@Toronto Raptors

2024 NBA Draft LIVE Watch Party (Round 2) | Who WIll The Raptors Take?

2024 NBA Draft LIVE Watch Party (Round 2) | Who WIll The Raptors Take?

w [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody not only is it draft season for the Toronto Raptors it is trade season as well just before the live stream here the Toronto Raptors have made a trade with the Sacramento Kings unbelievably the Raptors they got they got a pick as well they no way they no no no no they didn’t get no they didn’t get a pick as well dude oh no did they what is this the Kings what are they doing what are they doing oh my God the Raptor is absolutely fleeced it I’m sorry it is the 31 okay the 31st pick has to not be in the deal it has to be in the deal surely like okay this is too good if any okay anybody out of the loop the Sacramento Kings have sent us Daven Mitchell and Sasha venkov for for shayin McDaniels for McDaniels um McDaniels sucks straight up um McDaniels is is bad at at basketball um the r i I in theory would have bought out McDaniels I I don’t I think I don’t think I would have because he’s not a crippling contract four and a half million I would have considered buying out Jaylen McDaniel’s iy Toronto Raptors okay I would have paid I would have paid jayen McD’s $4.5 million to not play for my basketball team I would have strongly considered that the Raptors just got the a great fit at backup point guard a great fit at backup point guard and venkov who can shoot maybe not the most sound NBA player uh athletically but he can shoot uh and and I think Darko will enjoy trying to get the most out of him and working with him that was already an unbelievable trade okay already Sensational value for the Raptors uh and and and they got the 45th overall pick to go with it oh my God for a guy I don’t even want this is this is like A++ trade this is this is this might be bai’s greatest pick a greatest trade this is this is astonishing this is honestly astonishing um oh my God Daven Mitchell is is the backup point guard for this team that like point of attack defense we figured it out there um and we got rid of a guy who sucks we got rid of a horrible basketball player I’m I’m I’m just I’m I’m going through Twitter right now CU what is the catch here what are we what are we losing in this trade right it they didn’t just take McDaniels for venkov and for uh David Mitchell uh honestly I I might be okay to give away the 31st at this rate I I still think that’s a good I think we could give away a 31st overall pick and this could still look like a good trade for the Raptors I guess you know you’re taking off his zenov salary he makes uh I think he makes at least 10 million I think he makes 14 he makes six and a half uh okay so he makes six and a half this year and seven next year on a team option David Mitchell you’re going to have to to pay the end of the season but you know that’s up to you how much you want to pay him yeah um home run I DAV Mitchell’s a great backup point guard V zenov is 2 million more than McDaniels he you like there I don’t think there’s a single player who is who could be worse than Jaylen McDaniels so this is great and 45th overall pick um honestly does bronny James come into play here uh potentially uh to me this also looks like the Raptors just got a fantastic point of attack Defender good backup point guard maybe can tap into some shooting upside for him and they just got another Wing uh I would and I have been saying all day I’ve been saying all day that um Adam Bona is who I think the raps will be drafting 31st overall um I’d say this looks even more likely now that this trade has happened I think they’re going to go big here uh I I I think the trade makes it more luy for the Raptor to go big yeah I I’m confused this is like this is an unbelievable trade this is an unbelievable trade great stuff um amazing like the past 24 hours have been phenomenal for the Raptors Jobe Walter um jacoi Walter and this trade here like like this is really putting the team in a better position for next season honestly uh but now yeah now I’m thinking I’m I was Isaac here I’m thinking mogbo at 45 if he’s available is uh a very interesting way to approach this other than that I’m not going to know really anything about the guy they draft here um unless they go like Justin Edwards Jamal Sheed at 45 uh I’m not sure I don’t think the Raptors will be thrilled with having another another player coming in but uh I I I think they’ll just they’ll be happy to take another guy maybe a guy falls I actually won’t rule out Brony James at 45 um what a crazy trade what a crazy trade here honest honestly I uh unbelievable trade uh why not Tyler Smith I I personally not a huge fan of Tyler Smith continue to say that uh I don’t know what he does other than beat tall uh he’s not a terrific shooter uh report sorry did not shoot the ball well at the combine either he can’t put the ball on the floor and he’s just he’s flat out a non-factor on defense I don’t see the appeal of Tyler Smith at 31 uh maybe a bit after but for me you’ve got uh you got ad Bona uh you’ve got Philip howski you’ve got you don’t go you don’t go kic anymore uh you’ve got Fury in this spot um there’s OB MoGo even could go high if the Raptors really like him um yeah I think you could go 31 uh yeah any Prospect uh you can name in the second round there’s something they can’t do so you could say ex player I hope the Raptors draft well he can’t do this so Bona can’t shoot filipowski can’t play defense or move Fury can’t play defense or create a shot um there’s going to be something wrong with the guy that’s why they’re here and it’s the second day of the draft so for me Bona offers a ton of upside and switchability at the forward at the center position which is something that rap have wanted from drafts in the past and I think there’s a decent upside swing here to take for him and he’s got the makings to be for me uh absolutely a rotational big uh rotational big for the Raptors down the line so I think he’s the type of player the Raptors would like and he’s available to him here at 31 uh it’s just a pick that makes sense to me I I think they could go filipowski uh floor faing big I think they could go Fury play some upside with a guy who could play a role and shoot the and shoot from three the kic doesn’t make any sense anymore because you just traded for Daven Mitchell so you know there’s a lot of different ways they could go about this pick but my my my guess and my bet literally is AD Dem Bona with the 31st overall pick so that’ll be a center that everybody’s been wanting um did we talk about the trade yes I uh I honestly can’t believe this trade uh you don’t need to you don’t need a point guard anymore period I don’t I don’t think they would have liked kic anyways um I they just got a point guard they don’t need another one I see the appeal of filipowski but I think the Raptors will be put off by let’s let’s go through here um let’s okay let’s go through the players that I’m looking at in this position here it looks like the trade is finalized and it’s Raptors aren’t giving up a pick which is just stupid crazy um so so here are the five guys I really like first of all a Demona he is my pick here if I’m the Raptor at 31 shout out to a new subscriber L A Ru thank you so much appreciate that welcome to the amateur Army uh undersiz big but he’s tenacious super super long 7 foot four wingspan and he’s strong uses his size well uh you don’t really notice the lack of height out there especially in college reminds me of uh bismack bomo uh a little bit in that way here but absolutely can get Buckets on the inside but his big claim is that he’s a great defender defensive anchor type of guy huge shop blocker super athletic super bouncy aggressive in the paint post up upside I think he’s a fantastic screen Setter I think that’ll gel well with David Mitchell and Emanuel quickley hustles Workhorse winner I think this type of guy the Raptors would really like in this position here uh he’s my pick to go 31 where I have issues on filipowski are the athleticism is a bit of a problem for me you know I think he’s got great touch great feel good passer uh has the spacing upside has the high post playmaking upside but what I can’t really get past is that he he doesn’t defend anything well he doesn’t defend in space well doesn’t defend the rim well so the Raptors feel like they can hide that then these are big offensive talent but the type of guys that the raps have typically liked in the draft uh they don’t really fit the profile of this and I’m not saying that you know you need to be 6′ 6′ seven with a long wingspan for the Raptors to like you you know you need to have certain that certain it Factor as far as intangibles go as hustle goes as winning mentality goes um and I I’m just I’m just not sure that Phil filipowski kind of fits into that department and the lack of athleticism in defense makes it a bit diff a difficult cell I think for the Raptors that being said look I I think he’s got upside as a as a floor spacing big which which could lead the Raptors to take a swing at 31 but I’m just I I can see I can very much see why they’d pass Fury is an interesting one I actually prefer Fury uh to filipowski shooting guard small forward who’s got big size uh six foot 6 fo8 6 fo8 wingspan 19 and a half years old so on the younger side for the draft he knows how to play a role Cuts well shoots well especially off catch and shoot decently crafty finisher just know how to fit within his team and play to his strengths that will allow his teammates to play to his strengths uh kic at this point there’s just no need anymore the Raptor just traded for Daven Mitchell so kic just no appeal for me to take him at 31st overall anymore and another guy I really like is is Bobby Clinton 6’10 forward 6’1 wingspan already showing decent signs as a score but mostly as a shooter if he can keep that shooting consistency going if he can add a bit more defensive versatility and switchability then I think that there is a great player here to fit a rule once again for your team shooting upside good cutter good at kind of moving in transition picking the right passes there I think there a good floor to work with I liking him a lot to Nick Batum these are the guys I’m looking at but the main player on my list is is ADM Bona uh ADM Bona is my guy I called it earlier today I called it I said this morning you should look at him as a possibility for the Raptors ADM bone to the Raptor the 3 for overall would be my prediction uh let’s see if it comes through but I think that there is a lot of good options for I think there’s a lot of good options for the Raptors at um at 31 so I don’t think there’s there’s I I don’t think they necessar even need to go with any of those five guys and they could still have a successful pick there I won’t take bronnie look if you want bronnie you can get him at 45 now um that’s where I’d go um I I also I I agree with Daniel here I don’t really see why they don’t go a center right now um yeah it everything’s kind of shaping up for them to go Center especially after this trade so uh even more of a reason for a Dem Bona to be the guy they take uh other centers available in this range are there really any centers available I that’s like really the only Center I guess Jonathan mogbo could be somebody you look at as a center but there’s really no other bigs here in this range so uh for me this kind of just i b boner just kind of chooses himself at this point but it’s the Raptors it’s been Yuri they might find a guy they really like and just just go just go with him right you never know with the with the Toronto Raptors 25 plus what years old I can say the guy’s lying about his age I’m going to damage my credibility I gain yesterday listen I don’t care about I don’t care about this I don’t care about credibility whatever I’m not not picking to I’m not making predictions to to look good I’m I’m just making predictions based on what I think is what it is I Like jacobe Walter to the rapt yesterday I mocked him there I said that’s probably I said I can see how he’d fall and the Raptor would definitely take him it happened whatever um now I see them liking a Demona taking him at 31 overall if I’m wrong so be it think there’s a lot of great players that the RS can take here I just think Bona is the the one that makes the most sense uh financially right now we we’ve kind of hampered ourselves a bit more with this trade so uh I think it’s starting to look a little bit more difficult for the Raptors to keep Gary Trent now they did add on financial flexibility when they got rid of Schroeder at the deadline so uh I actually don’t know exactly what the cap space is but um uh I don’t we’ll have to see what it’s looking like for uh for Gary Trent but at this point you know you kind of just dra after the shooting guard I think gr Grady dick should start next season anyways um I’m okay if the Raptors end up losing out on Gary Trent Jr and freny I I I I won’t lose any sleep that’s for sure yeah great stuff here the trade is fantastic the trade is fantastic uh at 45 I I don’t really know where the Raptors want to go here um I don’t know I haven’t like looked into any of the guys in this this range of the draft so like I’m kind of just taking shots in the dark here but Justin Edwards would be a guy I look at uh at 45 if he’s available um Jamal Jamal Sheed as well that’s how you say it would be a guy to look at honestly at 45 now bronny becomes funny to take so I want to be mad if you take bronny uh Kevin mcer if he falls he’s older so I don’t know if the Raptors like him but I I kind of do I think that there’s uh certainly some talent that you can find at 31 and and certainly some guys who might fall to 45 here as well DJ Burns is not in the draft I don’t believe he declared DJ bur I yeah I’m pretty sure DJ Burns did not declare for the draft I don’t really know what Sacramento are cooking I guess it’s just a money-saving move for them but yeah I I guess venkov wanted to go um David Mitchell they don’t really have use for especially uh after yesterday they drafted um I foret they drafted they drafted somebody which made me say on stream that okay uh they probably are done with David Mitchell at this point who did they draft um oh they got Devin Carter didn’t they uh yeah so yeah they got Deon Carter they have no need for David Mitchell anymore so I guess that’s their thought process but this is still a crazy one uh yeah at 45 I kind of want to see yeah did we flee I I think that this is like I I can’t even uh verbally convey how much of a fleece I think this trade is by the way like this this is a like I graded this at on a scale of 1 to 10 I would grade this a 400 jayen McDaniels is flat out bad at basketball the Raptors were one of the worst teams in the NBA last season they were decimated with injuries and he still couldn’t get regular minutes because of how bad he was that is Jaylen McDaniels out of rotation on one of the worst rosters in the NBA who also was decimated by injuries I I am so happy he is no longer on the Toronto Raptors okay if Toronto had just decided let’s just buy him out and not worry about it anymore then I would have been like okay that’s fine with me they traded him for David Mitchell who is ready to contribute from day one as a backup point guard for the Raptors they got venkov who they might be able to get something out of if not he’s on a one-year contract before it’s a team option and they got the 45th overall pick this is this is this is incredible honestly this is incredible uh I don’t know um bronny becomes all of a sudden slightly interesting at 45 uh because I know the Raptors have liked him I don’t think they made this trade necessarily to move to get bronny but my prediction here at a left field is AD Dem Bona with the 31st overall pick if anybody has not heard I’m going to take a little stab on the Raptors to select bronny James if uh I can get this money down which I don’t think I’ll be able to think I’m going to get limited here yeah yeah can’t bet H they won’t let me bet this let’s see can I uh can I bet okay I can bet $1 on it can I bet $2 no can I bet $150 $150 on bronny James to go to the Raptors that’s the state of NBA Draft betting ladies and gentlemen you can’t get [ __ ] down just a little sprinkle at uh 45th overall so yeah I mean I don’t know I don’t um I I think it’s I plus 3,400 it was on FanDuel I think that’s worth a a shot in the dark I got a $150 on it I wanted to bet $5 which they wouldn’t let me uh let’s see if there’s any other yeah okay this is up on F 65 all right they’ll let me bet 350 surely all right we’re in on bronny James folks Brony James 45 I don’t think they’ll take him but I think that price is not reflective of the chance the Raptors could go for him in that spot I actually think the opp I don’t think a team should select him because he’s not that good uh but I disagree with that it would be a bad PR move it’d be like a fantastic PR move because you’d gain a lot of attention for it and I don’t think any of it would be uh negative um all right we’re just going to track this maybe I have fomo here and I’m just scared that if he goes I’ll be pissed if I don’t bet it but I did bet bronny to end up going to the Raptors and who knows maybe all right guys uh it seems like chat is pretty convinced Philip housi is going at 31 I I just I don’t I can see why the Raptor would pass that’s what I’m saying I I think that there’s there’s a peel there but I can very much see why the Raptor would would pass on that there the the lack of defense is concerning this is not typically somebody the Raptors would covet so for me yeah uh I can see I can see a pass happening here um which would probably make a team happy 31st overall pick it’s looking like filipowski at this point he is the big big favorite uh at at typically at this point um at this point yeah a big favorite to go 31 would be yeah would probably be where he ends up um off the board now okay so it’s looking like Philip howski here um yeah I can see them wanting to use the tools uh the defense is a worry for me so we we’ll just have to see another hand well hro is bad I I think the the spacing is is appealing for filipowski I don’t love the fit for the Raptors but but um I still think ADM ADM Bona would be should be the guy but I don’t I don’t hate the filipowski pickup I’m just I’m not as high on that as I am on on a guy like Bona if they’re going big but you know maybe for Darko system a like a guy like Bona is uh the it’s sorry maybe for Darko system a got like filipowski play high post space the floor keep offense ticking is something to um consider but h i I said I predicted Bona earlier I I’ll stick with my prediction one N I looked but it’s a bit too high at 31st overall for me trade with Sacramento was absolute home run absolute home run smash unbelievable unbelievable trade so good for the Raptors I I I I’m questioning like what the catches because it just feels like the Raptor’s fleece and it was way too good I don’t think Bona Bon’s National uh he was born in Nigeria by the way um plays for the Turkish national team though I don’t think bonus nationality has anything to do with the Raptor’s desire or lack thereof to pick him I just think that’s the type of player they’d like to work with as a defensive anchor there I I trust Daven Mitchell enough to not draft a guard right now uh and I I would trust with some backup point guard minutes yeah I know Sacramento needed to to go under get under the cap and that’s why they that’s the theory behind the trade but I still think they I still think they gave up too much or to make that happen I’m I’m sorry is there like a boat race on my channel now okay let’s go to the NBA draft here here we go we’re at the NBA draft now so uh guys I like here I wouldn’t go kic anymore um I like I um adem Bona first and foremost most I like him the most here I like Bobby Clinton here I’d be okay with filipowski or Fury I could see why they take them and I could also see why they’d pass here but I see the appeal it’s looking like my it’s looking like filipowski is is going to be at the Raptors based on the way the the markets are shaping up here it’s very rare at this point for it to be so off so it’s looking like filipowski uh is going to be drafted by the Raptor story first overall but I’ll stick to my gut here uh I’m not going to back back off my prediction my prediction is that the Raptors take uh a Demona with this selection so we’ll just have to see Tyler Smith is an option I personally uh don’t see the same appeal of Tyler Smith that other guys have suggested in the chat at 45th I’m kind of hoping a guy like Justin Edwards becomes available but Brony would be certainly a funny one at 45 yeah Adam Silver going to tell us half an hour later I yesterday he’d come out trade like whoa trade then he’d say the one that W reported an hour ago I do kind of wish we had um now obviously I could just turn off my phone and and not look at any notifications and the draft would be perhaps more exciting because of that but I wish they didn’t spoil it for anybody I don’t like especially if I’m doing content I don’t I don’t be on the outside where everyone knows about and I don’t the draft is more fun when it like Adam Silver announces the trade and then uh that’s like the Shocker you know what I mean oh um Smith is uh fine to take at 45 that I’m not disputing that at all 31 though I wouldn’t take him um I I I won’t rule out for the Raptors but uh there’s there’s a lot more to work on there than like at least like Phil psky at least he can space he can pass he can’t play defense Ty Smith can’t play defense and he also can’t space or do much with the ball you know wasn’t Justin Edward supposed to be a top five that ever say was bust yes uh I don’t know about top five but he was projected to go quite high and he just did not showcase it uh I really like Clint at 31 yesterday before the first round he was my prediction to go 31st however guys have fallen and I’ve become more privy to ad Dem Bona so Clem is CL still CL still at this point um why would he be on my list right now Clinton probably second him yeah would filipowski be third or would he be second definitely not first my first is locked up I don’t know Fury probably in there as well yeah I I’ll Pro yeah I’ll go Bona Clint filipowski and filipowski and fury tied for third as as my best best Avail right now if we get Bron and braon would we win the chip probably not well I mean just add adding in Lebron he is well I guess his contract is expired could you imagine Braun just ditch JJ reck like that that’ be crazy H yeah bronny at 45 would be the way I go all right guys uh as a reminder draft is about to get well draft’s in 9 minutes I guess but no spers in chat please don’t don’t don’t say reveal the pick early don’t give any information we just want to we want to see it all as it unfolds so please no spoilers chat doesn’t want it I don’t want it we just want to see how it happens uh in in real time here uh so we can get the big reveal from Adam Silver especially for that for that pick for the Raptors no spoilers in chat please uh if you guys are enjoying the stream so far please make sure you hit that like button support the content support we’re doing smash the like button and make sure you subscribe to the channel as well uh I don’t know if anybody is present I don’t really know how we’ve never had a draft on the second night here the the ESPN panelists here are not at a venue it doesn’t appear as though this is going to be an event that people are attending it just looks like it’s going to be announced by uh Mark Tatum is he what’s his job a assistant commissioner associate Comm something like that seconded command to Adam Silver essentially can you hide the chat um you can full screen it and then minimize it um so if you hit like the three buttons in the top Corner uh and then and then say pop out chat and then you can just minimize that if you don’t want to see the chat if you don’t want to see it on screen there’s nothing I can do it’s going to be on screen but please don’t spoil guys just minimize it come on Boomer hit the the line to minimize the chat once you pop it out all right we still yeah I guess the trade is finalized the Raptors did not give up a pick to make that trade happen I I’m truly astonished guys that’s one of the biggest fleeces I’ve seen in a long time um that’s crazy yeah that is crazy well pick number 31 pick number 45 I don’t know if you guys ah you guys won’t be able to hear it but uh he say hey you got traded to the Kings like who me yes so I don’t have it set up so you guys can hear it actually let me just do it how long will it take no time at all okay oh that’s TSN Okay uh oh it’s not working come on why isn’t it working it should be working all right something’s not working anyways uh that that’s a funny video he didn’t know he got traded to the Kings but he did all right six minutes to go for the giraffe resumes in which case the raps will be on the clock yes that is McDaniel’s his reaction um funny I guess he’s getting traded so he’s going to move funny story I I live very close to to Jaylen McDaniels actually I uh didn’t stalk him or anything but I was just I was just out in Toronto near my apartment and I was just walking past the front door of an apartment and I saw Jay McDaniel walking by to go inside he went in front of me so he doesn’t live near me anymore because he’s going to move Sacramento but Liv lives lives very close to me in Toronto that video is on Twitter by the way that’s where I saw it I not pull up on McDaniels I was just I was I was grocery shopping and as I was about to walk into the grocery store as I was heading towards the grocery store rather I was walking past an apartment building he came out of a black van with some like a takeout container and walked in the building so I know his location I’ve told that story before but yeah that video of bigd is on is on Twitter all right again no spoilers here uh thoughts in the D I should just make it the when when the Raptors select I’m going to make it the p plus trade is phenomenal fantastic trade for the Raptors uh absolute steel absolute steel for the Raptors venkov can shoot um V shoot David Mitchell is a good backup guard um wow the Raptors by the way also got Raptors got so the Raptor got the 45th overall pick they also got a 2025 second round pick pick from the Portland Trailblazers wow Raptors got two second round picks there they got the 45 which they’re going to use today and they got a 2025 second round pick all any information so any information that comes out um anything this comes out we’re just getting more stuff Messi cooked the second is from Portland Portland’s 2025 second here’s your Source um Sacramento Kings radio reporter Sean Cunningham do I know who it is no but do I imagine he’s lying uh also no so the Raptors get for Jaylen out of rotation bat at basketall McDaniels they get David Mitchell saasha venkov the 45 pick today and the a second from Portland for next year Portland are not very good remember yeah I don’t know I don’t know how msai did this um you know people like to talk about Messi like uh always like tough to trade with because he’s always like trying to fleece but I mean when he when he does he does godamn yeah I keep saying too good to be true and then more information comes out that gives the Raptors more stuff like it came out we got venkov and Mitchell for McDaniels I’m like okay we had to have given up a pick then they’re like okay and the Raptors get the 45th overall pick I’m like okay we have to have given him another pick and then they gave us another pick in the trade yeah I did see the McDaniel’s live reaction he probably happy to get out of Toronto uh good [ __ ] riddance man I don’t get the hate for Bruce Brown um I get the hate and I will supply it for McDaniels um you know I don’t really care like if you’re bad it’s one thing if you’re bad at basketball whatever at the very least what I what you can do on the court what you have control over is is trying and a lot of times he came on the floor and just didn’t so he’s out of rotation on a bad team gets his opportunity late in a game and like turns the ball over 10 times in four minutes in garbage time uh doesn’t look like he wants to be there I I can’t forgive that that that just grinds my gears the most the Raptors got a pretty good haul in the end out of the Pascal cakam trade it looks like um and Bruce Brown is just Bruce Brown it’s not his fault he was in the trade yeah maybe they thought it was Jaden McDaniels like wow this MCD gu is good you see him in the playoffs that it was jayen now they’d be fleecing us but um let’s get rid of brown play any Bruce Brown trade immediately makes Toronto worse you replace Bruce brown with salary filler and a future pick your team immediately just gets worse in the present so if you you care a lot about making the playoffs uh you you’d want Bruce Brown for another year now future considerations Raptors are better off trading Bruce Brown while while we still have him get a future first but again there’s no rush to do that uh is about to begin ladies and gentlemen when we come back from commercial the Raptors will be on the clock we’re back from commercial okay Raptor about to be on the clock please as a reminder once again no spoilers in the chat don’t spoil the pick oh people are actually at the event that’s cool uh why are they at like a hotel or something what is this all right draft is about to begin I’m GNA minimize chat no spoilers drop a like if you’re ready for this subscribe to the channel let’s do this guys look it’s uh uh signs are pointing towards filipowski going here my prediction earlier today was ADM Bona so let’s see where they go that’s not a hotel shout out Mark Tatum all right second round here we go all right the Toronto Raptors are on the clock here they’ve had a whole day to figure this out in the middle of that they’ve made a big trade here Daven Mitchell and Sasha venkov along with the 45th overall pick for this year and a future second round pick of 2025 second round pick from the Poland trailers have arrived for Jaylen McDaniels the Raptors now have a pretty solidified backup point guard for their teams that takes away a lot of option the guard position here Tyler KCK probably comes off the board at this point and based on the acquisition zenov a wing getting a wing yesterday and jacobe Walter very much signs are pointing towards the Raptor selecting a big at this position here best two on the board seemingly Kyle filipowski who had first round upside for sure has fallen here to the Raptors this is definitely going to be a point in consideration for the Raptors with this selection here seems like the consensus is that Philip passi goes to the Raptors but my prediction here who I would take in this spot is a Dem Nola at of UCLA 6’9 center with a 74 wingspan a tenacious player that would be my prediction who I think they should take Philip howski brings you a lot of floor spacing great feel good passing out of the high post I think that’s a solid pick as well uh I can see the Raptors being put off by his lack of Defense he’s not a rim protector doesn’t defend space well but for a darker rakovich coach team one that likes to keep the ball moving uh a center who can play high post and has a good feel for the game could be appealing for the Raptors to go go in that direction to contribute from day one as well but ADM Bona seems to me like a guy the rap could really like also to consider here Johnny Fury 6’8 guard out of Kansas that sounds familiar of course as R gr dick last season but you know surrounding this this roster Scotty Barnes with floor spacers is is a decent way to approach this but I still think that uh a third Center and rim protection is eting which is why I like Bona quite a bit but there’s many different ways to go here shout out to our new subscriber here Melo welcome to the amateur Army appreciate that other plays to consider I’m not huge on Tyler Smith I could see why the Raptors would like him here I don’t think 31 is the right spot for him maybe a little bit later uh Bobby Clinton as well another guy to consider here and other than that I I just don’t really know uh where the rap would go elsewhere you know other than Clinton Philip howski Bona Tyler Smith I I I don’t know I I can’t really see anywhere else the Raptors go with this pick so we’ll just kind of have to wait and see here but I’ll I’ll say I’ll stick to my prediction from earlier today with ADM Bona UCLA Center but consensus definitely at this point is filipowski at 31 I can see why people may think he is the best player available uh I might I might say it’s Johnny Fury but in the end going for a big I can see why the Raptors would want to approach the draft in that direction here especially after the pick from yesterday especially after the trade so still on the clock here 55 seconds to go on the clock we’re hearing from Jonathan gavone here of ESPN uh their draft Guru uh he’s talking a lot about Philip housei he’s surprised fow’s even available at this spot so we’ll just have to wait and see it’s um yeah you know is it the Raptors going to be going best available or the Raptors going to be going um for the guy they like um ADM Nola sorry ADM Bona kind of fits into the category of the type of player they like um you know another another flyer here the Raptors could take is is Jonathan mogbo uh I feel like 31’s a touch early for him but that’s just a type of guy 6′ 64 with a 7 fo2 wingspan has point guard experience previously so a decent feel for that size that could be a player that the Raptors want to approach in this position here I think that’s a touch high but but definitely Jonathan mogbo is a player that the Raptors could know that that’s just a guy that that I could see Messiah jurri falling in love with but that would be that now that’d be a true sleeper for the Raptors to go with with MBO at this spot so let’s just all right pick us in let’s see I’m gonna guess I’m gonna guess Bona or filipowski pick is in though apparently for the Raptors oh all right there’s still talking over it the pick is in why are they still talking show us the pick here all right here we go back to Mark Tatum announcing the pick here 31st overall pick with the 31st overall pick in the 2024 NBA draft the Toronto Raptor select wow Jonathan mogbo is how he said it but I wow oh my God Jonathan mogbo with the 31st overall pick in the NBA draft the Raptors now I thought they’d go out of left field here but wow this is really out of left field goodness gracious okay I I see well I was just talking about him I kind of I I see the appeal here I I see the appeal uh it’s it’s definitely not I look I I I can see why the Raptors wanted here I don’t I I wouldn’t necessarily call him the best available but I can see why the Raptors fell in love with this sort of player here similar things to what Adam Bona brings to the team but they probably enjo but but what they’re probably seeing is here is that they like the touch that mogbo has compared to adem Bona so again they wanted to go with a versatile big but instead in this position they go for for uh Jonathan mogbo who can play as a forward can play as an undersized big has point guard experience previously so he’s got a lot a lot better of a sense on the ball he’s 6’6 with a 7 foot2 wingspan guys so I I can you know I can see why Messi jiri is approaching it this way and they’re going to use mogbo here as a development piece going forward U not a guy that I would see as truly NBA ready but all right um Raptors favored versatility and defense as dk3 champ has subscribed welcome to the am Army appreciate that so the Raptors favored versatility on defense as they have done previously so pretty much guys um pretty much it it’s it’s a classic Messi yri swing on on wingspan athleticism and defensive versatility um yeah I don’t know um I would have gone I would have gone Bona I would have gone filipowski if I’m going big I go I go boner or filipowski before I go for mogbo and mogbo I mean you can call they call him a center he’s kind of like a he could be a three four he can be a center he’s he’s a difficult one to call uh overall position I think I think a four is the right is the right spot for him him so smaller side height-wise makes up for that with his wingspan uh and another guy who who’s a hustler and this is this is the type of guy the rapt have liked in the past you know this is the type of guy that they go for so I can see why they go in this direction and uh and here he is Jonathan mogbo the 31st overall pick the Raptors weren’t really didn’t really care about who dropped uh they they they simply they simply got their guy and that’s all what else can we really expect of a player like or from a from a front office run by Messi jiri and from Bobby Webster so uh yeah I see the appeal again you know I’m not going to say this was my first choice absolutely made it clear that it’s not but I I see the vision on why the Raptor would want to go for a player like this I don’t think Raptors fans are overall going to be thrilled with this one but you know the Raptors have worked with this guy they’ve seen this guy they’ve worked out this guy uh I would I would assume so they know what they were getting themselves they know they know what they’re getting themselves here they got to feel like there is a great degree of confidence they can work with his development uh there was a need for size um shout out to another new subscriber here silver afro really appreciate that thanks so much for joining the amateur Army um what was I saying the the the roster another new subscriber here John Lynn thank you so much for subscribing Welcome to The Amateur hour Army uh so there was a need for sides there was a need for defensive versatility and the Raptors got it here with mogbo good tools to work with and that’s really all there is to it msai Bobby got their guy kield pasco’s 32nd makes sense uh they’re probably happy to see him available there um so time will tell on the Raptor’s decision to pass there um and go for mogbo instead but again time will tell on that front Phil palsky uh was had a green room invite which means there was thought that he could go top 20 but here he’s a 32nd I think the Jazz will be pretty happy here so yeah the Raptors do go for versatility and Def they do go for defensive versatility and length but not the guy I thought sorry uh I’m just finding this tweet here um I was up till about 3:00 a.m. working on stuff yesterday and uh look who I tweeted yesterday it’s an intriguing one for the Raptors to work with here let me pull this up uh I said yesterday so so rapid fans were pumped up on M sign Bobby with the trade and now it looks like a lot of people are not pumped up on mide Bobby um yeah uh I I never I never called the Raptors to draft him uh but I did I was up at 2:22 a.m I guess this morning watching Jonathan mogbo highlights uh so yeah I guess it was written in the stars um maybe I maybe I subconsciously knew I wasn’t the only player I was I was watching stuff of yesterday but is the one I compel I felt compelled to to tweet about you know what I mean all right well let’s see if we uh snag up bronny at 45 or what guys I’m excited to see the raps take a 45 now all right um laying off the Raptors owe Utah nothing as far as like letting a guy go there um yeah Bono sorry mogbo definitely not a five Bound in my opinion I I I agree um that is a player that’ get me to go out and watch though I I seen tickets one year but um I’d go to see mogbo play he he’s an he’s an interesting Prospect for for a long while now I’ve looked at mogbo like somebody the Raptors could really like there I I just felt like that was too early I felt like that was too early for the Raptors at that spot um but they wanted him they got him that’s all there is to it does that estab I don’t know you You’ think like does this establish the timeline you’d think but also they just made like a pretty uh significant trade today so not with who they gave up but who they got I’m sure like trading down was an was an option um but it’s hard to administer and they just they’re just happy to get who they wanted you know yeah he’s he’s um he’s an older Prospect for sure but like I said you know when when Bobby and msai sit on their guy they’re comfortable reaching to get him uh we got a super chat in from Scott seel thank you so much Scott for sending it in really appreciate that supporting the community supporting what we do over here awesome uh you know uh generous stuff like that helps keep me going helps me create better content more often and and uh pushes me forward so thank you so much for that to Scott uh we have another subscriber coming in joining the amateur Army Scott McTavish Matt Mavis sorry just Scott Matt Matt Mavis thank you so much welcome to the amateur Army if you guys are enjoying the content you want to see more Raptor stuff online on YouTube make sure you subscribe to the channel drop a like if you’re enjoying this one uh tonight right after this gets done uh I’m going to create a video talk about the trade that went down tomorrow my Jonathan mogbo uh reaction will go out as well keep a lookout for that I’ll I’ll I’ll get the trade video out tonight ASAP and I’m done streaming tomorrow the Jonathan mogbo video will come out at 10:00 a.m. so keep a lookout for the content here I’ll also be live on Sunday at 5:30 [Music] p.m. I’ll also be live at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday for the start of NBA free agency so make sure you guys keep it locked with the channel uh again we have another subscriber Nicholas McCracken what a name thank you so much for subscribing welcome to the amateur Army um 33rd overall currently the Milwaukee Bucks are on the clock um where do Milwaukee go here I can see them liking a Demona to be honest adding some defensive versatility behind Brook Lopez pick is in going back to Mark Tatum let’s see 33 pick the M draft Milwaukee Buck select Tyler Smith Okay Tyler Smith uh I don’t know if that works for Milwaukee necessarily Ty Smith is much more of a project sort of player um yeah tyus Smith the appeal is that he’s really tall he like he’s 6 foot1 has some sh signs of being able to shoot but doesn’t put the ball on the floor that well he he says his own scou point a switchable Defender but he’s like he’s really not that good on defense or at least wasn’t so there’s upside there undoubtedly uh I don’t know if the Bucks are the best spot to figure that out I guess they figured out Giannis but I I see the appeal but I I think 31 would have been too high I mean 31 probably too high for mogbo but it is what it is uh at 45 I don’t know at this point we’ll have to see who’s available here I don’t know much about the prospects in that deep in the second I just didn’t do any work there cu the Raptors didn’t have a pick there so uh we’ll probably be just grasping at just in small information where we can uh weird draft for the bucks two real project players um honestly that’s uh yeah they got Aj Johnson yesterday and they take Ty Smith today I don’t know that’s a weird draft for them that’s a weird draft for the bucks I don’t I don’t think they approach this draft very well um I don’t think listen I don’t think the raps will draft bronny but I I also don’t think it’s out of the Realms of possibilities they like Brony and take him at 45 okay it’s just at 45 clearly the Raptors are comfortable taking a swing today they’ve they just did it at 31 but um this is uh you know who who knows mogbo was definitely not on my not on my uh not the near the top of my list but I again the appeal is there um I’m excited to see Raptor’s development team working with him he’s just so interesting for his 7 foot2 wingspan you know are you kidding me Jonathan mogbo highlights he is good I I never said he wasn’t good there there’s there’s a peel there sorry we’re working on clips now talking to my editor and monitor Adam here uh Boston have the pick before the Lakers and very much could be Petty in that position if they if they should so choose to be that way I don’t know if we could have got MBA at 45 that’s a bit low I think high 30s sorry yeah high 30s was probably where he would have gone I don’t I I disagree that the Raptors could have got him at 45 uh and I’m sure if they could have they would have tried I don’t think if they had a chance him at 45 they would have taken him at 31 probably smarter than that so so interestingly we’re three picks in Fury and kic who had first round upside are still on the board at this rate uh yeah def MSI and Bobby like these kinds of players the development team likes these kinds of players you know can the raps get undrafted player yeah of course undrafted free agents uh some of the raps have typically made some heaves with as well uh yeah we it’s been a great day um David Mitchell awesome trade um Sasha fenov nice pickup to go with it and Moga will be an interesting Prospect yeah LeBron James on the board I my guess is still he goes to the Lakers at uh 54 56 55 whatever but uh I’m not going to put it past um Toronto to take him at 45 honestly I don’t think they will but they might all right the P tra laders have select Tyler Kik uh you’d think they’d actually show the pick but man that’s [ __ ] I know it’s the second round but these guys work their whole life to hear their name call on draft night and they’re not even going to show it they’re going to show a commercial ahead of it like multi-time MVP Nicole yic uh got drafted during a Taco Bell commercial like that’s just not right there has to be a bit more respect to the guys getting drafted in the second round with that uh so 34th overall pick Tyler KCK going to the Portland Trailblazers um weird pick for Portland why would Portland why would why would Portland take him here oh it’s a trade to the Knicks okay yeah good pick up for the Knicks honestly I like that for the Knicks uh the Raptors took Jonathan mogbo with the uh R JN mogbo with a three of his overall pick if anybody’s not aware is for money-making ads it’s not for the players well I guess you’re not wrong but um you could wait till after the commercial break to to draft it like to make the call if your mark Tatum can you not what’s going on Wyatt uh I don’t look at filipowski to steal the draft I don’t think anybody here was the glaring you had to take him um adem Bona being on the board is a bit surprising to me here um yeah nobody was de glaring you had like job walz you had to take him nobody was that this year but mogbo is certainly out of left certainly out of left field no no denying that New York making a lot of moves they’re uh they’re they’re stacking up the roster quite nicely it looks like they’re building a deep deep roster expen I gotta really go to the bathroom if you guys are enjoying the stream so far please make sure you hit that like button support the content and if you’re new to the channel consider subscribing and join the AMR Army video coming out tonight about the trade video coming out tomorrow about mogbo and whoever the Raptors select with the 45th overall pick and we’ll also have a video uh sorry we’ll also have a stream on Sunday discussing for agency as it happens it’ll be live during the start of for Agency for agency starts on uh at 5 at 6:00 p.m. eastern time on Sunday dat June 30th uh yeah Aussie’s Aussie’s down bad this week huh 35th pick to San Antonio Spurs are selecting Johnny Fury solid pick solid pick Fury going to the Spurs I think that’s a good destination for him uh you’re bringing in size and shooting at 35 that’s a really that’s really good value for Fury who had top 20 upside for the draft what position r at this point you can’t really consider fit that much uh you just got to find your the best player available and with a guy you’re drafting in the mid 4S you’re just you’re just hoping he he sticks uh at this you’re not looking for a fit you’re just looking for who’s the best player available that we can maybe get to stick on a roster right yeah 45th um uh who is it ID chch is that how you say it uh if that’s how you say it I have no idea how to say his name but I I have looked at briefly into him and he looks pretty interesting for the Raptors at 45th overall but there’s no way of knowing which direction the Raptors go if we didn’t trade for David Mitchell we would have taken colic I actually still don’t think so I mean they did take a 22y old I was going to say kak on the other side maybe they would have I still think they would have looked for a big but there is um yeah definitely there was a bigger chance taking Co before grabbing David Mitchell in that trade Ty Smith at 45 Ty Smith is a Milwaukee Buck he’s off the board I do like Fury at 35 I think it’s a great fit for Fury to go to the Spurs juz 36 for the Spurs well 36 right now is the Indiana Pacers pick damn Pacer picking three times tonight my God I don’t mind the I I I I I like I like the player I like mogbo um I certainly wasn’t thinking he’d be at 31 um but I I like him for the Raptors wasn’t my first choice definitely not saying that but I like I like the player I think the rapt can work with him and it’s it’s he’s is super interesting as a prospect the the the size the length the the feel for that size and length as well as a guy who’s handled the ball previously I I don’t mind it I don’t I I I vly disagree that he would have been available at 45 I think a team would have liked him in the high 30s show I draft wish list well it’s kind of cooked because a lot of the guys who I didn’t think would be available were available I’ll show it Indiana is about to pick Juan Nunes to the Indiana Pacers congrats to him he’s at the event good for him uh yeah this you know at this point in the draft you’re just looking to to make something stick maybe he can take his game next level so uh yeah so to honestly most mogbo was second on my list of best player available based on my graphic here uh it makes it look better because uh at at this point at the point of the draft filipowski and fury would have been higher on my list than him as would uh a Demona so take it for what it is MBA was still pretty high on my list of potential players for the Raptors to select uh at at that at this stage so maybe it is good I showed it huh I just yeah did the guys available I wasn’t expecting that today and and and if I made a list today I don’t think he would have been that high on it I for what it’s worth I like mobile but wasn’t expecting it for the way things were shaping up today R Bron go 45 to the Raptors all right guys I got to go to the bathroom uh if we got a commercial here uh I’ll be right back I’ll be like I’ll be a minute when I come back we’ll see who goes next in 37 we’re waiting to see what shapes up for the r at 45th overall don’t go anywhere guys while I’m gone it presents you a great opportunity take a moment to hit that like button and consider subscribing to amate sports oh I’m tweeting [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so I was on my phone there uh Dak can join sorry I saw we got from MCD door Dash it’s it’s real man it’s unbelievable but it is real wait did my channel change here I saw while I was uh while I was up that the Knicks traded their 38th overall pick to the Thunder um shocking pick last night was uh Aj Johnson uh he was mocked like late second round and he ended up going to the to the Bucks 23 that was the crazy one we got Julian Newman uh I don’t think Julian Newman is a pro basketball player anymore or ever was uh yeah I I actually didn’t point out MBO and Scotty uh I believe have some sort of connection off Court um Scotty best friend I know we had that much pull and decision M he had that much pull listen mogbo is 66 67 sorry 66 72 wing span um so uh okay Minnesota 37th overall pick here Clinton okay Clinton’s a guy I liked and I think that fits pretty well with the Minnesota Timberwolves congratulations Bobby CL oh he’s here congrats to him he’s excited his suits too big for him but that’s okay um I saw the 38th overall pick uh OKC traded to get that pick uh honestly I’d be pretty shocked at this point if the I’d be pretty shocked at this point if the Thunder traded up for 38 and don’t take the my guy a Demona got the casy suit it was a bit big I I I guess I mean you could get them you’re NBA player you get him custom fitted no so anyways yeah I um I like Clinton I would have liked him at 31 I think it’s a good P fit here I think ad Dem Bona on the board here makes sense for oh he’s a Pistons player the Pistons of the 38th pick or 37th pick apparently so more size for them not bad I think um OKC should take Bona here that’s the type of guy they’d like as well who do you think potential steals of the draft um I like Bona here um I think uh kic at at this point kic oh he got drafted at this point uh honestly we’re we’re pretty we’re pretty much past where my draft research is gone the only player I can like really give you a full analysis of that’s still on the board is is bona in this position yeah uh I could tell you about Bona I could tell you about a little bit about Kevin mcer that’s you say it but yeah we’re we’re pretty much past the the point of the draft where I’ve done my my research I wasn’t expecting the rapit to draft at 45 so uh it’ll be a fun surprise for all of us here to learn about it on the Fly listen guys I um cooler at 45 would be fine I think um I I personally have a little bet on bronny to go to the the Raptors at 45 I I don’t think he will but I put five bucks on it not going to put a I’m not going to not going to put it past um the Raptors to draft him uh you can’t even bet on the draft anymore so no live bets I think I’ve heard of AJ Mitchell not much though I can’t I can’t pretend to know about these guys uh how do you know who get drafted yet if we can did you know who we get if we can hold down R oh I don’t think anybody’s going to take bronnie unless it’s user the Lakers CH Chi however you say it I uh I I I’ve heard of him I looked at him briefly he looks interesting at 45th overall uh I’m not going to pretend I’m an expert on these guys at this point uh I’m excited to see where bronny ends up at this point and who the the Raptors take uh yeah I’m a bit I’m a bit surprised that Bona has fallen this far I really liked what he brought and I think early in the early in the second should have been where he would have ended up bden H yeah again we’re we’re at the point of the draft where I don’t know these guys so like if you’re bringing up some names I probably won’t know who it is that name sounds fake bobin is that a real name [ __ ] apologies it’s not even com I don’t I feel like it’s a fake name all right so uh OKC through New York go AJ Mitchell at 38 all right interesting the Thunder traded up to get here um are are rap get Bonet 45th overall or what now that’d be fun how do I feel about DAV as our backup point of time being well it’s better than malkey Flynn it’s better than Jeff dton it’s better than Delano Banton uh and I’ve been subject to those guys for three years so it’s better that I you know in in actual seriousness uh I I like it I I think the Raptors will have the chance to try and work with his upside as a defensive player and work with his upside as a shooter um that work Scotty barneswood with mogbo when they selected him that’s insane if that’s true that’s insane that certainly adds to the appeal of of the of the player doesn’t it doesn’t hurt the appeal wow Barnes with at his draft party wow sky with wood mogbo that’s pretty cool I’m watching the video now I’ll put it in the chat but uh Scotty Barnes was at Jonathan mogo’s draft party I don’t think I can yeah so yeah clearly they’re friends that’s awesome man that’s that is awesome uh I don’t know what the best position here yeah if Bona Falls to uh 45 sign me the [ __ ] up I wanted him a 31 and uh we’re we’re at pick 39 he’s still here well I I mean yeah I like him at 31 I liked him at 31 I’m going to love him at 45 uh Moga MoGo played for the played in San played for San Francisco uh last year uh so uh oh his hometown’s West Palm Beach Florida that would explain the connection to Scotty Barnes Jo check out Nica jurisich okay niola jich let’s see uh apparently he’s bad just kidding a lot of guys I see like this who are just like they’re good at nothing and then they end up actually being good prospects uh so it looks like he’s an athletic guy was he playing in Europe yeah playing in Europe in Serbia I think I think he’s teammate of topit uh let’s see 15 points per game uh efficiency is kind of low but he’s playing with men so it’s not too bad I don’t know I don’t know much about these guys it’s it’s hard for me to give you a concrete sort of decision on on these players I I I don’t know I I I just don’t know at this point unless it’s a Dem Bona 45 let him fall all right this is what we’re cheering for now ad Demona falling to the Raptors at 45th overall we’re at 39 bronny James update sorry they’re giving a bron update apparently apparently uh bronny james’ agency is telling teams not to select him Memphis Grizzlies at 39 select Jaylen wells in this spot he’s at the event congratulations to him oh man what if you’re at the event today and you don’t get drafted that would [ __ ] suck uh so Jaylen Wells what does he do he wow he’s a good three-point shooter it looks like three-point shooter movement three-point shooter as well wow so there’s telling guys that to not to draft bronny or he’s going to Australia so I guess they’re waiting for him to go to the Lakers you know all this talk of Brony trying to be his own player be his own man get it keep get his own in the NBA and he’s got his agency telling people not to draft him or go play in Australia uh so like yeah how does that work if you draft a guy and he doesn’t sign a contract you can’t just play somewhere else uh what happens if you draft a player and he doesn’t play um oh it’s all betting stuff uh oh what happened NBA NBA draft sign player or draft player but doesn’t sign what what happens if they don’t sign they can re-enter the draft next season if they still still don’t sign with a team that picks them they can enter fre agency and potentially land a contract elsewhere oh that’s NFL say okay let’s see this on Reddit uh guys would just had to trade the rights to another team it would probably be for pennies on the dollar because of forest situation though not sure if CBA covers this team keeps the rights and do with it what they may the player can’t play for any team unless they own his rights huh so they have to own your rights so I guess you have to wait till the draft the next year’s draft so let’s so so so what they’re saying is if if any team drafts him other than the Lakers basically um he won’t sign he’ll play in Australia for a year and then he’ll come back and go in the draft again all right wow are they really being like that they’re saying [ __ ] off don’t draft me or I’m going to Australia L tantrum that is a lat tantrum moment what if Rich Paul’s calling teams yo don’t draft bronnie don’t draft bronnie here like bro we weren’t taking him anyways draft once no way he can rejoin that I don’t know I I don’t know apparently that’s what it is yeah bronny all this my own path nonsense he’s like forcing his way to play with with Papa LeBron not even sure bronnie is good enough to play the NBL uh if he don’t sign can he go on drafts Le you can’t play in the NB you definitely cannot play in the NBA this season if you if you get drafted and don’t sign you cannot play in the NBA That season unless your rights are traded but uh absolutely you cannot play in the NBA that year if you’re drafted and you don’t play for that team uh we’re on pick number 40 here guys on the clock with the Poland trailers at pick number 40 so we shall oh Alex sar’s GNA join the panel all right that’s cool somebody said Alex SAR looks like Caitlyn Clark and um I I’m not going to say they’re wrong when they said that look at look at look at his face alexar looks a lot like Caitlyn Clark man it’s kind of hard to unsee Once once once you see it wow yeah he’s on screen he’s very hard to unsee once you see it uh that’s that’s funny it it is the same facial structure it it is the exact [Laughter] same H Grady dick used to looks like Kevin McAllister mly culan uh n Grady’s got like I don’t think that’s quite the same I I can see why he reminded you Alex star looks exactly like kayen clarkman oh man all right uh um ADM Bona at 40 41 42 43 or 44 if not the Raptors have a chance to take him what what’s be funny is he falls to the Raptors and he’s not able and he’s and uh they don’t take him uh that Serbian guy nicoa jurisich yeah chomi who how do you pronounce rri chomi how do you pronounce that chomo it’s Chi so chcho that’s funny Paul put chomo all these names so hard to remember so King looks yeah I didn’t I’m not saying that however there was well I’m not I’m not saying that at all I remember there was a was Aaron judge bobblehead that looked like oh no cayin Clark Bob that looked like Aaron judge that they [ __ ] up I remember sorry who they draft o o o oeri igodo well congrats to him anybody man look how happy these guys are to get drafted honestly um you can see they’re trying to hide a bit but they are honestly so happy here I S muga looks 611 those clips he’s really 66 thought got replacement Colo he might still be a bit of that replacement um let me see his exact measurements at the draft I hope he’s 66 without shoes he’s 66 if he’s 65 without shoes uh anyways he is 6 foot6 without shoes so in the NBA he’ll be listed at 6’7 at least um yeah mogbo is easily 6 seven in shoes he’s got a 7 foot2 wingspan uh He’s listed to the center uh when he got drafted he’s probably more of a forward uh than a center but uh maybe a bit of stretch big potential no competitive basketball until he’s 14 H maybe if he started earlier he’d be a first round pick I not letting your kid play basketball or Sports because he’s got to get his grades up so he’s 14 got of balance unless it’s like like the guy literally isn’t doing anything in school but I don’t know that’s kind of listen raise your kids how you want that’s crazy to me um I can see why people aren’t H mogbo but I I uh I like the I like the pick he wasn’t my first choice but I like I like the pick he was on my he’s on my wish list yesterday um for a reason uh technically at the time of the selection he was second on my list behind Bobby Clinton uh that didn’t account for the fact that that Fury and filipowski were on the board who would have been higher on my list so fourth highest on my list at the time well and then Bon would have been higher on my list he’s still not picked I hope rap to get him at 45 Jo Walter doesn’t move you well I think that’s insane anybody like who’s like super anti jacobe Walter I I I I you know I understand if you’re not like the biggest Walter fan but I think the drop off in Talent from him to the rest of the pack at the time was pretty severe uh so even if like you weren’t really keen on Walter I don’t really think there’s any way to deny he was by far the best player available uh and if there’s like a disagreement there I I don’t really know who you could say would have fit that category I saw somebody on Twitter was trying to put me on like Tyson to go at at 19 I don’t think I think 19 was too high he went at 20 I I I was surprised to that I I was personally very low on Coler for a while I when he was like mocked in like the late lottery I was I I was I was on bleacher point I said it he’s locked pretty mocked pretty high but I could easily see him slip into the to the 20s here I don’t see the appeal of klier so I’m not um I’m not I’m not missing ker I did not like him as a prospect that much he went 29th in the end uh you know like I said with a second round pick they’re not going to be able to do everything that’s why they’re in the second round so uh could they have gone look if they go filipowski he can shoot and space the floor probably but he can’t defend MBO MBO can defend and has versatility but he he can’t he can’t shoot right now so there’s always a trade somewhere you know you can’t have everything this guy uh I’d say he’s a 66 forward I I I think listing him as a center was incorrect by ESPN uh mogbo is more of a forward uh who maybe has stretch big potential filipowski has got a lot of baggage going on behind the scenes it seems uh yeah I I’ve seen that um I’m not sure I I look I’m not I not saying at all that’s the reason the Raptors didn’t draft him but something to note Ronnie only the lean for as long as LeBron is in the league unless he buys a team it’s possible it’s possible I don’t think I I don’t think like rapt f should like you know you know our front office you know the type of guys they’ve liked it shouldn’t be that shocking that they went uh mogbo here we’re on pick number 41 here to the 76ers uh Bona still on the board at 41 I’m hoping he falls to 45 sorry let me listen so Bob so so Bob Myers here is suggesting that the so so what we’re what we’re seeing here is that um Rich Paul is trying to force bronnie James to the Lakers to happen happen so it appears as though if a team did want Brony earlier they are not allowed to like they they are saying do not draft him do not take him let’s see what Stephen A is saying here Stephen A saying he’s projected to go in the 50s sorry I’m just trying to listen here on this bronny situation Stephen is asking why we’re only hearing about this stuff today when all this time they’ve been talking about other teams being interested yeah this is weird um this is kind of [ __ ] up to be honest 41st pick in the NBA draft 76 select ad damona [ __ ] off all right uh Demona at the draft as well good spot for him I I I think there’s a chance to be a rotational big there uh yeah that was my top pick for the 31st overall spot falls out the way to 41 it is what it is um Raptors preferred mogbo but the they they wanted a similar style of player you know the athletic switchable big and uh and they got Bona this will be he he’ll be an interesting one to follow down the line because I I really do rate him as a prospect gavon says he’s shocked he lasted this long you and me both brother 74 wingspan 6 foot n yeah if I look if I was going for a big I’d be going Bona but is what it is Raptor mogbo M MBA who is mogbo who’s uh got all these names who is high on my who is high on my list as [Music] well uh we have any guys left on my Raptor’s board um yes uh Kevin mcer still available and I wouldn’t mind him at 45 he is 23 so I don’t know if the Raptors would want him but last player on my board is Kevin Miller mouer I don’t know how to say it yeah Ryan Dunn went 28th Jaylen Tyson went 20th teren Shannon went 27th Clinton Bobby CL went 37th Jonathan mogbo is a raptor Tyler Smith went 33rd Pome dader went 25th killer still on the board oh KY C went second round as well but Moler on the board St Bon head to Philly here um he is a a forward older one 23 years old uh who developed quite a bit defensively and as a shooter chomi still on the board who the r take it 45 but I made my draft board for guys who I thought would be available at 31 uh which I wouldn’t have taken chami at if that’s how you I don’t know how to say it nobody’s correcting me um yeah um so yeah I I I’m I wasn’t looking at the guys at 45 because I didn’t know we had this pick until six minutes before the draft I don’t know how can the NBA stop like players taking control of where they go to like a de like pick their destination there’s not really anything they can do about it is there um you can’t handcuff the guy into not playing 42nd pick Charlotte selects AJ KJ Simpson okay I I’ve actually heard to KJ Simpson so interesting KJ Simpson 42nd to the Charlotte Hornets uh I don’t know a ton about the people available at this range of the draft but I I actually have heard of KJ Simpson uh more undersized guard but has a lot of upside shooting wise and as a finisher this is probably a g- league player for the Hornets uh to see if he can get up to the level I’d say he gets buckets he’s undersized a lot of a great a lot of talent coming out of Colorado this year D Silva Cody Williams KJ Simpson uh what a year for that team I couldn’t believe we got Mitchell I’ve been talking about Mitchell potentially going to the raps for a while but I didn’t think would happen and we got rid of McDaniels that’s the big news we got rid of McDaniels I don’t know how you can uh stop like agency like Rich Paul from doing this you know what I mean uh just seen this what oh Gregory what’s going on uh yeah I don’t know if you saw the trade Raptors got David Mitchell today and traded mcdo Dash and they got s of v zenov and they got the 45th overall pick and they got a Portland pick for 2025 for a guy that I would have bought out potentially Gio the sage this is worded very well turning McDaniels into positive assets is an unbelievable feat I can’t believe beside did it I agree I agree who are we getting 45 I I don’t know Justin Edwards um might be worth a flyer here bronny James hold him hand hold him hostage yeah DAV Mitchell is a excellent Defender he’s got upside shooting and he’s the backup point guard we we’ve been wanting uh he is a backup point guard we’ve been wanting I would say the backup point guard but a good backup point guard for sure they got more player value for McDaniels than they did for cakam that’s completely false Bruce Brown has more value than what we got Bruce Brown was uh an essential piece of a championship team a year ago so I I disagree uh Jamal Sheed if that’s you say I actually know him and think that would be a good pick at 45 as well Camp fight I mean they draft sheade uh Jamon fre Liberty is out of here Terren they got McDaniels sorry Terence says uh they got McDaniels at home yeah that’s what uh Jaden says to Jaylen we’re drafting bronnie I apparently uh anybody’s not hasn’t seen it rich Paul clutch sports are telling teams not to draft Brony James and they are essentially forcing forcing teams to let him go to the Lakers Miami’s pick is in here let’s see they take a 43 always he an interesting one for Miami Miami select n urit UR yich the guy that I’ve been put on to at this last few moments he’s gone to the heat that’s a heat type of pickup isn’t it huh Danielle long has subscribed welcome to the amateur Army thank you so much for doing that hope you’re enjoying the content if you guys are enjoying the content so far make sure you do hit that like button and subscribe to the channel as well just like Danielle long uh tons of great content all in the Raptor Universe coming at you on amateur sports this week free agency on on Sunday to cover as well videos coming out tonight tomorrow what happens Quinton monins one of our members joining says if a player doesn’t sign what does that team get so uh what I’ve seen is if a player doesn’t sign after you draft him he can’t play in the NBA for That season clutch Sports is saying that bronny will play in Australia for a year if the if it’s not the Lakers that draft him um I actually don’t know what compensation you would get if the play player doesn’t sign for your team if any to be honest I I don’t really know how this works they already wasted a Nia in my Nia yic is is good and was getting minutes near the end of last season actually yeah one of the best trades I’ve seen asai pull off is uh uh that trade today that was unbelievable I’m honestly stunned still they oh they traded this oh Nicola jurisich is heading to Atlanta not Miami Miami drafting on behalf of Atlanta here he’s got a black eye gez man uh we’re at pick number 44 ladies and gentlemen Raptors are up next uh we don’t know who they are who’s going here I I don’t know a lot about the players available but Jamal she I’m saying that correct um setting the scene we’re at pick number 44 here tough to call who the Raptors should be looking at in this area my preparation for this draft went into pick 19 and 31 but aware of some of the guys on the board here or Chi hope I’m saying that correctly is an interesting look for the Raptor this spot Kevin mcer as well a more experienced presence on the wing at this spot who can bring defensive shooting somebody I I would know um Jamal Sheed could be a guy who has some backup point guard Vibes Justin Edwards had Lottery projections start of the Season didn’t have a great year all of a sudden is in this range maybe take a flyer on the guy who has upside in this area uh it’s tough to call here for the Raptors uh they’ve gone with a I will say a power power forward and Jonathan MOG mogbo earlier so we’ll see where they go when her up to greet our new subscriber Greg V welcome to the amateur Army thank you so much for doing that just subscribe yourself to so much great Raptor content appreciate that um we’ll see where they go here but certainly the the mogbo pick would would say they’re not afraid to go with an older player mogbo 22 and a half years old today so they’re not afraid to go with one of the older players here and find somebody who’s more capable of affecting uh maybe right away but maybe they go for the upside swing at 45 because that’s just typically what the Raptors uh have enjoyed doing from this spot bronny James still on the board here but it it the reports coming out of ESPN right now are that rich Paul and clutch sports bronnie james’ agency are telling teams not to select Brony James they are telling teams not to take him they’re saying if they do select him he will take a year off and play in Australia before coming back into the NBA next season so bronny feels like uh not possible here for the Raptors probably not even the right decision for the Raptors to go that way there’s still some Talent here but at this stage of the draft you’re just going to be looking specifically for upside I would say and you’re looking for a guy that has a chance to make your rotation if out of a 45th overall pick you get a player who can be in your rotation someday that is a big win rap have had success in this spot Before 40 46 overall previously they’ve taken Norman Powell 46 overall in the past as well they’ve taken Delano Banton that didn’t work out in the end but uh you’re just looking for somebody to bring something here to your team so maybe less upside or NBA ready is the way to do it but again it’s not really been like Messiah Jeri always to go in that direction Point proven with the mogbo pick which was a little bit surprising at that spot so waiting on pick 44 to see who Houston take and then the Raptors will be on the clock yeah Al it doesn’t it doesn’t hurt that Jonathan mogbo is uh friends with Scotty Barnes absolutely not doesn’t hurt that pick at all we got Domin kingan up now on uh the panel calling in here take Bron and give him a that year to develop yeah if you give him that year to develop then he can just re-enter the draft and go to a different team it is dirty by clutch sports for sure but pacome dader was selected 25th overall by the Knicks yesterday so not available at the moment uh UL chomi is available um that’s a guy I I’m aware of and if he did take him I wouldn’t be upset that’s for sure what the Kings see in McDaniels uh it it the the Kings needed to trade away money to get under the cap uh they didn’t want to be a tax team so they they made a trade venkov wanted to go uh they drafted Dave David Mitchell’s replacement yesterday with Devin Carter so they just wanted to get off the money and um they really wanted to get off the money apparently because they gave us two picks to make it happen it’s kind of crazy for these guys like yesterday they wake up as college players today they wake up as NBA players and tomorrow they have to be at their team’s destination like you’re going to be sent anywhere in us or Toronto and two days later like out of nowhere you got to be there ready to go it’s it’s crazy man yeah I don’t know what Sacramento we’re thinking I I don’t know how anybody can perceive this trade as a as a win for Sacramento pick is in for Sacrament all right everybody the the pick is in here for Sacramento which is obviously a trade that a pick that has now been traded to the Toronto Raptors it’s the trade that went that sent jayen McDaniels to the Sacramento Kings the Raptors got back David Mitchell Sasha venkov the 45th overall pick and a 2025 second round pick via the Portland tralers an absolute fleece absolute Steel by the Raptors in a trade and perhaps that trade could look even better based on who they take in this position here uh we’re waiting to see the announcement from Mark Tatum options around and the we know the Raptors aren’t afraid to to reach not to to reach it’s an ugly word sometimes but they’re not afraid to get the guy they want here uh and we’ll see hopefully I have heard of him and I can give some sort of indication as to the type of player that he is if not we’ll try to be learning on the Fly here but we’ll do it live and uh we will be doing it together ladies and gentlemen they’re just talking to clinging imagine if kinging could shoot that’d be insane great answer just does the stuff to win type of things to win all right send it over to Mark Tatum let us know who it is so we didn’t see this I was commercial but P Larson goes to Houston at 44 I I don’t know who that is so takes that off the board uh we’ll see Justin Edwards or Tomi uh actually I’ve heard of Cam Spencer uh Jamal Sheed who who else Avail who who could the Raptors go here anywhere I mean they they really can go anywhere but we’re going over to Mark Tatum the pick is in let’s see are we going to Mark Tatum for this one we got subscriber and Julian thank you so much Julian for subscribing welcome to the AMR Army uh we’re not they the little jingle went went off to Signal the pick is in however they’re not going over to Mark tum I hope they do show the announcement of the pick uh oh they they have it here so they’re not showing it but it it is Jamal Sheed who’s going to the Raptors at 45th overall so the Raptors have gone with another chance at a backup point guard seemingly here uh which is interesting here so the Raptors go with Jamal Sheed who is a player I am aware of uh interesting move here um I like to pick Jamal they said Jamal shed uh so it’s Jamal shed I I’ll say it how they said it but Jamal shed undersides for the guard position but there’s there’s good talent here um they are looking clearly right now for a bit of a backup point guard and my immediate thought unfortunately dwells upon the current guard within the Raptors organization because this probably means the end of uh Javon Freeman Liberty’s time in Toronto because they’ve just brought in David Mitchell a trade today and with their second pick in the second round they’ve gone with another guard here so uh taking a stab on a guard I mean this could also mean Maris Noel’s time is a bit numbered however he he’s not a I believe he’s only a rap 10 of five I don’t think he’s a Toronto Raptors player so uh it’s Jamal shed how you pronounce it going to the Raptor is just overall um it’s the type of point guard you’d expect somebody to be who’s 6 feet tall uh they work their ass off they control uh the flow of the game pretty well decently well vered in a feel for the game uh he seems to possess a bit of an interior threat despite his size uh not the type of shooter you would expect in this position but a good feel for the game a good playmaker in this spot Jamal shed to the Raptors seeing if they can get a point guard to stick at this point in the draft uh it’s all for every pick the Raptors have had they’re looking at hustle tenacity and I think that Jamal shed brings that I don’t truthfully know live here a a ton about the player but based on the limited things that I have seen for shed uh the Raptors are looking to solve the backup point guard issue and they feel as though they can throw a dart here to see if this one uh lands anywhere good to get maybe something that can affect you at some point uh you know with picks this deep in the draft you’re just hoping at some point they’re a rotation guy so we’ll see so the second round the Raptors go with mogbo at 31 uh they they prioritize length and they go with Jamal shed at 45 to prioritize finding potentially some guard help for a team that has desperately needed it interesting stuff the Clippers drafted Max Christie or sorry cam Christie which is uh Max Max Christie’s brother that’s um that’s kind of funny that’s kind of funny wow he’s going to the other side of La by way that Clipper’s logo is horrible seeing it there that Clippers logo sucks man maybe it’ll grow on me but I don’t know man uh last duel gaming new sub thank you so much for subscribing uh we had we just had another new sub here but last duel gaming has subscribed welcome to the amateur Army also this one here which I had muted royman royman backyard noise welcome to am thank you guys so much for subscribing last gaming says hi new subscriber do you have any idea what free agent are the raps going after cannot tell you uh cannot tell you about undrafted free agents unfortunately I I just I I can’t learn about everybody I prioritize 19th pick and the 31st pick we’ll just have to see who ends up going to the Raptors there uh wow another Super Chat comes in Phil gab sends in his Super Chat thank you so much for that really appreciate that it really does support the content when people do stuff like this I’m so grateful for that Phil gaps hope you’re enjoying the content and uh and thank you for for sending that in it means a lot uh okay 45th so I talked to my 45th pick reaction so in RS added Defense three-o Shooting Hustle the last 24 hours yeah um they added a lot of [Music] Hustle the RS added a ton of hustle uh with those three picks uh they added a good bit of Defense the type of Team they’re building um they’re looking for guys who have the will to succeed for damn sure for damn sure Marell is still the 5 I I believe he was waved last year yeah uh he was waved by the Toronto Raptors but I believe he was still signed by the Raptors 905 not sure what his future looks like but I would imagine Jamal shed is going to be prioritized for the 905 so it would be a little surprising at this point if Maris Noel was to return to the 905 so uh I’m imagining that is the end of Freeman Liberty and the end of mar ke Noel with the organization I think we get a center and a Gary Tren sign trade I sign trades are always tough you kind of have to get what you get get what you can so I don’t know it’d be tough to get a center uh yeah clearly still a need for a a third Center on the team I think a rim protector as much as I I’m I’m decently a fan of mogbo I don’t think he solves that problem so when fre agency rolls around a need for a big is is still present for the Raptors uh they’ve addressed the guard situation absolutely with Daven Mitchell uh they’ve addressed some of the need for shooting with Jacobi Walter and Sasha fenov they need to get a big INF agency in my opinion well I think I think the idea people are presenting is that there’s not as big of a role right now for Gary Trent so it wouldn’t be really be worth having him I don’t know Gary Trent will be an interesting one I’d be a bit surprised if they kept him at this point but we shall see uh Koko I don’t know if you heard I don’t think he’s we’re GNA get him this year if Koko comes back now that’d be a massive W that’d be Mass W shed turned down at over a dozen two-way offers to land a guaranteed contract okay so that clearly means raptors have plans to use him if that’s the case huh let me see I’m looking at Twitter to see if uh there’s information on that uh so looks like people are fan of Jamal shed’s defense as well so is it a case let me see okay here I’m seeing um here I’m finally seeing it so shed turn down over T two-way offic land a guaranteed contract so a lot of teams wanted him but the Raptors were willing to give him a guaranteed contract okay so that gives the indication the Raptors are prepared to use him from day one they see something here and probably have shed battling it out with David Mitchell for some backup point guard spots so they they must really like Jamal shed if they’re if they’re willing to go that far with him all right we’ll see I don’t really have much comment on the pick he was named Big 12 Player of the Year and Defensive Player of the Year by becoming the first player to win the both for the same season last time the Raptors drafted a player of the year and defensive player of the year was Malai Flynn but hopefully we don’t have a similar outcome there all right guys I’ll probably just stick around until uh Bron’s drafted because I I do want to see if bronnie ends up going to the Lakers but Malai is a 50 bomb you’re right maybe he’s got maybe shed’s got a 50 point game in him Stephen A Smith uh today by the way said Paul George would be a bad fit in Golden State um if you guys didn’t know Stephen nay had trash takes um that’s might be the most [Music] trash yeah if the Lakers don’t take him that’d be hilarious but I think it’s written um they’re pushing from go to Lakers for a reason they want to keep Braun Bron happy Braun Bron happy makes it easier on JJ Ste job say out things you’re right you’re right it is it is PG right now is better than clay ever was I don’t know about that uh well damn you’re kind of right though you might be right there that’s a bold take but I think I think you’re right thinking back yeah wow that’s kind of crazy isn’t it last du gaming has sent in a Super Chat thank you so much another one we got three super chats today last gaming with the most recent one honestly guys this is awesome thank you so much for the support today uh the chat has been insane uh the viewership has been insane I really appreciate it for anybody else enjoying it please make sure you hit the like button and make sure you’re subscribed as well lasto gaming heading out for dinner give a great job thank you so much man enjoy your dinner actually you may not be met thank you so much you may hope you enjoy your dinner go Raptors let’s go Raptors let’s go Raptors um all right I pick 48 with the Spurs they might like over Chi Lakers are at pick 55 so we have to wait a little bit here but I do want to wait till we get to bronny then I’ll probably just sign off and work on the uh the video imagine a shed and David Mitchell back cour you’re in a dog fight they’ll drop Five Points combined on your head uh well that’s a small lineup there there’s conf last game with the Super Chat thank you so much again uh pick number 48 to the Spurs Harrison Ingram to the Spurs it appears as though he’s there so it looks like they’re only showing the pick if the player is there does Mark Tatum announce the pick if um if the player isn’t there because they’re not showing a lot of these you know what I mean Messi plan to throw all our guards eming maybe they’re looking for toughness man that that’s that’s clearly what’s been the priority with some of these picks they’re looking for hustle and toughness and certainly it would appear as though they’re they’re finding that Reggie Jackson traded where where did interesting oh did he just pick up his option to stay in Denver It’s a cruel It’s a cruel world man where’s Reggie Jackson going Charlotte damn poor Reggie ah what did they trade why is charte want Reggie Jackson I I guess back I mean I guess just more to the depth what’ the Nuggets get three unprotected second round picks that’s pretty good by Denver I think yeah I think that’s pretty good by Denver from Charlotte to three good second round picks probably that’s kind of crazy isn’t it kind of feel bad for Reggie though to get just dumped from Denver to Charlotte yeah I guess for Denver well for Denver I think you can stack those picks and trade them that’s maybe what they’re thinking um but also Reggie Jackson being on your team kind of helps as well right yeah Tom could go undrafted which could give the Raptors a big Runway to take him as undrafted free agent don’t mind that at all all right pace is in the clock at 49 here still waiting to see where Brony ends up Reggie does have a ring you’re right that is impressive isn’t it God I’m hungry and I don’t have time to eat dinner I gotta I gotta rip this trade video out um so right after so so schedule for content by the way guys right after this I’m going to record a video reacting to the Sacramento Kings Trade that we made uh tomorrow in the morning I will drop the video discussing um the Raptors and the selections of uh Jonathan MOG mogbo and Jamal shed uh no I don’t have progis I’m making some I’m making a burrito a beef burrito for dinner beef burrito with a taco salad on the side that’s what I’m eating right let’s check let’s check the app what’s for dinner yeah beef burrito with a salad on the side with more of my taco meat inside oh and broccoli and some broccoli it’s uh I I I I’m tracking my my calories and my macros and stuff so every morning is a puzzle trying to put all the food in to hit the macros it’s not very fun though who we get a 45 we got Jamal shed uh tough hustling defensive point guard who doesn’t space the floor really well despite being six feet tall but defense order some Li chicken bro if I if I lived in an area that had a good laziz forget about it I don’t live downtown Toronto doesn’t have a good laziz my favorite food in the world is laz’s chicken on the sticks on the sticks though my favorite food period in the world is chicken on the sticks from theas but um don’t have it too often I did have it on Rice I did I did have it on rocks actually on Sunday La Chicken on the Rocks I went for rice so I always go sticks switch it up this time kind skim me on chicken at this location though I was at the Oakville one on Dundas I don’t know Gary’s a tough one to call at this point half and half I mean yeah you get both sometimes I do that my preferred though is is the death with the the the sticks a cheza party uh I don’t know we’ll see uh currently I’m moving soon I got to worry about that before I worry about getting the stuff to make another cooking stream uh I’m moving out of my apartment mid July once I get settled into my new apartment we can think about doing some cooking content but I I I gotta I’m hoping to get some merch sorted this summer um I’m hoping to uh moving stream I’m hoping to get some merch ready this summer uh but I want to make sure I move and have all that sorted before I do that it’s uh it’s it’s been a crazy crazy summer man my own party MCD door Das being gone that is something worth celebrating you’re right I I am like you know what I’m at the I’m at the cycle of the uh I’m at the cycle of the offseason right where the season ends I’m dejected and then hey we made a trade hey this guy’s cool in the draft and I’m I’m coming back around on the team you know um it is a good day for raps fans yeah that trade is just unbelievably good business by the Raptors uh I like I like mogbo he wasn’t highest on my list by any means but I I like mogbo and what he can bring and think the Raptors can get a get quite a bit out of him so I’m I’m I’m looking forward to uh seeing his development trajectory with Toronto day in a live stream my day is boring here what’s my what’s my life what did I do today so today uh so yesterday I was up until well I guess this morning I was up until 3:00 a.m. working on uh content and like trying to learn about some players who are in the second round a bit more more about the guys that I that I have potentially going to the Raptors uh so I went to bed at 3:00 a.m. I woke up at 9:00 to start my uh sorry I woke up at 8 to record a video for the second channel uh then at 9:00 I started my day as a full-time employee I work from home um and I sat in my office watch uh doing work until uh this stream and I’ve been here ever since since it’s not super entertaining stuff uh my thoughts on mogbo yeah and the fact that he’s Scotty’s friend as well is is an interesting wrinkle after Rich Paul’s calling teams don’t take Bron yeah uh we’ yeah seen that uh it’s kind of icky but uh look they’re they’re making sure bronnie ends up with the Lakers is bronnie uh it’d be funny if bronnie was in the green room or whatever Trey with the fleas mcdel pretty much dead weight uh take the turn pretty much out of that McD’s was dead weight and the Raptors probably were considering buying him out I don’t know this seem to be a gray area as far as like forcing a specific team to draft a player I’m look like a better looking post Malone my life seems interesting um I I don’t think so I disagree on on on both fronts but uh I I I can I enjoy myself do I have a favorite type of cookie uh chocolate chip uh Tom uh so so today today’s video will be I’ll drop a video tonight once this once this stream is over I’m going to do a video uh talking about the players the Raptors traded for uh being David Mitchell and Sasha venkov tomorrow I will drop the video discussing the uh the draft acquisitions Jonathan mogbo and Jamal shed that’s going to be the order uh so video Tonight video tomorrow uh and then I’ll take Saturday off live streaming Sunday at 5:30 p.m. for the start of NBA frency NBA frency begins at 6 o’clock on Sunday is a b in trade block absolutely not absolutely not he’s uh he’s going to be an important piece of rotation hopefully this season this draft is taken a bit longer than expected do I even like do we sit through this just to watch bronnie go because I I could be working all right I’m gonna go till six I’m gonna go till 6 PM I don’t really feel like waiting around just to see bronny go where we always knew he was going to end up let’s see the news on Reggie Jackson so Denver uh didn’t want to hit the second apron they just wanted to get off of Jackson’s contract that’s basically what it was you know you’re actually kind of right there it uh who the pce SCT Enrique Freeman not sure that is um yeah the Laker should just take him undrafted you’re right because if like if you’re just going to tell teams not to draft them the Lakers can take somebody else and then get bronny as an undrafted free agent you’re right why don’t they just do that you you you heard that Denver is letting kcp walk and they want Christian Brown or someone else replacement starting five well listen I I like Christian Brown Christian Brown should not start for the Denver Nuggets uh with all due respect all draft two-minute pick this year for minut some more commercials yeah because they it’s the second day they really milk the [ __ ] out of this don’t they fair enough I guess um yeah we’ll go till 6 then I I will starve myself to make this video and then uh and then I’ll have my dinner yeah I do like uh mcer but um wow he’s still on the board isn’t he I I had mocked first round to the Celtics and he’s still on the board at pick 50 which I guess makes a bit of sense because he’s he’s a not an upside swing which teams are taking right now uh worst feeling is being hungry with when you have food cooked your it’s not cooked I got to make it but I I I just got I got to get like timing is obviously important with videos so I I just got to dig and get this video done and then I can dig in on my food uh Raptors don’t have any more picks tonight our next pick is next year in the first round no I’m having a I had extra breakfast I’m having a beef burrito for dinner with a taco salad and broccoli on the side uh okay I’m GNA start preparing myself for David Mitchell and Sasha venkov so Sasha venkov didn’t really do much with the Kings last season but he’s a former uh Euroleague if anybody if any didn’t know actually Sasha venkov is a former Euroleague MVP so there there’s Talent there for sure yeah well we we got P’s pick next year the second round but we our own pick is earlier that which would be the first round uh sov was Euroleague MVP in 2023 so he’s come to the NBA probably make some more money didn’t click with the Kings so we’ll see if he can click with the r also got got injured last year and he wanted he asked to get traded from the Kings yeah he can shoot definitely definitely has a good shot uh he’s slow footed so he’ll be a bit tough to use on defense but I I think Darko will appreciate his talent and you give him some sort of role of the team I I think he’s capable of being in the rotation so that’s look you get two guys who should be in rotation for the Raptors in a trade for a guy who sucks in Jay McDonald’s that’s a home run win uh the Raptors sent Bruce Brown to Denver uh they can’t really afford him to be honest so I don’t think so whoa Shams just tweeted I don’t know why I saw this Shams just tweeted my account keeps getting locked what the hell damn Shams and shambles on NBA draft day damn yo Shams got temporarily restricted damn what happened to Shams what on pick number 52 this why we got to wait till pick 55 don’t we [ __ ] what’s Stephen a saying V’s taking Shams out maybe R might bronnie Mike go sorry what Clutch Sports doing it maybe over a thousand replies oh I don’t know W is on the panel right now with ESPN so I don’t think W is doing say have a jake fiser that’s weird that’s very weird is it something about like the frequency of post which makes it seem like spam or something maybe do I agree the sports crew is backpedaling and are now accepting uh and supporting the hostage that rich Paul James family are doing the sports crew is back pedaling and now ex I I don’t I don’t really understand the question I don’t like it I’ll say for myself I don’t like it at all but like what can you really do about it I guess Dam War’s draft room looks sad as hell uh yeah the Raptor is definitely can trade Bruce Brown um no rush but there’s definitely an opportunity to trade him this week and I imagine R will take his team option or well the Raptors could resign him on a long-term deal and trade that as well they could sign and trade him with that doesn’t necessarily need to be a team taking the team option the pick is in Stephen A and Bob my is arguing Mark tame always got that [ __ ] grd on his face Quinton post to Golden State I I don’t know these guys just bring on bronny bring on bronny guys I don’t think it’d be legal for LeBron to be to have a Stak in clutch would it why is OG and making more money than spicy P I guess it’s whatever they were eligible for I I think they both got Max contract so I don’t know Quinton post all right come on let’s come on let’s get going with these picks all right it’s almost six but I may as well stay to watch the Lakers pick at this point F going to worriors I hope hope so a commercial break well there might be a pick during the commercial break to be fair Boston just gives a big [ __ ] you to the Lakers and drafts bronny would be hilarious because yeah you know what send him to Australia for a year send him go ahead you know what does that mean for the Lakers LeBron’s contracts up at the end of the year maybe the Lakers won’t even get him that would just be just a super Petty move that I would be completely bought in on absolutely Boston should do that and give a big middle finger to the Lakers I wouldn’t have done it at 30 like uh Bill Simmons suggested but at yeah 54 [ __ ] it play in Australia you don’t want to play in Australia do you if if so go ahead man play in Australia what do I care you know what I mean I I don’t need I don’t need anybody I just wanton the championship I don’t need anybody at freaking uh I don’t need anybody at freaking 54 overall them Boston Bost has a chance to do something here oh Pascal’s making more oh there you go oh excuse me long day H not a lot of sleep went to bed 3 up at 8 gonna be up late today as well I’ll probably be up let’s see I got a video to do that’ll take me about a couple hours uh it’s 8 I got to eat 8:30 I gotta make a video for tomorrow 10 10:30 I got to do some work real work yeah I’ll probably up to like one or two today Saturday I got to be up early Sunday what am I doing Sunday Sunday I I can sleep in I think oh actually I can’t sleep in Sunday [ __ ] me anyways that’s just my life yeah no sleeping in until Monday Monday’s a holiday I can sleep in on Monday No Sleep till Monday no eight hour sleep till Monday LeBron might retire Bron is a Celtic I don’t think LeBron would care he’ll play for anybody I don’t I don’t think he has any reservations about who plays for I don’t think he feels that feels way like that not in the league yet he’s in Rich Paul coling so much drama I know you it’ll be really funny if like the Lakers try to play bronny from day one when he’s clearly like not good enough all right we pick 54 Boston you have a chance to do something here uh Detroit takes cam Spencer for the Timberwolves at 53 all right that’s definitely a g- league player but yeah he can shoot great shooter good field but he’s not athletic uh he’ll struggle to make an NBA impact but we’ll be an interesting player for the G League excuse me sorry keep yawning now I tell you guys um they didn’t go to commercial for the Lakers pick I don’t think bronne is NBA ready like they’re saying he is he’s he had a bad year in college like he did not have a good year uh he would not be getting drafted unless he was named uh unless he wasn’t named sorry the only reason he’s getting drafted is his name is is James wow they going to commercial here they’re keeping you on a leash so they come back for the Lakers pick they’re not going to show us bronny getting drafted 54th overall to the Celtics bronny all this my own path all this [ __ ] just to hold the draft hostage Force his way to the Lakers and play with his dad that’s it not a good look man you’re here cuz your dad he’s a nepo nepo NBA player can’t spin it any other way man but everybody’s got their own path that’s his path I guess JJ reic signed up for a circus man Jordan’s kid turned out to be trash didn’t didn’t even get all I’m gonna say if if you want to talk about these goat conversations yeah LeBron is so good he got his crappy son drafted not even Jordan could do that [ __ ] so you want to talk goat debate did Jordan get his sons drafted no sir LeBron did that [ __ ] would I take DeAndre Aiden plus a Milwaukee 2029 first for Bruce Brown and Chris bue would I take a milwa so let’s let’s ask thiso would I take just the Milwaukee first for Bruce Brandon and Chris buet yes uh yeah I if you get a first and you get off the bouet contract for Bruce Brown uh that’s a win and you get eight yeah you’re not getting eight for that La politician L nepotism if Jordan W he could have had his son draft but the to the Bulls no doubt but he uh he lets kid pick his own path I don’t know man I don’t think Jordan had that pull all right I don’t know if the pick is in don’t spoil let’s see there’s still a commercial there’s no way they make the pick at a commercial they’ve been building up for this pick the entire day the entire draft process has been building up to this pick right this they they haven’t shut up about bronny for three [ __ ] hours so they better show this one L narcissist I’m not looking at what sham said I’m not looking at anything I am just I’m just waiting for the pick to happen I don’t want any spoilers thank God there’s no soccer the last few days I I would have been able to keep up we’re almost there guys it’s almost time Boston just selected Anton Watson I don’t know who that is or chomi still on the board Uh Kevin mcer still on the board this is more ads in the Super Bowl they they are milk this is why the NBA drafts on two days now they are milking this for TV deal s and they’re milking it cuz they can make us watch until we get bronny James at 55 let’s see LeBron’s dream to play with his son is JJ gonna give him [ __ ] [ __ ] minutes that he doesn’t deserve at the gate let’s see I don’t think the NBA is hurting for money Disney might be hurting for money ESPN is part of Disney still waiting on the final verdict on bronny being the guy that goes here the confirmation they say they say 246 before the pick is in but I’m sure the pick is going to be in the pick could have been in this morning pick could have been in yesterday it is uh kind of special to be able to play with your son from LeBron’s perspective but the way in which they manufactured it is uh not not something I like let’s say that Justin Edwards on the board wow uh mckill still on the board chy on the board that is that’s surprising honestly mulus on the board is crazy to me uh really crazy to me look at JJ cheeky grin has can JJ voice and say hey can we actually draft a we can try to develop all right so looks like they just made the pick and there Lakers look at that they’re all shaking hands what you did know work you just drafted the guy’s kid you didn’t Scout anybody you guys didn’t do anything what are you sh shaking hands for all you guys do is let’s just draft the guy’s son Let’s make let’s make our star happy that’s all they [ __ ] did shaking hands a great work guys whole draft process getting ready for this pick great stuff no you forced you forced nobody else to take him so you could get him you didn’t do any work Al they could just draft somebody else and then just get Bron as an undrafted for agent which I think they should do instead because then they can get a player they want here and then still get Brony LeBron is still all NBA caliber and he’s playing with his son that that truly is remarkable the moment we’ve all been waiting for they say Mark Tatum the 5 overall pick in the 2024 NBA draft the Los Angeles Lakers select bronny James there you go bronny James confirmed a Los Angeles Laker yep there you go it’s what we’ve been waiting for all right guys I need to spend the next eight hours working so I’m going to go ahead and get started on that uh thank you so much everybody for tuning in to the second round NBA draft watchalong live stream here had a lot of fun here Jonathan mogbo Jamal shed are Toronto Raptors players that is where we ended off here um yeah I I’d say overall I’m pretty happy with both of those players would have preferred maybe going a different direction at 31 but I think that there’s some clear upside and clearly a talented player here in mogbo the Raptors can work with so um let’s see where this goes I think overall great draft by the Raptors Jobe Walter fantastic pick mogbo I like it shed great pick at 45 so that’ll do it if you guys enjoyed make sure you hit that like button really appreciate it uh and uh make sure you subscribe to mhr sports video coming later tonight reacting to the Sacramento Kings Trade video coming out tomorrow reacting to the selections of mogbo and shed uh stream coming out on Sunday talk uh as we were as we watch along live as the NBA free agency kicks off Sunday at 6 pm. I’ll be live at 530 for that one again hope to see you guys there and uh yeah hope you all have a great night hope you all

Day 2 of the 2024 NBA draft is here and there is plenty for the Toronto Raptors to consider with the 31st overall pick, the first pick of the day. Kyle Filipowski, Kyle Furphy and Tyler Kolek are surprises to still be on the board but the Raptors could look at Adem Bona, Bobi Klintman or another sleep to add to their roster. Jacob Gramegna goes live to break down the pick as it happens and to await the highly anticipated result of Bronny James’ future.

Who you got going 31st overall?

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This is Amateur Hour Sports. On this channel, Jacob Gramegna analyzes and breaks down the latest on the Toronto Raptors NBA team from trade rumors to post-game reactions, analysis, and much more. By subscribing to this channel you will be there first to watch and enjoy 3-4 videos a week all focused on this team and on game days Jacob goes live on the channel for a watch party where he interacts with chat, answers your questions, and analyses the game as it happens with play by play and commentary. Join the Amateur Hour Army today by subscribing and consider becoming a member to give extra support to the channel and help create better content more often.

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  1. I know nothing about the new Raptor’s additions but I’m getting the greatest kick out of your reaction….priceless 😂😮

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