s it’s gonna be a really fun Sixers team depending on everything else they do I mean like they don’t have much else on their roster at this time so we’ll see what they actually end up doing but I like that fit for them the one pick that came I’m gonna go with actually the picks that came on both ends of that 16 pick with the Sixers taking McCain kle we to the heat at number 50 de I think this is an ideal fit for kle wear in the sense that there’s been questions about effort and motor in the past so you go to heat culture they got it on the court that for in the arena so you go there you’re sharing a front court with Bam atabo Bam who started shooting threes to finish the season where who shot over 40% from three this past season in Indiana you could have one of those teams that has defensive versatility and size and can space out with five players if wearing indeed Contin shooting well and if bam continues extending his range which I believe in so for both those sides I I love the pick they just need to find a point guard who can throw lobs that’s the key for the Heat and then at 17 Dalton connect going to the Lakers out of Tennesse fifth year senior transfers there we’ve talked about him a ton all year Tate connect he got better defensively over the course of the season but forget about the defense now you’re paired with JJ reick who rob pinka joked after the pick he immediately started drawing up plays on the Whiteboard I don’t know if he was joking he might have been serious that JJ reck was starting to do that what a perfect coach to have Dalton connect the guy who thrived this past season off of screens and handoffs and movement actions he can run some pick and roll for you I’m in I’m in love with the connect to the Lakers but that’s one of my favorites in in the entire first round what do you think Tate yeah well it’s you know when Steve Kerr got Steph Curry and Klay Thompson he’s like this is my dream because this is what I wish I could have done as a player I wish that I had this kind of green light and I want to watch these players have this I think JJ reick probably had that same sort of feeling with Dalton connect he sees a great shooter on the board who’s also old enough to get the respect of that locker room and the people in that locker room knows how to play basketball a guy who wasn’t recruited a guy who went the hardest route to the top also went to a school with Rick Barnes who said you’re gonna play defense and they had their Pickers throughout the season and had their back and forth but I do think that connect is better for it I like that he had the DK chain on I think it it feels feel like a guy who can handle the LA Spotlight a little bit I am fingers crossed knocking on wood that the Lakers don’t move him because I think if he does come to the Lakers he will be one of those guys who can play and uh just thinking about I I don’t know what the nickname is but Austin Reeves and Dalton connect together out here in Los Angeles just splashing threes that sounds like a whole lot of fun to me so I like the fit a lot I think you know they did mention that JJ was drawing up specifically pin Downs for for connect and I think that’s something for people maybe for Lakers fans JJ big watch guy big movement shooter obsessive shooter there’s a lot of like kind of obsessive kind of qualities to JJ which makes you think you might be a good coach but um I want like Lakers fans listening to this that maybe don’t have any clue really about this guy he has an edge he’s not a typical catch and shoot like runaround screens guy he did do that a lot at Tennessee but this is a guy who like can catch from deep I saw him do this multiple times at my expense in many cases he can power up and shoot with great touch even in like multiple rhythms some guys can like run to a spot and shoot or they’re they’re only good at a couple different types of shots connect is very dynamic in the way that he gets his and he’s not a guy that you can just run off the line and turn him into like a a papier-mĆ¢chĆ© driver he has mid-range game uh he has game at The Rim I think he’s gonna get a lot of confidence from playing next to LeBron um I think it’s probably a really good it’s a good thing that he fell to the Lakers so uh he’s gonna have space to do what he does well and I think he’s going to surprise Lakers fans who maybe you’re thinking this guy like is this the next you know Grayson Allen no he’s he’s better than that on behalf of our boss Bill Simmons which one of you guys want to talk about Baylor shyan to the Celtics take it well shout out to Baylor shyan because Baylor shyan is a guy who I think he he’s a fan of the ringer at large so we we consider him a a friend of the program at large um and Baylor shyan’s game I mean you watch what he does he does everything and that’s what the Celtics do they just have five tool guys who can do pass shoot dribble get their own shot and Baylor shyman can do all that he’s a great pick and role player he’s a great shooter shooting translates I think it will translate with B Baylor shyan and uh I joked about him wearing his headband he said he’s not gonna do that in the NBA but I feel like in Boston they will let him wear his ha headband and they will promote it so I I assume we will get headband Baylor at some point but he pops if you watch the tape if you watch him in person you can come away with the confidence that he exudes and he just knows how to play basketball he’s a pure player and uh I think in Boston system they’re going to fall in love with him he’s going to fall in love with Boston and Donovan kingan’s going to be jealous because he wants to play for the Celtics so bad I can just see it in his eyes the Adam Silver I don’t think I don’t think I want to comment on the crowd here in a minute but like Sharman to just TCH on to this that like crazy volume crazy efficiency this he has audacity out the yinyang if you think about the way Sam Hower touches it you know no dip it’s going up shyan is exactly like that prior to getting to kraton he was more of a pick and roll player I think that’s the thing that’s going to get underrated is like he’s a second side guy who can make a lot of passes but he shot 56.5% on pick and roll threes this year his volume was one of the highest in the country and his efficiency he was enabled and he delivered on on that enablement so uh but I was I was just gonna say that cracked me up and then the sound that Z I don’t know if you want to talk about Zack e but the sound that the crowd made when Zack Edy got picked it somebody was like Oh it sounded like a boo it wasn’t a boo it was like a oh like there was this weird befuddlement sound that came they just saw Chris Vernon pass out it was a reaction I’m pretty sure that’s what it was well I do want to talk about Zach because he’s on my list of perfect fits but like I think Edy to the Grizzlies Verno and I on our June 3 episode of the mismatch way earlier this month ver I was like you know if the Grizzlies take Zach e and9 you’ll never see me again again and and and here we are that’s what they end up doing with the ninth pick I was laughing my ass off like the crowd had this oh I was just cracking up laughing when I got the notification on my phone that it happened because it wor like I think for Chris Vernon and all Grizzlies fans who might be skeptical of it you’re gonna find out soon why this this is perfect because Zack Ed goes from Braden Smith to johar rant throwing lobs for him create an easy shot opportunities at The Rim he’s going to vacuum rebounds in that offense following John those drives to the rim helping you know inside on Cuts jiren Jackson Jr is going to help protect him on defense and enhance him on defense because Edie look dude I I think he is gonna be a better defensive player in the NBA than he was in college in part because of the way he was coached they couldn’t let him get into foul trouble with only five fouls in college he wasn’t a guy that they asked to contest every shot at The Rim but his sheer size is a returned and now he’s going to be empowered for that grizzly team and he’s going to be supported by a bunch of good perimeter players and especially jiren Jackson Jr with his size and versatility so I think for Edie like he couldn’t have asked for a better fit of I think anybody in the draft and for the Grizzlies this feels a eat after they lost Stephen Adam so I’m I’m excited for that and like like you said at the top of our cold open here we’re no longer with Chris Vernon but I think he I think he’s going to come back to life tape I hope so I mean I’m I’m praying for him I I will say Zack Ed I’m happy because this is a guy who won back-to-back wooden Awards who was the best player in college basketball who took his team to a national championship game and was incredible in that game I mean it was not Zack’s fault that Purdue did not win the national championship they just played a team who had a lot more talent and played at a higher level as far as that talent and maximized it so it’s not Zack Ed’s fault to see him go top 10 is great I think he’s going to be beloved in Memphis very soon as much as they may groan and moan eventually they’re going to fall in love with him um he’s going to be kind of their Sideshow and let’s be honest johnar needs a challenge to get engaged and John Mor’s GNA walk into the gym he’s GNA see a guy that’s s foot three and he’s gonna say I need to dunk on this guy so every single day do John Morant will be working on dunking on a seven foot three man well yes that’s true there was a fine line he can only to sit they need to sit him down before now ja you can’t maybe this is you get one a day but I like the fit I think it’s good hope hopefully J takes it easy in practices and saves up for their games but with Memphis there was all the rumors leading up to the draft about them trading up for kingan Kyle do you think Memphis should have been more aggressive in trading up for kingan rather than letting him fall to seven to Portland rather than staying at nine and just taking Edy there it depends on how big you think the distance is between them I mean I I think they played it right like kingan kingan is going to be a good defensive player there’s there’s a world where Ed their outcomes are pretty close to each other do you guys think that that’s fair I mean and also you know clinging the health thing is a big risk whereas Edie has repeatedly proven that he is the Iron Man like for his size which is really remarkable typically guys his size have you know foot problems or whatever it is and to be as productive and as he has been over the past and he’s gotten a lot better over the past two or three years um yeah I think I would have felt comfortable staying put and just getting Edy there as a heavy quotes consol prize there rather than move in heaven foring and now for Portland at number seven kingan ends up falling there they already have DeAndre Aton they have Rob Williams both of those guys have two years remaining on their contracts I would think Portland selecting Donovan kingan means they’re gonna move DeAndre and or Robert Williams possibly even this summer I think you can at least try to make it work going into the season see how it goes with two bigs uh with Aon maybe as a perimeter guy but offense like you got to have some space unless aon’s going to start shooting threes after you know 10 years of trying to do so and unless kingan you know figured it out throughout the pre-draft process when he didn’t in high school like you need to create space for scoot Henderson you got to create space for you know shayen sharp and these other young Blazers players that need to be in a good developmental situation so to me I think Joe cron and the Blazers GM needs to be working fast to trade Aon and you know the issue is like for his big contract 30 plus million a team better be feeling really really good about what he did to end the season with Portland when he was really good and games didn’t matter but he was great you know ever since February on so I mean what do you think Tate like does Portland selecting kingan mean that we could have some moves here from that side I just want to say I’m a big fan of Donovan Clingan I just want to get that out like on the front end of this but when I see Portland drafting a big man with foot problems I get a chill down my spine and I say oh my God you mentioned the bus notebook I mean that that would be a recipe for a disaster situation but I do think that Clingan has a great mentality and DeAndre Aiden maybe not so much just based on what we’ve seen just dating back to college and what he’s done in his pro career and if he does get moved this would be his third team and that’s usually third times the charm you know what I mean if it’s gonna work it’s gonna happen with that third team at the last case best case scenario Julius Randall an example of that in New York um but you know I just think that with kingan if they can get him in there they can clear the space for him to be the starting franchise Center and put him on the timeline with scoot that would be great that would be encouraging for Portland but it does seem like it could get a little bit messy as they get him in but um you know I hope hopefully they can clear it so he can have the runway to be their franchise guy there’s a few players we haven’t mentioned even in passing just want to mention them real quick pom D went to the Knicks with a 25th pick St Smith did not know what to do he he he was broken I I I I think the DA has a chance to be really good he’s a project and for the Knicks you know you you you just got Mel Bridges you you resign OG and anobi you got a lot of guys that gonna be playing already I think the da is going to be like a worthy developmental project for them Aj Johnson to the Bucks that surprised me uh jacobe Walter to the Raptors at number 19 he fell there I had him top five before the season um he did not have a great year at Baylor but ends up falling 19 to the Raptors but like of those three I think Aj Johnson to the Bucks shocked me most because Kyle the Bucks are a team that wants to contend for the finals they want to contend for the NBA Finals they want to win it all with the Giannis and then you take Aj Johnson who didn’t play a lot this past season in Australia and he didn’t play all that well when he did play and even though he had a good week at the NBA draft combine I mean shot below 30% for this past season he averaged three points per game he was not good at 19 years old I’m just shocked that the Bucks took such a developmental piece with their first round pick with so many good quality role players on the table yeah I thought that they would be going for plug in play honestly I thought that this might be an opportunity to take a Dylan Jones or to take a cough cough Kevin mcculler I just thought that that would be somebody these guys that are going to be just off the assembly line and ready to go in and AJ Johnson shows the it was it was a value play somebody that has had a weird couple years he moves really well you know he he just looked out of Rhythm and out of sorts a lot of the time took weird shots a lot even in the time that he did play with aawara so yeah it doesn’t make a ton of sense to me either so it makes me wonder if maybe it’s gonna get there’s another move to happen but you know also the the draft I have old draft brain right now uh because I’m used to this all being over in one night and tomorrow they might answer that question uh and and just know that they could get some of the guys that we were talking about tomorrow whereas an AJ is somebody that they could make a play for now and maybe stash him and have that just on the burner for later Tate he he averaged 2.9 points for game that gra made laugh out loud yeah why why are the Bucks taking a guy who averaged 2.9 points per game in Australia this past season I don’t get it like why why don’t you want to win with the Giannis why don’t you take Baylor shyan why don’t why don’t you take one of these guys who’s ready I’m just I’m confused Baylor Shan TJ Shannon Ryan Dunn I feel like those are the names Kevin mcculler like you said Harrison Ingram like these are the names that you’re thinking where they’re older they’re more mature they know how to play basketball we can put them into the system hopefully they can be a piece for us this feels like a project that I mean AJ Johnson’s two years away from being a competent player probably two years away from actually being an impactful player I do see the vision though I like Aj Johnson I see the size I see the ball handling I mean Jaylen green standing there with him he’s like I’ve been working with his kid since he was 13 14 years old he puts in the work everybody says he’s great in the gym he loves to go to the gym and work workout so I mean I see the vision for the bucks but like you said the timeline doesn’t make sense unless the Bucks know something that we don’t know which is that they’re planing for you know a future that might be a little different than what we may see right now maybe this window with Giannis and Dame and Doc is more volatile and it’s more of a two to threee window than it is a you know four to sevene window or something like that I don’t know but Aj Johnson would fit a different timeline and maybe they’re they’re taking him for someone else’s timeline but it didn’t make a whole lot of sense in the moment even though AJ John I mean he’s sitting in the crowd just like watching the draft he walks down and he’s like oh yeah hey I’m glad I came they do have 33 that’s another thing so they might just turn around and take who we’re thinking of so that I think that’s very I’ll be I’ll be very shocked if they don’t do that yeah M maybe maybe the Bucks what they’re doing is they’re taking their swing at 23 and then in the second round like you said Kyle that that’s where they just end up taking the the more certain piece um you know with that said I I think you know taking two certain pieces would have made a hell of a lot more sense than I agree there there’s there’s one name we haven’t even mentioned once he is one of the smallest players of the night over but Reed Shepard number three to the Rockets uh I love this choice for Houston he was number one on my board and we’ve talked all about everybody knows what a knockdown shooter he is but for Houston specifically there’s been rumors for weeks that they wanted him at three they end up getting him I just think he makes perfect sense as a help in the short term as a shooter they needed shooting they were not a great shooting team this past season he makes sense as a long-term fit Fred Van vet’s only got two years left on his contract in a few years from now maybe it’s a reed Shepard amen Thompson back court those two guys running together and with Reed Shepard all the talk about the negatives with him is one of two things small on defense and can he be a primary Creator on offense this first one the size on defense I don’t think that matters as much with Houston with all the length and versatility that they have whether it’s am and Thompson Javari Smith tar een I think they have a lot of guys that can help compensate for that and then offensively it’s very clear to me that Houston isn’t GNA be like the James Harden Rockets they’re building a team that’s gonna have sources of creation all around the floor and Reed Shepard will be one of four or one of five creators on the floor all at once they do that with shenon now at the five they do it they’re going to do it with amen Thompson they do it with Jaylen green there’s different places that’s going to come from and now Reed Shepard is going to be one of those connective pieces who you know sometimes he leads but sometimes he takes a back seat and works more of a shooter off ball I I think for Shepard this is a a dream scenario and for Houston they got the number one pick on my board and I’m very happy with the fit there yeah it’s it it’s the thing that we saw coming and and it delivered and and I think it’s going to be awesome I I think the transition stuff you could just go compartment by compartment here you talked about modes of offense all over the floor I mean however Houston wants to play they’ve got those big athletes that are basically the the size of jumbo wide receivers that are going to be running in transition Reed’s probably the best over-the-top transition passer in the draft I think you think about running him off ball because he can hit threes Every Which Way uh you add in in his little connective lob passes or skip passes um and and I think that he is going to be protected like and he’s going to be able to space if he was assume that shenon is your primary Hub you move you orbit him around there and it takes some of the pressure off him being like a primary primary Creator which I don’t think he’s totally ready for yet but I think that like you know Aman Thompson has a chance to be one of the best perimeter defenders in the league I think that that is very very possible generationally special even is on the table for him uh and I think that Reed is a great compliment for him so you got protection for him defensively too while he still needs to improve but they have a lot of pieces I think to to support and prop him up yeah it was also cool to see Jaylen green there dapping him up after he got drafted uh it was also his mom’s birthday he had 75 people there his family so I mean he is a true Kian and uh I love to see it I I loved his enthusiasm I loved how excited he is and I also love that he and Donovan Mitchell have this great friendship I just feel like Reed fits in with the NBA world you know what I mean and I think his teammates are going to love him it’s gonna give some monstar Vibes where like he’s the Mugsy Bogues of this team where he’s goingon to look really little because of the length of this team but he’s gonna be a a menace especially on the defensive end stealing the basketball I think he’ll make an impact defensively even though everyone’s talking about him getting targeted I think he will be able to handle it um because he’s a smart basketball player and he’ll be able to make up for it so I love the pick for Reed I love the fit for Reed and I like the Houston of those top four teams we talked about it their trajectory for what the future looks like is very high and I think Reed’s going to be a part of that so it’s exciting I mean you mentioned Heather from Kentucky Tate those are some heavy accents on his parents are you jealous of that Kyle [Laughter] uh I can turn mine on and off mine’s not as thick as Stacy Shepard though she had she has an impressive one from all you know I was like damn yes how about Stacy catching the first pitch of the Mets game I mean I’m like Stacy’s a stud read yeah Reed threw a burner down there I mean this is just an athletic family and they seem to get it and uh you know Reed is gonna buy in he’s going to do the dirty work he’s going to be at the gym you’re not going to have to convince him to do this stuff and I think he’s going to fit in with that c that e has because that’s how e wants it to be so it’ll be good let’s do a quick little second round preview uh most listeners are going to want to hear about the first round not a lot of time to listen to this before the second round but a couple of the names that are at the top of my board and during the second round Bobby Clinton Tyler kick point guard out of Marquette Johnny Fury uh you know out of Kansas a lot of people thought he might be a top 20 pick after he declared for the draft Jonathan mogbo out of San Francisco Aden Bona out of UCLA good Center versatile piece there Tyler Smith Kyle filipowski Kevin mcculler your guy Kyle Larsson from uh from Arizona KJ Simpson Tate who who’s one of your kind of favorite second round picks right now that’s that’s remaining on your board I’m a big fan of nicoa jurisich um he’s out there he’s available you love those Internationals I love jurus um I do love Bono you mentioned him Harrison Ingram I think Cy filipowski if he went to any other Blue Blood we’d be talking a whole lot more about him freef falling in the draft and we’d be talking about their coach like if this was John calip Perry’s guy who was supposed to be a Surefire first round pick last year went back to school to be a top 10 top five pick and now is out of the entire first round there would be a conversation about it so I think Phil who answers for that well just saying it is very strange to me how that works but Philip palowsky would obviously be someone who is a first round talent that you could get in the second round so I do have to give him credit as an option um Triton flowers is another name an NBL guy that I think has a lot of upside and a lot of talent that would be out there that you could get in the second round and Jaylen Wells a guy who has my heart one of the one of my favorite Shooters in this class so I mean I think there’s still a lot of Talent on the board but uh one of those guys is going to lose their spot to bronny James so uh you know pour one out for them I was making fun of rich I was making fun of Rich Paul Tate that was my who who answers for that uh yeah just looking down through my list I mean you named some of the ones that I that I was excited to see if they would go uh in the second round U some of the ones that are still on the board here that I think are interesting um Enrique Freeman is a backup big that I like a lot I’m just trying to Rattle names that we haven’t said yet I was gonna ask you guys I mean is there a world in your all’s opinion where a deona ends up being a better player than Eve Missy I mean is that possible it feels possible to me uh I feel like he’s he’s a little underrated uh you know Zion pulling is a second rounder that you know I think Kevin we we both like he’s a really Dynamic well rounded player uh hope he goes to Indiana as like a TJ I had him to Indiana and my mock I just had to put Poland in there because I I I’ve liked him too much I don’t know if he ends up getting drafted but he had a workout with the Pacers that I know of so uh Indiana has a TJ McConnell replacement after he uh moves on with his contract coming two years that’s sacriligious don’t you don’t you dare think can never replace TJ it’s an absurd proposition nobody can replace TJ I’m sorry Indiana sorry mconnell your family as well uh and then you know Tyler there’s a lot of depending on where you want to go Reese Beakman’s is a solid player Tristan Newton is another guy who played winning basketball uh you know we could just rattle him on our guy Quinton post who I don’t expect since he’s got cement feet but he can shoot the [ __ ] out of the ball so there’s a lot it’s it’s a lot it’s a lot more experienced crowd a lot of a lot of 23 year olds in this range but uh they’re going to be ready to go so well guys we hit every player at least briefly I mean we didn’t talk in depth about Thea but we didn’t mention him as you know as a as a guy earlier as a good you know role player drafted we mentioned everybody at least once every first round pick was mentioned at least once very proud of us I’m happy we did that that Kyle Tate that was a fun first round got some trades got some surprises got some Wows got some shocking picks I’m excited for tomorrow night H you guys feel good about the two the two round the two night draft or are you just ready for round two right now I just thing we should do an over under on how many times like where does bronne James fit in on this team and they do that from pick 31 all the way up until 55 um I think that is going to be the broadcast and I’m excited to see what that looks like that’s gonna be you might be right I could see them doing that like I mean really starting at 31 right Toronto Raptors GNA happen right away Messi loves bronny everybody knows this this was put out to the world Messi does love bronie so like that that’s where it starts so I’m excited to see what the coverage looks like tomorrow night that’ll be fun W Kyle wal T thank you guys have a good rest of your night and talk to you on Thursday night after day two night two of the NBA draft let’s do it again see you thank you to Jesse Lopez for producing today’s episode of the ringers NBA draft show please be sure to subscribe we’ll talk to you on Thursday night [Music]

KOC, J. Kyle Mann, and Tate Frazier get together to react to the first round of the NBA draft! They start by diving into the odd Spurs-Timberwolves trade that will send prospect Rob Dillingham to Minnesota and two very future first-round picks back to San Antonio (00:30). Next, they discuss which selected prospects they think will bust (11:30), as well as their favorite team-player fits from the first round (25:48). Also, the guys briefly preview the second round and discuss some of their favorite prospects still left on the board (56:30).

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  1. Was there a recent rule change in the CBA? I thought as part of the Stephen rule, till recently at least, teams could only trade draft picks 5 years out max. But this Spurs trade and some others are trading picks 7 years away.

  2. The Spurs banking on the Timberwolves reverting to form (being bad) in 2030 isn't a bad bet.

    Gobert will either be retired or playing as an expired 38 year old. KAT will be gone. ANT, having won nothing, likely politics his way to a major market.

  3. The damn Hornets are a MESS it blows my mind how bad they are every year with picking. WHO?!??!! WHOOOO!!!?!??! What a joke

  4. I think Edey will be a much better pro than clingan….. They keep talking about clingan showing 3s in high school… He barely made over half his free throws…edey touch and growth during college makes me think he can develop his shooting range much quicker than clingan and he is on a better team with a better fit

  5. Castle the player has been endlessly praised for the past 2 months but I donā€™t like the fit in SA. He canā€™t shoot and NBA defenses will not respect his shot, ie more attention on wemby. Dillingham at 4 was a better value than castle at 4 imo

  6. My guess is that the Spurs are stockpiling draft picks to give them the ability to trade for an all-star in the next couple years. But they could have kept Dillingham and developed him, then made him the centerpiece of a trade.

  7. These experts are so hilarious. Yesterday this was the worst draft in years. Spurs traded the 8th pick (Minnesota absolutely told them who to pick) for control of 2 future firsts to stay flexible. What are they gonna say when Dillingham is unplayable in the playoffs?

  8. Reed Sheppard will not see the ball in Houston. J Green Whitmore Jabari. I donā€™t think that was the spot for him.

  9. Keep hating on matas please!!! As someone who uses that as motivation we need the haters to be loud. Then when all yall wrong on him he and we gonna come back and sit out nuts between yo eyes

  10. I'm not seeing the vision of what detroit has cooking up. they draft fairly well in terms of talent goes but the fit of their pieces remains questionable.

  11. KAT will be 35, Gobert will be gone, and who knows what that ownership situation looks like. Ant may be gone if they don't take a step forward soon in a brutal west, it's a good bet.

  12. I feel bad for Kyle Flip and Johnny Furphy. Green room invites not drafted on Day 1. This is why Iā€™m a firm believer in draft prospects not returning to school to improve their draft stock. I remember Kyle was projected to be a top 20 pick last year. For him to not get drafted in round 1 in a supposed weaker draft must be a gut punch for him. I hope Kyle and Johnny gets drafted into a great team situation in round 2.

  13. Hornets need to draft Bronny at 42 itā€™s our their only hope. Hold him hostage and have LeBron come to the REAL šŸ€ STATE

  14. Canā€™t wait until Buzelis shoots a good percentage from 3. Everyone tried to say Keyonte George couldnā€™t shoot that well last year too. EYE TEST

  15. I knew this guy would say the Risacher. He flat out hates the Hawks and he never tries to hide it. Who ever the Hawks would have chosen he would have had something negative to say. He has also made it clear that he hates Trae Young, so I saw this coming.

  16. No Wizards slander?? šŸ„¹ used to pray for times like this, man. Praying at least 2 of the 3 picks pan out

  17. i HATE being the fan that complains about not being talked about but how does getting a TOP 2 player on your board KOC at number 7 not even register above players taken at the END of the 1st round? In a draft that is so freaking flat, the Blazers getting possibly the BEST player in this draft @7 should have been discussed higher in the rundown. Whatever.

  18. Lots of discourse in the comments on a pick in 2031. All Iā€™ll say is if anyone tries to rationalize their opinion on what that pick will be at that time is throwing out a wild guess. But personally my opinion is that earth is struck by meteor before the pick and it doesnā€™t even happen. Lose-lose trade

  19. Luka needs to take up boxing and get lean and mean to go up against all these fantastic defensive players. Lot of great D guys across the league

  20. The spurs are not building a team to win next year. They are building a team to win a title in 3-4 years. You can try to rush it but their moves are consistent with a team thinking 10 years forward instead of 2-3

  21. I think itā€™s hilarious people think Rob can play in the playoffs. He would be destroyed defensively. Good luck to the wolves trying to have Rob guard Luka when switches happen and defend a guy almost a foot taller

  22. Getting a near term pick would be dumb, since Minny just made the WCFs. For most of their existence, Minny has been crap, so itā€™s a good 6/7 year out bet.

  23. Collier is not going to be anything but a backup PG who can kinda score but not defend or shoot. I doubt Utah has major plans for him

  24. Mr. "Killian Hayes is my number 1 player" strikes again LMAO. KOC really picked Risacher (the guy who most described as a low ceiling/high floor prospect) as his most likely bust candidate comparing him to Stanley Johnson… šŸ˜‚

    Not Alex Sarr, the guy who practically has had no offensive skillset right now fresh off if being a backup in the NBL? Or Castle, the shooting guard who can't shoot?

    I seriously can't believe anybody still listens to this goober… šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø

  25. KOC taunting Tate for picking a different player from the French league for being the top pick? LMAO

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