@San Antonio Spurs



[Music] all right let’s see turn this down all right guys you guys see me okay hear me okay guess going to take a minute there we go sorry about that yeah it took it took me a minute I I was trying to figure something out I can’t get into my Instagram uh so I was trying to figure that out let’s see here turn this down a little bit finally catching my Spurs news live heck yeah I’m actually watching it it I wonder what’s a good way for me to show like who’s been drafted hold on NBA Big Board fans poo I’ll show you guys my my big board Adam Silver is just talking right now I also made sure that I I made sure that you guys were normal late lat Y and not ultra low latency because I don’t want you to spoil uh who the Spurs get and you’re not going to be able to now all right let’s see Adam Silver so born all right guys here’s our uh our big board is there any way to make this like look better I don’t know if there’s any way of making this look better what’s up boo what’s up boo I’m new here all right should I plug my I’m going to I’m going to go ahead and plug my uh my other channel let’s see here oh there’s a lot of people booing that Boston Boston Celtics thing there we go a lot of people booing oh we started all right Atlanta Hawks Atlanta Hawks go ahead baby what’s up Cody all right guys so all we need alexar is probably gone all right I think that that’s been speculated already that he’s more than likely going to be gone um even though he has not worked out with the Atlanta Hawks whatsoever so I I I expect them to go ahead and take alexar and uh we can go ahead and take him off our board I guess how do I edit this how do I edit this what is there any way of editing this oh wait I know how to do it NBA draft I I have to actually go to drive Big Board Creator all right so this this is the board and actually I’m going to duplicate and then I’m going to bring up the one that looks better they shouldn’t take that long right the land of Hawk’s going to take alexar right they better not take Castle Roku TV is trash I’m actually using YouTube TV YouTube TV is actually pretty awesome I like the first video on your new channel the only thing I’d like to see if it’s longer videos 5 to8 minutes it’s pretty dang short yeah I know I think the next one I wrote a script for um Jeremy Sohan I think oh gosh how long will it be it’s going to be longer than 5 minutes it it might be it might be close to 8 8 to 10 I don’t know OMG OMG I pray we don’t get castle oh Little Mix Boy you want Castle okay he didn’t really get the opportunity at Yukon to really show what he’s capable of but there’s been enough instances where you’re like oh yeah he’s he’s legit even as a passer he believes in his game so much till he’s not even wanting to go to any teams that already have an established point guard Clan W said the Hawks are picking Reay good I’m happy good wait no guys don’t wait no don’t tell me what w said okay why does w do this what’s the point what’s the point don’t tell me what w says okay please no no spoilers from W what’s the point of that why does he do that I’m not going to listen after we get to six I’m like not looking at the chat at all what’s up clan what’s up Andre like why does w do do that I’m sorry it’s not your fault it’s it’s W’s fault why does he do that I mean seriously like breaking news like it’s literally going to break in the next few minutes like I don’t know it’s just a stupid Flex to me all right so sh I go and take ree off I didn’t really want him on my board anyway to be real with you guys I’m taking him off I didn’t want him on there anyway I’m taking him off he’s gone oh wait I have to have 14 on here right gosh dang it never mind it’s not going to work how I wanted it to work it doesn’t matter I’m not adding anybody else here we go people okay let’s see I do not understand Reet going one though I’ll be real with you guys I I don’t see it here we go people Hawks fans really excited for uh Ree I like how simple ret is stressed I just don’t get why they would get Reet right like they I would think they would need alexar more than ree he’s a great shooter I I guess in a draft that had lacks Shooters I mean that’s why people were excited to get a shooter I hope Castle gets picked before mix boy is just mix boy talking you don’t know what you’re talking about give me castle and connect I don’t I we’ll see if it’s up to me I want castle and buellis and then my second would be castle and Holland and my third would be castle and Cody but I’m also dop I also think Reed Shepard would be great clinging would make sense too we need a backup defensive guy all right let’s see what what they did here I’m listening to it Atlanta Hawk select W sucks why did he SPO that Bron at 4 that would be [Music] so actually I’ll be pissed off I was going to say it’ll be funny but no I’ll be like really pissed off if they did that W for re though yeah I mean good for him I guess yeah Reay is number one no spoilers people yeah no spoilers all right well I’m glad that he’s off the board I didn’t really want Reet to begin with um but I did have him at six cuz like oh my God if he’s available you take him at eight but there’s no way he will be available same with alexar I have alexar here but I I don’t think that he’ll be available these are my guys though man these are my guys Castle SAR buellis Holland these these are my guys so we’ll see what happens I wonder if the spur is goingon to make some big move tonight stop spoiling I didn’t want him either yeah I I didn’t want him I didn’t want him I I I think a lot of people are enticed by the fact that he can shoot but I don’t think he’s as great as you know as people think I’ll take the potential of of some other players over ree let’s take buellis oh oh dude I would lose my mind I’ll be so happy imagine picking castle for defense when you can get that in free agency okay it’s Mix Boy again all right mix boy every time you talk I’m just going to ignore you oh wait oh wait that’s kind of Base you said buellis and Holland all the way okay I kind of I’m cool with that but don’t but don’t disregard Castle okay don’t let’s not talk bad about castle Castle’s a great pick the point of attack Defender Buell is in Holland I’m with that though I ain’t mad at you I’m not going to ignore you anymore I’m sorry a year ago I watched wimy get drafted with you now let’s see who we watch together yeah guys I’m going to lose my mind if SAR and and and Clingan are the next two picks or or re Shepard whatever it doesn’t matter I’m going to lose my mind there’s no way the Spurs don’t get at least one guy that I want I’m going to lose it dilad 8 Clan I’ll be I’ll be cool with dilot 8 I wouldn’t be mad at that however if you got castle and then you did Dilly at 8 I would scratch my head a little bit also wonder who you would um who would you trade because you get Dilly I don’t know I guess I guess you can keep I don’t know I’mma text I’mma text my friend swissi hold on Zachary re sh is crying right now A okay I’ll tell him you said tell them the chat said hi I’m sorry guys watching this uh is Reay a good pick for the Hawks I don’t know I feel like that’s a weird pick for them I I SAR I thought that they would get um I don’t know is this bad CL what’s bad is what bad they got I don’t even I guys I’ve been very adamant about this I I did not like Zachary ret if he landed somehow some way which wasn’t going to happen to eight then I would not be I would take him but I I didn’t want Reese Shay to begin with I think they took him because of his size um defensive potential and the fact that he’s a shooter in a draft that that doesn’t have a lot of great Shooters but I I I was not a big fan of his I unfollow Shan Shams bro sick of them ruining every year yeah it’s so annoying isn’t it I think he has All-Star potential I I guess how is he a first pick I don’t know I I I guess it’s just one of those things man where this draft isn’t the strong so guys are placed all over the place I mean where would he have placed last season I don’t know okay hold on the washing wizards no Castle no Castle cool all right so they chose alexar why are they booing there’s people booing that’s weird all right so so alexar is my second didn’t think he would land so now we can either get castle or buellis at four I would take Ron Holland at four as well but if we’re being completely real if we’re being honest here uh he could land at eight so good though yeah I fig I figure Alex be gone but we can still get castle we can get buellis and that that will make me happy that’ll make me a happy camper okay Holland as well and I like Cody what else we got here so hopefully kingan gets chosen with the third pick I’ll be cool with that hold let me see y D 2024 see if we can NBA draft let’s see if we can type that in gosh you can’t get a update all pick see draft boort all right here we go all right so who did they have the rock is who are the Rockets mocked to take Castle a four will be a w guys let’s see what these mock drafts say they have Houston taking Reed Shepard didn’t the Rockets just make a move recently or they were trying to make a move were they the ones trying to get k K who who’s trying to get KD I don’t know where’s the link for Spurs Invasion it’s right underneath this video it should be underneath this video uh here I’ll I’ll I’ll do a I’ll post it let Spurs Invasion this is what it looks like posting it in the chat subbed thanks Texas all right they talking to alexar right now sp’s Invasion merch I really do need to do that should we change the light let’s change the light I like that I like that better I like this light better what do you guys think wait wait if we change this light let’s see red I like it we’re going with that all right I want read not going to lie read read is fine but all right I’m going to stop looking at the chat I put it on normal latency so you guys want spoil anything and I know I’m still going to get spoiled cuz wge already released like the first 10 picks of the draft Alex are crying he’s crying cuz he’s going to Washington I would like to say this I haven’t seen the suits and the fits of any of the players right I I just jumped on um um but I’m going to say ret alexr very classy okay they look very classy it’s not too much but not too little I like it nice suit fits well not too much jewelry nothing crazy no like hey look at me type stuff looks good no nobody cares I’ll show you guys this all right I’m not looking at the I’m not looking at the uh I’m not looking at the chat right now I don’t want any spoilers and guys don’t look at w okay unfollow W unfollow uh Shams all right here we go Atlanta Hawk select re sheeper oh boy let’s go let’s go let’s go baby ree you are gone where’s Reed Reed you are gone let’s do this this can only be great okay this can only be great no spoilers in the chat no spoilers in the chat I know W sucks no spoilers in the chat come on baby this is a this is a big timer all right this is a big time Tim or CER or buellis this is a big time now let me say this as far as what the Spurs need I would say they need a player like Stefon castle that’s what they need right that’s what they absolutely need but you also need a uh small Fort cuz we don’t really have a true small Fort but you could potentially get Stefon castle and Holland could land at eight is he raw yes but his athleticism is out of this world okay and defensively he’s amazing please let’s make it happen let’s make it happen Spurs nobody spoil anything shut up re Shepard is 61 he’s a shy he’s shorter than um he’s shorter than Steph he keeps getting Steph comparison isn’t Steph 6’3 I need Gatorade after this next pick I’m going to go get Gatorade let’s see how tall is Steph Curry Steph Curry height oh Steph 6’2 never mind I thought Steph was 6’3 who am I thinking about 63 Kyrie no Kyrie 622 who the heck am I thinking about Anthony Edwards is 6’4 he looks shorter than that I don’t know who I’m thinking about come on baby got Reed Shepard here dearon Fox John Wall Kentucky guards picked in top five in the last 30 years huh H I love if you guys are watching this I love re Shepard’s mother’s hair it’s it’s kind of it’s kind of banging I ain’t going to lie I had my hair dyed like that um not that long ago actually oh it was several months ago I got tired of dying it though so I just let it you know just did my natural hair I might still dye it though I’m thinking about dying I just don’t know what I would Dy it to if I did anything it would probably be light brown now but I don’t think I’m going Dy um uh platinum blonde anymore it hurts if you guys ever bleach your hair it hurts especially the first time you do it if you guys are curious swi Hill just got home he just got home he just text me he said he’s down to come on after we pick eight and he just got home so he’s in home he he got home at the perfect time we don’t care about Reed Shepard we want to know who the Spurs picked the first pitch that looked awful his mom looks tough is she a what is she what sport did re sheeper hold on Reed Shepard’s mom played something I know she played something she had to play like soccer or wrestling or something Reed sheeper Mom sport what do she what do she do she got she’s built like she she played basketball okay I see okay cuz I’m like I’m like she’s she’s built like she played a sport all right come on Spurs George Irving four time scoring champ David Rob Robinson one MVP in 1995 y’all don’t remember that y’all y’all too young y’all don’t remember that y’all don’t I remember vividly I was one years old when uh David Robinson won I remember it vividly and y’all don’t remember that 99 Championship either I remember that vividly I was five I was in kindergarten I wasn’t a Spurs fan yet I didn’t watch sports yet but ESPN cheating out cheaping out with that visual oh look at that that’s RC Buford look at Brian Wright and I don’t know any of you I don’t know any of you in this room I know none of you where’s pop oh Pop’s back there I’m so nervous right now let’s go that’s a w that’s a w let’s go that’s a w y’all have no idea that’s a w that is a w I hate his fit I’m lying I like his fit I actually like it a lot look at him no emotion okay he’s crying never mind he’s crying I I was about to call him Kawai this is perfect this is exactly what we needed this is exactly what we needed perfect brilliant Mah brilliant brilliant baby we got him we got him we got him unlock we got him unlock y’all don’t worry about I know people gonna say what well CL what about the shooting don’t worry about the shooting don’t worry about it he was he was a decent shooter in high school don’t worry about it okay he has he has good he has good form don’t worry about it he’s a very high IQ player he’s a point of attack Defender he’s a combo guard he could potentially end up being a great point guard he already said I don’t want to go to any team that has an established point guard he believes in himself he’s crafty he’s smart he’s played in a system and won a championship in a system em motion offense that would be very similar to what it would look like playing for the San Antonio Spurs this is the perfect player for the San Antonio Spurs to grab I didn’t want to hear none of that nonsense oh what about topage oh what what what what about no this is the player you wanted and he he has not been able to show what he’s fully capable of but he has shown at the very least base level he can be successful in a system in which he could be a rotational player he he can be successful sucker for guys like this okay I’m a sucker for guys like this perfect perfect perfect soan Castle it’s it’s over Castle soan wimy it’s over it’s over this is what you wanted perfect perfect baby now this what we want all right guys that’s that’s first order of business is is out the window hold on let me let me let me message switch y I know he happy wait I feel like I have a meme do I have a meme for this hold on where the heck wait I got Joe Biden I got Joe Biden I got a Joe Biden meem that sir what’s your response to that sir do you think thetion will have an impact on the campaign we’d love to hear your thoughts sir what’s your response to that sir hold on do you think thetion will have imp on the campaign perfect there we go all right I had I had to use the I had to use the the biting meme okay I had to use the biting meme if you guys are curious this is where we just tweeted out all right I had to use the biteen me because it’s so funny wait where is oh you can’t really see it cuz here it is [Laughter] hold on you you guys can’t hear it hold on what’s your response to that sir do you think the conviction will have an impact on the campaign he’s so old my God God our president’s old all right hold on let me let me stop that and unmute all right if I if you guys can hear the ESP and stuff I get in trouble so no copyright here this is perfect guys this was perfect hold on switch heill message me fantastic pick won him all year and we got him there we go he did want them all year me once he cuz he used to show me clips this was like before was this before this might have been before the season even started um he was really excited about uh Stefon Castle um and he showed me so many clips of him and then I started watching him I’m like oh my God yeah he is good he’s really good connector Buel is for the Pistons yeah this means buzel is probably gone um but if we can get Ron Holland that would be insane Clingan would be great too Kellin going to get traded yeah I think I’m pretty sure Kellin is going to be traded I I be very shocked if he wasn’t all right let’s see what the Pistons who the Pistons chose my boy buellis is probably gone dude shoot though don’t worry about that oh wait who are we talking about who can’t shoot oh are the Pistons about to take Ron Holland Pistons taking ra H okay that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine I’m not mad at it I’m wondering if we can get buellis to fall though you think there’s any way we can get buzel to fall I don’t know I really thought Holland will be available at 8 we’s see all right they about to announce it okay so the Pistons took Holland all that booing is crazy Holland is a really good player he’s going to be really good Ah that’s unfortunate bzel at eight will be a steal there’s no way he’s falling yeah buzel ain’t falling at eight there’s no way he falls at eight mock drafts are busted yeah they had going like nine this is where he belongs by the way guys hey they’re playing Eminem on the surface he look calm and ready to drop bombs but he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down the whole crowd goes so loud he opens his mouth but the words won’t come out he’s choking out everybody’s choking now time out time’s up over plow snap back to reality who there goes rabbit he choke he’s so mad but he won’t give up that easy not he won’t have it Ron Holland crying too all right now I think we all can agree that Ron Holland fit is atrocious dang buellis is crying for him what the heck Buel need to get his hair together bro what did he just wake up do you guys see buell’s hair did he just wake up God Ron Holland is so good defensively H very athletic too Ron Holland is great Coast to Coast too I was I was thinking of a future with Ron Holland hey my my video was acrid right I think I put in there didn’t I put in here that the Spurs have an opportun let’s see in this video from the other channel isn’t it crazy how I mentioned Stefon castle and Ron Holland both of which were players that the Spurs could get um for that defensive help uh in the back court and I mentioned that and then they go four and five everybody that said Holland uh should be kicked out of the lottery uh eat it okay he deserves it what is that necklace he’s wearing is that a is that a adom why does he have a adom chain on either mod Salon are going to be available at eight for sure uh salon’s going to be available I’m sure that’ll be weird not to uh where do I even have him on my I got him at 11 guys um okay so now that we got Stefon Castle being is completely transparent I don’t really see a point getting Dillingham maybe I could be convinced out of it but I don’t see a point right now how I’m feeling guys is modest bzel is first and foremost if that land oh my God that’s incredible if that lands I don’t think he will but um but Cody Williams will be a guy I really want then you just dude the one thing that wimy needs hold on let me go get a I’m GNA go get um a Gatorade give mean give me a second all right I’m coming back I’m back don’t nobody go anywhere I’m here all right so I truly do believe this okay the one thing that wimy needs and we’ve seen it this season we weren’t the most talented team in the NBA right we weren’t the most Talent hold let me turn this off because it’s going to distract me um we weren’t the most talented team right I mean let’s just be real uh but I’ll say this when he was on the court with high IQ players he looked way better I mean not just him but the team as a whole looked way better right it one of the most talented team in the world but some of the higher IQ players that we have on the team when they’re on the court with them it looked good it looked really good they they all played well together um um but like it’s specifically like everyone that says oh I love Mamu is it really the fact that Mamu is a better player than Zach Collins or better play no not really not really it’s just that he has such high basketball like q and the offense looks so fluid when he’s out there that’s why getting Castle is so important because the type of offense that Yukon ran is very similar to what it would look like with the Spurs anyways so I’m really just going for the more high IQ players that that’s available at that point to me I would rather get you know um I if at eight I would just rather just go ahead uh suck it up and and get um Cody will I think he’s a pretty high IQ player somebody mentioned um salon for eight please uh keep in mind that salon’s going to take some time to develop and if the Spurs are in which they aren’t necessarily in win now win now but they’re definitely in win sooner than later mode I don’t know how long it’s going to take before Salon is where you need them to be so can’t draft Dilly and Castle I I don’t see a point and getting Dilly Cody Williams fits the script Cody Williams would be perfect Cody William over Modis no no no no no Modis buellis over Cody Willam but buellis is also a very high IQ player might is Buel be perfect I was hoping we were going to pick ladder huh Carter at 8 now that we have Stefon Castle I wouldn’t be I wouldn’t mind getting Carter at 8 just keep in mind that he’s a little bit older and he is a I mean he is a point guard uh I I guess you really have to make some decisions after that at that point I probably want Blake Wesley gone I mean I I don’t know what else you would do there you know Cody is a Spur type player now I have no information on anything um regarding him uh another I will say this as well though so everybody that’s mentioned in Salon um he could potentially be taken by the Spurs as well because he it was announced that he got injured during a Spurs workout which is ridiculous that probably didn’t happen oh okay cool so salon salon’s gone to the horn dude is is okay everyone thinks that the trailblade is going to take buellis it makes sense it makes sense the Hornets are nowhere near um where they need to be and it seems like they’re going to have to revamp some things anyway so they have that patience with us having wimy I I don’t I don’t know if it was worth it you know it’s going to take some time apparently the Hornets took yeah yeah they took them I’m seeing it right here Castle’s a monster dog Castle’s a monster if if there’s people that’s a swissi just text me if buzel is a guys you know how huge I’ve been on buellis this season I’m really nervous about seven guys if we I’m telling you this right now okay if the Spurs got moded buellis with Castle this is a 10 out of 10 draft this is the best you could have done if the Spurs got mes buellis while always also having Stefon C this is the perfect draft buzel knows how to get to his spots he’s a high IQ player he’s not a lock down Defender but you don’t need him to be because m velis is more of those more of a type of player that’s uh good on help defense right but what you need him to be a lock down for he’s good enough defensively you got Stefon Castle you got Jeremy soan you got wimy that would be insane trash you’re trash you’re trash Joshua you’re trash you’re trash sir Cody Williams is my guy I like Cody Williams a lot like I said mes buellis or Cody those are my guys those are my guys I didn’t really want Salon anyway he’s all the way down here alexar I figured he’d be gone Reay I just put him there just cuz if he landed then you have to take him Spurs not letting topage slide you don’t need topage I don’t want topage you don’t need topage all right you want buellis baby he this is two things that the Spurs need you need a point guard which Castle could it could not be that but it doesn’t matter you need a defensive Wing very important he’s definitely going to be that uh and with buellis you need a uh you need a small Fort okay he’s a dang good one too and he fits our personality he fits the culture very nice kid very nice kid very good kid let’s get him why are they talking about clinging dude are the Trailblazers are the Trailblazers about to take Clingan oh the trail blaz is about to take Clingan where’ I have him on my I had kingan at nine are the trail blades about to take kingan I’ve been very adamant that when it comes to centers you can get those uh outside of this draft are they about to take cling in Spurs San Antonio listen to me listen listen to me San Antonio Listen Hold on I got to call Pop I’mma call Pop I got to call POP hold on just give me a second all right hold up yeah yeah you know what I’m about uh uhhuh yeah yes yes sir yeah okay we’re good we’re good guys I just I I I I’ll talk to you later Pop I we I just talked to pop uh we’re getting boo zealous I just talked to pop he won’t lie to me like BFFs all right we’re taking we’re taking buellis there’s no way there’s no way pop just told me he confirmed it we’re taking buellis yeah I know you guys are wondering like oh you know who are the spur is going to take I just told you all right you heard it here you don’t have to hear it from W okay no spoilers in the chat I’m not looking at the chat uh but I already talked to pop okay unless he lied to me and pop isn’t the type to lie to you okay he’s not the he’s not the type to to lie to you okay some people don’t believe me hold on some people don’t believe hold on I’m I’m a FaceTime them I’m FaceTime POP Hold I’m I’m calling I’m calling on FaceTime hold on ding D ding okay hold on there we go I got him on FaceTime see got him on FaceTime right there uh yeah sorry sorry Pop I was just trying to they didn’t think that I talked to you so I I had to put you on the phone all right cool guys I’m losing it Bois boellis no spoilers in the chat all right don’t listen to W screw Ro Donovan clinging would be cool if the Spurs would have got him but I don’t know nud I I just I’m just not that high on getting a a yaka purle in the lottery which I know I know yaka Perle was a lottery pick okay let me let me say that but we just traded him oh his mom passed away no spoilers guys I’m like staring at clingan’s uh chain it’s it’s really pretty it’s very shiny I like to believe that if I was going to the draft I I would like like be very minimal like it would look like I’m going to a prom oh no well some people really show up for proms never mind like I’m going to a wedding did you guys enjoy um did you guys go to your prom did you enjoy it my prom was cool I went I went my senior year actually went to two proms the person I was dating at the time um she was a grade under me so I went my senior year and then I went a year um after that they said team needs playmaker and shooting we don’t care about that modest balis don’t mess this up Modis buellis please this is a no-brainer Rob Dillingham is available Rob Dillingham is also available let’s see what we got here so we got buellis I’m looking at a look at Pop I just talked to him I’m looking at Pop right now I just talked to him Tim Duncan’s there I should have got Timmy on the phone I don’t care about his opinion though he doesn’t have a say so in what they do RC buer looks so creepy I don’t know he’s a creepy looking guy wimy BL when be blocking chat I’m telling you Bellis is perfect showing Rob Dillingham and Rob Dillingham has been like I want to play for the Spurs he will be perfect too he’ll be fine too Dillingham will be perfect too by the way I I I just don’t know if you draft him when you already got Castle but like he’s a bucket getter he could come off the bench whatever are they about to did they spoil that it’s Rob Dillingham I feel like they spoiled it a little bit all right here we go rob Dillingham okay okay okay okay okay all right I don’t like it it’s fine it’s fine we got Castle it it it’s weird it’s weird I I don’t really know how this would how this is going to go I don’t know if cuz Rob Dillingham isn’t oh man I’m going tell you guys right now Blake Wesley’s on the hot seat Blake Wesley’s on the hot seat he’s on the the hot seat classic GM move from White right Rob is 6’3 I think he’s shorter than that uh I think he’s Shor than that Rob oh he is 6’3 I thought he was 6’1 that’s fine you got you a bucket getter so what did you get in this draft guys yes yes let’s let’s back it up a little bit let’s take our feelings out let’s back it up a little bit you guys know I really love buellis let’s let’s take our feelings out of it you got you a bucket getter which you need you got two guys who could potentially be a point guard don’t know if Rob dillingham’s going to be that or not for the spur I don’t know too many guards guys this team is not going to like what this team looks like right now is about to change drastically okay like like don’t worry about like oh we got too many guard it’s about to change it’s about to change I wouldn’t be surprised if Malachi brandom is gone I wouldn’t be surprised if Blake Wesley’s gone obviously Kellin I think he’ll be gone he going to the wolves are we trading him what we what did we get hold on we just traded Dillingham okay all right okay okay cuz I thought it was a little weird I thought it was a little weird okay what did we get for a star four what did we get wait there’s more there’s more we just traded it we just traded dillam what did we get can we just get buellis and can we just get boo what what what what just happened I thought I thought that was a little weird but like what happened what happened what just happened swis Shield just messaged me he said what did we get we traded him yo what did we get I’m so confused oh poor guy he got his Spurs had on I I’m so confused I thought I thought it was weird I wanted to take my feelings out of it and say hey he can create his own shot I’m just happy we got Stefon Castle but what did we get where where is Minnesota in this draft did we get their pick where’s Minnesota mock draft NBA the heck did we get uh unprotected 2031 oh a 2031 how old am I going to be I’m going to be in my mid-30s what hold on did we get their wait does Minnesota have a pick this year they got a 27 did we get that one what did we get dude look at your chat Tim rules traded 20 30 okay all right hold on hold on hold on on Zack Ed just went nine they’re booing there’s more oh wait w probably posted it right let’s go to w all right here we go the the timber Wars are trading a 2023 a 2031 unprotected first and a protected 2030 pick swap to the Spurs for Dillingham Spurs really didn’t believe in Dillingham my God that’s a fleece for the Spurs that’s uh that’s one of those that’s that’s great but get my God that that that makes me sad that makes me so sad where is the trade where is this trade where is this trade this is what we got 2025 is the real draft bro I know I know the fan and me wanted something to happen with the eighth Pig but if I take myself out this is why I couldn’t be in the room with them right take myself self out of it dude you you just got that’s pretty dog on good unprotected first that’s pretty dog on good in a future draft they really didn’t believe in Dillingham my God somebody said that’s it that’s not what Spurs won not going to lie they have no idea wolves fleece they have no idea they have no idea I don’t think the Spurs wanted Dillingham I think the Spurs didn’t want anybody that was left after four are we going to sign as star small I think there’s more on the horizon okay let me go and put that out there right now I’m pretty sure there’s more on the horizon like there’s no way um that the Spurs are are done here it’s going to be some trades I’m assuming it is it is a tra it is a f fantastic trait it it’s just one of those things where like everyone if if Rob Dillan does recently well everyone to say that they went fleeced until 2031 it’s it’s just impatience at that point it’s fine topic I did not want topic I am shocked they didn’t want buellis I even talked to pop on the phone and he said he was going to take buellis I guess he did lie to me I guess there’s more people that have to decide than just pop I should have called RC or Brian all right well we got our guy I mean it’s shocking is all yeah it’s just shocking we got our guy though bye-bye Kelly yeah Kell Kell and Kell’s going to get out of here I’m assuming pathetic team in front off what calm down relax Stefon Castle’s a great pick all right let’s let’s keep in my let’s see what’s going on did buellis drop again are ja going to take him buzel is just going to keep dropping why would we do that they would do that if um they got something else they’re planning to do but also maybe all their guys were gone and they didn’t believe in anybody in this draft I mean if they don’t believe if they didn’t believe buellis I mean there’s a lot of other teams that don’t either apparently balis is going home that was a freebie pick anyway yeah that’s true that’s a good point as well that wasn’t our actual like that wasn’t our pick yeah yeah that’s what I’m saying I think there’s a trade on the horizon they’re getting something together I missed it oh what you missed was the San Antonio Spurs got Stefon Castle baby perfect perfect pick perfect pick nothing mad nothing bad with nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with that all right so we’re waiting to see what the heck is going to come out of the whole situation with trading away um trading away Rob Dillingham I thought it was initially weird try to take my feelings out of it and say okay that means some guards are going to be gone right like if you take on Rob Dillingham that means Blake Wesley you’re probably gone um Trey Jones probably stays Malachi brandom bye-bye wasn’t 100% sure what was going on there um but we do know what the Spurs got was the Timberwolves 2031 unprotected first and a protected 2030 uh pick swap for Dillingham what my assumption here and we just have to wait and see is that this is going to be packaged for some something else or it could be it could legitimately be just hey you wait it out and you see what happens but more than likely I think the Spurs are going to make a trade 2025 is the real draft okay that’s the real draft but let me go ahead and get this out of the way okay I am so excited I had him number one on my board I am so excited that the Spurs got Stefon Castle because he is one that’s been his power level has been hidden okay his power level has been hidden this is not his final form um he’s played with Yukon let me just say a few things why I think he’s perfect for the Spurs not only is he what you need okay he’s two things that you need number one you need a defensive Wing he is the epitome of that the way that he fights around screens the way that he can just lock on you he’s a point of attack Defender this is what you needed okay that that’s that’s worst case scenario is that what that’s what he is he’s also a combo guard who that has point guard potential right he can pass the ball very well he can make any pass imaginable he’s great on picking roles he’s a really really smart player High basketball IQ guy and we all know that wimy uh thrives when he plays with higher IQ players we’ve seen it already it’s very obvious very blatant it’s in your face Stefon Castle is perfect for what the Spurs needed and when I say that they’ve been hiding his power level what I mean is and Yukon he’s played more of kind of a system you know uh a player but he hasn’t been able to really show everything that he’s capable of but you’ve seen Snippets of it right you’ve seen that that savviness that that craftiness that he has on the offensive end of the in the ball and even though his shot isn’t going in as much as we’d like you know behind the arc he still managed to find a way to be effective and help his team win a championship this and he’s always cool calm and collected this is the perfect player the Spurs could have taken in this draft that’s not that strong of a draft at all now I’m a little shocked that they didn’t take buellis but a lot of teams I mean we’re in the middle of the draft right now I don’t know where he’s going to land but a lot of teams aren’t taking him right he’s just falling and falling and Fallen the fact that Cody Williams came before him is is kind of sad and I I like Cody Williams a lot obviously I got him on my board but I wasn’t expecting him to go after buellis Ron Holland landed where he should have um but this might have been just a situation where the Spurs liked Holland they liked uh salon and they just couldn’t get him uh I was never sold on going after Devin Carter I feel like he’s the type of player that’s more icing on the cake you know like if you already have a team that’s fairly established then he’s a guy that comes in and comes off the bench and and brings um that energy but I didn’t necessarily think they needed that so but I’m happy this is perfect this is perfect getting Stefon C Castle now we have to just sit back wait and see what else comes out of this you know buzel fell out of the top 10 that’s crazy to me but it’s okay it’s whatever it’s not our problem Rob dillam a 61 shooting guard doesn’t seem very inticing that’s the thing the the one thing I did say about Rob is look I I I I will forgive a lot of things because you got Stefon Castle but the one thing about Rob is yeah his defense isn’t the best but I was trying to I was trying to see where the Spurs were coming from if they actually were was the guy that they wanted and we know that he really wanted to play for the Spurs um but yeah like you said a 61 well 63 actually 63 shooting guard is it I mean he’s he’s labeled as a point guard but he’s more so a shooting guard um Katie to the Spurs well I don’t know I don’t know about all that maybe Spurs are trading for cam maybe they might be they might be um they might be I wouldn’t be surprised cuz who else is available hold on let me see I’m trying to see who else was available today if people were talking about cuz there’s not that many players honestly available that we could trade for um let’s see I don’t know I don’t know I’m not that really worried about it sorry that was a whole l nothing Kellin and pix uh let’s see good night it is a good night Isaac Cole You’re spur make Isaac hoier spur I don’t know where he’s going to land horrible trade who’s running this draft guys we need to wait you you need to wait all right wait a second you got to keep in mind the SP we’re Spurs fans here we’re Spurs fans here so let’s let’s calm down all right we know we know for a fact that the Spurs often make very educated sound decisions even if we disagree with it you can’t get to the point where you’re saying they’re a trash front officer no no no let’s just wait and see what comes out of this and I know that’s so far the if they were to keep these picks I know that’s so far ahead in time till like I mean I’m I’m with you guys on that like oh my God I’ll be waiting forever I have grow hair I have gray hair all right m bzel is gone I just heard it he’s gone Clan there was rumors that the Spurs were interested in Tobias Harris yeah I remember that I think we talked about that last stream anyways I just wanted to give my my thoughts on that just overall I’m happy I think that this is a great pick regardless of what comes after I’m trading the eth that eighth pick wasn’t our pick to begin with we just extended it out right we just extended it out we turned that eighth overall pick into a unprotected in the in the future and you can use that you can use that in a future trade and and 2031 pick swap protected but yeah good stuff I’m happy this was this was good guys uh let me go ahead and before we get before we get out of here let let’s take a let’s take a poll let’s take a poll let’s see I’m going to ask you guys a question all right if it lets me ask a question end poll I got to end the first poll all right let’s start a new poll are you happy with Stefan Castle we’ll see what you got I’ll give you guys a minute to answer that I give you a minute what why San Antonio you effed up whatever San Antonio made that kid cry we will have issues what are you talking about no Clan you’re too calm and collected for gray hair in your 30s two two first for a eight pick looks not bad no no it is it’s it’s a it’s it’s a good trade it’s just like as a fan it’s like one of those things where like as a fan I hate it okay I’m not going to sit here and pretend like I’m I’m like happy with that like oh yeah I’m just so happy no no as a fan I hate it because if that’s not traded away we’re waiting forever for it but if I take it outside of myself let’s say this wasn’t the San Antonio Spurs and I’m another team looking in 2024 isn’t a a strong draft okay it’s not a strong draft um and I would say hey that’s um that’s a W for that team especially if you didn’t want if you didn’t want Dillingham to begin with then you know and you know what what’s funny is that Spurs just aren’t suckers for guys like that they just don’t want that type of player uh who was the other player that the Spurs didn’t want um Spurs traded they trade to the Grizzlies who was that again what was his name ah gosh guys who who was the kids what was the kid’s name chat I need your help what was the kid’s name that the Spurs traded in the second round or am I thinking of someone else God you guys suck mostly everyone in here not even from San Antonio to be fair I’m not even from San Antonio who do we Ro trade Rob for okay you’re G to have to go back um he was a second round pick I know he was a second round pick who was it don’t remember his name dang it Kennedy Chandler that’s what it was keny Chandler wait actually no he wasn’t really much of a no he didn’t really play like but how tall was Kenny Chandler or how tall is 5’11 good God it’s 5’11 yeah I’m happy with both picks to be honest well the second pick got traded good stuff I’m happy are you guys Happy let’s see let’s take a look at the the poll here oh my goodness all right 350 votes says yes they’re happy 97% basically oh you guys can’t even see it but yes 97% are happy with the Stefon Castle pick good job guys good job all right let’s go ahead and um how are you happy stop lying to yourself how am I ha Stefon Castle is a really good player are you joking thanks Big Herm for the Super Chat wait did you send me two super chats B chats big Herm cuz I didn’t see the other one but there’s two popping up on my my chat that’s weird did you accidentally give me two super chats thank you nonetheless all right let’s go ahead and get uh let go and get my boy on oh wait he got to eat first why are y’all crying oh in the chat I have no idea what’s wrong with everybody you guys keep in mind that the eighth the eighth pick wasn’t even our pick to begin with that was a icing on the cake anyways and if the Spurs and their evaluation staff didn’t see feel a need to grab someone in this draft at8 then that’s what you do you trade it away you leverage it you trade it away they got a future unprotected um and now what you can do is uh you know leverage that you you can take that and trade it away yeah Spurs did a great job got two first for the eighth pick yeah and you know even if the Spurs were just think about just think about it you know if the Spurs were to keep it right let’s let’s keep it in the realm of the Spurs keep that pick the Spurs keep that pick if the Spurs were to keep these two first we’re expecting that the Spurs are going to be a winning team by 2031 right I I think we all would be pretty pissed off if they’re not a winning team by 2031 well when you’re a winning team you don’t get many great picks right will the timber wheel Wills be a great team I mean probably maybe we’ll have to see but this might be really big time at that point if they were to keep it topish with OKC guys I really didn’t want topish I’m so happy we didn’t grab topish all right we got we got a switch heill in seven minutes he’ll be on in seven minutes it was beautiful trade by the Spurs it was a good trade who did we get we got Stefon Castle baby Stefon Castle how many Stefon castle videos did we even make I’m curious now I’mma go to let’s go to YouTube let’s see and I called it on my second Channel go go follow Spurs invasion my second Channel Link Link underneath this video but I mention them in this video Stefon Castle he’s a competitor boy let’s say Clan the Spurs fan Stefan Castle hey we caught it a month ago look at that Spurs interested in Stefon castle and then we also knew that Stefon Castle was avoiding teams this is why you guys got to keep up okay you got to keep up with the channel what else we got here Stefon Castle is a nasty Defender draft him I guess we only talked about him three times in in a video we talked about him on live streams I know you love to see it you love to see it Kellin got to go now I’ve been very adamant that Kellin is going to be gone Bri Brian lay off the we this was a good draft okay can can anybody actually tell okay so everybody that’s upset okay I mean I’m literally going to hear you out okay I’m I’m really going to hear you out everyone that’s actually upset can you can you explain why you’re upset like seriously like can you explain in the 2024 NBA draft why you’re not happy with how things transpired so far like can you like can you actually like tell like tell me what’s wrong with trading your eighth for two future first and then drafting a player that you would need like just can can you Kellin champany got to go okay look we’re CH champeny makes like $2 a game okay we why why are we worried about champeny right now okay you can have champeny come off the bench he’ll be totally fine I I don’t know why we’re I I don’t know why we’re talking about champeny right now I wanted Rob too is that all it is I wanted buellis but I’m not sitting here like throwing things I get it I can’t get lucky all the time okay I I wanted I wanted um I wanted Jeremy soan and they got him and now I want a castle they got him I I can’t I can’t complain can you tell me what’s wrong with being mad that the Spurs didn’t want to take my opinion to to Foundation players but hey we got a first round pick in 7 years from now what Foundation player what what Foundation players did you what what in 20 do you how strong do you think this draft is as as as high as I’ve been on buellis you can go back and watch videos that I’ve said about him I I didn’t think that he will be a star the only player honestly in this draft I mean other than you know Alex SAR obviously uh that I I think had true potential to become a star was Castle there’s not that many in this draft that were that great I mean not to that degree but I do think buellis would have been a good fit I do agree with that internally you’re flipping the table I’m not I’m actually okay like I’m genuinely okay my girlfriend just messaged me you’d be upset if we drafted Modis and trade him thir oh is that what’s going on okay okay so everyone that’s upset you were just Dillingham fans we’re upset because we need help why would we trade it we needed all the help we could get for literally nothing 6 years from now like why well future picks you can trade those so that’s one thing so that could give you some help so you can trade those picks to get help um uh I I don’t I don’t know if it’s like this guys it’s like this Spurs have a pretty good evaluation staff um if if they see a if they if they really do believe that the prospects left in the 2024 aren’t worth it especially when you have you know plenty of picks to choose from in a better draft in 2025 and you could potentially make this flip this instead of getting a player that you don’t actually want you can flip it into something in the future or you can flip it for something where you can trade those picks and get something important now I don’t see why like I think it’s just a win-win for us right you’re telling me Oh gosh hold on oh I couldn’t see your message give me a second my uh I think I I think I saw what you said got oh here it is you’re telling me brandom Wesley and champeny are better than this number eight pick yeah like unironically yeah Katon yeah not champeny though I don’t why are we bringing up champeny we didn’t draft champeny but yes yes yes yes Wesley and brandham right now are better players than Dillingham yeah and I’m not even like the biggest Malachi and Blake Wesley fan he said yeah yeah yes CL you’re insane I don’t think that’s ins whatever all right I’m about to put a switch heill on give me a second all right let’s I ain’t worried about y’all I ain’t worried about y’all if if if this is about you being a Billingham fan and they trading them away I get it I get it I’m not mad at you for being upset about that but then to say like oh it’s trash it’s like no I mean you flipped the eight for two picks and I doubt that they’re done hold on let me see um I know you get cathar oh okay okay here we go here we go I know it’s cathartic for me to be like upset but I I I’m genuinely not I was trying to understand the Dillingham pick I was like okay that makes sense I guess but then I was like okay even looking at the chat I’m like okay guys some people are gone if if this like some people are gone but now that they trade them away I’m just like oh I guess buellis wasn’t I mean I still want buellis but hold I’m trying to get in the all right let’s see can you hear me oh gosh I’m trying to get switch on why did you make another Channel Clan uh the second channel is edited content so it’s edited um it’s completely different scripted so it’s completely different thing oh are you there yeah I I didn’t want to like jump in while you were talking oh no you hold on let me all right say something again I had it up too loud can you hear me yeah okay I can hear you now yeah I had to join on my phone because I don’t know why it’s screwing up on the computer okay all right all right so everybody in the chat well not everybody okay I’m being a little hyperbolic but enough people in the chat uh seem to believe that I’m just coping um when it comes to trading away Dillingham so I think we should just like jump on that I know a lot of fans really love Dillingham and like initially I was like okay I guess that makes sense but that means some guys are definitely going to be gone like there’s no way initially when we first got Castle I said okay okay I don’t I don’t really see us getting two point guards um but I definitely want to hear your take on it cuz I personally think that those two picks that they got cuz they got a let’s see 20 31 unprotected first and a 2030 pick swap I personally think that that’s going to be either flip for something else or even if you weighed it out 2031 you’ll be a winning team that could potentially be a pretty decent pick at that point but what what are your what are your thoughts I know it’s forever from now and I think that’s why most people are upset that’s kind of what I thought I mean I I talked with you earlier this week about saying that I kind of hope we drafted castle and then traded the pick because I didn’t really like a lot of people at eight if Holland had fallen to eight I may have seen it and like I wouldn’t have minded buellis um yep I wasn’t as high on Dillingham as some people I liked him I thought he’d be a good player but I mean Castle’s pretty much said he wants to try playing the point it was just kind of weird to draft two of them yeah I I kind of think it’s the same thing I feel like it’s one of three things it seems like uh they’re either you know dealing them there to get future picks because they just don’t feel like developing two players out of this down draft yeah um or one dealing him because they want to save money on their cap space because they’re looking at you know signing somebody or three dealing him because it saves space and gets them extra picks to throw in a deal for somebody uh to help out um that’s where my mind was I mean it was I’ll say it was a little perplexing to like see that happen just because I think it’s because so many people wanted Dillingham all this time that it just hit hard there yeah but uh I I mean it’s it’s one of those things where I wonder if we’d be looking at it the same way if we traded it before drafting dilling or what but uh yeah I wasn’t I didn’t love it I didn’t hate it so I was just kind of like H but I mean Castle was my favorite Prospect this year so I I got him on my team so maybe I just can’t complain because of that so yeah yeah I’m I’m just not I’m just not tripping about it that much I mean the only thing that I’m upset about is that we didn’t get buellis um cuz I I do believe in them but then at the same time it’s like I don’t want the Spurs to pick a aspect that they don’t believe in you know like oh we have the eight so we just have to use it so let’s grab a guy and we actually don’t believe him it doesn’t really pan out and now you’re trading them away a few years down the line like I I I would rather it go this direction if you don’t believe in any of the prospects left we weren’t supposed to have I mean well supposed I mean we we made the moves to get the eighth but it wasn’t our pick um we got really lucky being able to get the eighth and you trade away for two future picks I think that you could flip that right I I it could you could either wait it out and that’s forever from now I know everybody be like what the heck like even me faning me is like oh my God I don’t want to wait that long um or you can trade and get help now um now somebody in the chat brought up this and it it kind of irritates me a little bit just just just a little bit just just a tad bit but they said you’re telling me that brandom Wesley and champeny are better players than this number eight pick so in other words better players than Dillingham I guess buellis as well is that what they mean I would agree with champeny but I think that that’s highly disrespectful of Malachi brandom and Wesley and I’m not even like the biggest like fans like if the Spurs were to trade them I I won’t sit here and like cry about it but like I think that that’s kind of crazy but maybe you have a different opinion on it and I’m just tripping I don’t know I mean mean look I’m not going to disparage Malachi or Blake no I don’t think they’re franchise saviors and I don’t know if they’ll be on the team in a couple years but I I don’t know if I view Rob Dillingham in that light either is the thing I I mean I know people will say oh you traded away a top 10 pick but it’s just like I don’t know and and like I said I’m just not so mad about it CU I was kind of in favor of just trading the pick anyway um especially in this draft I uh I got my guy that I wanted to see us draft and and who knows maybe we trade back into this draft for some reason I mean we still have second round picks you can use to to get up there but I I just I don’t know I I really liked dilling him in fact I think I was the first one that mentioned him to you uh back in like August and all that but I just I don’t know it’s maybe I need to be more serious about it I just don’t feel like it’s a or break move it just very much feels like he’s gearing up for something cuz I mean it’s a pick Swap and a first round pick it feels like he’s throwing stuff in to make an offer for something bigger that’s what I’m that that’s what I’m garnering from this because you have so many seconds in what 20 26 you have like is it like six or five second round picks uh you got hold on actually I’ll just bring it up instead of me just speculating what it is let’s see Spurs future draft picks um it’s kind of crazy let’s see all right so 2025 is the one we care about um and you have the Atlanta for now you got the Atlanta Hawks one Charlotte one that’s not going to convey let’s just be honest um oh oh wait I was looking at the wrong one yeah yeah the Charlotte one that’s not going to convey you got your own that might be decent really depends I don’t think the Spurs are a playoff team but hey I I could be wrong um and then you go into 202 well 2025 you have two or three second round picks 2026 you got two first round picks and yeah five five second round picks and then you have two picks in 2027 first round picks you have two second round picks in 2020 I mean 2027 I think I think I said that right yeah it’s a lot of picks that the Spurs have in the future so yeah I agree with you I think that they’re just kind of ramping ramping something up something big yeah I mean either way the thing is pick eight in this draft would have been similar to like a pick 14 to 16 in last year’s draft it would have been pretty I just I’m not broken up about it it just it is what it is I got we got the guy that I wanted up there at four who I think is a fantastic pick and you know that’s what it comes to yeah and I mean the thing is we’re try people are trashing the trade and like I said I don’t love it but I don’t know what’s going to come of it yet it just doesn’t feel like a singular move per se so I’m GNA wait and see what happens before I pass judgment on it that’s kind of how I feel too like I you just kind of got to give it a give it a minute I mean worst case scenario here like I said is I expect the Spurs to be very in Championship mode hopefully a ring I don’t know you know it takes it takes a lot to win a ring but I expect them to be a winning team by 2031 worst case scenario it’s you got two you know uh first round picks uh in 2030 2031 and that’s that’s great but that’s worst case scenario and I I think the fan of me is irritated by that but you know best case scenario which and probably more likely also not just best case scenario but more most likely is they’re going to them like I I don’t see I don’t know like you said I I think this is something where you’re ramping up for something else um and it’s really hard to just say they’ve been cuz I saw so many comments dude of they’ve been not in my chat in particular but people saying oh my God they just flee the San Antonio Spurs it’s like really a draft pick and two future picks that you don’t know what really we’re going to just say they flee them this early really that’s crazy I mean I I think it’s a good move for Minnesota and this is where I think he fits better in Minnesota than us he’s going to be able to play behind Conley and he’s got Anthony Edwards there nikil Alexander Walker’s there I mean lots of guys you know if we bring him in he’s thrown into the fire yeah it’s young guards I mean look at how scoot Henderson started I still believe in scoot Henderson but he had a rough start to the season I mean it’s just it’s going to take young guards a while to develop and we just we drafted one in Castle it’s going to take him a bit to develop too he’s going to need all the Reps he can get I just it to me I honestly I was more perplexed that we took Dillingham than trading him I was like whoa I I thought for sure it would have been you know somebody else uh at that spot instead but uh it just feels like there’s more in place here than what we initially thought yeah but I mean that that said yeah other than buellis like it’s this draft man I didn’t have a whole lot of players that I loved in here MH so I I’m just not worried about it all that much and we got and and we’re being real we got some guys that uh we really need to uh fill some some other positions and maybe that’s also part of the frustration here where everyone knows that the Spurs need you know more playmaking everyone knows the Spurs need um you know some better Shooters I I get it I get it and you’re like oh dillingham’s right there why didn’t we grab him um but defensively he is a liability I mean and I I was kind of perplexed I was cool though because I was like okay that just means some guys are gone like I I don’t really see a play if you get Dillan ham at 8 I don’t see a place for Malachi brandom anymore um I I’m really confused of what we’re going to do with Blake Wesley uh is he even a spark plug coming off the bench at this point if you got Dillingham it it was really it was really weird but I was like okay there’s another move coming there’s there’s something coming after that um but I didn’t I didn’t expect that move to be trade them um but look we we still need some Shooters right I think we both agree on that um you’re going to need a small forward and we need a backup uh uh Center to wimy you agree with that because I I think I know Castle can kind of move around um quite a bit I mean his defense is is so great as well like he he can kind of move around but I I I think we still need a cast’s arguably the best defender in the draft like that that is what it is that’s like his elite elite skill set is his defense I mean he played point guard in high school he played more of a wing rle at Yukon he comes in I mean I know he wants to be a point guard so I’m sure he’ll get some reps there and he’s one of those guys he buys in to win I mean he’s he’s very spursy in his mentality there so I mean I I thought that was a knockout pick there um but yeah I just you know and and I think Robert Dyan him is a good player I just I know a lot of people wanted to take him at four I never wanted that and all that so you know maybe I’m biased in that that respect but I think it’s the same thing as you know a lot of people uh you know we talk about Wesley and brandom we drafted those guys back in you know 2022 and here they are now and people are wanting to get rid of them I mean you know what’s it’s what if we had traded those picks then would people have been mad then um with the prospects that they were on the board yeah I mean cuz you know yeah Brandon Brandon’s a terrible Defender we know this but you know Brandon was a good Prospect coming out of the draft he was considered a steal where we got him yeah he was supposed to be a lottery Pi been mad if we traded that or it’s it’s just it’s an interesting case yeah he was supposed to be a late lottery pick um we were expecting Cleveland to take him uh so that was kind of AIG yeah I I really thought Cleveland would take him instead of agbaji and then they took o yeah yeah well another thing I just want to bring this up all right so I know a lot of fans are bombed about the eighth uh pick which I get it I get it I I’m just not I just don’t like some of the um inflammatory like oh my God our front office sucks that that’s kind of crazy you can be disappointed I’m disappointed we didn’t get buellis right but there’s a rhyme and reason this isn’t a bad franchise we’re talking about it’s not like I’m sitting back and we’re the freaking Chicago Bulls right like and I can just rant about my Chicago Bulls with you like we’re not that we’re not the Dallas Cowboys I’m a big Dallas Cowboys fan and they piss me off every season the San Antonio Spurs make really solid sound decisions and I’m sure there’s a a reason to it right um they don’t do things without rhyme or or Reason uh but with that being said I do want to just rub it in uh people’s faces uh Ron Holland yeah he he he landed where he should have landed he was a top he should have been a top five six seven overall pick I hated all of those articles coming out saying oh he’s going to be out of the lottery like no he deserved to be I never understood why people thought he would slot to me he’s the best Prospect in this class he was always going to go top five that’s crazy isn’t it yeah I I never got that no granted same thing it’s a down year it’s a weird draft class and it’s wide open so I think that promot different things but I I just felt like he was concretely a top five Talent there and there was no way I know people were saying we could trade down and get them I was like no it’s not gonna happen yeah so I wonder I wonder what’s going to happen now you got any um you say this I I won’t say like any predictions but anything you want to see happen uh in the next few days my cat is all over oh she’s shedding I mean big thing is Shooters we got to add some Shooters to this team um Castle’s a work in progress as a shooter so we’ve got to find ways to open up the floor for wemy specifically uh whether that be you know looking at them in the draft trading back in here for shooters or looking around the league I mean Brooklyn’s in full tear down I wouldn’t mind looking at someone like cim Johnson to come in and hit a couple buckets for somebody somebody mentioned um if if we thought that they were going to trade away those picks for cam Johnson someone mentioned that earlier um which they’re they’re in full rebuild so that makes sense that would track right get down here I mean yeah they’ll they’ll be looking to add picks I have no idea there but I mean I don’t know I don’t view this as a waste I just I think Rob Dillingham probably would have gone around 16 or 17 in last year’s draft so I’m not not sweating it here yeah yeah it’s good stuff man I I I was actually very happy I think our did our big boards look the same did it look the exact same um pretty similar yeah cuz I had Castle I mean I put SAR on there just cuz I had to right um but I put Castle SAR buellis Holland oh you weren’t you weren’t as high on Cody as me I think I think you had no I to me I mean I like Cody Williams I just think he’s more of a project pick and I just wasn’t in favor of picking same reason I didn’t want to draft uh Salon I I think salon’s gonna be a fine player I just I didn’t want someone who was like four years away yeah yeah that was that was my that was my thing as well um it just didn’t really make a lot of sense where did he end up Landing six Cody Williams uh no he went a little I think he went uh 10th to the Jazz well I in yeah he went he went t to the Jazz he went right before buellis where did Salon go uh Salon went to the Hornets at six okay so it was six okay man good stuff good stuff I’m happy with this draft I’m happy I think we’re yeah I mean I mean I always knew this draft was going to be like a a weird one because it like I said it’s an off year and nothing is really all that exciting about this draft for me nothing’s really boring about this draft for me it’s just like hey we got another guy to use yeah Katen is the one that’s really upset in the chat he said I don’t give two craps about Dillingham but use that mother effing number eight pick bro wait never mind let’s play Brandon and Wesley instead that’s where I think who do you get I mean I I would have loved buellis but after that what do you get yeah I I think we’re jumping to I think we’re jumping to uh conclusions a little bit here right now cuz let’s be real the San Antonio Spurs and how they’re constructed right now is going to look like a completely different team in the next year I mean they they this is the wiy era like it it’s time to start building around them like you you got to you got to give it a you got to give it a second it’s a process trying to make a a winning team um you gotta give anybody a second I got flamed two years ago because I kept telling people lay off the weed when they’re talking about Blake Wesley in the summer league and oh he was this future allar crazy that was crazy I love BL I love Blake Wesley he seems like a great guy and he works his ass off but I was like come on man we’re doing this off of two Summer League games I think don’t do that again here let’s let’s wait and see what happens here yeah just just give it just give it a minute um cuz yeah even yeah this is give it a minute Clan be real I don’t even know what I said did I say something what did I say did I say something that was crazy swis did you hear me say anything crazy I don’t think I say anything crazy be real what am I talking what what’ I do I don’t know I mean look I tell you this what did I say Spurs did not draft buellis at eight they have good reason for it that that’s where that’s where I’m at dog that’s where I’m at it’s it’s and I know it sounds bad cuz it’s like oh you know you’re just going to go whatever the the franchise oh you you’re dogmatic when it comes to the Spurs I know it sounds like that but it’s truly not that way I promise you if I had true contention with the Spurs over the last you know several years and I felt like their decisions have been detrimental uh to the franchise if I truly did feel that way I would I would share that same sentiment like I would question and be skeptical at everything they do but this team has shown or this franchise has shown they know what they’re doing they’ve shown that they can win championships all right it’s not act like this is ancient history all right lots of teams been waiting forever some teams basically never won I mean so far back till you might as well just say they never won one um I I think this is a competent franchise and like you said swish if they didn’t do it there’s a reason they didn’t do it and you know regardless I think it’ll be a a sound reason for not doing it so that’s why I don’t get too like upset or angry when it comes to Spurs I’m going to give them some time I know winning teams take some time 2024 we knew going into this draft that it wasn’t the best draft in the world uh 2025 is where it’s at now I’ll be completely with you guys if we go you know a year from now and the Spurs trade away their whatever their their pick in 2025 I’d probably be pretty upset cuz that looks like a if this was the 2025 draft I’d be upset I’d be like what are you doing but it’s not it’s this draft so I just don’t really care yeah that’s why I mean I I have been say granted now I thought we could put the pick in a package to look at some stuff but the free agency deals so far have not played La out as quickly as I thought they would um after the finals ended so I just don’t think there’s anybody or eyeing right now that you can really put anything there I just I don’t know I I don’t think it’s that big of a deal um okay this is real time did did bronnie James just get selected who you get selected to wait did he really did the was it the Lakers uh somebody said no he didn’t no I mean it has they may be seeing like a Shams report or something it hasn’t been broadcast yet let me check let me check um somebody said I don’t see it in there I see sham saying the the Lakers are gonna drop Doan connect oh okay yeah I’m like oh my God if he go first round that would be terrible I think he’s a second round pick yeah that would be weird that that would be interesting yeah that would be all chips to the center move by the Lakers to try to keep LeBron there that’s for sure yeah that that would be kind of sad Nick’s got backtack picks 2425 actually I haven’t even been keeping up with who else been selected you got Devin Carter at 13 Topic at 12 topic is Topic at 12 is that weird oh no I guess it’s not weird you just got rid of giddy he’s going to the he’s going to the Thunder he’s going to sit out a year they don’t need him and then they’ll take a chance on him then dein Carter went to the Kings bub Carrington went to the Blazers um which I believe that pick got traded to Washington so he’ll go to Washington kware to uh the Heat and then Jared McCain to the Sixers to the Sixers is an interesting pick I this this one right here the the topish to to the Thunder I guess they did that because of giddy right I I mean yeah I think it’s also just you know that’s the kind of guy guy pry likes he takes a swing on something he doesn’t really need any rookies this year I mean they just got Caruso they they’ve got you they’re going to be active on the trade market and they’re going to be trying to sign somebody I mean might as well take him let him sit for a year if he turns out to be great you’ve got a guy to trade or use and if not no love lost yeah Dylan Lopez says wasn’t the most fun of a draft party but here’s to wimy year two and another year of Clan yay I think that we get the summer league soon I am I’ve been so sick of arguing about this draft and now it’s finally here we know who we’ve got and we can move on there yeah good stuff man it’s good stuff oh man I umum I’m happy I’m happy I feel I feel like uh Stefon Castle is not only someone that has potential but he meets exactly what you need uh personality wise he he’s pretty he’s pretty even kill right like he’s pretty he’s a pretty chill dude yes he’s he’s very very mature he’s just you listen to his interview he’s very kind of softspoken direct to the point Pop’s gonna love him yeah yeah and also he’s a he’s a champion so he’s a winner yeah yeah and what what makes him the most exciting for me is the fact that he played more in a you know system which which he go to the Spurs it’s going to be similar you know as far as motion offenses go um but one thing that makes me excited about castle is that you haven’t really gotten to see him uh Unleashed you know like he’s going to get more of opportunity I think over over time and that’s the thing about castle is you know he was the guy at his high school I mean he hung 41 points on Ron Holland um in that game then he went to Yukon and he bought into what Danny Hurley needed him to do he did what I didn’t know about the Ron Holland thing say that again yeah yeah he put up like 41 points or 44 I think uh on Holland back in high school back in high school I wonder if we can find footage of that okay I got to get my cat off of this you got you gotta M get off there yeah get get off hold on I’m put I’m put her in her bag not her bag her her backpack she’s in her she’s in her Kitty backpack right now she’s already she’s already laying down okay um yeah dude I gotta find that here I’ll uh I’ll send you a link heck yeah that’s insane need a shooting small forward guys we got the most pressing need out of the way you got your defensive wing all right that’s one area that we’ve been getting kiled at this season let’s keep in mind just just to see it just be a little bit more positive all right let’s let’s be a little bit more positive um keep in mind that this past season there were many of games that the Spurs lost in late in the fourth because they couldn’t defend like that that’s literally been it it’s been really close and they lost late in the fourth all because they couldn’t defend so adding him not saying that he you know all of a sudden we’re we’re a championship team but this is definitely something that we needed so now we can uh you know start adjusting Ashley in the chat she says she’s cute though yeah Mak is cute uh let’s see oh okay you sent it to me it’s on it’s on Twitter yeah I sent it to you on Facebook let’s see remember when Steph oh my goodness oh oh my goodness so in this tra there is you look at his jumper and it looks a little bit better it looks like he’s not second guessing yet so that’s what I’m hoping he can get with a shooting coach and but let’s let’s let’s preface this okay where would you say Ron Holland is as far as defenders in this past draft uh up at the top number one I don’t know about number one I think Ryan Dunn’s probably the best Ryan D we talking perimeter Defenders yeah he’s he’s one of the best uh just overall in the draft okay I would say Ryan Dunn and then Holland and then Castle I might say castle have Holland but I don’t think I would I think Castle’s a better perimeter Defender than Holland but uh all right let’s let’s take a look at this we’re going to take a look at this so this is Stefon Castle in high school um making Holland look like uh Bren for we can talk about Bren Forbes cuz screw that he’s not guarded by Holland in every single one of these but there’s quite a few of them where he he uh sizes up Holland and takes him it’s okay I do want to just see this jump shot because that’s one thing that everyone’s worried about it’s a fluid jump shot man it really is in high school he didn’t seem to be thinking about it as much at Yukon a lot of times it seemed like he was trying to like measure it into the hoop yeah um whenever he shot in he’d think about it way too much and I think it’s just going to be like look man you just got to let it fly you can hit it I think that’s Holland what number is Holland in high school he’s wearing zero yeah that’s Holland that’s on a Holland yeah Holland’s all up on yeah maybe like after some of that scoring he was like all right I gotta I got to guard him let’s see he’s you know another thing I like about castle is just how how patient he is he’s such a high basketball IQ player and he’s so patient yeah he is patient and look he’s got his weaknesses I’m not gonna not going to act like he’s a perfect player this is Holland again but I think for what we uh what we could have gotten there I think he was a great pick and I think he’s going to fit in really well I mean he’s he’s the kind of guy wem’s going to love vel’s going to love playing defense next to him sohan’s going to love not having to shoulder the entire perimeter defensive responsibility anymore and I probably should say this too at least this my opinion you might have a different opinion that’s fine um I think that he could potentially end up being a star but I I’m not banking money on it I feel like he will be someone that just complement this group very well um and he’s he’s a need that we we have right now um but I’m I’m not going to bank on him being the second guy to wimy I I think the Spurs still need you know some somebody else but I I think that’s that’s to come yeah yeah all right let’s see call for the oop oops I don’t want sound on this let’s see someone said Holland War number one not number zero so oh okay okay okay let’s go back number one I’m also blind as a bat so that may have looked like a zero to me okay that’s zero I know one was on them one okay this is hauling on them okay so this is one where Collins on and one you got an and one on them all right let’s go back to where we were and then this one in which they close in on them and you find find the open man High basketball IQ God he’s just so smooth that was another N1 nice patience I wonder who’s zero cuz zero uh plays some pretty good defense too but that’s very impressive so it says he remembering when Stefon Castle face Ron Holland uh and number one Duncanville in high school dropped 41 points in that game he’s he’s going to be somebody that that fans love you can already tell good stuff let me see it this we got three Defenders now in in City yep that’s true I you know you always forget about City Soko got City Soko soan and Castle now next to wimy now you just need a defensive uh Center to come off the bench because I don’t believe Bassie I don’t believe in Bassie because he’s hurt all the time he’s little undersized for his position too oh man well when when is all the trading stuff in do you know wait what do you mean all the trading stuff like like the the deadline is all the way into next season right oh yeah it’s like February see it’s it was just so many deals I guess people were trying to get deals or with before this draft it was a lot of deals earlier it’s like back to back to back to back to back yeah Brooklyn with the the big one last night in the Knicks yeah some somebody said I put Stefon Castle baby on Twitter and somebody said good replacement for for sale are are we just hating we just want to hate huh we just want to hate they they they don’t play anything similar at all like what are we talking about we’re just saying things like a good that’s a good replacement for what are we talking you know what he’s a he’s a replacement for wimy we got Castle so we can replace wimy why not we need more shooting we all know we need more shooting all right it’s it’s it’s a process you you weren’t going to get uh your Dynasty team in a 2024 draft that just wasn’t going to happen theel is a very good player you’re right Sinister he is a very good player the Dillingham return is such trash that’s basically what Brandon said yeah everyone’s upset about it I think you need to give it a minute and I don’t mean like sleep on it cuz you’re going to wake up pissed off too just like give it a second see if anything else comes from it Spurs just got Paul George shut up we need a whole new roster around wimy which is say Paul George yeah some someone said we need a whole new roster around wimy which I I I agree to an extent um I earlier someone was like well why would you trade that player when you could have got another foundational player to hold why is this a depressing night we just added a fantastic play y’all being so disrespectful to Stefan Castle man it really is disrespectful isn’t it it’s it is it’s Rob Dillingham it’s not Wendy yes it’s weird it’s definitely weird I don’t get it I mean I get being disappo cuz I wanted buellis I’m disappointed in that but I’m not like like oh my God this idiotic franchise it’s like dude Stefon Castle was the perfect pick and your Spurs this is what’s bothering me uh swis we’re Spurs fans okay I mean Stefon Castle it when you watch his game does it look the most impressive like does it look like oh you see him doing out there doing sham gods or whatever no no he’s not that type he’s not that type of player but he’s very high IQ he gets the job done he’s very effective these players are always overlooked man it’s the same thing with Derek white everyone overlooked Derek white now every Spurs fan wants you to believe that they always were a Derek white believer they they always have faith in him like no you didn’t you got to you got to just be patient man castle castle is not only a great fit um he’s exactly what you need and he he has potential to be really good been hid in his power level man he’s played for Yukon he just won a championship like ah it’s so frustrating I guarantee you people would be more happy if we got Rob Dillingham at four and then trade away the eight then getting castle at four and trading away I mean I know his game I’m not sitting here pretending like his game looks like the second coming of Kyrie Irving I mean he’s not that type of player but good God he can play ball and your Spurs fans I mean how long do we have Tim Duncan he was Tim dun you think Tim Duncan was fun to watch I mean he was for me but like like for an average player yeah he was he was fun but like a average fan average fan did not like watching Tim Duncan play average fans I was told for years how boring the Spurs were how boring Tim Duncan was like it’s it’s okay oh God that’s so ugly I mean it’s it’s not ugly but it’s I don’t know to be honest just posted point guard Castle cool with that shooting guard fael cool with that small forward Johnson power forward soan and Center wimy I vomited a little bit I don’t know why yeah don’t get me wrong I love Kellin I just think he doesn’t fit the the kind of team we’re putting together much anymore no no he doesn’t um that was disrespectful to me it’s not his fault I think he will be fine somewhere else um but oh shees man I gotta get off here I told gingi I’d go on his stream here so I’m gonna hop over there and say what up to him you gonna leave me for gingi yeah wow um I’m I’m going to content steal I’m is he live streaming right now I’m sure he is all right I’m stealing content you’re gonna you’re GNA go over there you’re gonna be like God that Clan guy I hate him so much dude anyways you who I really wanted to talk to we we can talking a little bit here I I made a promise to him so I’m going to go keep it all right man I’ll get with you later I see you that’s my best friend by the way I’m going to visit him end of July I’m going to visit uh Swit switch gets around he does get get around disgusting cheating on me hold on let me see something I’m uh I wasn’t kidding about this building content I’m just kidding I’m just kind of I think I think gingi has the same name doesn’t he oh gosh oh God he doesn’t oh yeah he does he has the same name I had gingi on at one point is he live streaming right now does he have a different Channel this 11 months ago okay I have no idea I have no idea what gingi’s new channel is wait maybe it’s this one what’s this oh here it is here’s his channel wait no this now the last time he posted on here was I have no idea what’s going on here I have no idea but anyways shout shout out to gingi Nathan buett shout out to him pretty sure that’s gingi draft the cashier at Fred’s Fish Fry uh give me one second guys all right we back all right well let’s see uh let’s see what some people’s Rea well no screw that hold on do we have any uh Stefon Castle interviews or anything we can go to let’s see some stefone Castle stuff Spurs choose again tomorrow by the way uh what pick do we have I don’t even know what pick we have for tomorrow um okay we got the 35th and the 48th tomorrow so I’m not going to go live but we’ll at least talk about it see if we can find some stuff on Castle stuff see if he posted anything that was 12 hours ago what is this that’s beautiful that makes me so happy that’s so bitiful do I just we just screenshot whatever I want to keep that image ston Castle baby it’s a very smart player calm collected smart player perfect for what the Spurs needed you love to see it let’s see here what is what is he saying here what’s to go against something something of that I’m excited for probably be more nervous about the walk across the stage uh I feel like my draft hit will probably fit in or be better than most of the people there so I feel like the walk is is really more really more nerve-wracking than he’s so calm dude he did he’s so calm it’s time to be great uh I feel like that’s a phrase for great players uh especially like down in crunch time I feel that’s something you this is like he’s perfect the fact that we passed am pelas hurt me it hurt me too the only thing I can take from it is I I kind of want to know the reason for it I can’t just assume that like it was bad cuz God a lot of people passed on him he fell so low way lower than we expected Castle is basically fa sale and personality kind of yeah to to great players to get into that mode to gosh hold on we got to start from the beginning yeah we got to start from the beginning um no you guys are right he literally is hold on he’s turn the music off he literally is just uh s q all right let’s see what the champion has to say 2023 2023 McDonald’s All-American 2023 24 Big East freshman of the Year 2023 2024 National Champion 2024 NCAA Final Four all tournament team selection Castle here watch the official watch of the NBA most excited to play against LCA I feel like he’s probably the best player in the NBA right now so uh can you imagine how frustrating he going to be for Luca donic he already struggles when when our boy Jeremy Sohan is G that’s going to suck it’s going to suck you know just to have that kind of competition to go against some some of that I’m excited for probably be more nervous about the walk across the stage uh somebody in the chat said he’s literally Devon fael but guys honestly he’s like Devon fael mixed with uh Kawai as far as like this oh look look look yeah yeah yeah this is some Kawai level enthusiasm yeah exactly exactly I feel like my draft hit will probably fit in or be better than most of the people there so I feel like the walk is is really more really more nerve-wracking feel like the phrase time to be great uh I feel like that’s a phrase for great players uh especially like down in crunch time I feel like that’s something you say to to to to great players to get into that mode to go go you again you love it I had a great time that is a great phrase time to be great everyone should wake up in the morning say it’s time to be great yeah kaai monotone yeah literally today thank you to TSO watches the official watch of the NBA and Stefon Castle signing off gosh that was that was hard to get through Castle the summer uh it’s like one of my first practices with Yukon and Donovan uh ducked me in and sent me flying to the under the basket in the Baseline so that was my welcome the college moment what did that feel like were you like I felt crazy I mean uh he was the strongest player I ever played again yeah he he he yeah look Castle’s a Castle’s a great pick he’s a really great pick um I’ve said this many a different times uh but he he does fit exactly what the Spurs need um it’s it’s not even it’s not even funny this is boring that was a ad two times back to back what’s up it’s CL Kong here to slam dunk your hunger welcome to ra and KES where the chicken is so nice that’ll make you win the championship twice hot fresh chicken for Timmy that’s some good toast yeah he’s Kawai imagine him in HB commercial good god oh good God oh it’s going to be funny it’s going to be funny let’s just hope he doesn’t have an uncle named Dennis when your parents force you to play in the NBA when you wanted to be a doctor EX exactly yeah that Meme that old kawhai Leonard meme let’s see if we can find it let’s find that kawhai Meme kawhai Leonard mem yeah here it is oh wait oh they it’s not okay well this is it but funny that’s the meme yeah when your parents force you to be an NBA player which you really wanted to be a doctor that was a good meme that was a good meme back in the day I don’t know you know already but soan and Devon just follow Castle there you go there you go on Instagram you mean you love to see it I wonder did did they um did they post anything on uh Twitter see let type in Stefon Castle let’s see here Spurs just added this next to wimy yes sir they did yes sir get that out of here yes sir they did three bang Eric selus is happy I’m happy too Eric where is he at that’s a cool little room he’s in what the heck that’s dope uh oh Jay bilis what do you has to say about castle I like Stefan Castle as much as any player in this draft uh he’s fearless and a great competitor especially on the defensive end yeah he’s a a tough lock down Defender and at 65 with long arms he can really get into people and I think we saw in the NCAA tournament especially against Dylan you said now the question is can Castle Run an NBA offense as a point guard well uh my friend he has been adamant I said this 50 million times uh before the draft even started just so we could keep this in perspective he’s he was adamant his Camp was adamant not to work out or not to go to a team that already has an established point guard so that tells you everything you need to know right there that he at least believes in his own abilities to to run an offense and I’ll say this from what I’ve seen from him uh when playing with Yukon very high IQ very high IQ player Illinois where he absolutely shut down Teran Shannon Jr he can guard anybody switch out onto a point guard he can guard bigger players uh he’s he’s got a great frame really really tough and he rebounds at a high level uh for a wing and when he grabs a defensive rebound he can rip and run he was a point guard in high school that’s another thing too yeah we we really he’s the god he’s just the perfect fit cuz we really struggle with that with you know when talk people talk about like oh lob to wimy like obviously right yeah we need more lobs to wimy but one thing that we’ve struggled with is Outlet passes as well right we we didn’t really have anybody wimy can do Outlet passes not to like an elite level but he can do Outlet passes but no one else on the team really can I mean even Trey Jones Outlet passes aren’t the best but but uh Castle is a good Outlet passer uh and he’s got pick and roll ability we still need shooting we still need look look look it’s get this out of the way we still need shooting and we still need a backup center okay we know that we know that um but this was in my opinion the most pressing need was a defensive Wing I feel like that was the most pressing need that the Spurs uh needed on this team right now right th those don’t just grow on trees those are pretty tough to especially ones with the type of potential that castle has those do not grow onap trees so as a pick and roll Handler but right now he’s primarily a driver and a transition offensive player but he needs to improve his shooting and keep in mind keep in mind um hold on we’ll listen to Jay bis first but I just saw a comment I’ll respond in a minute uh he’s a limited perimeter shooter shot about 27% from three last year in Yukon but you look up winter in the dictionary and you’re going to see a picture of Stefan Castle D I like Stefan Castle as you love to hear um somebody mentioned so let me respond somebody basically mentioned um how stupid can the Spurs B when you trade away the eighth and you need players right now well keep in mind this is how I feel about it it Pedro said it this is how I feel about Pedro I feel like the Spurs if they’re evaluating these players and they don’t think anybody’s worth it um especially because this is a weak draft anyway if they feel like no one’s worth it 2025 is a stronger draft we have more picks in that draft um it’s good to not hold on to a player that you don’t genuinely want and a player you don’t genuinely think that you can you need right now right so like trading away that eth yeah it looks like future 2030 2031 I’m going to give it some time and see if this turns into something else cuz this could very well be like a chess move right like just make the first move but we’re really thinking about the next move that we’re about to make um so they they could be bringing in some more help um there’s not a lot of great people available right now but just just just wait and see man you know it might be cam Johnson who knows just wait and see and Spurs We Trust which as we should they’re they’re not a they’re not a franchise that’s been bad okay they literally start a rebuild in the year after they get wiim buama like we let’s just give them let’s give them a minute all right let’s give them a minute it’s okay all right so let’s see what else we got on here this guy’s happy oh oh wait I said this guy that’s RG3 what the heck RG3 this is the Naruto times NBA draft project and Yukon freshman guard Stefon Castle is keba in isuka now this guy’s got I I never watched Naruto however I am watching One Piece currently I I finally started it it’s amazing I’m like on episode 166 it’s pretty great um I’m a Dragon Ball fan myself oh look at all this Dragon Ball stuff crazy confidence and plays with an attitude that makes him the best fighting partner he always gives his all and he knows how to use teamwork to overpower his enemies hey did I mention that he plays with attitude I mean he plays like his hair is on fire Castle is a two guard but he definitely wants to play the point but what makes him a guy you got to give minutes too early is the fact that he can play off the ball and his defense it’s the reason he got so many early minutes at Yukon and became a factor a 66 guard with length and want to wow that’s great defense my God my God eat him up all right I won’t just steal RG3’s content go follow RG3 what did he say here this is a Naruto times NBA draft oh he posted twice for some reason okay all right all right take take it away kawhai I didn’t want to go too crazy so I let my chain really do most of the talking for my suit but I was happy with the way it came out just Castle chain last name Castle through my initials on there so I I’m happy with it yeah oh I see it the S and the C I didn’t want to go that’s pretty cool it’s pretty creative Stefon castle and wimy next year that’s so funny that that’s not the case though guys but that is funny NCAA National Champion Stefan Castle is going to San Antonio yes sir is get out of here all right what’s this Donovan King and St showing love after getting drafted hey St Stefon Castle literally has the demeanor of TI he Walks Like TI kind of sound like Tia too let see absolutely loving the reaction of solo ball with the Stefon castle and Donovan kingan picks all right let’s see 2024 NBA draft the San Antonio Spurs select Stefan [ __ ] sir boy yeah yes sir yes sir who is this yes sir is this who’s solo ball solo ball for Yukon isn’t his name like Solomon is it Solomon is that who that is I didn’t know that people you use the com solo ball castle and Dillingham might end up splitting minutes his Spurs kept both they went with the two-way player keeping Dillingham with slow castles devel and we’ll get into that in maybe another day I’m literally getting ready to get off soon oh oh crap dude we have to plan it he said um that this is uh Genji okay guys big shout out to Genji Go follow Genji on not Twitter wait a minute I think I just had it up on YouTube Nathan benett he talks good basketball go subscribe to him on Nathan bnet um I’m not going to talk uh much longer uh Genji gingi sorry I’m like literally I’m I’m like really tired I’m just going to talk to the chat for a little bit and then head off but we’ll have to plan something guys go subscribe to gingi and you can message me on um on Twitter as well as well man Nathan but net yo Clan haven’t been on here for a minute spur is it going to regret this trade mark my words okay I mean I guess we’ll see I guess we’ll see Nathan banet rules he does rule no worries I’m F to get off too all right man good stuff nonetheless I guess that’s I guess that’s all the news we really got right now um I don’t think we can no no we’ll get some more stuff right we’ll get some more stuff we’ll have some stuff on oh wait a minute can you talk about the excitement of going winning the NCAA Championship to hearing your name called today um I mean everything is just happening like really really fast so so um you know just being in the Natty really soaking in that moment uh you know with my teammates you know that’s a super big accomplishment and then you know flip over to a couple months later you know you and you know another one of your teammates are top 10 picks you know it really it really means the world to me and you know I wouldn’t trade this can you talk about the excitement of I love it I love it he’s so even killed this is what you want by the way I want to say this uh this is what you want in a in a in a point guard all right even kill relaxed nothing nothing nothing crazy right nothing crazy he he’s a genuinely he genuinely seems like a good kid here we go Dan Hurley Dan Hurley uh hugs Stefon Castle’s family all right here he is Stephon castle out of Yukon you can light it up pry you can light it up but you know why people are so excited about him because he plays defense like Jaylen Brown he can pick up 94 feet down you’re not afraid to do it it was a knock on his jump shot or what did he do in the final game he knocked down huge three-point shots down the stretch and kind of keep those naysayers out of his head he’s a hard worker his dad’s been pushing with a since I think 67th he’s ready for our game he’s going to be able to play right away let’s learn a little bit more about stepan I was I was listening to what they had to say I love it excitement he sounds like a fun guy he does sound like a fun guy all right let me see look at this image okay I’m saving this I’m saving it it’s too it’s too perfect not to save all right let’s see what else we got all right this be the last thing we listen to of course it’s the NBA Draft so you can’t make any promises to anybody but you know I just can’t wait to get out there and show my versatility especially with you know the kind of talent that you know we already have on that team you know it being the youngest team in the league right now so um I feel like our future is pretty bright and you know I just can’t wait to get out there just being able to you know show my playmaking ability with you know such a great teammate like that and you know hold on he doesn’t quite sound like kawhai hold on we’re going to make I’m sound like why know just learning how to play off the ball at Yukon so being able to show that as well especially with having a great teammate like like Victor being able to you know set ball screens for him and you know cut cut and space when when teams are you know trying to load up on them um you know it’s just you know just trying to use all aspects of my game to you know just impact winning um I love it I love it that was close to quet right there I’m a fun guy I don’t even know where you’re sitting at the ston castle pick was awesome but my Spurs are going to regret traffic just it’s fine man we’ll be all right I did I did want Bell at eight though I’m not going to lie but we see let’s give it a minute can’t believe what happened with Rob it’s okay it’s okay guys Stefon Castle is worth all of it okay it’s worth all of it you get the guys that you want get the guys that you actually think um are going that was that was actually a reason there was a reason why I didn’t want uh Salon either like I felt like that would just take some time and not to say that the Spurs don’t have time but they do kind of want to start winning sooner than later so why not get you know some future piics that you can tra trade potentially for you know some guys that can help right now I just don’t worry about it right now let just wait and see uh what comes out of this it’s all right and I like buzel I wanted Bellas you guys know I was super excited during that draft to say oh I want bellus Cooper flag W oh yeah for next season you mean yeah don’t worry about it you’re going to be all right 2025 is where it’s at not moving the needle unless we trade for an Allstar uh the Spurs will be a better team this year for sure uh I think they could be a playin team but like I’ve been very adamant I I don’t think that even if you put Dilly if you put Dilly on the team I don’t think the spurgers are automatically a a playoff team I think they’re a playin team but we’ll we’ll get more we’ll get more um you know we we’ll get more wins for sure Spurs got their priority straight tonight they did a good job they did a really good job all right we’ll leave it at that we’ll leave it at that all right guys I’m going to go and head off how how many people dude we got we had 1,500 votes with the are you happy with Castle 1,500 I don’t think we’ve ever had that many votes 94% we’re happy oh by the way please follow Spurs Invasion my second Channel link is below on this video go follow it Spurs Invasion this is going to be more of a edited content Channel and I cannot wait to do a video on Stefon Castle I I am going to I’m writing up a script immediately okay Stefon Castle is getting a script immediately I’m going to work on that this weekend I’m excited I already did a script for Jeremy Sohan that’ll be the third video on this channel second video is going to be Stefon Castle you need a poll are you happy with the eighth pick uh I don’t think we need that I think I think we can move on all right I’m I’m going give it to you guys later I’m going go and hop off I’m tired Deuces thanks everybody for coming through uh if you’re wondering the next time we’ll go live I have no idea I I’ll be real I I’ll be real with you I do it kind of on a whim like it’s pretty random um but I will have videos up if anything comes up or anything that’s um new I’ll record put it out there um you know maybe like a little Roundup or something like that but as far as tomorrow’s concerned and maybe the day after it’ll be stuff from this stream um but you know we might we might uh do something a little different we got 1.5 votes only but only four likes Clan fell off we we legit only got four likes on this video that’s crazy that’s insane actually I’m curious how many how many views we got 7.5k that’s quite a few views for a live stream for us for this Channel tomorrow’s draft oh God I I won’t be home until later all right maybe maybe all right it’ll be after the draft though that draft H or it it starts early so it it starts like at 3 3 p.m. central so maybe later I can go live and we can talk about the second round but I don’t know I’ll give it you guys later good stuff thanks for coming through um thanks for all the love I’ll talk to you later bye bye-bye


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I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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  1. what a sh!t trade unbelievable a top ten for two late round firsts in half a decade, WTF, oops 1 pick other is swap, pure trash

  2. – SPURS DIDNT WANT ANYONE AT 8, this great scouting department and front office didnā€™t feel there was a core level small forward left on the board so get value for it
    – Wolves will not be the same team in 2030
    – Traded a pick in a weak draft (that we got from the Kawhi trade) for two strong picks in the future.
    – Saving an open roster spot and cap space
    – Wemby will be in his prime at that time and we would have two strong picks
    – The picks could be packaged later with other picks for a big move
    – People have no patience, wright made so many moves years ago that have put us in a great spot now. And this one will be one for us later
    – 2025 we will get a small forward if not from a big move trade

  3. I really donā€™t know how to feel about the 2030 & 2031 draft picks. Unless spurs will flip them immediately than okay but if not idk. Assuming Anthony stays, he will be at his peak around 28-29 years old. Assuming they keep people like naz and Jaden they will be in their peak around 28-29 years old. Assuming Rob is still there that is still a very good team so itā€™s not like they will be lottery picksā€¦ idk šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø

  4. Hey Clan what do you think the Spurs are going to do with the Second Round Picks after they traded the 8th pick ???

  5. I wish that I was as high on Castle as everyone else; it's hard for me when the Spurs need shooting, they have two top-10 picks, and they don't address shooting at all. Castle has good upside, but I'm kinda sick of looking at upside.

    I was higher on both Dillingham and Carter than Castle, and not only did they not get either guy, but they also traded one of them away for distant assets that may or may not be worth a damn thing.

    I was pretty fine with just about any outcome tonight, and PATFO magically found the one way to knee me in the balls. Fucking hell.

  6. ppl wont be complaining about the rob trade when the spurs win a title in 2030 and get the 1st pick as well

  7. Stephon Castle numbers compare to Jaylen Brown?

    2015-16 college (Jaylen Brown)
    Games 34
    FG% 43.1
    3P% 29.4
    FT% 65.4
    RPG% 5.4

    2023-24 college (Steph Castle)
    Games 34
    FG% 47.1
    3P% 26.7
    FT% 75.5
    RPG% 4.7

  8. The Spurs have three first-round picks in nest year's better draft. They probably just didnt want to pay for two lottery picks in a pretty mid draft

  9. Buzelis fell into our lap. I thought the Spurs were going to go Castle or Buzelis at #4 and if they went Castle they were going to Salaun, Holland or Williams in that order with the 8th pick because everyone thought the Pistons were going to draft Buzelis at 5 but surprisingly went Holland. And then the Hornets surprisingly went Salaun. But I knew the Blazers were going Clingon if the Rockets went Sheppard at 3. And Buzelis was there to be had by the Spurs and then we all heard small Rob's name at 8. And of course I was disappointed they past up on Buzelis. Just like I was disappointed the Spurs took Primo when Sengun was there to be had. Mark my words, the Bulls are going to have an All-Star in Buzelis. I would have been happy with Cody Williams at 8. Brian Wright needs to be fired if the Spurs are going to have any success surrounding Wemby with talent to win championships once again. He keeps getting drafts wrong. Who cares about 2030 and 2031. We needed talent now!!!

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