@Boston Celtics

Baylor Scheierman Boston Celtics Media Availability

Baylor Scheierman Boston Celtics Media Availability

yeah so when I went through the NBA draft process a couple years ago coming out of South Dakota State I actually worked out for Boston um and then I also worked out for him um this year going through the process and uh I really enjoyed both times I worked out there um obviously you know meeting the organization and the staff and um I really enjoyed the workouts as well and the city um uh just thoroughly enjoyed my time there and um obviously you know I felt like I put a a good step forward in those workouts and um I’m just really excited obviously you know have this opportunity um in Boston and excited to get to work can you explain what you went through in those workouts um yeah I mean it’s a a lot of three Onre a lot of shooting um tried to just you know show my competitive nature and just um how much I like to compete um you know dive on the floor for loose balls kind of just impact winning in a positive way um in any way I can really and that’s really what I tried to show you know in these workouts next question will be from Bob Manning hey B welcome to Boston um who are you able to meet through those uh workout processes um in 2022 and this year and um what kind of feedback were you able to get from the Celtics through those couple processes then and now yeah well you know the first time coming through obviously you know um was a couple years ago and you know they really liked my game um just my ability to you know kind of impact the game in different ways whether that be shooting passing dribbling or just um my IQ and um you know I they felt like I could get a little stronger a little quicker a little more explosive a couple years ago and um you know that’s kind of what I really tried to you know improve on you know these last two years of kraton um and I feel like I did that um which kind of put me in the position to be where I am right now and how how much have you been able to get to know Brad get to know Joe some of the guys um at the top of the team there yeah you know uh obviously last night you know Brad reached out to me um and obviously you know talked to him um you know my first time working out there and then obviously this Pastime um working out there as well and then you know had some of the guys reach out uh Jason and and and Al reach out and Coach Mula as well and um you know that meant a lot to me I’m obviously really excited to get there and you know meet everybody and my new teammates and really just try to be a sponge and learn from everybody and um try to intake as much information as I can that will help me you know grow um as a player in the NBA next question will be from Jack Sone hey Baylor nice to meet you welcome to Boston uh I was hoping maybe you could run me through some of the emotions that went through your mind obviously get the end of the first round it’s a weird two-day format now so you get there and then you get picked and it’s by the Celtics just what were you thinking of that moment and what was that like for you yeah you know obviously like you said it was uh you know I was very anxious you know coming towards the end of the first round um and and you know obviously got the phone call there while the Celtics were were on the clock and um as soon as you know I got the phone call I was super excited um obviously you know being picked by this organization that just you know came off NBA championship um an organization that obviously you know um doesn’t just pick anybody to come into their to their team and um it was an honor that they felt you know confident enough to pick me and felt like I could come in and you know just impact um the team in any way I can um and try to help them just continue this um culture that they already have set yeah and I mean Celtics are a very historic organization obviously the fan base is very passionate I was wondering what you could tell fans uh and just explain about how you will fit into that hardcore fan base like what you bring to the game and your offc cart personality that you think is a good fit uh with the Boston Celtics yeah I think I just you know I’m a hard worker um I like to work and I like to compete um you know I like to just impact the game in any way I can um like to impact winning whether that’s diving on the floor making threes or or you know blocking shots whatever that might be and I like to have fun while doing it I think you know basketball obviously is a game that’s meant to be enjoyed and so uh when I’m out there on the court I just um like to have a lot of fun and like to compete thank you sir question would be from cam hi Baylor I turn my camera on I feel bad that you’re the only one on camera um I’m curious I know you were you’re busy with the Blue Jays this year but I’m curious how much Celtic basketball you’re able to watch um and then into the postseason the finals what your takeaways were from the team and where you see yourself fitting into that yeah well yeah I did watch them obviously throughout this year and then obviously you know um into the playoff run um and I just really like like the team chemistry that they have um you know everybody plays a role um and you know they are really good at you know it’s a team game and and they understand and um they’re always deflecting credit to one another and and that’s how it should be the game of basketball is obviously a team game and obviously they have tremendous players um as well which is why you know they were able to you know win the NBA championship but um the team chemistry is something that really stuck out to me and I think that’s something that you know I can come in and also just add to that as well kind of just being a connector and just being able to impact the game in any way I can to help them win sure thanks question will be from Jared hey Jared Weiss in the athletic nice to meet you uh you said that you worked out with Boston a couple years ago what did you take from that pre-draft process about what you had to get better and what feedback have you gotten from Boston about what you did over that period of time to become a player that they wanted the draft yeah yeah well you know two years ago obviously I’m two years younger and at the time um coming out of South Dakota State um it’s kind of a different level than what I was at these past two years at kraton um and I think you know it kind of just opened up my eyes that my first time working out um kind of just what I needed to improve on and kind of what um you know the NBA game was kind of all about and then obviously these NE these last two years I Craton kind of just really working on that and the ability to come in this year and kind of just prove that I have grown as a player and as a person um and I think that really helped me obviously throughout this process and then and ending up getting selected next question from Bobby hey bayor first off welcome to Boston and congratulations on getting drafted secondly you set a high school state record for touchdown passes as a quarterback I was just curious what role you think that’s played in your development as a facilitator in basketball and with your court Vision yeah you know I think it plays a big part obviously you know the quarterback um in football you know you have to kind of know everything that’s going on on the field you have to know you know what routes your receivers are running you have to know what the defense is in you have to know um what routes beat certain defenses and I think you have to know it all and it happened so fast and I think you know basketball obviously is kind of the same thing um in terms of my playmaking uh my ability to you know see the court and kind of anticipate things before it happens um and then OB obviously my ability to kind of deliver the ball on time and on target um I think you know me playing football definitely helped me continue to develop that on the basketball court for sure next question from Gary hey Baylor Gary watch from Boston Globe uh congratulations I just wanted to ask you about transferring from South Dakota state to kraton what went into that decision uh obviously maybe to get closer to home like what what kind of went into trying to transfer up and obviously southa State’s a a great program high level the summit league is obviously very competitive but what kind of encourage you to say Okay I want to try something maybe another level up yeah well like you said you know South Dakota State obviously is a great program and I and I still value and have a lot of relationships with the people there um and my three years there were nothing sort of amazing um and you know after my junior year going through the NBA draft process kind of getting feedback um I felt like you know I needed to move up and challenge myself again obviously coming out of my junior year you know I won Player of the Year and we went we went 30 and five and obviously won the summer league and it was a tremendous year but I felt like I had kind of accomplished everything at at that level and in order for me to really want to achieve this dream of you know playing in the NBA that I needed to continue to challenge myself and continue to grow and I felt like transferring up to you know a power five a big conference like the Big East um you know would would ultimately just helped me grow as a player and as a person um and ultimately help me you know achieve those those dreams of no playing in the NBA

Former Creighton Men’s Basketball forward Baylor Scheierman spoke to the media after becoming the 30th pick in the 2024 NBA Draft by the Boston Celtics.


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  1. Credit to Brad and the front office for really picking what seems like character guys. From Pritchard to Hauser and now Baylor it’s good to see that level headedness and general intelligence. Hauser, Payton and Baylor may not be the super athletic kind of players but they seem to be super competitive and know exactly what they can do to help their team. Looking forward to Baylor, I really like his passing and shot selection. Great confidence and also love his age, don’t like young picks, they generally don’t get much playing time.

  2. . Welcome to the C's. Solid B+ if the coaching staff can turn him into a rotation piece for the playoffs or next year to offset us loosing people then its a total A++

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